
barrydkMorning everyone04:26
* nlsthzn is frustrated with the proteas and damn rain04:27
mazalMorning everyone05:00
Jacques_StryMorning all05:21
* Kilos crawls in and waves06:08
Kilosinetpro  i remembered you giving me the clipboard thing on unity, was glipper i think06:10
Kilosand good morning to you06:10
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:17
Kiloshi Jacques_Stry  06:21
Kiloshi Padroni  06:33
inetprogood mornings06:58
inetpronlsthzn: at least we got a wicket now06:58
inetprodicey stuff!06:59
Padronihi inetpro06:59
Kiloshmm... me forgot about the cricket07:11
Kiloshelloooo inetpro  nlsthzn  07:13
Kilosmorning superfly  07:26
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:28
TinuvaMachi Kilos07:28
Kiloshi magespawn  08:01
* Padroni waves08:01
* Jacques_Stry waves08:02
Kiloshmm... looks like hes battling again08:04
magespawnhi all08:08
magespawnbig storm last night, no power, sorry i missed the meeting08:09
Kilosmeeting tonight magespawn  08:09
Jacques_Stryisn't meeting today?08:09
magespawnah well, then all is well08:09
Jacques_StryAlmost thaught I missed it too08:09
magespawnhah, let me go clean my calender quickly08:11
Kilos4th tuesday of the month08:12
Kilosif there are 5 tuesdays its still the 4th08:12
superflyhi Kilos, et al08:24
Padronihi superfly08:27
magespawnjust 'found' an IBM Xeon server 08:31
superflyhey Padroni08:31
superflymagespawn: nice!08:31
Padronihoe gaan dit08:31
Kilosmagespawn  found?08:31
magespawnlooks like an old machine two processors running at 2.8Ghz with 1024 ram08:32
Kiloswhere did you find it08:33
magespawnit was standing in a store, so far it powers up without a problem08:33
Kilosthats fast enoung for a server08:33
magespawnlooks like it is running windows server 2003, so obviously that is going to have to change08:35
magespawnbios date is jan 16 200408:35
superflyPadroni: besig, maar fine, dankie.08:36
Kiloshi Kerbero  08:37
=== Padroni_ is now known as Padroni
KerberoMore oom Kilos 08:45
Kiloshi psyatw  08:51
psyatwhi Kilos08:51
psyatwhi inetpro 08:51
Kiloswb inetpro  08:51
Kiloswat breek jy boetie?08:57
psyatwwhat is een boetie?09:02
Kiloswhat are you breaking brother09:03
Kilossorry i forget we have non afrikaans speakers here09:03
psyatwwell, I speak dutch09:04
psyatwit's just that I'm not familiar with all of the slang09:04
Kilosboetie=younger brother09:05
Jacques_Stryor older09:05
Jacques_Strycould be both09:05
Kilosoh ya09:06
Kilossupposed to be younger but we use it for all brothers09:06
Kiloswhen i use it its means younger brother 99% of the time09:16
Kilosya i think we use broertjie as well09:17
psyatwbut there isn't as much slang in standard dutch as there seems to be in afrikaans09:19
KilosJacques_Stry  ^^09:19
psyatwas far as I know at least09:19
Jacques_Strykilos: then what do you call an older brother "ouboet"?09:22
Kilosthats what i call my heavy09:23
Kilosbut we always say, it doesnt matter what you call me as long as its not late for dinner09:31
Kiloshi arnaudmez_  09:48
arnaudmez_hi Kilos09:49
arnaudmez_how's life today09:49
Kilosgood ty and you?09:49
Kiloswatching cricket wc semis09:50
Kilosvery tense09:50
arnaudmez_I'm right bro09:50
arnaudmez_I got tha exchange fro, evolution 3.10 working like a charm09:51
Kiloscool well done09:51
arnaudmez_now left I have to completely learn myself libreoffice, become as strong as possible to get a rod of MS office09:51
Kiloswrite a how to so the next guy that battles has something to help09:52
Jacques_StryWell you can try kingsoft office - better compatibility with ms office files and interface are more similar09:56
Kilosai! we lose09:57
inetprothat is not on!!09:57
Kilosnot nice no09:58
Jacques_StryI tried libreoffice but just couldn't - my office files didn't even display remotely correct09:58
Jacques_Stryand with kingsoft everything just works09:59
Jacques_Strydon't use it much these days as I mostly do everything in Google Apps10:00
PadroniI use libreoffice10:11
Padronion my desktop10:11
Padronii have found that when someone sends .docx files with images in10:11
Padroniyou can't view it10:11
Padroniso I open those Word files with my Archive Viewerr10:11
Padroniand extract it that way10:12
Padronicrude but effective10:12
arnaudmez_Jacques_Stry: I will give a try to kinsoft office10:18
arnaudmez_they're saying there is a version equal to MSO 201310:21
Kilos.docx rings a bell , im sure i read one sometime back10:37
Kiloswithout installing extra stuff10:37
Jacques_Strylibre does open them but compatibility is bad 10:37
Padroniso bad that you kinda need to decompile the doc to get to the attachments11:23
Padronibut then again11:23
Padronianyone that sends a screenshot via a Word doc should have their damn thumbs removed11:24
Padronias they obviously have not evolved past the point of knowing not to eat their own poop11:24
Kilosmaybe i used abiword11:24
Kiloswho knows or cares11:25
Kiloseasier to tell peeps dont send me that yucky stuff11:25
* mazal agrees with Padroni11:26
Private_Usersad people, SA is out, very close though11:26
mazalEk wil die horries kry as iemand a screenshot stuur in word doc11:26
Kilosit happens Private_User  11:26
Kilosgood exciting game though11:27
mazalRain robbed us11:27
mazalWe would have gotten another huge score if not for that11:27
Kiloswho knows11:27
mazal3rd world now that rain takes us out11:28
mazalworld cup even11:28
Kiloswe still alive in the super 15 so thats ok11:29
Kilosgo sharks11:29
Private_UserYeah I agree mazal they would have had a higher score if not for the rain11:29
Jacques_StryGo Sharks!, but I think rain was in Sharks favor11:30
Kilosmazal  psensor werk mooi ne11:31
mazalhuh ?11:33
Kiloso gebruik jy die ander ding11:33
Kiloscheck psensor uit11:34
mazaloh daai , het al vergeet van hom , nog net die een keer dit gecheck11:34
mazalCan't even remember the command11:35
