
g105b_Help, my phone is stuck in a rebooting loop after I turned it off for the first time.00:00
lotuspsychjeg105b_: wich image are you on mate?00:01
lotuspsychjeand wich device?00:01
g105b_It shows the black bq logo on white background, waits 8 seconds, then goes to black screen, then starts again forever00:01
g105b_lotuspsychje: its the E45 aquaris00:01
g105b_lotuspsychje: I have only used it for 10 minutes, I would not know about images00:02
lotuspsychjeg105b_: is it the ubuntu phone version you bought?00:02
g105b_lotuspsychje: yes00:02
lotuspsychjeg105b_: try the recoverymode maybe?00:02
lotuspsychjeg105b_: not sure how on Bq, but you can try power + volume down hold00:03
g105b_lotuspsychje: I tried it with volume-up + power, it shows an ubuntu symbol for about 5 minutes, then continues the loop00:03
lotuspsychjeg105b_: it should show something like a recoverymode list00:03
lotuspsychjetry power + vol down00:04
g105b_lotuspsychje: yeah it shows three options, fast boot (which just says "fast boot" when selected, with no response to any keys), recorvery mode (which does the ubuntu logo thing), or "normal", which gets stuck in the loop also00:04
lotuspsychjethat doesnt sound good indeed, was that after an update?00:05
g105b_lotuspsychje: I let it update, rebooted fine. Then I turned the phone off, but forgot to remove my alarm for the morning (don't know if it would start the phone up?) so tried to turn it on again.... then it got stuck00:06
lotuspsychjeg105b_: sounds like you might wanna reinstall the image manually00:06
lotuspsychjeg105b_: you got a pc with ubuntu?00:06
g105b_lotuspsychje: yep, my primary OS00:07
lotuspsychjeg105b_: see the wiki to install, in the chats topic00:07
lotuspsychjeg105b_: then install all needed tools and look for the official BQ image in the image list00:07
g105b_lotuspsychje: wow that sucks for the first 10 minutes of usage.00:08
lotuspsychjeg105b_: i had this loop after an update also on my nexus700:08
lotuspsychjeand had to reinstall manually00:09
g105b_lotuspsychje: man, I just thought that maybe I would have an issue with a particular app or something, not just turning the thing on.00:09
lotuspsychjeg105b_: no, this really sounds like an update loop problem00:09
g105b_lotuspsychje: thanks for your help, need to sleep now... hopefully it won't turn on for my alarm.... will it?00:10
lotuspsychjeg105b_: ubuntu-device-flash query --list-channels --device=DEVICE00:10
lotuspsychjetry this to view all images00:10
lotuspsychjeafter you installed all tools00:10
g105b_lotuspsychje: will do after sleep :)00:10
lotuspsychjenite nite00:10
g105b_lotuspsychje: tell me it won't alarm in the morning?00:11
g105b_I guess it won't if it can't turn on ...00:11
g105b_I just remember an older phone of mine set alarms in some kind of pre-boot bios-like thing.00:11
lotuspsychjeg105b_: if it loops, it wont alarm neither00:11
g105b_great, well I really must go, thanks for your help, night night00:12
Elleoattente_: sorry, meant to double check that on the desktop last week but ran out of time; I'll do that now00:25
attente_Elleo: awesome, thanks :)00:33
Elleoattente_: approved from me, I figured out why it was still working on the phone despite the incorrect value, looks like that's also being set in /etc/environment on the phone images00:34
Elleonot sure why it's duplicated00:34
Elleoattente_: you might want to ping rsalveti about actually landing the change, he's been handling most stuff on that package recently I think00:35
attente_yeah, i'm not sure. we're going to have to have a plan at some point about what to do when the session switches from desktop to phone form factor00:35
attente_Elleo: ok, thanks00:35
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JamesTangnow I have already one App which is based standard C++ but old version not 1101:28
JamesTangand I need to talk with ubuntu-location-serviced directly01:29
JamesTangso I need porting library or source code like boost/dbus(c)/dbus-cpp, right?01:32
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AskUbuntuUbuntu on a Sony xperia c1905? Can this be done? | http://askubuntu.com/q/60050502:39
lotuspsychje!devices | ask03:01
ubot5ask: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices03:01
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ahoneybunhello JamesTang03:46
JamesTangoh, hi03:46
JamesTanghi ahoneybun03:46
JamesTangnow I have already one App which is based standard C++ but old version not 1103:50
JamesTangand I need to talk with ubuntu-location-serviced directly03:51
JamesTangso I need porting library or source code like boost/dbus(c)/dbus-cpp, right?03:52
JamesTangplease do you know boost version in ubuntu-location-serviced?03:53
JamesTangI will go to have lunch,wait for U03:55
JamesTangyour reply03:55
roastedis there any way as of now to communicate via google hangouts on ubuntu touch03:55
