
daftykinstee-hee, overtaking your mate in the last seconds is always good fun00:35
daftykinsgood old ifixit having some fun00:53
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
mappsfirst time in 6 months spoke some russian05:45
mappsguy at casino was Ukranian (very similar)05:45
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Myrttiboo. my gingerbread coffee syrup run out... time of day07:56
popeylulz https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=120285808:14
lubotu3bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1202858 in squid "restarting squid results in deleting all files in hard-drive (rm -rf /*)" [Urgent,On_qa]08:14
popeysteam bug all over again08:14
Myrttiwell, to their benefit it was in RC08:14
Myrttior is08:16
MooDoomorning all08:17
diddledanwhat's the betting they're doing a `rm -rf $foo/*` where $foo isn't assigned08:18
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diplohah diddledan08:57
diploThat was my first ever huge breakage in IT08:57
diddledanmorning diplo08:57
diploSorry just reading up :D08:57
diplorm -rf $foo/08:57
diddledanyeah it's a nasty one08:57
diploI've been very careful since :D08:58
TwistedLucidityI'd like to find out a bit more about Ubuntu Phone. What apps are availabe, does it support WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV (either native or via an app) and so on.09:24
TwistedLucidityI've found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps09:24
TwistedLuciditybut there's not much information.09:24
TwistedLucidityOr I completely failed to find it.09:25
davmor2Morning all09:26
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Chocolate Covered Raisins Day! :-D09:27
MooDoomorning davmor209:29
TwistedLuciditySeems CalDAV support is absent...shame. Although being missing is better than Android's "not working in unexpected and very annoying ways" :-)09:34
DJonesWould somebody mind hilighting me, just finished rebuilding/cleaning my irssi config & want to check the hilight window works09:36
diploDJones: well hello!09:37
DJonesThanks, still works09:37
TwistedLucidityStill...they can't do everything at once. Here's hoping that full DAV support lands in time for the octocore.09:38
* TwistedLucidity crosses fingers09:38
diploTwistedLucidity:  ?09:42
TwistedLuciditydiplo: Oddly enough, just reading that.09:43
diplohack atm, well thats address books09:43
TwistedLucidityStill looks *A LOT* easier than the nightmare of getting it working on Android09:43
diploI was about to try it on android :) not worth it then09:44
diploI was going to purchase a caldav app09:44
TwistedLucidityCertainly not on any HTC device.09:44
TwistedLucidityLet me get a link.....09:44
TwistedLuciditydiplo: http://nlug.ml1.co.uk/2014/06/android-htc-and-carddav-contacts/472909:44
diploWell that sucks09:46
diploI've not got any HTC devices anymore, 2 Samsungs in varying dieingness and currently a LG g2 that I'm about to root09:47
diploSo may have a go09:47
bashrc_morning peeps09:47
TwistedLucidityCalDAV works as well (using apps from the same dev) but there's no way to set a default calendar, so you contstantly have to tell the phone which one to use when entering a new event.09:47
TwistedLucidityI guess the assumption is that everyone uses Google and Facebook and us freedom-loving lepers are left out in the cold.09:48
diddledanello bashrc_ , czajkowski09:49
davmor2JamesTait: just be careful eating them when you have rabbits :D09:51
diploI do find it odd that no syncing apart from Google is available with touch09:52
diploConsidering the audience :)09:52
JamesTaitOr chinchillas, davmor2. ;)09:52
diddledanchoccy raisens are awesome!09:52
davmor2TwistedLucidity: https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/apps09:53
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: Ta! That's exactly the thing I was looking for. Don't know why I couldn't find it with "ubuntu phone apps"09:55
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:13
knightwisehey bro10:17
brobostigonmorning knightwise10:17
MooDoointeresting though10:19
knightwiseMooDoo: what is ?10:20
