
=== martinst is now known as martins-afk
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EuaD1i was trying to install owncloud on my xubuntu 14.04.2 install and apparently i messed up my apache2 install because now my MythTV web interface doesn't work01:56
EuaD1i now get The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. when i try to connect mythweb01:57
Jeremy26Hi.  We're switching all our servers to Ubuntu-servers.  I'm setting up my 1st one -- currently in the middle of install.  It's a UEFI-mobo, with disks partitioned with a 300MB EFI partition in addition to the usual install locations.  Started the install, going OK, until it gets to the GRUB install.  It fails @: "[1] Install the GRUB bootloader on a hard disk" just telling me an "Installation Step Failed".  I can continue with no no bootloader02:03
Jeremy26apparently, but I figure there should be a way to do this right from the installer.02:03
Jeremy26How do I get the installer to install UEFI+Grub2 stuff?02:03
sarnoldEuaD1: note that some apache config7uration diredctives changed bwtween the apache in 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS... ifyou were following a guide, make sure it's for the right version..02:04
sarnoldJeremy26: wild-guess time, maybe grab a terminal and run grub-install by hand? I can't recall if it just does the right thing based on your configs or not.. but it'd be one potential starting point02:07
sarnoldJeremy26: which install disc are you using? apparently 12.04.1 and earlier didn't do uefi so well...02:08
Jeremy26sarnold: Hi.  Using vivid-server 15/latest, atm02:11
EuaD1sarnold, i had mythtv and apache2 running for years and was running fine on 14.04 but as soon as i installed owncloud the mythweb web panel is no longer accieble02:11
sarnoldJeremy26: oh, that really ought to work :)02:12
Jeremy26sarnold: by "grab a terminal", from where I am @ installer step?  or continue without bootloader, and "do it" later?02:12
sarnoldJeremy26: I was thinking from where you are in the installer.. hopefully enough is installed at that point to have a useful shell available02:13
sarnoldEuaD1: aha. try checking apache's logs for erro messages..02:13
sarnoldthere are probably more details there02:13
EuaD1sarnold, ok, according to the error.log, it says authtype digest configured without corresponding module02:17
sarnoldEuaD1: auth changed the most in apache 2.4.. lookhere for starting point http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_auth_digest.html02:20
EuaD1sarnold, ok, thanks. i just removed and purged owncloud and it still says internal error. so i'll read this over, thanks02:21
Jeremy26sarnold: ok.  i need to figure out what to DO to get the grub-uefi done right once I'm in the shell ...02:28
sarnoldJeremy26: I'm hoping  that a plain "grub-install" would do it :) but that's blatant hopefulism on my part02:28
Jeremy26sarnold: i'm sure you're nice to kittens and puppies and all, but I'm hoping for some docs ;-)02:30
sarnoldJeremy26: looks like you're right, it looks like it requires the destination device name and probably --uefi-secure-boot parameter http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/utopic/man8/grub-install.8.html02:31
Jeremy26sarnold: more here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#UEFI, but still rather thin.  You'd think an installer would handle this for you.02:38
Jeremy26 Well, s|think|hope|g anyway.02:38
sarnoldJeremy26: yes, yes I would, and I suspect it often does :)02:39
Jeremy26sarnold: That's what has me a bit hesitant.  There's nothing weird here.  It's  a standard partition setup with the UEFI bits.  Wondering if something 'sick' here that's preventing the install.02:41
Jeremy26Oh, Arch's docs come thru a bit more: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#Alternative_install_method02:41
Jeremy26So, I'm at the "Installation step failed".  Do I *first* drop to shell, then install? or 'continue' past this without installing grub, and invoke the shell in a step or two?02:45
sarnoldI'd try it now.. you know where you stand right now, hehe02:45
Jeremy26sarnold: You presume a lot with that "know" biz, but ok ...02:47
sarnoldJeremy26: who knows what the next screen will bring? a big failure of some sort that refuses to contuinue? or salvation? or a lengthy package install that's pointless because youy can't boot it anyway? :)02:50