Kilospsensor just runs in background with an icon on the panel11:36
mazalHaven't got that far oom11:36
mazalOnly did cli11:37
Kilosals word te veel11:37
mazalIn my case I don't know the how-to for the applet way11:38
Kilosi didnt do anything other than install psensor11:38
mazalNothing is that simple , ever11:39
Kilosit did all the work itself11:39
mazalkubuntu ?11:39
Kilosya 11:39
Kilosal wat ek nou gebruik11:40
mazalHmm , works nice , installed it now11:44
mazalA few that I don't know what it is though11:44
mazaltemps I mean11:44
Kilosya me too11:45
Kiloslike temp 1 that never changes11:45
Kilosbut too much work to try find that out too11:45
mazalI wish I knew which fan was which , the fastest one is probably the cpu fan11:59
Kiloslol , who cares as long as they keep the temp within linits12:47
* Kilos greets tumbleweed confluency and other silent members12:56
Kilosinetpro  the hot spark is gone!12:57
Kilosfing him , torture him, and bring him back12:57
inetproKilos: give him a break, he probably needs a holiday 12:59
Kiloswhat should i break first?13:02
Kilosok i agree im strupid, where is the gmail logout button thing13:46
ThatGraemeGuyclick on your face, top right14:06
Kilosty ThatGraemeGuy  14:06
Kiloscant get into other accounts till one is logged out14:06
Kilosoh ya14:07
KilosMaaz  announce Meeting tonight , here at 20.30 guys14:07
MaazHear ye, hear ye! Meeting tonight , here at 20.30 guys14:07
inetproKilos: why have multiple email accounts?14:21
inetprobtw, have you and superfly got your ubuntu address yet?14:22
Kilos? inetpro  14:27
Kiloswhat address14:28
Kilosi have multiple accounts because14:28
* Kilos thinks a bit14:28
Kilosoh ya14:28
Kilos! is for the xperia with nothing happening there14:29
Kilos2 is my main account that you share the addy now and again14:29
Kilos3 is for when you are using 214:30
* Kilos hides14:30
KilosI would like to apologize to anyone i have not yet offended, please be patient! i will get to you shortly14:31
inetproKilos: you do know that you can forward messages sent to one account to another?14:33
Kilos1 is for no activity only the google stuff for xperia14:34
Kilosthe 3rd one i made for places like flashrom and some other stuffs that i dont want on main account as well14:35
Kilosif you think back it was your suggestion14:35
Kiloswant die eerste een was n lelike epos adres i think you said14:36
Kilosbut now it personifies me14:36
Kiloshi kulelu88  14:47
kulelu88Hi oom14:48
Kilosmeeting here tonight hey14:49
Kiloswat nou weer14:54
Kilosinetpro  the g+ automagic is late14:57
Kilosdoes it remind at 20.2514:58
inetproif you use g+ you will have seen enough of the event in the last few days14:59
Kilosi get mails but none today14:59
Kilosit reminds via email from 2 weeks before the time15:00
inetproyou are clearly not a g+ user15:00
Kilosit wastes valuable data15:00
inetprodon't worry about it, others use it15:01
MopkopHello all!15:06
Kiloshi Mopkop  15:06
kulelu88ctrl +w15:09
Mopkopkulelu88: Haha, i'm the same. Too much windows...15:12
MopkopOn the ubuntu-africa site, can we perhaps say "Join us" instead of "Get involved?"15:13
Kilosthats a good idea in my opinion Mopkop  inetpro  ^^15:14
Kilosor even Learn more15:32
MopkopI just thought that since Ubuntu-Africa is a group rather than a project "Join Us" would be much more descriptive. Also it would be easier to make the page, at least for me.15:41
Kiloscool then go for it15:42
Kilosas long as the get ubuntu links are still there i think15:42
MopkopThat's on a different page.15:43
Kilosoh ya15:43
Kilosdo what you find easiest Mopkop  the fly will review it and shout at you if it sucks15:44
MopkopPerhaps IRC should be 'Talk to us' or 'Chat with us' or just 'Chat'. Not everyone will know what is meant by IRC Channel.15:44
Kiloschat with us15:45
Kilosthen you give the link #ubuntu-africa15:45
MopkopYes, and embed the online IRC client.15:46
Kilosya that15:46
MopkopEverytime I type in nikola new_page it puts the page in the folder where the conf.py is, instead of "pages". Is this normal?15:53
Kiloshi amanica  15:53
MopkopHello amanica!15:53
amanicahi guys :)15:54
Kilosi have no idea Mopkop  15:54
Kilosbut sounds like it could be the way it works15:54
Kilosif you look at the ubuntu-za site you should see what happens not so?15:55
Mopkopmaybe I could just do this: nikola new_page <page name> && mv <page name> pages/<page name. Oh wait, cd pages should work better....15:56
Kilos? im lost with that clever peeps stuff15:56
MopkopLol, it seems like it makes the file in the current directory, so i'm not very clever if I could not figure that out :-/.15:57
nuvolarisuperfly: ping15:58
Kiloslo nuvolari  hes afk atm15:58
nuvolarihi oom 15:58
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 15:58
nuvolarihmm, I can't remember15:59
nuvolarioh yes!15:59
nuvolarisuperfly: unping15:59
nuvolarisomeone took johan.name!16:00
nuvolarivery funky... I don't know what it means: johan.みんな16:02
Kiloslooks cool though16:02
Kiloshard for peeps that dont know tab complete16:02
KilosMopkop  i think you can leave out the website bit where it says You can be involved in improving our web site16:50
Kilospeeps can look but only we will do whats needed16:50
MopkopYou mean in the Africa sites?16:51
Kilosalso the part about bzr and branching16:51
MopkopYes I was planning on doing that. I'm not using the ubuntu-za site as reference.16:52
MopkopFor now, I'm just concetrating on the first 3 pages and the links.16:52
Kilosdont forget you task hey16:52
MopkopOn the 'Join us' page, I have a 'Why join', 'Who can join' and 'How to join'. Under How to join, i'll put a shot walkthrough on what needs to be done -j oining Lauchpad and so forth. 16:55
MopkopI'm working on my assignment during the day, 8 - 5 :)16:56
captineevening all17:04
Kiloshi captine  17:05
Kilosi go eat17:05
magespawnhi captine17:05
magespawnhi all17:05
