
=== ianorlin_ is now known as ianorlin
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elfyinfinity: keyboard stage working, still seeing no option to remove installation media, which davmor2 appears to see as an issue bug 143228507:39
ubot93bug 1432285 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Vivid live DVD fails to provide means to eject disc" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143228507:39
flexiondotorgMorning. Looks like the Ubuntu MATE image rebuilds have stalled.07:48
oSoMoNhi all, could someone ack the webbrowser-app sync to unblock it from the unapproved queue?07:48
elfyflexiondotorg: looks like 32and 64bit both failed to build - at ~7am07:49
flexiondotorgelfy, How do you know this?07:50
flexiondotorgelfy, That is yesterday morning I think.07:51
elfyoh sorry - too early to read dates properly07:52
flexiondotorgcjwatson, PLease take a look at ^^^^^^^^07:52
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Looks like something died.07:52
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cjwatsonflexiondotorg: it's not in any interesting way, it just got unlucky and the load on that machine was temporarily too high or something.  just retry the build when you see taht09:45
flexiondotorgcjwatson, So, I did cancel and then request a build before I left for work.09:46
infinityExcept that wedged the world a bit, so retrying won't work.09:46
flexiondotorgThe POwerPC build has completed. The i386 and amd64 still report as building.09:46
ogra_infinity, can i have the livecd-rootfs above ? touch only ...09:46
* infinity cancels a bunch harder.09:46
flexiondotorginfinity, Thanks.09:47
infinityogra_: Yeah, I saw.  And WTF? :P09:47
infinityogra_: Why do you need to explicitly install ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts?09:47
ogra_infinity, there is an "or" dependency that gets resolved reverse ...09:47
ogra_thats a desparate try to fix this09:47
infinityAnd you can't just seed ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts?09:47
jamespagebdmurray (or another SRU team member): please could the nova SRU for trusty be accepted into proposed? waiting on that to start verification testing.09:48
Odd_BlokeIf an AA could take a look at promoting the cloud-inits waiting in {precise,trusty,utopic}-proposed, it would be much appreciated.09:49
infinityOdd_Bloke: Done.09:53
Odd_Blokeinfinity: <309:54
ogra_hmpf, if you said anything ... i had a reconnect ...09:54
infinity03:47 < ogra_> infinity, there is an "or" dependency that gets resolved reverse ...09:55
infinity03:47 < ogra_> thats a desparate try to fix this09:55
infinity03:47 < infinity> And you can't just seed ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts?09:55
ogra_infinity, it is seeded09:55
ogra_<ogra_> thats a desparate try to fix this09:55
ogra_<ogra_> Depends: libaccount-plugin-google | ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts09:55
ogra_<ogra_> from account-plugin-google09:55
infinityadam_g: Have you considered being more consistent with who you commit as? :P09:55
ogra_<ogra_> we dont want the lib09:56
ogra_<ogra_> if you have any better suggestion i'm all ears :)09:56
infinity Adam Gandelman <adam.gandelman@canonical.com>09:56
infinity Adam Gandelman <adamg@canonical.com>09:56
infinity+Adam Gandelman <adamg@ubuntu.com>09:56
infinityogra_: Find the seed where account-plugin-google is being pulled in, add ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts to same seed, run germinate, see what happens?09:56
infinityogra_: If the alternate dep is already satisfied, you shouldn't get both.09:57
infinityjamespage: I'm not sure to what level of scrutiny bdmurray has been reviewing these openstack point release uploads, so I might leave nova to him (plus, it's 4am, and my brain is wheeee), but if you can't get him to sort it for you tomorrow, lemme know.10:00
jamespageinfinity, thanks10:00
flexiondotorginfinity, Please can you confirm if I should request Ubuntu MATE rebuilds?10:03
infinityflexiondotorg: They should be building.10:10
flexiondotorginfinity, Thank you.10:10
infinityflexiondotorg: Seems like "network hiccups after I rebuild the world and go to bed" is going to be a thing this week. :P10:11
infinityAt least, it happened two nights in a row.  Less than pleased.10:11
* flexiondotorg sends infinity sleep wishes10:11
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davmor2jibel: vivid desktop if you open nautilus does it open a new icon in the launcher rather than the main icon?11:27
jibeldavmor2, it does11:28