Jeremy26sarnold: minor problem ... atm, at shell, there's no 'grub-install' available. hmmm .02:52
sarnoldJeremy26: grumble. sorry.02:53
sarnoldJeremy26: time for me to bail.. good luck :)02:53
Jeremy26re-grumble. thx.02:54
Jeremy26Well, the next step was, effectively, 'finish the installation', then reboot.  @reboot, I get dropped to a Buaybox/ash shell, at prompt "(initramfs)", with absolutley no keyboard responses.  I.e. hosed.03:03
Jeremy26Not exactly a stellar "first time"03:03
Jeremy26wow.  'rescue' mode is even worse :-(03:23
Jeremy26What to do now?  Do I have to start over and reinstall?03:24
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EuaD1looking at synaptic, i don't see Apache Module mod_auth_digest anywhere. i would really like to get mythweb working again04:43
ObrienDave!info mod_auth_digest04:49
ubottuPackage mod_auth_digest does not exist in utopic04:50
EuaD1why am i getting this error then? AuthType Digest configured without corresponding module04:51
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nivvOpenTokix: FYI, when I did the dry run it stopped at the grub prompt, that was the reason I couldn't reach it by SSH07:31
OpenTokixnivv: ok, so its up now?07:55
nivvOpenTokix: Yup! Just connected it to a screen and pressed enter. And now on the productionserver it upgraded perfectly! I'm a happy camper07:55
OpenTokixnivv: awesome! ^507:55
nivvJust forgot that custom PPA's need to be updated too07:56
nivvOpenTokix: do you know why that happens? Shouldn't it just bypass that since it's a headless server?08:05
OpenTokixnivv: There is an issue, that was discussed last week actually. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/797544 <-- this very strange default in 14.04 - I have changed it in my config managment now, so I always have a timeout set.08:08
nivvOpenTokix: ah I see. Did you change your /etc/grub.d/00_header? I'm a bit scared to reboot the server (haven't done so after the upgrade)08:09
OpenTokixnivv: no, I changed in /etc/defaults/grub and reloaded update-grub208:10
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amarcolinoHi, I am running a clean install of ubuntu 14.4 with bonding (bonding-mode 4), the system can update and access the internet via w3m, however, I can't seem to ping other computers on the local network and vice-versa, anyone can help me?08:35
OpenTokixamarcolino: your switch is configured to handle 802.3ad?08:37
OpenTokixamarcolino: Can you ping the hosts if you unbond the interfaces?08:37
amarcolino... hmmm... haven't tried to unbound the nics and no since I ain't using a switch , it connects directly to the router, give me a sec.08:38
OpenTokixamarcolino: router is also a switch08:40
OpenTokixI assume its your home router? yes? Or is a commercial router?08:40
amarcolinoplain home router and I wouldn't know whether it can handle 802.3ad, it works accessing the internet but the local network :s, that's a pain not being able to connect to it08:41
OpenTokixok, doubt it support 802.3ad, and if it does you have to enable it probably.08:42
amarcolinonope just unbound the nic, so using only one and I still can't ping08:43
OpenTokixamarcolino: ok, - is the host you're trying to ping also a linux machine?08:43
amarcolinonope it is a windows machine, tried both ways and neither can ping, I suspect it is the linux instead of the windows08:44
OpenTokixok, no firewall enabled?08:45
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OpenTokixso, run tcpdump on the interface when you ping, to see if you get anything back08:46
amarcolinohow do i use tcpdump, i.e. tcpdump [ping address],?08:48
OpenTokixon your local machine08:50
OpenTokixif your interface you are ping:ing from is eth008:50
OpenTokixas root: tcpdump -i eth0 icmp08:51
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amarcolinoOpenTokix: once I use tcpdump and ping on the windows machine it works08:53
amarcolinoso there must be something blocking it08:53
OpenTokixprobably the default firewall on the windows machine08:53
amarcolinoweird now the windows machine can ping but the ubuntu cant ping the windows, any suggestions?08:54
OpenTokixwindows firewall08:54
OpenTokixEnabled by default and blocks everything08:55
amarcolinogoing to try another laptop and see if the same happens, it is weird to not be able to ping a clean ubuntu install08:56
OpenTokixsince for me at least, that folder is not handled by my git repo08:56
