
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
* luckybunny hears there are a lot of other Aquaris owners here, so came to join the fold00:59
luckybunnyin other words, my phone arrived :)00:59
luckybunnyso far, the only problem i have is one I already expected. The OS is great, but there are quite a few apps that need to be developed before I can switch from my android01:00
luckybunnyas in actual on-device things, not webapps01:01
* luckybunny would get right on that if he knew the second thing about programming01:01
cwayneluckybunny, any specific examples?01:04
luckybunnyfirstly an email app/scope that covers multiple gmail accounts, allows you to read the full email, and supports/uses audible notifications on email receipt (as opposed to a scope you have to manually refresh to see new emails from only one account, or the gmail webapp that you need to sign in to each account in individual sessions on the gmail website01:04
luckybunnyalso... citymapper01:05
luckybunnybeing a londoner, the closest thing I found to citymapper is a london underground scope01:05
luckybunnywhich I personally couldn't figure out01:05
luckybunnybtw, I'm so happy that Telegram is not only supported, but pre-installed01:07
luckybunnyI've used it for well over a year on my Xperia01:07
luckybunnyah.. there's another thing... A good robust IRC client, equivalent to Andchat, would be amazing01:08
* luckybunny just realised that he was referring to push messages when he mentioned audible notifications01:09
luckybunnythe tl;dr version is that i have always expected apps would be thin on the ground. There's more than I thought there would be, but mostly the ones I don't tend to use01:11
Elleoluckybunny: what can't you figure out about the tube scope?01:13
luckybunnyseems that you click a line and it shows an image of the map of the line, as opposed to letting you pick a station and see the upcoming timetable for that station01:14
Elleoluckybunny: you pick a station by typing it in the search box01:15
Elleomight be handy to be able to list all the stations on a line with links to them, not sure if the scopes infrastructure is flexible enough for that at the moment though01:16
luckybunnyI see01:16
luckybunnyScopes (particularly the Today scope) remind me of Google Now cards01:17
luckybunnywhich is a good thing, btw01:17
cwayneluckybunny, I'm glad you like them01:22
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DonkeyHotei[Tue 2015-03-24 06:08:22 PM PDT] <luckybunny> ah.. there's another thing... A good robust IRC client, equivalent to Andchat, would be amazing <---- not gonna happen. ever. by policy.02:08
JamesTangHi :build issue:dbus-cpp/include/core/dbus/signal.h:21:25: fatal error: core/signal.h: No such file or directory02:52
JamesTangdo you know core/signal.h?02:53
JamesTangand core::Signal is from core/signal.h?03:11
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JamesTangHi :build issue:dbus-cpp/include/core/dbus/signal.h:21:25: fatal error: core/signal.h: No such file or directory05:34
JamesTangdo you know core/signal.h?05:35
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anpok_JamesTang: i would guess part of libproperties-cpp-dev or if not then maybe libprocess-cpp-dev06:06
JamesTangcore::Signal is from core/signal.h?06:17
JamesTanghi : core/posix/signal.h in libprocess-cpp-dev is not core/signal.h06:24
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anpok_JamesTang: yes better install the dependencies07:14
anpok_JamesTang: as i said it is from libproperties-cpp07:14
anpok_and use pkg-config and cmake07:15
anpok_or a build tool07:15
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JamesTangthank anpok_!07:28
dholbachgood morning07:35
adrian47rsalveti, thanks, works now08:20
JamesTangHI , how to resolve :g++-4.9:armhf : Depends: gcc-4.9:armhf (= 4.9.2-10ubuntu11) but it is not going to be installed?08:21
JamesTangin cross build environment:/var/lib/schroot/chroots/vivid-amd64-armhf08:23
JamesTangHI , how to resolve :g++-4.9:armhf : Depends: gcc-4.9:armhf (= 4.9.2-10ubuntu11) but it is not going to be installed?08:28
JamesTangin cross build environment:/var/lib/schroot/chroots/vivid-amd64-armhf08:28
salvo80hi guys, does anyone know who maintains nexus 5 images?09:03
popeyTassadar: 09:03 < salvo80> hi guys, does anyone know who maintains nexus 5 images?09:12
TassadarI know the guy, yeah, he's pretty cool09:12
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seb128jgdx, hey, is there any reason you only comment approved https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/give-focus-to-entry/+merge/252594 ?09:20
NymsHello guys, I'm connect throughout my aquaris09:21
NymsIs it normal the battery life is very short ??09:22
tvossbzoltan_, dpm could you guys give JamesTang a hand for his cross build issues?09:29
bzoltan_tvoss:  sure, let me read back09:29
tvossbzoltan_, awesome, thank you09:29
bzoltan_JamesTang: Let me understand the issue first :) What ubuntu do you use? What version of the click* packages (apt-cache policy click-dev -> pastebin it) do you have and what do you do when you see that?09:31
salvo80Hi Tassadar! You are doing a great work ;-)09:35
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JamesTanghi bzoltan_:my ubuntu version is 14.4.09:51
bzoltan_JamesTang:  Okey, so it is the LTS edition. Cool, it is supported :) Do you have the Ubuntu SDK PPA enabled?09:52
JamesTanghow to check whether enable SDK PPA?09:53
JamesTangor not09:53
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JamesTangI have execute :sudo apt-get install sbuild debhelper ubuntu-dev-tools packaging-dev09:54
JamesTangsbuild-update --keygen09:55
JamesTangmk-sbuild --target=armhf vivid09:55
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JamesTangand then:sudo schroot -c source:vivid-amd64-armhf -u root09:56
JamesTangand then:(vivid-amd64-armhf)# apt-get build-dep --host-architecture=armhf <your_package_name>09:56
JamesTangand then appear issue above09:58
JamesTanghi bzoltan_??09:59
bzoltan_JamesTang: I am here ... it is good to use my nick, so my irc client tells me that somebody needs me :D10:00
JamesTangthe issue is in (vivid-amd64-armhf)10:00
bzoltan_JamesTang:  okey .. so you need this https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-sdk/installing-the-sdk/10:00
JamesTangthanks,i will read it10:01
bzoltan_JamesTang:  the main story is that you need the schroots set up by the click wrapper10:01
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tolkien Reading Day! :-D10:02
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AlanBellis it me, or is that browser icon the safari icon from a mac?11:28
AlanBelland what on earth are the apps in the app store under the accessibility section?11:30
popeyit does look a bit like the safari icon, yes.11:31
popeyAlanBell: developers choose which category their app goes in.11:31
AlanBellloving the rest of it so far11:32
AlanBellfew rough edges here and there, but it feels fast11:33
lotuspsychjeand secure11:33
lotuspsychjeandroid playstore is a virus nightmare11:34
popeyfeel free to try to upload viruses :)11:34
popeyor maybe don't :)11:34
popeyI didn't say that ㋛11:34
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* lotuspsychje didnt hear nothing11:34
popeyI'm not convinced Android has lots of viruses. It certainly has a lot of anti-virus packages.11:34
popeyand apps with crappy popup ads, or fake warnings11:35
lotuspsychjepopey: readed an article even that flashlight app got malware inside11:35
popeyoh, sure.11:35
lotuspsychje(on android of course)11:35
popeyWe need to be careful not to gloat over other platforms, our day will come when someone attacks us.11:35
lotuspsychjei agree on that one popey , stick to the alternate, safe ubuntu click apps :p11:36
lotuspsychjebut i would have loved to see a terminal packages way, in the future11:37
lotuspsychjei have so many wanted apps to love on touch, like nmap11:37
AlanBellso far I am fairly happy with it, but I am learning it all from scratch, my prior experience with Ubuntu counts for nothing11:38
lotuspsychjemaybe someone should 'cage' a terminal a safe way to install packages11:39
AlanBellanyone know how to get the home page of the today thing to display something more interesting than a review your google settings button11:40
cwayneAlanBell, tap the "Get started" button on the very bottom11:42
AlanBellcwayne: ah, ok, I clicked something there and now it asks me how I am11:42
AlanBellbored, hungry, thirsty or stressed11:43
AlanBellit knows me too well11:43
AlanBellthese is quite a curious list of feelings, "on the move" isn't really an answer to how do you feel, and the others, are kinda downers11:44
AlanBellyou can't say you are feeling exhilarated, excited, extatic, astonished11:45
AlanBelloooh, I see what it does now, it fixes your downer11:46
AlanBelllol, I am stressed -> go have a hair cut11:46
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jgdxseb128, yes12:00
jgdxlet me know if it's good for top approve12:01
tekojohello, which image should I try on a nexus 5, vivid or rtm ?12:14
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themelesis there a way to cache data in an ubuntu webapp, so it can be displayed offline?12:49
Elleothemeles: I believe so, but it has to be done on the webapp side, using the offline webapps spec: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#offline12:54
Elleothemeles: i.e. if you're not the author of the webapp there's not currently much you can do about caching unfortunately12:55
dakerthemeles: localstorage or the appcache http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner/12:55
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themelesElleo: i m the author thanks for the hint. would you like to answer this question(asked by another user) http://askubuntu.com/questions/574068/ubuntu-webapps-caching-preload-offline-ability12:58
