
Noskcajdarkxst, To vivid04:55
Noskcajlibgit2 has been bumped past what our current -glib supports to allow kde to work04:55
darkxstNoskcaj, ok fine by me, may need a FFe though?05:36
darkxstalthough I guess it won't be seeded, so maybe not05:39
darkxstNoskcaj, did you get the build to work? fine, here in jhbuild05:42
Noskcajdarkxst, No, i've not looked since this morning06:20
darkxstmaybe that symbol was added in libgit2-glib 0.23, didnt check that though06:25
raethis there a way to have trancarency in the terminal on Ubuntu-Gnome08:42
darkxstraeth, its there in vivid08:43
raethvivid ?08:43
raethwhat is it ?08:43
JockeTFWorks fine for me on 14.10 as well.08:44
raethoh, is it released ?08:44
darkxstnext month its released, but beta builds are available now08:44
JockeTFJust needed to change the profile settings and restart the terminal.08:44
raethi see08:44
darkxstJockeTF, are you using the ppa's?08:44
JockeTFdarkxst: Ah, yes. The GNOME 3 one.08:45
raethwhat must i do on the profile settings JockeTF08:45
JockeTFraeth: Just changed the transparency setting. But you'd probably need to upgrade the terminal too then... I wouldn't recommend that unless you know what you're doing.08:46
raethi'm newbe on linux :)08:47
raethi would like to know how to change gnome themes please ?08:48
darkxstraeth, use gnome-tweak-tool, but you need to find themes first08:48
darkxstyou could try deviantart for that08:48
raethok thank you :)08:48
darkxstraeth, or make your own if you know CSS!08:49
raethwhat is CSS ?08:50
raethi only have Tweak-tool, is it the same thing than Gnome-Tweak-tool ?08:54
JockeTFraeth: Tweak Tool in the menu is the same thing as gnome-tweak-tool, yes.08:55
JockeTFraeth: CSS is a language for styling. It is used to create the styles of every website you visit. It is also used by GNOME to define how themes should look.08:56
raethok thank you :)08:57
raethi downloaded a theme but i can not find how to run it in tweak-tool08:58
darkxstraeth, you need to have the "user themes" extension enabled (part of gnome-shell-extensions)09:00
darkxstand then you put the theme in ~/.local/share/themes or something like that09:00
raethok thank you very much :)09:03
MooDoomorning all10:32
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Noskcajdarkxst, Do you want to upload gnome-backgrounds 3.16 before the freeze?19:46
ricotzdarkxst, hi, https://launchpad.net/~webkit-team/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+sourcepub/4857503/+listing-archive-extra -- https://launchpadlibrarian.net/201021470/webkit2gtk_2.7.92-0ubuntu1~vivid1_2.8.0-0ubuntu1~15.04~webkitteam1.diff.gz20:58

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