jamespageif any of the release team have time I've added another NEW package requirement to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1434526 that needs a review11:44
ubot93Launchpad bug 1434526 in Ubuntu "[FFe] new packages to support OpenStack Kilo-3 milestone" [High,New]11:44
jamespageI also need an AA to review the NEW packages associated with that bug if there is anyone available that has some cycles; once those are in archive, I can upload the kilo-3 milestone release for openstack projects11:45
ogra_infinity, well, both packages are in the same seed since forever ...12:44
infinityogra_: Bleh.  Well, try to find a better solution for it at some point, livecd-rootfs hacks suck.  But I'll let it in for now.13:05
ogra_infinity, it is only a test anyway13:05
ogra_i'm not sure it will fix it at all13:05
ogra_seb128, ^^^13:06
seb128ogra_, infinity, thanks13:06
Riddellkubuntu respin seems to have broken, can anyone diagnose? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/kubuntu/vivid/daily-live-20150325.log13:08
cjwatsonRiddell: there was some work being done on the LP master database server, which seems to have caused slightly-odder-than-usual failure modes for things that caught it at the wrong time13:10
cjwatsonRiddell: just retry13:10
* Riddell retries13:11
sil2100Hello release team!14:08
sil2100We have published a new mir through the train just now14:09
sil2100The upstream developers have assured us that it's a bugfix only release14:10
sil2100Mir is also not really used on desktop images (besides desktop-next), so this should be a relatively safe upload - QA has signed it off and confirmed it's at least not causing any regressions on ubuntu-touch14:11
cyphermoxhave they also tested it wasn't regressing desktop-next?14:18
cyphermox(am not release team, just curious)14:18
infinitysil2100: It's on all the images, it's going to have to wait.14:23
seb128cyphermox, desktop-next doesn't do milestones or release so it doesn't matter much14:25
seb128it's a rolling testing image, not a production ready product14:25
cyphermoxseb128: it would still be nice not avoid breaking it a bit, or to break it less :)14:28
seb128right, but that's freeze specific14:28
cyphermoxseb128: since you're here, any news on the B word? :)14:29
seb128cyphermox, no, not for this cycle :-/14:29
cyphermoxboo :(14:30
ogra_if you mean the same B word i would mean, ChickenCutlass is just playing woth the PPA14:30
ogra_trying to get it to work on the phone14:30
cyphermoxok, cool14:30
cyphermoxhe's building his own custom kernel?14:31
seb128cyphermox, speaking of which, I've a bug related which would be nice to look at14:31
cyphermoxseb128: ok14:31
infinityRiddell: You around?14:31
ogra_cyphermox, ask him, i think he wanted to talk to you anyway about cmdline tools to use for testing14:33
Riddellhi infinity14:33
cyphermoxogra_: got it14:34
infinityRiddell: Hey.  Your images are marked "re-building" on the tracker, but I don't see them actually rebuilding.  Did you trigger rebuilds?14:34
infinityRiddell: If you did, the infra might have gotten wedged, I can fix that for you.14:34
Riddellinfinity: yep, then cjwatson said there was a problem and I should try it again so I did14:34
Riddellinfinity: fixes welcome :)14:35
infinityRiddell: I'll smack it around a bit.14:35
infinityRiddell: Smack in progress.14:35
jibelcyphermox, bug 1432285 is high importance and something to fix ASAP. The user cannot eject the CD is trapped in an install loop15:10
ubot93bug 1432285 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Vivid live DVD fails to provide means to eject disc" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143228515:10
cyphermoxjibel: I know, working on it15:12
infinityjibel: He's on it.15:12
infinitySee? :P15:12
infinityjibel: The tracker seems pretty devoid of other interesting looking bugs.  Have you found any other showstoppers that I'm not seeing?15:12
jibelinfinity, that's the only one if we don't count the fact that I cannot do any successful installation in a VM. Tried qemu and vbox.15:18
jibelbut HW is ok15:18
infinityjibel: Really?15:19
infinityjibel: desktop, server, or both?15:19
infinityjibel: I did a server install in a VM just last night.15:19
jibelinfinity, desktop15:19
infinityFun. :/15:19
infinityLemme kvm up a desktop install and see WTF.15:19
cyphermoxit was working for me yesterday in qemu15:19
jibelthere is no live session on i386 qemu bios mode15:20
jibeland amd64 doesn't boot after installation in bios and uefi15:20
infinityThat all sounds rather sketchy.15:20
