
lotuspsychjerexbutler: this thread shows libsdl1.2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12709719/sdl-init-failure-reason-is-no-available-video-device-in-ubuntu-12-04-lts00:00
lotuspsychjerexbutler: not sure if this is your case exactly, but you can try00:00
teh_thelotuspsychje sorry but nothing =/00:00
teh_theI'll try a reboot with hdmi connected00:01
teh_thedoh! nothing still only have one output that is the built-in speakers00:04
gr1zzlybe4rso can i uninstall the unity de now?00:06
gr1zzlybe4ri'm on GNOME300:06
lotuspsychjeteh_the: can you try to start the 'sound' icon from dash00:06
teh_thelotuspsychje is that the sound options?00:09
NTQHi. I just git a weird problem with Ubuntu Gnome 14.04. I simply restarted my system (since 7 days) and now it logs me in as user 'gdm'. Normally there should be a login screen where I can log in as user 'nicolas'.00:09
lotuspsychjeteh_the: yes sound options icon, maybe hdmi shows from there?00:10
teh_thenope it doesnt00:10
NTQI can type CTRL+ALT+F1 to switch to a console and login as user 'nicolas', but the graphical user interface always logs in as user 'gdm'.00:10
teh_thealready said that it only shows one output option00:10
teh_theand that's the built-in speakers00:11
lotuspsychjeteh_the: wich ubuntu version did you have again?00:11
teh_the14.04 LTS00:11
rainbowwarriorhello I am running Ubuntu 14.10 and my external wd usb hard drive has errors and I was wondering what is the best program to use to fix them with please?00:12
lotuspsychjeteh_the: maybe this can help? http://itsfoss.com/fix-sound-ubuntu-1404/00:12
lotuspsychjerainbowwarrior: what kind of errors?00:12
NTQAt the moment I am running on user 'gdm' and a clean firefox profile00:13
rainbowwarriorlotuspsychje :- mismatch00:13
teh_thethanks lotuspsychje will read trhough :) although my problem is only for the hdmi audio00:14
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SerdarI lost my ssh connection while installing with apt-get and the tty is stil open, is it possible to get this tty to front?00:16
lotuspsychjeteh_the: maybe the pavucontrol from this thread: http://askubuntu.com/questions/112512/ubuntu-refuses-to-output-audio-via-hdmi00:17
NTQMy home is actually /var/lib/gdm?00:18
NTQWhy can I not login as the normal user?00:18
somsipSerdar: try this maybe: https://github.com/nelhage/reptyr00:19
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Serdarsomsip, thanks, I am checking00:20
rainbowwarriorhello I am running Ubuntu 14.10 and my external wd usb hard drive has errors and I was wondering what is the best program to use to fix them with please?00:22
Serdarsomsip, looks strange but works, thank you00:23
somsipSerdar: np00:24
gr1zzlybe4rdoes the external hard drive have the same file system that you're using on ubuntu? i've had problems with that before00:26
Serdarhmm strange thing with grub-install it says that /dev/md0 does not exist, but ls shows it clearly.00:30
yeowzaWhere does the .bashrc file go?00:31
Serdarls -la00:31
Serdareverything with a starting dot is not visible00:32
yeowzaI'm running archlinux ARM, not sure where to put my .bashrc file00:32
Serdaruse tilde00:32
georgewhy isnt compiz preinstalled?00:32
yeowzaoh crap, wrong channel, sorry00:32
Serdardoes compiz still exist?00:33
gr1zzlybe4rtouch ~/.bashrc00:34
gr1zzlybe4rand then edit it from there00:34
teh_thelotuspsychje again thanks but it didn't work... but worst after doing that I had no sound at all00:38
SerdarI get this the whole time: Writing GRUB to boot device failed00:38
teh_thenow deleted the lines and audio is working as before built in speakers00:38
NTQHas anyone an idea why Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 always logs me in as the user 'gdm' instead of showing me a login screen?00:39
daftykinsNTQ: what are you looking at to believe you're called gdm? :)00:40
NTQdaftykins: If I go to "Files" my home folder is /var/lib/gdm.00:41
hwutholle frecel00:41
teh_thethis is really messed up00:41
daftykinsNTQ: that is most definitely broken :)00:41
NTQdaftykins: I just restarted my system and now Ubuntu loged me in as the user 'gdm'.00:42
daftykinsNTQ: are you sure this was a normal installation from USB flash drive or DVD, from an official ISO?00:42
teh_theoh sorry lotus didn't noticed ur other link will read now :)00:42
NTQdaftykins: My Ubuntu runs since april 2014 without problems.00:42
daftykinsas in this same install? i dont know what you're saying00:43
wheresmypaaantsWell, my computer appears to have a boatload of issues .-. - I fixed my issue from yesterday, and this one isn't necessarily pressing, however it is a bit of an annoyance. While using the Live CD for Ubuntu, I have perfect resolution on the boot screen and in the shells (F1, F2, etc...), however, once installed and booting from SDD, the resolution is zoomed in heavily. I have fixed this by changing the settings in GRUB, howe00:43
wheresmypaaantsthe Live CD00:43
NTQdaftykins: After 7 days uptime I wanted to restart my system. I am able to switch to an other console via CTRL+ALT+F1 and I can log in as the normal user 'nicolas'.00:43
daftykinsNTQ: ok so just your GUI has gone funny, have you enabled auto-login or something?00:44
NTQdaftykins. Autologin is disabled. I always have to type in my password for login.00:44
daftykinsso when you boot up you are already staring at a password entry box? no user selection?00:45
NTQI also have installed Ubuntu Mata 14.04 on an other partition. This one works well, but it is just a test system with the same home partition.00:45
daftykinshrmm mixed homes, ok00:46
NTQdaftykins: Sure. Normally I have to choose the user, then password and login. But now Ubuntu logs me in without any prompt.00:46
daftykinsNTQ: this is a very drastic move, but just as a test - log in at a TTY and "mv ~/.config ~/.configold" then restart00:47
daftykinsand see if it makes any difference00:47
NTQdaftykins: You mean the .config from the normal user, not gdm00:48
daftykinsthough perhaps i'm barking up the wrong tree00:48
dhrosadoes anyone have tips for utilizing a not-always-available filesystem as a cache to speed things up? I have a server with 4GB of RAM, and I have a desktop with 32GB of RAM that is sometimes on. I thought it would be a cool idea to expose part of my desktop's RAM as a remote-mounted ramdisk for the server00:49
dhrosathe latency and throughpout would be faster than a spinning disk filesystem00:49
daftykinsnot over a LAN it wouldn't00:49
dhrosathe ping between the two is 0.2ms00:50
NTQdaftykins: I am available as NTQ2 on my smartphone. I just moved the folder and now i restart.00:50
daftykinsor just get an SSD (:00:50
teh_thelotuspsychje pavucontrol did the trick :) thanks00:50
dhrosaI'm also considering an SSD, the server's an old laptop of mine00:50
dhrosaI might see if I can replace its dvd drive with a second SSD00:50
teh_thestill only one output appears on audio settings but i can select hdmi output on pavucontrol00:51
teh_theweird stuff00:51
lotuspsychje!yay | teh_the00:51
ubottuteh_the: Glad you made it! :-)00:51
NTQdaftykins: It did not help.00:52
teh_thewould be nice they fixed this problem00:52
daftykinsdhrosa: if the server is being a proper server, so doesn't have X installed, 4GB shouldn't pose a problem to too much00:52
teh_thethanks guys ubottu lotuspsychje00:52
daftykinsNTQ: ok, that's annoying00:52
NTQdaftykins: Again I was logged in as user 'gdm'.00:52
teh_thethis should be fixed without 3rd party tools i think00:53
dhrosadaftykins: "free -h" reports 2.9G used, and -/+ buffers/cache lists 2.2G used, that means 2.2GB is being used as FS caches, right?00:53
dhrosaif so that's pretty good then I guess00:53
teh_the..ermm I'm guessing this pavucontrol is 3rd party00:53
NTQThe partition is correctly mounted, because I can log in as user 'nicolas' in an other console and I see the home directory of that user.00:53
daftykinsNTQ: does it make any difference if you log in to TTY1, then run "sudo service gdm stop" then "...start" ?00:54
dhrosaalso, how can I tell if my DVD drive is a sata device from the command line? my laptop doesn't provide a serice manual, so I can't just refer to that00:54
NTQdaftykins: I'll give it a try00:54
drose379Anyone had the issue where random letters in the toolbar (Top of apps) are missing?00:55
drose379Different each time the computer starts up00:55
daftykinsdhrosa: typically they're one screw to take out anyway, if it's a removable one00:55
drose379Like today Im missing "G"00:55
drose379Earlier (before I restarted)  I was missing all sorts of letters00:55
daftykinsdhrosa: "free -m | pastebinit"00:55
NTQ_daftykins: Again I am logged in as 'gdm'.00:55
dhrosapastebinit sounds like an upstart or systemd kind of thing almost :)00:56
dhrosadaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10665295/00:56
dhrosaa pastebin-based init replacement00:56
daftykinsNTQ_: does this apply? http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg10t5.htm00:57
daftykinsdhrosa: so does this system have X running?00:58
teh_thelotuspsychje should I report this officialy somehow? Maybe someone already did, but I mean this is happening on a LTS version00:58
dhrosadaftykins: it might accidentally, I've installed some things that might have had an X dependency, but it doesn't have a proper desktop manager or anything00:58
dhrosaI'm not explicitly using X on it00:59
NTQ_daftykins: I could try to enable automatic login for the standard user.00:59
lotuspsychjeteh_the: not sure mate sorry00:59
daftykinsNTQ_: or just find the config file and see if it's got anything in it00:59
daftykinsdhrosa: i wouldn't be concerned about the RAM usage there anywho00:59
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clouddigWhere can I find the script that runs apt-get install?01:04
clouddigFor example, if I say "sudo apt-get install munin", I want to see what that script does to install munin...01:04
clouddigDoe that make sense?01:04
dhrosait's not quite a script, I believe it's a full program01:04
somsipclouddig: --dry-run01:04
kostkonclouddig, "apt-get source munin" to get the source package. without sudo01:05
NTQdaftykins: After enabling autologin for the user 'nicolas' in the gnome user settings, I was able to login as that user after restart without password.01:05
NTQI hope I can login again WITH password if I disable that checkbox again.01:06
abeyranyone knows if the nvidia bug (nvidia has fallen) was solved?01:06
abeyranyone knows if the nvidia bug (nvidia has fallen) was solved?01:07
kostkon!detaisl | abeyr01:07
kostkon!details | abeyr01:07
ubottuabeyr: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)01:07
daftykinsabeyr: what bug?01:07
abeyrdaftykins, when i play a opengl 3d  game, cs source for ex, the system crashes01:08
teh_the..now it wouls be cool to add a shortcut incon for Pulse Audio Volume Control right next to the clock01:08
abeyrdaftykins, the fans 100%, the led lights blinking, and finally the system shutdowns01:09
abeyrdaftykins, yes01:10
daftykinsso not necessarily a bug but - you're experiencing an issue?01:10
abeyrdaftykins, nvidia gpu01:10
daftykinsyeah i caught that01:10
abeyrdaftykins, some people say it is an ACPI bug01:10
abeyrdaftykins, some others say it is a nvidia bug01:11
daftykinsabeyr: installed the latest BIOS? which nvidia driver? bumblebee or nvidia prime? (not 3 questions there)01:12
abeyrdaftykins, i am using the last one BIOS, the nvidia driver version is 346, ubuntu 15.0401:13
daftykinsabeyr: ok, then you have to talk in #ubuntu+1 since that is not out yet01:13
abeyrdaftykins, with nouveau drivers the system stay normal01:14
abeyrdaftykins, even when playing opengl 3d games01:14
daftykinsyep still not April i'm afraid :)01:14
abeyrdaftykins, ok01:16
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outlaw-666whats up everyone01:24
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teh_thethanks guys01:25
outlaw-666i did a fresh install of Xubuntu14.04 ... but i have really low RAM 1GB ... and i was not asked to make a swap ... wasnt it suppose to ask me to do it ?01:26
daftykinsoutlaw-666: depends if you selected manual partitioning or not01:26
outlaw-666no, just install01:27
daftykinssure there's only one partition? "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"01:27
outlaw-666do i need to redo the install ... or can i creat a swap now ?01:27
daftykinsdepends how good your partitioning skills are :)01:27
outlaw-666sudo apt-get upgrade01:28
wlodpolmi recommend partd magic ultimate boot cd has the last free version still i think01:28
outlaw-666 1      1049kB  79,0GB  79,0GB  primary   ext4            boot01:28
outlaw-666 2      79,0GB  80,0GB  1062MB  extended01:28
outlaw-666 5      79,0GB  80,0GB  1062MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)01:28
daftykinsso you do have swap01:28
daftykinsalso, don't paste here01:29
outlaw-666but wasnt it supposed to be like 2GB ?01:29
outlaw-666yeah, i know if it a big paste ill get muted01:29
outlaw-666so ... i do have a swap, and its the size of the disk ?01:29
daftykinssize of the RAM01:30
outlaw-666oh right, another GB01:30
daftykinstype "free -m"01:30
OerHeksswap is the size of all adressable memory, ram, videoram, cahce and such01:30
OerHeksthat is why it is bigger than 102401:30
outlaw-666daftykins, ok i did .. and ?01:31
daftykinssee how it says swap and RAM?01:31
outlaw-666 1      1049kB  79,0GB  79,0GB  primary   ext4            boot01:31
outlaw-666 2      79,0GB  80,0GB  1062MB  extended01:31
outlaw-666 5      79,0GB  80,0GB  1062MB  logical   linux-swap(v1)01:31
daftykins*facepalm* please stop pasting01:31
outlaw-666lol ok sorry guys :/01:31
outlaw-666but .. since i have only 1gb .. shouldnt i have a bigger swap to help RAM ?01:32
daftykinsif you even go into swap it's a bad sign01:32
daftykinsjust use it01:32
wlodpolmswap file is meant to be used.01:32
wlodpolmit's just we aren't efficient01:32
daftykinshmm i don't fancy touching that conversation if you want to say that :)01:33
wlodpolmthink of it this way, if you don't have a flea market how does a person get duplicate items on a low income?01:33
outlaw-666well... the problem is ... that i had the xubuntu installed in a memory card ... and i cant remember if i had the swap area on it ... but i have a feeling i did, and today it died01:33
daftykinsif you put swap on a memory card it's going to die01:34
daftykinsthey are not designed to tolerate it01:34
OerHeksWithout swap no hybernate https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq01:34
outlaw-666so i had a SATA hdd here .. i went to get a external hdd case, and now i have it to accomodate xubuntu01:34
wlodpolmthat too01:34
outlaw-666yeah, i think thats what killed my memory card01:34
outlaw-666someone before told me to get a SSD and a HDD01:35
wlodpolma SSD is good for video01:35
outlaw-666and to never place the swap on the SSD as it will eat it up on the long run01:35
OerHeksSSD's can handle swap fine these days.01:36
OerHeksand trim is also enabled by default01:36
wlodpolmthe only reason i can think of for a home user to use a SSD is to load 3-d games and movie processing01:36
outlaw-666so you guys think that i have the install the best way to improve performance of this Legacy GX620 ?01:36
superherointjGuys. Ubuntu needs to stop breaking video graphics, I have a nvidia GTX 780 Ti video card. And I can't use it. It breaks every week.01:36
superherointjI've just allowed Ubuntu system update and now video is broken.01:37
outlaw-666btw ... i have a feeling that this old processor, is 64bit able ...01:38
outlaw-666can i be sure ?01:38
wlodpolmtype inxi but don't paste it here01:38
OerHeksoutlaw-666, tons of tweaks to go through https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/first-xubuntu01:38
outlaw-666k wlodpolm01:38
outlaw-666it said i dont have that program01:39
dhrosaI'm having a headache trying to intrepret SSH remote/local post forwarding01:39
outlaw-666it displayed that it handles 32 and 6401:39
wlodpolmadd it? it is the tool i use on linux to get stats on hardware01:39
dhrosaI have a machine behind a VPN. I'd like to expose the VPN'd machines port 100 (example), as port 100 on my server (which is accessible over ssh)01:40
OerHekslscpu lsusb lspci dmidecode are standard and enough i guess01:40
outlaw-666whats the main difference between 32bit xubuntu and 64bit xubuntu ?01:40
outlaw-666and which is faster on this old machine ?01:40
dhrosaoutlaw-666: you'll get better performance and access to more memory on 64-bit01:41
daftykinsoutlaw-666: running 64-bit would consume more RAM on your system, so i'd advise against it.01:41
outlaw-666daftykins, thats what i thought01:41
outlaw-666i know i can have more than 3GB01:41
outlaw-666but my MB wont support more than 4 ... and i dont have them now01:41
dhrosasorry, assuming you're not memory-constrained, 64-bit architectures are more performant01:41
outlaw-666so.. i guess 32 will stay01:41
outlaw-666no problem dhrosa01:42
DanielbrazilianHello guys i would like to know what is in drm-intel-next and drm-intel-nightly01:43
Danielbraziliani want to upgrade my kernel for ubuntu mate 14.04 lts with the intel driver included01:43
outlaw-666daftykins, and now im just rambling ... but what about if i have 1GB and a big swap... wont the 64bit run smooth ?01:43
Danielbrazilianplease i would love some advice01:43
daftykinsoutlaw-666: no01:43
outlaw-666ok :D01:43
daftykinswhen you touch swap, life is over01:43
cfhowlettDanielbrazilian, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade        will update all that is presently in ubuntu repos01:44
daftykinsDanielbrazilian: waste of time01:44
outlaw-666ok .. but with this swap installed at the install procedure, im ok, right ?01:44
outlaw-666even if its just 1gb01:44
daftykinsjust use your computer and see how it goes :)01:45
daftykinsi think you're worried for nothing01:45
outlaw-666someone told me that lubuntu will be faster01:45
daftykinsalthough if this OS is installed on a memory card, alarm bells are ringing01:45
daftykinslubuntu is even more lightweight i think yes, but it's also a lot uglier in my personal opinion01:45
daftykinsuse what works for you01:45
outlaw-666no no .. i just installed it on a fujitsu from my ps3 that died01:45
Danielbraziliani think i actually have this installed01:45
cfhowlettoutlaw-666, compared to ubuntu?  probably.01:45
outlaw-666cfhowlett, compared to xubuntu01:46
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Danielbrazilianfrom xedgers01:46
cfhowlettoutlaw-666, not by much but test it: sudo apt-get install lxde                logout/choose lxde|lubuntu session/login01:46
Danielbrazilianis there any better driver? i want to install to see if improve gaming performance01:46
cfhowlettDanielbrazilian, did you install the native linux intel driver??01:47
daftykinsDanielbrazilian: using intel and gaming? not worth trying.01:47
outlaw-666i was thinking about something ... to get the lubuntu, and install it on another partition on this disk01:47
cfhowletttrue ^^^01:47
outlaw-666and to compare them01:47
outlaw-666the trouble is that i kinda like xubuntu, i have it a few months now01:47
outlaw-666and it never got me bored waiting01:48
cfhowlettoutlaw-666, lubuntu = ubuntu with lxde.  so: install lxde and test it.   OR go the insanely complicated way you just described.  :)01:48
Danielbraziliancfhowlett, i didn't install from there, i will try01:48
outlaw-666cfhowlett, so i just install lxde and login with another release ?01:49
LoshkiI want all sound on my ubuntu server to be redirected to a remote ubuntu desktop. I've only ever seen this work with rdp to a windows server. VNC seems to do everything I need *except* audio. Is there some pulseaudio magic? Does NX support this?01:49
outlaw-666is that possible ?01:49
cfhowlettoutlaw-666,"releaase"?   NO.  same ubuntu, different desktop environment.01:49
outlaw-666ohhh ok01:49
outlaw-666yeah, they are all ubuntu01:50
cfhowlettDanielbrazilian, https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads01:50
outlaw-666and will the lubuntu desktop environment make this piece of sh*t faster ?01:50
Danielbraziliancfhowlett, thank you01:50
cfhowlettoutlaw-666, how many times will you ask?  install lxde and see for yourself!!!!01:51
outlaw-666im guessing that i will have a lot of trouble, just to find out no major upgrade01:51
cfhowlettoutlaw-666, testing an alternate DE is a minor event01:51
outlaw-666yeah, i guess im just used to xubuntu01:52
outlaw-666nevermind i asked01:52
outlaw-666good thing you guys educated me on the 64bit part01:52
outlaw-666i saw a website, that is displaying a top 24 things to do after install01:53
outlaw-666i think i followed them last time, it is safe, right ?01:53
outlaw-666btw, im portuguese, sorry for any english grammar errors01:54
cfhowlettoutlaw-666, if it's an official ubuntu website = safe.  otherwise,just another opinion ...01:54
