
imgbot=== IMAGE 146 building (started: 20150324-02:05) ===02:05
imgbot=== IMAGE 146 DONE (finished: 20150324-03:30) ===03:30
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/146.changes ===03:30
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Mirvbtw all testing about #146 boot problems welcome, since my device is stuck running autopilot tests on #14507:25
bzoltan_Mirv:  I could use a vivid silo for the UITK07:56
Mirvbzoltan_: 012. conflicts with Saviq's/mzanetti's 015 but I guess the DPR is not yet landing08:12
ogra_oh, since i got two Qt experts here ....08:15
ogra_Mirv, bzoltan_, why doesnt this work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10667273/08:16
ogra_looks like a bug to me08:16
ogra_(note that ricmm ponted me to ted, who pointed me to the sdk :) )08:16
Mirv"I just package it" :D08:17
Mirvogra_: try asking on #ubuntu-app-devel08:17
ogra_hardcoding the application name works fine08:17
Mirvwhere also the rest of the SDK team is on besides zoltan08:17
Mirvmaybe it is a bug, but where08:19
sil2100I seem to have a power outage at home08:25
sil2100The power company mentioned it might take a few hours08:26
sil2100Im on 3G right now08:26
Mirvsil2100: :(08:33
Mirvhangouts over 3G is doable, but hangouts might eat all the battery power..08:34
Mirvand morning08:34
sil2100And my data packet!08:39
sil2100Since I dont have unlimited internet, geh08:39
sil2100Mirv: for now please take care of teh train08:40
sil2100Ill jump out and try finding a place for hangouts, but if not, I wont be able to make it08:41
sil2100Leaving my irc session on this host though08:41
Mirvsil2100: sure, teh train will be in good hands08:42
ogra_imgbot, status 146 vivid08:48
imgbotStatus: succeeded, Started: 2015-03-24 02:02:04 UTC, Finished: 2015-03-24 02:57:56 UTC08:48
imgbotBuild URL: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-touch/+build/2328208:48
imgbotChangelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/146.changes08:48
Mirv...whether it boots or not remains to be verified08:49
Mirvif anyone can flash, please do. my device is stuck in AP duties.08:49
ogra_well, it is the only one that built tonight ... all other flavours failed08:50
ogra_i needed the build log :)08:50
sil2100Trying to log into the ho09:30
sil2100Can anyone give me the hangout link?09:32
Mirvdavmor2: as soon as the new XPS 13 is available :)09:46
Mirvie as soon as the remaining bugs are fixed... which they should be now, about09:46
Mirvso hopefully April09:46
sil2100Damn, not sure what they're blocking on this wifi, but damn09:54
bzoltan_Mirv:  thanks for your kind assistance, I have just added the gles branch to the landing line. I wonder if my "reconfigure" worked ... if not, would you mind to reconf the silo12?10:17
mzanettitrainguards: please reconfig silo 15 for me (I've added ubuntu-settings-components)10:23
bzoltan_trainguards: ^^ same for silo 12 please too10:28
Mirveating, but booting up my mini laptop...10:40
Mirvjust a moment10:41
Mirvbzoltan_: mzanetti: both done, in theory. "success" but "error". please ping sil2100 with https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/4441/console + https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/4442/console if it doesn't wor for you10:47
* Mirv resumes eating10:47
sil2100Success with error, love that10:48
Mirvsil2100: I'm getting that "ERROR Silo config file changed out from under us!" on all reconfigs11:16
Mirvand to me it'd look like that indeed also bzoltan_'s and mzanetti's silos were not really reconfigured because of that11:17
mzanettiMirv, yap, not actually reconfigured11:19
sil2100Looking into that now11:23
sil2100Home still has no power though...11:23
ogra_Mirv, just FYI, latest image boots fine for me on arale11:37
ogra_it triggered an apparmor cache rebuild though ... took quite a while to come up11:37
sil2100Mirv: hm, there might be indeed a train issue right now11:40
sil2100Without power and inrernet debugging is slow, but I'm getting there11:41
sil2100Mirv: can you retry reconfiguring silo 12 for me?11:42
Mirvsil2100: ok. with Atom processor it's slow for me too, but no problem :)11:43
Mirv(I stuck at the lunch place since things to do kept coming)11:44
sil2100No worries, thanks! ;)11:44
Mirv1.83GHz of sheer processing power11:44
Mirv...equal to PIII 900MHz or so11:44
davmor2Mirv: just but a new laptop already ;)11:45
Mirvdavmor2: I _can't_ buy last year's model when the new one is almost within my reach if I hold my breathe :)11:46
sil2100jibel, davmor2: were you able to double confirm the issues with first boot unity8 greeter missing?11:46
Mirvsil2100: train is still being coward https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/4445/console11:46