ahoneybunJamesTang: way above me sorry03:55
ahoneybunroasted: not that I know of, but there is telegram03:56
roastedahoneybun: yeah, I'm aware of telegram. telegram's desktop app seems to be lacking, though.03:56
roastedahoneybun: I quite despise hangouts due to the hangouts "desktop client" being nothing more than a god awful chrome extension03:56
roastedahoneybun: telegram desktop client is better but has a few glitches03:56
ahoneybunnever used either03:57
ahoneybunjust hangouts on android and in the browser03:57
roastedI washoping for a hangouts app of some sort thatmight drift over to ubuntu desktop come unity 803:57
ahoneybunthat would be  cool03:59
ahoneybunroasted: all depends if there is a API to use03:59
JonTheNiceGuyHey all. I got my UbuntuPhone yesterday and I've got a few questions. My main one is how do I paste passwords into the account screens? I use KeePass on my Android device, and while I know its unreasonable to expect a Keepass port yet, I've been using the qrcode app on my android device to share the strings in, but I can't make use of them when I get them.04:58
JonTheNiceGuyJust for context, I'm using the BQ phone with ubuntu 14.09 update 20 on it.04:59
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JamesTangplease what version to boost library in Ubuntu Touch 15.04?06:09
RAOFJamesTang: 1.5506:49
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g105bwhere can i get the official bq ubuntu image to downalod?08:24
g105bI need to re-install on the Aquaris E45 Ubuntu edition, because after upgrade it is in boot-loop... where do I download the image?08:26
dholbachgood morning08:27
popeyg105b: ubuntu-device-flash touch --bootstrap --channel ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en --recovery-image recovery.img08:33
popeyusing this recovery.img http://people.canonical.com/~jhm/barajas/recovery.img08:33
konrad_how to connect to bg 4.5 from ubuntu?08:50
konrad_via usb08:50
seb128konrad_, what do you mean?08:52
seb128to download photos, etc?08:53
seb128just plug it into your computer?08:53
konrad_yes, that works, but I need want to edit08:55
konrad_WPA2 Enterprise08:55
seb128konrad_, you can use adb, but you need to enable the developer mode in system-settings->about and have a pin or password set and the device to be unlocked08:56
konrad_so linke on Android!, thanks a lot08:58
konrad_will wpa2 enterprise be implemented some time?08:59
seb128konrad_, yes, not sure when though09:02
seb128we have a long list of things to do still ;-)09:02
popeykonrad_: there's a workaround for it http://askubuntu.com/questions/279762/cant-connect-to-wpa2-enterprise-peap09:05
popeyactually that may not help, ignore me09:06
konrad_thanks again09:07
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Chocolate Covered Raisins Day! :-D09:27
TassadarRaisins? eww09:28
AskUbuntuHow do I reorder scopes on Ubuntu Touch? | http://askubuntu.com/q/60061009:49
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g105bpopey: where is there docs to tell me what you just told me?09:55
ogra_you mean a "popey dictionary" ?09:56
focusgot an Aquaris E4.5 plug into USB get ttyACM0: USB ACM device - doesn't show up as mass storage - any way to get it into mass storage mode for file transfer?09:57
focusUbuntu on aquaris, and 12.04 ubuntu desktop09:58
g105bto image with the recover.img, do I need the phone in FASTBOOT mode?10:04
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brunch875just contacted BQ. They say the warranty extension for accidents doesn't cover the ubuntu phone10:18
brunch875that's bullshit. The webpage clearly states ANY BQ DEVICE10:18
brunch875besides, it's still the same E4.5. Why is the android one covered and not this one? I'm really angry at them now...10:19
brunch875what a ripoff, this calls for boycott10:21
g105bpopey: My device is still stuck in a boot loop, I *think* I've done the recovery successfully... but with no guide, I'm not sure what to do.10:21
g105bbrunch875: what did you do to the device?10:21
brunch875it's still intact10:21
brunch875but I'm scared I'll drop it and break the screen10:21
g105bbrunch875: don't drop it.10:21
brunch875easier said than done :p10:21
g105bI'm sure they would agree to change the terms for you.10:22
brunch875I bought it with the warranty extension in mind... otherwise I would have waited for the meizu one10:22
brunch875I'll contact support10:22
brunch875but if they don't cooperate I'll be angrmode10:22
brunch875I have no idea how well those devices respond to dropping10:24
brunch875I've dropped the galaxy S+ and gs3 many times and they held alright10:24
seb128oSoMoN, you still have the issues you described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/1429135 ?10:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1429135 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "webbrowser-app crashed with SIGSEGV in XQueryExtension()" [Medium,New]10:31