outlaw-666hmm ok cfhowlett01:54
outlaw-666its mainly about software updates and so on01:55
outlaw-666i guess i see what interests me01:55
Loshkioutlaw-666: which website? I like 'the perfect desktop' series. And of course, you don't have to install everything they suggest.01:55
superherointjJust fixed my Video Card Driver AGAIN. I hope one day Ubuntu stops breaking with updates.01:56
outlaw-666Thank you very much everyone...Linux will allways rule cause of the support gaven by everyone involved01:56
dhrosafunny juxtaposition :)01:56
outlaw-666thanks again <301:56
superherointjThis is the forth time I have same issue. At least, now I know fixing. But it takes a while to get things right. I don't think the average joe is going to be able to do it.01:57
mathuif you install python3 on a recent ubuntu, will pip3 be included with it?01:57
outlaw-666Loshki, http://www.binarytides.com/better-xubuntu-14-04/01:57
mathuor would you need, like, sudo easy_install pip3 or somesuch01:57
Loshkioutlaw-666: I just skimmed it. It looks kosher.01:59
cfhowlettoutlaw-666, xubuntu-restricted-extras >>> yes.  the rest of that list .... eh, MAYBE.01:59
mathufound python3-pip, nevermind01:59
OerHeksmathu, why, as pyton3.4 is installed01:59
outlaw-666Loshki, im portuguese ... kosher means ?02:00
outlaw-666like cool ?02:00
outlaw-666thx rebs02:00
rebsor, prepared in such a way that jews deem the food worthy02:00
rebs2 meanings02:00
Loshkioutlaw-666: kosher means ok, has passed inspection. Like Halal. No jews in Portugal?02:01
mathuOerHeks: oh, i thought ubuntu still used 2.7 and didn't include 3. okay02:01
mathuwell, wouldn't hurt to tell users to run the apt-get command for it anyway02:01
superherointjmathu, it breaks Ubuntu! Don't do it!02:02
outlaw-666Loshki, none that i know .. lol02:02
superherointjI was just talking about it.02:02
cfhowlettmathu, suggesting on a beginners forum that users do stuff that breaks their system is NOT funny.02:02
superherointj"<superherointj> Just fixed my Video Card Driver AGAIN. I hope one day Ubuntu stops breaking with updates."02:02
OerHekssuperherointj, so if you installed the driver from the website, you will need to reinstall with every new kernel02:03
Loshkioutlaw-666: just for completeness, it has a web page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosher_foods02:03
superherointjOerHeks, yes.02:03
mathucfhowlett: if python3 is installed and i tell a user to run "sudo apt-get install pyhton3" then apt-get will just say it's already installed02:03
superherointjOerHeks, but it doesn't work otherwise.02:04
mathucfhowlett: the haha was because this won't actually break anything02:04
outlaw-666lol Loshki thanks for the info ... :D02:04
OerHekssupubuntu maybe the xorg edgers ppa with the same driver is an solution, but ppa's happen to break sometimes too.02:04
mathucfhowlett: breaking other people's computers is not funny, i agree :)02:04
OerHekssupubuntu > superherointj02:04
superherointjWhat is "supubuntu"?02:05
Ben64superherointj: what video card, what do you do to fix it each time02:05
OerHekswrong chatnamecompletion with {tab}02:06
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:06
sysop2hey has anyone here's hdmi audio out stop working?  but it works in windows so I am sure its not a hardware problem.02:07
superherointjGTX 780 Ti. I have to manually stop X window system (sudo service lightdm stop) and "init 3" and run the NVIDIA video card graphics file (Ex.: ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-346.47.run).02:07
sysop2I am running 14.10 but it started in 14.0402:07
delinquentmeis there an easy way that I can uninstall a program + erase *ANY* modifications its made to my file system?02:07
delinquentmeI installed it with apt-get02:07
Ben64superherointj: well thats why, don't use the package from the website if you want it to work after updating02:08
somsipdelinquentme: you can purge but this will not remove any files you've added or amended (and the directories containing them)02:08
cfhowlettdelinquentme, apt-get purge is the closest but I find that it still leaves artifacts02:08
ObrienDavedelinquentme, sudo apt-get purge <name>02:08
superherointjBen64, what if the 'standard package' doesn't work as expected? And doesn't allow the standard resolution of my monitor which is ONLY 1050.02:08
Ben64superherointj: then use the xorg-edgers ppa02:09
sysop2apt-file list will show you everything that was installed with the package.02:09
sysop2apt-file list packagename. I mean.02:09
superherointjAllright. But my point is, for a 'new user', it is going to be a lot of headache this sort of behaviour. I'm installing this PPA now, let's see how it goes.02:11
Ben64superherointj: you need to remove the manually installed package first02:12
Ben64and adding and installing from a PPA is much easier than the nvidia.com version02:12
superherointjWhat is the command?02:12
Ben64command for...?02:13
superherointj"sudo nvidia-uninstall" ?02:13
Ben64its something like sudo nvidia-blah.blah-blah.run --uninstall02:13
mutualso i took out a cd that had mounted fine, and then i put in another one, but when i did that nothing happened02:13
mutualand now i can't get anything to happen when i insert cds02:14
* superherointj will have to quit here. To restart.02:14
cfhowlettmutual, unmount the previous CD02:15
outlaw-666ok, have fun and thanks again guys, going to try and put this the way i like it ;)02:15
superherointjJust tried the PPA, now video graphics is broken again. lol02:18
CoolishPrune_I need help.02:21
somsip!details | CoolishPrune_02:21
ubottuCoolishPrune_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:21
CoolishPrune_Hold on, mother is calling me >.<02:22
bonhoefferok — so crontab -e opens the file, but it doesn’t seem to take after saving, any options?02:23
somsipbonhoeffer: takes a minute to take effect02:23
delinquentmequestion: I just removed a file that I think it causing issues from /etc/init/  ... removed with extreme prejudice02:23
bonhoefferok — cool — thanks02:23
delinquentmeis it a *big deal* if I know that file to be something I placed in there?  and NOT a system conf ?02:24
Ben64delinquentme: yes, you made a mistake02:24
somsipbonhoeffer: so change something to run on the next minute, and it might not run for up to 119 seconds, if that makes sense02:24
bonhoefferwait — i’m just trying to see the changes02:24
delinquentmeBen64, its a conf for a file I created.  ok so if I need to get it back ... how / where does it go after I run $ rm flask_default.conf02:24
Ben64delinquentme: oh well if you made it thats different... normally there wouldn't be any user created files in /etc/init02:25
delinquentmewell it was created by supervisor which I installed / configured02:25
delinquentmeflask_default is a name of a python application I wanted to have run on startup -- and gut feeling says that there arent too many applications of that naming02:26
delinquentmeBen64, so if I think that file is causing me issues .. what should I do with it instead of deleting it ... just move it?02:28
dupingpingWhich Ubuntu Release is best Seller?02:28
Ben64delinquentme: i would move it, just for backup's sake02:29
dupingpingI meant that ubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu and so on02:29
Ben64dupingping: probably ubuntu02:29
dupingpingBen64, Hi, thank you.02:30
dupingpingBen64, Thus, where i can find this information or statistics?02:31
Ben64no idea02:31
CoolishPrune_So Im new to Lubuntu. I have 14.10 installed on a Dell Inspiron B130. I have no problems getting wired connectivity until now. I went to Software and Updates and then over to the Drivers tab and tried to Apply Changes to the WiFi hardware. It seemed like the process fail and I did a reboot and the second time the bar completed but never finished. I gave it about 15 minutes and rebooted again. However, now I cant even connect wi02:32
UllarahCoolishPrune_, you could try #lubuntu02:32
CoolishPrune_oh crap, thanks02:32
ObrienDaveCoolishPrune_, it's ok. Lubuntu users welcome here02:33
aeon-ltdCoolishPrune_: btw the end of your message got cut off it stops at 'now i can't even connect wi...'02:38
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monkwitdafunkhi. i would like to irc about the diffrence between desktop and server when using the same kernel02:44
monkwitdafunkim using 12.04.2 amd6402:45
monkwitdafunk14.04.2 actually02:45
monkwitdafunki have 12.04 as well02:45
monkwitdafunksysrq doesnt work when my gnu linux box freezes02:47
monkwitdafunkfor desktop but server always has sysrq working well02:47
monkwitdafunkis my answer to stay with an older kernel for my favourite 2008 hardware?02:48
ackerI created a partition table using parted and when I run "lsblk /dev/sdx" afterwards, the partitions are smaller and the whole drive seems to have shrinked for about 5Gb02:49
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ackerIs there something I miss?02:49
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monkwitdafunki get depressed when i need newer hardware to be honest02:49
monkwitdafunkmore new*02:50
ObrienDaveacker, make sure your reading the size in the same units. some report 1M = 1000K, some 1M = 1024K02:52
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* monkwitdafunk waits for input02:53
ObrienDaveacker, or some report 1G = 1000M, some 1G = 1024M02:53
ackerBut that doesn't shrink a 80Gb Harddrive to 74.5Gb02:54
monkwitdafunkbrb ubuntu channel02:54
ObrienDaveacker, 80,000,000,000 bytes = 74.5058 GB02:55
ObrienDaveacker, hard drives are measured in 1GB = 1,000MB NOT 1024MB02:56
ackerHow comes?02:56
ObrienDaveacker, that's just the way it is02:57
ObrienDaveread the box02:57
ackerThat's the supidst thing I've heard today.02:57
aeon-ltdit's easier to label packaging when using base 10 Gigabyte instead of base 2 gibibyte02:57
ackerBut thank you...02:57
aeon-ltdOSX uses base 10 counting though...02:57
ackerIt's just very misleading...02:58
dupingpingHow many ubuntu users are here? And How many xubuntu users are here?02:58
aeon-ltdgeneral consumers would not care02:58
dupingpingand lubuntu?02:58
Ben64acker: blame hard drive manufacturers02:58
Ben64dupingping: this channel is not for taking surveys02:59
ObrienDavethis is true, thank the HD manufacturers02:59
aeon-ltddupingping: dude if you want to poll, post on a forum02:59
dupingpingaeon-ltd, Where i can post any forum?02:59
dupingpingPlease let me know it.02:59
ObrienDavefind one LOL02:59
aeon-ltddupingping: ubuntu has a forum, you can post on the offtopic section03:00
aeon-ltdor any non support section03:00
shreezbotI have a question about using key authentication for ssh and disabling PasswordAuthentication.  How do you mitigate the issue of possibly having to log in from somewhere that doesn't have the public key you have?03:06
shreezbotFor example, if I go out of town and my laptop battery dies and I have to use a coworker's laptop to log into my server I'm basically stuck unable to log in because I don't have the public key.03:07
ObrienDavekeep public key on USB drive?03:07
shreezbotIf I keep that key on a USB drive, can I use it from both Putty and the terminal ssh client?03:08
ObrienDavei would not know03:08
hay207hi guys, i got a simple question about nautilus background :http://askubuntu.com/questions/465908/how-to-change-background-of-nautilus-in-ubuntu-14-0403:15
hay207how cp works without linking?03:15
hay207i don't get it03:15
hay207do nautilus search for a certain file to locate themes?03:16
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Ricke3Hi all, I am trying to update my Ubuntu system and am receiving an error stating that I need to free up disk space on my /boot partition. I was wondering how I could safely expand my /boot partition in order to accommodate the update.03:19
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cfhowlettRicke3, I'd bet you've updated your kernel several times, yes?  You need to spring clean the your /boot to clear out old kernels: sudo apt-get autoremove03:22
Bashing-omRicke3: 14.04 + try -> sudo a[t-get autoremove <- to remove old lernels .03:23
Ricke3Doing some research it seems people suggest removing old kernels but I am looking and really don't have many. This system has been only operating for a couple months so it's received less than a half of dozen updates.03:24
Ricke3I will try those commands to remove though that is not needed.03:24
cptn_drakehi guys something weird happened to me the other day, i had two laptops open, on the same wireless network at panara bread company, and the pointer icon from th toshiba which is a 13 in screen somehow jumped to my acer 11 in screen.03:24
ObrienDaveRicke3, each kernel version is ~275MB03:24
cfhowlettObrienDave, and the entire /boot = 500 mb or so ...03:24
Ricke3Cool ObrienDave03:24
Bashing-omRicke3: LVM ? there is a bug report of /boot partition created too small .03:25
* ObrienDave has 50GB / partition03:25
Ricke3That seemed to remove them, let's see if there is enough space now.03:25
SchrodingersScatcptn_drake: what is synergy?03:25
Ricke3No Bashing-om, just a ASUS netbook.03:26
cfhowlettRicke3, df -H03:26
Ricke3Hm cfhowlett ?03:26
cptn_drakei havent heard of synergy between machines except in scfi03:26
SchrodingersScat!info synergy | cptn_drake03:26
ubottucptn_drake: synergy (source: synergy): Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.12-3ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 645 kB, installed size 2893 kB03:26
Bashing-omRicke3: Providing the output of cfhowlett's directive to a pastebin will remove all speculation .03:28
Ricke3Oh ok, I got this at the end of the first command. Let me run the next one.03:28
cptn_drakei dont have synergy installed03:28
SchrodingersScatcptn_drake: you probably just have a bad case of ghosts, then.03:28
Ricke3Second output.03:28
ackerSomeone using btrfs for root-partition?03:29
Bashing-omRicke3: Yep ! see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1357093 . for the error -> sudo update-grub <- .03:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1357093 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "LVM or Encrypted install creates too small /boot partition" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:31
Ricke3Wow, thanks Bashing-om. That's right on.03:32
ObrienDaveacker, why do you want to do that?03:32
Bashing-omRicke3: :) , ya just got to keep a close eye on /boot .03:33
ackerI've heard it's developing pretty fast and has some performance-improvements while not bein unstable anymore...03:34
Ricke3Bashing-om, definitely. Now I know. :)03:34
ackerWhat do you think, ObrienDave? Still too experimental?03:36
ObrienDaveacker, not sure if btrfs would be supported here. i suggest sticking with ext4 for now03:36
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limberai recently had some help in here with setting up key auth for my ubuntu server03:41
limberafor ssh03:41
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limberabut i regularly use scp and have just realised that i can't use it anymore because i disabled password auth03:41
SchrodingersScatlimbera: worked with keys for me03:46
Amm0n|limbera, scp -i keyfile? read man scp03:46
limberasorry i should have specified03:48
limberathat i had to custom install ed2551903:48
limberai worked it out though - i need to use /usr/local/bin/scp03:48
limberaand not just scp03:49
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AeiortvIf I remove unity and then apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, will unity be re-installed?03:56
cfhowlettAeiortv, no03:56
cfhowlettAeiortv, unity is very much integrated into ubuntu.  removing it will you a LONG list of issues.  consider installing an alternate desktop environment instead: sudo apt-get install lxde xfce4 kde-plasma           for example.  then logout, choose an alternate ubuntu DE, login03:57
cfhowlett!flavors | if you see a DE you prefer, install that flavor03:58
ubottuif you see a DE you prefer, install that flavor: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.03:58
Aeiortvcfhowlett: Will I still be tracked by unity if I install an alternate DE?03:58
xanguaAeiortv: what is your real question¿03:58
cfhowlettAeiortv, errrrrrrrrrrrr, no.  no unity = no unity services03:58
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 and up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:58
ObrienDaveROFL tracked. *giggles as he saunters away*03:59
cfhowlettObrienDave, snark alert!03:59
AeiortvI can always run the script at fixubuntu.com. Thanks for the help though.03:59
xcyclistAlright, if I set my default editor with sudo update-alternatives --config editor to vim.  WTF does crontab -e still use nano?03:59
xanguaAeiortv: or just open privacy settings04:00
cfhowlettAeiortv, you are referencing and old site to get an old solution to a solved problem ...04:02
Aeiortvcfhowlett: Solved? What's the solution?04:02
cfhowlettAeiortv, as noted above: privacy settings04:02
xcyclistWhy is there both a select-editor and an update-alternatives --config editor????04:03
xcyclistIs this some weird case of debian infighting?04:04
xcyclistThen Why?  Why such a Shakespearean duplication as this on such an otherwise elegant and perfect pile of ...???04:05
Ben64its not even the same thing04:05
Ben64you're basically asking - "Why is there both apples and oranges????"04:05
xcyclistLet me ask it another way:  Is there a reasonable way to understand some logical mutually exclusive set of things covered by each of these commands to set default editor?04:06
Ben64you're mistaken that update-alternatives sets the default editor04:07
ObrienDaveWhy is there both apples and oranges???? to make grapefruit juice with, silly ;P04:07
xanguaI preffer grape juice04:08
xcyclistThis:  "update-alternatives --config editor" allows me to set the editor that comes up for things like visudoers.  If it works for visudoers, why not for crontab -e?  What is the reason?04:08
Flannelxcyclist: do you have EDITOR or VISUAL variables set?04:09
Ben42_read what it says when you use update-alternatives04:09
xcyclistNope.  I set my default editor with update-alternatives --config editor.  It works on everything  but crontab -e.04:10
xcyclistIt works, for instance, on git commit.04:10
Ben42_There are 4 choices for the alternative editor (providing /usr/bin/editor).04:11
Ben42_it sets what /usr/bin/editor is symlinked to, and thats it04:11
Flannelxcyclist: crontab -e will honor EDITOR and VISUAL variables, and then fall back to /usr/bin/editor (which is linked to the alternatives system), so I suspect you unknowingly have one of those set.04:11
xcyclistNeither is set.04:12
xcyclistGotta go guys.04:13
linuxuz3rhow do i turn on failsafe option in ubuntu04:21
linuxuz3rjust X04:21
ObrienDavewhat failsafe option are you talking about?04:22
linuxuz3rits running x11 desktop04:24
linuxuz3rnot gnome shell or gnome or unity or kde but pure x1104:24
notenesslinuxuz3r, boot to recovery mode04:25
notenessthen there will be an option04:25
linuxuz3rfail safe mode is simple to run in04:25
linuxuz3roh i have to boot to recovery?04:25
* ObrienDave wonders if there's an official x11 channel :)04:26
Stiflerlinuxuz3r, what is actual problem? did you set your resolution too high or something?04:26
* Stifler Bets there is ..04:26
linuxuz3rim trying out display server04:26
linuxuz3rwhen i kill x it runs it again and puts me to a login screen04:27
linuxuz3rby going this route i cant launch wayland04:27
Bashing-omlinuxuz3r: You mean boot with no GUI running ? Then boot from grub > prompt with "text' boot parameter .04:27
linuxuz3rok thanks04:27
* Stifler wants a bot with !ybwiyap = Yes But What Is Your Actual Problem?04:29
clouddigI'm running stress on my server and using mpstat to look at the CPU usage, but it doesn't appear to be moving.04:31
clouddigDoes mpstat show actual current CPU usage or something else?04:31
Stiflerclouddig, are you running 'mpstat -u 1' or similar?04:34
clouddigStifler: I was running "mpstat -P ALL"04:35
clouddigAfter reading a bit, it seems it took the average from the time the system started.04:35
slacka123   /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER slacka123 cigaqvpryiai04:36
Flannelslacka123: again, without the leading spaces.04:36
Stiflerclouddig, well that would be a one off reading. 'mpstat -P ALL 1'  will read every second. When you CTRL-C it will show the average over the time running04:36
xanguaslacka123: your password needs some numbers and symbols04:37
clouddigStifler: I'm trying to use it to read cpu usage for a munin plugin. I'm handling the timing of the calls elsewhere, which is why I called it with no interval04:37
Flannelxangua: that's not a password, just a confirmation code.04:37
slacka123yeah I got it04:38
xanguaooh that's nice04:40