OpenTokixwrong window08:56
amarcolinoOpenTokix: for some reason my windows 7 laptop is blocking ping connection, yet windows 8 laptop is fine, grrr. Need to find out why, I most likely did something when I setup this laptop since it is the one I use often.09:02
amarcolinoOpenTokix: thanks for the help it was driving me insane09:02
OpenTokixamarcolino: depends on what you select for the network setup. Like "home network" or "public network" That will set other settings in the firewwall on windows.09:02
OpenTokixWhy do I even know this? I dont use windows.09:02
amarcolinoit is setup as home, it is probably one of the services I disabled or something I enabled/disabled in the administrator config, sigh, this will take a while :'(09:05
OpenTokixamarcolino: Not like ping is crucial to the function of your ipv4 network09:06
ReScOhey peeps09:09
ReScOI'm having some trouble setting up my firewall...09:09
ReScOi have fail2ban, but i want to close pretty much every port except 22,80,443,587,993 and 3000, how can i do this in such a way, a portscanner will think it's offline?09:11
ReScOand i want to open port 22 for certain IP's only.09:12
amarcolinoOpenTokix: so far I can ping from windows 7 to windows 8 but not the other way and if I use bonding ubuntu cant receive or send pings on the local09:16
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amarcolinoOpenTokix: this is strange just done a reboot with a single nic functioning and tried pinging the server from both laptops and nada, can you help?09:20
Spyidonasquick question , if a folder served by apache is on www-data group and user, and its file permissions are 777 shouldn't the folder be writeable by php?10:45
rbasakDepends on directory permissions all the way up - the php user must be able to get to the directory in question.10:46
OpenTokixSpyidonas: You should geneerally never have a folder set to 777, unless its a upload folder or such. - if www-data owns it. - 775 whould be enoigh10:46
rbasakAlso, check for apparmor denials10:46
Spyidonasi set it to 777 because 775 doenst work10:47
rbasak(not sure what the default is there)10:47
rbasakSpyidonas: that's fine for debugging a test deployment but be sure to change it back before going to production10:47
Spyidonasi havent modify any apparmor, does the ubuntu 12.04 default denies write? the thing is folder above the one i want have read/write access10:48
Spyidonasfor example /var/www/uploads is readable-writeable10:48
Spyidonasand the /var/www/upload/test isn't10:48
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KartagisSpyidonas: never ever use 777. change the directory's ownership10:57
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SpyidonasKartagis: i did it for test because nothing works.11:02
SpyidonasKartagis: not even 777 apparently11:03
KartagisSpyidonas: never ever use 777. change the directory's ownership11:07
SpyidonasKartagis: to www-data , correct? Still doesn't work11:08
KartagisSpyidonas: is this wordpress?11:09
KartagisSpyidonas: is it also php-fpm?11:09
SpyidonasKartagis: no, its an existing site and im adding a webmail11:09
SpyidonasKartagis: the existing site has upload options and php reads/writes to folder11:09
Kartagisbecause php doesn't run under a different user11:10
Kartagiswhereas php-fpm does11:10
SpyidonasKartagis: i created a new folder throwed everything the webmail has and i have the error i cant read/write11:10
SpyidonasKartagis: it's the standard php/apache that comes with ubuntu 12.0411:10
Kartagishave you read the <webmail> docs?11:11
Kartagisis it horde?11:11
SpyidonasKartagis:no its the afterlogic11:11
Kartagisyou are on ubuntu, right? check what user the webserver is running under with ps aux|grep apache11:12
SpyidonasKartagis:their site http://www.afterlogic.com/support/faq-webmail-pro-php#3.1 says everything about permissions11:12
SpyidonasKartagis:apache runs under root...11:13
Kartagisthat is a Very Bad Idea™11:14
rbasakdannf, hallyn: what are you expecting from me on bug 1427406? Do we have a patch for Vivid that works on all architectures that we're ready to apply?11:14
SpyidonasKartagis: :S I haven't configure that server, my task is to simply activate this webmail clinet :/11:14
Kartagisedit the apache configuration file for user11:14
KartagisSpyidonas: /etc/apache2/envvars11:15
Kartagisexport APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data11:16
