
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ScuniziYuken: you could probably ssh the items across and if it's linux to windows then use Putty on the windows side.00:18
Scunizisorry wrong paste.00:18
ScuniziI have 2 pdf printers available. In the print dialogue the 2nd shows 'Print to File (PDF)'.  It also doesn't show in CUPS or the gui printer setup dialogue. I need to change it's defaults. Any ideas where to look or how to do it?00:18
SporkWitchScunizi: does putty behave with scp? i'd generally recommend bitvise tunnelier for the windows side, makes life a lot easier, and when you establish a connection it gives a nice GUI file explorer you can use to drag and drop files between the local and the remote00:22
Enkidu_akSporkWitch, WinSCP also seems nice00:23
SporkWitchEnkidu_ak: never used it.  i came across tunnelier years ago and ended up just using that until i got rid of windows entirely00:24
Enkidu_akSporkWitch, Comander-style interface, nice queuing and scheduling capabilities, open source.00:25
SporkWitchEnkidu_ak: it feels almost like having a normal ssh client + scp, only on windows.  does file transfers, SOCKS proxy, terminal session.  it might even allow X11 forwarding, but i never tried that00:25
SporkWitchnever used comander either lol00:25
ScuniziSporkWitch: I believe so.00:25
Enkidu_akI've never done any X11 forwarding in windows either. I don't use windows anymore so I doubt I'd have the opportunity to try it00:26
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Noah123Anyone here can guide me through the install?07:20
Noah123I have some queries ...07:28
ahoneybunNoah123: what's up :)07:29
Noah123ahoneybun: Not so much :) I wanna dual boot install Kubuntu with Windows, currently I have Windows, and 80 GB unallocated space. I have Kubuntu on a bootable USB but I don't know what's next ...07:38
Noah123Would appreciate help ...:)07:39
ahoneybunwhat version of Kubuntu?07:39
ahoneybunok cool :)07:40
ahoneybunlet me grab the Docs and walk you though it07:40
Noah123In PM or here?07:40
ahoneybunhere is fine07:40
Noah123And thanks!07:40
Noah123I wanna do it with dual boot07:40
Noah123Thank you07:41
ahoneybunas always make backups of everything07:41
Noah123I don't have anything important07:41
Noah123Anyway, the disk setup is the hard thing07:41
Noah123I don't understand it07:41
ahoneybunare you on windows at the moment?07:42
Noah123I have an USB07:42
Noah123with kubuntu07:42
Noah123Well, I can chat with you on another computer07:42
ahoneybunyea of course07:42
Noah123one moment! :)07:42
ahoneybunneed to lookup the windows tool anyway07:43
ahoneybungo tit07:43
ahoneybun*got it07:43
noah1234Okay I'm on another computer, now07:43
ahoneybunon the windows computer hit the keys07:44
ahoneybun"win key + r"07:44
noah1234And ...?07:44
ahoneybunor search for disk management07:44
ahoneybunI want to look at your current hard drive to know where the windows is07:45
ahoneybunso I know where not to touch07:45
noah1234Don't touch C:\ or D:\07:45
ahoneybunthink of your hard drive as a Sub07:46
noah1234C:\ = Windows (235 GB empty) D:\ = Recovery Partition07:46
ahoneybunbefore you install any operating system (windows, kubuntu) it is a whole sub07:46
ahoneybungot it?07:46
noah1234Maybe ... I have shrunk the C:\ partition and now I have 80 GB unallocated space ...07:46
ahoneybunyea the C: partition is one part of the sub07:47
noah1234so basically I have 80 GB unallocated space I can make partitions of07:47
noah1234so what's next?07:47
ahoneybunis kubuntu on a dvd or usb?07:47
noah1234created with UNetbootin07:48
noah1234if that's ok.07:48
ahoneybunok so put the usb in the computer that you want to install Kubuntu on07:48
ahoneybunyea it works great with ubuntu  (kubuntu, xubuntu)07:48
ahoneybunthem all that are based on ubuntu07:48
noah1234And now?07:48
noah1234I have the USB in the PC07:48
ahoneybunreboot the computer07:49
ahoneybunmost computers have a key you have to press when booting up07:49
ahoneybunto boot from a usb/dvd07:49
ahoneybunpress that07:49
ahoneybunwhen it first boots07:49
ahoneybunshould pop up a menu to pick your usb from07:49
noah1234When I do it it a screen comes, asking be to choose an option "Default" "Start Kubuntu" or wait for it to boot07:49
noah1234unetbootin menu07:50
ahoneybunstart kubuntu07:50
ahoneybunit will run a live Kubuntu07:50
noah1234ok then this screen pop ups again07:50
ahoneybunnot doing anything to the hard drive (for now)07:50
ahoneybunthe menu is coming back on again?07:50
noah1234but loadinh07:51
noah1234now Kubuntu started!07:51
ahoneybunnow on the desktop there is a widget with something called "install kubuntu"07:51
ahoneybunclick that07:52
