
barryis anybody else noticing that posting comments to bugs is timing out?15:23
tewardbarry: works for me.15:28
barryteward: okay thanks.  maybe it's a local issue15:28
ehooverwgrant: ping16:46
desrtcjwatson: thanks again for the fix :)20:51
wgrantehoover: Hi20:53
ehooverwgrant: we're having more and more trouble with simultaneous recipe builds, we can't even always build 1 package at a time now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/138990920:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1389909 in Launchpad itself "Simultaneous recipe builds fail with 503 error" [Critical,Triaged]20:56
wgrantehoover: It's very weird. We're investigating what's going on, but it's a bit of a convolution of mod_rewrite+mod_proxy so it's not quite clear where it's failing.21:00
wgrantThe failure rate is very very low, but bzr over dumb HTTP makes a *lot* of requests.21:01
ehooverwgrant: hmm, should we maybe switch to using a pre-patched git repo?21:02
ehooverso that it doesn't need to merge?21:02
wgrantehoover: That would work, indeed.21:03
ehooverwgrant: does it pose a problem that we rebuild/rebase the history in the github branch?21:09
wgrantehoover: No, the importer will handle that fine. Recipes will be more likely to work the shorter the history is.21:10
ehooverwgrant: well, this is for wine-staging ... so the history is quite large21:16
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