seb128oSoMoN, try to "sudo systemctl start cgmanager"10:32
oSoMoNseb128, haven’t tried again, will test in a moment10:32
seb128oSoMoN, just for the record it's happening also on the desktop next live cd image10:33
g105bHow do I get notified when there is a new email? Emails are there but no notifications happening?10:37
ogra_g105b, i think that only works with the gmail app currently ... and only for certain folders10:43
lemmsterHi, is it somehow possible to install Mailvelope into the phone's browser? I need a way to read encrypted mail for as long as Dekko doesn't support GPG.10:46
ogra_g105b, http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/2zzq4s/experience_after_3_days_with_bq_ubuntu_phone/cpnyjcx for details10:47
* mcphail would love to see k9mail as the default mail app10:50
ogra_mcphail, you dont like dekko ?10:50
* ogra_ thinks it is far superior to k910:51
ogra_(just not feature complete yet)10:51
mcphailogra_: I haven't had a chance to play with it yet as my phone is 180 miles away from me :) But I need GPG encryption10:51
ogra_yeah, will happen ... just hasnt yet :)10:51
ogra_i guess DanChapman would also appreciate patches :)10:52
tsdgeoscwayne: hey, do you know which scope would this be https://launchpadlibrarian.net/199934046/picnotloading.png ?10:52
ogra_(if you feel like helping with that)10:52
mcphailha - perhaps an encryption layer is not a field for an amateur like me :)10:52
ogra_tsdgeos, thats from victorp i think10:52
tsdgeosthe bug at least is :)10:52
ogra_well, to become a pro you start as amateur ;)10:53
tsdgeosvictorp:  which scope is https://launchpadlibrarian.net/199934046/picnotloading.png ?10:53
victorptsdgeos, that is the formula one scope10:53
victorpin the store10:53
tsdgeosvictorp: k thanks10:53
victorpbut I am getting that from all scopes when it happens10:53
DanChapmanogra_, mcphail: patches always welcomed :-D10:53
tsdgeosvictorp: can you clarify if it's vivid or rtm you're having this issue with?10:54
tsdgeosvictorp: sure i understand that10:54
victorptsdgeos, rtm10:54
mcphailogra_: I can see the headlines in 2020: "Ubuntu phone has become the dominant phone OS but we have just found a longstanding security flaw in the email app which can be traced back to a patch by mcphail in 2015"10:54
ogra_victorp, it surely is because doesnt like to be squeezed into 40gu ... free the scopes ! :)10:54
victorpI had the issue this morning again, it only happens with the art in the scope10:54
tsdgeosvictorp: what do you mean it happens with the art only? other images that come from the web still load?11:01
victorptsdgeos, yes, see that pic , the mascots also come from the web11:04
tsdgeosvictorp: you mean the sky sports thing?11:04
tsdgeosthose probably were cached and that's why they show up11:04
tsdgeosbut it's all unclear as to why it's happening11:05
tsdgeosi wish i could make it happen here :/11:05
tsdgeosvictorp: are you on rtm stable or rtm proposed?11:07
ogra_there isnt a difference atm11:08
ogra_same image11:08
bnanybody facing any bt issues w/ bq?11:11
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attente_rsalveti: hi, could you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/maliit/1245925/+merge/250311? it's been breaking input methods under u711:30
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diploHi all, In the next few days I intend to start writing an app and will investigate more than, but just thought I'd ask if anyone knew of any apps that utilised REST apis that I can look at for examples of best practice etc12:07
diplomore then*12:07
robin-heroHi! Is there information somewhere about which is the last released ubuntu touch version for bq aquais and a changelog?12:10
davmor2diplo: you can try developer.ubuntu.com the docs there have had a serious overhaul12:11
diploHad a quick look last night davmor2, nothing stood out.. I'll look in a few days but thought I'd try and get a heads up :D12:16
focusg105b: the device is probably not stuck in boot loop - it took about 10 mins yesterday to do the 300Mb+ update - you know that CPU is not like a desktop CPU12:20
ogra_focus, for what did it take 10min exactly ?12:20
ogra_if you boot takes 10min with one of the official images this is a bug12:21
ogra_(on a -proposed channel it is not)12:21
focusogra_: the 380 odd mb of update that it downloaded and then updated the Ubuntu Aquaris E512:23
g105bfocus: ogra_: the screen shows the bq logo, then turns off, then shows the bq logo again, forever. Been on for about half an hour until I turned it off using the hold-switch.12:23
focusg105b: hmm that different to mine - I left it for about 10 mins and it did that cycle in one step12:24
ogra_g105b, and that is just a normal upgrade with the default channel, no tweaks, image not writable or hacked up in any other way ?12:25