davmor2TwistedLucidity: it's not an official store is possibly why10:31
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: Explains much. I was trying to working out what kind of codename "bhdouglass" was :-)10:32
davmor2TwistedLucidity: there will be one it's just that the team that are creating it are also creating the store, so that is the priority you know like being able to make payments and things like that ;)10:32
MooDooknightwise: ah sorry, wrong window lol :D10:33
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: You evil, money-grabbing capitalists! :-D10:33
MooDooknightwise: but if you want an interesting read ie in the same vein as the steam issue https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=120285810:34
lubotu3bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1202858 in squid "restarting squid results in deleting all files in hard-drive (rm -rf /*)" [Urgent,On_qa]10:34
davmor2MooDoo: likely story10:34
davmor2TwistedLucidity: Yeap that's us, They're also working on things like fat package support so you can install the apps on multiple arches, setting up the snappy store and ........... you get the picture :)10:36
knightwisehack once pown many10:36
TwistedLuciditylubotu3: dev/testing branch, things happen10:37
lubotu3TwistedLucidity: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:37
davmor2MooDoo: that's somewhat of a bug in squid then right10:38
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:38
davmor2bigcalm: howdo chappie hows life10:39
bigcalmdavmor2: tiring. Badminton was a little too much for the 4 of us last night10:39
bigcalmdavmor2: waiting for my phone to arrive and annoyed that I'm in the company office today and tomorrow. Not knowing if it'll turn up while I'm not at home10:40
bigcalmdavmor2: are you well?10:40
davmor2bigcalm: hahahaha10:40
davmor2bigcalm: busy but good thanks10:40
MooDoodavmor2: thank goodness i don't use rhel then and squid10:42
bigcalmdavmor2: if we were to arrange an evening at the Pie Factory, do you think you're more likely to be able to attend?10:42
davmor2bigcalm: I'm going to try and get to the next meeting either way I wouldn't mind seeing the oddfellows is that the new pub then?10:44
bigcalmIt's quieter10:45
bigcalmThat said, same amount of people appear to be in a smaller space10:45
bigcalmWe don't get to move the tables around10:45
bigcalmSo it's pot luck if we get a good spot or not10:45
davmor2bigcalm: hahaha10:51
davmor2bigcalm: more import do they still do pancakes ;)10:52
bigcalmIt's a nice gastro pub. You should go there some time anyway10:53
davmor2bigcalm: hahaha10:54
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
TwistedLucidityMooDoo: You wouldn't be running 6.7 anyway11:04
davmor2TwistedLucidity: goes to show how little you know him ;)11:05
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: Well....if they're running a Beta version in production, then they deserve everything they get!11:05
davmor2TwistedLucidity: you wouldn't catch me doi.....oh wait yes you would most of the time infact :P11:06
TwistedLucidityI for one am not running beta-code on this here desktop. Honest.11:07
davmor2TwistedLucidity: only my server is running a stable release11:08
TwistedLucidityYeah, got the home server on LTS11:08
knightwiseTwistedLucidity: currently moved the home server over to a raspberry pi :)11:19
MooDooTwistedLucidity: i don't run it at all any more, moved my servers to ubuntu/debian11:19
knightwiseRaspbian seems to treat it fairly ok11:19
knightwisenot that I do a lot on the machine but still.11:19
zmoylan-piin the event of a police raid he can shove the server down his pants... :-P11:19
TwistedLucidityknightwise: Home server runs ownCloud and will also be host a media server. Bit much for a RasPi.11:20
zmoylan-piwhat about the pi 2?11:20
MooDooi use kvm so that wouldn't run too well on a pi :D11:21
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: I strongly suspect transcoding would murder it11:21
knightwiseTwistedLucidity: I agree11:21
knightwiseused to run 1404 lTs on the mac mini11:21
knightwiserunning plex , calibre and two other Linux Vm's with owncloud and stuff11:21