Kilosohi magespawn  too17:05
captineenjoy.  just ate 17:05
MopkopHello captine, magespawn!17:08
captinehi hi17:10
magespawnhi Mopkop 17:12
nuvolariwhy the bleep is the interweb so slow whenever it's meeting night? :'(17:12
nuvolariI need to cook some food. bbl17:13
magespawnnot too sure if that is the cause, but there is somehing going on for sure17:13
SquirmGood evening17:15
magespawnhi Squirm 17:16
magespawnhave you guys read this http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2009/09/microsoft-teaches-best-buy-employees-how-to-troll-linux-users/17:16
captinenope.  reading now17:18
magespawnwould be funny, except for the fact that many people will believe it17:18
Squirmmagespawn: That's hilarious17:23
Squirmand ridiculous 17:23
magespawngot it from the mailing list17:24
magespawnbut because of the resonable presentation people will not question it17:24
magespawna  bit like the ones they put out against google, gmail man and are you getting scroogled?17:28
captinemagespawn, old article, but interesting17:32
MopkopKilos: Have you made a Facebook page for Ubuntu Africa yet?17:34
Kilosnope i dont like facebook17:34
MopkopKilos: Should I make it then?17:35
Kilosis the site finished?17:35
MopkopNo, not yet, just putting in the links so long.17:35
Kilosyou can make a fb page if you like17:35
MopkopAnd twitter and stuff. Is it really necessary for now. I mean if no-one is going to maintain those pages, should we link it to the site. Maybe post-pone the social links, until we actually have social links?17:38
Kilosya maybe17:42
Kilossocial stuff can wait but not irc17:42
Kiloseveryone is on twitter anyway'17:42
MopkopIs there a meeting tonight?17:45
Kilosyes Mopkop  in 45 minutes17:46
Kiloshi qwebirc29381  17:47
qwebirc29381hi kilos, amanica here, trying out the web irc, can't seem to set my nick:(17:50
Kilos  /nick newnick17:50
Kilosah you made it17:50
=== qwebirc29381 is now known as amanica1
magespawncaptine: you know i almost never check the date until someone says something17:51
amanica1thx kilos :)17:52
Kilosmagespawn  meeting tonight hey17:52
Kilosi dunno where fly and pro are17:52
magespawnyes, i will be here, unless the power goes agian17:52
magespawnworking, then family17:53
Kiloswhere is your fancy fone17:53
magespawnwhich one? lol17:53
magespawnno data left17:53
Kilosyou got more than 117:53
magespawnwell i think i do17:54
Kilosso no excuse to miss meetings17:54
* Kilos makes a note of that17:54
MopkopPower out?17:59
Kiloshi qwebirc41112  18:02
Kiloswb magespawn  18:02
=== qwebirc41112 is now known as meesterarend
Kiloshi meesterarend  long time no see18:02
meesterarendvery busy schedule here18:03
Kilosall good with you18:03
Kilosai! man never too busy for a 1 hour a month meeting at nigh18:03
stickyboyI'mma ride for my mo-f$^@& n&$&@.18:04
stickyboyI'mma die for my mo-f%#^&@ n&$@*!.18:04
meesterarendi wish18:04
Kiloshi stickyboy  you in the states?18:04
stickyboyGangsta rap gets the juices flowing, yo.18:04
stickyboyWriting a grant. :D18:04
stickyboyKilos: Nah, Thursday night.18:04
Kilosah well you can attend our meeting tonight here18:04
Kilosand behave18:04
Kilosforget the rap stuff18:05
stickyboyOh snap, definitely.18:05
stickyboyI'm here, ish.18:05
Kilosforget multitasking as well18:06
stickyboyYou should talk about my GitHub streak in your meeting.18:06
magespawnthat will never happen Kilos 18:06
stickyboyhttps://github.com/alanorth/  16 days!18:06
Kilosoh wait18:06
Kilosi was supposed to sjambok you18:06
Kilossomething on your github sh=tuff didnt work'18:07
meesterarendgtg again was good to check in and see such a bussy channel18:07
Kilosmeesterarend  no man18:08
Kilosmeeting starts in 20 minutes18:08
Kilossjoe julle maak my oud18:08
stickyboyPlease stay, we have hot chocolate!18:09
stickyboyWait, I drank it.18:09
Kiloshehe and cyber coffee18:09
magespawnplenty of coffee though18:09
* Squirm looks around18:09
Kiloshi Squirm  18:09
SquirmKilos: If I'm not here, get nuvolari to drop me a message :P18:09
KilosMaaz  coffee on18:09
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:09
KilosSquirm  when?18:10
Kilosmeeting in 2018:10
SquirmFor the meeting?18:10
magespawnMaaz coffee please18:10
Maazmagespawn: Done18:10
Kiloswhere are you going18:10
magespawnMaaz large please18:10
Maazmagespawn: Huh?18:10
SquirmTo cook dinner18:10
magespawnMaaz large 18:10
MaazIn a beer mug just for you magespawn18:10
Kiloswhew hurry, only time for fried eggs18:11
SquirmLamb chops18:11
Squirmand cous-cous18:11
Kilosno time man do that after meet18:11
magespawnsounds really good18:11
Kiloshurry Squirm  18:12
SquirmKilos: nope18:12
SquirmFood now18:12
SquirmMeet later I'm afraid18:12
Kilosdont burn the chops18:12
SquirmI'll chat to you after the meet then, plenty of time for you to chat to me if you want to18:12
SquirmDidn't know I was so popular18:12
Kiloswe need you at meets man not after18:13
Kilosall about the numbers18:13
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and magespawn!18:13
KilosMaaz  ty18:13
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:13
Kiloshi clr_  18:14
Kilosinetpro  15 mins18:15
Kilosdont be late please18:15
Kilosim tired18:15
Kiloshi Tonberry_  18:17
Kilosyou here for the meeting?18:17
Kilosno beer night tonight18:18
Tonberry_no, just turned everything on while waiting for my dinner to finish cooking18:18
stickyboyKilos: I'm also cooking fried eggs, LOL.18:18
stickyboyAnd I made a nice loaf of bread last night.18:18
stickyboySo I'll have some nice toast with some melted cheddar.18:18
stickyboyOh baby18:18
Kilosyou gonna get fatter18:19
KilosPadroni  ping18:19
Kilosyay meeting here in 1018:20
Padroniping me again18:20
Padroniin 1018:20
kulelu88longdrop botha18:23
LangjanHi Kilos et al 18:23
Kiloshi Langjan  18:23
Kilosnice to see you here oom18:24
=== qwebirc72433 is now known as dragonfly