focus(I know the CPUs in phones are slow compared to desktop so when I see 300mb+ download, i figure go for coffee break! :)12:25
g105bogra_: this is fresh out of the box.12:27
ogra_very weird12:27
focusg105b: when I plug into ubuntu PC it comes up as ttyACM0 when I type dmesg - may be you get other messages?12:29
focusg105b: may be powering off and then holding down volume(+) volume(-) and power buttons for about 1 minute will default the device?12:36
focushi, anyone know how to access mass storage on the ubuntu E5? All I get is ttyACM0 when I type dmesg - nothing else on nautilus12:39
focushi, notice another problem with browser - it can't log into https web sites that ask for password because it never puts up the dialog box. Any way to get around this?12:45
focus(aquaris E5 ubuntu phone)12:45
robin-herofocus: Is the a community support for E5? I didn't know that :)12:50
oSoMoNrpadovani, hey, I submitted https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/qt-labs-settings/+merge/253889 to migrate to Qt.labs.settings, your comments welcome, and if it looks good to you you can base your UI work on that branch12:50
rpadovanioSoMoN, cool, thanks, I take a look :-)12:51
focusrobin-hero: just too excited - ubuntu touch12:51
focusrobin-hero: I did put ubuntu touch on Nexus 7 a long time back, but it was just first release code - needed a real keyboard before I can enter username and password - no onscreen keyboard at the time :(12:53
Isotop7next error: when running make it says 'linux/msm_ion.h not found' even though it is accessible in the kernel includes of the device...any ideas?12:54
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dobeyfocus: basic auth isn't implemented yet it seems: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/142253413:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1422534 in webbrowser-app "No user name and password prompt for http basic authentication protected pages" [Medium,Confirmed]13:00
rpadovanifocus, known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/142253413:01
rpadovanimhh, lol, a bit late13:01
focusthanks dobey, rpadovani - a bit of a downer as everything is on https servers now to give NSA trolls something to do :)13:03
dobeyfocus: most sites use form based auth these days too. basic auth is pretty rare. but i agree it's annoying that something so standard isn't provided yet13:04
popeyyeah, fix it rpadovani ㋛13:05
rpadovanidobey, indeed. Like my uni website, it uses basic auth :/13:05
dobeyi think those bugs should probably be marked dupes of https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/1435850 instead too, which i just filed :)13:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1435850 in Oxide "oxide requires app to provide standard browser dialogs" [Undecided,New]13:07
mcphailcan you work around the basic auth flaw with the usual user:pass@ syntax?13:08
rpadovanioSoMoN, code looks good to me, I'll another read and then leave a comment on the mr. Just one question: how do you plan to add 'reset settings' feature?13:10
oSoMoNrpadovani, settings have a default value (defined towards the top of Browser.qml), so resetting the values of the properties to their default would achieve that13:11
rpadovanioSoMoN, mhh, and how do you do that?13:12
oSoMoNrpadovani, we’d need to store the defaults separately, maybe as readonly properties of the internal QtObject13:14
seb128oSoMoN, I see chrisccoulson took over the webbrowser/unity8 bug, I guess you discussed that with him? is the issue going to be fixed for vivid?13:16
oSoMoNrpadovani, so for example we’d have "property url homepage: internal.defaultHomepage", and when resetting, we’d just do "browser.homepage = internal.defaultHomepage"13:16
oSoMoNseb128, yes, he’s working on fixing it now13:16
rpadovanioSoMoN, indeed this could be a good way13:17
oSoMoNseb128, with oxide’s update model, the issue will eventually be fixed for all supported releases13:17
oSoMoNrpadovani, I can add that to the MR now13:17
seb128oSoMoN, k, great, thanks13:17
oSoMoNrpadovani, going for a quick lunch first though13:18
focusmcphail: thank you for suggestion - it comes back with network error for  user:pass@ in the URL13:18
focus(works in normal browser)13:18
mcphailfocus: shame13:19
rpadovanioSoMoN, enjoy :-) I start to work on the UI, your change will be a minor one to merge13:19
mcphailfocus: that should be a bugreport as well as it is standard url syntax13:19
oSoMoNrpadovani, excellent, thanks!13:20
focusmcphail: ok I file it later today13:23
rsalvetiattente_: sure13:36
attente_rsalveti: thanks13:36
zsombitedg: ping13:48
tedgHowdy zsombi13:49
zsombitedg: are you sure dropping an appid.url-dispatcher into ~/.config/url-dispatcher/urls works?13:49
zsombitedg: I have a test - perhaps I did sthing wrong - which doersn't seem to work... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/disable-statesaver-from-urihandler/revision/145413:50