knightwisemy current server is more of an ssh endpoint , although it handles ttytter, irssi, newsbeuter and the calibre webservice quite nicely11:22
davmor2MooDoo: now to get you hooked onto Juju, lxc, docker and maas and my work will be done muhahahahahahaha ;)11:22
bashrc_calibre has a web service?11:22
MooDoodavmor2: my head is already exploding thanks very much....11:23
MooDoodavmor2: if canonical or you of the team you're with need a tea boy, give me a shout ;)11:23
bashrc_interesting, although I use OwnCloud for this kind of thing http://manual.calibre-ebook.com/cli/calibre-server.html11:24
knightwisesetting up a calibre server doesn't even require a Gui11:24
knightwiseits easy to browse , (even with my kobo ebook reader)11:24
knightwiseworks like a charm11:24
davmor2MooDoo: that would be a lot of travel if you were tea boying my team 1 is in New Zealand :D11:24
knightwiseyou can even add books to your library using a command line commad11:24
zmoylan-piand calibre without it's gui sounds better somehow... :-)11:25
bashrc_on the server side11:25
davmor2zmoylan-pi: sounds geekier I think that is the issue11:25
davmor2knightwise: but can you read in w3m?11:27
diplohttp://blog.slucas.fr/en/oss/calibre-opds-php-server  - knightwise tried this ?11:28
diploMe and a friend use it11:29
shaunolast time I tried calibre's server, the templates were so retro that I wouldn't be surprised if w3m did work11:29
shauno(although I was using it via a reader that supports opds, so it just acts like a slower version of the local library)11:29
zmoylan-piit formatted for bbses? :-)11:30
knightwisehavent tried cops yet11:30
knightwisedavmor2: i think you can11:40
knightwisebut does W3M handle epubs ?11:40
davmor2knightwise: no idea I was thinking purely of an all cli experience :D11:43
davmor2knightwise: I'm thinking that most geeks have a terminal set to be easy to read for them, so why not let it handle the epub and grabbing it too :)11:44
knightwiseI know it works pretty sweet on  my kobo !11:47
davmor2knightwise: it would possibly work nicely in beru too11:48
zmoylan-pii have to admit been seriosuly impressed with my cheap kobo.  great battery life and very good with pdfs which a lot of e-ink readers aren't11:48
knightwiseYep , i've had a sony PRS 505 for AGES and was doubting what the best formfactor would be11:48
knightwiseI went with the smaller kobo but am very satisfied11:49
zmoylan-pii got one as they were clearing them out of argos for €35 a few years back11:49
zmoylan-pi5" jobbie11:50
knightwiseThis was mine :) Bought in in Hull about 6 years ago i think$11:52
davmor2knightwise, zmoylan-pi: https://appstore.bhdouglass.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.rschroll.beru11:52
knightwiseBeru ?11:53
knightwiseas in "aunt beru" ?11:53
zmoylan-pian epub reader for ubuntu touch.  not bad11:53
knightwisekinda 'toasty" title for an app :)11:53
knightwise nope not bad indeed11:53
* knightwise should get one of those ubuntu phones11:54
knightwiseps : i'm using google inbox on the laptop right now11:55
knightwisepretty clean interface!11:55
zmoylan-pii'd be more interested in ubuntu tablet as i use dumbphones these days11:56
zmoylan-piand getting increasingly annoyed with android11:56
bashrc_is there a keepass app?11:56
davmor2popey: by the way do you have the issue on your hudl2 of the time being wrong or is it just me :)  NTP seems to be setting the Time about 5 hours behind11:57
diplobashrc_: Not that I've seen yet11:58
awilkinsbashrc_ I use Password Safe which has an app11:58
awilkinsPassword Safe + Dropbox11:58
bashrc_ok. I mainly use keepass, because it runs on everything11:58
foobarrydavmor2: are you on the latest update?11:59
awilkinsPassword Safe / Pasaffe / Password Safe for Android11:59
foobarryalso, timezone?11:59
zmoylan-pii did have that problem with my samsung as it got old.  the clock would stop updating and it would fall behind. a reset would sort it for a few weeks11:59
davmor2foobarry: as far as I know yes it doesn't find any new ones11:59
diploI think I jumped in there in the wrong place, Android or Touch bashrc_ ?11:59
