
Kilosgood morning all06:12
Kiloshi MooDoo  08:18
dholbachgood morning08:26
Kilosmorning dholbach  dpm  08:30
dholbachhey Kilos08:30
dpmhi Kilos08:33
dholbachdpm, maybe you can review https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/1434415/+merge/253844?08:36
dpmdholbach, I'll try, but I'm not sure I'll manage today. One thing that I've seen as a quick glance is that the !!T have moved in the .pot file from the comments part of the entry to the msgid part?08:40
dholbachI'll look into that separately08:41
dholbachI noticed some small issues as well - they're probably all related and related to the path changes08:41
Kiloshi DarkCircle  09:21
DarkCirclehi 09:34
Kiloshi TaeheeJang  PabloRubianes  genii  CarlosNeyPastorR  15:02
PabloRubianeshi Kilos15:02
TaeheeJangKilos hi Kilos I'm a new leader of ubuntu korea loco team.15:04
Kiloscool TaeheeJang  nice to meet you. im in south africa15:04
* genii makes more coffee15:04
TaeheeJangWow nice to meet you!15:04
PabloRubianesI'm from Uruguay15:05
PabloRubianesquite far away every one :P15:05
Kilosnice to meet you too PabloRubianes  15:05
Kilosi think you voted for me?15:05
PabloRubianesin the membership board?15:06
TaeheeJangyes. nice to meet you PabloRubianes!15:06
PabloRubianesit could be15:06
Kilosty for that15:06
PabloRubianesKilos:no problem I'm sure you deserve it15:06
Kiloswas very stressful that meeting whew15:07
PabloRubianeswe try no to make them that way15:08
PabloRubianesbut I remember mine was stressful to15:08
=== balloons is now known as iwishiwasascoola
=== iwishiwasascoola is now known as balloons
=== sgclark is now known as kde-sanbox-ci
=== kde-sanbox-ci is now known as sgclark

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