tedgzsombi, I haven't done it recently, it is kinda a test feature, so I'm not 100%. But I do think it does.13:51
zsombitedg: basically I create a desktop file under ~/.local/share/applications and a url-dispatcher file under the config, and then try to launch it using openUrl() and that returns me false13:51
zsombitedg: could you take a quick look on the revno I posted?13:52
tedgzsombi, Do you make the directory?13:52
zsombitedg: yep, QDir.mkpath() supposed to do that13:52
zsombitedg: and the faulure happens at the openUrl() not at the file creations13:53
zsombitedg: I get this: FAIL!  : tst_StateSaverTest::test_open_url() 'QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("test_app://whatever.org"))' returned FALSE. ()13:53
zsombi   Loc: [tst_statesaver.cpp(685)]13:53
karnirsalveti: hi, how's it going :)? so you guys working on audio issues this week, correct?13:54
karnirsalveti: was wondering if there's someone who would find time to repackage that codec we were missing13:55
tedgzsombi, Can you look at ~/.cache/upstart/url-dispatcher-update-user.log ?13:55
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zsombitedg: huh.... no such dir... I so far tested on Vivid desktop, is this missing there?13:56
zsombitedg: uhm no susch file I meant13:56
tedgzsombi, Hmm, the desktop doesn't use URL Dispatcher.13:57
zsombitedg: :(13:57
tedgI think it's all tied to XDG Open.13:57
zsombitedg: then it would be hard to make any tests which would work on all envs...13:59
tedgzsombi, Yup, different platforms basically.13:59
zsombitedg: helluva convergence :D14:00
tedgzsombi, It should work file on Unity8 desktop, you should use that! ;-)14:00
zsombitedg: yeah... I should14:00
dobeyor fix the qpa to allow url-dispatcher to work under x11 :)14:01
tedgIt works fine, it's the QPA doesn't use it.14:02
zsombicrap... no time for that :/14:04
rsalvetikarni: yup, also in my list14:12
karnirsalveti: thank you so much14:12
karnigcollura: FYI ↑14:12
karnigcollura: (re re-packaging the codec that we need)14:13
dobeytedg: i wonder if there's some way we could tweak the config by providing another package, so that gvfs-open will run url-dispatcher instead of xdg-open?14:13
gcollurathanks rsalveti!14:13
tedgdobey, Probably possible, but I imagine the QPA isn't using gvfs.14:13
oSoMoNrpadovani, pushed update to my qt-labs-settings branch14:15
rpadovanioSoMoN, ty!14:15
dobeytedg: if i add Qt.openUrlExternally("settings://online-accounts") in a simple qml project in the sdk, i get this when that code runs:14:19
dobeygvfs-open: settings://online-accounts: error opening location: The specified location is not supported14:19
dobeytedg: so seems like it is using gvfs via glib or something, there?14:20
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tedgdobey, Huh, yeah. Would seem so. Odd stacking of projects... does GNOME even use gvfs still?14:21
dobeytedg: yes of course it uses gvfs; are you confusing it with gnome-vfs?14:21
dobeygvfs is the bit inside gio14:21
tedgAh, yes. Sorry, yes I am.14:22
tedgStill odd, but makes a ton more sense then.14:22
dobeyif we could somehow easily tweak that so that it ends up calling url-dispatcher for things, that would be sweet14:22
dobeynow if i could just get autopilot to do things reliably14:23
tedgdobey, It reliably fails randomly.14:26
chrisccoulsonseb128, oSoMoN told me that you'll provide me with beer if I fix that webbrowser-app/unity8 bug for vivid :P14:29
Isotop7when running make linux/msm_kgsl.h is not found in hardware/qcom/display/msm8960/libcopybit/copybit_c2d.cpp...any ideas?14:30
rpadovanioSoMoN, oh, a little question, do you prefer onClicked: browser.restoreSession = checked; or onClicked: browser.settings.restoreSession = checked;? Both works14:30
seb128chrisccoulson, lol, I would be happy to pay you some beers for the awesome work you are doing ;-)14:30
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you btw?14:30
chrisccoulsonseb128, not too bad thanks. and you?14:31
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm doing well, thanks :-)14:31
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rpadovaniactually, browser.settings.restoreSession doesn't work, so nevermind14:32
oSoMoNrpadovani, the former14:37
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seb128mandel, hey, could you get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-push/+bug/1398067 looked at? it should be easy enough to fix and it's something anyone booting our unity8-desktop iso is hitting in the live session14:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1398067 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/click-hook:FileNotFoundError:/usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/click-hook@119:main:collect_helpers" [High,New]14:49
tsdgeosMirv: do you have any idea when/if the fix for qtdeclarative will hit a rtm stable image?14:52