ahoneybunit will start the install app07:52
noah1234Should I connect to WiFi?07:52
noah1234it asks07:52
ahoneybunyea that is best07:52
ahoneybunand to be connected to power07:52
ahoneybunafter that you should be here https://userbase.kde.org/File:Prepare.png07:53
noah1234one moment07:53
ahoneybunwow 4am almost07:54
noah1234Yep im there07:54
ahoneybunok check the 2 boxes07:54
ahoneybunclick next07:55
ahoneybunon the bottom07:55
ahoneybunsorry continue07:55
ahoneybunnow does it show windows is installed?07:55
noah1234It shows all my partitions plus the unallocated 80 GB space07:56
ahoneybunok good07:56
ahoneybunclick the manual button07:57
ahoneybun5th option07:57
ahoneybunyea on the bottom07:58
ahoneybunnow we should be here https://userbase.kde.org/File:Manual.png07:58
ahoneybunit should show some partitions with NTFS07:58
ahoneybunthat is the windows os07:59
ahoneybununder type07:59
noah1234and the unallocated free 80 GB space07:59
ahoneybundon;t touch those07:59
ahoneybunclick that then add07:59
ahoneybunmake the size 72GBs07:59
ahoneybunyea yea08:00
ahoneybunif you want to use the whole 80gbs08:00
noah1234In MB? I can use 85899 (maximum)08:00
ahoneybunwe will leave 8 for swap08:00
noah1234In MB how much?08:00
ahoneybunlet me check08:00
noah1234But it says I have 85,9 GB08:01
noah123485899 MB08:01
noah1234to be exact08:01
ahoneybunit never cuts it in perfect sizes08:01
noah1234oh ok08:02
ahoneybunas long as it is not NTFS we are safe08:02
noah1234it unallocated08:02
ahoneybunyea thats what we want08:03
noah1234so what should I here?08:03
ahoneybunext4 is the file system type08:03
noah1234ext4 journaling file system08:03
noah1234primary or logical? how much MB? beginning or end? Mount point?08:04
ahoneybunprimary, 72000, beginning, /08:04
ahoneybunwait end08:04
noah1234ok end08:04
ahoneybun / is like C:\08:05
ahoneybunbut for Linux/Unix08:05
noah1234I have Swedish keyboard layout, but Kubuntu has US ...08:05
ahoneybunnow there should still be some space left08:05
ahoneybunlater in the installer you can change that08:05
ahoneybunnot sure if it has swedish in there but we'll see08:05
ahoneybunif not I'll file a bug08:06
noah1234Thanks so much!08:06
noah1234yes 13 GB08:06
ahoneybunoh woo08:06
noah1234it says :)08:06
ahoneybunok click that and then add like we did before08:06
noah1234but it's "unuseable"08:07
ahoneybunits not paritioned08:07
ahoneybuncan you click it?08:07
ahoneybunand click the add button?08:07
noah1234not the add button08:07
noah1234maybe we need to add the swap partition first ?08:08
ahoneybunno we can remove the partition you just made and redo it08:08
ahoneybunclick the ext4 / partiton08:08
ahoneybunand click delete08:09
ahoneybunthen select it again and click add again08:09
noah1234there is an "undo" button also...08:09
noah1234you mean select.. the 80 GB unallocated space?08:09
noah1234and how much MB etc.?08:10
ahoneybunprimary, 64000, end, /08:10
noah1234before it was ... 7200008:10
ahoneybun64000 = 64GB08:10
noah1234ext4 or?08:10
ahoneybunwe did not have any space left for swap08:10
noah1234ok now we have 21,9 GB left08:11
noah1234and it's unuseable08:11
noah1234as before08:11
ahoneybunwhat the08:11
noah1234can't click Add08:12
ahoneybuncan you take a picture and upload it somewhere08:12
noah1234maybe we need to create the swap partition first?08:12
noah1234yes with my smartphone08:12
ahoneybunI will get it right08:12
ahoneybunI make the / then the swap08:12
ahoneybunhow much ram do you have on the computer?08:12
noah12344 GB08:13
ahoneybundo you game or do video editing?08:13
noah1234not so much08:13
noah1234sometimes video editing08:13
noah1234on Windows...08:13
ahoneybunoh ok lets remove the partiton08:14
ahoneybunand use the whole space08:14
noah1234on the docs it says we need swap partition08:14
ahoneybununder 4GBs of ram it is recommened08:14
noah1234I have 4 GB08:14
ahoneybuntbh I'm running without it08:15
hateballYou need swap if you ever intend to suspend08:15
noah1234What do you mean?08:15
noah1234Oh ok08:15
noah1234When I set it in sleep mode...08:15
hateballsuspend to disk, hibernate perhaps is the proper term08:15
ahoneybunhateball: any idea why the space is unusable?08:15
hateballone is to ram, the other is to disk, I forget which since I dont use it08:15
noah1234after the / partition08:15
noah1234ahoneybun: on one video they create the swap part first08:16
noah1234and it works on the video08:16
ahoneybunnoah1234: I'm really sorry but I'm falling asleep08:16
ahoneybunits 4am here lol08:17
hateballI'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve here. If all you want to do is dualboot with Windows, the installer has an automagic option for that08:17