Kartagisexport APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data11:16
Kartagisshould be that11:16
SpyidonasKartagis: will it mess up the existing site ?11:16
Kartagisoh, and you actually should have a user www-data11:16
SpyidonasKartagis: i have a user www-date11:16
KartagisI don't think so, but shit happens11:17
Kartagisthen nope11:17
SpyidonasKartagis: the exports are as you typed them11:18
SpyidonasKartagis: without modification11:19
Kartagisone sec11:19
EuaD1is anyone in here familar with znc server?11:19
KartagisUser ${APACHE_RUN_USER}11:20
KartagisGroup ${APACHE_RUN_GROUP}11:20
KartagisSpyidonas: put these in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf11:20
KartagisEuaD1: you mean the BNC?11:20
EuaD1Kartagis, it's called ZNC11:22
EuaD1I have a linode server running a ZNC server11:22
KartagisEuaD1: the bouncer, right?11:22
KartagisEuaD1: what do you need help with?11:22
KartagisI am on znc11:22
EuaD1well, it's sort of a funny issue but im logged into my znc server, looking at the web admin panel my user has 3 networks. i seem to have forgotten how to resume as my user because when I try to switch to that nick it says that user is already logged in11:24
Kartagislogged in as connected to a network?11:25
EuaD1Kartagis, yes. the web panel shows i'm connected to only 1 network11:27
KartagisEuaD1: did you change usernames?11:27
Kartagison your irc client*11:27
EuaD1Kartagis, yes11:27
EuaD1for example. if you hop into #linuxtechandgaming on freenode you can see me logged in multiple times11:28
KartagisEuaD1: can you kill all your users and start anew?11:29
Kartagisaka fresh start11:30
EuaD1Kartagis, i'm not entirely sure how to be honest.11:30
EuaD1i wanted to set up a bouncer so that I would never miss a conversation11:30
Kartagis/msg *status help11:30
EuaD1shit, i just realized what time it was. Kartagis i need to get going to get to work on time. sorry i need to run11:32
EuaD1Kartagis, i sent you a direct message showing what it returned. maybe i'll talk to you later for help. thanks11:32
KartagisEuaD1: /msg *status restart should do it11:32
KartagisSpyidonas: are you all good? I need to go to lunch if you are11:36
Funhi folks11:37
Funwho here knows decent uk vps provider?11:38
KartagisFun: DO provides UK locations IIRC11:39
Funany else? :D11:40
FunI like ovh however they dont offer UK11:40
SpyidonasKartagis: are you still there?11:54
* Patrickdk has ovh blacklisted on all his servers11:58
Patrickdknever seen anything ligit from that network11:59
Jeremy26can anyone verify whether ubuntu-server installation disk (vivid) is supposed to be bootable as UEFI, and that it should be able to install grub2+UEFI to a target system?  I can't manage to do either one.13:20
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hallynrbasak: we're looking for guidance as to who to contact who would be able to write the patch we need14:30
hallyn(else we'll just have ot wait until next week and i may have time to look at it in depth)14:30
hallynwe can discuss it during team meeting14:30
hallynthe bug is listed as an action so it'll come up14:30
Jeremy26fyi, the ubuntu-server vivid/current installer fails to correctly detect/use DHCP setting, requiring manual network setup.  other-OS installers and rescue disks have no DHCP problems.14:31
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dannfrbasak: no known fix yet :(14:41
dannfrbasak: i told hallyn i'd look at it again, but i need to finish another task first14:42
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designbybeck__I'm trying to update one of my test servers and I'm getting this: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d2d0fe04998b8252150515:35
designbybeck__sudo: unable to open /var/lib/sudo/beck/3: No such file or directory15:36
designbybeck__my main user is what I ssh'd in with, it should be a sudoer15:37
designbybeck__just tried as root and got the same thing15:37
jamespagezul, I'm seeing quite a few python3 isms creeping into openstack - assertRegex instead of assertMatchesRegex for example15:40
jamespagesomething in the dependency chain is dealing with that upstream, but not in Ubuntu15:40
jamespageany ideas?15:40
zulnot off the top of my head15:40
zuljamespage:  oslotest maybe15:41
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jamespagezul, hmmm we are quite out-of-date there15:42
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jamespagezul, nope not that15:44