infinityI did have an issue where my server VM hung on reboot once or twice, but it was happening so early that I blamed qemu, not the image.15:21
infinityAfter I killed it, it booted fine.15:21
* infinity grabs fresh ISOs to give them all a once-over in a bit.15:22
* infinity grabs fresh ISOs veeeeeery slowly.15:29
infinityseb128: Ahh, does that fix the lack of icon reuse?15:46
seb128infinity, for upgraders yes, for new install we need https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity/nautilus-desktop-rename/+merge/25410315:47
cyphermoxah, perhaps the jenkins issues got current to not get updated15:48
infinityseb128: Ahh, kay, so can't be entirely fixed for beta, that's fine.  If it'll be fixed later, that works for me. :)15:48
seb128sorry about that15:48
infinityseb128: Sorry for fixing bugs?  Have you turned Canadian when I wasn't looking?15:48
cyphermoxfrench canadian is teh worst.15:49
infinityNo argument here.15:49
infinityQuebec and Vermont need to split off and form some logging and maple syrup powerhouse.15:49
jibelinfinity, what is the difference between ubuntu desktop 20150325 and 20150324?15:50
infinityNothing but flannel and bad accents as far as the eye can see.15:50
infinityjibel: 20150325 sucks less.15:50
cyphermoxinfinity: only if there are no huge maple syrup heists again.15:50
jibelinfinity, sucks less but didn't migrate from pending to current :/15:50
infinityRiddell: ^ There you go.15:50
Riddellthanks infinity15:50
infinityjibel: Yeah, the pending/current thing may have broken due to network hiccups and such.15:50
infinityThat machinery is mostly a black box to me.15:51
infinitystgraber: Do you know how the pending/current stuff on cdimage works, and how to make it happy (or check why it's not)?15:52
cyphermoxit depends on smoketests in jenkins, no?15:55
* cyphermox looks15:55
jibelyeah, jenkins job broke because of some networking issue and the node it runs on is offline15:57
jibelcyphermox, discussing with CI16:00
jamespageslangasek, would you have archive-admin time to review three new oslo packages to unblock openstack kilo-3 entry into the archive?16:25
jibelinfinity, cyphermox desktop amd64 migrated from pending to current, but i386 didn't. re-re-retrying16:27
infinityjamespage: He's on vacation this week.16:28
infinityjamespage: That said, if any openstack stuff is on ISOs, it'll have to wait until after tomorrow anyway.16:29
jamespageinfinity, its not16:29
infinityNone at all?16:30
jamespageinfinity, none of the 29 I need to touch for kilo-316:31
jamespagethat's not what I said :-)16:31
infinityjamespage: I'll look at these two when I get a chance.16:31
jamespageinfinity, am I OK to upload the third to the NEW queue as well please?16:31
infinityjamespage: What's the deal with the "openstack" package?  Just some convenience metapackages?16:31
jamespageinfinity, I honestly don't know16:32
jamespageI should but I don't16:32
jamespageI think its the 'openstack installer' - lemme check to stokachu16:32
jamespageinfinity, its not something that comes from my team at least16:32
stokachuit's the installer16:32
infinityjamespage: And yes, upload the other NEW thing you have.  I'd rather do them all at once if they're similar, since the bugs will likely also be similar.16:32
jamespageinfinity, indeed16:33
jamespageinfinity, OK - uploaded - they all prefix 'python-oslo.'16:34
jamespageinfinity, thankyou16:34
infinityjamespage: Are any of these renames of existing things, or are they all entirely new?16:35
jamespageinfinity, entirely new packages, but refactoring of shared common openstack code into python modules16:35
infinityjamespage: Righto.16:36
infinityjamespage: Grabbing an early lunch, then I'll review those while I'm playing with beta ISOs.16:36
jibeldesktop i386 migrated too, finally16:52
flexiondotorgAnyone seen an issue when try to install 15.05 on a system that already has btrfs partitions?17:11
ianorlinflexiondotorg: are you trying to resize them17:12
ianorlinI found an issue that you couldn't back in utopic17:12
flexiondotorgianorlin, Nope. Ubiquity hangs before you see any user prompts. Timeout while kernel waits.17:12
ianorlinarhg that isn't good17:12
flexiondotorgianorlin, http://i.imgur.com/NERrzov.png17:13
flexiondotorgTrying to create a reproducible test.17:13
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ianorlinflexiondotorg: what kind of graphics do you have in that machine ?18:00
stgraberinfinity: I vaguely remember jenkins having a restricted ssh access to nusakan and calling some bin/ script to flip the switch, but that's about as much as I know18:00