LangjanThks seuntjie, please help, how do you get to the name of the person chatting to without typing it out?18:24
Kiloshi dragonfly  welcome to ubuntu-za18:25
* stickyboy eats some cheese.18:25
Kilostype first 3 or 4 characters and hit tab18:25
stickyboyThey do some awesome stuff (like all the BSDs).18:26
stickyboyThey have some cool filesystem stuff.18:26
Langjan Like so Kilos ?  18:27
kulelu88hit the tab button oom Langjan 18:27
kulelu88Lan + tab = Langjan 18:27
LangjanI did and it worked kulelu88 18:27
Kilosyay well make a geek out of you yet18:27
LangjanDie oui man leer nuwe truuks18:28
kulelu88truuks is nie afrikaans nie :O18:28
Kilosabout the only thing i am comfortable with is irc18:28
LangjanWat is dit dan kulelu88 18:28
magespawnKilos: and data recovery18:28
LangjanPortugees? of Ingels?18:29
magespawnand redoing things 9 or 10 times to get it right18:29
Kiloslol @ magespawn  18:29
magespawnmost people would give up18:29
Kilosnormally i get irc stuff first time18:29
* nuvolari tiptoes in18:30
* Jacques_StrY sit's down18:30
Kilosinetpro  ping18:30
KilosPadroni  ping18:30
kulelu88oom Kilos is a master at minetest construction. what a lovely home <318:30
Kilosnuvolari  take over18:30
kulelu88ek weet nie oom Langjan 18:31
* Padroni waves18:31
nuvolariMaaz: start meeting about Monthly IRC Meeting (March 2015)18:31
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:31
nuvolariMaaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction18:31
MaazCurrent Topic: Welcoming and Introduction18:31
LangjanLmga, nou het jy 'n nuwe truuk aangeleer18:31
KilosMaaz  I am Miles Sharpe18:31
MaazKilos: Righto18:31
nuvolariWelcome everyone18:31
magespawnMaaz I am Greg Eames18:31
Maazmagespawn: Done18:31
nuvolariThis is our IRC get-together for March18:31
Jacques_StrYMaaz I am Jacques Strydom18:32
MaazJacques_StrY: Sure18:32
nuvolariI trust everyone had a good month! Hopefully not too busy18:32
nuvolariMaaz: I am Johan Mynhardt18:32
Maaznuvolari: Yessir18:32
nuvolariHi oom Kilos, kulelu88, Langjan, magespawn, Jacques_StrY 18:32
Kiloswb superfly  18:32
nuvolariand stickyboy 18:32
Kiloshi nuvolari  ty for taking over18:33
LangjanI'm visiting short tonight, got up for the cricket then played bowls tournament all day, rekke is pap! 18:33
MopkopMoet ek ook hierdie I am ding doen?18:33
Kilossjoe ok Langjan  18:33
nuvolariheh, all good Langjan 18:33
nuvolariMopkop: yes please18:33
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:33
Maazsuperfly: Yessir18:33
nuvolarioh hi superfly 18:33
Kilosja Mopkop  asb18:33
MopkopMaaz I am Ashton van Niekerk18:33
MaazMopkop: Done18:33
PadroniMaaz I am Padroni18:33
MaazPadroni: Yessir18:33
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer18:33
Maazinetpro: Done18:33
captineMaaz, I am Bradley Putzier18:34
Maazcaptine: Righto18:34
LangjanI am Jan Greeff18:34
Kilosyou must put maaz in front Langjan  18:34
nuvolarifor anyone interested, tonight's agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015032418:34
Kilosthe bot keeps records of meetings18:35
amanica1Maaz: I am Marius Kruger18:35
Maazamanica1: Sure18:35
nuvolarioh hi captine, inetpro, amanica1 18:35
dragonflyMaaz: I am DragonFly18:35
Maazdragonfly: Okay18:35
kulelu88hello nuvolari 18:35
inetproKilos: pong18:35
inetprohi everyone18:36
nuvolariMaaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting18:36
MaazCurrent Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting18:36
Kiloslol inetpro  i was calling you for the meeting18:36
nuvolariI like the new structure we have, with the logs in the meeting page18:36
kulelu88Maaz, I am kulelu88 18:36
Maazkulelu88: Yessir18:36
nuvolariso if you guys want to review the previous minutes, it's on last month's page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015022418:36
nuvolari*guys and ladies18:37
amanica1hi nuvolari :)18:38
* nuvolari smacks Squirm with a foam-bat18:38
kulelu88girls on the internet :O18:38
clr_Maaz: I am Charl le Roux18:38
Maazclr_: Righto18:38
Kilosthere are very clever ubuntu women18:38
magespawnain't it cool18:38
inetproconfluency: please talk to kulelu8818:39
kulelu88I say after the meeting we all go do some digging18:39
kulelu88no I'm shy inetpro *blush*18:39
inetprodigging sounds like hard work18:40
inetproespecially so after a CWC loss18:40
Kiloskulelu88  our number 1 contact person for ubuntu is a lady as well18:40
nuvolariwe need more gurlz in the secret club though18:41
nuvolariladies in tech need more support18:41
kulelu88What's on the agenda tonight18:41
nuvolarikulelu88: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015032418:42
Kilosi didnt add so will go with the flow18:42
nuvolariwe don't have a lot that's new, but we should focus on 15.04?18:42
Kiloshi qwebirc33542  welcome to ubuntu-za18:42
nuvolarido you maybe know of any events being planned?18:42
nuvolariit's next month...18:42
Kilosand welcome to our monthly meeting18:42
kulelu88nuvolari: is systemd now fully integrated into 15.04 and onwards?18:43
nuvolarithe age old problem of everyone being busy is taking its toll :(18:43
magespawnas always18:43
nuvolarikulelu88: I'm not sure :) my ear is too far from the track these days18:43
inetpronuvolari: DFD201518:44
kulelu88nuvolari: nobody is *that* busy. Let's just be honest and say that folks aren't that interested in these things18:44
captineinetpro, dont see any South african events for DFD18:44
inetprocaptine: you can still arrange something18:45
Jacques_StrYkulelu88: systemd implemented is beta so yes18:45
inetprolike a office party18:45
captineinetpro, lol.  I sent details to our IT team... didnt get a positive feeling back...18:45
MopkopWhat do you guys think of Mir?18:45
inetproMopkop: that's offtopic now18:46
kulelu88I'd attend an ubuntu event if its on the weekend18:46
Mopkopinetpro: O sorry...18:46
kulelu88is anybody going for the software development weekend in April?18:46