paulitoHello out there anyone who knows why I can't connect my Aquaris e 4.5 via cable to my mac? Android File Transfer doesn't work.12:59
Elleothemeles: sure thing13:00
paulitoI tried to reinstall the program and tried all usb ports on my mac, but nothing happend13:02
paulitoAt the beginning it went good for some time but know a few days later I can't connect.13:02
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anpokpaulito: the standard response would be, do you have a pin/password configured? the device still pin locked? is the developer mode active?13:06
seb128jgdx, it should be good to top approve yes, not sure why you only comment approve in those cases?13:06
anpokbut no idea about mac osx13:06
jgdxseb128, because I'm not sure why I should top approve. I thought the mr author requested that when happy with reviews.13:08
seb128jgdx, oh, weird workflow, to me the top-approver is a reviewer which knows enough the project to be happy for the change to land13:08
seb128jgdx, I don't top approve my own changes by principle, if I submit a mp it's because I think it's ready to be reviewed/commited13:09
jgdxseb128, so … I'm Mr. Top Approver?13:09
seb128or let it to kenvandine if you prefer ;-)13:10
* kenvandine waves13:10
seb128hey kenvandine ;-)13:15
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themelesHow can I access an Ubuntuphone shell via USB. The description here seems not work anymore: http://askubuntu.com/questions/348714/ubuntu-touch-apt-get-install-openssh-server-error13:32
nclshi guys, is it possible to share a 3G connection with a computer with the Ubuntu Phone ?13:33
ogra_themeles, via USB or via ssh ?13:34
ogra_themeles, the only valid instructions in that article are http://askubuntu.com/questions/348714/ubuntu-touch-apt-get-install-openssh-server-error/599041#59904113:34
themelesthemeles: both would be fine. Maybe SSH is even more convenient.13:35
ogra_everything else would be a really gross hack13:35
ogra_you need adb to copy the key over ... or you need to pull it with wget via the terminal-app and copy it in place as described there13:35
themelesogra_: great, thank you. should we vote the answer up!?13:39
ogra_that would be nice, yeah13:39
themelesmaybe you can add a comment how to get into the developer mode, i haven't got enough reputation to comment.13:40
themelesogra_ ^13:40
ogra_themeles, like this ?13:43
ahayzenjamesh, FYI bug 1436110 looks like mediascanner is exploding while scanning certain audio files, i've added ms2 as also affects. Also do you think that it is possible this is causing the database to be locked and imports failing?13:44
ubot5bug 1436110 in Ubuntu Music App "Music refuses to play file opened via file manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143611013:44
themelesogra_ just mention thats it under systemsettings -> About Phone13:44
ogra_themeles, yes, reload your browser ;)13:44
themelesogra_: ahhh, YES!13:45
themelesogra_ thanks!!!13:45
ogra_thanks for helping to improve it :)13:45
themelesogra_ :-)13:49
nclsno idea about 3G connection sharing ?13:52
nclsI mean, turn the phone into a wifi hotspot13:52
nclscan I follow a desktop-ubuntu tutorial for this ?13:53
ogra_ncls, not implemented yet ...13:53
nclsogra_, ok. is this planned ?13:53
ogra_ncls, indeed :)13:53
nclscool !13:53
ogra_if you have the bq phone you can use USB tethering13:54
ogra_as an alternative13:54
nclsogra_, oh cool13:54
nclshow does this work ? I'll try to find docs about it13:54
ogra_ncls, adb shell android-gadget-service enable rndis ...13:54
ogra_should eb all you need ... then your desktop should start scanning for an IP on your USB0 interface13:55
nclshuh, what ogra_ ?13:55
ogra_in some cases you need to disable the old connection13:55
nclsmy laptop is a macbook13:55
nclsi'll get some docs13:55
dobeyyou need to enable developer mode and then use the android tool 'adb' as described by ogra_13:56
ogra_well, whatever your mac uses to manage the connections should recognize there is a usb0 interface it can use13:56
ogra_right, either adb or you can call the command in the terminal-app13:56
nclsdobey, ok thanks. ADB is on the computer, right ?13:56
dobeyyou will probably need to install the android sdk on mac to get it, or something similar13:57
dobeyif you have ubuntu in parallels or something, you can install phablet-tools to get it, and use it on ubuntu13:57
ogra_yeah, i guess just installing the terminal app and calling the command in there is easier13:57
ogra_android-gadget-service enable rndis13:58
nclsogra_, so I don't need adb ?13:58
ogra_that switches the usb port to be a usb0 device13:58
ogra_no, you can use the terminal-app13:58
dobeyoh right, you can install the Terminal app from the store on the phone13:58
ogra_to switch back you can call android-gadget-service disable rndis13:58
ogra_(conveniently tab completion works also well with that ... )13:59
nclsah so I use the Terminal App on the phone and just launch android-gadget-service enable rndis ?13:59
ogra_i.e.: and<tap the terminal> enable rndis13:59
nclsby the way, I was unable to use apt-get, is this normal ? I always get an error about "lock"13:59
ogra_i must admit that i dont own a mac or windows PC ... so i'm not sure if/how it will work there14:00
dobeyogra_: does the current terminal app have a "tab" button? i didn't see one last time i was looking for that to mess with ofono scripts :-/14:00
ogra_i know it works with ubuntu desktops and laptops ... tested on plenty of them :)14:00
ogra_dobey, no, you doubletap on the screen14:00
dobeyncls: yes, the phone / partition is read-only and it is not designed to work with apt14:00
dobeyogra_: oh, how intuitive :-/14:01
nclsthank you both for your help, I'll try that14:02
nclswhat is "rndis" ?14:02
nclsok found it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNDIS14:04
ogra_the network device type the android usb gadget driver provides14:04
nclswhat are the other android gadget services ? what are they used for ?14:05
peat-psuwitrsalveti, ping14:06
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popeyAlanBell: sorry, moved it quickly to the top section14:08
ogra_ncls, android-gadget-service was initially only written to en/disable services of the android usb gadget driver ... so originally it only has en/disable switches for adb, mtp (file transfer) and rndis ... nowadays it kind of grew a few tentacles ... like en/disable ssh14:12
geniiHeh, tentacles14:13
nclsok ogra_ thanks ! So Canonical implemented stuff from android into the OS ?14:13
nclsI mean, they adapted and packaged them ?14:13
ogra_ncls, yes, we use the android drivers inside a small lxc container ...14:14
nclsogra_, ok cool14:14
ogra_else you wouldnt be able to make calls, use any of the sensors etc  ...14:14
nclsogra_, you made a pretty good work ! the interface is awesome and the OS is promising. Sure it's hard to start from scratch, and it missed a lot of apps that I loved on iOS & Android, but I'm so glad you guys provided an alternative14:15
nclsogra_, do you have a public roadmap or development blog where we can follow future devs & releases ?14:23
ogra_the landing team (sil2100) sends daily mails to the ubuntu-phone mailing list, but that is rather technical14:24
nclsok ... if you find some time to communicate about the dev on the website, that would be really cool, keeping us with "l'eau à la bouche"14:27
ogra_ncls, "find some time" ... thats the problem here  :)14:29
nclshehe, yes, I can guess14:29
dobeythe trouble with finding time is that you can never get to the end of the rainbow14:30
sil2100hm, a landing team blog doesn't sound like a bad idea14:31
ogra_but if you do, you get the pot full of gold !!14:31
ogra_(or just a carrot)14:31
nclsor unicorns14:31
dobeyit's actually a pot of rufies14:32
nclssil2100, yes that would be awesome, to know what's going on, what to expect, etc14:32
nclsbut I understand that's an extra-work14:32
nclsso I can just ping you on IRC everyday to know what you are doing14:33
ogra_yeah, you can definitely do that :)14:33
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: pong14:49
* ogra_ watches the ball flying over the net14:51
peat-psuwitrsalveti, Where should I handle multi-sim modem selection in a call, if it's not managed internally in audio chip? (as in bq)14:53
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: it all depends how that actually gets set14:55
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: you said rild was responsible, in your case, to set the active modem14:55
rsalvetitalking directly to audioflinger14:55
rsalveti(this is only an issue because dual-sim wasn't properly supported by android, allowing the vendors to do such weird hacks)14:55
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: do you know what are the calls that rild uses? also, do you know what they actually do at the hardware/HAL level?14:56
peat-psuwitrsalveti, It calls function AudioSystem::setParameters in libmedia.14:57
peat-psuwitwith ioHandle=0 and keyValuePairs="vsid=(some number);call_state=(1 or 2)14:58
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: iirc that goes directly to the audio HAL15:00
rsalvetido you have source code for that?15:00
peat-psuwitrsalveti, For audio HAL, it comes as a blob.15:01
rsalvetiright, then you could mock audioflinger (so rild can call your service), and then just forward that to the HAL15:01
rsalvetiwithout changing our userspace15:01
peat-psuwitrsalveti, I don't know how to forward that call.15:02
peat-psuwitAs far as I know, audio HAL is loaded by pulseaudio.15:03
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: let me find the interface for you15:03
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: right, but you can use that in parallel with pulse15:03
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: https://source.android.com/devices/halref/audio_8h_source.html15:05
rsalvetithere is a set_parameters call in there15:05
rsalvetiyou could create an android service that would mock the audioflinger calls, that then would just call the HAL directly15:06