davmor2sil2100: no11:46
davmor2Mirv: don't do that you'll die before it's really you need air11:47
sil2100Mirv: hm hm, looking deeper, but looks like the new train code has some race and something somewhere touches the config inbetween the start of the job and the final check11:48
Mirvdavmor2: the shipping date is sooo close I just might be able to do it!11:48
Mirvor I could settle for Precision M3800 Developer Edition shipping already now but it's a bit overkill and not so suitable for traveling (even though the 1.8kg is impressive for what it delivers)11:50
Mirvsil2100: yeah, I wonder if no-one reconfigured anything yesterday and it wasn't found therefore earlier11:51
Mirvsil2100: are the current steps to deploy an older version documented somewhere?11:51
Mirvwith robert away this week we might need to consider reverting if there are problems11:52
sil2100hm, I think we had some documentation for that11:53
sil2100I just hope publishing works11:53
sil2100Mirv: want me to handle that ^? ;)11:54
Mirvit does11:54
Mirvsil2100: I'm already pressing the Publish button.. unless you want it? :) but I published two rtm silos earlier today just fine11:54
sil2100Publish publish ;)11:54
Mirvlooks like vivid publishing also works11:55
* sil2100 saves his precious packets11:55
Mirvas does building and assigning silos11:55
Mirvonly reconfiguring is a problem11:55
Mirvso... we can reconfigure by assigning a new silo and deleting the old one ;)11:56
* Mirv walks back to a faster machine11:56
sil2100hah, nce workaround ;) Problem is that then the silo state is lost and everything needs to be rebuolt11:58
sil2100I'll try reverting the train once I have my power back11:58
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation! CI Train has issues with silo reconfs, issue investigated
sil2100It's 13 here already, I should have my power back on but it's still not12:06
sil2100Let me publish silo 1312:19
Mirvsil2100: too late :)12:19
sil2100Awww, with this internet I'm too slow ;)12:20
sil2100Power is back, yeah12:36
sil2100Let me try getting the train back to shape12:37
jibelsil2100, nuclearbob confirmed the black screen issue. It happens often on reboot since yesterday12:44
sil2100jibel: on reboot even? Crap12:46
sil2100That's a big blocker then12:46
sil2100Mirv: found the issue... it seems after Robert's changes, reconfigures are broken in overall12:46
sil2100Mirv: since they're impossible to work in the current state of the code12:46
* sil2100 tries to fix12:46
sil2100Mirv: I would normally opt for a revert, but not sure if the new code didn't introduce some changes in the config files12:47
sil2100And I don't want to break everything (tm)12:47
* sil2100 wonders why normal silo assignments worked though12:48
bzoltan_Mirv: sil2100: I missed about 2 hours. Is there any news about the silo reconfigurations?12:49
Mirvbzoltan_: just the above, sil is looking into the brokennes. we could assign a new silo and delete old one if in a hurry.12:51
bzoltan_Mirv:  far from hurry ... I can test the silo during the night without the gles packages12:51
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sil2100Ah, I see why normal assignments work, yeah12:58
sil2100Fix is on the ways13:05
balloonscihelp, I need a parameter adjusted on a jenkins job for the help app13:26
plarsballoons: what needs changing?13:36
balloonsplars, can you swap the pyflakes parm to pyflakes3?13:37
plarsballoons: sure, will do13:37
sil2100Mirv, bzoltan_: waiting for CI to check the branch, then I merge and try redeploying the fix13:42
bzoltan_sil2100: thanks mate, you rock as always13:46
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mzanettisil2100, not sure about the status on that issue, just wanted to make sure you don't forget about the reconfig vivid/15 when it's resolved :)14:01
sil2100mzanetti: ACK :)14:10
mzanettithanks :)14:10
rvroSoMoN: Silo 8 is approved.14:10
rvrsil2100: ^^14:10
rvrsil2100: You can respin the new image when you want :)14:11
oSoMoNrvr, awesome, thanks!14:11
Mirvogra_: ack oxide version bumps? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/webbrowser-app_packaging_changes.diff ^14:16
sil2100Once webbrowser migrates, let's have a new image14:22
sil2100On the other hand...14:22
sil2100There's that serious regression anyway14:22
sil2100So not sure if it makes sense, hm14:23
sil2100jibel: do you guys know which component can be responsible for the black screen issue?14:23
jibelsil2100, no14:23
jibelsil2100, nuclearbob filed bug 143587114:23
ubot5bug 1421009 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1435871 unity8 sometimes hangs on boot" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142100914:24
