
ndoneganAnyone seen issues where cloud-init is setting the hostname to localhost.localdomain?00:04
ndoneganThe advertised metata-data/hostname seems to be ok!00:04
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Odd_Blokendonegan: That sounds familiar; what OS/cloud are you running?09:42
Odd_BlokeActually, some searching around suggests I might have been thinking of something else. :/09:44
ndoneganOdd_Bloke: Openstack Icehouse (moving to Kilo in the next few months) with Centos 6.5 VMs.10:25
Odd_Blokendonegan: Is there anything relevant in cloud-init.log?10:26
ndoneganNothing that I can see. I'll get me some caffine and have a look again.10:27
ndoneganCaffine taking priority right now :D10:27
ndoneganAbsolutely nothing related to update_hostname or friends in the log that I can see.12:14
ndoneganAh! PEBKAC.12:19
Odd_Blokendonegan: My favourite sort of problem. ;)12:22
ndoneganA hacky fix for an older problem has come back to bite.12:23
ndoneganConfirmed. Very much PEBKAC.12:53
Odd_Blokesmoser: Review and merge of https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/cloud-init/smartos-v2-metadata/+merge/251775 would be appreciated; it'd be good to get it in to vivid if possible.16:17
Odd_Bloke(harlowja_away has already given it a once over)16:17
smoserOdd_Bloke, ok. will take a look. thanks.16:24
Odd_Blokesmoser: Thanks! :)16:25
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
smoserOdd_Bloke, is there information on v2 metadata  somwhere? or on its differences from v1 ?17:18
Odd_Blokesmoser: http://eng.joyent.com/mdata/protocol.html is the specification.17:19
Odd_BlokeIt's a completely different format from v1.17:19
Odd_BlokeThe keys stay the same though.17:19
smoserput a link in code 17:20
smoseralso, i probably dont like how many LOG.info you do.17:21
smoserthere should be well defined criteria for when debug/info/warn are used, but there are not. instead you have smoser saying "probably".17:22
Odd_Blokesmoser: I'll switch the info calls to debug.17:25
Odd_Blokesmoser: Pushed those fixes up.17:27
Odd_Bloke(Including the link to the spec)17:27
harlowjasmoser maybe https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/LoggingStandards#Log_level_definitions should be just what we recommend?17:28
smoserharlowja, dont you think that'd be better if it said "smoser's judgement call"17:30
harlowjaall hail dear leader smoser 17:30
smoserthe big thing is console output17:30
harlowjatrue dat dear leader17:30
smosernow and in cloud-init v2 , the console should get "OH NO, BAD STUFF" and very few "Yep all went well".17:31
smoserand then fingerprints and such17:31
harlowjathat reminds me, oh where art thou  PCManticore  person for https://github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init/pull/2 :-/17:32
claudiupopaharlowja: that's me.17:32
harlowjahow goes it17:33
harlowja'license change GPLv3 to Apache 2.0'17:33
harlowjasmoser is your boss ok with this :-P17:33
claudiupopawell, I was just waiting for the licensing issue to settle, I should update the pull request this week and hopefully it gets integrated.17:33
harlowjaguess they are settling17:34
smoserbossman ack'd it.17:43
smoserharlowja, its actuall "apache 2.0 or GPLv3" dual license17:43
smoserwhich , is actually inherent to all apache 2.0 projects17:43
harlowjainteresting, didn't know there was an 'OR'17:43
smoserbut it is explicitly stated here.17:43
smoserie, apache2 is "upstream compatible" with gplv317:44
* harlowja this stuff confuses me, lol17:44
smoserso you can grab whatever you want that is apache2 and relicense it to someone under gplv317:44
harlowjacools i guess, ha17:44
smoserbut if i cna get away with it, i'm going to not explicitly list the GPLv3 info in the file headers.17:44
smoserbut unfortunately, i suspect if a lawyer gets involved, then..17:45
harlowjai promise not to involve my sister (who is a lawyer), lol17:45
smoserthank you17:45
harlowjalet's keep this between me and u smoser 17:46
harlowjano need to involve lawyers, jeez17:46
smoserOdd_Bloke, the only other comment...17:47
smoseryou're not sniffing one or the other, just expect that v2 is there? or are you17:48
Odd_Blokesmoser: We just expect v2 is there (which is a fair assumption in Joyent).17:48
