
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
dstarhanyone know to what location upstart will log errors when it fails to start the application it's attempting to start?13:57
dstarhtaking a script from https://gist.github.com/dstarh/62e9b5f7fb10e821ae72  to https://gist.github.com/dstarh/a76eba3a3673d9c49b4e so I can redirect where stderr goes and it won't start with the second script13:58
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
gansbresthi. is there a way to delay start event in upstart. If my process needs more time to bootstrap, pull some things ( docker example, when it runs - it needs to pull image from the registry and only then start it ). All other dependent services needs to be notified only after serivce was fully started, not only the process19:11
JanCyou can emit a custom event19:50
JanCor do all the preparing in a pre-start19:51
=== modafinil_ is now known as modafinil
joshumaxHi. I had a question regarding the future of upstart and upstart maintenance/security patches... Now that systemd is replacing upstart on Ubuntu, will the Upstart team still maintain Upstart for the foreseeable future?20:53
JanCjoshumax: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with upstart has 5 years of support, so the foreseeable future is at least until April 201922:04
gansbrestis there a way to start a service on multiple events22:57
gansbrestlike if I emit custom events from my services A B C22:57
gansbrestand I want service D to depend on A B C custom events22:57
joshumaxJanC: Thanks, that gives me plenty of time to switch over23:37

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