
elopioveebers: do you know why the gatekeeper job never finishes?00:20
veeberselopio: no idea, I was just looking at it and the 2nd to last job took 11 hours00:29
veebersI think that's a question for CI (unless there is something that changed in autopilot or the autopilot tests that make it run that long, but that job should be timeboxed00:30
elopioveebers: it just started like an hour before you joined.00:30
elopioit was waiting for the mako device for a long time.00:30
veeberselopio: So, I fired off 2 jobs lastnight before bed. The 2nd one is running now (the 1st one is the one that took 11 hours)00:30
elopioveebers: yes, that's the one I'm looking at.00:30
veebersah right, that would be one reason why the one queued last night s only recently started00:30
elopioit has less than 300 tests.00:31
veebershas it finished?00:31
elopioveebers: the one that took 11 hours.00:31
elopioagh, it's hard to talk today :)00:31
veeberselopio: heh, I might be adding to that too sorry :-P00:31
veeberselopio: I presume that it finished prematurely due to the unity unlock issue00:32
elopioveebers: to the best of my knowledge, autopilot didn't introduce any errors in that job ^00:32
elopiohowever, the overall status of the suites is sad.00:32
veeberselopio: I see: I: Too many unlock failures, giving up00:32
veebersat the end of the log, so it looks like the job was killed and failed. It also appears that 8 test suites were run and it was killed at the 9th00:33
veeberselopio: fyi I've mentioned the high rate of failure to ci to see if they're seeing the same thigs00:42
veeberserr thing00:42
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flexiondotorgelfy, Ubuntu MATE wanted to participate in Beta 2 as well.09:54
flexiondotorgballoons, Can Ubuntu MATE be added?09:54
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elfyflexiondotorg: you need to talk to -release11:36
flexiondotorgelfy, Looks like we're in. Just need to get the PowerPC image included. But the i386 and amd64 images are now listed :)11:37
elfyflexiondotorg: just tried to install your 64bit - seems you have same issue - guessing it to be global11:48
elfybug 143571411:48
ubot5bug 1435714 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout missing during install setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143571411:48
flexiondotorgelfy, Thanks, I think ;)11:49
flexiondotorgelfy, The daily images from yesterday worked.11:50
elfyjust going to run ubuntu11:51
flexiondotorgelfy, I'm zsyncing...11:52
elfybooting it11:52
elfyand it fails11:53
flexiondotorgelfy, I've got a log for the error.11:56
elfyadd it to the bug then11:57
flexiondotorgelfy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1435714/comments/411:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1435714 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout missing during install setup" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:58
flexiondotorgelfy, Did you install on real hardware?12:04
flexiondotorgelfy, Because I ran into this also - http://launchpad.net/bugs/143228512:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1432285 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Vivid live DVD fails to provide means to eject disc" [Medium,Confirmed]12:05
elfyI have that on the xubuntu test result - but the Mate and Ubuntu ones I didn't waste anymore time that seeing if it gave the keyboard page or not12:09
flexiondotorgelfy, OK. So, good to know also not jsut me.12:10
flexiondotorgelfy, I'd like to add some additional test cases to Ubuntu MATE. Can you help with that?13:43
flexiondotorgelfy, I see Ubuntu already has the test cases I'd like to borrow.13:43
elfyyep - give me few minutes13:43
flexiondotorgelfy, ty13:43
elfyflexiondotorg: ok - I'm here now for a while14:13
flexiondotorgelfy, Thanks.14:13
flexiondotorgelfy, I'd like to add the following to Ubuntu MATE14:14
flexiondotorgInstall (OEM setup) - Optional14:14
elfyflexiondotorg: so do you have admin rights there yet?14:14
flexiondotorgInstall (Screen Reader) - Run once14:14
flexiondotorgelfy, No.14:14
flexiondotorgWell, tell me where to go and I can confirm.14:14
elfyif you've not then I'll do it14:16
flexiondotorgelfy, OK14:16
flexiondotorgI see 4 tab.14:16
flexiondotorglinked test suites.14:16
flexiondotorgIs that ^^^^ what I need?14:17
elfygo to testsuite tab14:17
elfy377 is Mate14:17
elfyon the right - click edit14:17
flexiondotorgelfy, I don't have a testsuite tab.14:19
elfyso - I'll add them :)14:19
elfybut - can you get me the testcase numbers rather than names14:19
flexiondotorgelfy, Sure.14:20
flexiondotorghttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/336/builds/90950/testcases/1309/results - Run once14:20
flexiondotorghttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/336/builds/90950/testcases/1305/results - Optional14:21
flexiondotorgSorry, don't know which of the numbers ^^^^^ are the testcase numbers.14:21
flexiondotorgGuessing 1309 and 1305.14:21
elfyyep - those are the numbers14:23
elfydone those 214:24
elfythat them all?14:24
flexiondotorgelfy, Many thanks.14:24
flexiondotorgelfy, For now Yes.14:24
elfyokey doke :)14:24