Mirvtsdgeos: I'm not sure what's the schedule for next OTA. mid-April?14:55
tsdgeosdon't know :D14:55
tsdgeosMirv: but i guess it should hit ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed tomorrow?14:55
Mirvtsdgeos: yes, whenever a new image is built14:56
MirvI'm not 100% sure if one is built daily nowadays or only selectively14:58
Mirvbut there's now two new landings to it today14:59
om26ertsdgeos, seb128 if I do "sudo gdb --pid PID /usr/bin/unity8" unity8 comes to a halt till I detach from gdb. Whats happening there ?15:02
tsdgeosyou need to continue15:02
seb128om26er, you need to type "c" in gtk15:02
seb128mterry, hey, in what qml is the desktop/password lock screen/greeter code?15:07
mterryseb128, unity8/qml/Greeter mostly -- with some of the UI in unity8/qml/Components/*Lockscreen.qml15:08
seb128mterry, thanks15:11
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Isotop7when i try to symlink the correct path into libcopybits path it fails with the message that im trying to use kernel headers from user space (duuuh!)....15:30
tsdgeosvictorp: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1430828/comments/12 something you can try?15:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1430828 in Canonical System Image "scopes dont load pictures" [Critical,Confirmed]15:32
rpadovanioSoMoN, o/ UI is ready, but I have a problem with homepage: if I set it to 'www.ubuntu.com' then it goes to file://home/whatever/www.ubuntu.com. I see there is a fixUrl() function in Addresbar.qml. Could I just copy and paste it (8 lines) or for more cleaner code I move it in an external js file and load it both in Addressbbar.qml and settingPage.qml?15:34
oSoMoNrpadovani, yes, it would be better if you moved the function to an external JS file, and imported it in both places15:36
seb128mterry, ok, I though https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1435923 might be a simple matter to add a forceActiveFocus() or focus: true, but seems not, so I'm going to let it to you :-)15:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1435923 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[greeter] the password entry is not focussed by default" [Undecided,New]15:40
mterryseb128, ugh!  I remember trying very hard to ensure it was focused by default.  There are tests15:40
seb128mterry, doesn't seem to work for me, neither on my vivid install nor on a current desktop-next daily15:41
mterryseb128, humph15:42
seb128mterry, does it work for you?15:44
mterryseb128, on desktop?  I haven't tried in a while15:44
mterryseb128, and now that I'm thinking about it, the tests may only cover the phone UI15:44
seb128mterry, yeah, it's on desktop, the wide variant of the greeter with user/password entry15:45
rpadovanioSoMoN, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/webbrowser-app/settings-page/+merge/25397415:51
rpadovanioSoMoN, now I delete all my old branches about settings :)15:51
oSoMoNrpadovani, cool! can you modify the MR to mark ~osomon/webbrowser-app/qt-labs-settings as a prerequisite? this will ensure that only the relevant changes are displayed in the diff15:53
rpadovanioSoMoN, oh, right, sorry, done!15:56
Isotop7Where do i add TARGET_SPECIFIC_HEADER_FILES if i need them in hardware/qcom/display/msm8960?15:58
brunch875I don't like the ringtones much16:02
brunch875except the ubuntu one16:02
brunch875that one's amazing16:02
brunch875reminds me of akira16:03
ChloeWolfieGirlakira was that spooky scare anime right?16:04
brunch875I would say yes, but it would be probably a better idea if you typed akira on google images16:05
brunch875I'm sure that would freshen mind better16:05
ChloeWolfieGirlI watched it on PSP when I was young, to spook and scare for me16:05
ChloeWolfieGirlit was16:06
brunch875telegram notifications make phone vibrate16:13
brunch875but no sound :|16:13
brunch875am I the only one??16:13
ogra_brunch875, on which channel ?16:16
ogra_iirc there was an issue that was fixed in 15.04 already ...16:16
brunch875ogra_: what do you mean by channel?16:19
ogra_ah, it is the default one ?16:19
ogra_we have different image channels ... for testing different things ... and a release channel that goes onto the phone16:20
ogra_on the default channel there was such a bug ... it was fixed in development but will take a bit to migrate through QA to the phone16:20
brunch875is it the same bug which caused muting a game muting the whole system?16:21
brunch875the PathWind game16:21
brunch875if you click the ingame mute, it'll mute everything16:22
ogra_no, i think it was actually telegram specific16:22
brunch875well if you mute PathWind from inside it'll mute everything else, including other apps16:22
brunch875only way to unmute youtube would be to launch PathWind and unmute it16:23
ogra_yeah, i heard of that one16:23
