
kianianorlin or holstein? :\00:27
=== qwerty is now known as Guest56212
Guest56212i didnt give my swap partition enough room and now i need to move my linux partition, but gparted says it will fail to boot. Help please?01:26
Guest56212im trying to increase my swap partition01:27
melodiegood night01:45
melodieGuest56212 don't worry about gparted saying so01:46
melodiehe always does01:46
melodiejust try to make your partition the same number, this means, don't recreate it if you can avoid01:46
melodiebye now01:47
Guest56212make my partition the same number?01:49
holsteinkian: yes.. but, just ask what you need, and a volunteer may assist.. no need to wait on any specific individual. you can alwasy try #ubuntu if its slow here02:15
puffGood evening.02:46
puffI'm trying to install lubuntu on this old winxp laptop (dell inspiron 6000) as dual boot.02:46
puffI'm following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot02:46
holsteinxp is EOL02:46
puffholstein: Yeah, I know.02:47
puffholstein: It's my friend's laptop.02:47
puffholstein: I'm putting lubuntu on it so he can try it out, but I don't want to wipe his old install until he's had a chacne to try it.02:47
puffI'm the "Installation type" screen, trying to figure out where/how I can resize the old partition here.02:47
holsteinbut, the way i do it, is.. i backup *everything* important, since *all* hard drives fail.. i plan on the total failure of the hard drive that *will* happen.. then, i shrink the partition for windows down with a live iso, using gparted.. then, i install with a normal installer on the empty space02:47
puffI tried choosing "something else" which takes me to a partitioning dialog, but that doesn't seem to allow me to shrink the existing NTFS partition, just delete it.02:48
puffOkay, so you're suggesting do the partition separately in gparted or something, then use the lubuntu installer.02:48
holsteinpuff: shrink manually with a live iso.. gparted02:48
puffSomebody else had suggested I was better off letting the installer do it, but I'm more comfortable with gparted than with random installers anyway :-).02:49
puffOkay, so it's a 60GB disk, 1 GB of RAM, so I need a 2GB swap partition and, what, 10GB for ubuntu?02:49
puffEr, lubuntu.02:49
holsteinpuff: you are better off removing EOL xp02:50
holsteinif you dont want to do that, then, you need to have backups02:50
puffholstein: And I wish that were an option :-)02:50
holsteinif you dont want to do that, then, i say dont mess with the drive at all02:50
puffholstein: But if I do that, when *anything* goes wrong it's gonna be my fault (and my problem :-)02:50
puffOkay, thanks.02:50
puffyeah, I dd'd the image.02:50
holsteinif you dont want to do that, then just resize the partition with gparted02:50
holsteinif you have a dd image, then, you can always simply revert02:51
holsteinxp is not safe to use, regarless of where this conversation goes..02:51
holsteinanyways, im sure you know that02:51
puff10GB seem like a good size for lubuntu?02:51
holstein10 should be plenty02:51
puffAny reason to make the swap bigger than 1GB?02:52
puffI guess 2GB is reasonable.02:52
puffThen he can suspend to disk.02:52
holsteinpuff: whatever is needed02:56
puffCool, thanks for advice.03:00
=== ianorlin_ is now known as ianorlin
pusitegahi can somone help me i think i fu up my /usr/bin/xdg-open file and still dident got chromium to work magnet links, i falowed this instructions http://crunchbang.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2264408:08
pusitegafirst it dident work i think it gived me on chromium-browser -vv error } somthing then i redit xdg-open to use transmistion-gtk and now it gives unispected line error08:09
pusitegacan i get oreginal user/bin/xdg-open file somhow i frogoted to backup?08:11
pusitegacan anyone cop paste his user/bin/xdg-open08:37
Unit193pusitega: sudo apt-get --reinstall install xdg-utils08:37
pusitegaUnit193:  sorry was afk some time it worked ty, anywey can you help me about magnet link09:01
pusitega#!/bin/bash export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME /usr/bin/google-chrome "$@" exit 009:01
pusitegadude posted to use this isnted rediting user/bin/xdg-open09:02