flexiondotorgelfy, I'll need to create post-install script for Ubuntu MATE at some point though.14:24
elfyall showing on the tracker properly too - bonus :D14:24
flexiondotorgelfy, FTW! :)14:25
elfyoh right, yep that';s easy enough - we have a simplish one14:25
flexiondotorgelfy, Where can I create scripts?14:26
elfysimply put - pull the branch, add your test to the right place, push it back14:28
elfythen it gets checked and someone merges and makes it available on the tracker14:29
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
flexiondotorgelfy, Thanks.14:33
elopioballoons: the tests are in a terrible shape :'(14:46
elopioI see lots of failures in filemanager, music, clock, sudoku, shorts14:46
elopiohow can we help?14:46
balloonselopio, I've been reluctant to answer you... i'm not sure offhand :) The issues stem from the dashboard being different than jenkins, which is different then the desktop and running locally15:01
balloonsso developers still have this issue of 4 potentially different test result runs. jenkins gates every merge, and they must pass to hit trunk. I think the only sane thing to do is to fix the gating, else it will break on the backend again15:02
elopioballoons: so, pushing for everybody using dep8 will help, right?15:02
balloonselopio, we have an open story with CI to change this, but yes everyone running the tests the same way would go a long way towards correcting this issue15:03
elopioballoons: ok, I'll tell jfunk to raise the priority of this.15:03
balloonsif the tests were gated the same way they ran on the dashboard you could in theory trust that any breakages were the result of the image itself, not an individual app. Of course the app might still have a bug, but . . .15:04
balloonselopio, the trouble with fixing the tests on the dashboard is that they will break down again over time since merges are not gated in the same way15:05
balloonsI say this because we've fixed them plenty in the past and here we are again15:05
elopioballoons: yes. We should just gate on the MP, and if they are green, they must be green everywhere.15:06
elopioanything more complex than that is a problem in the process.15:06
elopiofgimenez: is there something I can do to help you with the green card, or should I take a new one?15:08
brendand_elopio, really we need an epic for it15:08
fgimenezelopio, yes, if you could you confirm the behaviour at https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-ota-tests/dbus-upgrade/+merge/253423/comments/631084 it would be great15:10
elopiofgimenez: ok, I'll flash and take a look.15:13
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elopiofgimenez: yes, without the -C it is upgrading, but the connection with adt-run was lost.15:50
elopioso there's something wrong with the ini.15:50
fgimenezelopio, ok thanks, i'm trying to debug it from the device15:54
fgimenezelopio, i'm not sure if it's because of the .ini file, if you pass -C with an empty dir it doesn't find the update either16:30
elopiofgimenez: barry: a bug maybe?16:30
balloonsdazza5000, I see the music devs merged your test. Awesome!17:13
elfyhi balloons17:13
balloonshowdy elfy.. nice seeing the bot talking about adding builds17:14
balloonsI still owe you the rss feed experiment17:14
elfyballoons: ? what bot?17:14
* balloons feels as if he's seeing things17:14
elfyoh - I have queuebot on ignore :)17:15
elfyI get mails when there are new Xubuntu builds ready17:18
elfyand I knew early today that we'd be waiting for the world to rebuild sometime after US woke up17:18
elfynot sure if you've seen the -release talk, but bug 143571417:19
ubot5bug 1435714 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Vivid) "Keyboard layout missing during install setup" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143571417:19
elfyballoons: you laugh - but queuebot name drives me insane - I have chat in desktop with firefox and as soon as it starts being chatty - mucks of the dialogue window size for me :p17:22
elfymind you flexiondotorg isn't much smaller :p17:22
balloonselfy, ohh right, it resizes everything17:22
* flexiondotorg looks for a longer IRC nick.17:22
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iwishiwasascoolalike this?17:23
=== iwishiwasascoola is now known as balloons
* elfy puts flexiondotorg on ignore with queuebot ... 17:23
balloonsahh, it truncated my name :-(17:23
elfythat was me :|17:24
barryelopio: yes, it's a bug... in the test ;)  see my follow up to the mp18:26
Letozaf_balloons, hi21:03
elfyevening Letozaf_ :)21:03
Letozaf_elfy, good evening to you :)21:04
Letozaf_elfy, howzit ?21:04
balloonsLetozaf_, hello21:19
elfyLetozaf_: good mostly thanks - you?21:20
Letozaf_elfy, I am fine too thanks.21:20
Letozaf_balloons, wanted to let you know about this bug I reported: bug 143607021:21
ubot5bug 1436070 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "Invalid release signature error during install of netboot minimal CD amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143607021:21
Letozaf_balloons, just fyi21:21
abeyrhow to report a bug?23:43
abeyrmy computer ubuntu 15.04 crashed with error: nvidia has fallen off bus23:44

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