jibelah it's duplicated already14:24
jibel'undecided' looks inappropriate14:26
oSoMoNogra_, hey, I need a core-dev ack for trivial packaging changes in silo 8: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-2-publish/89/artifact/webbrowser-app_packaging_changes.diff14:26
sil2100Mirv: keep us updated on this bug please ;)14:28
Mirvsil2100: yep, the current patches regressed autopilot tests and now albert gave me two more to try which are building now. although I wonder if libusermetrics should be added to the bug too since it appeared with an update of that, even if it triggers some old Qt bug.14:29
ogra_oSoMoN, Mirv ACK14:29
Mirvacketi ack14:30
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Mirvsil2100: added autopilot and libusermetrics to the bugreport with "Incomplete" since the former may be affected and the latter apparently triggered the bug even if technically didn't do anything wrong14:35
oSoMoNogra_, Mirv: thanks!14:38
Mirvsil2100: oSoMoN ^ oh right.. Final beta freeze until Thursday evening :(14:38
oSoMoNyeah, no worries, at this point it’s not really that urgent14:39
Mirvsil2100: I'm again at https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-018-1-build/122/console ... train digging the older version, seeing it's built and continuing without waiting.. I've tried build, build with specifying packages and build with specifying packages + force15:07
Mirvhmm, was it watch_only then plus specifying packages that was needed..15:10
balloonsplars, how's the change look?15:15
plarsballoons: I had to rerun it, just checked and it's merged now15:15
plarsballoons: Can you give it a try or do I need to restart a job for you?15:16
plarsballoons: I'll be curious to see if it does what you need15:16
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bregmatrainguards, reconfiguring my silo always fails claiming its PPA has changed underneath it... am I doing something wrong or is it a known bug?15:27
bregma(line 46, silo 29)15:27
sil2100bregma: yeah, please see the topic ;)15:31
sil2100bregma: the fix is ready but I'm witingn for webops to actually deploy that for us15:32
sil2100Since we can't redeploy oursleves15:32
balloonsplars, yes i'll check ty15:33
sil2100ogra_: anything against building a new vivid image now?15:33
ogra_no, go ahead15:33
sil2100Actually, wait, unity8 still didn't migrate15:33
sil2100Argh, boottest regression15:34
sil2100Saviq: ^15:34
sil2100Saviq: so, unity8 fails to migrate due to a boottest failure: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-boottest-unity8/lastBuild/console15:35
sil2100Not sure what's wrong, the log looks a bit bloated15:36
sil2100cihelp: can you guys help me interpret the above boottest failure? ^15:36
fginthersil2100, there's evidence of a race condition with apt here, I've restarted the test15:38
sil2100fginther: thanks, fingers crossed it'll pass now :)15:38
fginther"E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/"15:38
sil2100jibel, davmor2, rvr, popey: since robru is on holidays and there's not much to report (I suppose), let's skip today's evening meeting15:43
sil2100We might do that for most of the week15:44
sil2100If, of course, there's nothing urgent15:44
jibelsil2100, works for me15:44
jibelsil2100, only thing urgent is to build a new image :)15:44
sil2100The vivid image I'll be kicking as soon as unity8 migrates15:44
sil2100Since it was blocked on boottesting, maybe now it'll pass15:44
sil2100bregma, Mirv, bzoltan_, mzanetti: I filled in the RT and poked webops, I hope they'll redeploy it soon15:46
sil2100bregma, Mirv, bzoltan_, mzanetti: regarding the CI Train issues with reconfigure15:47
davmor2sil2100: powermongery has gone to your head, I should never of made you admin ;)15:49
sil2100davmor2: muhahaha15:53
sil2100camako: hey! There might be a problem with releasing the new mir as we're in beta freeze, and I think mir is somehow partially seeded on the desktop15:57
camakosil2100, I thought we were stabilizing vivid for the rtm sync.. How much longer does the freeze continue?15:59
sil2100camako: we are, but the beta freeze means that there's a hard lock on the archive and things like mir can get pushed to unapproved automatically16:00
sil2100Then we'll have to poke the archive admins16:00
camakosil2100, so I'm confused. How are we stabilizing if we can't land? Is this only for a day or two or until Vivid is released (late April)?16:02
sil2100bregma: you should be able to reconfigure now16:02
ogra_camako, the beta freeze lasts til the beta image is fully tested16:02
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is on vacation!