zuljamespage:  then not off the top of my head15:44
jamespagezul, can I steal you ironic branch for testing? did you look at trove?15:45
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zuljamespage:  i pushed to ~ubuntu-server-dev/ironic/kilo already15:45
zullemme push my trove stuff somewhere15:45
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/trove/kilo-315:46
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yossarianukhi - I have an upstart issue17:12
yossarianukI have created an upstart file -(for starting a meteor app) - it works fine via 'service meteor start/stop'17:13
yossarianukbut doesn't start on boot17:14
yossarianukI can 'cheat' and add the line 'service meteor start'  to rc.local and that starts on boot17:14
yossarianukbut how can I work out why the upstart job /etc/init/meteor.conf doesn't start on boot ?17:15
yossarianukdo you have to tell upstart somehow taht the service should start on boot ?  i.e the equivalent on 'update-rc.d ... ... '17:16
rbasakyossarianuk: are you aware of http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/?17:16
rbasakYou need to tell upstart what other event to start your job on.17:17
rbasakFor example:17:17
rbasakstart on runlevel [2345]17:17
rbasakstop on runlevel [!2345]17:17
rbasakThen it'll get started on when the runlevel changes to 2.17:17
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rbasakhallyn: so I've got to task switch to Docker for now, and probably won't be able to look again at apparmor-profile-load until next week. I hope that's OK.17:23
an3kI'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04 and want to set display resolution and screen resolution for grub as well as console to 1024x768. With the default settings I get a display and screen resolution of 800x600 for grub and a display resolution of 1024x768 and a screen resolution of 800x600 for console.17:26
an3kI tried setting GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768 but that didn't changed anything. I added GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD=1024x768 but that didn't changed anything too.17:26
an3kI also modified /boot/grub/grub.cfg manually and set gfxmode=1024x768 and set gfxpayload=1024x768 but that also didn't worked.17:26
an3kI also modified /etc/grub.d/00_header (based on http://askubuntu.com/questions/18444/how-do-i-increase-console-mode-resolution/18463#18463) but even that didn't worked.17:26
geniiDid you do sudo update-grub after you made those changes?17:27
an3kafter all of that didn't worked I undid all modifications and enabled the nvidiafb and set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="video=nvidiafb:mode_option=1024x768-16"17:28
an3knothing changed.17:28
an3kAfter I manually ran fbset -xres 1024 -yres 768 -match the console was finally in 1024x768 but after the next reboot it's again in 800x60017:29
geniian3k: If the fbset worked manually you could just add that command to your rc.local file17:30
hallynrbasak: ah, ok.  you don't mind if i step in then?  oh wait, i'm out the next two days, so i woudn't be speeding it up much...17:30
hallynrbasak: are you around on friday?  can i ping you then to get the status of your debdiffs, and I'll take it fro mthere?17:30
rbasakhallyn: sure, I'll be around.17:31
hallynrbasak: thanks!  i appreciate it.17:31
an3kgenii: thanks, I'll do that. Howver, shouldn't be th there a configuration for setting the resolution?17:31
hallyni should be albe to finish it up fri/sat then17:31
yossarianukrbasak: thanks I already have  'start on (started mongodb and started nginx and runlevel [2345])'17:32
an3klike GRUB_GFXMODE= in /etc/default/grub17:32
yossarianukoff now anyway - i'll look tomorrow...17:32
geniian3k: Instead of the GFXMODE or GFXPAYLOAD methos you could try the old way of VGA=xxx in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT17:32
geniian3k: You'd need to look up the 3 numbers to use for the mode you want17:33
an3kgenii: tried that. All it did was keeping grub in 800x600 and console in 800x600 (1024x768) but kernel log in 720x400 ...17:33
an3k791 which is 1024x768x1617:34
geniian3k: I'm out of immediate ideas on the issue.17:35
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rbasakarosales: did you mean to publish the last minutes on ubuntuserver.org? I see your post but it's still listed as a draft.18:04