brunch875on the other hand "silent mode" won't mute videos16:24
brunch875I discovered that tonight haha16:24
ogra_oh, not sure if we have a bug for that16:26
ogra_pmcgowan, ^^^ ?16:26
pmcgowanwe have a bug for that yes16:27
pmcgowanogra_, brunch875 ^^16:27
pmcgowanjhodapp, is aware16:27
* ogra_ wasnt sure16:27
brunch875I hope it's some "oops" thing rather than a bug16:29
brunch875debugging those things can be a nightmare16:29
jhodappbrunch875, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tangxi/+bug/143445916:29
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1434459 not found16:29
jhodappbrunch875, that's just one, it's reported by several others all over the place16:30
ogra_one he cant read most likely :P16:33
brunch875only cool cats from the vip club can see huh? :p16:36
pmcgowanjhodapp, feel free to make a public bug and dupe that one over16:56
jhodapppmcgowan, ok I was wondering what to do there, thanks16:56
Isotop7i have a samsung galaxy s4 jfltexx and i want to build ubuntu touch for it. when i run make it fails with the message that several header files were  │ azizLIGHT17:02
Isotop7                 | not found in hardware/qcom/display/msm8960/libcopybit. Where do i have to define the path in which they are present? the header files are for example        │ baldybadgers17:02
Isotop7                 | linux/msm_kgsl.h17:02
Isotop7i have a samsung galaxy s4 jfltexx and i want to build ubuntu touch for it. when i run make it fails with the message that several header files were not found in hardware/qcom/display/msm8960/libcopybit. Where do i have to define the path in which they are present? the header files are for example linux/msm_kgsl.h.17:03
RisyDoes anyone have any idea why a Aquaris Ubuntu Edition doesn't appear in the Ubuntu Device section of the Ubuntu-SDK?17:03
popeyzsombi: do you know what our plans theme wise are for the phone? Specifically will it be possible sometime soon for us to deliver more than just ambiance ? (asked by AlanBell on the Q&A)17:05
dobeyRisy: developer mode is enabled on the phone and it's plugged into USB right?17:06
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RisyIt's just plugged in, I didn't touch anything else yet. What about developer mode?17:07
dobeyRisy: you need to enable developer mode on the phone for the sdk to be able to deploy apps to it for testing17:07
RisyAlright, thankyou very much for the info!17:08
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brunch875dobey, know the feed reader shorts? Go for that theme! It looks very ubuntuish17:28
dobeybrunch875: hmm?17:30
popeythats the old theme17:30
brunch875I really really really like that theme :(17:31
brunch875oh sorry, that was meant for popee17:35
brunch875we only need someone named qopey and another one named bobey and my confusion will be complete17:37
Isotop7->nick doublewhopey17:39
dobeyeh, themes are boring anyway17:40
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oSoMoNrpadovani, I added a few comments to your MR, good job so far!18:25
rpadovanioSoMoN, thanks for the fast review, I think I'll address them tomorrow if it's ok for you. If needed I can do it tonight18:36
oSoMoNrpadovani, no urgency, I’m done for today myself, so tomorrow is fine :)18:41
rpadovaniok, have a nice evening :-)18:41
ahoneybunhowdy rpadovani18:43
rpadovaniahoneybun, o/18:43
ahoneybungot your phone?18:43
kwahJust got Aquaris 4.518:45
ahoneybunkwah: cool :)18:45
kwahSetup Wi-Fi connection18:45
kwahBut... Phone claims that it does not have network connection: can't enter any account info18:45
kwahAt the same time web-browser "just works"18:46
kwahAny hints???18:46
brunch875are you on wifi?18:46
brunch875strange! You say you can't enter accounts but web browser loads pages without an issue?18:48
kwahyes, exactly18:48
kwahI also find it rather strange18:48
brunch875how bizarre, that never happened to me18:48
kwahso, would I be the first one? great.18:49
kwahI do not have SIM installed into the phone.18:49
brunch875I didn't have a SIM when I got mine either18:49
kwahSo, basically trying to use it as wi-fi enabled tabled18:49
brunch875I had some issues getting the accounts up but that's because the wifi signal was really low18:50
brunch875so I just went upstairs :p18:50
kwahI sit next to the router18:50
kwahAll green and shiny :D18:50
kwahOops. Got different error after disconnecting/connecting to the network18:51
kwahArgh. Now I can't activate keyboard to modify/enter different password.18:52
kwahWow, it is in the air.18:55
kwahAfter android polished for so many years feels like voodoo.18:56
Talustusits magic :D19:00
kwahIs SD-card hot-pluggable?19:01
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amiguetemelidehi: i have a bq phone with 20150312 version, the information in the changelog http://bit.ly/1ljube1 is valid for all devices or it´s only valid for nexus?19:40
