
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest38173
mlankhorstanyone from the irc council here?12:26
Tm_Tmlankhorst: yes?12:41
mlankhorstcan I request a ubuntu member cloak? :-)12:41
Tm_Tmlankhorst: could you link your lp profile please?12:42
Tm_Tmlankhorst: do you want to keep canonical part in your cloak or replace it entirely?12:59
Tm_Tas in would @ubuntu/member/mlankhorst suffice?13:00
mlankhorstreplace :)14:29
IdleOnePici, Tm_T ^14:36
Picimlankhorst: you're all set.15:31
mlankhorstty :)16:23
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest41801
=== Guest41801 is now known as MooDoo

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