cjwatsonsil2100: s/archive admins/release team/16:02
* bregma gives reconfiguration a go16:02
sil2100camako: we can't do much against archive related procedures16:03
balloonsplars, is the parms line the same? B10pyflakes?16:03
ogra_it is in place to make sure the image content cant change ... something that touch catches on the silo level ... distro can only do it by freezing the whole archive16:03
cjwatsoncamako: it doesn't mean you can't land, it means landings require additional manual approval to make sure they don't disrupt image preparations16:03
cjwatsoncamako: describing it as "can't land" is a gross mischaracterisation16:03
mzanettisil2100, ok, thanks!16:03
sil2100mzanetti: should be reconfigured :)16:04
camakosil2100, cjwatson... sorry on a hangout atm.. Will resume discussion in a bit16:04
sil2100jibel: unity8 boottesting passed o/16:04
* sil2100 waits for the next migration16:10
sil2100unity8 migrated, let me kick the new image16:22
imgbot=== IMAGE 147 building (started: 20150324-16:25) ===16:25
dbarth_o/ hey trainguards, can i have a silo on line 62 ?16:27
sil2100dbarth_: sure16:28
sil2100dbarth_: for rtm?16:28
dbarth_sil2100: yes, please16:31
dbarth_(sorry forgot about the target release column)16:31
balloonsplars, things are still failing; and I don't see the default parms changed at all16:34
pmcgowansil2100, jibel we should hold off the vivid regression ass until we figure out the multiple audio issues in the latest images16:55
pmcgowanpass not ass16:55
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=== iwishiwasascoola is now known as balloons
plarsballoons: do you happen to have a link, I'll take a look. Probably the jobs need to be redeployed17:45
imgbot=== IMAGE 147 DONE (finished: 20150324-17:55) ===17:55
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/147.changes ===17:55
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
rvrmandel: I'm testing silo 0 for rtm (ciborium). pot file needs update, because "Unmounting" is marked for translations, but is not available in Launchpad.18:43
rvr[mandel] idle 125:43:47 ... I guess he's on holidays.18:55
rsalvetirvr: nops, he's around19:00
rvrrsalveti: mandel: As you can see, silo 0 was approved.19:31
rsalvetirvr: great, thanks19:34
camakosil2100, cjwatson, so last comment was we can land on vivid. What are the caveats? Do we need to ask anyone for permission etc?19:36
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veeberstrainguards, ping can I get 004 published please? :-)20:23
pmcgowanrsalveti, sil2100 are we not doing rtm proposed builds?20:29
rsalvetipmcgowan: not by default, no20:29
pmcgowanrsalveti, how come?20:29
rsalvetipmcgowan: disabled in cron-job to avoid having images without any changes20:30
rsalvetipmcgowan: we can enable cron anytime, or just build new images when we land new changes20:30
pmcgowanrsalveti, we should kick some as there have been a number of landings20:30
rsalvetisure, will do20:30
pmcgowanwas waiting for them20:30
rsalvetirobru: can you help me with https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-000-2-publish/32/console ?20:32
rsalvetithis was a job that got build via a sync20:32
elopiorsalveti: on the topic it says that robry is on vacation.20:39
rsalveticrap, indeed20:39
rsalvetimaybe cyphermox can help me with that then20:39
rsalveticyphermox: trying to publish silo 000/rtm https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-000-2-publish/32/console20:39
cyphermoxhum, why is it 000?20:55
cyphermoxI thought that one was meant for testing and all20:55
rsalveticyphermox: nops, it's a valid silo20:57
cyphermoxI see20:58
cyphermoxrsalveti: did you change anything in the silo config since you first requested it?20:58
rsalveticyphermox: nops20:59
cyphermoxI'm trying to know why it would be acting this way20:59
AlbertAcihelp: it looks like mir amd64 builds done in cloud-worker-15 always time out, for example: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-vivid-amd64-ci/1337/consoleFull21:01