Stiflerclouddig, well the %usr column is the usage (probably want to look at %iowait and %idle). I dont know how munin works.04:40
mitalhi . I have enabled selinux in ubuntu and now constantly getting logged out after logging in .. is there a way to login and disable the selinux config in recovery mode or some other way ?04:40
clouddigStifler: Thank you04:40
jennie_how do I access desired partition?05:04
jennie_new to this05:04
theoshey! i am getting the usual xscreensaver unlock screen with red fire etc. i want something like thi instead https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hDPM4bQ00fM/Ubmro2FmZHI/AAAAAAAAPg0/hjog0LsOtXQ/s1600/lubuntu-lock-screen.png05:04
theosgetting this right now https://i.stack.imgur.com/OspNh.png05:05
theosjennie_ what do you mean by access?05:05
Stiflerjennie_, how do you mean? which partition as an example?05:05
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theosnautilus /dev/sda405:06
jennieI want to cd into that partition so that I can play mp4 from there from terminal05:06
Stiflerjennie, the moust is there : /media/linux/C0DC872ADC8719B405:06
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jennieStifler: do I just h ave to Cd /media/...05:07
theosno need to cd though. just use the full path to the file. mpg321 /meda/linux/pathtofilr.mp4 etc05:07
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Bashing-omjennie_: ?/ What is the motivation factor ? the original problem ? Which partition do you wish to mount and access ?05:09
jennieBashing-om: I've installed sox for playing songs for terminal and I want to open desired partition to  play songs05:10
jennienow I am looking for how to play songs in sox :-s05:10
theosjennie why sox? mpg321 can play songs fine from commandline05:12
jenniealright, I  just gogoled and found sox, wait I will uninstall sox and reinstall mpg321, by the time tell me command to play songs ;-)05:14
Stiflerjennie, I dont use either but on the surface it looks much easier to use mpg321.05:14
theosjennie sudo apt-get install mpg321. it should be installed by default though. then type "man mpg321" to learn how to use it.05:17
jenniei always have trouble understanding man pages :-(05:19
ObrienDavethey're not written for the faint of heart :)05:22
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theosjennie you can mount the partition using something friendlier instead of C0DC872ADC8719B4. like data or music so it will be /media/linux/data/. you can try playing the music with "mpg321 /media/linux/C0DC872ADC8719B4/path-to-file/filename.mp4" replace path-to-file with the exact path. its fairly easy to use.05:25
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jennieAlright, I will try that.05:30
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rick__hi all,06:29
rick__Is it possible to use xterm in 1920x1080 resolution but auto adjust the font size to make it show 80x24 columns and rows in fullscreen mode?06:29
stanford_drone_rick__, this is not OSX06:30
theosxterm is a linux software06:30
rick__sorry ...I may enter wrong channel....06:31
rick__thanks for your reminder06:31
Andrei_Hi, I have a question about the Ubuntu 14.10 setup,  if I choose to Erase Windows 7 and Install Ubuntu will it also delete the partition I made for my important files?06:31
Ben64Andrei_: it may06:32
rick__um...It seems here is ubuntu channel...06:32
rick__I am using ubuntu 14.04 now06:32
theosrick__ http://askubuntu.com/questions/161652/how-to-change-the-default-font-size-of-xterm06:32
Andrei_If that's the case, can I just delete my Windows 7 partitions then create 1 root partition and proceed with the installation?06:33
cihhanhi all! i have a question about creating a deb package. i have create one deb package with dependencies. however, when i apt-get remove my_package, the dependencies still exists. how can i stop and remove the dependencies as well?06:34
theosAndrei_ you can format the windows 7 partition to ext4 and install ubuntu on it if you want. no need to delete it.06:34
Ben64cihhan: sudo apt-get autoremove should do that06:34
cihhanBen64, Let me check asap06:35
cihhanBen64, yep, it works fine. Why doesn't it remove with apt-get remove?06:36
Ben64cihhan: because you told it to remove the one package06:36
Andrei_theos: Okay, thanks06:36
cihhanand the dependencies stayed there. I see. Thank you very much Ben64, this was really very helpful :)06:37
rick__theos, thanks, I got a problem that I can not specify font size with the format of widthxwidth...so I can't make it emulate 80 columns and 24 rows with fullscreen in the resolution 1920x108006:40
rick__Does this means I need to prepare a fixed font who's size is in given width and height I want?06:42
theosrick__ i find xterm to be very basic. you can try gnome-terminal.07:00
rick__theos, it seems xterm has better vt220 support, I need vt220 support and try many terminal program with vttest, the vtxxx emulation test program07:03
theosi see07:07
theosrick__ gnome-terminal supports vt220 http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/gnome-terminal.1.html07:09
nextboxwhere do I configure kerberos authentication cache?07:12
rick__theos, thanks, I try gnome-terminal, it can launch with --maximized and --geometry=80x24, but it still not adjust fontsize to match 80 columns and 24 rows, it is much larger than that.07:12
Amanciowas right07:26
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lewis1711how do I run "gtk-query-immodules" in 14.10?07:29
Guest0299Does ln -n show size in bytes or kb?07:30
malickis there a way to hack into a wifi using ubuntu07:31
somsip!illegal | malick07:32
ubottumalick: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:32
lewis1711I can't find lots of google searches relating to gtk-query-immodules, but it's not there anymore07:33
CrunchitoGood morning guys , what player + plugin would you recommend for best lyrics on screen support?07:33
malicksomsip: owk and how can i write a software am having difficulties in learning the language07:33
somsipmalick: find some online tutorials. This is for ubuntu support only07:34
malicksomsip: its difficult to understand07:37
somsipmalick: programming is like that. Find an easier language maybe07:37
malicksomsip: a tip maybe of the easy language??07:40
somsipmalick: scratch07:40
KnightsOfNiHi. Logging in with ssh to a main server, then in the command line ssh into a virtual host... I need to backup the files in the virtual host. So can I login somehow with a graphical client or backup with putty to my local drive?07:40
lewis1711malick: where in india are you from?07:40
cfhowlettsomsip, python07:40
malicklewis1711: nop @tanzania07:41
somsipmalick: what language are you trying to learn?07:41
somsipKnightsOfNi: you want to backup the files from the VM to your local host? Depending what files, rsync maybe07:41
KnightsOfNidrupal files07:42
somsipKnightsOfNi: rsync will be fine then07:42
nicheCan anyone help me remove Unity on 14.04?07:42
cfhowlett!nounity | niche07:42
ubottuniche: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 and up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:42
malicksomsip: i tried python but was like hell, then c++ which is not that complicated but still its like hell07:43
cfhowlettniche, or just do the easy thing; download your favorite *ubuntu flavor and install07:43
KnightsOfNisomsip, can I use that with putty and it downloads and syncs the files?07:43
somsipKnightsOfNi: what is your host? Windows?07:43
cfhowlettmalick, if PYTHON is too complicated, you might want to reconsider your career trajectory   :)07:43
somsipmalick: WHS, hence my suggestion to look at 'scratch' which is *very* basic07:43
malicksomsip: let me make a look at that07:44
somsipmalick: I will07:44
KnightsOfNior visual basic :p07:44
somsipKnightsOfNi: no idea bout what to do on windows. Install cygwin maybe?07:44
KnightsOfNibut the server is ubuntu07:45
KnightsOfNican't I login with filezilla to the virtualhost?07:45
somsipKnightsOfNi: you still need a client on windows. Re filezilla, yes if you have ftp enabled (or maybe scp in filezilla, dunno)07:46
KnightsOfNiI have a client, but I can only sftp to the main server07:46
pekeeholas que asen07:47
pekeek se quentan07:47
nicheSo on 14.04 I have to use ubuntu-gnome-desktop to get rid of Unity? Is that correct?07:48
pekeei dont know niche07:50
cfhowlett!flavors | niche NO you can use any ubuntu flavor07:50
ubottuniche NO you can use any ubuntu flavor: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.07:50
hateballniche: You can use any DE you like, KDE Plasma, XFCE, etc07:50
hieronemus001any recommendations for screen recording on Ubuntu07:51
cfhowletthieronemus001, recommend you see the several options in the software center07:51
somsip!info recordmydesktop | Hexeon07:51
ubottuHexeon: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB07:51
somsiphieronemus001: ^^07:51
ubottuUbuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage07:52
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cfhowlett!test | Kardiko08:08
ubottuKardiko: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang08:09
meaz0Hey !08:09
meaz0Salut comment ca va ?08:09
gtuckerkelloggI'm getting a strange software manager authentication error08:12
gtuckerkelloggWhen I try to use software center from the GUI to install anything, I get a "you are not allowed to perform this action" popup, with the message "org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.NotAuthorized: ('system-bus-name', {'name': ':1.364'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages"08:12
gtuckerkelloggfor the record, i've apt-get updated, upgraded, dist-upgraded, and dpkg -a --configure 'd according to all the recommendations I can find08:12
sayurelektronikyou can use synaptic for alternative08:13
gtuckerkellogggood point08:17
gtuckerkelloggit just bothers me that this is happening at all.08:18
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InHisName1When I do: sudo apt-get -f install   I get request to add samba-libs  then when it tries, I get errors (1) returned by the deb.   I've changed printers and the old settings are useless. I'd just as soon purge samba and start all over for the new printer.08:44
mitalcan anybody help me with this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29228170/could-not-add-ports-to-selinx-on-ubuntu-14-0408:45
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nichehow do I make ubuntu look like the matrix?08:58
cfhowlettniche, find a wallpaper.08:58
nicheok... kewl08:59
somesplicercfhowlett, hi or something08:59
malick_how can i chat remotly using terminal in ubuntu using ipadress09:01
yuzhaohuaHello,everyone,now i have a problem,when i connect to a printer,I got a erro like this:the cups server error,There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-bad-request'.,anyone can help me ? I am so appriciate!09:03
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KnightsOfNiWARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!09:07
KnightsOfNiWARNING: Local version: 0.96.5 Recommended version: 0.98.609:07
KnightsOfNiI cannot update this, it keeps saying outdated09:07
KnightsOfNihow do I force a scan anyway with this version?09:07
cfhowlettKnightsOfNi, 98.6 is in the repos.  dist-upgrade or reinstall should get it.09:11
Avihay_workmalick_: there are IRC clients for linux/ubuntu, or you can set up a direct secure connection  with openssl's s_client and s_server  commands, there are plenty of other options09:13
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ReScOI'm having some trouble setting up my firewall...09:13
ReScOi have fail2ban, but i want to close pretty much every port except 22,80,443,587,993 and 3000, how can i do this in such a way, a portscanner will think it's offline?09:13
ReScOand i want to open port 22 for certain IP's only.09:13
ReScOhow can i do this?09:13
malick_Avihay_work: ohk09:15
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l3r13urQui est-là ???09:18
cfhowlett!es | l3r13ur09:18
ubottul3r13ur: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:18
DominiqueIs there anyone here from Canonical who can get me into contact with sales? I've been waiting for days and still haven't gotten a reply after A) contacting someone directly via mail B) using the contact form09:22
cfhowlettDominique, really not the place.  canonical employees rarely hang out here09:22
Dominiquecfhowlett: There is really no other place though, is there?09:23
IdleOneDominique: email them again09:23
DominiqueI already mailed twice09:23
DominiqueThey don't want my money it seems09:23
evilnickveitchDominique, what are you trying to buy?09:24
Dominiqueevilnickveitch: licenses for Landscape dedicated server09:24
reginnI was looking to dualboot win8 and ubuntu, is it enought to create a single partition for the ubuntu part? After reading the DiskSpace help it seems to want me creating a partition for every small bit.09:25
klysreginn, it is reccommended to have two partitions, one for / and one for swap.  anything beyond that is just a convenience.09:26
mcphailreginn: Best to have a separate partition for swap space. Otherwise it is fine to keep everything else on one partition (particularly if you use something like btrfs which offers subvolumes)09:26
reginnklys mcphail : Thanks!09:28
asdf____When I run a bash script with the line 'trap "rm -f /tmp/synctorrent.lock" SIGINT SIGTERM', I get trap sigint bad trap, but loads of people appear to be using it in lftp scripts without issue09:32
CyborgCygnusUbuntu 32-bit installer on CD or USB won't work on a laptop from direct boot or running from windows.09:44
nomici just typed "sudo apt-get upgrade" instead of "update" - is it upgrading from 14.04?09:46
SeidrI've setup a new Ubuntu 14.04 installation - while attempting to setup the interfaces (which require a couple of post-up commands to setup the routing table), I found my routes were not being added. I've placed the post-up lines in the '/etc/network/interfaces', just as I've always done, but the commands never appear to be executed, even though the interface is up on boot. Any suggestions please?09:48
Avihay_workniche: there's a way to run a screensaver, like, say , one that shows letters dropping like in the matrix, on the root window (the desktop background)09:53
tankenmatehow do you get apt-get to use the full width of the terminal for it's status output instead of it clamping to 80 cols?10:00
tankenmatei'd rather not have to trawl through the source to find out how... :/10:00
klysavihay_work, how is that done10:02
Avihay_workin the olden days, you could run the screensaver with the -root flag, in unity, you may need to disable the desktop some way10:06
=== Sir_Lestaty is now known as dumbledore
chotazHey guys is there a way to completly change an user account and all the related assets? can anyone point me in some direction?10:11
klyschotaz, deluser / adduser or modify /etc/passwd as root10:13
prayashmThis is my first time ever on IRC!10:15
klysplease read about netiquette10:16
freddybmcphail, ikonia: I don't know if you remember, but I had this usb hdd that really did not want to work. I made minimal progress that you might be interested in10:18
freddybmcphail, ikonia: basically (on a newer kernel, which does not panic), I keep the device attached for half an hour and let it fail multiple times (spammy syslog). but after a while, the device _does_ show up. :)10:19
chotazhum, changed the /etc/passwd file with sudo now after restart im locked out of my user? i have made no changes to the password whatsoever and i cant login?10:19
chotazklys: there?10:21
duckeyIs the desktop-iso the actual iso for xubuntu?10:23
mcphailfreddyb: is the root filesystem on the usb hdd?10:23
freddybmcphail: nopes10:26
klyschotaz, Idk, anything else on your mind10:26
freddybmcphail: it's just an usb hdd (i.e. spinning disk) with an ext4 partition...contains my backups. this is on a thinkpad x250, but a custom kernel. I think we briefly talked last week10:26
klystry this: $ sudo passwd username10:27
mcphailfreddyb: aah - I think I remember now. Incidently, have you tried passing alternative iommu parameters at boot? Try "iommu=pt" or "iommu=soft"10:27
freddybmcphail: not at all. should I? :-) what does it do?10:28
freddybmcphail: I'm already sending a few kernel parameters, because of other failures. I think intremap=no_x2apic_output is somehow IOMMU related - afaiu10:30
mcphailfreddyb: if you're already fighting iommu issues it is worth a try. There's a few reports of this fixing badly-behaved usb drives10:33
mcphailfreddyb: it is one of these things I can't confirm as I haven't had that problem, so take the advice with that in mind.10:34
developer669Hello I'm trying to install lxml but getting the following error : command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1.10:38
developer669It is fresh machine with ubuntu 14.0410:39
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developer669anyone here used lxml before?10:41
freddybmcphail: I'll do some experiments. do you know a good website where to read up what soft and pt exactly mean?10:42
freddybmcphail: website or manpage*10:42
mcphailfreddyb: dare I say it, I think I'd been reading about it on the arch wiki or somewhere similar10:43
Voodoo_Trodeveloper699: try this      $ apt-get build-dep python-lxml10:45
Voodoo_Tro$ pip install lxml10:45
chotazSo I changed the /etc/passwd file manually(silly me) and I'm currently locked out of any user that isnt Guest; I'm trying to enter recovery mode to fix this, however my dell laptop also uses SHIFT has the Lan boot key, so I'm not really able to trigger the grub menu, any other way to enter recovery?10:46
freddybmcphail: ah, unix stackexchange says there may be an "IOMMU Controller" bios switch that I should try enabling before. I'll go through all of that when I'm less busy with actual work. thanks a lot.10:46
klystry this: $ sudo passwd username10:46
chotazklys: i dont have a root password and guest can't sudo :\10:47
freddybmcphail: do you want me to come back and let you know if I've been successful?10:47
mcphailchotaz: does the right shift key bring up the lan boot as well?10:47
chotazmcphail: both of them do :(10:47
mcphailfreddyb: would be interesting. If I'm away I'll get it in my /awaylog10:47
developer669Voodoo_Tro thank you, trying it out now10:47
mcphailchotaz: :(10:47
mcphailchotaz: you can boot from a live USB10:48
daniele12457hi guys10:51
daniele12457i have a gpg warning on apt-get10:51
daniele12457how can I resolve it?10:51
ConsoleFxdaniele12457, this might help: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/05/apt-get-update-how-to-solve-no-public-key-available/10:53
awkWHY!!!! On ubuntu must authorized_keys be 644 and not 600? WHY when this is how OpenSSH has worked for _EVER_ does Ubuntu have it set to 644?10:54
ashuthoshhow to open ppt on ubuntu10:56
ashuthoshhow to open ppt on ubuntu10:57
awkAND> Why contradict yourself.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys   says 644 and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openssh-server.html says 60010:57
ConsoleFxashuthosh, you might be already having libreoffice installed?10:57
k1lashuthosh: use libreoffice for that. but since microsoft office uses propriatary format you might need to rearange some stuff10:57
ConsoleFxashuthosh, that should help u deal with ppts10:57
ashuthoshya it is installed.. when i download and click open as it shows rhythembox10:58
daniele12457ConsoleFx: still cannot resolve10:58
daniele12457ConsoleFx: W: GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG A040830F7FAC5991 Google10:58
ConsoleFxashuthosh, u need to change the default file association for ppt files10:58
ConsoleFxashuthosh, right click -> open with -> <libreoffice_would_be_listed_here>10:59
ashuthoshomg how could i not know that11:00
mcphailashuthosh: is it a genuine ppt file and not a windows virus?11:00
ashuthoshbut i have resolved it11:00
ashuthoshthanks anyways11:00
ConsoleFxdaniele12457, curious to know, which package u are trying to download?11:02
ubuntu318someone good with root encryption ?11:04
developer669Voodoo_Tro YOU R THE MAN!!! Thank you...11:08
ubuntu318someone good with root encryption ?11:08
daniele12457ConsoleFx: it resolved just now11:08
daniele12457ConsoleFx: just apt-get upgrade11:08
ConsoleFxdaniele12457, cool :)11:09
daniele12457ConsoleFx: dunno what happned, well, ty.11:09
Voodoo_Trodeveloper669:  u r welcome)11:09
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ubuntu318someone good with root encryption ?11:14
chotazOk I've managed to get into recovery. However after resetting my username's password and rebooting, when I try to log back in, the login screen just flickers and requests for the password again, no wrong password or anything shows up, the screen just flickers and gets back to the login screen11:21