noah1234when can we continue?08:17
ahoneybunI'll be on later today08:17
noah1234hateball: where?08:17
noah1234ok ahoneybun cya!08:17
ahoneybunhateball: sometimes it does not see the windows08:17
ahoneybunnoah1234: I'm reachable on email as well08:17
noah1234email address in PM ahoneybun08:18
* ahoneybun falls to sleep08:18
hateballahoneybun: Is that a certainty in this case?08:18
hateballIf the installer finds your Windows partitions, it should offer to "install alongside other OS" or some such08:19
noah1234It doesn't08:19
noah1234have this option08:19
hateballIf the installer doesnt see the ntfs partitions, I'd reboot into Windows and run chkdsk on the partition/s first08:19
noah1234It see the NTFS partitions08:19
noah1234but not this option08:20
noah1234"Windows 7 (ntfs)"08:20
hateballnoah1234:Which version of Kubuntu is this?08:21
noah1234hateball: 14.04.208:21
hateballOh well, I havent dualbooted in aeons so I'll take a backseat here08:22
noah1234Ok ....;(08:22
noah1234"After installing Windows 7 or 8, you need to have a logical partition to install Ubuntu alongside it. If you don't have a logical partition then the option Install Ubuntu alongside Windows is missing."08:23
noah1234If I create a logical partition of the unallocated 80 GB, would it work?08:24
noah1234with this option08:25
hateballnoah1234: Sure, you can partition manually and pick mountpoints and such, but you'll need to know what you're doing then so you don't accidentally lose data08:27
noah1234But it says the "Install alongside Windows 7" will be available if I, before the installation create a logical partition of the unallocated 80 GB08:28
noah1234would that work?08:28
hateballYou could try, it wont break anything08:28
hateballThere's a partition tool included on the live-usb08:28
valorienoah1234: it shouldn't matter what application you used to burn the ISO08:35
valoriethe iso has the partition tool included08:35
valoriekparted as I recall08:35
noah1234valorie: do you have any ideas why the space is unuseable after creating the / ext4 partition?08:36
valorieI don't08:36
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:39
valorieprobably the best advice in that link above, noah123408:40
noah1234Well I don't understand this really08:41
valorieit does not come easily to me, for sure08:42
valorieevery time I have to do it, I have to re-read the docs08:42
yossarianukhi - where is the best room to ask about upstart jobs (I 'm trying to work out why it doesn't start on boot)08:56
noah1234Should the swap partition be logical?08:57
yossarianuknoah1234: it doesn't matter08:58
yossarianuknoah1234:  also you can use a swap file for same performance (since kernel 2.6.x)08:58
noah1234swap file?08:59
valorieyossarianuk: are you running the beta, or what?09:00
yossarianukvalorie: the query regarding the upstart script I have made is on the LTS 14.0409:03
yossarianuk(I am running 15.04 beta @ home _)09:04
yossarianukand really liking it....09:04
valorieah, ok09:04
yossarianukThere are a couple of issues with it - 1) no weather widget (2) when you go to unlock the desktop it doesn't focus in the password field09:05
valorieI know nothing of upstart scripts09:05
valorieI hope the weather widget will be coming soon09:05
yossarianukcool - my question really was the when is the best place to ask.09:05
valorieand there is a bug filed about the lockscreen09:05
noah1234Well everything I want is to install Kubuntu using dual boot with Windows but it's not working!!09:05
valoriefor now, what works is hitting tab twice09:05
yossarianukvalorie: yep thats what I do..09:06
yossarianukwhen you first login though it does focus..09:06
valorieit is the lockscreen, something is stealing focus09:06
valorielast I heard, the thief had not been spotted yet09:07
yossarianukObviously its the NSA........09:07
valorienoah1234: people will be along soon who can help you09:07
valoriesorry, all I have to offer is that link, if the docs that ahoneybun linked you to earlier don't help09:08
* valorie heads bedward09:08
aftereyoSystem Settings was unable to find any views, and hence has nothing to display.09:36
aftereyodafuq is that?09:36
aftereyoKubuntu 15.0409:36
aftereyowhen trying to open system settings09:39
herol3oy3333hi.. there is only one file in my flash memory bigger than 2GB (it's name is ????? so i can not rename it normaly). how can i find it and then rename it to "hello" for example???10:06
noah123I have been trying to install Kubuntu with Dual Boot (Windows 7) for weeks now, I have no idea how10:09
noah123Can't someone guide me through the install? Please ...10:10
owlmannoah123: have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot10:19
soeegood morning11:22