rsalvetiand set the right parameters15:06
rsalvetihopefully that shouldn't case any conflicts with pulseaudio15:06
peat-psuwitrsalveti, What if AudioFlinger runs side-by-side with pulseaudio?15:07
rsalvetithat would cause issues, for sure15:07
rsalvetibut you can try15:07
rsalvetimaybe if will just use these function calls you need15:07
themelescan i add custom stylesheets to a webapp? and how? (i'm not the hoster of the page)15:09
peat-psuwitrsalveti, Well, then let me try. I'm not familiar with writing service.15:09
rsalvetiyou could just fork audioflinger15:11
jcbjoewhagts that15:15
jcbjoefirst off how do i get my phone out of the jolla logo its stuck15:16
jcbjoewrong place15:16
jgdxindeed :)15:17
mcphailjcbjoe: yep :)15:17
jgdxkenvandine, want to take a look at [1]? You're third most familiar with that code, no? :) [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/apn-no-overwrite-1415495/+merge/25400015:25
Se7hello ppl15:31
ogra_hello Se715:31
Se7someone here get ubuntu phone ??15:32
Se7hi ogra_15:32
popeyI would imagine a few people do.15:32
Se7i m one of them :)15:32
ogra_awesome !15:32
Se7i notice that the bluethoot doesn t work very wel :(15:33
ogra_did you update to the latest image already ?15:34
Se7can i talk here about some think about the phone yes??15:35
Se7yes ogra_15:35
Se7and i notice another think15:35
ogra_what BT issues do you see ?15:35
Se7when i make video15:35
ogra_essentially everything audio related should work15:35
Se7i cant play them through the gallery15:35
ogra_can you play them from the video scope ?15:36
Se7yes from there yes15:36
popeysomeone mentioned to me that their krillin kept disconnecting from their car stereo while playing podcasts (I think with podbird)15:36
popeywondered if podbird may have been killed which might have caused it15:37
ogra_popey, yeah, zymon reported something similar with lautfm-player15:38
ogra_i suspect if you run enough apps to get a bg app OOMed and your player is that bg app it dies15:38
dobeywell, or if the screen locks15:38
dobeyand the app isn't using the media player stuff15:39
ogra_not with a proper app like lautfm-player or podbird15:39
Se7in my car he cant connect to the vivavoce15:39
Se7he recognise the phone but the call doesn t work15:39
Se7and same whit a galaxy s3 cant send image to ubuphone15:39
ogra_obex support isnt there yet15:40
ogra_so file transfer is not yet expected to work15:40
ogra_will come with one of the next OTAs15:40
Elleopopey: podbird uses media-hub so I'd guess it'd have to be media-hub that's getting killed15:41
ogra_Elleo, yeah, most likely OOMed15:41
Elleopopey: unless media-hub stops a stream when the app that called it gets killed15:41
popeyasked him to test on the way home tonight, will try and get some more debug data from him15:41
ogra_i.e. if you have the here maps up and the screen set to not suspend, it will constantly load maps ...15:41
ogra_and slowly eat your ram15:41
ogra_at some point it eats enough that the bg apps get OOM klilled15:42
Elleodidn't realise here didn't free any of its unused tiles :/15:44
ElleoI should hurry up with getting modrana ported15:44
ogra_not sure if they do or not15:44
ogra_that was just an examply of how your ram can get eaten alive :)15:45
Elleoah, okay15:45
ogra_you can as well just use one of the 100 G+ apps from the store and keep scrolling15:45
ogra_at some point it consumes all your ram15:45
Se7done saved15:45
ogra_(and turns white)15:45
Se7sorry wrong tab15:45
ogra_(or the uReadit app ... if you scroll long enopugh you hit the HW limits ... not much we can do about that ... apart from blaming mhall119 perhaps :) )15:47
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mhall119ogra_: hey now, I unload images and even remove components when they're off-screen, you have to scroll a *long* way to encounter resource problems15:49
* mhall119 suggests ogra_ spend less time on Reddit and more time optimizing Ubuntu's resource management15:50
ogra_mhall119, long is relative :)15:50
ogra_on a krillin long isnt as long as you might think :)15:50
mhall119it's the web apps (and browser) that are the worst culprits, if I have Facebook and G+ and the browser open, it's going to kill something pretty much guaranteed15:51
dadexix86Hi, where is the SD mounted?15:51
mhall119ogra_: ok, fair enough, it has less RAM than the N4 doesn'tit15:51
ogra_dadexix86, under /media/phablet/15:51
Elleoogra_: do you know if anyone's investigated using zram to reduce the memory constraints a bit?15:51
ogra_Elleo, yes, i investigated that before we switched it on by default :P15:51
ogra_like 6 months ago :)15:51
Se7how big the sd it s supported??15:51
Elleoogra_: ah, heh didn't realise it was already being used; cool15:52
ogra_Se7, i run a 64GB one in mine .... "officially" only 32G are supported15:52
dadexix86ogra_, so I cannot save the photos to it, nor access it from the USB, right?15:52
ogra_mhall119, yeah,. a lot less15:52
ogra_dadexix86, the camera app has an option (swipe up from the bottom) ...15:53
Se7ok because my one doesn t be recognised15:53
ChloeWolfieGirlI wonder, if the online version of libreoffice is going to have a portable version on the phone, I wonder if the native one will to, and then I wonder how much tweeking it would need to beable to push a click package version that would fit in and work with ubuntu touch... I'm pretty excited xD15:53
ogra_dadexix86, and via MTP connection you should see the SD to drop files onto it from your PC15:53
Se7let me see  from terminal15:53
ogra_Se7, needs to be vfat formatted15:53
Se7ok ogra_ tnx15:53
ogra_there is a disk management tool on the phone you can use for that15:54
ogra_ChloeWolfieGirl, you could nag SweetShark in #ubuntu-desktop to make sure he takes care that happens ;)15:54
dadexix86ogra_, thanks, one needs to reboot the phone after putting it in to have it shown in mtp :)15:54
popeyogra_: do you know what brand of sd card you have out of interest?15:55
mhall119ChloeWolfieGirl: at SCaLE I spoke to someone from LibreOffice about a mobile version, unfortunately the Android one wouldn't be easy to port, and the desktop one would need a lot of toolkit work, so the web might be our only near-term option15:55
ogra_dadexix86, i never remove mine, not sure :)15:55
ChloeWolfieGirlmhall119, damn...15:56
dadexix86ogra_, mine just arrived from amazon, so I plugged it in with the phone turned on and connected to the pc.15:56
Se7it s possible to add apps to the menu bar??15:56
ogra_dadexix86, you need to unlock the screen15:56
ogra_Se7, long press the icon when the app is running15:57
ogra_(in the sidebar indeed)15:57
ChloeWolfieGirlmhall119, I'd be like "Lets hope the web app version is amazing" but then I imagine how much data it might take and how long it might take to load over things like 3g...15:57
ogra_popey, having a hard time to find out the brand without unpligging the card ... i'll tell you if i found it :)15:57
dadexix86ogra_, I needed a reboot to have the SD shown in nautilus, even with the screen unlocked :)15:57
ogra_dadexix86, ok, good to know ... i think mandel works on a fix for that15:58
Se7great ogra_ :)15:58
dadexix86Se7, you can also drag the icon in the position you want (in the sidebar), this will pin it15:58
ogra_Se7, you can also re-order them that way, after long-press they are movable15:58
dadexix86ogra_, good to know that it is a known problem :)15:59
Se7tnx guys :))15:59
mhall119Se7: enjoy your phone :)15:59
Se7tnx mhall11916:00
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ cat /sys/devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:0007/name16:01
ogra_thanks so much ... very informative :P16:01
dobeyogra_: "sudo lshw -c disk" might be more helpful :)16:02
ogra_dobey, if we only would ship such bloat on the phone :P16:02
dobeyogra_: ls /dev/disk/by-id probably gives more info too :)16:04
ogra_mmc-SD64G_0x012fabea you mean ?16:04
dobeyoh i guess not then16:05
dobeywell, it's useful for my bluray player :)16:05
nclshave you guys received tickets or remarks about ubuntu phone not being recognized on mac ?16:06
nclsbecause mine won't show up in Finder, but it works well on windows, and I can't find anything about this in Google16:06
ogra_[    1.388324] mmc1: new ultra high speed DDR50 SDXC card at address 000716:06
ogra_[    1.388651] mmcblk1: mmc1:0007 SD64G 58.4 GiB16:06
ogra_not much in the boot lo either16:06
ogra_cyphermox, doe mac users need to do anything special for MTP to work ?16:07
dobeyhmm, lshw doesn't actually so anything useful for an sd card in a usb reader for me either16:08
ogra_yeah, because the reader shields it16:08
ogra_native MMC readers should theoretically give you proper info16:08
Se7<ogra_> Se7, needs to be vfat formatted   how to? in gparted i don t found that :)16:09
popeynever mind :)16:09
popeyncls: does OSX support MTP?16:09
popeyncls: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/106156/does-mavericks-support-mtp16:09
dobeySe7: a windows FAT32 partition, and format it16:10
mcphailncls: i think there is a driver linked on the bq website (or was it from the pdf manual??) for a mac driver16:11
mcphailncls: I may be imagining that as I can't find it now16:11
nclsmcphail, ok thanks16:12
nclspopey, I didn't know about this, I'm running Yosemite but I'll try to find the driver mcphail just suggested16:12
ogra_Se7, just use the disk tool on the phone :)16:13
Se7to format the sd you mean16:14
dobeyncls: http://mac.eltima.com/sync_mac_mtp.html16:14
mcphailncls: the manual directs you to "www.android.com/filetransfer/"16:14
nclsit's not only about files but also usb tethering16:15
mcphailsurely tethering doesn't require mtp?16:16
ogra_they are mutually exclusive on the bq16:16
ogra_the USB gadget can either do mtp or rndis (networking)16:16
dobeyyeah tethering has nothing to do with mtp16:16
dobeymtp is for transfering media16:16
nclsogra_, ok so I should see it as a network interface or so ?16:16
