
Unit193Wonderful.  So, plymouth-theme-solar also has the problem with entering a password at the plymouth prompt.05:22
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/1386005 Ah.05:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1386005 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Password not accepted graphical boot for encrypted root system" [Critical,Triaged]05:27
elfyand there's no way to set keyboard layout ... 07:54
elfybluesabre: so something different for beta 2 :p08:04
elfyfirst report for beta2 is a fail lol08:17
elfyand our 32bit image appears to have failed to build http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/xubuntu/vivid/daily-live-20150324.log08:21
ochosielfy: sobering news that is09:32
ochosipleia2, knome: so while i'm personally no big fan of white polos in general, the quality etc of the one shipped to me a few days ago is ok (before and after washing)09:36
bluesabreelfy: so we're back to busted images again?10:42
slickymasterWorkelfy, I won't be able to do any B2 testing10:49
slickymasterWorkI'll still be living like the travels man life until tomorrow night :P 10:49
=== AuAg is now known as AgAu
bluesabreprobably won't be on again until late tonight, but if there is anything I need to fix/upload for the images, let me know11:20
ochosiyeah, sry, real busy here too :/11:29
elfybluesabre: I'd not even know why they didn't build11:37
knomeochosi, right11:51
knomeochosi, what i personally thought when i looked at that and the other polos is the quality of the logo11:51
knomeochosi, it's a bit... wonky, isn't it?11:51
ochosiknome: dunno, i mean it's recognizable and likely more durable than other (non-stitched) solutions11:54
ochosibut tbh i haven't really had any first-hand experience with other t-shirts we endorse11:54
knomewell it isn't really comparable11:55
elfykeyboard issue on images seems to be global 11:55
knomeelfy, :|11:55
elfyso that's better than the alternative11:55
knomeochosi, if you put 45 euros to that shirt, would you be happy with the stitch quality?11:56
ochosiknome: it costs 45e?11:57
knomethat's with shipping (for now)11:57
ochosi45e is quite wonky for a t-shirt in general11:57
ochosino matter what's on it11:57
knomewell it's a polo11:57
knomethe t-shirts are cheaper11:57
elfy£33 is about £23 more than I'd pay 11:58
knomeoh no wait11:58
knomei'm telling lies11:58
knomeit's 24 eurs...11:58
ochosigah, again...11:59
knomeit was the hoodie that was 45 euros11:59
ochosiright, that makes a lot more sense11:59
elfythat it does :p11:59
knomeso really, what i'm thinking is...11:59
knomeeven if the polo itself was ok11:59
ochosiwell it's ok, but 1) i don't like polos and 2) i try not to wear branded clothing in general11:59
knomeand worth 24 euros11:59
knomeis the xubuntu logo stitching quality good enough to be worth the price11:59
knomeand is it good enough for us to consider as an "officially endorsed product"12:00
knomethe xubuntu logo in the shirt represents xubuntu12:01
bluesabrewhich shirt?12:01
knomebluesabre, a sample polo shirt simon has from a vendor who wants to start selling xubuntu polos12:01
* bluesabre waits for an official xubuntu mug12:02
bluesabregotta run, bbl12:02
brainvvashbluesabre, I have no solution for the exo startup notify breakage, so, should the commit be reverted in ubuntu?12:31
nerdistmonkis it just me or did something change again, like everytime i open the xfce terminal its not focused...its very annoying.14:38
brainvvashnerdistmonk, yes, it's a known regression14:40
nerdistmonkthe other peeve thats bugged me for months now is even with firefox set as default browser, everytime i click a link in a program, it opens in links2.14:40
nerdistmonkbrainvvash: well at least they know about it, so that means it will get fixed eventually.14:41
brainvvashnerdistmonk, which browser does the terminal command "exo-open --launch WebBrowser" open?14:42
brainvvashand what does "update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" report?14:44
nerdistmonkjust changed it to firefox14:45
brainvvashah, so not Xfce's fault :)14:45
nerdistmonknot my fault either, thats not exactly a command that one sees walking the beaten path14:46
nerdistmonkthe change did not take.14:47
nerdistmonkdo i need to run that as root or something?14:47
brainvvashit's a global setting14:48
nerdistmonkreboot time for nerdy, brb14:50
brainvvashyou're welcome14:50