diploI use keepass on android11:59
davmor2diplo, bashrc: on touch there is lastpass app12:01
diploWell 'app' is a bit strong :D12:01
bashrc_lastpass looks nonfree anyway12:05
knightwiseDalek Mindfulness tape : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e59guruVL4o&t=2812:17
knightwise* in tears *12:17
zmoylan-pithat is so been tweeted...12:18
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Myrttioof. The most expensive Moomin mug sold for 5000€13:35
* Myrtti pets her collection13:35
zmoylan-pisomeone takes their moomin seriously13:39
zmoylan-pii used to like the cartoon on utv in 80s13:40
zmoylan-pibut preferred moschops :-)13:40
MyrttiI took it seriously enough to have Moomin caketoppers, Moomin plushies and Moomin candies and cookies but I don't plan to go quite so far as pay silly money for a Moomin mug...13:42
daftykinsphew - said everyone :)13:43
Myrttior a lamp, they are expensive as well13:44
Myrttiwould have been cool though http://shop.moomin.com/collections/all/products/the-moomintroll-light-small13:44
* davmor2 bets Myrtti does at some point, when she wins the lottery and is rich and shameless ;)13:45
zmoylan-pishe'll have a moomin house in the moomin garden just for moominorabilia :-)13:46
MyrttiI think the husband would protest quite loudly13:46
zmoylan-piyou'd just turn up the moomin stereo :-P13:46
daftykinsouch £650 gas bill for the last quarter :(13:46
zmoylan-piwhat were you doing, burning the stuff?!13:47
diplo650!!!!! for 3 months!!!!!13:47
diploLucky if mine is £100 :)13:47
Myrttiwallpaper would be nice... https://www.moomin.com/en/blog/moomin-wallpapers-design-finland/13:48
daftykinsdrafty 16th century place13:48
zmoylan-pi€80 every 2 months for leccy on average but last bill was €100 due to heating for winter13:48
daftykinsdiplo: you mean unlucky if it reaches £100?13:48
diploI'd move daftykins :D13:49
zmoylan-pihe's keeping an eye out for unrennovated castle... :-D13:49
daftykins;) nah i think i did get a bit too comfortable switching it on this year13:50
diploI think I spend about £70/mnth combined13:50
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
Seeker`Myrtti: you used to saying "the husband" yet? :P14:06
diddledanSeeker`: one orften speak of one's husband14:09
shaunoI assume he lost his name in some terrible industrial accident?14:10
MyrttiSeeker`: I've called him the husband a few times even before we got married... it's more natural than whatever I've referred him as before... apart from dsample14:22
davmor2daftykins: what's this teach you about Gas propelled turbines they are not economical at all ;)14:24
daftykinsmy evil lair will never be complete!14:25
zmoylan-pithat's why you use an extinct volcano as most of the mood setting is done for you :-)14:28
zmoylan-pior there used to be castlesforsales.com which had excellent potential for evil overlords in training14:31
daftykinsit's just too tough to get good, honest henchpersons these days :(14:32
daftykins(P.C. gone mad)14:32
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
zmoylan-pihave you tried offering them a t-shirt with their blood group printed on it? :-)14:33
davmor2zmoylan-pi: sounds like daftykins is already heating a castle :D14:33
shaunoonly because you avoid reddit :)  the evil and gullible are plentiful :)14:33
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledandrupal is a slog15:37
zmoylan-pithere are other content management systems if you don't like it...15:38
diddledanit's not a case of whether I like it - it's been dictated15:38
daftykinsa mates setting up a site for his girlfriends new biz, but he doesn't really do any web admin or what not - i was a bit concerned he'll end up backing himself into a corner15:38
zmoylan-piin that case moan on ;-)15:38
daftykinscompared to say, a simple wordpress + paid for theme approach15:39
diddledanstill, I got my coloured logs sorted, which is nice15:39
daftykinschristmas log?15:40
diddledanlurve those!15:40
bashrc_yule log15:40
diddledanthey're as good as fudgecake15:40
diddledancross your fingers!15:59
* diddledan closes his eyes and prods the "go" button15:59
diddledanit no work15:59