dobeyhence "media transfer protocol"16:16
dobeyncls: it should appear the same as any android phone would with usb tethering16:17
nclskinda newbie with all this, so I have no idea what it's supposed to look like16:18
dobeyncls: though i guess it might require a special driver to be installed for the PC to see it as an interface16:18
ogra_ncls, if you have rndis enabled it will not show you files ... if you have mtp enabled it will not show you a network device on the USB16:18
dobeyncls: once rndis is enabled, it should roughly be the same as this: http://dossy.org/2011/04/android-usb-tethering-on-mac-os-x/16:19
ogra_enabling rndis while the cable is connected should make your network connection scan for an IP the phone hands to it16:19
nclsogra_, ok cool thanks, will try this16:20
dadexix86how do you enable tethering on the phone?16:21
ogra_android-gadget-service enable rndis16:21
ogra_(in the terminal app or via adb)16:21
dadexix86ogra_, great16:22
mcphailthere isn't a status bar widget to enable tethering?16:22
nclsogra_, doesn't work from terminal app16:23
nclsI mean, nothing seems to establish a connection, nothing shows up in network settings16:24
AlanBellworks for me from terminal app, that is awesome16:24
ogra_mcphail, tethering isnt officially implemented yet (will come with proper wlan AP support and all) ... the android-gadget-service thing is a hack i implemented as interim solution since i use tethering every now and then16:24
AlanBellbut needs some UI16:24
ogra_ncls, sorry to hear that ... i never tried it on a mac16:25
ogra_i know it works on windows and ubuntu PCs16:25
mcphailogra_: thanks for doing it. I'm picking up my phone tomorrow and rely on tethering from my existing phone for internet access16:25
nclsogra_, it's ok, I can wait for the hotspot update16:25
nclsogra_, might need to install "HoRNDIS driver" as mentionned here : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/configure-android-usb-tethering-mac-os-x/16:26
ogra_btw, the android-gadget-service providea a dbus interface (dbus-property-service) ... shouldnt be hard to write a QML app for this that uses the dbus backend :)16:26
ogra_ncls, aha !16:26
mcphailogra_: when I get my phone I'll make that my first project16:27
dobeyogra_: is that accessible by a confined app?16:27
mcphaildobey: all ogra_'s apps break the rules!16:27
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popeydbarth: it's not possible to switch between multiple google email accounts with the gmail webapp, is it? Can we make that easier? Is it planned to?16:30
mcphailogra_: just looking at your dbus-property-service package on lp. Any links to docs?16:31
ogra_dobey, sure, that is why there is a dbus interface16:31
ogra_mcphail, not really :)16:31
ogra_dobey, developer-mode uses the same interface from system-settings16:32
mcphailogra_: i've never really understood dbus :(16:32
kenvandinejgdx, sure, i'm just setting up phonesim now to look at the pin lock bug too16:33
dobeyogra_: system-settings is unconfined; are you sure access to the dbus API isn't blocked by the apparmor profiles for confined apps? :)16:33
ogra_no, i'm not ... :)16:33
kenvandinejgdx, i haven't used phonesim in a while, for some reason the cellular panel is showing no SIM16:33
kenvandinejgdx, ideas?16:33
ogra_i just imagine it is possible16:33
mcphailogra_: actually, looks quite simple. Didn't realise it was a shell script. Self documenting!16:34
kenvandinejgdx, i'll test your branch on a device too, but i could take a quick swing with phonesim since i need it anyway16:34
* ogra_ prefers shell over anything ... 16:34
ogra_a kernel and busybox is all you need to write a complete OS :)16:34
mcphailogra_: does setting one of mtp|adb|ptp|rndis disable the others?16:35
ogra_ptp,mtp and rndis are mutually exclusive iirc16:35
ogra_and ptp is only supported on certain devices ... i forgot if the krilling is among these16:35
dobeymtp is an extension of ptp anyway16:36
mcphailis krillin the codename for the bqphone?16:36
ogra_tell that to the gadget driver :P16:36
mcphailgoogling for krillin is spectacularly unhelpful unless you're into anime16:36
dobeyonly one show in particular16:37
mcphailit doeesn't help therre is another character called "android"16:37
dobeythat's google's fault for picking such a generic term16:37
mcphaildobey: looking at the search results i suspect they picked it on purpose16:38
dobeykrillin? or android?16:38
mcphaildobey: it looks as if "android" is "krillin"'s partner16:38
dbarthpopey: for google apps, all have an internal account switch feature16:40
dobeyit's dragonball, everyone is everyone's partner16:40
popeyah true16:40
* mcphail has no idea about that corner of popular culture16:40
dbarthpopey: for example for gmail, you go into the gear menu, and from there you should see a drop down to sign in with another account16:40
dbarthpopey: that's part of our test plan btw; so i know it works16:40
dobeybut i'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with why google picked android as the name :)16:41
dbarthfor gmail at least16:41
mcphaildobey: :)16:41
dobeydbarth, popey: does gmail webapp use the online-accounts account? or it requires signing in via web?16:41
dobeydbarth: the former i think is a general problem for webapps that use online-accounts integration16:42
dbarthdobey: it uses OA16:42
dbarthbut once you're authenticated with your main account (the one that is checked by account-polld btw), then you can also switch internally to another account16:43
dobeydbarth: sure, but then you're just logging in via the browser itself, and not using the online-accounts integration16:44
mcphailogra_: if I write a standard (contained) app, can I call the "dbus-send" command directly or do I have to go through your interface?16:44
ogra_mcphail, no, i think you will need a C++ Qt snippet to provide yo a QML interface16:44
ogra_you can surely steal that from the developer mode implementation in system-settings16:45
mcphailogra_: yes - can do the standard qt part. Just wondering about the apparmor constraints about what I can and can't call16:45
ogra_yeah, i'm not sure about that16:45
mcphailok - i'll experiment16:46
dobeydbarth: i think we should probably try to come up with a better solution that works with multiple online-accounts accounts, if yu've got them set up. that way pepoople won't have to log in to the same accounts N times and can just switch at will16:46
dobeyone more benefit of native apps16:46
* ogra_ just dropped online accounts from the recent vivid image btw :P16:47
jgdxkenvandine, still having issues?16:47
dbarthdobey: actually mardy is implementing a bit of that, but not to support multi account right now, but improve signon scenarios16:47
dobeyogra_: so nobody can install apps on it? :P16:47
ogra_dobey, apps are overrated ... we use scopes !16:47
jgdxkenvandine, I do a ofono restart (not sure if that's necessary), and $ /usr/share/ofono/scripts/enable-modem /sim116:48
dobeynot without online accounts you don't :P16:48
kenvandinejgdx, i think i need to reboot, i can't restart any upstart services :)16:48
ogra_yeah, there is that :)16:48
mardydbarth: well, in practice we'll have multi account support :-)16:48
AlanBellis there a recommended way to run a simple web server on the phone?16:48
kenvandinedbus errors16:48
mardyogra_: scary, why is that?16:49
ogra_AlanBell, grab a statically built lighthttpd and run it in /home/phablet :)16:49
ogra_mardy, dont worry, thats only desktop libs16:49
AlanBellthanks ogra_16:49
dbarthmardy: at some point, but this is not a priority for now16:49
mardyogra_: ops, right, and you were talking about touch images. All is fine then :-)16:49
ogra_i just wanted to scare dobey ... but that didnt work, he shot back with facts :)16:50
kenvandineogra_, dobey is cool like that16:50
kenvandinebullet proof :)16:50
kenvandinejgdx, after discovering i couldn't restart any services... i decided to do a dist-upgrade before rebooting, it's been like a week16:51
kenvandinebut now i'm terrified to reboot... forgot i've seen some people complaining about failure to boot vivid desktop since the systemd change16:51
ogra_and people complain that you have to reboot more when using systemd ... obviously all lies !16:52
kenvandineoh, i wonder if the dbus error from upstart trying to restart ofono has anything to do with the systemd transition16:53
ogra_on the phone ?16:53
ogra_or on the desktop16:53
ogra_yeah, that could be16:53
kenvandinesigh... i need phonesime :)16:53
kenvandinephonesim even16:53
ogra_have some confidence in your colleagues :)16:53
jgdxI'm on vivid, haven't seen any issues like that16:54
ogra_just reboot ... pitti tested it16:54
kenvandineyeah, just saw a couple comments on g+ over the weekend16:54
* kenvandine reboots16:54
ogra_well, i'm not sure phonesim was ported to systemd yet16:54
ogra_(and it kind of lives from the upstart job hackery)16:54
peat-psuwitrsalveti, running AudioFlinger with pulseaudio does not work.17:01
peat-psuwitI modify mediaserver to run only AudioFlinger. setParameters is called, but there's no effect.17:02
jgdxkenvandine, a ok?17:02
kenvandinenvidia woes... just had to reconfigure17:02
kenvandinejgdx, settings still says no sim detected though17:03
kenvandineeven though phonesim is running17:03
kenvandineogra_, what's the systemd way of restarting services?17:04
ogra_systemctl | grep servicename17:04
ogra_systemctl restart <servicename>17:05
jgdxkenvandine, did you enable the sim?17:07
kenvandinejgdx, i have to uncomment those lines in the .conf file right?17:08
jgdxkenvandine, yes17:08
kenvandineyeah, that's why i wanted to do this restart now17:08
kenvandinebut... never seems to finish restarting17:08
jgdxso list modems is empty?17:09
kenvandineit shows /phonesim17:09
kenvandinebut no interfaces17:09
kenvandinerestart is taking forever... just not returning17:10
kenvandinefinally... i tried stop instead... that only took a couple minutes :)17:10
