
cmaloneyEvening, even01:54
gamerchick02almost time for bed i think. sooooo tired.01:57
cmaloneyAlmost time for me to retrieve JoDee from outside with her telescope02:20
_stink_it looked like an ideal night for that02:20
cmaloneyYeah, ti is.02:23
cmaloneyShe's trying to do some research for the AAVSO in the Orion constellation02:23
cmaloneybefore it disappears into the neighbor's tree and "spring"02:23
brouschGR Python is in The Blackwell this year14:39
cmaloneybrousch: Good deal14:54
cmaloneyIt's the only way to fly honestly.14:54
cmaloneyPlus we can hang out in the bar14:54
brouschI didn't mind Varsity Inn last time. Sprints being off-campus made it less annoying14:54
brouschTim Hortons was right there14:55
cmaloneyI think you missed this: "Plus we can hang out in the bar"14:55
brouschCan we bring our own Michigan microbrews?14:55
cmaloneyI don't see why not15:25
SneakyPhilPDF: http://legbacore.com/Research_files/HowManyMillionBIOSWouldYouLikeToInfect_Full2.pdf#7317:32

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