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tsdgeosMirv: i see you landed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/143179809:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1431798 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "unity8-dash crashed with signal 7 in QMutex::lock() when switching scopes" [Medium,In progress]09:33
tsdgeosMirv: did Pat confirm his crashes seem gone?09:33
Mirvtsdgeos: yes he did, 3 days no crashes09:36
tsdgeosMirv: awesome, you landing it for vivid too?09:37
Mirvtsdgeos: vivid testing still ongoing, and it's currently entangled with the qtbase dbus updates which I try to confirm if they regress or not. if the dbus patches regress I'll try landing qtdeclarative alone.09:37
Mirvtsdgeos: I should know a bit more in 1-3h with my mako busy running the tests (like yesterday, and during the night..)09:39
tsdgeosMirv: ok :)09:39
Mirvit's annoying that there are many kinds of things that halt the AP runs and need manual intervention09:39
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tsdgeosmzanetti: how's the landing going?10:25
mzanettitsdgeos, which landing?10:25
tsdgeosmzanetti: silo 3010:26
tsdgeosis there something we have to do?10:26
mzanettitsdgeos, "Packages built. Testing pass. QA needs to sign off. "10:26
tsdgeosaaaaaaaaaand we're magically just down to either 0 or 1 autopilot test failing10:59
Mirvtsdgeos: Saviq: the qtbase dbus patches seem to reliably regress autopilot testing, it's enough to run UITK AP and with/without is different. http://people.canonical.com/~tjyrinki/qt5/fail/11:18
MirvI'm splitting out the qtbase to be able to land the qtdeclarative fix alone which doesn't regress11:18
Mirv-> qtdeclarative now in 012 still, but qtbase (current build) moved to 01811:18
Mirvwith qtbase update I'm getting min. 8 failures, with qtdeclarative update only (or archive version) I'm getting 0-211:19
Mirvs/012/021/ for qtdeclarative11:21
tsdgeosMirv: interesting, so you're saying UITK autopilot fail more with the dbus patches?11:23
tsdgeosin a relatively reliable way?11:23
Mirvtsdgeos: yep, unfortunately, and at least some of the failing tests cite DBus11:23
tsdgeosMirv: which one?11:23
greyback_tsdgeos: that one mako fail was a close one: 'assword' != 'password'11:24
Mirvtsdgeos: I've those runs in those url:s and also two I did yesterday but thought something was wrong in my environment. I've two successful runs with archive versions and now one with qtdeclarative only, so it seems clear11:24
Mirvtsdgeos: http://people.canonical.com/~tjyrinki/qt5/fail/ap-2015_03_24-08_44_32-ubuntuuitoolkit-1-021.tests11:24
tsdgeosgreyback_: yep, i could actually get that one to fail locally last time i tried11:24
greyback_tsdgeos: the password entry box either not getting input focus quick enough, or AP typing just a little too quickly after the edge swipe11:25
tsdgeosgreyback_: probably11:25
tsdgeosMirv: actually the other day i realized we were missing 2 patches from the series, could you add them?11:26
tsdgeosjust in case11:26
Mirvtsdgeos: some grepping http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10668300/11:26
tsdgeosMirv: both runs are with the patches, right?11:27
Mirvtsdgeos: yes, since without patches no errors (or 1-2 at most)11:27
Mirvtsdgeos: ok please copy-paste them to the bug report too. I can push a new build and hopefully have testing results with the new patches during tomorrow.11:28
Mirvif I get the qtdeclarative tested during today11:30
tsdgeosMirv: thanks :)11:36
greyback_tsdgeos: aware of any recent patch in qt5.4 that would improve dash performance?11:52
tsdgeosgreyback_: not really why?11:54
tsdgeosgreyback_: i fixed a bug in the thumbnailer that may help with snapiness11:55
greyback_tsdgeos: alf has been testing a mir change, and he noticed dash suddenly performing better than before11:55
greyback_we were pondering if some recent qt change might be the reason11:55
tsdgeosnot that i know11:56
greyback_I couldn't see anything the the changelog either11:56
* greyback_ scratches head11:56
tsdgeosgreyback_: as said could be the thumbnailer11:56
tsdgeosit blocked the main thread a lot11:56
greyback_tsdgeos: true11:56
tsdgeosor could just be placebo :D11:56
