
georgeowellwhy is there so much "broken" software in the Ubuntu repos?01:10
georgeowellLike for example a certain application that's non functioning on a specific version01:11
georgeowellAs somewhat of a Linux newbie, I'm surprised some of this stuff doesn't get fixed. Is it just lack of resources? Some applications have been broken for years.01:12
micahglack of resources, is there something specific?  I would suggest filing bug reports and/or if you know it's fixed in a later version, you can request a backport01:23
micahgover 75% is imported unchanged from Debian01:27
georgeowellYeh, I've come across quite a few. One that springs to mind right now is the Seahorse encryption extension for nautilus.01:27
georgeowellMaybe that's more of a Ubuntu-Gnome specific bug01:28
georgeowelloh that's interesting. Do they take them from Debian testing?01:28
micahgunstable unless it's an LTS release01:28
micahgwhich release?01:28
georgeowellAll my PGP stuff is set up correctly01:30
georgeowellAre all the Ubuntu bugs handled through launchpad?01:31
micahgany of these? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse-nautilus01:32
georgeowellI'll have to start submitting some stuff.01:32
georgeowellah yes01:33
georgeowellthats it01:33
georgeowelltwo of them are the same bug01:33
georgeowellOh cool, Launchpad is actually pretty good.01:35
georgeowellSomeone has submitted a patch but it hasn't been pushed out01:39
micahgwhich bug?01:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1394582 in libcryptui (Ubuntu) "patch - fix logic flaw, make seahorse-tool's encrypt command work" [High,Confirmed]01:39
georgeowellIs it awaiting review? I can't really make it out.01:42
micahghrm, it seems like it was never fixed if it was actually an issue01:44
micahgit does look like there is a logic flaw, but I'm not sure that's the correct solution01:46
georgeowellWould that usually be because not many people are using it? Its a shame if it the patch exists. I mean obviously you can't say for sure :)01:48
micahgidk, one of the Ubuntu GNOME devs might be better able to help, it's also been forwarded to Debian, so #debian-gnome on OFTC might be able to help with the Debian bug and evaluate if it's correct or not or maybe forward it upstream if appropriate01:53
micahgmy bugzilla fu is a little out of practive01:53
georgeowellI'll give it a go01:58
georgeowellIts fascinating learning how this system works as a newcomer01:59
georgeowellThanks for your help02:04
micahgyou're welcome, good luck02:04
darkxstNoskcaj, yeh uploaded gnome-backgrounds, and also squeezed in the gnome-shell update that appeared this morning ;)07:32
darkxstricotz, ok, I left the -g1 i386 only, since the symbols for amd64 can be useful on the retracer at times07:33
darkxstgeorgeowell, patch like the logic fix in  that bug, really should be filed upstream!07:37
darkxstgeorgeowell, ie at bugzilla.gnome.org07:44
darkxstgeorgeowell, and looking at the code, that patch is not correct07:56
darkxstits clearly breaking the api:@symmetric: Variable in which to store if symmetric encryption is requested.07:57
darkxst *             Set to NULL to disable symmetric encryption.07:57
darkxstI think the real logic error is in seahorse-nautilus08:03
taharqahi folks , do you know where in gnome-shell I disable the behaviour that raise bottom message bar when mouse touch bottom screen edge ?09:13
darkxsttaharqa, you can't unless there is an extension for that09:14
darkxstbtw message bar is gone in 3.1609:14
taharqadarkxst: I saw somewhere this can be customized09:17
taharqadarkxst: like triggered by a key combination09:18
mgedminthere's a key combination _and_ mouse pressure-based activation09:18
darkxstand I don't believe you can disable the mouse activation09:18
mgedminit's not touching the bottom row, it's actively pushing against the bottom that's needed to activate the message tray09:19
mgedmin(unless you're on an old X server version that didn't support pointer barriers)09:19
mgedmin(or an old gnome-shell version that didn't use them)09:19
taharqaI'm using ubuntu gnome 14.0409:19
mgedminthat has what, gnome 3.8?09:20
taharqalet me check this09:20
darkxstmgedmin, 3.10 I think09:20
mgedminoh right09:20
darkxstI would think 14.04 has the pressure barriers09:23
taharqadarkxst: mgedmin : found this https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/616/insensitive-message-tray/09:35
taharqaand it works as expected ^^09:36
taharqaThe "There's an extension for that" syndrom ^^09:36
taharqajust a 30 line js file09:37
dz0nyanyone noticing this gnome-session-c[10730]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fb9917fb51f sp 00007fffe2c8f3d8 error 4 in libc-2.21.so[7fb991765000+1c0000]14:35
dz0nywith latest build from staging?14:35

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