
pyriteI'd like to nominate LP: #1366280 for a trusty SRU17:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1366280 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-desktop should recommend activity-log-manager instead of activity-log-manager-control-center" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136628017:03
rbasakpyrite: why is an SRU required for this bug?17:09
teward^ my question17:11
teward(rbasak ninja'd me)17:11
micahgrbasak: the reason would be reduced dependencies for point releases18:15
rbasakmicahg: what, for ISO size issues?20:11
rbasakThat's fair I suppose, but somebody should say it in the bug.20:11
micahgjust ISO clutter20:11
micahgI doubt 50k would break any ISO at this point20:12
micahgthough, using the transitional package might make upgrades smoother, but I can see someone being frustrated that a metapackage depends on a transitional package20:13
rbasakmicahg: isn't that a case for fixing it in the development release though, rather than in an SRU? It just doesn't seem SRU-worthy to me.20:13
micahgit's LTS20:14
micahgI can certainly understand it, don't know if I would approve it personally :)20:14
rbasakAs I understand SRU policy, we only fix bugs that actually affect users. So I don't want to sponsor it or accept a Trusty nomination. But someone else can.20:16

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