
tumbleweedI'm suddenly getting a lot of e-mail like http://paste.ubuntu.com/10666321/04:20
tumbleweedthis has happened before, months ago, but suddenly seems on the rise again04:21
tumbleweeda broken mail server in canonical?04:21
tumbleweedpresumably this is spam, sent to my @ubuntu.com address04:21
tumbleweedmy mailserver logs show that it was prefectly happy with the conversation it had with fiordland04:22
wgranttumbleweed: Launchpad's only involvement in that is as the provider of data to the API script that generates the aliases. #canonical-sysadmin may be more helpful.04:54
hloeungtumbleweed: there's no spam filtering. We just accept and forward on to your @ubuntu.com address06:38
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arunpyasihi guys, is it possible to install Launchpad in ubuntu server ?15:37
dobeypossible? yes. recommended? no.15:43
arunpyasidobey: why not recommended |?15:43
dobeyit's not a trivial thing to do, and launchpad is designed to be run on the single launchpad.net instance, not as a local thing15:43
arunpyasidobey: I just wanted to know and if possible, I wanted to install in my server15:44
tewardas dobey said, possible, yes, recommended and easy, no.15:44
arunpyasihm... ok dobey and teward15:45
dobeyif you want private branches or something like that, you can get a commercial subscription to launchpad.net15:46
cjwatsonarunpyasi: What's your actual end goal?15:57
arunpyasicjwatson: my goal is to install launchpad in my Ubuntu server.15:57
tewardarunpyasi: to what end though15:58
tewardi.e. *why* do you want to install it and what are you trying to achieve by it15:58
arunpyasiteward: what end ??15:58
arunpyasiteward: just to try.15:59
dobeyfor academic purpose? or to actually use it in some capacity, once installed?15:59
cjwatsonarunpyasi: Yeah, that's not really an end goal :)16:00
dobeythe source has instructions on how to set up the development environment instance if you are looking for academic purpose, or want to develop some patch to it16:00
mapreriarunpyasi: if today you feel masochist and want to try something nobody wants to do, head over there: https://dev.launchpad.net/Running16:00
cjwatsonNot "nobody", that procedure is useful for people developing Launchpad itself16:01
cjwatsonWhich would be one possible end goal16:01
cjwatsonBut people don't usually want to set up a service in order to have it sit there doing nothing :)16:01
arunpyasiplease don't take it seriously, I just wanted to try it in my server just for fun.16:04
cjwatsonthen https://dev.launchpad.net/Running is what you want16:05
arunpyasicjwatson: yeah. thanks .16:05
cjwatsonI strongly recommend that you do not make it available to the internet unless you know exactly what you're doing, though16:05
cjwatsonit requires a lot of care to run properly16:06
cjwatson(for example, we saw somebody recently apparently exposing a production instance with sampledata still in place, which (a) spammed Canonical admins (b) is probably grossly insecure)16:07

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