BluesKajHowdy folks11:23
brotkistedid you try Ctrl+Alt+F1 to login?11:25
Svetlanawhat software should be responsible for reconnecting to wifi after i resume from suspend?11:26
mcphailchotaz: I've had similar problems in the past and found it very difficult to debug, as nothing was even written to the logs. I'll be following this discussion closely...11:26
k1lSvetlana: networkmanaer should do that. but make sure the module for the wifi is loaded after resume11:29
Svetlanak1l: networkmanager should stil be running after resume i think. how do i check the module?11:31
Svetlanak1l: what happens is i resume after suspend, i restart network-manager and the wifi start working.11:32
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lewis1711I can recognise an MPT device (android tablet), but not connect to it. any ideas? using mtp-detect11:40
k1lSvetlana: see "lsmod" if the module is loaded at all. and see the logs like dmesg if there is some issue with it.11:44
k1lSvetlana: maybe its just that the networkmanager is loaded before the module is loaded. but i dont know how to diagnose that or solve that. but its a possible scenario imho11:45
Linuxuser32Hi I have a problem with my USB stick after turning it to an Ubuntu installer. The size of the USB is 4 GB but it always shows up as 15 GB. T11:52
Linuxuser32When I try to format it in GParted it says "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes."11:53
ablest1980how i get java to work in ubuntu12:03
idvHello everyone12:03
ablest1980i get in firefox12:04
ablest1980Your browser couldn’t load this Java game.12:05
ablest1980anyone here?12:06
laibumim here :D12:07
idv<ablest1980> Your browser couldn’t load this Java game.12:15
idvAnd of course, you have Java installed?12:15
idvopenjre + icedtea12:16
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grimxhow can I get the docs for Rectangle,Text,etc in Ubuntu-SDK?12:18
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mcphailgrimx: I think the SDK only documents the Ubuntu extensions to qml. Documantation on the standard qml components will be on the qt website12:27
mcphailgrimx: there's also a qml tutorial book on github called something like "qml cadaques"12:28
grimxmcphail: thanx12:29
pk_my computer is infected with xor ddos trojan12:33
pk_please help me remove it12:34
pk_symptoms match exactly with the above link12:35
pk_but no solution is given12:35
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ablest1980how do i install java in ubuntu and firefox?12:43
hateball!java | ablest198012:43
ubottuablest1980: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:43
hateballpk_: there was a link in the comments on that page12:44
KnightsOfNiHi guys, is it possible to install linux on an external drive and use it as a portable environment? So that I can use that drive to boot on multiple pcs and work from anywhere?12:48
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ablest1980ty hateball12:52
qdiihey guys. I'd like to make a tool that collects info about some installed packages12:57
qdiilike, "what version of glibc is installed, if any"12:57
qdiiare there some C libs that I could use?12:57
masterkorpi am having this problem12:58
ablest1980zerobin like pastebin?12:58
ablest1980i save the site12:59
rypervenchemasterkorp: Where did you get the postgresql-9.3 package from? A PPA? A single package download?13:01
k1lmasterkorp: well, its not included in the official repos. so the one you got the package or repo from should be talked to to correct that issue13:02
mcphailqdii: i suspect the tool you're making exists already13:03
ubuntu536bonjour tt monde13:04
rypervenche!fr | ubuntu53613:04
ubottuubuntu536: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:04
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qdiimcphail: my tool would report that to a company, among other parameters like kernel settings, some file privileges. we want to make life easy for noob users. they would run our tool, and we would have all the info we need to diagnoze problems and help them13:09
mcphailqdii: simialr to apport and the steam tool?13:11
lnbhave vps with multiple ip's. how can i browse internet using my different ip addresses?13:13
qdiimcphail: yea, except that it would not only fire upon segfault. the user could run it anytime. our program requires some fine tuning which doesn't cause a crash but lower performances than expected13:20
JokeArti got this error, how to fix it?13:21
JokeArt"/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/librxtxParallel.so"13:22
ablest1980hateball ty java is working now in my browser13:22
JokeArt"/sbin/ldconfig.real: Can't link /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/li�wx_gtk2/_plot-2�8.so.0 to libwx_gtk2u_plot-2.8.so.0.8.013:22
mcphailqdii: I'm not sure if therer are C libs which allows you to easily query the apt database as most of apt (iirc) is written in perl. There is libapt-pkg-dev but I don't know if it is what you need. The other option is to write something which trawls through the apt install logs or calls the tools themselves to query the databse13:23
hateballablest1980: :)13:23
JokeArthow to fix this error "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/librxtxParallel.so is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start."13:23
JokeArtit's make me crazy13:24
JokeArti googled it but can't find the solution13:24
spartakus890zdravím čechy13:26
k1l!cz | spartakus89013:26
ubottuspartakus890: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.13:26
spartakus890hi where please czech chat13:27
spartakus890or how setting his13:27
spartakus890sorry for my english13:27
k1lspartakus890: read the message the bot just gave you13:27
spartakus890oh thanks13:28
k1lspartakus890: "/join #ubuntu-cz"13:28
dstarhattempting to alter our tomcat upstart script to redirect the logs to /usr/local/tomcat/logs/catalina.out, relevant parts of the conf are here https://gist.github.com/dstarh/a76eba3a3673d9c49b4e13:30
dstarhwe're on ubuntu 14.0413:30
dstarhwhen i run sudo tomcat start, it doesn't start, i don't see anything logged in any of the usual places any idea where to see what might be going wrong?13:31
dstarhthe initial version of the script https://gist.github.com/dstarh/62e9b5f7fb10e821ae72 did work with no issues13:32
dstarhthe issue being we don't want it to send the logs to /var/log/upstart/tomcat.log13:32
snebeli'm trying to figure out why my ubuntu user beliongs to different groups depending on where i check13:37
snebeli meain if i make su - <user> with root account for exmaple13:38
snebelthen id13:38
snebeli have the "correct" ones13:38
snebelfollowing /etc/group file13:38
snebelif i run id command13:38
snebelfrom a fresh terminal started from the GUI13:38
snebeli have many others like cdrom etc13:39
snebeluid=1000(snebel29) gid=1000(snebel29) groups=1000(snebel29),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)13:39
snebeli would like to understand whats happening...13:39
snebeli guess there is a relationship with the GUI/console mode13:39
Picisnebel: What do you mean 'correct' ones?13:39
snebelwell, i mean the groups you can find into the /etc/group file13:40
snebelfor my username13:40
snebelit's like now i have 2 different environments for the same user "at least for the group where i belong"13:42
k1lif you su maybe the env variables are not set properly13:42
rypervenchesnebel: Can you pastebin the two different ones and the commands run for each please?13:42
snebelyes one second13:42
k1lespecially with root user account involvment that is a known issue on ubuntu13:42
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snebelfind here the output of all uses cases i was talking about13:44
snebelThis is a recent ubunut installation (yesterday)13:45
k1lsnebel: "id user" just lists the groups 1000+, so i think that is a "security" issue and is likely to be expected.13:46
k1lsnebel: the su - thing is known to be bad on ubuntu. use sudo -i for root shell13:46
snebelthe real problem i have is with group 1001(rvm)13:47
snebelwhen my "session" is showing my this group i can run with no problem rvm13:48
snebelwhen is not showing this group i can't13:48
snebellet me make some test with sudo -i13:48
k1lsnebel: hmm, but rvm group is shown on all outputs?13:49
k1lah wait, its not on the first id13:49
snebeli'm confused13:51
jamesarchwell anyone  cal tell me  bquote>  what's mean?13:52
dstarhanyone know where I might find info on where upstart logs when it fails to start?13:55
BluesKajdstarh, /var/log ?13:58
dstarhBluesKaj /var/log/what, I've ls -alt in /var/log tailed syslog kern.log and auth.log and i see nothing related to tomcat, in this case, erroring or not starting14:00
BluesKajdstarh, or /var/log/syslog14:00
dstarhtailed that, i see no errors, it just fails to start14:00
lnbhave vps with multiple ip's. how can i browse internet using my different ip addresses?14:00
dstarhthis is my script https://gist.github.com/dstarh/a76eba3a3673d9c49b4e14:01
dstarh* a portion of it14:01
qdiimcphail: yeah, that would be my last-resort thing, but thanks for the pointer !14:01
dstarhand one that works https://gist.github.com/dstarh/62e9b5f7fb10e821ae7214:01
dstarhjamesarch i see nothing in /var/log/upstart/tomcat.log with the broken script, it does indeed log there with the working script14:02
qdiidstarh: I did not know you could use env this way, maybe you mean "export" ?14:02
ppfdstarh: well what has changed between the scripts?14:02
dstarhppf i'll post a diff14:03
ppfit's a dozen lines, diffing is possible in one's head :)14:04
dstarhppf https://gist.github.com/dstarh/4c3eff9788def525e98114:04
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
dstarhthey both exec $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh run but one attempts to redirect it's output14:05
ZIPYcan i execute commands in terminal that are waiting for input before they execute? i mean directly, not with a script file14:06
daftykinsZIPY: got an example? not quite following you14:06
jamesarchwhell i can't open this link maybe for gfw14:06
ZIPYok in a script you have to echo your text, read the input and then execute the command, can i do this alltogether within a single terminal command?14:08
dstarhqdii I don't think we need to export.  The working script does env with CATALINA_HOME and is used during the exec command14:08
dstarhwhoops looks like we pinged a user name e xport14:10
daftykinsZIPY: i get this feeling you are asking for how to format a given example command with some switches so it performs the task in one go, but i can't quite tell ;)14:11
dstarhppf any other thoughts or any suggestions on what to try?14:11
dstarhdaftykins it sounds as if he wants to have a one liner that will echo some text, get some input from stdin and then send that input to another command14:12
ZIPYdaftykins: yes thats what i meant14:12
ppfdstarh: did you check the contents of $CATALINA_OUT ?14:12
daftykinsZIPY: can you share what the command + task is, then? :)14:13
jamesarchWhat happened this link  http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/14:13
dstarhppf yes nothing there either14:13
dstarhjamesarch noticed that when i was searching for info on upstart14:13
snebeldstarh: if i remember well on tomcat there was some catalina.out log file somewhere14:13
ppfdstarh: nothing there as in empty?14:14
dstarhppf nothing there as not even created14:14
ZIPYfor example a vlc command vlc -vvv http://ip:port:/tv.asf where i want to enter ip port in this example via prompt14:14
ZIPYwith transcode parameters etc14:14
dstarhsnebel when tomcat starts normally yes, when it starts via upstart, upstart redirects stdout and stderr to /var/log/upstart/tomcat.log14:14
ppfdstarh: you did run your script, though, didn't you?14:15
dstarhsudo start tomcat14:15
dstarhthat should run that script14:15
jamesarchwell  i mean this page is a problem?14:16
dstarhit even gives me a pid but by the time I psaux it's already stopped14:16
daftykinsZIPY: you might get some good help over in #bash14:16
ZIPYok, i will try thx14:16
ppfran it manually yet?14:16
ppfobvious question: does the path to $CATALINA_OUT exist?14:17
dstarhyes it does14:17
dstarhthe file doesn't exist but the path to it does exist14:17
sveinseHi. I'm running 14.10 server, and I notice that grub and somewhere during system startup the console output changes resolution., How can I get it to stick with a resolution?14:18
dstarh /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.39/logs14:18
daftykinssveinse: it's more the font that changes i think14:18
deck_Does anyone know how to configure wireless USB via command line? I am using a Dlink DWA-123 Version 414:19
sveinsedaftykins: Yes and no. It changes resolution as well. Point is, I want *one* kernel output in one fixed resolution. How?14:19
daftykinssveinse: what's the graphics hardware and why does it matter?14:19
sveinseAnd the screen goes black in a few seconds. Plymouth things perhaps14:20
sveinsedaftykins: Well, I can't see all of the messages because they are hidden and it disappears when the resolution/font is changed. Annoying14:20
sveinseIntegrated intel gfx14:20
daftykinshidden... how?14:21
dstarhppf no didn't run it manually yet, can you execute a conf file via bash or did you mean transform it to something that would run in bash?14:21
ppfwhat kind of conf file?14:21
dstarhthis is in an upstart conf file in /etc/init/tomcat.conf14:22
sveinsedaftykins: Some of the log is on the graphical screen (Ctrl+7)14:22
ppfit sure looks like a shell script14:22
ppfso just try and run it14:23
sveinse(and I have no X11 on the server, so there is no wm)14:23
daftykinsoh so it's not a proper server, you installed X.14:23
sveinseIf I set grub gfx mode, it lasts for a few seconds, and then something in ubuntu is changing the resolution regardless. And the screen in black half of the time during booting14:24
sveinseAnd I find parts of the bootup output on VT714:24
cxdvtyI just got a really big tv and i want my display to be on the tv but when I do most of the screen on ubuntu gets cut off. How do I fix this up?14:25
sveinsethis is vanilla ubuntu 14.10 server without any X14:25
daftykinsmmm, bit controversial to use a non-LTS server edition14:26
daftykinsanywho sadly i don't understand your issue14:26
dstarhppf ok i'll do that14:26
d4g0ni am new to ubuntu, just have few days this cosmos14:28
d4g0nare there any ADVENCED torrent p2p clients? i need gui...14:28
sveinseThis is what I need: I want to setup a fixed resolution in grub (which is ok). When I start a machine in grub, I'd like to see all of the kernel and bootup on my console, start to finish. That it. But ubuntu server doesn't do that14:29
timfox123Hello all14:29
timfox123I am investigating the differences between Ubuntu and Redhat.  If we install Ubuntu and need to call in for help to14:29
timfox123a company ( EMC, Netapp, Software Support, Dedicated Hosting ) can pretty much any RHCE troubleshoot it without much diffaculty ?14:29
daftykinstimfox123: nope, redhat support != ubuntu support14:29
timfox123can others confirm / deny this ?   I know the answer but need it from others.14:30
daftykinscxdvty: is it on all four sides that it overlaps?14:30
timfox123this is #ubuntu what better source ?14:30
d4g0ntimfox123: ubuntu only support them apps14:31
vexnstupid question (i'm a newbie) deluser will delete all the files and folders and free up the space correct?14:31
daftykinstimfox123: well this is volunteer run, so you're not going to get official paid support commentary here14:31
daftykinscxdvty: what graphics hardware? you need to adjust overscan14:31
d4g0ndaftykins: hah, sure14:31
cxdvtyI'm not sure14:31
cxdvtybuty its only when i change display to my big tv14:32
daftykinscxdvty: run "lspci | pastebinit" then14:32
timfox123thank you all14:32
daftykinscxdvty: versus what?14:32
d4g0nlinux using graphic card to calculating yup? its default on all graphs?14:32
timfox123that is exactly what I needed14:32
d4g0ni have AMD radeon 512mb14:32
daftykinsd4g0n: i am talking to the users i put the nickname of at the start of my sentences. i do not need to know what you're using.14:33
sveinseWhat changes the fonts and resolution during booting?14:33
sveinseAnd how can I get plymouth to log everyting to the console?14:34
d4g0neasy dude...14:34
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petard_how can I test nginx and/or apache performance in ubuntu 14.04?14:38
petard_I want to test one request time, concurency request and so on14:38
pbxpetard_, `ab` is the usual tool14:38
petard_pbx: I know for ab for apache, but what about the nginx?14:39
purp_Can someone tell me what i did wrong in the link? http://pastebin.com/vuhK2sMQ14:40
gammax90@purp_ have you recently changed your hostname?14:40
purp_gammax90, yep, i solved that already, but the issue isn't solved.14:41
gammax90@purp_ the issue concern the hostname. Have you changed file /etc/hosts with your news hostname?14:42
purp_gammax90, wlan0 was there when it was down. but when i brough it up, it disappeared.14:42
pbxpetard_, it doesn't really care what's on the target end14:42
gammax90@purp_ Check this http://askubuntu.com/questions/9540/how-do-i-change-the-computer-name14:42
petard_pbx: ok thank you14:42
purp_@gammax90 i changed already, but it is still the same14:43
gammax90@purp_ have you rebooted already?14:43
tewardpurp_: did you follow all three steps?  Did you also reboot?14:43
adrian_1908I removed some old kernel images via `apt-get autoremove`. However something residual remains when I run `dpkg --list | grep 'linux-image'` (http://paste.ubuntu.com/10669663/). Are those configuration file or something? Can I remove them too?14:44
ppfadrian_1908: there is the --purge option14:45
daftykinsadrian_1908: i wouldn't worry about it14:45
adrian_1908ppf: does this do more than autoremove and would have removed those as well?14:45
ppfit does purge instead of remove, deleting configuration files as well14:46
purp__@teward http://pastebin.com/U6URZ2XS as you can see, i changed the hostname but the wlan0 disappearance is still the same.14:46
adrian_1908ppf: looks like it might be what I'm looking for.14:47
bshambaughjoin #opencreds\14:48
sveinsewhere can I find the plymouth kernel line settings?14:49
gammax90@purp__ try the command 'sudo rfkill list'14:49
gammax90and print the output pls14:49
purp__@gammax90 it says : Can't open RFKILL control device: No such file or directory14:50
adrian_1908ppf: that did the job, thanks!14:50
gammax90try without sudo14:52
hanancan anyone help me with sound ?14:52
purp__@gammax90 no difference. same output.14:52
hananvery low output then ://14:53
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gammax90Is rfkill installed? Try 'sudo apt-get install rfkill'14:56
dstarhppf booted up a vm, the conf script cannot be run as a standalone script, it's more of a dsl and doesn't follow bash directly14:56
dstarhthe parts i pasted were only the relevent parts of the script14:56
dstarh* that i changed14:56
purp__@gammax90 yes. here is the output : rfkill is already the newest version14:57
swattianyone using NVIDIA SLI (ubuntu 14.04)?14:57
purp__@gammax90 for some reason i tried many solutions on the net but none of them worked.14:58
ppfdstarh: right. in that case, maybe FD redirection isn't supported in that script engine?14:59
dstarhppf yeah i'm going to play with it more in my vm and see what i can make of it15:00
gammax90@purp__ really a strange situation. The wlan card is a usb card or a pci? Are you on a desktop or on a laptop? Which version of ubuntu are you running?15:01
purp__@gammax90 i am running a USB wlan on a raspberrypi 2.15:02
purp__@gammax90 running on ubuntu 14.0415:02
gammax90can you post your 'lspci' output?15:03
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purp__@gammax90 output : lspci: Cannot find any working access method.15:04
swattianyone using Nvidia SLI (ubuntu 14.04)?15:05
DemHydraz>Ubuntu is afrikaans for "I can't install debian"15:09
gammax90@purp__ ...and 'lsusb'?15:09
newUbun_usrhas the suspend problem been solved?15:09
purp__@gammax90 before i enable wlan0: http://pastebin.com/gkT4PL8e15:09
purp__@gammax90 after i enable wlan0 : http://pastebin.com/TVGdk8gA15:11
gammax90let's try to follow this guide15:12
gammax90It contains driver for your usb dongle. Check your linux version15:13
purp__@gammax90 i tried that a few hours ago. didn't help.15:13
gammax90Pay attantion that this guide works with raspbian (with ubuntu i don't know... :$)15:13
gammax90so i suggest switch to raspbian15:14
purp__@gammax to add on, when i did on raspbian, my pi crashed.15:14
daftykinsyou probably want to be in #ubuntu-arm for talking about this15:14
an3kSorry that I have to ask here but google resulted in different and mostly not working solutions.15:15
alexisesI try to add my ubuntu 14.10 under an active directory realm15:15