greyback_tsdgeos: oh while you're here, I see a few dbus-related patches going in, do they help in having dbus not on the main thread?11:57
tsdgeosgreyback_: they make dbus stuff be handler more in the thread dbus stuff is happening11:58
tsdgeosand not in the main thread11:58
tsdgeosthey won't offload stuff from the main thread if you're doing it in the main thread11:59
tsdgeosnot sure i'm making sense11:59
greyback_sure, if you have the dbus stuff in the main thread, it'll stay in the main thread11:59
greyback_but if you have it in a different thread, I recall that a sync method call would block the main thread sometimes11:59
greyback_or something like that12:00
tsdgeosthat's supposed to be improved/fixed12:01
tsdgeosgreyback_: but then Mirv shows we have regressions in the uitk autopilot because of those12:15
greyback_tsdgeos: ah boo12:16
tsdgeosso either they are not totally good or those AP tests need some work12:16
greyback_it may have been AP relied on the old blocking behaviour12:16
tsdgeosgreyback_: right12:27
tsdgeosneeds investigation12:27
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dandradermzanetti, still waiting for the review of https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/mouseClickSwitchesSurfaceFocus/+merge/25274513:23
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om26erkgunn, Hi! can you tell when can I have my shell rotating ?14:11
kgunnom26er: well...we've got 2 hurdles right now14:12
kgunn1 vivid is on uber lockdown for our migration from rtm-14.09 to vivid (e.g. no new features for phone)14:13
kgunn...so until i have a place to land it, it's kinda moot14:13
kgunn2 is we're still struggling with the AP test for it, but we're on the sprint for QA this week14:13
kgunnsince we pleaded to them for some help14:13
kgunnso..hopefully the "calvary has arrived" and by the time we finish the AP test...we'll have a landing zone for ti14:14
om26erkgunn, hmm that's number 2 on must-have list, number 1 being faster app launch time. Which is very slow right now.14:14
* kgunn slightly confused on mixing 1&2's14:15
kgunnom26er: what must-have-list are you talking about ?14:15
kgunnyours? or someone else's ?14:15
om26erkgunn, thats mine :)14:16
kgunnom26er: is the slow app launch native? or webapp ?14:16
om26erkgunn, yes native apps14:17
kgunnom26er: is that pre-existing or new (a-la latest Qt or something?)14:18
om26erkgunn, its old issue14:18
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om26erSaviq, I am seeing a unity8 crash, quite frequent on vivid.14:34
om26erlogs unfortunately are seems useless here: https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/456d67fa-d232-11e4-8df8-fa163e4aaad414:34
tsdgeosSaviq: he's out sick14:34
tsdgeosom26er: can't access that url :S14:34
seb128the url has nothing useful14:35
tsdgeosah now14:35
seb128seems like apport didn't collect a dump, so no bt14:35
om26ernothing indeed14:35
om26ertsdgeos, I have the .crash file, can you make a use out of that ?14:35
tsdgeosom26er: if it's complete yes14:36
tsdgeosom26er: post it somewhere14:36
seb128om26er, does it contain the dump?14:37
seb128or did apport fail to collect it?14:37
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om26erseb128, seems not, it looks useless14:39
seb128if you can easily trigger it, maybe try to attach gdb from an adb session and trigger the segfault14:39
om26ertsdgeos, I sent the email, but its useless14:39
om26erseb128, thats the big problem, its random, need to look closer14:40
seb128om26er, well, keep gdb on it for some hours while working, maybe you get it14:40
tsdgeoslanded stuff \o/16:07
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seb128hey, is there a known issue that sometime right swipe to unlock stops working?17:40
seb128opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/143598817:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1435988 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "sometime right edge swip stop working on the lockscreen" [Undecided,New]17:46
seb128mterry, ^ not sure if that's one for you?17:46
mterryseb128, probably?17:47
seb128mterry, let me know if any log of debug info would be useful17:48
mterryseb128, I doubt we log anything useful in that case  :-/17:48
seb128hum, k17:49
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