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:55
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yossarianukhi - will this be in 15.04 ->  https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.2.2.php12:24
soeeyossarianuk: it already is :)12:25
yossarianukgroovy !12:26
yossarianuki.e 15.04 already has it ?12:26
soeeyossarianuk: hes if you are on daily updates12:26
yossarianukcool - I am @ home.12:26
soeetomorrow final Vivid Beta will be released12:26
yossarianuk15.04 seems really nice BTW12:26
soeeand you can tets it12:26
soeeindeed :)12:27
yossarianukI shall do on my work laptop...12:27
yossarianukthe nightly iso had issues with install (on uefi)12:27
yossarianukI had to install twice in order to get the UEFI entry,.12:27
yossarianuk(nightly from 21 march)12:27
Trustcornerahoneybun, are you online?12:31
soeehiho Sparasite12:34
Sparasitesoee, do you know much about (K)ubuntu?12:34
SparasiteHaving problems12:34
soeeSparasite: just ask12:35
SparasiteI have already did, a lot of times ...12:36
SparasiteNo-one can really help12:36
SparasiteIt seems like12:36
SparasiteCan you help me12:36
hateballI don't think many of us are mindreaders12:38
soeeSparasite: how can we help if we dont now what the problem is12:38
yossarianukSparasite: just ask the question...........12:39
SparasiteWell it's not the first time I ask this (no real answer). I don't know how to install Kubuntu using Dual Boot with Win 712:39
yossarianukSparasite: what aspect are you having issues with ?12:39
SparasiteAnd I have problems when I do it12:39
yossarianuki.e .............12:40
SparasiteAnd that's because I'm a newbie12:40
SparasiteI do it wrong12:40
SparasiteI have read all the docs etc,12:40
soeeSparasite: simplest way ? install windoes, create separate partitions for Kubuntu and use Wubi to install linunx12:40
soeeand you are done12:41
soeei assume you have read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot ?12:41
soeeSparasite: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide12:41
yossarianukwubi isn't supported any more12:41
SparasiteBut I wanna use Kubuntu12:41
Sparasiteyossarianuk, "Wubi is an officially supported installer for Windows XP, Vista and 7 users that allows Ubuntu to be installed and uninstalled in a safe, easy way as with any other Windows application."12:42
yossarianuk'Ubuntu Website Warns Windows 8 Users: Don’t Use WUBI'12:42
SparasiteI am using Windows 712:42
yossarianukbut I see you said 712:42
SparasiteYep :D12:42
SparasiteIs Wubi the recomemnded way?12:42
SparasiteFor win 712:43
yossarianukwubi is awful12:43
hateballwubi is... I dont see why anyone would use it12:43
yossarianukwubi is slow/unsupported/crap12:43
BluesKajSparasite, you could dual boot or use a VM12:43
yossarianukwhats the point in installing crap12:43
SparasiteI hate VM's12:43
SparasiteI wanna dual boot12:43
yossarianukI would shrink win7 partition and dual boot12:43
SparasiteI have done that12:43
SparasiteShrunk the C:\ and I have 80 GB unallocated space12:44
SparasiteDon't know what do with the USB (Kubuntu)12:44
SparasiteThe installation (disk setup) is not newbie-friendly12:44
yossarianukSparasite: its pretty user friendly .....12:44
SparasiteNope, I don't think so12:44
SparasiteI have no idea what to do12:45
soeebut i think you can also just: have installed windows, leave empty partitions for kubuntnu and run Kubuntu from USB or CD and just inistall it12:45
soeeit will configure all12:45
SparasiteEmpty partitions?12:45
SparasitePartition or PartitionS?12:45
soeeSparasite: use separate partition for / and separate for /home12:45
soeethan if you reinstall system all your user data will stay untouched12:46
soeealso if your pc i low spec, you can ceate swap12:46
SparasiteI have 4 GB RAM12:46
soeeBluesKaj: swap is recommended for what RAM on the board ?12:47
rmrfchikany tips to run kubuntu-plasma5-14.10-desktop-i386.iso in virtualbox?12:47
SparasiteWell, I have 80 GB unallocated space and an USB12:47
SparasiteWith Kubuntu12:47
soeermrfchik: why would you want to do that ?12:47
soeermrfchik: use vivid12:48
rmrfchiksoee: vivid?12:48
SparasiteCan someone help me install? I have been trying to get help for weeks now ...12:48
soeermrfchik: Kubutnu 15.0412:48
rmrfchiksoee: can't find it on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu12:48
BluesKajsoee, probly under 6G , i don't need any swap on my laptop with 8G RAM12:49
soeermrfchik: because it is in Beta stage now: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/12:49
soeeBluesKaj: so do i12:49
rmrfchiksoee: thanks!12:49
soeeSparasite: this partition is empty ?12:49
soeeand separate ?12:50
SparasiteI have, as said, 80 GB unallocated space and a Kubuntu USB12:50