Kiloshi nardusg  welcome to ubuntu-za18:46
captinekulelu88, never heard of software dev weekend.18:46
amanica1so far I'm not planing a release party for this release, will probably do one again for the next LTS 18:48
Jacques_StrYFor those interested Ubuntu is hosting Openstack webinar tomorrow http://goo.gl/jWAatp18:49
kulelu88for anybody that is interested: http://www.meetup.com/coderetreat/events/221168158/18:49
Kilosinetpro  can you take over please18:50
Kilosnetwerk is beneuk18:50
Kilosthats from nuvolari  18:50
inetproKilos: serious!?18:50
kulelu88so do we wish to do more physical open-source related things now? like coding, documentation, etc. ?18:51
Kilosek probeer net my mtn netwerk op kry18:51
inetproai!, ok, let's try18:51
inetprowhere are we?18:51
Kiloskulelu88  there are always opening for those that can help the bug report peeps18:52
Kiloshi eebrah  18:52
Kiloswelcome to uibuntu-za18:52
captinedaughter waking and going nuts.  gotto run.  will check the logs later.18:52
nuvolaridafuq :( mtn/afrihost18:52
Kilosubuntu-za as well18:52
Kilosok captine  18:52
kulelu88you need axxess, nuvolari 18:53
Kiloshi zipper  wb18:53
zipperKilos: Hi18:53
magespawnkulelu88: same company18:53
inetprokulelu88: Gauteng 2015 Autumn Code Retreat a FLOSS event?18:53
* nuvolari googles SFD18:53
nuvolariwhen is SFD inetpro ?18:53
kulelu88inetpro: I think so.18:53
kulelu88I'm going to attend (I hope) so that I can write some code18:54
Kiloskulelu88  are you interested in helping fix bugs18:54
eebrahhi Kilos18:54
kulelu88Kilos: I could, depending on the language18:54
Kiloscan i put you forward to the ubuntu council?18:55
zipperI use ubuntu because I can't get viruses when I browse even the worst porn sites.18:55
inetpronuvolari: SFD is only in September18:55
nuvolarioh, dfd18:55
kulelu88oom Kilos, the programming language :P maybe they don't need code-fixers but more analysts to look at bugs18:55
Kilosoh those languages18:56
LangjanMaaz, I am Jan Greeff18:56
MaazLangjan: Yessir18:56
Kilosi spose all18:56
Kiloswell done oom Langjan  18:56
inetprowhen is the next UDS?18:56
LangjanSlow but sure Kilos 18:56
inetproUDS = Ubuntu Developer Summit18:56
kulelu88loads of Ubuntu is written in Python IMO18:56
kulelu88or rather, IIRC18:56
nuvolariah, DFD: https://documentfreedom.org/18:57
Kilosill find out more and let you know18:57
Kilosi know there is a request out for more helpers18:57
inetpronuvolari: yes, sorry for not giving alink18:57
Kilosdoing that will be a big + towards getting membership18:57
nuvolariI'm definitely going to spread the word tomorrow18:57
inetproevents we need to focus on are: Ubuntu Developer Summit, Ubuntu Global Jam, Ubuntu Hour, Installfest, Release Parties18:59
inetproany others?18:59
nuvolarioh hi Vince-0 18:59
Kiloshi Vince-0  18:59
kulelu88Why not get an Ubuntu Conference going18:59
nuvolarihmm, not that I can think of18:59
nuvolarikulelu88: human resources :P19:00
Kilosmeeting you can join Vince-0  19:00
nuvolariwe're out of those :'(19:00
Vince-0Maaz, I am Vincent Swart19:00
MaazVince-0: Alrighty19:00
magespawnkulelu88: i like that idea19:00
nuvolariActually there's much going on in Cape Town, I don't know why there aren't more Linux-related stuff happening19:01
magespawnnobody brought it up probably19:01
nuvolaria conference would be awesome19:01
inetproUbuntu Hours 2015 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2979/19:01
kulelu88well cape town would be the place to do it19:01
superflyThere's DebConf1619:01
inetprosuperfly: link?19:02
kulelu88here's something outrageous. have an ubuntu conference like how they have Joomla ones. at a varsity with cheap accommodation 19:03
superflyno link yet19:03
superflynot an official one19:03
stickyboyMaaz: I am Alan Orth19:03
Maazstickyboy: Alrighty19:03
Kiloshi williamk  19:03
nuvolarioh hi williamk, welcom e:)19:03
stickyboyOh... what does that do. :D19:03
williamkHi all19:03
superflyinetpro: here's the bid page: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town19:03
nuvolariMaaz: topic19:04
Maaznuvolari: *blink*19:04
nuvolariMaaz: current topic19:04
Maaznuvolari: *blink*19:04
kulelu88untrusted connection19:04
Kiloslol different you19:04
nuvolariMaaz: topic Events19:04
MaazCurrent Topic: Events19:04
Kiloswho trusts mtn anyway19:04
magespawninetpro maybe coordinate it all through trello19:05
nuvolaria bit late to add the topic :P19:05
* inetpro thought it was added already19:05
nuvolariwilliamk: I think I saw some meeting activity organised by you guys?19:05
nuvolarior did that pass already?19:05
* magespawn have nt been back in awhile19:05
superflykulelu88: self-signed19:06
williamknuvolari - that did pass already? no one responded ( disappointed )19:07
williamkI will try again soon19:07
nuvolarihmm :(19:07
inetproMaaz: minutes so far19:07
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-03-24-18-31-27.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-03-24-18-31-27.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-03-24-18-31-27.html19:07
nuvolarithanks inetpro 19:07
inetpronuvolari: your connection ok now?19:08
nuvolariinetpro: it seems like it, thank you19:08
kulelu88nuvolari: we only see you once a month19:08
Vince-0So what's the current topic 19:08
inetprook... time running out, please go ahead19:09
* nuvolari is ashamed of himself19:09
nuvolariVince-0: Events19:09
Vince-0Does anyone following Ubuntu UDS19:09
nuvolariunf! mtn you suck19:10
Jacques_StrYVince-0, that's in November i think19:10
nuvolariinetpro: we don't have a lot of topics, or should we move on to the plans for 2015 item?19:11
nuvolari(think we kinda switched them around)19:11
inetpronuvolari: we were slack this month19:11
* inetpro still not quite ready for membership19:11
inetprojust yet19:11
nuvolariMaaz: agreed: take event discussions to mailing list19:12