arosalesrbask, I may have forgetting to press publish.  Let me check the fomatting and click publish18:04
Jeremy26Has anyone successfully installed ubuntu-server with Grub2+UEFI?  Every time fails here -- simply get to the "Install step failed" telling me no bootloader's installed.  End up with an unbootable system if I continue.18:08
pmatulisJeremy26: it depends on the EFI implementation18:17
arosalesrbasak, thanks for the reminder, http://www.ubuntuserver.org/?p=1243 posted18:18
Jeremy26pmatulis: Hi.  Can you explain that?18:19
an3kgenii: looks like it's because of nouveau ...18:19
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an3kfunfact: grub runs in 1280x1024 with a 15 years old graphics card but only in 800x600 with a 5 years old nvidia card ...18:25
an3kgenii: I'm now using a ATI MACH64 with 2 MB RAM and PCI ... all problems solved.18:56
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geniian3k: Cool.18:57
hxmhello, my ubuntu works slow, for login ssh needs 1 minute and for see the pages i host some of times it needs 2 minutes, i dont see any process in top that eats cpu or memory and logs says nothing, what can i debug?18:57
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geniihackemate: Check /var/log/auth.log for brute-force password attempts, and /var/log/apache2/error.log for people trying to reach admin pages for applications. You might want to install fail2ban which will limit attempts19:00
sarnoldhackemate: wouldn't hurt to try some ping or mtr or smokeping to find out your latency, packetloss, etc19:03
hackematei see many lines like this Mar 24 17:43:09 datatec CRON[9587]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root19:04
hackemateMar 24 17:43:56 datatec CRON[9615]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root19:04
hackematefail2ban is installed19:04
hackematebut seems does nothing really19:04
hackematepam_unix is ssh?19:04
hackematei did, average is ime=178.513 ms top was 30019:04
sarnoldthe important bit there is that that's a cronjob, probably not a big deal19:05
geniihackemate: For fail2ban maybe check here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-fail2ban-on-ubuntu-14-0419:06
sarnold130 ms to where?19:06
sarnoldI can get from west coast of the united states to japan in 100ms19:06
sarnoldwest coast US to UK is 190 ms19:07
hackemateright now is under 100ms19:07
hackematefrom spain to france19:07
geniihackemate: Is the ping time from the remote machine to the server or from the server to some other machine?19:07
hackematefrom remote machine to the server, this is what i see in localhost 64 bytes from localhost.localdomain ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.099 ms19:08
geniiping time to localhost is meaningless19:08
sarnoldyeah, but from spain to france, 100ms seems tolerable19:10
sarnoldI got 163 from west coast us, it's closer than uk for me :)19:10
geniihackemate: From ssh session on the server, if you do ping -c 10 google.com       ... what sort of lag on that?19:11
hackematewow i got stuck 5 minutes19:13
hackematei mean 4 minutes19:13
hackematenow works fine, again19:14
hackematebut sometimes is like cpu is 100%19:14
hackematethe google ping is this 64 bytes from muc03s07-in-f6.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=17.1 ms19:15
sarnoldhow about all ten pings?19:19
hxm64 bytes from muc03s07-in-f5.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=17.4 ms19:20
hxmall like this19:20
hxmi think is not networking problem, looks like cpu 100%19:20
hxmi have 2 ssh connected and sometimes i cant write on them19:20
hxmand suddenly it starts to respond again19:20
hxmauth.log is filled of pam_unix  sessions from cron19:21
geniihxm: How far apart is your most often cron job? For instance, sometimes you see a problem like a cronjob running every 5 minutes that actually takes more than 5 minutes to do19:23
hxmi go check that19:24
sarnold"filled"? that;s not good.. they shuold happen periodically...19:24
hxmim talking about 5-10 per second,19:25
hxmdont scare me19:25
hxmi removed all cronjobs19:25
sarnoldand did you look through the /etc/cron* files and directories?19:26
hxmman type a cd takes eternal, im getting paranoid19:27
hxmthere are some files in cron.d, nothing in else cron.*19:29
hxmin cron.d i have apache2 aptitude and logrotate, roundcube updatenotifier19:30
hxmnorfix.es is still getting minutes to load19:31