alexisesusing sssd15:15
an3kI'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04 and want to set grub as well as console to 1024x76815:15
gammax90@purp__ try instead channel #raspberrypi15:15
ubottufedericus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:16
an3kI did set GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768 in /etc/default/grub and then update-grub && reboot15:16
an3know the grub resolution is 800x600. the display resolution is 1024x768 but the console resolution is 800x60015:17
purp__@gammax90 ok, thanks for your help anyway.15:17
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daftykinsfedericus: stop that please15:18
an3kIs this the correct setup? http://askubuntu.com/questions/18444/how-do-i-increase-console-mode-resolution/18463#1846315:22
an3kor just http://askubuntu.com/questions/128309/how-to-use-ubuntu-server-full-screen-in-virtualbox/221473#22147315:23
an3kor maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/299975/proper-way-to-change-terminal-resolution-in-ubuntu-server-13-0415:23
an3kor even http://askubuntu.com/questions/456527/maximum-terminal-resolution-in-ubuntu-server-virtual-box-guest15:23
moniesscan some one help me please ? i can't fix my video drivers i am with amd.. tried 2-3 times from guides from internet but i can't install the proper one15:24
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:25
daftykinsmoniess: followed the above?15:26
moniessyeah i downloaded the drivers but i can't install them ..15:26
daftykinsexplain in more detail15:27
moniessi download the drivers from the official site (ati) and after that i can't install them, the install file is missing15:27
daftykinsmoniess: missing? it should be sat in your downloads folder...15:28
daftykinshave you tried just installing fglrx instead? you might not need the manual download15:28
moniessyeah but how to open them ?15:28
daftykinsthere are roughly a billion guides online15:28
moniessfrom fglrx or fglrx-updates15:29
daftykinsthose just need installing via package or via 'additional drivers'15:29
daftykinsnothing to do with downloading from AMD15:29
moniessokay thanks15:30
G66khello everyone15:30
newUbun_usrhow can i increase swap file size from 1Gb to 2Gb?15:30
G66kim using ubuntu server 10.04  there is erorr popup while im trying to install postfix addgroup: `/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 109 postfix' returned error code 1. Exiting.15:31
somsipnewUbun_usr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How_do_I_add_more_swap.3F15:31
mjaykHaya all coming from opensuse, is there an easy standard way to setup ubuntu with btrf snapshots?15:31
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs  mjayk15:33
mjayktake that as a no thanks bazhang15:34
newUbun_usrchecked that link, doesn't specify how to increase my CURRENT swap file size15:34
daftykinsbtrfs is still experimental :P15:35
bazhangnewUbun_usr, use a live gparted disk15:35
bazhang!gparted | newUbun_usr15:35
ubottunewUbun_usr: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:35
somsipnewUbun_usr: under "Creating the swap partition", steps 3, 4 and 515:35
mjaykdaftykins, snapshots are make or break to me after using them xD but thanks15:36
daftykinsZFS does that too15:36
mjaykzfs for linux is even newer / more experimental right daftykins  ?15:38
daftykinsdon't think so15:39
mjaykif ubuntu has a snapshot tool like snapper for zfs id be all over it15:39
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS mjayk15:39
bazhang!info snapper | mjayk15:40
ubottumjayk: snapper (source: snapper): Linux filesystem snapshot management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.8-2build1 (utopic), package size 158 kB, installed size 926 kB (Only available for linux-any)15:40
lnbhow can i use my other static IPs for outbound web browsing?15:41
newUbun_usrchecking if i got it right: to increase swap-file not partition size soltion is deleting current one n recreating a bigger one, right?15:43
newUbun_usror installing gparted15:44
ppflnb: iptables rewriting15:44
hheehi guys. how can i decrease mouse pointer speed? in setting setup on minimum already15:46
hhee hi guys. how can i decrease mouse pointer speed? in setting setup on minimum already  unity DE15:53
InHisName1When I do: sudo apt-get -f install   I get request to add samba-libs  then when it tries, I get errors (1) returned by the deb.   I've changed printers and the old settings are useless. I'd just as soon purge samba and start all over for the new printer.15:54
daftykinshhee: google result: http://askubuntu.com/questions/135122/reduce-the-mouse-sensitivity ?15:54
hheetankenmate: daftykins: tnx a lot15:56
jtdoncasanyone know why my laptop resumes immediately after a `pm-suspend` (except the first time after a reboot)15:59
an3kI'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04 and want to set display resolution and screen resolution for grub as well as console to 1024x768. With the default settings I get a display and screen resolution of 800x600 for grub and a display resolution of 1024x768 and a screen resolution of 800x600 for console.16:00
an3kI tried setting GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768 but that didn't changed anything. I added GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD=1024x768 but that didn't changed anything too.16:01
an3kI also modified /boot/grub/grub.cfg manually and set gfxmode=1024x768 and set gfxpayload=1024x768 but that also didn't worked.16:02
an3kI also modified /etc/grub.d/00_header (based on http://askubuntu.com/questions/18444/how-do-i-increase-console-mode-resolution/18463#18463) but even that didn't worked.16:03
daftykinsdid you update-grub after?16:03
moniesshow can i run cairo dock fall back mode on startup ?16:04
OerHeksan3k, all you need is 'vga=792' in the bootline AFAIK16:06
sveinseOn ubuntu where does sudo pip install install to?16:06
an3kOerHeks: so GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="vga=792" and that's it?16:07
OerHeksan3k, after the splash part yes16:07
an3kthere's no splash part, maybe because it's Ubuntu Server?16:07
an3khowever, I'll give it a try16:08
an3kOerHeks: Tried it. Grub menu is still 800x600 (800x600), bootup is in 720x400 (720x400) and console is in 800x600 (1024x768)16:11
OerHeksan3k, then i have no clue :-(16:13
OerHeksIt should be 32 bit, 792, maybe it is 16 bit = 791 but that worked never for me http://www.pendrivelinux.com/vga-boot-modes-to-set-screen-resolution/16:14
dstarhppf fya, i've run $CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.sh run >> "$CATALINA_OUT" 2>&1 in bash and it works fine, then put it in a script block within upstart and it doesn't work from there either16:16
dstarhi've asked on #upstart but it seems rather dead at the moment16:16
ppfyou could use init or systemd to manage your tomcat service if you're unhappy with how upstart does things16:17
an3kOerHeks: Thanks. I also tried the other settings (791, 792 and 824) but no difference16:19
cntrhow do i get a display for UNIX time in the clock applet or the tray?16:20
Guest7588If I wanna install Kubuntu as dual boot with Windows, how do I make a new partition?16:20
daftykinsGuest7588: resize the disk inside Windows16:21
daftykinsrun diskmgmt.msc, right click the C: volume and select shrink16:22
naftilos76Hi, i know how to search in a file for a text pattern but i do not know how to do it when searching for 2 or more patterns with grep . I want to find lines starting with -N & -P16:30
Guest7588So not create a new partition?16:30
naftilos76i can do => cat file | grep "^-N"16:30
ppfnaftilos76: you can spicify multiple -e's16:30
naftilos76how can i add the other pattern?16:31
ppfman grep16:31
somsipnaftilos76: grep pattern1 file | grep pattern 216:31
k1l_Guest7588: go in windows into the settings and shrink the windows partition from there. then boot the ubuntu usb drive and create new partitions into the free space and install ubuntu there16:31
ppfsomsip: nah16:32
ppfgrep -e blah -e bleh16:32
Guest7588How much space k1l_ ?16:32
naftilos76thanks a lot16:32
Guest7588How much should be shrinked in MB?16:32
Guest7588I have 281531 to use16:33
k1l_Guest7588: think about GB. tens of GB16:33
Guest7588How much in MB?16:33
Guest7588would be good16:33
terinjokes_i'm having an issue with lightdm, wherein my X session locks and lightdm spawns to handle unlocking, but then my display turns off (and remains off until i blindly type in my password to unlock)16:34
k1l_the base ubuntu alone as full desktop with typical programs installed will use something from 7GB to 15GB. then there is the data your users will save in /home.16:34
Guest7588Well, how much should I shrink?16:34
terinjokes_i'd love to debug this, but i see nothing relevant in X or lightdm logs16:34
Guest7588in MB16:34
k1l_Guest7588: i just answered your question.16:35
Guest7588"then there is the data your users will save in /home.", and I mean In MB, total16:35
Guest7588so how much would be good?16:35
k1l_Guest7588: i dont know what you will want to safe. i have 90GB in /home as user data.16:35
Guest7588I will not use it to save things so much16:36
k1l_so just think about what you want to save there, what you use your computer for. i dont know what you do there. so anything from 1Gb to 1TB could be good for you16:36
lyzeHello :) Does somebody know how to do this (nginx): i have a service running at http://www.example.com:32001 but i want to access this at http://www.example.com/foo  does somebody know how i can do this?16:50
archiplyze thats called a reverse proxy: -226-140-90.ptr.terago.net) has joined #ubuntu16:51
archipoops clipboard derp16:51
archip^ heres the link you need16:52
lyzearchip: thanks :)16:52
lyzedidn't know how to call this16:52
archiplyze and next time #nginx might be more helpful :p16:52
lyzearchip: yeah probably ;)16:52
dhaval2712Is this where we're asking the Q&A questions?16:54
lyze!ask | dhaval271216:54
ubottudhaval2712: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:54
yossarianukhi - is this the best place to ask about upstart scripts ?16:54
lyze!ask | yossarianuk16:54
ubottuyossarianuk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:55
dhaval2712lyze: No I mean, for the Ubuntu Community Q&A happening now.16:55
dhaval2712popey: What are your plans to release in India?16:55
vervoidI have a network issue with ubuntu, at first boot a few pages load fast, then all other pages load forever. Anyone had similar issues?16:55
lyzedhaval2712: oh ok sorry ;)16:56
somsipdhaval2712: join #ubuntu-on-air see http://ubuntuonair.com/16:56
PLMgHello, I want to run ubuntu from a USB stick but I remember I need to format the flash drive in a way different from the usual live cd. What do I need? :)16:57
lyzePLMg: i would use a live usb creator16:57
givygivyIs there any distribution that allows me to get the latestest version of programs on linux? For example, some softwares are blocked in some version on ubuntu16:57
vervoidI have a network issue with ubuntu, at first boot a few pages load fast, then all other pages load forever. Anyone had similar issues?16:58
lyzePLMg: when using linux and you want to create a ubuntu live usb stick then i would use "startup disk creator"16:58
PLMglyze: does this way allow me to run apt-get update and upgrade and save them?16:58
lyzegivygivy: arch linux16:58
givygivylyze: thanks16:58
dstarhppf finally figured it out, the script block works but it doesn't see anything created via env, when I move the env calls to export calls within the script block it works16:58
lyzePLMg: well i haven't tried using a live cd and store data on this. but in the creation with the program you can give it some space so i guess yeah16:58
PLMgI usually do a live cd with pendrive but it does not save the data. I will search for the way you sugested. thank you lyze16:59
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lyzePLMg: http://screenshots.ubuntu.com/screenshots/u/usb-creator-gtk/9739_large.png   as you can see: on bottom of the screen you can reserve space for the stick (documents…)17:00
lyzeso i guess thats the thing you need ;)17:00
yossarianukhi - I have made an upstart script (to launch a meteor application) - it works fine when you run it17:03
yossarianuki.e 'service meteor start'17:03
yossarianukhowever it is not starting on boot =- how can I troubleshoot why it is not starting on boot17:04
jq-How can I go about blocking ALL tor traffic to my server?17:06
yossarianukalso I if I add 'service meteor start' to /etc/rc.local it works on boot.17:06
yossarianukjg-:  turn off tor ?17:06
yossarianukjg-:  block the tor port17:06
somsipjq-: https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq-abuse.html.en#Bans17:07
yossarianukjg-:  if you mean how do you stop tor visitors hitting your server that is harder - you can try blocking exit node ips - but that won't really help.17:07
jq-yossarianuk: Yeah, I don't want any tor user to be able to access my site.17:07
somsipjq-: read the official faq, as linked17:08
jq-somsip: Seems to only show lists of ips, I don't know what the best way to block them is.17:08
k1l_jq-: well, that is the concept of the tor network17:08
yossarianukjq-: you are basically going to have a hard time doing that - Snort/Suricata has rules that block known exit nodes17:08
somsip!info iptables | jq-17:08
ubottujq-: iptables (source: iptables): administration tools for packet filtering and NAT. In component main, is standard. Version 1.4.21-2ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 248 kB, installed size 1420 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:08
yossarianuksomsip: that won;t help block users using Tor visiting his server17:09
yossarianuk(its basically not possible to do so - you can try but you will waste your time)17:09
tankenmatejq-: if you are blocking lots of disparate ip addresses you might want to look at the ipset extension to iptables17:09
SCHAAP137just upgraded to 14.10 after i saw the new Intel gfx driver was released, unfortunately it did not fix my weird Firefox fonts issue17:10
SCHAAP137wonder if someone else experiences the same thing17:10
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukkii
SCHAAP137some pages it just shows no fonts whatsoever17:10
SCHAAP137and others it does17:10
SCHAAP137rebuilding font cache to no avail17:10
SCHAAP137anyone have a suggestion what to look at?17:10
tankenmateschaap137: are you blocking the sites that host the webfonts?17:10
SCHAAP137wow, did not think of that tankenmate, i am using µBlock though17:11
SCHAAP137possibly this is the problem, let's see17:11
=== gusnan is now known as Guest83448
tankenmatei use µBlock and haven't had any webfont issues, but you never know...17:11
tankenmatedinner: bbl17:11
Guest7588freerouShoShould I insert the USB, create a new partition from the empty available space and install?17:12
yossarianukis #ubuntu-server a better place to ask about upstart not starting on boot ?17:12
Guest7588Should I insert the USB, create a new partition from the empty available space and install?*17:12
iuzatankenmate... wow... how can you display the micron ?17:12
jq-tankenmate: I looked into iptables, but is it better to use iptables on the server or on the router?17:14
jq-I'm running dd-wrt17:14
Dewin|workjq-:  Running it on the router means the traffic your filtering never has to make it into your network at all, but it never hurts to do both17:15
jq-Dewin|work: Yeah, I don't want tor to be able to get to my site at all.17:16
OerHeksjq-, "I want to ban the Tor network from my service." https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq-abuse.html.en#Bans17:16
jq-OerHeks: I've seen that, but I don't know what to do with ip lists.17:16
jq-I'm here to ask for the best way to handle it.17:16
Guest7588any ideas?17:17
k1l_jq-: there is no "block this ip and your are done" solution, since that is not how tor works.17:20
jq-k1l_: I know that, it needs to be updated every so often since tor ip's change17:21
daftykinsGuest7588: boot it and all will become obvious17:21
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ido_Hi, I need help watching this video. It keeps buffering forever on Chrome/Chromium/Firefox, with either Flash 17 or 11. Adblock is disabled. https://screen.yahoo.com/episode-3-basic-crisis-room-070001774.html17:23
mustmodifyWhat does "no talloc stackframe" mean? https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/e2859531b0bbb154dc5017:23
iuzamustmodify, something about  memory allocation ?17:24
noah123Well, now I have shrinked the C:\ partition and boot from the USB. I selected "Manual Disk Setup" and now I wonder should the new partition be Primary or Logical? Gonna do dual boot.17:33
noah123default was logical17:33
noah123Help would be appreciateful.17:35
GlamdringMany websites seem to have links to .debs that call for me to open the link through AptURL, but I've NEVER had that work. Why not, and/or what works better?17:35
elno abañr iglis17:36
elmani is german uay from17:36
belahi,  I want to enter from a local machine lightdm turning to a remote server using XDMCP.  I do it with a thin client, I also want to do it from an old PC that I use as a simple terminal. in the window of the login I have only local accounts on my local mchine,  it is possible to customize the login window of lightdm to allow access to a remote server running XDMCP?  on one word : I want to add  a remote XDMCP login to my menu in window17:36
noah123Well, what's next?17:37
roadrunneratwastmy sound dies on xubuntu periodically17:37
roadrunneratwastnot sure why.  i tried removing and reinstalling alsa drivers17:37
roadrunneratwastdidn't work this time around17:37
roadrunneratwastany ideas?17:37
teslanetel canal hispano de ubuntu17:38
teslanetHola como va todo ?17:39
teslanetalguna ayuda , para instalar ubuntu server 14.0417:40
ycyclistI am still trying to find out if there is a rationale to have two ways to set two apparently not equal subsets of editor defaults on Ubuntu:  select-editor, and update-alternatives –config editor.17:40
ycyclistI appparently need select-editor for crontab -e, but all others are covered by update-alternatives --config editor.  Is this some kind of oversight, or is there rationale here?17:41
ycyclistNote please, I do not have VISUAL nor EDITOR environment variables set.17:41
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BenBEdaftykins: (Regarding the boot issue) Definitively the *disk*: efibootmgr reports 8 entries in the boot order, but the UEFI only reports the 5 more generic ones (ODD, LAN, HDD, USB, ...)17:48
daftykinsBenBE: wow that was a delay from... yesterday? :) or Sunday? what brand is it?17:49
BenBEdaftykins: Disabling the Windows Boot Manager specific entry in efibootmgr (-b -A) temporarily helps, until Windows (unknown why) re-enables it. The Ubuntu-Entry (Grub 2 EFI) only comes after; trying to change the priority here doesn't show any effects.17:49
BenBEdaftykins: The delay was from yesterday ;-)17:50
BenBEdaftykins: Brand is a Toshiba17:51
daftykinsBenBE: latest EFI version i take it?17:52
daftykinsthis one is going to be beyond my experience i suspect17:52
daftykinsseems our resident boot expert isn't in17:52
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BenBEdaftykins: Didn't update it specifically - and as the notebook isn't mine (and still with warrantee) I didn't want to update firmware.17:53
BenBEdaftykins: Work-Around for now is booting from USB live stick, disabling the affected Windows entry using efibootmgr and things work for a while ... It's just not a good/viable solution in the long run.17:54
daftykinsBenBE: oh, well at least read if there is an update available17:54
daftykinsand see what it fixes in a changelog17:54
BenBEdaftykins: I have the feeling I'll see this notebook again sometime soon :P Will check ^^17:55
daftykinsfirmware update won't affect warranty though17:56
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daftykins"/join #channel"17:56
AndChat|54704I'm having a problem with wireless in lubuntu17:57
daftykinsask away with details on one line17:57
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AndChat|54704The first few websites load fast, but the others forever, I have an Intel wifilink 5100 agn, and I'm having the problems in Ubuntu and lubuntu17:59
BenBEAndChat|54704: uname -a; lsb-release18:00
SCHAAP137anyone else have fonts not displaying in Firefox on certain websites? checked the font packages, rebuilt font cache, not blocking webfont servers18:04
SCHAAP137what could it be?18:04
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DSdavidDSHello everyone, I am having an issue where I am asked to enter my password in a keyring every time I boot. How do I change it back to how it was before?18:09
iuzaDSdavidDS, did you encrypt the system ?18:10