diddledanno error message neither16:00
diddledanthat is odd16:00
diddledanaah the logfile got rotated underneath my viewer16:01
DJonesdiddledan: Typical linux then, no error message means it worked sucessfuly doesn't it16:01
diddledanthere's a reason to hate drupal. it's the evil nested array thing it has going-on16:10
shaunoI'm not sure I've seen a CMS that isn't evil incarnate.  seems to be the nature of the beast16:12
diddledanI can drive wordpress. drupal just has me going "huh?"16:12
diddledanlike it won't let me output a field because it says that the thing it gave me isn't the thing it needs16:13
diddledanI have no idea how to get it the thing it says it needs16:14
daftykinsif you're having fun with it, i definitely feel justified in telling that mate he should just buy a wordpress theme and not faff too much :P16:14
shaunoebay :)16:14
diddledanException: Missing bundle property on entity of type taxonomy_term.16:14
diplodaftykins: For selling stuff? ( Friends girlfriend thing )16:14
daftykinsdiplo: nah just company awareness16:14
diploAh right, defo go for asimple site and theme then yeah I'd agree16:15
diploSod all maintenance16:15
diddledanI've got to the point where I'm dumping all the things via debug16:15
daftykinsdiplo: :D i was trying to explain to him that although i'm sure it's fun for him to learn and muck about with things, he won't enjoy dealing with the proverbial hitting the fan if what he does brings in some insecurity16:18
daftykinslooks like i might be winning on swaying them over to google apps instead of basic IMAP too, phew16:19
diploGood work! :) I find it hard as well16:21
daftykinsthink he said they're with something called hostpapa 0o16:22
diddledanok, I'm confused. I've got an array which I've confirmed has an element with the key I'm requesting yet it's still coming back null16:58
diddledannested functions work differently in php to javascript16:59
diddledanI was javascript head16:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
apacheukso messing around with the ubuntuphone and so far loving it, except everytime I close the twitter app (swipe it away) and open it again I have to enter my login details again, I have a really long password so its a pain.... anyone any ideas? maybe something I'm doing wrong19:43
popeyapacheuk: did you sign in to twitter using online accounts? System Settings -> Online accounts.19:45
apacheuker... ok scratch that, seems I missed that account :) adding it now19:46
apacheukall ok now19:48
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mappsmy phones 'delayed at customs'20:21
mappsaccording to tracking20:21
mappsyep really handy20:24
mappscost £45 in postage which was bad enough20:24
mappsi didn't think it would cost even half that..had i known i'd have just ordered it to spain;/20:24
diddledanit's DONE21:04
diddledancan we fix it?!21:05
diddledanYES WE CAN!!21:05
diddledanso I resorted to manually writing SQL21:05
diddledannow to package it up so my boss can have a play in the morning21:09
mappsfor what21:24
diddledanit's a drupal thingy21:26
diddledanmapps: ^^21:26
diddledanmapps: we're building-out an intranetty thing for a government department21:26
diddledanthey needed a system status feature that wasn't driven by live updates but controlled by posts in the cms21:27
diddledanhopefully my SQL is compatible with SQLServer (they won't use mySQL :-()21:28
diddledanthat's my "SQL" in the first case21:28
diddledanas in my sql-code21:28
diddledanconfusing to have a server called mySQL when you're also talking about your own SQL code21:29
intrbiz^^ another reason to use PostgreSQL then21:36
mappswhy not21:45
mappsmysql is ok21:45
mappswhat about mariaDB21:45
diddledanmaria or mysql would be preferable over ms sqlserver21:46
intrbizPostgreSQL would be preferable over Maria, MySQL or MSSQL21:48
czajkowskiit arrived https://plus.google.com/+LauraCzajkowski/posts/SbRPpDcviAj21:55
mappswhat phone were you using before21:57
czajkowskisamsung 4 zoom21:59
shaunoyour postman keeps some odd hours ;)22:04
czajkowskionly in the door22:11

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