sarnoldhxm: how about /etc/crontab?19:32
hxm47 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly and  12 30 1 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) same for weekly and monthly19:32
hxmi candisable them too19:33
sarnoldhxm: those are fine..19:33
sarnoldI suggest reading this.. it might be jumping to conclusions, but .. https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2015/02/anatomy_of_a_brutef.html19:34
geniiIs there anything abnormal like i/o errors if you do: dmesg | tail -n 5019:34
hxmdmesg is empty19:35
sarnold.. _nothing_ in dmesg? odd19:36
hxmi said sme: waht19:36
geniiThat is highly unusual19:36
hxmscreenshot shows it19:36
hxmit is a virtualmachine of a dedicated server, maybe that19:36
hxmabout bruteforce fail2ban could just ban them no?19:36
geniihxm: It's better to deny them for a period of time than to ban because some failed login attempts may be from valid ssh attempts19:37
sarnoldif this is a container of some sort maybe dmesg is not available, but this is feeling like it may be a compromised machine with a rootkit installed19:37
hxmnot visible in top?19:37
hxmlsof could give a clue no?19:39
sarnolddepends on the rootkit19:39
tewardcan someone look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/1336713 and see if they can test/replicate?  (I wasn't able to on a production instance that has `php5-fpm` installed but not the `php5` metapackage)19:40
teward(I ask here because server package :P)19:41
hxmwhat can i do now19:43
sarnoldhxm: if it were me, I'd set ujpa replacement, restore from backups, etc., and do forensics on the system later19:44
sarnoldthis is a new keyboard, I'm hot entirely used to it yet19:45
geniis/hot/not   ;)19:46
sarnoldfigures :)19:46
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tewardsarnold: we should replace your keyboard19:56
hxmdo you know chkrootkit.org?19:57
sarnoldteward: the transition is far harder than I expected19:57
sarnoldhxm: I believe it's wildly unmaintained.19:57
sarnoldhxm: .. and fighting a problem thats nearly impossible to solve anyway.19:57
hxmi know, but i wont get this tomorrow again19:57
tewardsarnold: the alternative is radical implantation of cybernetic technologies which facilitate data entry via neural signals19:58
* teward is a crazy, yes.19:59
tewardor, go get your old keyboard :)19:59
sarnoldteward: heh, I switched to this one because my old one caused significant pain in my hands and arms19:59
sarnoldteward: or, well, I suspected it was involved. three weeks with a different keyboard have helped immensely20:00
tewardrbasak: ping - have you seen anything else similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/1336713 that affects the `php5` packages?  (I can only find that they have the `php5` metapackage on there which could potentially cause this if `apt` or some other system is not detecting `php5-fpm`, but...)20:03
rbasakteward: I've not seen it apart from in that bug IIRC. Need steps to reproduce to do anything about it :-/20:21
tewardrbasak: yeah, I set it back to 'incomplete' - even tested a dist-upgrade on a production server I know for a fact hasn't been updated since January cause I"m insanely busy.20:22
tewardrbasak: wasn't able to replicate with *just* php5-fpm (and there's been no updates to the nginx package that'd trigger this)20:22
tewardrbasak: the only thing i can think that would do this is a case where `apt` derps and ignores php5-fpm being installed, and then installs Apache20:22
tewardrbasak: since `php5` meta package20:23
teward(it was said in the description that it was present, I believe, but again, we need more info)20:23
rbasakteward: thanks. I updated the description to make it completely clear.20:23
tewardrbasak: the only reason i'm on the bug is 'cause bdmurray pinged me (see -bugs for that discussion)20:25
tewardrbasak: bdmurray said "Hey, they're using the PPA" maybe on the assumption that causes it (because nginx was mentioned on the bug), but I"m 99.99% certain that nginx, PPA or repository or otherwise, would not be the cause20:26
Jeremy26Is there detailed documentation for *installing* ubuntu-server on UEFI?  Every attempt I've made fails -- whether allowing the installer to try to auto-figure-it-out, or dropping to apt shell and manually installing the grub-efi packages.  Fails 100% of the time.  As a test of my h/w and partitioning, no issues installing Fedora ...20:27