DSdavidDSiuza: yes, I have a password on it18:11
iuzaDSdavidDS, no, i   mean, when you made the installation  ...18:12
DSdavidDSbut rather than asking me to log in through the gnome UI, it goes directly to my main screen with a login box18:12
DSdavidDSlooks like this http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/unlock-login-keyring1.jpg18:12
DSdavidDSiuza: yes I did18:12
jq-Does this crash log make any sense to someone? https://leetfil.es/paste/9f8ddb3c18:16
lasdamhey. I'm getting a "running in low graphics" problem followed up by a hanging system when I boot. the only way I can boot up now is by using the recovery mode of an older (kernel?) version. I think the only thing I did before this happened was to remove selinux. I've tried re-installing gdm, ubuntu-desktop, and updating grub.18:17
lasdamwhat else can I try?18:18
iuzaDSdavidDS, try this : http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/07/disable-unlock-login-keyring-ubuntu-13-04/18:18
lasdamoh, and I've reinstalled intel drivers as well (my gfx is an intel hd 3000)18:18
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ReGiStRaShi guys...I'm on 14.04 and how do I browse files like etc and system folfers18:30
Rust3dCor3go to / and find catalogues like usr root lib and so on18:31
Rust3dCor3they are system folderts18:31
YukenAnyway to install ubuntu to a USB, on Windows 7, without admin?18:31
heeenanyone else having trouble with icedtea after upgrading to 14.1018:32
heeenit does not show in firefox about:plugins18:32
ReGiStRaSwhere can I input the / ?18:32
heeenI tried reinstalling it and linking it to .mozilla/plugins18:32
ReGiStRaSI can't seem to do it on the default files browser...18:32
Rust3dCor3just go up18:33
Rust3dCor3its called also the filesystem18:33
ReGiStRaSthere is no up button18:33
ReGiStRaSon the default18:33
JDAIIIquick question. Anyone set up an ubuntu vm on azure? I set one up and I'm not able to get an external connection to the VM. I can use apt-get to update, but I cannot ping external IPs and I cannot ping the vm from external IPs18:34
Rust3dCor3use alt + up18:34
k1l_ReGiStRaS: click on the left list onto the "computer" entrie18:34
k1l_entry *18:34
ReGiStRaSthey make it so difficult on Ubuntu!18:34
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k1l_ReGiStRaS: its not difficult, just open your eyes :)18:34
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ReGiStRaSSorry...how do I enable SSH in 14.04?18:40
ReGiStRaSit seems that open-ssh is not available anymore...18:40
DGravityHi, I am using ubunto for a while now. I am using ubuntu 14.10 , I am not able to get skype installed? when I run the commands in the terminal18:42
heeenReGiStRaS: sure it is18:42
SchrodingersScat!info openssh-server | ReGiStRaS18:42
ubottuReGiStRaS: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.6p1-8 (utopic), package size 356 kB, installed size 1099 kB18:42
ReGiStRaSPackage openssh-server is not available18:44
ReGiStRaSthis is what I got18:44
heeenReGiStRaS: try reloading, e.g. apt-get update18:44
heeenuse a different mirror18:45
erzoHow can i execute something like wget through python ssh remote?18:45
EriC^^!info openssh-server18:45
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.6p1-8 (utopic), package size 356 kB, installed size 1099 kB18:45
heeenI suppsoe IcedTea is working for everyone but me18:45
SchrodingersScatReGiStRaS: sudo apt-get update18:45
mesheltonHi, Everybody! Was just wondering how to unmap the windows key from popping open the launcher and assigning a different key to it? Couldn't find an option in the system settings.18:45
heeencan someone check if it is in about:plugins18:45
heeenin firefox18:45
kromaticneed help with ubuntu mysql18:46
ReGiStRaSis that command to update Ubuntu?18:46
ReGiStRaSlike WIndows update?18:46
SchrodingersScatReGiStRaS: It updates the repos, the apt-get upgrade upgrades the packages18:46
lyze!ask | kromatic18:46
ubottukromatic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:46
ReGiStRaSyup...is working now18:47
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:47
lyzeheeen: http://screencloud.net/v/pnpM18:48
heeenlyze: what release are you on?18:48
JDAIIIquick question. Anyone set up an ubuntu vm on azure? I set one up and I'm not able to get an external connection to the VM. I can use apt-get to update, but I cannot ping external IPs and I cannot ping the vm from external IPs18:49
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JDAIIII disabled the ufw and ipv6(netstat was showing a lot of [:::]18:50
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psycho123what is better? Ubuntu Desktop or Ubuntu Server with xorg, dm and i3?18:55
xanguapsycho123: server is better if you want a server18:55
noahmy volume up key does not work anymore18:56
an3kpsycho123: If you don't want all the "fancy stuff" go with server18:56
fahadashWhere do I go to update my system date and time? using xfce18:56
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hggdhpsycho123: it tends all to be the same. If you install server, and then ubuntu-desktop, you end up with the same thing18:57
noahmy volume up key does not work anymore18:57
psycho123@xangua i will don have unity18:57
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an3kubuntu-server is like debian. you get the graphical dosmode setup menu and if you select no packages then you got a very clean linux from where you can start18:58
xanguapsycho123: me and you write read full sentences18:58
help_dhcpi'm not at my ubuntu box - i am at work. i need help changing from a PPPOE connection to a DHCP connect.18:58
psycho123sorry @xangua18:59
xangua!minimal | pystar89: if what you want is to install only what you need/want in ubuntu, consider using the minimal iso18:59
ubottupystar89: if what you want is to install only what you need/want in ubuntu, consider using the minimal iso: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:59
topdownjimmycan i pause the output of cat when a search match is found?19:00
help_dhcpMy ISP gave me a new router 4 months ago, but ubuntu won't connect to the internet any more and I'm tired of using microsoft - the former connection was PPPOE and the ISP tech tells me i'm now on a DHCP connection. but Ubuntu does not recognize it...19:00
an3khelp_dhcp: sudo /etc/network/interfaces19:01
help_dhcphow do i turn off PPPOE?19:03
an3khelp_dhcp: you see at least auto eth0 and below a line starting with iface. paste that one line here19:03
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help_dhcp@an3k sooo am at work, on a windows box, no where near my ubuntu install19:04
help_dhcpan3k: i cannot copy paste anything to you19:04
help_dhcpan3k: is there a general sense of what i can do to get DHCP to recognize the ISP>?19:04
noahmy volume up key does not work anymore19:05
an3khelp_dhcp: yes, edit the /etc/network/interfaces. It should have the following for DHCP http://paste.ubuntu.com/10671961/19:06
an3kthat enables DHCP on the network adapter. If you have more than one you have to check if its eth0 or eth119:07
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jhutchinshelp_dhcp: Also disable network-manager if it's running.19:07
MiguelllHi ppl :)19:07
help_dhcpjhutchins: how to determine if it is running?19:07
noahmy volume up key will not work anymore.19:07
sl33k_My Eclipse window is hanged and unrespomsive. How do I close it?19:08
jhutchinshelp_dhcp: ps ax | less19:08
jhutchinsnoah: Do any of your other media keys work?19:10
noahjhutchins: yes19:10
noahjhutchins: volume down works19:10
noahjhutchins: and all the others19:11
noahjhutchins: at least the ones I use19:11
help_dhcpLast night, i thought i was still on a PPPOE connection, when i tried to run a Networkmanager it said another PPPOE manager might be running on eth019:11
jhutchinsnoah: Sounds like hardware failure.  xev should show you if it's sending a code or not.19:11
sl33k_My Eclipse window is hanged and turned unresponsive. How do I force close it?19:11
noahjhutchins: Well, trying to input Fn+F10 as a keyboard shorcut for it doesn't work.19:12
noahjhutchins: but suprisingly F10 works19:12
noahjhutchins: xev gave nothing19:13
bpromptsl33k_:     try a "killall" on it,    to see the name of the process, do a  ->   lsof -c eclipse;19:14
bpromptsl33k_:     actually just do a ->   ps -ax | grep -i eclipse <--- to see the process name and id, to use for "killall"19:16
gaucercan smbd help me with xfce4-appearance-settings?19:17
tankenmateWOW! open xchange has bought dovecot and powerdns!19:18
noahmy volume up "key" (Fn-F10) does not send an event19:18
tankenmatenoah: have you got a USB or PS/2 keyboard?19:19
noahtankenmate: no. a laptop keyboard.19:20
sl33k_bprompt: killall eclipse did it19:20
tankenmatenoah: it's probably a PS/2 keyboard then (internally that is)19:21
sl33k_My laptop heats up like crazy. What measures can I take to reduce this?19:21
tankenmatenoah: you should be able to check if evdev is emitting events19:21
noahtankenmate: ok. what should I do19:21
gauceranybody hear me?19:22
tankenmatenoah: # xinput list19:23
tankenmatenoah: have you found your hardware keyboard? (it should be one of the slave keyboards)19:24
noahtankenmate: I think this is the relavant line: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard              id=10   [slave  keyboard (3)]19:24
gauceri'm using xubuntu 14.04.2. I don't know why, but i installed gnome3 from ppa. After i purged it and now theme settings crash19:24
tankenmateyeah, it's a PS/2 keyboard then19:24
gauceri tried to reinstall it19:24
tankenmatenoah: # xinput test 1019:25
tankenmatenoah: then then type Fn-F1019:26
tankenmatenoah: and see if it registers any input19:26
ubonegaucer: see man page of pkg manager, look for a way to remove unneeded pkg installed as dependancies19:26
noahtankenmate: nothing. Strangley, just F10 works. And Fn-F9 works.19:26
ubonegaucer: or check config files and remove all gnome 3 confs19:27
tankenmatenoah: it could be either a fault in the keyboard, the keyboard driver, or even the BIOS19:27
noahtankenmate: so what do you suggest?19:28
ubonegaucer: try to install cinnamon or just nemo on an xfce pc, you will get a similar mix up19:28
tankenmatenoah: # apt-get install input-utils19:28
grant__hows erryone doin today19:29
tankenmatenoah: # input-events 1019:29
noahtankenmate: got it19:29
tankenmatenoah: and try Fn-F10 again19:29
grant__bye Pueb!19:29
grant__bye xqcao!19:29
grant__by pscho123!19:29
gaucerubone: yes, i now. it was my mistake19:29
noahtankenmate: open /dev/input/event10: No such file or directory19:29
tankenmatenoah: # lsinput19:30
ubonegaucer:  i dont blame you,19:30
tankenmatenoah: on my box the /dev/input/event[n] line up with xdev but that might be because i have very few inputs installed19:30
jamie_hey I am having a problem... sometimes when my computer locks from time out.. when i go to enter my password it doesn’t work and i have to restart my computer19:31
tankenmatenoah: your keyboard should be listed in lsinput19:31
noahtankenmate: had to use sodo. ended up being event3. Fn-F10 again did nothing.19:31
sl33k_My laptop heats up like crazy. What measures can I take to reduce this?19:31
ubonejamie_: how do you restart19:31
noahtankenmate: sudo*19:31
jamie_ubone: i tap the power button once and it goes thorough the shut down process19:32
ubonesl33k_: is your gpu ati/amd19:32
sl33k_ubone: How do I find this out?19:32
tankenmatenoah: the '#' means run as root; sorry19:32
ubonesl33k_: do  inxi -F  in terminal19:33
noahtankenmate: that's ok. it still didn't catch anything19:33
tankenmatenoah: if Fn-F10 isn't responding then even the kernel driver isn't sending the event; this means either that the hardware refuses to provide an event or it is being trapped by the BIOS / ACPI19:33
hheeguys, ubuntu is awesome! but which player is the best ? (with GUI)19:34
akkadplayer? ansible19:34
tankenmatehhee: vlc :)19:34
ubonejamie_: do you see anything on the screen?19:34
jamie_ubone: what specificly do you mean19:34
hheetankenmate: oh music player :)19:34
noahtankenmate: what could be done to fix this?19:34
tankenmatehhee: vlc will play music and videos :)19:35
tankenmatenoah: with a budget of less than $10k? not much :(19:35
sl33k_ubone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10672145/ is the output after issuing the command19:35
gaucerubone: trying to purge all gnome dependencies19:35
ubonejamie_: does it look normal, wallpaper and all, or is it the keyboard or something19:35
hheetankenmate: tnx, dont know this19:35
ubonegaucer: go baby go19:35
tankenmatenoah: to fix that you'd have to have very good hardware hacking skills19:35
jamie_ubone: the pull up is there and when i pull it up the password entry is there but it either dosnt type some of the letters... or when it does it will not accept the password19:36
noahtankenmate: does it send a weird code at boot (e.g. when I press up ad buut I get something like >D]]19:36
tankenmatenoah: you could make a guess as to the cause by checking the hardware interrupts while pressing Fn-F10 rapidly19:36
noahtankenmate: I just though of something.19:37
ubonesl33k_: you have intel gpu, but you could set your cpu governor to conservative to keep frequencies on low and hence temp too19:38
uboneidk intel gpu19:38
noahtankenmate: my up key sticks whenever my computer is turned on so I have to press space to stop it. I'm pretty sure the volume key still worked after that but could this be the issue?19:38
ubonejamie_:  sounds like a keyboard locale issue19:39
tankenmatenoah: $ watch -n 1 "cat /proc/interrupts | egrep 8042"19:39
tankenmatenoah: and then keep hitting Fn-F10 lots19:39
jamie_ubone: do you know of a way to solve this19:39
gaucerubone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10672178/ that's what i have. some pkgs want to remove half of my system and install unity19:39
erzohow can i add shell script to pythoncode?19:39
ubonejamie_: try to change your password using simple international character only19:40
tankenmatenoah: does the interrupt count(s) increase while hitting Fn-F10?19:40
erzopython code*19:40
jamie_my password is all letters and numbers and 1 period19:40
tankenmatehold down the Fn key by the way, just keep hitting only the F10 key19:40
JDAIIII am losing my mind, I cannot get any kind of connection outside of ssh on my azure hosted ubuntu VM, anyone have any ideas?19:40
noahtankenmate: not sure. there are a lot of numbers. but I have to go now. Will hopefuly be back soon.19:41
tankenmateJDAIII: iptables?19:41
jamie_ubone: the only thing i can think would throw it off would be that it is 19 characters long19:41
tankenmatenoah: OK19:41
HanaNixI am trying to use snapper on Ubuntu and I am getting this error: Creating config failed (/sbin/chsnap not installed). <-- any idea?19:41
JDAIIItankenmate, disabled by default on ubuntu vms on azure.19:41
ubonejamie_: too complex, maybe its a locale mix up, test a new simple password19:41
tankenmateJDAIII: disabled? or empty? i doubt they compile their kernels without iptables support19:42
ubonegaucer: those are not needed for xfce419:42
jamie_ubone: ugh... ill try that for a little... its just odd that it is doing it now... I always have kept my password above 17characters19:42
gaucerubone: yes, i know, but i can't remove it..19:42
tankenmateJDAIII: iptables -L -nv19:43
jamie_ubone: why would it just randomly start doing that now19:43
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uboneit wants to make your day exciting19:45
JDAIIItankenmate, sorry, someone insisted on requiring my attention IRL. Only one entry ACCEPT udp * *19:45
jamie_well it choose an annoying time to do it....19:46
jamie_I just changed the rest of my passwords for the rest my stuff.... :\19:46
levlazAny juju wizards around? :)19:47
tankenmateJDAIII: and the default policy on INPUT and OUTPUT is?19:48
JDAIIItankenmate, accept on both19:48
tankenmateJDAIII: and this is an outbound or inbound problem?19:49
JDAIIItankenmate, both, I cannot ping the vm using the external address form my local and I cannot ping a remote ip on the vm, but I can run apt-get if that makes a difference19:49
gr00v3is it a NAT / bridged network issue?19:51
tankenmateJDAIII: ahh i suspect you are being firewalled by an external firewall or router19:51
tankenmateJDAIII: i've never used azure, but i suspect there would be some firewall setting somewhere on a control panel or some such19:52
JDAIIItankenmate, I looked extensviely for such an animal and I could not see anything, but I will check again19:52
tankenmateJDAIII: or a less likely option there might be some command line tool provided by MS that achieves a similar result... not sure19:52
tankenmateJDAIII: email support is the only thing i could suggest then, sorry :/19:53
JDAIIIthanks. I've never used azure to host. but I was asked to see if we could host our cloud services on linux through azure. I miss aws19:54
levlazJDAIII: What is the IP address?19:55
tankenmateJDAIII: ack, you could try digital ocean, rackspace, or vultr19:56
tankenmatealso OVH, haetzler (sp?) if you are in europe19:56
tankenmatenetcup has some pretty good pricing but i've never used them19:56
gaucerubone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10672294/ this can't remove because it's want to delete 4 pkgs & install 111 new19:57
levlazJDAIII: We should look to see what ports are open, what happens if you run netstat -pltnu19:57
JDAIIItankenmate, unfortunately I get no choice on this. We already use azure for other windows servers and they are not going to let me change. If only I were in charge19:57
levlazJDAIII: It may be a simple config issue somehwere. Alternatively you may be getting blocked by EBTabes outside of your VM but that is unlikely since you can reach it over SSH.19:59
tankenmateJDAIII: oh well... there's only so much you can do; i suggest you tell them to render unto ceaser what is ceaser's :)19:59
=== Isla_de_Muerte is now known as NwS
JDAIIIlevlaz, I get 6 returns,,, ::::22,,,::::2877120:00
levlazJDAIII: and what you expecting besides SSH ?20:01
levlazI mean what service is running that you want to reach lol20:01
JDAIIII'm expecting to be able to ping an external site or IP, I had installed apac eh and 80 wasn't available even though I added the endpoint. I uninstalled, but will reinstall in a few minutes.20:02
tankenmateJDAIII: just as aside, what does lsof -i return?20:02
levlazCan you install it again, and then run the same command to see if it is evenin listening on 80?20:02
levlazIts odd that you cant ping the IP :/ but its equally odd that you can get in with SSH everything *should* work lol20:03
levlazI am assuming you are running Ubuntu right?20:03
Bruce____can i install 64bit ubuntu on a laptop with processor core 2 duo with 2 gb RAM?20:03
levlazBruce____: yes20:03
levlazBruce____: np :)20:03
JDAIIItankenmate, lsof -i returns 8 entries, two of which are my connection, two others are ip4 and ip6 ssh, and the other 5 are the ports listed before plus bootpc as a port?20:04
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JDAIIIinstalling our software again, this will take a while20:05
levlazJDAIII: no problem, I am sure its something simple and silly.20:05
levlazIs apache running?20:05
tankenmateJDAIII: they probably support PIX boot20:05
JDAIIInevermind, our software will not install because it requires the ability to ping www.google.com or it will exit the script20:05
levlazOr .. is that part of the long install process?20:05
levlazAr eyou not able to ping google???20:06
silentnewbanyone here using win 8.1 dualbooted with ubuntu 14.04?20:06
silentnewbi cant get it through booting UEFI20:06
silentnewbplease help20:06
JDAIIIour install script of which I am testing now, requires the ability to ping www.google.com or it will fail. I can comment that out, but that will not be an option for the tests that I am performing.20:06
JDAIIII just tried and I just used wget successfully to download a zip file from a web address.20:07
JDAIIIwonder why apt-get and wget work20:07
levlazJDAIII: what happens when you ping google now?20:07
levlazIts super odd20:07
JDAIIIlevlaz, it hangs20:07
levlazWhat does your /etc/resolv.conf look like?20:07
JDAIII100% packet loss20:07
levlazCan you run an MTR report?20:08
levlaz"mtr --report google.com"20:08
levlazto see where the loss occurs at -- if it is at the Azure routers then you can go yell at them :)20:08
JDAIIIresolv.conf has two entries. nameserver with an ip to which I am not familiar and search which appears to be my VM's dns name20:09
JDAIIImtr only shows my HOST and nothing else20:09
JDAIIIStart, then host, then it exits out20:10
noahtankenmate: ok. back just to say this. it was definitely going up. gtg20:11
daveomcdwhen using grep is there a command i can use to stop when the screen fills with text? so that i can read it then let it continue?20:11