AlbertAcihelp: any ideas?21:02
cyphermoxrsalveti: clearly, this is broke21:02
cyphermoxI fudged it to agree to publish21:05
thomiAlbertA: I'll take a look21:09
veeberscyphermox: hey, are you able to publish silo 004? :-)21:11
cyphermoxveebers: what kind of silo?21:17
veeberscyphermox: bugfix for autopilot21:20
cyphermoxno, I mean is that a rtm silo or what?21:24
veeberscyphermox: oh sorry, vivid21:24
veebersugh, fixing that now21:32
veeberscyphermox: sorry about that, the MP has been fixed so it can be published again21:34
robrucyphermox: rsalveti: reviewing the logs, it always as though mandel attempted a new sync which cleared the local silo state, but failed because the sync source had freed. Then your attempts at builds were just watch-only's which doesn't have enough teeth to regenerate the needed state.21:52
robrucyphermox: rsalveti not sure why the build by mandel didn't fall back to distro, that's a feature that is supposed to exist, please file a bug against lp:cupstream2distro and I'll fix it next week when I'm back21:53
robru"It appears as though" stupid swype.21:56
robrucyphermox: rsalveti anyway this is the culprit: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/view/1.%20Build/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-000-1-build/153/console that's definitely a bug, it should sync from distro if the source silo has freed21:58
* robru back to vacation ;-)21:58
veeberscyphermox/trainguards any idea on who can do that (or what to do here) we had barry ack the package changes in the merge to trunk MP22:11
rsalvetirobru: great22:23
sil2100robru: thanks for the investigation, I'll try to look at it tomorrow then ;)22:34
cyphermoxveebers: I will, I was busy fixing dinner :)22:35
cyphermoxoh crap22:38
veeberscyphermox: ah cool, sorry to be impatient :-)22:39
cyphermoxhm, did you have a freeze exception for this?22:39
veebersNo we didn't. I was told (by robru) that as it was a bug fix for autopilot it was required.22:40
cyphermoxah, I see22:41
veeberscyphermox: does this complicate things? (perhaps I messed up?)22:42
cyphermoxno, I had a moment of doubt, that's all22:42
veebersah ok, thanks for sorting this cyphermox :-) I hope you get to enjoy your dinner soon!22:48
cyphermoxahaha already done22:49
cyphermoxwe were tired so I threw together some pasta with a bottled sauce :P22:49
cjwatsoncamako: if you're adding features, you should follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess; otherwise, uploads will be automatically held for approval and the release team notified, though you can ask on #ubuntu-release if you need to have something expedited22:54
cjwatsoncamako: (speaking as an ex-release-team-member)22:54
veeberscyphermox: heh, sounds more interesting than the brown rice and chicken breast I've been boring myself with recently :-)23:01
cyphermoxI was supposed to make some chili with the slow cooker but I was so busy I forgot to get started early enough for food to be ready on time23:07
veebersoh man, I totally want to get into using a slow cooker. Especially now that the season is cooling down23:10
veeberscyphermox: hey I see that the autopilot package is in the unapproved queue in #u-release, what needs to happen next?23:12
cyphermoxprobably wait until after beta is released to be let in, or you may ask in #u-release for it to be allowed in23:13
veeberscool thanks, I'll ask and see what happens :-)23:16
cjwatson(FYI autopilot was auto-accepted and didn't need manual interaction)23:40
cyphermoxcool, thanks for letting us know23:41
camakocjwatson, thanks. We are not adding features. This is strictly a bug fix release.23:48
cjwatsoncamako: yeah, don't tell me though, I'm ex-release-team :)23:50
cjwatsoncamako: in that case, just land and then ask the release team to review (or wait for them to get round to it in their queue)23:50
cjwatsoncamako: it may have to wait until after beta in any event, but that's only a couple of days23:50

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