
dholbachgood morning08:34
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Unit193quadrispro: Were you still interested in dvdstyler in Debian and/or Ubuntu?16:41
quadrisproUnit193, kinda16:44
quadrisproUnit193, do you need a sponsor?16:44
Unit193Nah, just heard the one in Ubuntu now is a bit broken, so updated it in pkg-multimedia (since it oddly isn't in testing/jessie.)  Was it ever in Debian?16:45
quadrisproUnit193, nope16:47
Unit193quadrispro: Heh, alright.  Thanks then.  I'll just push the new one next release for Ubuntu.  Also, Xubuntu was interested in the new gmusicbrowser, so while I was at it hit Debian too, but with the freeze and all didn't push into the pkg-multimedia repo: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/unit193-guest/gmusicbrowser.git/16:50
Unit193That's all I had, have a nice day. :P16:50
quadrisproUnit193, bad boy. Do it please and I'll upload it to unstable then16:52
Unit193quadrispro: Heh, right away.  Thanks then.16:55
quadrisproUnit193, u'r more than welcome. Give me a shot when ready16:55
Unit193quadrispro: Can't think of anything left to push for that.16:56
quadrisproUnit193, building it right now17:00
quadrisproUnit193, done, cheers17:06
Unit193Awesome. :D17:28
Unit193micahg: Ah, speaking of loads of unseen email, FFe approved.20:38
micahgoh, cool20:44
micahgUnit193: any chance xnox could upload to experimental?20:54
Unit193micahg: Maybe, but he was done with that stuff.21:39
micahgUnit193: ok, well, then, I can try to sort this out later.  Any chance you could give me a debian dir diff in the bug?21:47
micahgnevermind, I have the whole patch already21:48
Unit193Heh, alright.  Yeah, tried to join the pkg team on alioth, no news.  Next version will require a new package, which I'm guessing Ubuntu won't be alright without Debian going there first.21:51
Unit193micahg: Got all you needed from me?23:13
micahgUnit193: for xiphos I think :)23:36

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