archipdaveomcd command | grep | less20:12
archipaka less20:12
silentnewbanyone here using win 8.1 dualbooted with ubuntu 14.04? i disabling secure boot but i cant get it through booting UEFI and booted into windows after install ubuntu20:12
JDAIIIlevlaz, I think that the loss is occuring before it even gets to the azure router20:12
tankenmatenoah: that means the hardware is generating interrupts but something is trapping the key events before they reach the kernel20:12
daveomcdhow do i get out of it?20:12
archipdaveomcd q20:12
archipdaveomcd and up/down arrows to navigate in case you didnt figure it out20:13
silentnewbplease help20:13
Bashing-om!ask | silentnewb20:14
ubottusilentnewb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:14
silentnewbanyone here using win 8.1 dualbooted with ubuntu 14.04? i disabling secure boot but i cant get it through booting UEFI and booted into windows after install ubuntu, do you guys have step by step gguide? i am new here, please help20:15
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vexnBashing-om, he did ask the question20:16
EriC^^silentnewb, is it a hp or toshiba laptop?20:16
vexnno trolling plz Bashing-om20:16
Bashing-omvexn: :))20:16
vexnBashing-om, :)))20:16
silentnewbits Sony Vaio EriC^^20:17
EriC^^silentnewb, ok20:18
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EriC^^try to press esc and get a boot options menu and choose ubuntu20:18
silentnewbany chance you guys dual boot with win 8.1?20:18
EriC^^i have win8 too20:18
Bashing-omsilentnewb: A thought. When you installded ubuntu, did you install with the firmware in CCSM mode ? such that Windows requires to be booted in UEFI mode ?20:19
silentnewbi tried all F keys and esc but nothing happened EriC^^20:19
EriC^^silentnewb, check the bios for efi entries20:20
silentnewbit only have UEFI or Legacy mode20:20
EriC^^silentnewb, there has to be a key that lets you choose which os to load, also it might let you choose to browse for an efi file20:21
silentnewbwhile i try legacy mode then no operating system detected20:21
silentnewbthen  i boot and hold "assist" keys and it's back to UEFI mode again20:22
silentnewbthere no efi or bios entry in my sony vaio20:22
jamie_anyone know how to reset the bluetooth daemon without a restart20:23
fahadashubuntu rocks20:23
fahadashjamie_, Does ubuntu have service command?20:24
jamie_fahadash: what do you mean exactaly20:24
fahadashrun this command: whereis service20:24
fahadashsee if you have it20:24
fahadashI know Suse has it20:24
fahadashdon't know about ubuntu20:24
EriC^^silentnewb, try turning the unit completely off, then press the assist key20:24
silentnewbBashing-om i dont know exactly, what CCSM firmware20:25
jamie_fahadash: yes it does20:25
fahadashservice restart btsvc (or whatever bluetooth service's name is)20:25
jamie_fahadash: Im not sure exactly what it is or how to find it20:25
silentnewbi have already do it, press assist key but only to booted into uefi options without ubuntu or grub there20:26
EriC^^is there any os boot manager or boot options menu? silentnewb20:26
fahadashjamie_, I am not too sure about bluetooth in particular20:26
silentnewbi dont know excactly, only boot from device/dvd rom options20:27
jamie_bluetoothhd is the closest thing i can find20:27
EriC^^silentnewb, try boot from device20:27
silentnewbweirdly there no boot option mentioning ubuntu Eric^^20:27
EriC^^if it doesn't show ubuntu, boot the live usb again20:27
noah123When I wanna use Dual Boot and has an unallocated space, what should I do in the installer of Kubuntu?20:28
silentnewbyes, i once tried with live cds EriC^^ but i dont know what to do afterward20:28
jamie_fahadash: does bluetoothd sound right20:28
silentnewbit cannot cettect my wireless driver20:28
EriC^^silentnewb, no problem, boot it and you can fix it from there20:29
silentnewbhow? EriC^^20:29
EriC^^i'll give you the commands20:29
noahsilentnewb: I think I can hep20:29
noah123any ideas?20:30
EriC^^silentnewb, you need to copy and rename the grub efi file instead of the windows one to trick your bios into booting it20:30
EriC^^i've the same issue on an hp laptop20:30
noahEriC^^: cant he just use boot-repair?20:30
EriC^^noah, well he could just rename it himself, it would be way quicker20:31
EriC^^noah, anyways he needs an internet connection for boot-repair20:31
silentnewbi worried i cannot boot up again into win 8.1 :( i'm not prepared to backup all my data sadly,20:31
silentnewbi cannot use boot-repair20:32
silentnewbno internet from live cds20:32
noahEriC^^: depends on his techincal skills.20:32
EriC^^silentnewb, you can undo it pretty easily by booting the live usb again if it doesn't work20:32
fahadashjamie_, systemctl list-units --type service20:32
noahsilentnewb: have you tried an ethernert cable?20:32
fahadashcan you run that?20:32
jamie_fahadash: Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager.20:33
noahsilentnewb: ethernet*20:33
fahadashjamie_, Like I said. I mostly work on opensuse. Not sure about ubuntu20:33
fahadashjamie_, You might as well try in ##linux20:33
silentnewbcant use eth0 because i only use wireles/wifi connection in my home sadly20:34
silentnewbi get from monthly wifi connection20:34
silentnewbno cables20:34
noahsilentnewb: darn.20:34
kscould you recommend a simple way for instant recovery of several files (php/sqlite), running under ubuntu?20:34
silentnewbbut i can connect with my windows tho20:34
EriC^^silentnewb, as long as you have a live usb you should be good, worse case scenario you could mount the windows partition and get the data back, but it's unlikely anything will happen20:35
jamie_fahadash: this is the place that is supposed to help with ubuntu20:35
noahsilentnewb: have you tried downloading boot reapir onto ubuntu?20:35
noahjamie_: we are all looking for help and to help. Some know more than others.20:35
fahadashjamie_, Correct20:35
jamie_noah: I know that20:36
EriC^^jamie_, not sure what the bluetooth daemon is called, but service --status-all lists all the services20:36
jamie_I do this same type of thing for mozilla over on moznet for the firefox os devices and the web browser20:36
Bashing-omsilentnewb: ^^ EriC^^ Knows UEFI, you are in good hands .20:36
silentnewbubuntu live dvd cannot detect my wireless driver unless i online20:36
fahadashjamie_, What EriC^^ says and: service --status-all | grep *bluetooth*20:37
fahadashor try grep *bt* something as well20:37
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EriC^^Bashing-om, :)20:37
noah123any ideas?20:37
fahadashjamie_, Check the third post in this thread. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-restart-bluez-daemon-712095/20:38
silentnewbEriC^^ Bashing-om i can try online in my colleges, but hwat i have to do with boot-repair?20:38
EriC^^silentnewb, nevermind boot-repair20:38
OerHeksnoah123, most logical let kubuntu instller partition the free space20:38
EriC^^boot the live usb and tell us when it's booted20:38
jamie_fahadash: thanks... its working now20:40
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fahadashjamie_, What worked? Would you like to share?20:41
noah123OerHeks: Should the swap partition be logical?20:42
jamie_fahadash: /etc/init.d/bluetooth  restart20:43
silentnewbEriC^^ okay, i will looking forward for it, thank you guys Bashing-om noah20:43
EriC^^silentnewb, you don't need an internet connection to fix it20:44
noahmg123EriC^^, silentnewb, yeah. sorry for the confusion. u don't need boot-repair20:45
EriC^^silentnewb, you won't be messing with any partition stuff, just replacing a boot file with another, if windows doesn't boot you can just boot the live usb again and replace them back, no harm done20:47
EriC^^silentnewb, it's just a normal file20:48
silentnewbEriC^^ can you please give me the commands? so i can do it later?20:48
silentnewbhow to change the uefi file20:49
EriC^^silentnewb, you need to mount the efi partition and stuff..20:49
EriC^^silentnewb, you could try booting into ubuntu by holding shift and pressing restart in windows, if you get an option that says other devices or something click it and it might list ubuntu20:49
EriC^^that way you wouldn't have to mount the efi partition and you'd just be in ubuntu as you would usually20:50
jamie_fahadash: thanks for your help20:52
silentnewbso what i have to do? do i need to use live usb or boot to other device from win 8.1 only? EriC^^20:53
silentnewbsorry i kind of confusing here XD20:53
EriC^^silentnewb, once you boot the live usb, type sudo blkid | grep vfat, you'll get a list of partitions20:53
EriC^^nevermind the windows thing20:53
EriC^^if it doesn't boot you'd need a live usb to get win back so20:54
EriC^^anyways if you have 1 partition listed, then get it's name /dev/sda1 maybe and type sudo mount /dev/sda1/mnt20:55
EriC^^silentnewb, if you have a bunch of partitions check the label, it might say EFI partition, that's the one you want20:55
joshumaxSorry for reposing this on #ubuntu, but #upstart seemed pretty dead...I had a question regarding the future of upstart and upstart maintenance/security patches... Now that systemd is replacing upstart on Ubuntu, will the Upstart team still maintain Upstart for the foreseeable future?20:56
silentnewbokay, Eric^^ then what to do with the EFI partitions that i found?20:57
helousing "Network" to configure my proxy settings, there isn't a field for username and password20:58
helosurely i can set proxy settings without editing a bunch of config files like Internet Man says20:58
EriC^^silentnewb, you mount the EFI partition then type cp /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup21:01
EriC^^silentnewb, sorry, sudo cp /mnt/boot/efi......21:01
EriC^^silentnewb, that will make a backup copy of the file in case you need to restore it21:01
monojinpossibly idiot question: can I assume that Ubuntu 14.04 is currently utilizing my intel graphics 4000 GPU out of the box, and how can I check?21:02
akkadis this look safe for apt-get install -f ? https://gist.github.com/c8fe586776fc2eb3c82821:02
EriC^^silentnewb, sorry, sudo cp /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup21:03
joshumaxakkad: If you don't do much development work, then perhaps21:04
eikon81gDoes anyone have tips on optimizing youtube playback? I am using firefox and the nvidia drivers for my machine. Some videos seem choppy..21:04
akkadjoshumax: someone put a wrong distro source in there and now it's hosed for adding new packages21:05
joshumaxWas it from a ppa?21:05
silentnewbokay Eric^^ then what to do after cp commands?21:05
akkadbasically it wanted  to update everything21:05
akkadpages of  netcat-openbsd : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7) but it is not going to be installed21:05
EriC^^silentnewb, copy and rename the shimx64.efi file, sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi21:06
joshumax!ubottu ppa-purge21:06
joshumaxI think I did that wrong...21:06
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:06
EriC^^silentnewb, sometimes you have to also backup and then replace /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi , but try bootx64.efi first and see how it goes21:07
akkadthe error is https://gist.github.com/61166d4a48362100d27321:07
Bashing-ommonojin: Intel supports us fully, should work out-of-the-box. Quick verification is to boot a ubuntu liveDVD(usb) .. If all works in the "live" environment, great chance will also work in the install.21:07
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akkadwell atm I can't install anything21:07
joshumaxit looks like your "apt-get -f install" is safe *enough*21:08
EriC^^silentnewb, if you need to revert back do sudo cp /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi21:08
monojinBashing-om: As I suspected. I've actually had Ubuntu MATE installed for two weeks but wanted to make sure ; )21:08
joshumaxBut I'd *really* do a ppa-purge afterwards21:09
Bashing-ommonojin: Good deal . Welcome to our world .21:09
silentnewbEric^^ sorry if this unrelated, but i already tried to change boot path from the windows itself,21:09
silentnewbwith commands bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi21:09
EriC^^this might work21:09
silentnewbbut nothing happened :(21:09
silentnewbi hope your way can solve the problems Eric^^ thank you21:10
EriC^^silentnewb, no problem21:11
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EriC^^silentnewb, oh btw21:13
EriC^^almsot forgot :>21:13
EriC^^silentnewb, you need to let grub know where the new windows efi file is, so you can boot into windows from grub21:13
EriC^^silentnewb, ?21:14
silentnewbEric^^ okay, what should i do ? update grub?21:14
EriC^^silentnewb, type locate 20microsoft21:15
EriC^^it's /usr/lib/os-prober/mount/efi/20microsoft i think ( i'm not on ubuntu right now so i can't check )21:16
sparasiteSomeone here can help me ...?21:17
silentnewbwhat commands EriC^^ from terminal to locate 20microsoft21:17
sparasitePlease, I have been trying for a lot of days now, if not weeks ...21:17
EriC^^silentnewb, then type sudo nano /usr/lib/os-prober/mount/efi/20microsoft ( or whatever you get from the locate command ) and change bootx64.efi to bootx64.efi.backup & bootmgfw.efi to bootmgfw.efi.backup21:17
ndumontsparasite, what's  your problem ?21:17
guntbertsparasite: ask your question - all in one line21:18
sparasiteSure, one moment please!21:18
EriC^^silentnewb, you might not need to do this if you don't change bootmgfw.efi , if you only change bootx64.efi give it a go and if you get grub and windows boots then nevermind, if it doesn't check that file for bootx64.efi and replace it with bootx64.efi.backup21:18
sparasiteWell, I wanna install Kubuntu 14.04.2 using Dual Boot with Windows 7. I dont know ANYTHING but I have created unallocated space, 80 GB21:19
EriC^^silentnewb, oh wait, you have to change that file in ubuntu, not the live usb, so if you boot into ubuntu fine and it doesn't boot windows then do that there21:19
sparasiteI know I need to create a swap partition and so on, but I dont know what File System, Beginning or End, Mount Point etc.21:19
EriC^^then run sudo update-grub21:19
supermansparasite, you miss only swap or others too?21:20
noahmg123sparasite: swaps aren needed but very much encouraged.21:20
sparasiteCan you help me_21:20
sparasiteConfigure everything etc.21:20
sparasiteI dont understand the installation ... I am new to this21:21
silentnewbokay, i'll tried restart windows first to check i can boot into ubuntu EriC^^ if i cant booted then use live usb is that okay21:21
supermansparasite, how many RAM installed on your pc?21:21
sparasitesuperman: 4 GB21:21
EriC^^silentnewb, i'd do it from the live usb, if you want to check ubuntu that's fine but copy the files from the live usb21:22
sparasitesuperman: can we take it in PM so I can keep all information?21:22
EriC^^you dont want to copy the files have it not boot then put the live usb and it doesn't work or for some reason you can't mount the efi partition21:22
Bashing-om!dualboot | sparasite21:23
ubottusparasite: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:23
sparasiteI have already read it21:23
noahmg123sparasite: Yeah Kubuntu assumes you want to install over everything and it is hard to find the option to tell it to use the 80GB space, but not too hard.21:23
sparasiteSo what should I do? When I boot into Live Mode it says English language pack isnt supported, can I ignore it?21:24
noahmg123sparasite: where did you get you install iso for your disk or stick21:24
noahmg123get your*21:25
sparasitenoahmg123:  First, I used the official download ISO. Then, it was the same error, so I tried the official torrent with the same chechsum21:25
sparasiteon a USB created with UNetbootin21:25
sparasiteBut I dont have so much time ...21:26
noahmg123Hmmm.... the english version (is there more than one version)?21:26
noahmg123sparasite: can you give the the link to where you downloaded it?21:27
sparasitenoahmg123: got it from a friend, but it was here I think> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/21:28
sparasiteThe torrent21:28
sparasitenoahmg123: can we take it in PM_21:28
noahmg123sparasite: ok but first. amd64 or i38621:29
sparasiteamd64, noahmg123 but torrent21:29
sparasitevalid checksum21:29
benthanyone know why rpcbind needs to run on nfs *clients*?21:33
tankenmatebenth: in case you are using secure nfs so the client and the server can sync their time deltas21:34
RudeViperHow do I make the operating system offer me a choice of desktop environments on boot - I have xfce - lxde and unity installed - but by default it is booting into xfce and I want to be able to use the other two for a bit to see if I can track down some issues to see if the are DE related or Ubuntu related - google searching isn't producing any definitive answers21:35
benthtankenmate: oh interesting - do you know where i can learn more about that?21:35
tankenmatebenth: for NFSv4 I suspect it is used for ID mappings, but i'd need to check21:35
tankenmatebenth: there was a bound text published by Sun in 1994 or 1995 about Secure RPC / Secure NFS, but it has been over 20 years since I read it so I can't remember the title21:36
Bashing-omRudeViper: In the sign-in box, upper right corner is the ubuntu icon, click on it for a drop down of all the DEs that are installed .21:36
benthtankenmate: ok thanks a lot21:37
RudeViperhmm - didn't see that - I'll check - be back21:37
maysaraHello, I upgraded the kernel to 3.16 using this command but the system is still using the 3.13 kernel.21:50
maysaraI'm using ubuntu 14.0421:50
HanaNixHas anyone used SNAPPER the duse snapshot utulity21:50
k1l_HanaNix: you know this is the ubuntu support channel? :)21:52
k1l_maysara: did you reboot?21:53
HanaNixk1l_ ubuntu supports snapper: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/utopic/man8/snapper.8.html21:53
maysarak1l_: yes.21:53
Bashing-ommaysara: Desktop machine ? and you install --reinstall the 4 required packages ? and then rebooted ? .. should be up on the utopic kernel then .21:53
k1l_maysara: run a "sudo update-grub" and paste the output after its ended to a pastebin, please21:53
maysarak1l_: http://pastebin.com/fu5tQvca21:59
maysaraBashing-om: That's why I'm asking.22:00
k1l_maysara: that shows 3.16 is installed. try a reboot.22:00
k1l_maysara: or do you use the arch bootloader?22:01
Exagone313can the third line of this pastebin being ignored? I've the same error.22:02
maysarak1l_: It's grub, I didn't even reinstall it when I was trying Arch. I'll reboot again.22:03
k1l_Exagone313: yes, its just a warning, not an error22:03
k1l_maysara: well, arch might have installed its own grub or something other. so maybe you need to run that one if to let it check the new ubuntu kernels. but that would be a task for the arch support then.22:04
InHisName1When I do: sudo apt-get -f install   I get request to add samba-libs  then when it tries, I get errors (1) returned by the deb.   I've changed printers and the old settings are useless. I'd just as soon purge samba and start all over for the new printer. So where to start ?22:05
* eikon81g is away: brb22:07
maysaraStill on 3.1322:08
k1l_!away > eikon81g22:08
ubottueikon81g, please see my private message22:08
k1l_maysara: well, arch might have installed its own grub or something other. so maybe you need to run that one if to let it check the new ubuntu kernels. but that would be a task for the arch support then.22:08
Tazmainhi all, I am going to upgrade my graphics card to either a GTX 980 or R9 290x now I want to know which has better drivers for linux both open and closed that will allow me to play games and have dual monitors ?22:08
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maysarak1l_: I see. Thank you :)22:10
k1l_maysara: or you reinstall the ubuntu grub22:12
YukenInstalled Ubuntu from the mini iso, only chose a base server install since I didn't want to download the full desktop.22:13
maysarak1l_: I'll try that first then22:13
YukenBut, can I not connect to a WPA wifi network?22:14
YukenBecause that is my only method of connecting.22:14
lasko!raid | lasko22:14
ubottulasko, please see my private message22:14
* eikon81g is back (gone 00:10:34)22:17
nullbyte_well come22:18
YukenNeed help with a network problem, anyone here to answer?22:21
lasko!ask | Yuken22:21
ubottuYuken: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:21
YukenWell, two things: I just installed a base server install via Ubuntu Mini, since I planned to install my own display manager, et cetera. But, I don't know how to connect to a WPA2 network. Secondly, when I try and boot from my USB that I installed Ubuntu from, it just boots into the normal system.22:22