infinitystgraber: Kay, I think you know about as much as I do about it.18:02
infinitystgraber: :)18:03
infinitycyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1436497 sound less than ideal.20:46
ubot93Launchpad bug 1436497 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Fails to start from kubuntu live session with failed to remove /run/udisks2/inhibit-polkit " [Undecided,New]20:46
infinitycyphermox: Still not seeing any particularly dire bugs reported, though, which is nice.  A few that are definitely RC for final, but nothing really beta-critical.20:51
infinityExcept maybe the CD eject bug, if people get stuck in a loop and have to go look for a paperclip. :P20:51
elfyinfinity: is anything likely to happen re the eject bug? that is - rebuilds?20:51
cyphermoxwell, not really20:51
cyphermoxwhile you boot you can eject the CD20:52
cyphermoxand I bet when you're at the grub menu you also could20:52
infinityelfy: If it can be fixed by cyphermox soon (very soon), I'd consider a respin for it, but time's running out on it being worth caring about, I think.20:52
cyphermoxit's trickier and not super friendly, but still20:52
cyphermoxnah, still just tracking it down20:52
cyphermoxI think it's because we now call some systemd restart magic so it happily skips everything else.20:53
infinityelfy: Definitely an RC bug for final, but not sure it's worth holding the beta up for.20:53
elfyinfinity: thanks - just needed to know what was likely to happen between now and tomorrow PM20:53
infinitycyphermox: Oh, indeed.  The whole shutdown sequence has been mangled.20:54
infinitycyphermox: Not sure if casper/ubiquity/misc has changed at all to take any of that into account.20:55
infinityI suspect the answer is "no".20:55
infinitySo, this might be intractable for beta, cause it might be a rewrite of some bits, not a quick fix.20:55
infinityUnless there's just somewhere we can poop a .service file that papers over it for now.20:55
cyphermoxwell, I'm going to see. When do you give me until?20:56
cyphermoxI was going to try to fit in a .service just now20:56
cyphermox(or you know, at least start with trying that out on my system)20:56
infinitycyphermox: Well, I'm comfy with releasing up to midnight my time tomorrow.  Which probably means respins, if we have any, would need to happen overnight our time, so there's enough time to smoketest, push to mirrors, etc during the day tomorrow.20:57
infinitycyphermox: So, if you can some up with something workable in the next 5 or 6 hours?  If you're keen on fixing this.20:57
cyphermoxI'll give you an answer of whether it's an easy fix or not within the next two hours?20:57
cyphermoxI bet the kubuntu inhibit-polkit issue is also something similar20:58
infinitycyphermox: Works for me.20:58
infinityThe kubuntu thing looks like systemd mounting new things that weren't mounted before, yeah.  And ubiquity being entirely unsure how to deal with that.20:59
ianorlinI think fixing bug  1424362 may fix bug 1429531 as well and the to get it to work is just starting libpolkit-backend-1-020:59
ubot93bug 1424362 in software-center (Ubuntu) "no permissions to install or remove packages in vivid daily lubuntu beta 1" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142436220:59
ubot93bug 1429531 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "users-admin cannot create a new user in Lubuntu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142953120:59
infinityI miss upstart.  I never thought I'd say that.20:59
infinityianorlin: Absolutely agree that should be fixed.  Not sure today's the right day to fix it, when it's been known about for a month, but if the Lubuntu folks want to push a fix and retest, they're welcome to.21:04
dokoinfinity, accepted the gccgo-5 package dancing with sagari. will be blocked anyway21:49
infinitydoko: Mmkay.21:49
ianorlinbdmurray: for lubuntu gnome-settings-daemon would be correct package for no pointer showing up but you said it should have its own bug but I reported wrong place but can fix that23:11
bdmurrayianorlin: I said an issue with the pointer not appearing after an upgrade is different than one after a fresh install or on a live CD.23:13
ianorlinbdmurray I know I reported bug 1436509 and think I might have misfiled it at first which seems to be the same issue23:14
ubot93bug 1436509 in xserver-xorg-input-mouse (Ubuntu) "cursor not visible but mouse moves on first login after install " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143650923:14

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