nerdistmonkbeen running "devel" as a daily driver since november of last year, its been very solid so far. (other than wine being its quirky old self, but thats not xubuntu's fault)14:51
brainvvashthat's great, and feel free to report any bug you encounter on launchpad14:51
nerdistmonki usually just come in here and yell "hey who turned out the lights!" :D14:52
knomenerdistmonk, reporting to launchpad is better.14:52
brainvvashindeed, this is just an irc channel and not a bug tracker :)14:53
nerdistmonkyes knome, but i dont always have time to file formal reports on every little quirk, whereas my xchat is open 24/7 on this machine.14:53
knomenerdistmonk, reporting a bug doesn't take much longer than ask about it on this channel14:53
knomeand when bugs are filed, they are actually trackable and easily findable than in a random irc log14:54
nerdistmonklaunchpad looks confusing to me, and it requires me to single out a package which may not always be possible for me.14:56
nerdistmonkanyways need to reboot, i shall return.14:59
elfymicahg: can I take it from those lines in -release that our 32 not build is something we can not worry about? 15:23
micahgelfy: so it seems15:27
davmor2knome: I use email search filter on my BUGS folder does the same on the whole :D15:31
knomedavmor2, but that's based on the bugs reported, not irc logs :)15:42
knomenerdistmonk, you can always file a bug against xubuntu-desktop if you don't know what the target package is15:43
davmor2knome: I subscribe to a lot of bugs15:44
knomedavmor2, i'm not disagreeing with you, i'm saying what you are doing different but still requires the bugs to be filed :)15:44
davmor2knome: oh indeed15:45
elfypleia2: I assume that's what you wanted16:23
pleia2elfy: yes, perfect :) sharing on twitter, fb and g+ now16:25
pleia2all done, back to conferencing16:28
knomeslickymaster, i sent a message to dylan about the slideshow translations (mostly for the current release; he merged jack's changes but didn't update the templates so we need to do another upload for that), but also regarding the future; i also mentioned you will be (or have been) in touch with him about it18:56
Unit193brainvvash: Where's the bug for the xfwm4 focus issue?20:14
Unit193Bah, right after asking I see it, 11545.20:15
Unit193Not quite the same, and that version worked for me, but..20:16
elfyevening Unit193 20:17
Unit193Noskcaj: Hrm, looking into parsedatetime still?20:28
NoskcajUnit193, What about it? I've missed/forgotten a bunch of stuff recently20:29
Noskcajactually having homework from school makes things harder20:29
brainvvashUnit193, https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1174320:29
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11743 in Helpers "exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator inactive window opens" [Normal,New]20:29
Unit193Noskcaj: lp 1302963, there was another bug that pointed out the exact commits that would fix it, but didn't see it.20:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1302963 in parsedatetime (Ubuntu) "Calendar() class can not be initialized" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130296320:31
Unit193Fix released = utopic, "Supported" trusty has no fix.  gcalcli depends on that, and I was and have been considering a SRU for that one as well.20:31
Noskcaji've got school holidays in 2 weeks, but i'll see if i can get it before then20:31
Unit193Oh heh, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parsedatetime/+bug/1302963/comments/920:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1302963 in parsedatetime (Ubuntu) "Calendar() class can not be initialized" [Medium,Fix released]20:32
Unit193Great ,thanks.20:32
Unit193brainvvash: Thank you.20:32
Unit193brainvvash: You helped me, so https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/commit/trunk?h=packages/exo&id=f7c3f8b27e4da2eae5a3fff621ff2095d5b9936420:33
brainvvashUnit193, ubuntu should do the same20:34
Unit193(1408649 being mine.)20:35
dkesselbrainwash: was it you who showed me that git commit for xterminal so xubuntu will be able to start byobu (launcher with spaces) from a panel again?21:16
dkesselIf so, is there a chance of getting that fix into 15.04? Pretty please ;)21:17
dkesselOr brainvvash ^21:19
brainvvashI don't know, can you find the bugzilla report?21:32
brainvvashdkessel, and I guess that a launchpad report is required too, so that a fix can be prepared for ubuntu21:33

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