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flexiondotorgdavmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/143228511:32
davmor2flexiondotorg: thanks that's the one :(11:34
davmor2flexiondotorg: the other nice issue is if you are on a system with UEFI there is no boot from HD option in the menu so you are stuck in a menu/boot loop where you cant remove the dvd, you can't can't eject the dvd and you can't boot to another device so you eject the dvd, bit of an issue :)11:36
flexiondotorgdavmor2, Add that the the issue. That is pretty critical!11:37
davmor2Yea that is a two part issue part is the menu missing the option and second is the loop due to eject missing :)11:39
davmor2I'll file the one and add a comment to the other after11:39
melodieI have installed Xubuntu 14.04.2 on a machine having Windows 8.1, a GPT table partition, an EFI partition, all booting to EFI (I made sure of that, following all the available docs) and after the install it reboots to Windows. I have rebooted the USB stick now (created with dd) and mounted the EFI partition, I can see the EFI/ubuntu directory with the 4 files in it. My question is: is that supposed to appear on the first screen to offer t14:53
melodiehe choice of boot? Or is there an additional step to take? If none of these is there a bug in the install of the boot loader?14:53
melodieara what's wrong with yoru connection?15:28
bdmurraycyphermox: Have you seen bug 1435714?17:09
cyphermoxbdmurray: I did, I was working on it17:20
cyphermoxI updated the bug accordingly17:21
bdmurraycyphermox: okay, thanks!17:28
melodiecjwatson for information there wasn't a bug, just an information missing on the web it seems. after installing the bios must be accessed again and in the boot section there is the choice to boot to Windows boot manager or to Ubuntu (and this loads grub which has both boot stanza and even one more to access more directly to the bios setup than from withink Windows, which is a pain)17:30

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