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dobeyamiguetemelide: generally all, but http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/ would i think be what you are looking for if you want a list of changes in the stable images. at least for all devices, for which there are development target images being built. i don't think it includes the production phone images19:50
amiguetemelidedobey: thanks, i will take a look19:53
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Se7hi ppl19:55
Se7enyone available19:56
Se7my question it s : how to root ubuntu phone??19:56
popeydefine root19:56
Se7if i type su on the terminal and put the passw that i set up for the phone doesn t work19:58
popeysudo -s19:58
popeynot su19:58
Se7i try19:59
dobeywhy do you want a root shell?19:59
Se7nice popey20:00
Se7thank you very much20:00
Edward_Morbiushello, anyone here knows where I can file a bug concerning keyboard layout in Ubuntu Touch? cant find category for keyboard on launchpad20:04
mariogripis gerrit slow/down, or is it just me?20:05
Edward_MorbiusI think I found it20:06
dobeyEdward_Morbius: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyboard20:06
kwahHm. Ubuntu 14.10 (r16) dated 01/01/14 is pre-installed on Aquarius e4.520:09
dobeywell that date is wrong, would be 2015 not 2014, and not jan 1st20:09
kwahAnd it's 2015 out there. Do I miss something?20:09
Edward_Morbius@dobey thanks20:10
kwahWhat is the latest and greatest at the moment?20:10
dobey30-Jan-2015 15:0720:10
dobeythat's the date for image #1620:11
dobeyimage #20 is the latest version in the stable channel20:11
dobeyshould show up if you go to System Settings -> Updates20:11
kwahYes. I see. Thank you.20:11
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kwahit takes time... and no real progress indicator :|20:14
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AskUbuntuUbuntu touch mobil phone browser htaccess not accepted | http://askubuntu.com/q/60084920:31
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adrian47error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 50321:31
adrian47fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly21:32
adrian47Anyone has this problem too?21:32
Talustusit syncs properly for me21:50
mariogripadrian47, i have tried for hours without luck, my vps struggles too21:51
g105bHow does my app get access to the microphone?21:52
mariogripTalustus, you repo might be up to date21:52
Talustuslets see will sync on my server21:53
dobeyg105b: your app needs to have the audio security profile specified in it's apparmor json, iirc21:54
g105bdobey: thanks. I'm thinking of porting an app I wrote for my business to Ubuntu touch now I have a device.21:55
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nhainesg105b: ooh, sounds fun, and a great way to get familiar with programming for Ubuntu.  :)22:02
Talustushm it still syncs well on my server located in australia22:03
adrian47Talastus, i am after format, and i was downloading clear source, it goes to 94% (126/134), and then error appeared, now is the same situation, errors are coming after 94%22:05
Talustushm did u try to download the specific repos by hand and put them to the folder22:06
mariogripmy stops at 97%22:06
Talustusthen try sync aqgain22:06
mariogripnow i get this error: Cannot fetch ubuntu/libhybris22:06
adrian47so as mariogrip said, it can be because you have up to date source :)22:07
mariogriperror: Cannot fetch ubuntu/libhybris22:07
mariogriperror: Cannot fetch ubuntu/assets22:07
mariogriperror: Cannot fetch ubuntu/platform-api22:07
mariogriphumm, all of them are placed ubuntu folder22:08
adrian47i didn't downloaded 100% of source, so i still have only .repo folder here22:08
mariogrippopey, restart gerrit maybe?22:09
popeyis it busted?22:09
adrian47yes, probably :)22:10
mariogripme and adrian47 cannot fetch22:10
mariogripso i think so, yeah22:11
Talustusyeah looks like clonig hybris into a single repo also fails22:12
g105bWhat is the difference in performance between native and html5 using ubuntu-sdk ?22:21
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, need to ask #is22:23
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rsalvetishould be able to fetch the repos again22:48
themelesCan somebody tell me how I get my selfmade Ubuntu click package installed on my new Ubuntuphone?23:26
DonkeyHotei[Sun 2015-03-22 08:45:15 AM PDT]  <ogra_> push it to the device ...23:29
DonkeyHotei[Sun 2015-03-22 08:45:24 AM PDT]  * jjohansen has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)23:29
DonkeyHotei[Sun 2015-03-22 08:45:43 AM PDT]  <ogra_> then: adb shell pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /path/to/click23:29
DonkeyHoteithemeles: ^23:29
themelesDonkeyHotei: i ll give it a try, thanks23:31
themelesDonkeyHotei: worked well, thanks a lot!23:33

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