
=== gerald is now known as Guest36086
nvez-Hello everyone.. I have identified a bug that has regressed (few other people reported it). I created a new bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/143536314:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1435363 in linux (Ubuntu) "KSM causing performance and instability issues" [Undecided,New]14:56
apwhenrix, ^14:58
=== work_alkisg is now known as alkisg
henrixnvez-: there's a new kernel in -proposed that should be released soon... have you tried it?15:00
nvez-henrix: I haven't tried anything yet, I just wanted to make sure to get the ball rolling on it by starting first steps of opening a bug, etc.15:01
nvez-I just saw the same exact behaviour when I first had that bug, made that change and it's worked fine now.15:01
nvez-made that change = disable KSM15:02
nvez-I haven't done more in depth testing but I think servers running mdraid are affected but those with hardware weren't15:02
nvez-But don't quote me on that yet, it's just something I've noticed but don't have 100% confirmation on15:02
nvez-The iowait was insanely high on mdraid machines for no reason, but hardware had no issues.  I didn't check if they were affected or not.15:03
infinityhenrix: The "new kernel in proposed" is in updates/security.15:39
mnasersorry, i disappeared.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/143536315:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1435363 in linux (Ubuntu) "KSM causing performance and instability issues" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:43
mnaseradded data here15:43
mnaseri'll look at the proposed kernel if i can run it on a server and replicate15:43
henrixinfinity: ack, thanks15:44
henrixmnaser: looks like the kernel is now in -updates (and security)15:44
infinitymnaser: Just a simple update/dist-upgrade should get you -48 ... Would be worth seeing if the bug's still there.15:46
mnaserhenrix: just out of curiosity, are you proposing to upgrade just to see if its still there, or because it was patched/seen?15:46
mnaseroh ok15:46
mnaserhenrix i might be making noise..15:47
mnaserthe server which i suspect was seing most of the issues15:47
henrixmnaser: i was simply wondering if the issue was fixed in the new kernel15:47
mnaserwas running 3.13.0-32-generic15:47
henrixmnaser: ah, that's a much older kernel...15:48
mnaser*sigh* i guess this machine wasnt updated15:48
mnaserlet me do some more checks :X15:48
mnaseri'm very sorry about this if this is the case15:48
henrixmnaser: yeah, i was looking at the bug logs and i see a few ooops there, so i would definitely upgrade and see what happens with a newer kernel15:49
mnasernope i can confirm15:50
mnaserthis issue exists on a machine running 3.13.0-46-generic15:51
mnaseri'll be setting up a new machine either today or tomororw15:52
mnasersimilar specs15:52
mnaserill tets it out15:52
mnaser*test it out15:52
henrixmnaser: ack, thanks.  please update the bug report with those results (and the logs)15:56
mnasergood idea15:56
mnasercan i just run apport again?15:56
henrixmnaser: or, if it's easier for you, just open a new bug and simply mark this one as a dup ;)15:56
henrixmnaser: yes, re-running apport should do be enough (i guess...)15:57
mnaseri'll remove the logs i uploaded there15:57
mnaserjust in case that someone looks over itagaina15:57
mnaserand dismisses it because they see -3315:57
smbapw, you use too much space16:02
apwsmb, always16:02
mnaserhenrix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1435363 bug updated16:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1435363 in linux (Ubuntu) "KSM causing performance and instability issues" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:04
henrixmnaser: ack, thanks.  i'll have a look in a bit16:11
henrixmnaser: is the bug easily reproducible?  if so, could you add the steps to reproduce in the bug report?16:35
henrixmnaser: probably, it's a perf degradation, right?  or do you actually see a crash/hang...?16:36
SleakerI'm curious what the linux-lts-utopic package is for, and what the benefit of moving to the 3.16 kernel over the 3.13 provides.18:55
Sleakeroh maybe I found it on the 14.04 section of the Ubuntu wiki under Kernels.18:56
Sleakersupport cycle for 3.13 is the full 5 yrs and the 3.16 is only 18 months18:56
infinitySleaker: It's purely for hardware enablement reasons.  If 3.13 is working for you, there's no reason to use the HWE kernel(s).19:00
Sleakerinfinity: alright, thanks.  do the point releases come with the newer kernel preinstalled?19:01
Sleakerlike 14.04.219:01
infinitySleaker: Depending on what media you install from, but yes.19:03
Sleakerinfinity: hmm ok. Seems odd for canonical to not support the default install media for as long as the LTS is valid.19:04
Sleakerthanks for the answers though, that's what I needed.19:06
infinitySleaker: When 16.04 ships, we strongly encourage (and tools yell at you) people using one of the HWE kernels to upgrade to the 16.04 lts backport kernel, which is supported for the rest of 14.04.19:07
infinitySleaker: It's just the interim ones we drop support for.19:07
infinitySleaker: For instance, on 12.04, the 12.10, 13.04, and 13.10 kernels are no longer supported, but the 12.04 (3.2) and 14.04 (3.13) kernels are supported until 12.04 EOL.19:07
Sleakerjust seems odd to ship a kernel that wont be supported across the full release but label it as such.19:07
Sleakerie, 14.04.2 ships the 3.16kernel, but support gets dropped after 18 months, wheras the full release is supported long past that?19:08
infinitySleaker: You're not the only person who thinks that.  Many of us are just cogs trying to make do with the requirements given to us. ;)19:08
Sleakerjust glad I didn't get that kernel in atm.19:08
Sleakerhopefully don't need it for the new hardware we'll be testing on either.19:09
mnaserhenrix: sorry, went afk, ill update more details on how i identify the issue20:09
backjlackhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.18.9-vivid/ is missing MEMCG configuration.21:44
backjlackThe entire memory cgroup is missing.21:45

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