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jgdxenabling the sim is not uncommenting the lines in the .conf file, btw17:12
kenvandineoh crap17:12
kenvandinei thought it was :)17:12
kenvandineso what do i need to do?17:12
jgdxyou need that17:12
* kenvandine is rusty17:12
jgdxbut you also need to run the enable-sim script17:12
kenvandineoh, with it running?17:12
jgdxlike urfkill does17:13
kenvandinewhere do i find that?17:13
kenvandinein ofono scripts?17:13
jgdxkenvandine, /usr/share/ofono/scripts/enable-modem /sim117:13
kenvandinei see17:13
jgdxkenvandine, you'll also need /usr/share/ofono/scripts/online-modem /phonesim17:13
kenvandinei already tried to stop the service again... that'll take a couple minutes17:14
* kenvandine wonders why it's so damn slow17:14
jgdxhow do you run phonesim?17:14
kenvandinesudo systemctl start ofono-phonesim.service17:15
kenvandineusing the service17:15
* kenvandine misses upstart there17:15
jgdxokay, I have no experience there. I just run ofono-phonesim -p 12345 /usr/share/phonesim/default.xml17:15
jgdxthat's upstart?17:16
kenvandinethat's what upstart used to run, with the ofono-phonesim-autostart package17:16
kenvandinenow it takes forever to start17:16
kenvandinejgdx, ok, now i see the SIM but it has not tech preference UI shown17:21
jgdxkenvandine, phonesim does not support that17:22
kenvandineso this is expected :)17:22
jgdxyes, the interface isn't implemented17:22
kenvandinejgdx, confirmed your branch works17:26
jgdxkenvandine, wunderbar17:27
kenvandinenow to see what happens with pin locking :)17:27
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: right, but you're running the full server, right?17:28
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: were you able to see if it's setting the parameters correctly?17:28
rsalvetilogcat should help showing what is going on17:28
peat-psuwitrsalveti, sorry, but I just see that audioflinger isn't loaded successfully.17:30
rsalvetiwhat is the issue?17:30
peat-psuwitlogcat show one line for audioflinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.17:30
peat-psuwitI guess I forget to enable audiopolicyservice17:31
peat-psuwitrsalveti, is there anything else I need to enable?17:31
rsalvetiI think just the policy service17:32
rsalvetinot sure if that will interfere with anything though17:32
peat-psuwitrsalveti, Let me try once more.17:34
peat-psuwit(I have to sleep soon)17:34
peat-psuwitrsalveti, seems like audioflinger doesn't load "primary" hw module.17:37
rsalvetihm, that should be the audio HAL itself17:37
rsalvetiweird because it seems pulse was able to see it17:38
rsalvetiwere you able to get pulse to work with it?17:38
peat-psuwitrsalveti, Yes, pulseaudio is working.17:38
peat-psuwitMaybe pulseaudio is preventing audioflinger from opening that. But from the log, audioflinger doesn't even try.17:39
rsalvetiright, it seems it couldn't even find the HAL17:40
rsalvetiusually it just gets the device id and looks for the HAL17:41
rsalvetimaybe something is missing in there, but just try to debug a bit more17:41
peat-psuwitrsalveti, But I think nothing has instructed audioflinger to do so. Who calls loadHwModule() normally?17:43
jgdxseb128, would this need an rtm branch as well? Rtm fails to build for me with that failure.17:43
jgdxseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/142160717:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1421607 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Misses #include, failing to build on Qt 5.4" [High,Fix released]17:43
luckybunnymy aquaris had a weird glitch today17:44
luckybunnyit started continuously vibrating and sort of got stuck17:44
luckybunnythis is the point where I'd normally take the battery out. Fortunately it became responsive and allowed me to reboot17:45
jgdxluckybunny, I think that is known. bfiller ^?17:45
dobeyluckybunny: there are reports of that happening sometimes when lots of sms come in or similar17:45
luckybunnybut should the same happen in future.... the battery isn't removable afaik17:45
luckybunnyI had no sms17:46
luckybunnyonly one notification.. that it had found the SD card that's been in it since monday17:46
rsalvetipeat-psuwit: I think it's audioflinger itself, but would need to check17:47
rsalvetibecause it's the only audio hal client17:47
jgdxkenvandine, rtm mp here https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/apn-no-overwrite-1415495-rtm/+merge/25412917:50
ryan_evosmariogrip, Hey, long time no see.17:55
ryan_evosmariogrip, how's it going17:56
rsalvetimariogrip: were you able to have any progress regarding the wifi driver?17:56
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studio_ext3/4 is still not supported for external devices via usb?18:04
dobeyexternal devices via usb are supported?18:05
dobeyi don't have an otg cable so i clearly can't plug anything into my phone over usb18:07
rpadovanioSoMoN, o/ I wasn't sure about your comment on removing hisotryClear() signal, and also I'm not sure what's the best way to expose the count property. This could work?18:08
studio_i bought one for 3 Euros and it is working fine18:08
dobeyanyway, if they actually work and are handled the same as SD cards, then it was already previously explained to you that only vfat is supported for automount18:08
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studio_dobey, so everything what is supported via otg is depending from the kernel and its drivers?18:10
Zasplashi :)18:11
dobeyno there are userspace elements too18:12
dobeylike udev18:12
studio_dobey, sorry, don't understand for exp. lsusb shows me Bus 001 Device 005: ID 046d:c517 Logitech, Inc. LX710 Cordless Desktop Laser, but keyboard and mouse are not working. but Bus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:c012 Logitech, Inc. Mouseman Dual Optical is working?18:19
dobeystudio_: what does that have to do with ext3/4 storage devices?18:19
studio_hid is also not working18:20
dobeywell hid is apparently working18:20
dobeylogitech unifying devices are apparently not working18:20
oSoMoNrpadovani, mostly, yes. rowCountChanged shouldn’t take any arguments, and it should be emitted whenever a new entry is inserted, whenever entries are removed, and when all entries are cleared18:23
dobeyif hid was not working, the mouseman would not work either18:23
dobeybut since the e4.5 doesn't really support the convergence stuff, using it there is probably not worthwhile18:24
rpadovanioSoMoN, cool, thanks, Do I should leave it  also in the constructor?18:24
oSoMoNrpadovani, no, no need for it there18:26
oSoMoNrpadovani, and ideally, we’d need additional unit tests for this count property in tests/unittests/history-model/tst_HistoryModelTests.cpp18:26
rpadovanioSoMoN, I'll take a look, thanks for informations :-)18:27
studio_dobey, the "Mouseman Dual Optical" is an additional usb-device not a hid and it is working, but mir still got no mouse pointer ;)18:32
studio_dobey, what do you mean with "convergence stuff"?18:36
dobeystudio_: it is a hid device. what do you think "hid" means?18:38
studio_human interface device, but what does "convergence stuff" means?18:38
dobeyit means the work that's been going on to enable convergence18:39
rpadovanioSoMoN, added flickable and fixed (I think) rowCount(). Have to go now, I'll work on it again tomorrow morning - need to implment abstractbutton (easy) and fix encapsulation (not so difficult I think)18:40
rpadovaniIf you have any urgency feel free to fork it and continue the work :-)18:40
oSoMoNrpadovani, awesome, no urgency yet so I’ll leave it to you, you’re doing a great job on it18:41
rpadovanithanks :-) Have a nice evening o/18:42
studio_dobey, i really do not understand, convergence between bq and canonical?18:42
popeystudio_: device convergence - same code base on phone / tablet / laptop / desktop / fridge18:42
dobeyconvergence as in plug in a mouse and keyboard and have them be useful18:42
studio_popey, thanks.18:43
hoxerHello. Is there a way to connect an Ubuntu Touch device with Ubuntu SDK? It seems it doesn't work out of the box. I have plugged the device with a usb cable18:43
dobeyhoxer: you must enable developer mode on the device first18:43
hoxerPerhaps reboot it18:43
dobeyhoxer: if you're on 14.04, you also probably need to add ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa and upgrade the sdk and tools, so it will work18:44
hoxerAhhh thanks dobey18:44
nik90hoxer: and also ensure that the screen is unlocked (after enabling developer mode)18:44
hoxerOh this awesomeness. My head will explode18:44
popeybuy a hat18:45
hoxerand a new face18:47
mariogripryan_evos rsalveti: I have been sick (got the flu), so i haven't be able to do much...18:57
DonkeyHoteii've been recovering from a flu myself19:00
rsalvetimariogrip: hope you get better soon!19:00
ryan_evosHeh, ironic19:06
ryan_evosI just came down with something19:07
adrian47Is there an alternative to logcat? (it is too short) or way to make logcat buffer bigger?19:15
adrian47Eventually to save logcats output to file in maybe 10s periods? I am using now one line script inserted to rc0.d folder to get logcat on partition while powering off device19:18
peat-psuwitrsalveti, Turns out that there is some problem in my audio_policy.conf19:25
peat-psuwitSo, I fixed that, and Audioflinger is now running.19:26
rsalvetioh, ok19:26
peat-psuwitBut calling doesn't work anyway. Parameters is passed to HAL, but voice isn't forwarded.19:27
rsalvetiwhat I did before was comparing the logcat from android and from ubuntu19:27
rsalvetito make sure that all the HAL calls were actually happening19:27
rsalvetiwe might be missing another device specific parameter in your case19:27
rsalvetieven if not done by rild19:28
adrian47And where sdcard is mounted?19:28
peat-psuwitrsalveti, Maybe that's the case.19:28
rsalvetiI had cases before where audioflinger would be doing device specific things19:28
peat-psuwitAnyway, I have to go to bed now. Thank you for your help!19:28