Sparasiteshrunk from the C:\12:50
soeeSparasite: ok so run installer from USB, when you get into ste where you need to select partition than:12:50
soee1. create new one for / and set its size to ~ 20GB12:51
soee2. create second partition for /home and use rest free space12:51
SparasiteFile system? Beginning or End?12:51
soeei use ext4 for both12:52
SparasiteBeginning or End?12:52
SparasiteNo swap partition?12:52
BluesKajSparasite, ok , either burn gparted to cd or install on a usb and use it to set your partitons up beforehand, makes it much easier to install IMO12:52
soeeyou can create swap for 4gb ram i think12:52
soeeBluesKaj: installer will do it just fine i thinnk12:53
soeeimo - in my opinion12:53
BluesKajsoee, the installer can be confusing to new users, but to each his own12:53
* Sparasite brb12:54
BluesKajthe installer partitioning phase that is12:54
soeeSparasite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo2k8pO4O_Y13:00
soeeon the movie he does not create separate /home partition13:02
soeebut you should do it13:02
soeeSparasite: always pick begining13:02
BluesKajsoee, he's on windows 7 , dunno if the video applies13:10
soeeBluesKaj: it does13:10
soeethe partitioning tool is the same i think13:10
soeeand that is the only one important thing but he also said he already has free space13:11
soeeso teh windows part can be skipped ;)13:11
BluesKajthe boot manager phase as well?, never seen that before13:11
soeehe will have Windows 7 option in GRUB13:13
soeejust to boot into windows13:13
BluesKajnot grub, in the video he chooses the boot manger and suddenly grub appears from nowhere it seems13:14
SparasiteHow much MB should the swap area be? (SHould I have one?)13:24
Sparasiteor BluesKaj...13:26
soeeSparasite: uh hard ot say, i think somone mentioned twice of ram size but13:27
soeei dont think that much will be needed13:27
SparasiteSo should I begin with /, or /home ?13:27
soeeset it maybe to 2 or 4 GB13:27
SparasiteOr swap?13:27
soeeSparasite: doesn matter much i think13:28
SparasiteBut what do you mean with RAM?13:28
Sparasiteit's from the unallocated 80 GB...13:28
Sparasitenot my RAM?13:28
soeeSparasite: i heard once someone told that if for example  you have 4GB ram than swpa should have 8GB13:28
soeebut i don't think it is true13:28
soeei have 8GB ram here on my laptop and i do not have swap at all13:29
SparasiteThe person who created the docs told me I should have 12 GB swap?13:29
SparasiteWell, ok...13:29
SparasiteSo how much Swap? If needed13:29
soeeas i said set 2 or 4 :)13:29
SparasiteFirst, do I need swap?13:30
soeeSparasite: it might be usefull for some heavy taks when all your ram is used13:30
soeethan some data goes through swap13:30
SparasiteBut what do you mean with RAM?13:30
BluesKajfor 4G RAM , 6G swap is optimum13:30
SparasiteIt's from the unallocated space13:30
Sparasiteon my hard driv13:30
soeeSparasite: yes  but we are talking about how much memory - RAM - you have on your pc13:31
soeeand depends of it the swap size13:31
SparasiteThe swap partition I create is from the hard drive space?13:32
SparasiteWhy are we talking RAM?13:33
soeewe dont13:33
SparasiteOh k13:33
soeeRAM is RAM13:33
soeeswpa is some space on hdd13:33
SparasiteSo what do I need?13:34
soeethat is used when your RAM is used in 100%13:34
SparasiteA swap parition, / patition, and /home?13:34
soeeSparasite: yes13:34
SparasiteAnd the swap partition should have 4 GB?13:34
soeeSparasite: you decide, if you plan to do some heavy thik like video processing or similiar when your 4GB RAM might be all used13:35
SparasiteI'm gonna do that13:35
soeethan swap is used,13:35
SparasiteAnd then 4 GB is enough?13:35
yossarianukSparasite: I would just use 4 GB - you can always add a swap file later if you need more (you wont)13:35
SparasiteOk what's 4 GB in MB?13:36
yossarianuk1024 x 413:36
Sparasiteoh k13:36
yossarianuk4096 M13:36
soeeah :)13:36
=== mkv is now known as m4v
SparasitePrimary or Logical?13:36
SparasiteBeginning or End? And mount point?13:36
soeeSparasite: set mountpoint to: swap13:37
SparasiteFile system should be set to "swap"?13:38
soeeuse as: swap13:38
SparasiteSo not leave the mount point empty?13:38
Sparasiteas on the video13:38
soeeyou wont be able to set mount point if you set type to swap13:38
SparasiteI am able to13:39
Sparasitethe field is still there13:39
soeeSparasite: field yes but i think it is disabled13:39
SparasiteOh k13:39
soeeBluesKaj: ?13:39
SparasiteBeginning or End & Logical or Primary?13:39
BluesKajnm soee13:40
SparasiteSorry if I ask a lot of questions - I'm a newbie13:42
drdozerhi - is it possible to use chrome applications, like tweetdeck, as if they are kde native apps?13:43