Maaznuvolari: Excuse me?19:12
williamkmay I add a topic19:12
Kilosai! as well19:12
nuvolariMaaz: agreed take event discussions to mailing list19:12
MaazAgreed: take event discussions to mailing list19:12
Kilosyes please williamk  19:12
captineVince-0, I try, but havent managed to do it successfully.  just watch youtube videos after the fact19:12
nuvolariMaaz: topic Plans for 201519:12
MaazCurrent Topic: Plans for 201519:12
Kiloswb Squirm  19:12
SquirmMaaz: I am Sinjin Swanepoel19:13
MaazSquirm: Righto19:13
nuvolariRight, so we really want to have more people apply for Ubuntu Membership. I've been putting it off for too long now19:13
nuvolaribut stuff gets in the way 19:13
inetpronuvolari: williamk wanted to say something19:13
kulelu88individual ubuntu membership?19:14
nuvolariadd topic vs. saying something 19:14
nuvolaribut ok19:14
inetprowilliamk: ?19:14
nuvolariwilliamk: you have the mic19:14
williamkDocumentation User Group, creating ECDL manuals ( http://ecdl.org/ ) as well as manuals for School Subjects based on DBE curriculum19:14
KilosLangjan  you watching?19:15
inetpronuvolari: let's keep that for Miscellaneous19:15
williamkBased on Ubuntu LTS, and Debian19:15
Kilosballies mustnt try multitask on meeting nights19:16
MopkopSuggestion: Maybe we should put available events with details on the website?19:16
inetpronuvolari: mr chairman, are you still with us?19:16
nuvolariinetpro: I am19:17
nuvolariconfused now19:17
nuvolariwhich should be for misc?19:17
Kilosdont eat and chair same time19:17
nuvolariI'm not19:17
=== qwebirc75581 is now known as amanica1
* inetpro suggests moving on to the Miscellaneous topic and then to williamk's topic19:18
williamkBook/Manual creation software, Mediawiki, Pubsweet or Booktype19:18
nuvolarihang on williamk :P19:18
nuvolariMaaz: topic Miscellaneous19:18
MaazCurrent Topic: Miscellaneous19:18
nuvolariok, go19:18
nuvolariI was just wondering how involved school students would be able to become19:19
inetproMopkop: we should actually talk about events all the time and just summarise them in the agenda before each meeting19:19
nuvolariI know I had a passion for learning new things and as a matter of fact, back then I had more 'free time' and drive to document stuff for myself19:20
williamkMediawiki : http://www.mediawiki.org , Pubsweet : https://github.com/BookSprints/PubSweet , Booktype : https://github.com/sourcefabric/Booktypeyout19:21
inetprowilliamk: perhaps you should join us here more often and enlighten us as we go, or write up something for us on the mailing list19:22
* Kilos agrees19:22
magespawni get a 404 of that laswt link19:22
kulelu88nuvolari: in the age of whatsapp and co, the interest will be faint19:23
Kilosyip 404 on last link williamk  19:23
nuvolariyeah... :-/19:23
nuvolaridrones of social media19:23
kulelu88wouldn't it be better to spread ubuntu on a cost-based model. it's cheaper for schools19:24
* inetpro votes for moving on to other Miscellaneous topics19:24
nuvolariin terms of writing documentation?19:24
nuvolariack, already at 25 past19:25
magespawnkulelu88: i have tried for four years at my sons school19:25
kulelu88outcome? magespawn 19:25
nuvolariwas there anyone that tried signing the ubuntu code of conduct recently?19:25
nuvolarior that need help doing that?19:26
magespawnthey installed win 719:26
Kilosyes a few19:26
Kilosthere is a how to on trello nuvolari  19:26
nuvolariKilos: a few doing it or needing help19:26
kulelu88magespawn: aah well that makes it easier to give up19:26
Kilosb ut still stays a mission19:27
kulelu88I wonder if we could have monthly meetings on the minetest server. 19:27
magespawnno bot to record the meeting19:28
nuvolariI'll have a look, it can't be extremely difficult19:28
williamkBooktype : https://github.com/sourcefabric/Booktype19:28
Kilosthe gpg key is what makes it harder nuvolari  19:28
kulelu88won't there be a text log on the server? ThatGraemeGuy 19:29
Kilosty williamk  that works19:29
inetproanything else?19:29
Kilosgraeme isnt here nights19:29
williamkinetpro "write up something for us on the mailing list", will do19:29
nuvolariand how are we on ubuntu-za launchpad id's?19:29
kulelu88nuvolari: Something that would be nice for all of us to learn is how to use a nice linux mail client and to use pgp encryption for emails19:29
Kilosnuvolari  we have 81 peeps on launchpad19:30
nuvolariKilos: that's good, an increase, I'm sure?19:30
Kilosbut min here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members19:31
* inetpro thanks Kilos for efforts to grow the community19:31
KilosI asked in the list for peeps to enter their info or mail me the details19:31
Kilosonly a pleasure inetpro  19:32
Kilosthen i get you guys to do the real work19:32
nuvolarihmm, need to urge them peeps to become members19:33
inetprooh and thanks to superfly, Mopkop and captine for helping with building of our websites19:33
nuvolariit will be nice to have a good long list19:33
inetproKilos: did I leave out others?19:33
MopkopMy plessure!19:33
Kilosnope i dont think so19:33
inetproguys, please get involved!19:33
Kilosmaybe Jacques_StrY  19:34
nuvolariTrello is coming along quite well19:34
nuvolarilots of activity there19:34
Jacques_StrYNah I'm not involved enough yet19:34
inetproKilos: oh, of course all the dudes on here on a daily basis are magic also19:34
Kilosany bit thats done we are grateful for Jacques_StrY  19:34
kulelu88what is the end game of spreading ubuntu? Kilos nuvolari 19:35
Kilosyes we must ask williamk  to try attend here more19:35
nuvolarikulelu88: hang on, we need to finish the agenda first19:35
Kiloshe can pull the lug guys in with him19:35
* nuvolari misses kbmonkey :'(19:36
Kilosend game is world domination19:36
Jacques_StrYI'll give a report on state of OSS in schools and problems faced to implement19:36
inetpronuvolari: topic please19:36