rsalvetibecause on android they can fork anything19:28
rsalvetisure, np19:29
rsalvetiadrian47: /media/phablet on bq19:29
adrian47rsalveti, /media/phablet/sdcard ?19:29
adrian47or whole phablet folder is sdcard?19:29
rsalvetiadrian47: that depends on the sdcard name/id actually19:30
rsalvetilike /media/phablet/5BCB-723C (mine)19:30
rsalvetibut there is only that folder in there19:31
adrian47rsalveti, ok thanks19:31
studio_adrian47, the name from the sdcard is phablet. it is a little bit confused19:31
mariogriprsalveti: do you have an idea why android fstab is not mounting firmware correctly?19:34
studio_adrian47, /media/phablet/<device>, sorry :(19:35
rsalvetimariogrip: my guess from the other day is that the mount command, from busybox, might not be accepting all the additional options you got in there19:35
rsalvetimariogrip: let me see if I can include the real mount in there19:36
rsalvetibut one thing to help is just removing the extra options from the fstab19:36
rsalvetijust to see if it gets mounted19:36
adrian47mariogrip, can i see one any line from your fstab?19:36
adrian47i see that touch script doesn't support by-num option19:37
adrian47I am working at it too now :)19:38
geniiheh blobs of bacon19:38
Tassadarespecialy "context=..." probably won't work with ubuntu's kernel19:38
brunch875haha nice webpage19:39
geniipopey: :D19:39
mariogripTassadar: I will try to remove that19:40
adrian47I fixed mounting in my case some time ago but I am starting from scratch and i don't remember how I did that :D19:41
studio_ehm, how to edit stored contacts in the phone?19:45
popeyopen contact app19:45
studio_and how?19:45
adrian47I see in touch script:  [ -e ${rootmnt}/userdata/SWAP.img ] && swapon ${rootmnt}/userdata/SWAP.img19:46
dobeystudio_: tap on a contact then the edit icon19:46
dobeythe pencil/lines icon19:46
adrian47And it isn't setup my SWAP.img file19:46
adrian47file is ok, because mounting manually with that command works19:46
studio_dobey, i can't edit?19:47
adrian47and it should be in system partition, yes?19:47
studio_i can share and delete, but not edit?19:48
dobeystudio_: i'm not questioning your personal abilities19:48
popeystudio_: tap the contact, tap the little head next to the contact, tap edit19:48
brunch875studio_: swipe contact to the right19:49
dobeyoh right, the head icon first19:49
brunch875bin in red will appear19:49
popeybrunch875: he doesnt want to delete19:49
rsalvetimariogrip: remove the options and see if it helps, if that works, I can update the inird to include a proper mount binary that is not from busybox19:49
dobeypopey: on the other hand, why doesn't that swipe action also show the edit icon :)19:49
studio_wipe to the right it offers delete?19:49
mariogripIT worked!19:49
popeystudio_: dont do that19:49
popeystudio_: do what me and dobey said19:50
dobeystudio_: tap contact, tap head icon, tap edit icon in toolbar19:50
brunch875the one which looks like a pencil19:50
brunch875that's edit19:50
rsalvetimariogrip: what worked exactly? :-)19:50
mariogripit mounted modems19:50
mariogrip.mdt files19:51
rsalvetimariogrip: great, what did you change?19:51
rsalvetiwas the mount options?19:51
studio_again, when i tab on the contact, for exp. own number, nothing happend. when i wipe to the right i cab delete ...19:51
popey^ like that19:53
popeyone more :)19:53
dobeythe contact name, not the number19:54
dobeythe number is for making a call/sms19:54
cottonhello everyone :)19:54
brunch875I never thought I'd be using totem as my favourite music player19:57
cottoni've got a bq aquaris 4.5, and with the Ubuntu 14.10(r20) update seems there is a drop in performance am i right?19:57
studio_popey, no, when i tab on my "own number" i also can's see my own number. maybe it is depending from the addresbook-version (ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-027) i installed on my 15.04?19:57
dobeycotton: shouldn't be19:57
popeystudio_: you're not explaining well what's happening19:57
popeyyou're effectively saying "It doesnt work" and not saying how19:57
popeytake a screenshot / photo to show us what's wrong19:58
studio_again, tab on contact nothing happend19:58
popeypress vol up and vol down together19:59
popeywill create a screenshot in your Pictures folder19:59
cottondobey: battery drains faster, web content sync slows down,... is there any place where i could see the bugs and changelog for versions? 14.10(r20)20:00
brunch875you can also connect phone to USB using developer mode. Then on PC type phablet-screenshot output.png20:00
cottondobey: or new features that are coming? thanks20:01
studio_popey, i know how to make a screenshot with the bq e4.5 but how to show, that nothing happends, when i touch an contact?20:01
popeyI want to see what's on the screen20:01
dobeycotton: that version had fixes for battery life, so if it's draining faster something else is wrong20:02
dobeystudio_: you have a contact with a phone number assigned to it, yes?20:03
studio_where can i upload temporary a screenschot?20:03
cottondobey: ok dobey, where could i see that these bugs have been fixed? Could you copy a link please?20:03
cottondobey: thanks20:04
cottoni think is called a changelog20:04
popeywe don't have an easily digestible change log, the data is spread over many places20:05
dobeythere's http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-rtm/ but i don't know what image matches up exactly with r20 in stable20:05
cottondobey: thanks  :)20:06
cottondobey: And my last question, is there any place on the web where i could see what is coming on ubuntu touch and the new versions20:08
dobeynot really20:09
cottondobey: i mean new features, thanks20:09
dobeythere may be blog posts from design team or marketing or such, or meizu might post teasers of the device or such20:09
brunch875like cc-c-cconvergence20:09
brunch875check this out20:10
dobeyother than that though, you can subscribe to the ubuntu-phone mailing list, and follow the updates from the landing team20:10
brunch875pretty weet20:10
cottondobey: i see, thanks alot dobey20:10
cottonand thanks brunch87520:11
brunch875 I'm assembling a team in college to create a native IRC client for this summer20:13
brunch875hopefully learns some utouch on the process20:13
popeystudio_: tap the little head next to the person, on the right20:17
popeystudio_: it should expand like this http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-03-25-195301.png20:17
ChloeWolfieGirlpopey whay do you have B&Q's phone number?20:18
popeywhy not20:18
ChloeWolfieGirlI mean... fair enough xD20:19
dobeyb&q? or bq?20:19
dobeythough i think bq probably publishes their number on their web site too :P20:20
brunch875I can't see it anywhere20:21
ChloeWolfieGirldobey b&q on popey 's contact, I was just wondering why you'd have there number :P20:21
davmor2dobey: definitely B&Q  popey is a geek and an infernal tinkerer20:21
ahayzenlol and BBC Breakfast?20:22
dobeytalk radio20:22
dobeyi presume20:22
dobeyor at least some morning show20:22
ahayzenits the morning tv show on BBC ONE :)20:22
geniibrunch875: http://www.bq.com/gb/technical-support.html "Call us on +44 20 70 48 01 42 office hours Monday to Sunday 8:00 to 19:30"20:23
ChloeWolfieGirland its very inportant that alan has there number when he's watching it20:23
geniibrunch875: Great Britain tz20:23
dobeyhow else would he call in to tell them about ubuntu?20:23
brunch875ooo there it is20:24
dobeyof course20:24
dobeynow i'm hungry for some bbq20:24
brunch875Llámanos al20:24
brunch87591 142 06 8220:24
geniiMmmmm ribs20:24
brunch875Horario de atención20:24
brunch875Lunes a Viernes20:24
brunch8759:00h a 20:30h20:24
brunch875that's probably a better one20:24
ChloeWolfieGirldobey  same, first time I saw B&Q I thought BBQ!20:24
dobeyi'm sure that's why popey calls them. gotta refill the gas tank for the bbq somewhere20:25
popey(I used to work for them)20:26
ChloeWolfieGirlI like how this channel is just talking about popeys contact, who the contact is, why he might call said contact, and now popeys work history xD20:28
studio_popey, so, does it help?20:28
popey20:17 < popey> studio_: tap the little head next to the person, on the right20:28
popey20:17 < popey> studio_: it should expand like this http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-03-25-195301.png20:29
mariogripHey, ChloeWolfieGirl. are you still waiting for bacon WIFI? xP20:29
ChloeWolfieGirlOh hey mariogrip yups xD20:29
studio_sorry, i do not unterstand that, please try the url i posted im the pm window20:30
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studio_popey, "tap the little head next to the person" ... how to explain you, that this is not working?20:32
ChloeWolfieGirlstudio_ when you tap the name does it show the little head? if so what happens when you tap the head?20:33
studio_n o t h i n g20:34
mariogripChloeWolfieGirl: sorry for working slow xP20:34
ChloeWolfieGirlmariogrip PFFFFT xD20:35
=== _salem is now known as salem_
studio_maybe it is helpfull, bq E4.5 Ubuntu 15.04 (r160)20:42
adrian47Anyone knows waht can I do to restart UT into recovery? maybe some hack? My volume button will die in moment20:45
studio_adrian47, use the original MTK-Tools from bq and flash the image via mtk-tools to your device20:46
dobeystudio_: i'm pretty sure adrian47 is porting to another device, and not asking about the bq20:47
adrian47studio_, i am porting it to my device20:47
studio_ah, sorry, ok20:47
dobeyadrian47: "adb restart recovery" ?20:47
adrian47studio_, but thanks for trying help :)20:47
ChloeWolfieGirladrian47,  adb bootloader  ?20:48
adrian47dobey, when i turn on developer mode or connect by adb or ssh, Ubuntu Touch freeze...20:48
adrian47and I really don't know why, debugging is hard for now20:49
dobeydon't know other than doing it from bootloader then20:49
adrian47is the way to change how power off button in power menu works?20:50
dobeydon't know20:50
dobeywell not without changing code anyway20:50
dobeyanyway, i have to go20:50