drdozerwithout the browser window decorations and all that stuff13:43
soeeSparasite: i think for all partitions use Begining and logical when needed, i think one primary (with windows is enough and bootloader goes there)13:44
SparasiteWhich should be primary?13:45
soeeSparasite: http://askubuntu.com/questions/121197/ubuntu-installation-partitioning-logical-or-primary13:47
yossarianukSparasite: just use logical13:48
yossarianukSparasite: note - if you had GPT/UEFI they would all br primary13:48
BluesKajyossarianuk, think his pc is pre 2010 , he's got W713:51
yossarianuksure - that was just for reference ...13:51
soeedrdozer: thati  dont know13:51
yossarianuk(you could always be using GPT though with bios boot partition)13:51
yossarianuk(sorry - i realise i could be just confusing things..)13:52
BluesKajdrdozer, rhat's not even relevant , that's a google twitter client, doesn't it run on chrome13:52
rmrfchiksoee: vivid also crashes in virtualbox :(13:54
rmrfchiksoee: almost immediatelly after "Start kuubuntu"13:54
soeermrfchik: crahes how ?13:55
soeeROOM1: hiho13:55
rmrfchiksoee: vbox windows is closed and status is "terminated"13:55
ROOM1What r u doin13:55
rmrfchikbtw, I have debian, winxp, win7 running in this vbox13:55
BluesKaj!u | ROOM113:56
ubottuROOM1: Shortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks!13:56
soeermrfchik: i thought the VB crash was fixed already13:56
rmrfchiksoee: any special settings for vm may be?13:57
soeermrfchik: hard to say it never crashed and close VB window for me13:57
rmrfchikwhat version?13:57
soeewhen i was testing Vivid beta1, there were only problems with graphic settings, i had to play with acceleration etc13:58
rmrfchiksoee: vbox version?13:58
rmrfchik4.3.18-96516 here13:58
soeeim not sure what version i had back then not it is 4.3.2613:59
rmrfchikerr, "segfault at 618 ip 00007f2989b69b41 sp 00007f298d492c40 error 4 in VBoxDD.so" in dmesg...13:59
rmrfchikwell, and debian is still running successfully14:01
rmrfchikaha, found. Switching on "PAE/NX" cause vbox crash, switching it off diasbles kubuntu start14:02
soeenice :)14:03
rmrfchiksad I can't try it :(14:03
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noah123Is a swap partition optional?14:36
soeenoah123: yes14:38
noah123And it can turn off in sleep mode any way?14:41
BluesKajnoah123, one can also create a swap file if necessary, thus preserving a primary partition for other uses14:41
noah123And it can turn off in sleep mode any way?14:42
noah123without a swap file/partition14:42
BluesKajdon't think so ..you need a swap partition for sleep afaik and it has to be larger than your ram14:43
noah123It says I will experience installation errors during installation without swap (gonna add it later)14:51
noah123is that OK?14:52
noah123can I ignore it?14:52
soeewhat error ?14:53
noah123"It says I will experience installation errors during installation without swap (gonna add it later)"14:54
noah123can I ignore it?14:54
noah123The "" is because I sent it before14:54
noah123can I ignore it? I need an answer quick & fast now...14:54
noah123please? Can I ignore the warning? I will add swap later14:55
noah123ok thnx!14:56
noah123so it will not be errors during installation?14:56
noah123as the message said14:56
noah123"You may experience errors while installing."14:57
BluesKajI've seen that warning, and I ignored it successfully14:57
BluesKajnoah123, it is easier to create a swap now , it shouldn't take too long14:58
noah123Can't. It says "unuseable" on all unallocated spaces14:58
BluesKajyeah need to create a linux swap on a small partition like 6G or so on one of the unallocated spaces14:59
BluesKajunallocated is unusable until you creat a file system like ext4 or linux swap15:00
noah123BluesKaj: I can't create a partition from it15:15
noah123Can I do it later instead ?15:15
noah123after installation15:15
BluesKajnoah123, do you have an ext4 partiiton ready for kubuntu?15:16
noah123But not swap can I add it later?15:16
noah123after installation15:16
BluesKajnoah123, yes, it should be ok15:19
yossarianuknoah123: you can add a swap file after install15:31
yossarianuknoah123: since kernel 2.6 its the same performance using a swap file as partition.15:31
BluesKajhe was getting an error message about problems if he didn't setup a swap15:32
yossarianukah sorry...15:33
noah123yossarianuk: I'm using 14.04.215:33
noah123That isn't possible there?15:33
BluesKajnoah123, you're way beyond the 2.6 kernel , not to worry15:34
noah123BluesKaj: So it's possible?15:35
yossarianuki.e - yes15:35
yossarianuki would install the os (i.e continue)15:35
yossarianukthen add a swap file after15:35
noah123I did15:35
