
=== mpmc is now known as WindBag
xubuntu062hay uwu00:53
xubuntu062Nobody luvs me00:54
xubuntu062I'm installing Xubuntu00:54
xubuntu062But xfce hates me00:54
fantasaihi! Iḿ having trouble with my keyboard layout. I tried changing the setting in the settings manager, and that worked if I changed it to something else and changed it back again. But then it stops working when I reboot00:58
fantasaiI also then tried to reconfigure through dpkg, but that also didn't last the reboot00:58
xubuntu062gr8 b8 m8 8/8 IGN00:58
fantasaiIt was working fine before I dropped the computer00:59
fantasaibut I'm pretty confused how dropping the computer would change the keyboard layout...00:59
fantasaiesp. to something that's not en-US00:59
fantasai(Itś been set to US- International with dead keys)00:59
fantasaiIs there something else I should try?00:59
xubuntu062Try running the live cd00:59
xubuntu062And setting up the keyboard01:00
fantasaiin the live cd environment? How would that persist on my computer?01:00
xubuntu062Because the installation may save the configs as default01:01
fantasaioh, you want me to reinstall it01:01
xubuntu062I'm the best quickscoper m801:01
fantasainot just to run the livecd and change it in there01:01
xubuntu062Not really01:01
xubuntu062You can try both01:01
* fantasai thinks it makes more sense to figure out the right config files and fix them directly01:03
xubuntu062idk try all the options01:04
* xubuntu062 01:04
* xubuntu062 thinks that his sexual orientation is not clear.01:05
fantasaiThe correct file was /etc/default/keyboard, it needed manual editing because it wasn't set correctly.01:08
SuperSumoCan anyone help me get whiskermenu installed in 13.10?01:13
SuperSumoIt seems the PPA has been disabled for 13.1001:14
krytarik!13.10 | SuperSumo01:15
ubottuSuperSumo: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy01:15
SuperSumoI tried to upgrade today to 14.10 but there were problems with my mousewheel in games so I downgraded again and now whiskermenu is gone.01:15
SuperSumoYeah I know it's no longer supported, but I had whiskermenu installed at one point01:15
SuperSumoThere is an extremely annoying bug in Xorg with 14.04+ which makes the mousewheel bind to the same mouse buttons as the side buttons in certain games.01:16
ubottuFreedesktop bug 74713 in Server/Input/Core "upgrade to xserver-xorg 1.15 causing issues with mousewheel in some games" [Normal,New]01:17
SuperSumoYeah, that one01:18
SuperSumoI'm guessing everyone that's spoken to me so far is a bot. :(01:27
SuperSumoSo no dice then? There isn't some deb file somewhere I can install from? I had it installed just 3 days ago.01:34
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
=== xero is now known as Guest35366
Guest35366Quick question, if I want a VNC server to fire up at system boot, what file do I edit or command do I throw to achieve it?02:38
Guest35366Running Xubuntu 14.04.02:39
Guest35366Is anyone here?02:44
matthew__hi, I googled how to fill zeros to my hard drive and found this command, "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda". I added sudo to the front because it said i didn't have permission.04:56
matthew__it finished in a few minutes, i think because my hard drive was orginally encrypted and there were multiple partitions and I was wiping the first partition which was very small? so i deleted all the partitions so everything was unallocated and looked up on GParted to make sure it was all one block of unallocated space. did I get it right this second try?04:57
matthew__i real green when it comes to the terminal04:57
Unit193'hda' is the entire drive, or should be.  Also, lsblk  will tell you which drive is the one you're looking for.04:58
matthew__lsblk is saying ''sda'', not hda. should that concern me?05:00
matthew__thanks i always had trouble finding my optical drive and it seems to have that listed too05:00
Unit193matthew__: Only if you want to hit the right drive.  You should be able to use cryptsetup to mount the encrypted volume, fwiw.05:01
Unit193Sometimes you'll get a cdrom/dvdrom or such link to it in /dev/05:01
matthew__thank you for the help05:02
Unit193See also, dban.05:02
Unit193And sure.05:02
=== Humster14 is now known as Humster13
=== WindBag is now known as mpmc
=== gridcube__ is now known as GridNet