studio_btw. what about orga's 64gb sd-card for the bq-phone, is it a sandisk "48" or "95"?20:51
ChloeWolfieGirllater dobey20:51
studio_hmm, seems to be i have the latest version from "address-book-app" on my phone "0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert."20:57
studio_so, please, can someone confirm or disconfirm that it is a bug or not?21:01
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ChloeWolfieGirlstudio_ I'd report it as a bug if the software isn't working correctly, wether thats something you've done, or something thats just not working with 15.04 on the bq phone is beyond me though21:03
adrian47[  179.343719] mmc_can_erase: called21:10
adrian47[  179.343719] mmc_erase: mmc_erase() disabled for protection. from = 781824, nr = 512, arg = 121:10
adrian47It's normal?21:10
adrian47I have it maaaany times in dmesg21:11
Tassadaradrian47: which phone is that?21:12
adrian47I am porting UT to HTC DHD21:12
Tassadarit might have buggy emmc firmware, so some erase commands which might cause bricks might be ignored in kernel21:13
ChloeWolfieGirlI cant wait to see all the different phones people will be able to put ubuntu on, it'll be interesting!21:13
Anon_38721Hey, is bluetooth working on BQ E4.5? I've tried pairing with my (a) car handsfree kit, (b) bluetooth keyboard and (c) original Samsung Galaxy S... Nothing! Am I doing something wrong or is bluetooth not yet functional?21:13
brunch875not entirely...21:14
Anon_38721Ah okay. It seems to get as far as finding *something* - The Galaxy S it shows the correct name but the keyboard just shows '...'21:15
Anon_38721But I cannot seem to click on the entries or actually do anything.21:15
robin-heroAnon_38721: It works for me with bluetooth headphone and my computer too.21:15
Anon_38721Okay. The problem is me then :)21:15
Anon_38721I'll have another look, I must be missing something *pretty* obvious :)21:15
Anon_38721Hmm, the entries are just grayed out. Not a clue.21:18
robin-heroIs somebody know when will the new calculator app hit the store?21:20
adrian47Other question: what is init.svc.rmt_storage property? :)21:20
adrian47Hahahah:   [    5.537139] [USB] Charging with 1800mA current21:23
Anon_38721Also, is it me or does the browser take *ages* to render a page? It seems to download pretty quickly but then the progress bar sits still for 10s+ before displaying the page.21:26
Anon_38721Only just using the phone for the first time this evening so it's all new to me :) Not sure where to set my expectations!21:26
brunch87510+ seconds?21:27
brunch875it has to be a poor connectivity!21:27
brunch875mine's blazing fast21:27
Anon_38721Well, I'm sat here on my laptop next to the phone and that loads the same pages instantly21:27
Anon_38721It seems to be the rendering21:27
brunch875is your laptop ubuntu?21:28
Anon_38721No- Accept my apologies :)21:28
Anon_38721Win 8.121:28
brunch875I think the desktop ubuntu has the same web browser as the phone21:29
brunch875keep in mind you're comparing a small CPU to a big one!21:30
mota_hello; please is there any way installing skype on ubuntu touch ?21:31
ChloeWolfieGirlmota_ theres only a webapp which I don't think works21:31
DonkeyHoteithere's a skype webapp? where?21:32
mota_ChloeWolfieGirl: : thanks what about skype .deb is it worthy to try ?21:32
brunch875is that one ARM compatible?21:33
DonkeyHoteiubuntu touch does not use .dev21:33
mota_so is there any voip port i can use ?21:34
ChloeWolfieGirlmota_ theres no voip app on ubuntu touch yet if thats what you mean21:35
mota_ChloeWolfieGirl: thanks a lot ...21:38
Anon_38721I'm torn 50:50. I like the idea of using a cutting edge mobile OS but at the same time I'm not sure it's quite ready for the market. To return or not to return...21:39
Anon_38721Then again, I'm sure development will be rapid with devices in hand :)21:40
brunch875why do you think it's not ready? To me, it feels much more responsive than the average android21:40
Anon_38721The scopes thing feels great. The bluetooth thing is annoying, lack of email notifications is also a bit of a shame. I'm coming from a 4 yr old (I think) Samsung Galaxy S so my expectations were low. If it could do everything that could do I'd be happy but not being able to use in the car, slow browsing, etc.21:42
Anon_38721What's good is great, but there are a few holes.21:42
Anon_38721I'm sure those holes are different for every user, which makes targetting development that bit harder still21:42
mota_sudo su - is a challenge21:43
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, I beleive email notifications have a high rating in the Dekko launchpad bug!21:43
Anon_38721I'm amazed a production Ubuntu handset has hit the market and everybody should be so proud of the achievement. Give it another few months and it could be awesome... But I'm not sure I want to carry two devices for the moment :)21:43
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl: Interesting, thanks :)21:43
brunch875I moved from the galaxy S+ myself and the internet feels much faster on the BQ device21:44
Anon_38721It's little things that seem a bit restrictive. I cannot seem to change bluetooth device name for example. Is it a deal breaker? Not at all. But that sort of thing seems to be standard these days (note, though, that I never change it from the default so it cannot be that much of an issue :) )21:44
mota_ChloeWolfieGirl: There is no way to port skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb to ubuntu-touch ?21:44
brunch875yeah, bluetooth is annoying. But it's enroute21:45
ChloeWolfieGirlmota_ IDK much about porting an app, but I'd assume if theres a arm version, if you make the device read and write, I'd assume you could run it, I mean someone got Libre Office to run on Ubuntu on a nexus 4 and 721:46
Anon_38721The gestures are smart. Not sure how much I'll find use for 'Near by' given the stuff it's showing me is really not relevant. Having said that, it's *different* and I find that exciting.Some real potential but (for me) not quite there.21:47
Anon_38721It'd be great if I was able to contribute, alas I'm not sure I'd be much use! :)21:47
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Anon_38721First launch of HERE maps: "Download the HERE app for Android" <--- That's the sort of thing I'm on about. Don't get me wrong, I''m sure it's hard to iron out *everything* but just trying to look at it from an impartial, person-on-the-street point of view.21:51
Anon_38721Also, how is voice search/control coming along? Is it on the roadmap? Indeed, is there a roadmap I could look at? Thanks!21:51
brunch875hah, you mean something like siri or cortana?21:52
brunch875I've heard they're working on something, but it's probably far away in terms of time21:53
Anon_38721Oh, okay.21:53
Anon_38721Hmm, panning in the HERE app is not working for me either.21:53
Anon_38721Moving up/down seems to scroll instead.21:53
Anon_38721However, pathwind is epic. So you win some and you lose some:)21:55
ChloeWolfieGirlIts because its a webapp, most websites you go to seem to tell you to go to the Android app store..21:56
brunch875yeah, utouch is recognized as android21:56
brunch875I personally prefer using google maps21:56
brunch875but that's a matter of taste21:56
Anon_38721As a question to those involved in the development, or indeed who have closely followed the project: Do *you* see this as an end-user device? Or do you still see it as a technical preview? Do you think it's really for anybody and everybody?21:57
ChloeWolfieGirlOSMTouch :321:57
Anon_38721Where do *you* think it's being pitched?21:57
brunch875I'm not inside development, but I do see it as an end-user device21:58
brunch875mostly if you compare it to early versions of andorid/iphone/winphone21:58
brunch875especially winphone, which bricked when updated to mango21:59
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, if it had the apps I'd say its more or less ready, but since it doesn't I see it as only for the more technical/can deal with limitations.21:59
Anon_38721I had a Google G1 - I'm not sure if you'd consider that early or not but I think for it's time it felt more polished than this does.21:59
Anon_38721I remember being able to load Shazam and it identify a song playing on MTV and was amazed.21:59
brunch875shazam didn't come bundled with android, did it?21:59
brunch875apps take some time to develop22:00
brunch875this has just hit the market22:00
Anon_38721No, but it was available the day I got my handset, which as an end-user is all that mattered to me, same as it does now.22:00
Anon_38721The G1 was, as i understand it, the first android phone to hit the market.22:00
Anon_38721I may be wrong, though.22:00
Anon_38721I'm not sure how much development there had been prior to G1 launch, for example.22:00
ChloeWolfieGirlbrunch875, I'm not saying they don't, I'm just saying if ubuntu had them I'd say that ubuntu would be ready for most people22:00
Anon_38721But its the entire package that matters to the man in the street. If I gave my brother-in-law this handset and told him to use it for a day he'd fail in that task. And that's what I'm getting at... Not sure it really is end-user. As it is, I cannot help but find it charming and hope it succeeds because it's something new and I love the idea of the community effort that has gone into bringing this to fruition!22:01
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, they would fail at android 5 if they've never seen or used android at all as well22:02
Anon_38721I'm not sure it's at all helpful to *anybody* to compare this to Android 5, the latter has had much longer to develop and I'm positive most people could get by with it.22:03
brunch875I managed to move around with maps, places calls, battery lasts longs, plays music and webms...22:03
brunch875personally I'm much more happy than what I was when I got the first windows phone22:04