noah123And btw will it be possible to use sleep mode with a swap FILE?15:35
yossarianukoh - sorry this is an area I am unsure f.15:36
noah123are you using a swap file instead, yossarianuk ?15:37
yossarianuk(I never use suspend ... I mainly use desktops (not a fan of mobile devices)15:37
yossarianuknoah123: on my desktop I have a swap partition15:37
yossarianukbut it wouldn't matter if I didn;t have one I could just add a swap file after install15:38
yossarianuknoah123: see this link - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104294615:39
noah123Which would you recommend for me? (laptop - without swap sleep mode won't work)15:39
yossarianuknot sure how relevant it is now15:39
yossarianukif you are having issues I would re-install15:40
noah123no issues15:40
noah123But I need swap...15:40
noah123I think?15:40
yossarianukwell - either reinstall and add a swap partition15:40
yossarianukor see - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104294615:40
yossarianuk(HOWTO: Use swapfile instead of swap partition and have working hibernation)15:40
noah123I have just installed without a swap partition, yossarianuk15:41
noah123Which would you recommend for me? (laptop - without swap sleep mode won't work)15:42
noah123as said15:42
noah123file or partition?15:42
yossarianuknoah123: did you read the linjk15:42
yossarianuktry reading it15:42
yossarianukor go in via live cd and shrink your filesystem and add swap15:43
noah123One quick question: Would YOU recommend a file instead?15:43
noah123trust you...15:44
yossarianukwell thank you - perhaps you've read catch 22?15:45
yossarianukpersonally 'I' would use a swap file - but I run desktops (only)15:46
noah123catch 22?15:47
BluesKajnoah123, for a laptop a swap partition is best15:47
yossarianukYossarian is the main character....15:47
noah123oh k15:47
yossarianuknoah123: are you in the OS now ?15:47
yossarianukhow many partitions do you have on the disk ?15:48
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yossarianuki.e as long as you have an extended/logical partition (or have less than 4, or are using GPT) then I suggest going to a live cd - shrinking your main filesystem and adding a swap partiton15:50
yossarianukit would perhaps be quicker to just re-install mind you15:51
noah123Can I add a swap partition after installation? Forgot to add one16:04
yossarianuknoah123: yes16:16
yossarianukif you have space you can add one16:17
yossarianukor you will have to shrink your existing filesystem16:17
yossarianukits easier to re-install though it you have just installed16:17
yossarianukyou may also have to alter various files in order to get suspend to work unless you re-install16:17
yossarianuk(my last piece of advice on this subject......)16:18
noah123Was AFK17:01
noah123Is it possible to create a swap partition after installation?17:02
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BluesKajnoah123, yes use gparted live-media17:23
noah123Well, I don't need it anymore17:24
noah123Can you help me in PM BluesKaj? Through the installation17:24
noah123and I trust you :D17:26
noah123and soee17:26
soeePM ?17:29
noah123Yes, /query17:32
noah123Private Message17:32
SporkWitchBluesKaj: so remember my headset vs main sound issue the other day?  apparently the fix makes  it so the headset doesn't show up at all now lol17:32
soeejust ask here if you have questions, this channel is logged so thers might google such conversations and get help to17:32
* SporkWitch could have achieved that just by unplugging it17:32
noah123I'm trying but everyone is saying different things, soee17:33
noah123before when I asked17:33
BluesKajnoah123, everyone has told you it's possible to create a linux swap  partition after the install ..I saw nothing to the contrary17:49
noah123That's not what I mean, anyway nevermind17:50
SporkWitchnoah123: then clarify.  looking at the logs, the question was asked and answered.  do you need help figuring out how to make a swap partition, add it to fstab, etc.?17:52
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aftereyowhere can I find the source of http://i.imgur.com/9k16xT7.png18:37
Riddellaftereyo: https://github.com/NitruxSA/plasma-next-icons18:39
noah123I have 3 partitions (Windows), and I created a logical partition of the unallocated 80 GB, and now I have 13 GB left but it's "unuseable". Why?18:39
aftereyoRiddel, any idea which one it would be?18:50
aftereyowho named these things18:53
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SporkWitchwhen copying with dolphin within the same filesystem, is it doing an actual copy rather than a hardlink?19:26
