
abeyranyone, knows how to fix, nvidia has fallen off bus???01:15
Jeremy26I'm working on an install of ubuntu-SERVER v15.  Having problems with the installer.  Is this the right channel -- or stick to #ubuntu-server ?03:34
Jeremy26If anyone's interested, the v15 installer fails @ grub install on a UEFI mobo.04:13
ObrienDave#ubuntu-server sounds more appropriate04:14
Jeremy26ObrienDave: hi.  ok. "pong", then. :-)04:15
kbroulikwhat do I need to do to get my system to German? I installed it in English because broken installer and now some of the strings show german but others dont10:00
kbroulikI installed language-pack-de and kde-l10n-de and language-pack-kde-de and stuff but it still only offers American English as language10:00
yossarianukhi - I have tested 15.04 Kubuntu (Plasma5.2 is nice BTW) I have one issue - the locale/keymap setting in the console (not the desktop) are incorrect - how can I change them ?10:55
yossarianuki.e in Arch linux I edit something like /etc/locale.something then run locale-gen11:05
k1lyossarianuk: try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data11:15
k1lhmm, maybe that is just a until-reboot solution. better try sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration11:17
BluesKajHowdy folks11:23
yossarianukk1l: thanks will do when I get home - thanks12:16
yossarianukdo I need to raise a bug report about it not being the correct keymap in the first place ?12:16
yossarianukI used the nightly iso from 21st March BTW12:17
Jeremy26can anyone verify whether ubuntu-server installation disk (vivid) is supposed to be bootable as UEFI, and that it should be able to install grub2+UEFI to a target system?  I can't manage to do either one.13:40
yossarianukJeremy26: it should be - you have to load the correct boot loader though (your UEFI bios will likely see legacy and uefi boot loaders from the cd/dvd)13:53
k1levery second boot it get plymouth-start.service failed  with systemctl --failed13:56
k1lntp seems to fail every boot13:56
Jeremy26yossarianuk: Hi.  Atm, the ubu-server/vivid install process completely fails @ grub install.  It doesn't manage to install anything -- BIOS or UEFI grub..  The only option is to 'continue' until 'finish' of the install, and reboot.  At which point it's completely unbootable, and I end up at a BusyBox "(initramfs)" ash prompt, where I can't manage to actually DO anything.13:58
BluesKajJeremy26, do you intend to dual boot with windows?14:59
Jeremy26BluesKaj: No, single boot to Ubuntu-server15:00
BluesKajJeremy26, then disable secure boot and set the uefi/bios to legacy mode, then install . Also make sure you have no windows recovery etc partitions left on the HDD15:02
Jeremy26BluesKaj: Does UEFI install not work then?15:03
BluesKajwell, it's supposed to, but I don't see the point of it , uefi is a windows thing, not necessary for linux15:05
BluesKajfwiw I wiped my HDD on my laptop clean of the windows junky partitions before reinstalling W7 and kubuntu without any ill effects15:07
Jeremy26I'd like to focus on the "supposed to", and get it working correctly.  The goal in here is to find/report/fix issues prior to release.15:07
Jeremy26Also, the current installer fails to correctly detect/use DHCP settings, requiring manual network setup.  other-OS installers and rescue disks have no DHCP problems.15:08
BluesKajwell you can use efi install if you must , there are tutorials15:08
BluesKajprobly need a gpt partition table15:10
Jeremy26I already have a gpt partition table.  The problem's with the installer, not my partitions.15:13
BluesKajso which partition are you installing the server to , do you have a / setup ?15:18
Jeremy26I'm installing to "/" on LVM-on-RAID1, "boot" on RAID1 .  The rest of the install is fine.  The grub install is what fails.15:21
BluesKajdid you try boot repair or sudo grub-install /dev/sd(a) from the live -media ?15:23
BluesKajanyway, BBL ..gotta reboot15:25
drdozerhi - what do I need to install on 15.04 to get dolphin to be able to create zips?16:17
drdozeralso, I had some problems installing from yesterday's ISO via usb - there were issues with it not setting up the right boot loader and partitions for my bios16:18
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