tewardrbasak: the *only* way it could happen is if `php5`'s dependencies list was in a "php5-fpm not present with regards to compatibility and depends" state - that's the only real way it'd trigger this, 'cause php5-fpm doesn't depend on apache components, and nor does nginx20:31
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mdeslaurcoreycb: is trusty getting nova 2014.1.4 too? doesn't look like it's been uploaded...20:41
coreycbmdeslaur, yes and it should more or less be done.  let me kick tests off and soon should be able to mark the bug as verified.20:52
mdeslaurcoreycb: cool, thanks!20:58
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dmsimardHi. Any idea why installing the linux-generic-lts-utopic package in pkg_include (preseed) yields a kernel panic ? Is this a bug ? It looks like the initramfs doesn't run - the initrd for 3.16 isn't generated22:01
dmsimardSomeone else's reported the issue and hacked together a update-initramfs in a late_command but that doesn't sound like an ideal solution22:01
Jeremy26One last try -- anyone successffully installed ubuntu-server to UEFI?  preferably Vivid?22:02
dmsimardWe have precise installs that run fine when installing the trusty lts kernel in preseed, without having to resort manually running update-initramfs22:02
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142522:02
tewardJeremy26: ^22:03
tewardyou should probably start in #ubuntu+1 ( just sayin )22:03
Jeremy26teward: Been there on & off for 2 days .  The only response to any question I got was to come back here.22:03
rbasakJeremy26: maybe try the ubuntu-server mailing list? UEFI is still not common enough that many people who happening to be watching IRC at the time you ask will have experience with it.22:04
tewardJeremy26: well then I suggest patience - but as with all QA and iso testing, you should consider filing an issue against the image if it's not working as it should be with efi installations22:04
tewardi also agree that the ubuntu-server mailing list will yield better results22:04
teward(I force my systems to use legacy if efi is an option)22:05
rbasakdmsimard: that sounds worthy of a bug report to me.22:05
dmsimardrbasak: Thought so too.. Will file one. Thanks.22:05
rbasakdmsimard: maybe against the initramfs-tools package in the first instance?22:05
rbasakI'm not sure where else would be relevant.22:05
dmsimardYeah I was about to ask where to file it22:05
dmsimardI haven't exactly pinpointed where the problem occurs22:06
rbasakI think a missing initramfs makes initramfs-tools a reasonable first guess. It can always be reassigned later.22:06
sarnoldJeremy26: dang, still no luck? :( please file a bug against ubiquity, I think that's the most logical next step22:08
Jeremy26sarnold: Hi.  Nope.  Terrible installler experience.  Grub's just non-functional.  UEFI's barely usable without manual intervention.  DHCP doesn't manage to configure the network at all -- all other installers do.  A USB-key install still insists on a CD being attached.22:10
Jeremy26Yeah, really terribly frustrated atm.  Looking at Fedora.22:10
sarnoldJeremy26: damn. I haven't needed a cd for installing for.. uhh.. many years. :/22:11
Patrickdkwhat is a cd?22:12
Jeremy26Patrickdk: it's what ubuntu-server apparently requires to install itself22:12
Patrickdksince when?22:12
PatrickdkI've been using pxe boot install since 200722:13
Jeremy26Tried a Vivid Server install on UEFI from a USB key?22:13
Patrickdkcan't claim I ever used usb install, and never used a computer with uefi boot22:14
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JanCPatrickdk: if you used an x86 computer that was manufactured in the last several years, then it was most likely using (U)EFI22:33
Patrickdknot true, they still have the, do not use uefi option22:34
JanCthey don't22:34
PatrickdkI don't own any of them22:34
Patrickdkall of my servers, even recent ones still have the don't use uefi22:34
PatrickdkI don't have any of the hp bl460c g9's yet though, just the g8's22:35
JanCthey have a "run a BIOS emulation layer on top of UEFI" option22:35
Patrickdkno, no uefi support at all22:42
Patrickdkthat is brand new, in the g9 servers that just came out22:42
dmsimardrbasak: FWIW: https://bugs.launchpad.net/initramfs-tools/+bug/143609822:45
Jeremy26Patrickdk: I've supermicro mobos. All have full UEFI support.22:54

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