AzjoHi. I know this is a longshot but i dont know where else to ask. Someone is using my email on facebook and i cant take control of the account because i dont know the birthdate. It is NOT a serious email so i will NOT provide Passport etc to facebook support. how can i get fix this when facebook ignores me?22:27
cyborgcygnusSwap partition didn't install on fresh laptop ubuntu 14.04 install. Now after I enter the encrypt password at first boot it hangs for a while looking for the swap mount partition. How do I manually?22:30
DanatoAzjo: how is that related to Ubuntu at all? you would have better luck with google22:30
Azjobeen there done that. for a year. and reddit etc.22:31
Azjoi did say it was a longshot :)22:31
k1l_Azjo: this is not ubuntu related.22:31
k1l_!ot | Azjo22:31
ubottuAzjo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:31
Azjoshrug i tried :)22:31
_alfalfawhere does rsync keep its logfile ?22:36
_alfalfaim getting rsync dying with code 12 want to look at the log22:36
rypervenche_alfalfa: 12     Error in rsync protocol data stream22:41
_alfalfayes trying to find where the log file is kept22:42
rypervenche_alfalfa: From where and to where are you rsyncing?22:43
_alfalfafrom a amazon ec2 instance to my laptop , im on a public wifi22:44
_alfalfathe public wifi could be killing the connection i guess22:45
_alfalfait would make sense however i havent seen them do that before22:45
_alfalfaanyway i cant find the log file and i cant find the config file for rsync on the ec2 instance22:45
bekksrsync doesn keep any logs unless you manuell create them.22:45
_alfalfai looked in /etc ... its not there, and i dont see info about where they are in the man page so far22:45
bekks*manually even22:45
_alfalfaoh really ? ic22:45
bekksAnd rsync doesnt have a config file as well, until you run a dedicated rsync server.22:46
_alfalfai got 56 percent of the file, lost my c onnection now it dies every time i try to resume the download22:46
=== sideonee is now known as sideone
bekksI doesnt die, it has to check the hash on both sides. That takes some time.22:47
_alfalfai dont know what im doing .. i take it you dont need a dedicated server to rsync remotely like this22:50
_alfalfai upgraded so im using the same protocl veresion remote and local, no help22:50
_alfalfamaybe i should try connecting using a different port, if the wifi is killing it that might trick it22:50
_alfalfahas anyone ever experienced rsync failing on attempt to continue a transfer like this ?22:50
bekks6s patience.22:51
bekks_alfalfa: How does rsync "fail" actually?22:52
_alfalfainflate returned -3 (0 bytes)22:53
_alfalfarsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at token.c(557) [receiver=3.1.1]22:53
_alfalfarsync: connection unexpectedly closed (163 bytes received so far) [generator]22:53
_alfalfarsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [generator=3.1.1]22:53
_alfalfawhen i try to resume the transfer it gets the file list, gets to the point where it would be donwloading additional data and then failes it seems22:53
rypervenche_alfalfa: What is the command you're running?22:54
_alfalfa/opt/local/bin/rsync -zvr --partial --progress --rsh=ssh ubuntu@myserver.com:/mnt/ex/home/ubuntu/transmission/Downloads/fa .22:55
bekksomit the --rsh=ssh22:55
_alfalfahm ... i guess its worth a try22:56
_alfalfaive always donw it using ssh however22:56
bekksAnd why do you use a nonstandard rsync?22:56
_alfalfamy server probably wont accept the conn except via ssh22:56
bekksrsync uses ssh as default.22:56
_alfalfabecause i installed a more recent version after i had tehese problems22:56
_alfalfait was using protocol version 29 ... /usr/local/bin or wheterver22:57
bekksJust use the distro shipped one please.22:57
_alfalfaso i port installed rsync22:57
bekks /usr/bin/rsync22:57
bekksport installed?22:57
_alfalfaas i said, both versions have the same problem22:57
bekksThats no Ubuntu then.22:57
_alfalfathe remote system is ubuntu22:57
rypervenche_alfalfa: does a "fa" file exist in your working directory?22:57
_alfalfaas i said, ec2 instanc22:57
k1l_/opt/local/bin/rsync ?  what ubuntu is that at all?22:57
bekksSounds lieke BSD or OSX.22:57
_alfalfai said remote system is ubuntu, an amazon ec2 instance22:58
_alfalfarypervenche, yes it does the file is 1/2 there22:58
bekks_alfalfa: and your non-Ubuntu client is causing issues :)22:58
rypervenche_alfalfa: what OS is the client?22:58
_alfalfamaybe, ive downloaded many files this way .. its possible this is the largest im not sure, its 2 gig .. client is OS X22:59
_alfalfaim trying it without the --rsh=ssh .. dbout it will help tho22:59
_alfalfaas u said it uses ssh anyway22:59
_alfalfayup same problem23:00
bekks_alfalfa: Of course, because your client is the issue.23:00
_alfalfamaybe there is an error int he partial file .. i guess ill delete it and retry23:00
_alfalfais there another option you can suggest to keep some of the data already downloaded ?23:00
_alfalfais there a way to tell it to rebuild any metadata it has calculated ?23:00
bekksThere is no such thing as calculated metadata.23:01
_alfalfaknow a handy command to truncate the file ?23:01
_alfalfamaybe if i chop off the last 10 meg or something that will help23:01
_alfalfai.e. if the last of the data got corrupted23:01
rypervenche_alfalfa: Normally I would use --inplace to continie on large files, but that doeant seem to be the case here. Try removimg/moving the file and starting again?23:01
=== rerst is now known as clmclm
_alfalfarypervenche, why not try adding --implace ?23:03
rypervenchetry it23:03
_alfalfait doesnt know option --implace23:03
rypervencheinplace not implace23:04
rypervenche_alfalfa: also, what does . expand to? where are you when you run the command?23:05
_alfalfaok ill try inplace thanks23:05
_alfalfai just truncated it down to a gig23:05
_alfalfasee if that helps23:05
cyborgcygnusubottu #swap23:05
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:05
_alfalfai wouldnt be surprised if the wifi is kiling the conn after detecting i downloaded over a gig23:06
_alfalfaaltho i didnt knwo they were set up to do that .. thi si s in a starbucks23:06
_alfalfatruncating to 1 gig seems to have helped23:06
_alfalfaif it dies again ill start to wonder if i exhaused the file system23:07
_alfalfabut df says its at 78%23:07
drdozerhi - can I listen to what other machines have joined my LAN?23:08
drdozerI need to be notified when other machines join it23:08
daftykinsdrdozer: most routers have device pages, otherwise you can ping scan the subnet with nmap23:08
daftykinsdrdozer: why don't you just secure it properly so they can't? or disable DHCP?23:08
outlaw-666hello everyone23:08
drdozerdaftykins, nmap seems a bit of a blunt instrument23:08
outlaw-666can someone help me out with something23:08
akkadok so I have an ubuntu box that keeps blocking sites with a iptables drop23:08
akkadno idea what is setup to do that23:09
CountryfiedLinuxHow do I downgrade the current Kdenlive version to that of 14.04?23:09
daftykinsdrdozer: you mean you don't know how to use it, or?23:09
outlaw-666is there any command line, to force USB's to get recognized ?23:09
CountryfiedLinuxI almost misspelled it as kurrent haha :P23:09
daftykinsCountryfiedLinux: you mean like 14.10 ? you can't downgrade23:09
drdozerdaftykins, it's not for security, it's so that I can automate things like setting up ssh tunnels into my laptop from my server whenever it is alive at home23:09
daftykinsoh just the package. not familiar with it23:09
_alfalfayay that may have fixed it, i now i have gotten more data than i had originally so its past the old trouble spot (rsync)23:09
CountryfiedLinuxNo daftykins I mean 14.04. Kdenlive is buggy in 14.10 and 15.04.23:10
_alfalfaso i guess we now know u get a weird rsync continue problem that wont go away, use truncate to remove some bytes from the end23:10
daftykinsCountryfiedLinux: you can't use packages from other versions, if your base distro is newer23:10
daftykinsit'll break23:10
_alfalfawhich is really odd that has to be a bug in rsync it shouldnt write corrupted data like that23:10
CountryfiedLinuxOk thanks daftykins I guess I'll revert back to LTS if I can't fix this issue.23:11
_alfalfait has enough check sums that should almost neve rhappen23:11
outlaw-666I need help ... im trying to find out a command line, to force USB's to get recognized. Can anyone help me please ????23:12
daftykinsoutlaw-666: you can't force them, either the kernel sees them or it doesn't23:14
daftykinsrun "dmesg | tail" and if you don't see a drive connected, try changing ports23:14
outlaw-666what was that command daftykins ?23:17
_alfalfagood thing i got rsync to work i already bout the vodka shot to drink while watching this dvd23:17
outlaw-666it gave me a lot of errors23:17
lasdam1hi all. I'm stuck in recovery mode because when I try to boot up normally I get stuck in low graphics mode just loading indefinitely. by pressing ESC I noticed the log was full of "start network manager OK", like at least 20 entries of that, and also Gnome Manager OK was entered twice.23:18
lasdam1all I think I did and could find that I did before this happened was remove selinux which I installed before and which did not cause this problem, as I rebooted several times without problems. I've opened up all top 10 entries from google and followed the various instructions, like re-install intel drivers, add some different repository,23:18
lasdam1reinstall ubuntu-desktop, reinstall gdm, and more. I'm basically out of ideas.23:18
_alfalfamaybe outlaw-666  jus tneeds to mount the usb device23:18
outlaw-666i did the lsusb ...23:19
outlaw-666and i think it showed me the usb i need23:19
outlaw-666but ... im not sure23:19
outlaw-666and only in that list23:19
_alfalfaoutlaw-666, oh well im not an expert but if it shows up on lsusb maybe you just need to mount it23:21
_alfalfawhat kind of file system is on the usb23:21
_alfalfasome usb devices you can just mount as a file system23:21
_alfalfawhat kind of device is it ?23:21
outlaw-666a buch of files23:21
outlaw-666its a SD card23:21
_alfalfawhat did you use to put the files on it ?23:21
_alfalfajust as a memory stick in another comptuer ?23:22
_alfalfacant u type faster thnat that im trying to help here23:22
_alfalfacant u type faster thnat that im trying to help here23:22
daftykinsoutlaw-666: do this then if it's plugged in, "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"23:22
_alfalfaim p inging u like  crazy23:22
_alfalfaif u added files to it using a computer it could be formatted ms fat or ext2 i think23:23
teward_alfalfa: you should calm down and have a little bit of patience.23:23
outlaw-666daftykins, it did not recognize it23:23
outlaw-666it showed me my USB hdd23:24
daftykinsoutlaw-666: then either your card reader doesn't work or it's just not showing up23:24
outlaw-666but it did not show me my sd card23:24
outlaw-666yeah, if i place it on my cell phone, it says it needs format23:24
_alfalfai thought you said it showed via lsusb23:24
outlaw-666but im trying to recover any file on it23:24
daftykinswell you should see the card listed at all, with "dmesg | tail" after plugging it in23:25
daftykinsunplug it, run "dmesg | tail | pastebinit" then plug it in and repeat that command23:25
daftykinslet us see the difference23:25
outlaw-666the only place i see it is here23:25
outlaw-666at the top of lsusb23:26
outlaw-666Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0bda:0119 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Storage Device (SD card reader)23:26
daftykinsthat's a reader though not a card23:26
daftykinsplease just follow what i say :)23:26
outlaw-666ohhh so the card is not shown ?23:26
outlaw-666i dont know how to run the tail part23:27
daftykinsi gave you the full command23:27
outlaw-666the dmesg i ran before23:27
outlaw-666ok, ill try23:27
daftykinscopy + paste23:27
_alfalfawould this help outlaw-666 ?  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/53542/how-to-determine-the-filesystem-of-an-unmounted-device23:27
_alfalfashows how to detect file syhstem on a device23:27
daftykins_alfalfa: no that's useless, please don't help when you're unfamiliar23:27
_alfalfawhy if he sees the usb device ti shoudl be avail in /dev shouldnt it23:28
outlaw-666oh wai, i messed up23:28
daftykinsoutlaw-666: so that's referring to seeing an 'sdc'23:28
outlaw-666gonna run without it23:28
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daftykins_alfalfa: a reader is not a card.23:29
outlaw-666this is without the card reader on the pc23:29
outlaw-666now with it23:29
_alfalfahes trying to use a magnetic strip reader ?23:29
_alfalfathat does sound "outlaw"23:29
daftykinswhat an absolute...23:30
daftykinsoutlaw-666: no i was saying unplug the card, but i can see sdc is the device now. can you run "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit" ?23:30
daftykinsbuffer IO error, oh dear23:30
outlaw-666btw, i have a external hdd with usb23:30
outlaw-666just to let you know23:31
daftykinsyeah maybe that's sdb23:31
akkadwhat on a default ubutnu system might add things to iptables drop?23:31
outlaw-666daftykins, btw .. this Sd card, has a Xubuntu install on it , and a Android memory on it also ... i used it before, and it kinda broke ... so now i have a real hdd on a external case ... but im trying to recover something from the card23:33
daftykinsoutlaw-666: i just want the answers to the commands i've asked for :) not life stories each time23:33
daftykinswin 1323:34
outlaw-666the fdisk you wanted with the sd card plugged , right ?23:34
outlaw-666so doc ? what the life expectancy ?23:35
outlaw-666should i order a coffin allready ?23:35
bekksThe patient already died.23:35
daftykinsit's not even talking about sdc, novel23:35
daftykinsyeah what bekks said23:35
sternshello, looking for alpha testers for an instant messaging app: https://github.com/mattcollier/noxious23:36
outlaw-666ohh my god, he was so young ... he has 2 small kids23:36
daftykinsi'd probably try to 'dd' up the card onto disk then try testdisk but i don't know if either are going to help23:36
Cipher45Can I just move stuff from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin with a simple mv command?23:36
outlaw-666try what daftykins  ?23:36
bekksCipher45: technically, you can - practically, you will break things.23:36
Cipher45bekks, I'm trying to set something up as a daemon. How would I move it otherwise?23:37
daftykinsbekks: what would you say about 'dd' and testdisk? worth a shot?23:37
bekksdaftykins: Yeah, worth a try.23:38
bekksCipher45: Then why dont yu setup the daemon but move stuff instead?23:38
daftykinsoutlaw-666: how big is the card?23:39
sudormrfdaftykins, is there a way to disable all USB ports in Ubuntu?23:39
daftykinsoutlaw-666: you got that much space free?23:39
daftykinssudormrf: ask the channel not me23:39
outlaw-666on the HDD ? yeah23:39
sudormrfis there a way to disable all USB ports in Ubuntu?23:40
sudormrfafter GRUB23:40
daftykinsoutlaw-666: image up the card as it is right now then, to avoid any further breakage. run "sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=/home/username/cardimage bs=2M"23:40
Cipher45bekks, Sorry I'm a little confused. I can't setup the daemon because when I move the files it will break things?23:40
sudormrfthink I found it23:41
garrettrsudormrf: Grsecurity has some useful toggles for disabling USB: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Grsecurity/Appendix/Grsecurity_and_PaX_Configuration_Options#Physical_Protections23:41
sudormrfgarrettr, thanks :)23:41
bekksCipher45: Why do you try to move files when your task is to setup a daemon?23:41
outlaw-666daftykins, sorry man, im a real noob ... what really should i run again ?23:41
outlaw-666i copy pasted that .. i guess it was not how it was done23:42
Cupidslatehey guys23:42
daftykinsoutlaw-666: why don't you just *re-read* my messages?23:42
outlaw-666im giving u my most attention23:43
daftykinsand you're asking me to repeat things which are on your screen? i don't get it23:43
Cipher45bekks, Because I'm using an init.d from the programs website. It assumes the program will be in /usr/bin. I may just move it and see what happens. What should I expect to break?23:43
outlaw-666you asked me if i had the card space free on my hdd, i said yes23:43
bekksCipher45: Fix that script instead.23:43
outlaw-666and you told me that we were going to do something in order to prevent further breakage23:43
daftykinsoutlaw-666: read my message23:44
outlaw-666the last one ?23:44
outlaw-666where u told me to run a command ?23:44
daftykinsthe one with the command in it.23:44
outlaw-666yeah, i copied it and pasted it on terminal23:44
Cipher45bekks, I'll try that. Thanks for the help!23:44
outlaw-666nothing happened, error23:44
daftykinswhich was it? either an error or nothing happened23:45
sudormrfgarrettr, I was thinking something along the lines of "echo "blacklist usb-storage" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" except usb-storage would be the USB ports23:45
outlaw-666dd: failed to open ‘/home/username/cardimage’: No such file or directory23:45
sudormrfor it looks like I need to figure out the driver that is being used for the root hub and blacklist that23:45
daftykinsoutlaw-666: you realise you have to substitute 'username' with your username?23:47
outlaw-666lol, i did not even read , sorry23:47
* daftykins sharpens a penguin23:47
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.23:48
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:49
=== arrick is now known as Arrick
daftykinsoutlaw-666: please don't do that again23:49
YukenIs there anyway to connect to a WPA2 network in the terminal, on a base server install, without installing any other programs?23:49
outlaw-666sorry daftykins :(23:49
daftykinsYuken: it involves hellish fun with wpa-supplicant i think23:49
Yukendaftykins: I believe you have to install that.. I don't have that, XD.23:50
daftykinsserver 14.04.1 at least has a bunch of wireless packages23:50
Yukendaftykins: Screwed my Windows 7 install, deciding to upgrade, but all I had on hand in terms of live USB's is Ubuntu Mini.23:50
Yukendaftykins: Loaded it up, chose "Base Server Install".23:50
YukenNo way to connect?23:51
outlaw-666daftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10673663/23:51
YukenI know iwconfig can connect to WEP networks.23:51
YukenBut, I don't haz a wep network.23:51
daftykinsYuken: can't you get on wired? :) even temporarily23:51
daftykinsyou could reconfigure it once23:51
Yukendaftykins: Parents have it set up weirdly, only wireless has internet access.23:51
daftykinsoutlaw-666: looks like it doesn't want to know23:52
outlaw-666so ? no more hope on it ?23:52
outlaw-666or did i do anything wrong ?23:52
daftykinsyou can repeat changing USB port23:52
Arrickanyone in here using xubuntu?23:52
Yukendaftykins: I would install a full Ubuntu Live CD onto an SD Card, but the PC I am using right now is _entirely_ locked down. No admin, no way to access external devices, etc23:52
daftykinsbut nope i'm done trying there i'm afraid23:52
daftykinsYuken: sounds like you should inform your parents you're living in a prison23:53
clmclmArrick, specific xfce question?23:53
outlaw-666daftykins, nope .. changed port, same error23:54
Arrickclmclm, video23:54
outlaw-666i guess ill try a backside port .. and after that, i ill try to format it on the cell phone23:54
clmclmArrick, ask your question23:54
Arrickhey all, I am trying to get my max resolution onto the hp z200 sff I just put xubuntu on, and it has an intel vga card capable of 1680x1050... Howver, the max resolution showing up is 1024x768.. I ran gtf 1680 1050 60.00 and I get the following line # 1680x1050 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 65.22 kHz; pclk: 147.14 MHz Modeline "1680x1050_60.00"  147.14  1680 1784 1968 2256  1050 1051 1054 1087  -HSync +Vsyncso... I ran xrandr  --newmode "1680x1050_60.00"  123:54
Arrick47.14  1680 1784 1968 2256  1050 1051 1054 1087  -HSync +Vsync and it gives me an error saying X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)23:54
Yukendaftykins: So, anyway I can access a WPA network, or am I screwed?23:54
daftykinsYuken: try looking up a WPA supplicant guide for it, otherwise it's game over23:55
Yukendaftykins: That isn't installed, XD.23:55
daftykinsoutlaw-666: i thought you wanted the data on it...23:55
ArrickI had gotten the resolution to work in ubuntu but I couldnt get the resolution to stick23:55
Yukendaftykins: Do you think I could connect it directly to this PC, download the wpa-supplicant package, and copy it over? (Connect via ethernet)23:58
Yukendaftykins: If so, how?23:58
outlaw-666daftykins, thanks anyway man23:58
outlaw-666sorry i did something wrong :(23:58
daftykinssorry sounds like too much of a hassle than it's worth.23:58
outlaw-666its dead, going to try to format it on the cell phone23:59

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