Kilosill see if i can finf=d monkey again19:36
captineJacques_StrY, you work on OSS in schools?19:36
captineI am very interested in that19:36
* Padroni thinks Jacques had DAMN WELL BETTER BE...19:36
nuvolariok, moving on, need to close off19:36
nuvolariMaaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting19:37
MaazCurrent Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting19:37
* Kilos votes nuvolari19:37
* nuvolari will try to prepare a bit better for April19:37
* Jacques_StrY seconds19:37
nuvolariI'm available :)19:37
Kilosnuvolari  have your connection sorted19:37
Kilosfone and complain19:38
Kilosor email the ceos19:38
inetprowe need more volunteers as a backup next time19:38
* Mopkop thirds19:38
* Jacques_StrY feels nuvolari's pain - currently on wireless too19:38
* inetpro was ill prepared to take over as well19:38
inetpro+1 for nuvolari19:38
nuvolariMaaz: Agreed Chairperson for next meeting: nuvolari 19:38
MaazAgreed: Chairperson for next meeting: nuvolari19:38
nuvolariMaaz: topic Next meeting19:38
MaazCurrent Topic: Next meeting19:38
inetpro28 April 201519:39
nuvolarimaaz: Agreed next meeting will be 28 April 201519:39
MaazAgreed: next meeting will be 28 April 201519:39
Kiloslol he is looking for a calender19:39
nuvolariwas. cli= cal -319:40
nuvolariMaaz: topic Closing19:40
MaazCurrent Topic: Closing19:40
nuvolarithank you for taking the time to be here everyone19:41
inetprohow do we calculate the 4th Thursday of the month on the cli?19:41
nuvolariwe appreciate your time and inlolvement19:41
* Kilos thanks nuvolari for being our chair19:41
magespawnno problem19:41
nuvolariinetpro: well, visually, just do 'cal -3'19:41
nuvolarinot 'cal 3'19:41
nuvolarical -3 will show 3 months, prev, current, next19:41
nuvolarical 3 wil show the year's cal for the year 319:42
inetpronuvolari: no man, would just be nice to have a straight answer to that question :-)19:42
Kilosjou beurt id=s jou beurt19:42
nuvolariinetpro: my sed+awk skills aren't up to scratch yet19:42
Jacques_StrYcaptine, is it OK if I explain current state of OSS in schools tomorrow?19:43
nuvolariSee you all at next month's meeting!19:43
nuvolariMaaz: End meeting19:43
MaazMeeting Ended19:43
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-03-24-18-31-27.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-03-24-18-31-27.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-03-24-18-31-27.html19:43
inetpronuvolari: like date -d 'next Friday'19:43
Jacques_StrYcaptine: it's a bit of a long one19:43
Kilosnuvolari  you will spend some more time here during the month as well19:43
williamk"state of OSS in schools", part of the problem is that we don't have certification for things like ECDL, we can take that barrier away by creating manuals for ECDL,19:44
magespawnsorry inetpro you want a straight answer? mister man page? lol19:44
williamkalso creating manuals for school subjects, not only using FLOSS for the subject, but also creating the manual with FLOSS19:44
inetprodate -d 'next Tuesday + 4 weeks'19:45
Kiloswilliamk  will you please put all this info on the mailing list so everything is in one place as well19:45
Jacques_StrYwilliamk: I'll look in to that tomorrow  - seems promising19:45
inetprothanks nuvolari19:46
williamkWill do19:46
Kiloslanjan also asked me about  it last week19:46
kulelu88williamk: are you part of the JLUG on meetup.com?19:46
magespawninetpro that gives 00:00:00 as the time, how would you change that?19:46
williamkkulelu88 : no19:47
inetpromagespawn: date -d 'next Tuesday + 4 weeks' '+%A, %d %b %Y'19:47
inetpromagespawn: man date19:48
inetproKilos: I'm serious19:48
nuvolari:-/ wtf19:48
nuvolarihow do I preserve the formatting?19:48
magespawntouche inetpro 19:48
* Kilos hates man pages19:49
inetprolots of more interesting options19:49
Kilosmy man pages have names19:49
nuvolarioh, i get it19:49
Kilosinetpro  and superfly  19:49
magespawnbeat me to it19:49
Squirmnuvolari: Down to 60, will upload tomorrow19:49
Kilosi think this meet went well19:50
inetproKilos: we can do better19:50
Kiloswe got something to work on19:50
Kilosyes we can inetpro  if we can prepare better19:50
Kilosand we need thinkers like williamk  here more often to help us work on things19:51
inetprowilliamk: you see that?19:52
Kiloswilliamk  congrats on all you are doing in durbs19:52
SquirmGnight all19:52
inetprowilliamk: you are needed!19:52
Kilosnight Squirm  19:52
inetprogood night Squirm19:52
nuvolarinight Squirm 19:52
nuvolariok, meeting page updated with minutes and summary19:53
Kiloslets all see what we can do about these books i think19:53
MopkopNight Squirm!19:53
Kilosthat will be a good start'19:53
Kilosty nuvolari  now inetpro  can do the team report19:54
Kilosoh actually if i know what to ask i can ask the main buntu peeps what is available world wide19:55
williamkThanks for your comments, one step at a time, let me write an email to explain what I would like, then you guys can comment, and hopefully we can get things going20:00
Kiloscool ty williamk  20:00
Jacques_StrYGood to see some passionate people20:04
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: http://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 28 April 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1OxvO8K
Kilosall you school okes must get togetherr20:05
Kilostaken me 5 years of hints to ge william here20:05
Jacques_StrYYea - there are allot of challenges in implementing OSS in schools so the more numbers the better20:06
Kilosonly way is if we all work together20:06
Jacques_StrYand the Dep of Ed. is so hard to work with... so we need allot of voices20:06
* inetpro will be over the moon when that even starts to happen20:06
inetprowe really need more numbers20:07
Jacques_StrYchanges made by dep in the last few years aren't helping20:07
inetprobut what we need most of all is numbers who really get it20:07