pusitegaand i dont know if i fucked up my system more whit gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/command "transmission %s"09:02
pusitegaThanks for the tip! Instead of messing with system files we can create a script in ~/bin and call it google-chrome with this inside: #!/bin/bash export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME /usr/bin/google-chrome "$@" exit 0 Now just make sure your shortcuts point either to google-chrome or ~/bin/google-chrome instead of /usr/bin/google-chrome "You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all you09:15
pusitegacan someone explain this i know thet i have to use leafpad copy pasete this text09:16
pusitegabut i am using chromium not google chhrome shoud i change it09:16
pusitegai want to make f magnet links work09:16
pusitegahow to make chromium work whit magnet links09:30
Dualityso i made a python script that is really awesome. and i want to share it with the lubuntu/ubuntu comunity :) but i don't know what forum to choose. on the ubuntu fora/forums.17:02
zerothisI plugged in my android tablet and the mount icon shows an iPoo. I know lots of complicated ways to change it to a table, android phone, or custom icon, is there a simple way?17:24
ianorlinzerothis: do you still want to use the same icon theme?17:29
ianorlinin the menu and customize look and feel you can choose a whole new theme of icons17:30
ianorlinor you would have to edit the theme files which is harder as it is just a picture17:31
zerothisI'm not attached to my current theme. I'm never using an iOS of any type and eliminated the icon is my goal. Other people see my desktop, its embarrassing but more importantly, I never want it thought I endorse iPoo17:31
ianorlinzerothis: unfortanely I don't have a smaryphone so I don't know which icon themes have a non apple one17:33
ianorlinsearching icon theme in synaptic should give you a fair number of choices in the repos if you want to install more17:34
zerothisI can simply move them all to the trash, sloppy but effective. I was just hoping there was a way to id a mount as android17:35
ianorlinzerothis: you could replace the file with another icon as it is just a picture but be careful editing system files17:36
uniqdomHi. yesteray I have installed latest Lubuntu in an old laptop. I have configured a wireless board with ndiswrapper. I'm using nm-applet to select my ssid, but it looks like if it is asking for a wep password, but it should be a wpa2 password18:28
uniqdomhow to correct this behavior?18:28
uniqdomi have tryed to set the password manually in 'edit connections', but it still ask for a wep password.18:29
uniqdomi'm 100% it is a wpa2 password.18:29
uniqdom100% sure*18:29
brendanrperrineuniqdom: do you know if the old windows driver for your laptop supports wpa2?18:30
uniqdomwell is not my laptop, i will try to find out that18:31
brendanrperrineproviding us with the wifi card chipset info with lspci if it is an internal card or lsusb if it is a usb dongle will allow us to search for more solutions or expirence with that particular chipset18:32
=== dldurk_ is now known as dldurk
NinjaKirbySo I downloaded Lubuntu via Torrent. I am having constant erroneous installations, because uTorrent decided it doesn't want to acquire a 512KB fraction of the ISO (force re-checked like 3 times now to try and recover the missing 0.1%). So I'm unfortunately going to have to drain your direct-server download.21:06
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:06
holsteini would check the sum, and make sure you have a good image21:06
holsteindirect download should work fine21:06
NinjaKirbylol, it's definitely bad. I'm just gonna have to re-download from scratch. God damn Torrent, I thought it would be more cost-friendly for you guys, but it's torturing me.21:06
holsteinits not21:07
holsteinthe "guys" here, just use canonical hosting.. its not "free", but its not out of pocket for anyone in this community AFAIK21:07
NinjaKirbyOh good, so I shouldn't feel too bad. I thought I was doing my part :P21:08
NinjaKirby(Trying to do my part; fak u utorrent)21:08
=== NelafanjiKepisko is now known as NinjaKirby

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