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geniiSporkWitch: Not sure but you could check by: test file1 -ef file2     and see if they have the same inode numbers19:30
geniiDifferent inode then not hardlinked19:31
xariusNewbie at linux19:59
xariuslooking for help19:59
xariusproblem with Kmix19:59
xariusnot opening19:59
tuv0kxarius: version of kubuntu. How are you trying to "open" kmix?20:04
xarius lts20:05
xariusit does not open at all20:05
soee_xarius: type in konsole: kmix20:05
vinnie__ I am using an Nvidia GeForce GT 120 graphics card connected to my TV via HDMI out. This card has a spdif cable that connects to the motherboard spdif out pins. Can someone please help me to get audio via HDMI?20:06
xariusno response20:06
soee_vinnie__: no audio at all ?20:06
soee_xarius: no errors ?20:06
vinnie__soee_: only from the onboard audio20:07
xarius session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.20:07
soee_vinnie__: sorry than i never connected cards through spdif20:07
xariusi have only very low audio20:08
vinnie__soee_: The card is pci20:08
xariusand cannot open Kwin to select sound20:08
xariusi have a asus G75vw20:08
soee_vinnie__: what i do to have audio through hdmi, is to go to System Settings -> Multimedia -> Audio Hardware Setup (tab) and pick there hdmi output20:11
xariuspulse audio does not open same thing.20:13
vinnie__soee_: HDMI or spdif is not listed in the drop down20:13
xariusas Kmix20:13
soee_vinnie__: that strange, what Kubuntu version are you running ?20:14
vinnie__Im actualy running Linux Mint 17.1 KDE20:15
vinnie__soee_: ^^20:15
vinnie__soee_: Ive tried for 2 days now to get help from mint chanel with no luck20:16
soee_vinnie__: ah than i dont know i can set it easily here http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/25/workspace17.png20:16
maelcumhello. i could use some help with two problems after upgrading to 15.04. first, it doesn't really seem to boot with upstart anymore, so i had to switch to systemd. that gives me a mostly working x session.20:18
vinnie__was hoping someone could help me get it to show up by maybe modprobing or something. lol. I know with Linux there is always a way \.20:18
maelcumnow the problem is that both /dev/dri/* and /dev/snd/* are not accessible by my user, so 3d acceleration doesn't work and alsa doesn't work. i'm not using pulseaudio.20:19
maelcumeven alsamixer says it can't open the device, as root it can.20:20
soee_maelcum: Vivid since a week or so switched to systemd20:20
maelcumright, so i'm using the canonical (pun intended) init system.20:20
maelcumi've added my user to the audio group and it's already in the video group, and i've even cleared other acls on /dev/dri*, no dice.20:21
maelcumis this some cgroups thing maybe?20:21
maelcumi'm running a self compiled x server, so maybe if permissions are tied to the x server executable or something...20:22
aftereyo_Riddell: solved it20:24
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azakistupid question, but if i install the daily test builds of kubuntu 15.04, will it become the stable release once it's officially released next month? or will i have to reinstall?20:49
azakior is it just going to become the 'next' testing build for a future release?20:49
claydohazaki: it  will become official20:50
azakiclaydoh, thanks. i wont have to change the package sources or tweak anything right? it'll just happen automatically?20:51
aftereyo_you can just update your way to stable20:52
aftereyo_that's what I am gonna do20:52
aftereyo_no need to reinstall20:52
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azakiaftereyo_, alright, thank you. =)21:09
SporkWitchgenii: yeah, looks like it's doing actual copies.  never contributed to a project before, what would be the best way to figure out where the code that handles copy operations is?  I'm gonna look into trying to identify the destination's filesystem, and if same, silently do a hard link instead of a copy (no user-noticeable difference other than the potential to decrease disk usage, and why NOT take21:13
SporkWitchadvantage of one of the great features of UNIX/Linux filesystems?)21:13
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Guest89621#Pt-Br #firefox Bando de praga chupa rola de alien gogle-facebok me baniu POR POSTAR A VERDADE: #Pt-Br : DEVE SER POR ISSO : http://info.abril.com.br/noticias/internet/2015/01/franca-quer-tornar-facebook-e-google-cumplices-de-crimes-de-odio-na-web.shtml QUE ANDA CAINDO AVIAO DEMAIS POR LA! A BESTA IMUNDA : http://www.facebook.com/4 tA DESESPERADINHA? DEMOROU PRA O MUNDO TODO INVADIDO POR ESSAS DUAS IMUNDICIAS FAZEREM OS PAGAR GRAVE POR CUMPLICIDADE EM FAT21:38
geniiThat was odd.21:39
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