craigbass76I threw kubuntu desktop on a machine to try something out, and I can't see any more packages related to KDE in synaptics; I think I erased them all.  But the xfce on this machine doesn't look the same as on my own machines.  Icons are different, color schemes are weird.  I reinstalled xubuntu-desktop, but it didn't seem to matter.11:51
GridNetcraigbass76, delete the ~/.config/xfce4 directory and relog12:20
=== macmeck_ is now known as macmeck
craigbass76GridNet, well, I hadn't gotten there yet, but just noticed that after a reboot things look normal.  My nexst problem, which may have gone away with updates, is the mouse pointer randomly being gone after a wakeup.  I can still see that the pointer is working (stuff under it lights up) but can't see the pointer itself.  Ever heard of that?12:44
GridNetknow issue12:45
GridNetbug 130373612:45
ubottubug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130373612:45
GridNetyou can go to a tty and back to recover the pointer12:46
craigbass76That doesn't seem to be the same issue.  I can see the screen fine, just no mouse pointer.  I've got light locker off.  I actually haven't had it happen to me since last night, so like I said, I wonder if an update fixed it.12:48
craigbass76But that issue sounds like my laptop -- can't see anything when I crack the lid back open.  I just type my pass and hit enter and I'm in.  For whatever reason, the lock screen is there, just not visible.  And it's inconsistent.  :)12:50
GridNetcraigbass76, yes, they are related12:51
GridNetits the same issue12:51
craigbass76Does light locker seem to be the culprit12:51
sohail-ahmedI am unable to scan from a network printer. Would any body help. xsane gives device is busy13:06
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
puffGood afternoon.17:49
puffI just rebuilt this ancient laptop for a friend, dell inspiron 6000, 1.3Ghz, 1GB RAM, 52GB of disk... about 30-35GB space free.  Winxp is slow as molasses on it, and unsupported by MS to boot, but I don't want to throw them into the deep end.  I want to install a dual boot linux on it so they can try it, but can fall back to windows instead of bugging me for tech support :-)17:50
puffSomebody recommended lubuntu because it's super light weight.  I run xubuntu myself, so I'm inclined to install the same so I know exactly what they're looking at when they call me with questions.17:51
puffAnybody have an idea what the relative performace of lubuntu vs. xubuntu is?17:51
xangualubuntu is just a lighter desktop, performance depends on your computer and the programs you use17:52
puffxangua: How much lighter though?17:52
puffxangua: My understanding is that xubuntu is not just a lighter desktop (xfce) but also a selection of lighter default GUI apps (thunar instead of nautilus for file explorer, etc).17:52
puffAlso, recently flash in xubuntu has stopped working, gives me a warning that it needs to be upgraded, which isn't going to happen because there is no upgrade for linux flash.  Is there any distro that side steps this?17:53
puffHm: https://www.wikivs.com/wiki/Lubuntu_vs_Xubuntu17:54
puffI guess my real question is, is the difference between lubuntu and xubuntu enough (on the stated hardware, 1.3Ghz/1GB/35GB of HD) to make a significant difference?17:57
puffbazhang: Thanks.18:05
LachezarHey all. Installed gnupg2, which installed gpg-agent. Now ssh-agent fails to start. How come?19:46
geniiProbably bug 140751319:48
ubottubug 1407513 in gnupg2 (Ubuntu) "gpg-agent upstart script doesn't set SSH environment variables" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140751319:48
Lachezargenii: I do not want to use gpg agent for SSH, since I use PKCS#11 for ssh keys. Can I disable the ssh part of the gnupg-agent?19:49
geniiLachezar: I'm not knowledgable in that area, sorry.19:50
=== rww is now known as rwwbuntu
=== rwwbuntu is now known as rww
melodiecan someone tell me how come there is no grub-efi in the Xubuntu 14.04.2 live? (well it seems, when invoking apt-cache policy against grub-efi)23:51
melodiecan someone lighten me?23:51
melodieie: is it installed at the end when needed?23:51
melodiethen it would mean if there isn't and internet connection, it could not be possible to get it?23:52
melodiehow does that work, for gpt tables with uefi/efi boot?23:52
melodieI might come back tomorrow to ask again if I don't get an info here right on23:53
Unit193AMD64 images?  Because the 32bit ones wouldn't have them.  Also, check in /pool on the image.23:55

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