kulelu88I recall us discussing this previously20:07
inetpropeople who understand what it's about20:07
kulelu88somebody said the department changed their policy and support MS full-swing now20:07
Jacques_StrYthey do20:08
Jacques_StrYcould be me that said it20:08
inetproway too many around who want to to get rich quick20:09
inetproand then fail dismally20:09
magespawnat the expense of others20:09
kulelu88inetpro: I don't think having a small commercial company provide support for OSS would be bad. that is the issue the department must have contemplated in their processes20:09
kulelu88Plus the money will circulate in the economy instead of flowing out20:10
inetproabsolutely nothing wrong with people wanting to make money, everyone has to put bread on the table20:10
Jacques_StrYif you look at that circular it pretty much sums up their view point at the moment20:10
Jacques_StrYSo they dropped openoffice and java20:11
Jacques_StrYand now require that want to teach CAT and IT now use ms office 2010-2013 and delphi20:12
inetprocrazy indeed!20:12
Jacques_StrYreason they went to delphi is cause embarcadero struck a deal with them20:12
magespawnwhat is delphi used for/20:13
kulelu88was someones hand greased with cash by embarcadero?20:13
Jacques_StrYembarcadero said they would give their IDE to schools for free, Dep sees it as less work for them because they don't have to write papers etc. for two languages anymore20:14
Kilosnight all, ty for attending the meeting20:16
Kilossleep tight20:16
magespawngood night Kilos 20:16
Jacques_StrYThe only reason the supported Java is because delphi IDe cost money20:16
kulelu88why aren't they moving to an easier language to teach? Java isn't easy to teach or learn20:17
Jacques_StrYI can't even spell anymore - I should probably get some sleep too20:17
Jacques_StrYI would think they would go for a language like python20:18
kulelu88Even Ruby would be fine. but, yeah, Embarcadero wins 20:19
Jacques_StrYTo me Python makes sense, some Uni's use it in their courses so would be a good choice.20:22
kulelu88Jacques_StrY: How do you get them to use something which they don't want to though? Would they take you more seriously as a Python company instead of a bunch of individuals?20:23
magespawneven Java seems to make more sense to me20:24
kulelu88agree magespawn 20:24
superflyembarcadero is dying, and they're trying every possible way to stop20:25
zipperHi everyone, I'm here to embarass my country.20:25
magespawnif you just have a lok at the various job websites, i do not think i have seen delphi mentioned even once20:25
zippermagespawn: What that language still lives?20:26
zipperI don't even know how I know it.20:26
Jacques_StrYDefinitely - A company would be much better, also you would have to be able to give proper instruction materials and training to teachers20:26
kulelu88a Python training business. heh, any takers?20:27
magespawnhi zipper yup20:27
Jacques_StrYThe reason Delphi has the upper hand is because schools were already using Pascal so they didn't have to train the teachers much20:27
magespawnkulelu88: how to set it up/20:27
Padronigo learn python there?20:28
inetproI think we need efforts to teach the teachers20:28
kulelu88teaching people Python takes 2 weeks, no more. 20:28
magespawnJacques_StrY: there is another that i have not seen mentioned20:28
kulelu88it's almost pseudo-code20:28
Jacques_StrYmagespawn, ?20:29
magespawnon the job sites etc20:30
zipperHmmm languages without type safety and compilers as the default.20:31
zipperI know I'll have to use them to make a living.20:32
Jacques_StrYTraining is one of the big problems truly, I have been to some of the IT workshops and some of the teachers can't even do string manipulation. Their teaching kids to memorize code and hope that the question stays the same20:32
magespawnshould programming even be taught at school? most people need to get the basics right first20:34
kulelu88magespawn: we can't deprive those who wish to pursue it. whether it's Java apps or Python/Ruby webapps, kids can do amazing things in their free time with code20:35
magespawnso perhaps as a added subject? add on subject?20:37
inetpromany kids just need a bit of a pointer in the right direction20:37
kulelu88magespawn: that is what it is. IT is chosen as an option in 10,11,1220:37
inetpromr & mrs Teacher out there, please point them here even20:38
kulelu88just like you can choose german, french, etc20:38
superflyJacques_StrY: exactly20:38
magespawnkulelu88: did not know that20:39
magespawnbeen out of school for awhile, and my kids are not there just yet20:40
kulelu88I still don't understand the need to teach CAT20:40
Jacques_StrYI think CAT is important, it can benefit you in allot of careers.20:42
kulelu88Jacques_StrY: but 3 years of it?20:43
MopkopNight all!20:44
Jacques_StrYThat is a bit long but for a subject to be taught it has to cover the full 3 years and allot of kids struggle to finish all the work.20:45
magespawnit has been enlightening to chat with you, but it is most definately my bed time20:45
magespawngood night all20:45
Jacques_StrYsame here - night all, chat again tomorrow20:45
kulelu88tc all of you20:46
superflykulelu88: "tc"?20:48
* superfly puzzled over that last night20:48
kulelu88take care20:50
superflyI am terribly old-fashioned, and I like my full words.20:51
kulelu88they will destroy your fingers eventually20:52
superflykulelu88: my fingers have been fine for over 30 years, and I doubt they'll wear out any time soon. if they do, I won't be able to do my job anymore.21:05
kulelu88are you 40+? superfly 21:06
superflykulelu88: nope, not yet21:07
kulelu88how are things at Nomanini? 21:07
superflykulelu88: very very busy, but great thanks.21:37
superflyI gotta head to bed. night kulelu88, take care ;-)21:41
kulelu88tc :)21:43

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