smoseris there code we can drop then ?17:49
Odd_Blokesmoser: The code which did v1 stuff has already been dropped.17:50
Odd_Blokesmoser: We should eventually be able to get rid of the b64- stuff, but doing so now would break anyone using those attributes.17:51
smoserok. so... last thing.17:52
smosererr.2 quests17:52
harlowja1 fetch the princess from the castle17:53
harlowjaand deliver the bread to the farmer down the road17:53
smosera.) regex, compile that once17:53
harmwharlowja: I'm in17:53
harlowjano quests for u!17:53
harmwthough we should watch out for the cavetrol17:53
smoserharlowja, did you come up with that just now ? or are you quoting something that i'm too un-geek-hip to get ?17:53
smoserif you'd have said "all your base are belong to us" then i'd have known17:53
harlowjasmoser u said 2 quests17:53
harlowjai made up 2 quests, lol17:53
smoseror "^^vv<><>baba start"17:54
smoserharmw, it is a plan of mine to build the konima code into cirros somehow.17:54
smoserb.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konami_Code17:55
smoseryou never played ikari warriorson NES.17:55
harmwno man17:55
harmwI'm to young for that :>17:55
harmwand I only know 'all your base are belong to us' from bedtime stories17:56
smoser(i'm with you on that one)17:56
smoserbut ikari warriors was good17:56
smoser https://youtu.be/wiQmBwwx7_Y17:56
smoserOdd_Bloke, ^ see 'a' above, and then 17:56
harmwimporting konami: +117:57
smoserb. i forgot that.17:57
smoserthen c. 'format'17:57
smoseri wonder, why17:57
smoser +        return '{0:08x}'.format(17:57
smoser+            binascii.crc32(body.encode('utf-8')) & 0xffffffff)17:57
smoserrather than17:57
smoserer... mabye not on that one.17:58
smoserOdd_Bloke, so the othe rone is bsaically just why:18:03
smoser+            raise JoyentMetadataFetchException(18:03
smoser+                'Incorrect frame length given ({0} != {1}).'.format(18:03
smoser+                    frame_data['length'], len(frame_data['body'])))18:03
smoserinstead of18:03
smoser raise JoyentMetadataFetchException('Incorrect frame length given (%s != %s)' % (..., ...))18:04
smoseri've nver really understood why one is preferable to another18:04
Odd_BlokeThe two arguments for .format are generally: (a) it supports more sophisticated formatting, and (b) it won't break if you unexpectedly give it a tuple.18:05
smoseryeah. so, i'm not going to nit-pick you on it, but generally id have used what the rest of the code has. 18:06
smoserbut fix the regex18:07
smoserthen i'll pull18:07
Odd_BlokeRegex fix pushed.18:07
smoseroh. Odd_Bloke the other question..18:07
smoserthe LANG thing in tox18:07
smoseryou wanted LANG=C. and that is reported fixed in httpretty18:07
Odd_BlokeYeah, there's an Azure test (which was written based on a real-life failure) that only fails when LANG=C.18:08
Odd_BlokeOK, cool.18:08
Odd_BlokeI'll have a look at that tomorrow, see if we can use the latest httpretty.18:08
Odd_BlokeGotta run now. :)18:08
smoserOdd_Bloke, its not fixed. i commented at https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty/issues/22318:26
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harmwhm, think my network is finally settled19:44
harmwby not using virtio19:44
harmwand upgrading the router firmware (eg. freeBSD kernel) :P19:44
harmw-1 for using Fedora 21 as hypervisor instead of old faithfull CentOS 719:45
harmw(though non-virtio throughput sucks quite hard)19:46
harlowjalol, damn centos7 is already old faithful 19:47
harlowjawasn't it recently released, lol19:47
* harmw spend like 4 months debugging this and trying to get shit to work, openstack from scratch plus instances actually working proprly19:48
harmwand thats without pro-hardware :p19:48
kwadronautwhen do you use virtio-througput? other than storage?19:49
* kwadronaut facepalms19:49
harmwgood one, well it just sucks going from 930Mbit to 60Mbit19:49
kwadronauti'll answer myself: graphics cards.19:50
harmwsmoser: lsblk and lscpu are missing in your cirros buildroot-upgrade branch20:46
smoseri have vague recollction of that20:47
harmwhm, can't find the knobs to turn those on though (alteast not after a quick grep through busybox.conf)20:49
smoserharmw, probably from buildroot20:56

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