Anon_38721I like the defensiveness of the community, the real apparent love of the system butI think it's important to have an eye over the full picture.22:04
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721,  it is because if someone whos never seen or used android can't use android 5, then of cause you shouldn't expect anyone who's never seen or used ubuntu touch to beable to use ubuntu touch, it doesn't matter what version of android or what version of ubuntu, it always takes a while for someone to get used to something new/something they've never seen or used before22:05
Anon_38721Android 5 is much more ready as a use-out-of-the-box experience than this. It *will* change and I'm excited to see that happen but actively comparing it at this stage does *this* a diservice, surely?22:05
brunch875you can't compare android 5 to this stage of development22:05
Anon_38721Well I've not met a single person who cannot use Android 5 or who has been unable to do what they've needed with it. Are you that person?22:05
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, what I'm saying, is if you grab someone whos never used a phone or seen a phone before, give them a nexus 4 with android on and one with Ubuntu on, NEITHER of them will be used that day22:06
brunch875I put kitkat to my galaxy s+, I had no issue with that22:06
Anon_38721(This coming - by the way - from somebody sick of Android, my main reason for considering Ubuntu)22:06
brunch875sick of it? why?22:06
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl:  I disagree.22:07
Anon_38721brunch875:  Not sure. I suppose I did not feel any innovation going on. For the past few years phones were getting faster but nothing new came of it.22:07
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, but you're compairing it to people who use Android, or iOS, sure if ubuntu worked like Android, but then it'd be the same, why would we want that?22:07
Anon_38721You guys,however, are doing something new and exciting. That's great.22:07
mota_ChloeWolfieGirl: do you think quemu will work ?22:08
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl: I think you've missing my point. I'm not sure how else to phrase it - Android feels more polished, right? Android has more apps, right? The average person can find the tools they need to do what they want in the day with Android. I cannot with this.22:08
brunch875I have big hopes on utouch because it'll converge with the desktop and runs without the damn heavy java virtual machine22:08
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl:  But your right, this is pushing boundaries. I don't feel Android is.22:08
brunch875Android is much more developed, man. You're just stating the obvious22:08
brunch875I mean, you can't just buy the first ubuntu device and expect it to have a torrenting app22:09
Anon_38721But what I'm saying is *to the man in the street* does that matter? They want to hand over dollar and get a device. That's it. Until it catches up then it will be overlooked. And while Ubuntu catches up the other devices will be further developing. I'm sure it'll be possible to bridge the gap! But like anything, it can be hard to compete with the competition, especially as the new kid on the block.22:09
Anon_38721brunch875: I appreciate that and that's why I don't think it's ready for everybody but ready for those who can work around that detail.22:10
ChloeWolfieGirlmota_ IDK but emulating on the devices out now wouldn't be recommended even if it did, mostly due to the low spec22:10
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, sure if you got 1 person who knew how to use both and needed to use skype, they're going to go for the android phone22:10
Anon_38721Hence my interest in whether this was being pitched as a technical preview (in which case it beats my expectations and has a lot of potential) or as an end-user device (in which case I think the competition is stronger *at this stage*)22:10
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl: Give me an alternative to Skype, then?22:11
Anon_38721You cannot.22:11
Anon_38721That's the issue, right? :) I'm not *blaming* I'm trying to look at it from the other view.22:11
Anon_38721If you're used to having that functionality then you expect that functionality... Even if not available in the form of the same app.22:11
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, I didn't say I could, previously I said, If Ubuntu had the apps then I'd say it was a device for everyone22:11
DonkeyHoteialternatives to skype simply do not exist22:11
Anon_38721Without that functionality you have (duh!) a less functional device :)22:11
ChloeWolfieGirlDonkeyHotei, theres plenty of VOIP that exist, none that I'd like to use much other then TOX but they exist, not on Ubuntu touch22:12
DonkeyHoteiskype does not qualify as voip22:12
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl: And that's the point, surely? :)22:12
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl: Your passion is clear, however, I'll give you that :)22:13
mota_skype is voip22:13
brunch875anon, are you not liking your device?22:13
mota_until you not have coaxial22:14
brunch875you should at least be impressed by the gain of performance, no?22:14
Anon_38721brunch875: Liking? Yes, it's very nice. Met my expectations? No. But then in hindsight they were set too high, given.22:14
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, I was saying earlier that if ubuntu HAD the apps then it'd be aimed at the mass, but it doesn't so its not yet :P22:14
DonkeyHoteiskype is its own private protocol with server-side contact lists that simply cannot be accessed without an official client22:14
Anon_38721ChloeWolfieGirl: In which case, I agree. Until then I think my phone will be going back :)22:15
studio_Anon_38721, have you ever tried the skype app from then on official store? i think it is a trojan :)22:15
Anon_38721I had hoped I'd be able to 'get by' but I'm just not sure I can *yet*.22:15
Anon_38721studio_: I've actually never used Skype (personally) on a mobile anyway :p22:15
mota_DonkeyHotei: u joking22:16
studio_skype is a trojan :)22:16
ChloeWolfieGirlAnon_38721, I plan to have a ubuntu phone and a back-up Android device for anything that I need, and just keep it at home for things like KIK and instagram but I can be super light weight when I want something xD22:16
mota_if it use tcp stack it is ip (proto) and voice over is only codec used22:17
Anon_38721I kind of thought that would be me :) I think if I came back in a year I'd be happy...22:17
brunch875hah, the only thing I miss from android is that cool rougelike named pixel dungeon22:17
brunch875and the email notifications22:18
brunch875but that's coming pretty soon, I'm sure of taht22:18
Anon_38721Well, lack of bluetooth support for the car handsfree kills it immediately for me. I cannot swap sims every time I jump in the car and it's not a feature I'm willing to lose.22:18
Anon_38721Bluetooth support for keyboard? Less bothered :)22:18
brunch875but man22:18
ChloeWolfieGirlbrunch875, I think Popey said that it'd be pretty easy to package it up in a .click22:19
brunch875it said clear in the BQ store22:19
DonkeyHoteithere is one feature i simply cannot live without, and that is t-mobile wifi calling (UMA/GAN)22:19
studio_btw. a sip-client would be nice, but it should also can handle sip-encryption!22:19
brunch875BQ alredy stated bluetooth wasn't readuy22:19
Anon_38721'Bluetooth® 4.0, Bluetooth® 4.0 hardware compatibility (software not currently integrated).'22:20
Anon_38721I mistaken took that as BT 4.0 support was lacking22:20
Anon_38721But that older version was not.22:20
Anon_38721My mistake, I appreciate.22:20
Anon_38721I (stupidly) thought something my 7 year old car has built in and my 4 year old phone supports would be supported. But I appreciate I misunderstood the line in the specifications.22:20
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
popeyI think we need bluez5 for that22:22
popeywhich should arrive in 15.04 I believe22:22
brunch875popey, will it arrive for desktop too?22:22
DonkeyHotei15.04 is WAY past feature freeze22:22
Anon_38721So when would we expect 15.04 to hit OTA?22:23
brunch875april 2015 :D22:23
DonkeyHoteiapril 23 i think22:23
popeya few weeks before 15.04 is ready for the phone I think22:24
Anon_38721Hmm.. Maybe I'll try again when the Meizu hits the market ;) A chance to get excited about that one too...22:24
* Anon_38721 hadn't realised how near to April we are :p22:25
Anon_38721So I guess alternatively I could but the bq back in the box and retry again in a month :)22:25
DonkeyHoteii am in possession of a quint-boot nexus5 (android 5.1, firefox os, sailfish os, ubuntu rtm, ubuntu devel) but i will likely sell it and get a samsung note 322:25
popeythe meizu device is really nice22:26
studio__Anon_3872, sorry, was disconnected. what is not working on BT?22:26
popeynever thought I'd like bigger phones22:26
Anon_38721I cannot pair with my in car hands free or bluetooth keyboards. Or come, to mention it, my old Samsung Galaxy S.22:26
brunch875so you like em' bigger, huh?22:26
Anon_38721I can however, at least *see* some other device that I don't reconise at all and connect... SO bluetooth surely works to a degree!22:27
popeycall me Professor Peach22:27
DonkeyHoteifor 7 years my phone was a V60g, and phones never got much smaller than that22:28
Anon_38721DonkeyHotei: I loved the size of my Sony CMD-Z5 :)22:29
DonkeyHoteii don't know that model22:29
Anon_38721Though what a fool I felt at school, at the time, playing Clay Pigeon Shooting rather than Snake :P22:29
brunch875the web explorer needs to respond to CTRL-L and/or F622:30
brunch875I hate using my mouse22:31
studio__since when is a mouse working in ubuntu touch?22:31
brunch875I meant for the desktop22:31
DonkeyHoteithere is no touch for the desktop yet22:32
brunch875but there is the web browser :D22:32
brunch875did you not test it yet?22:32
brunch875it looks exactly the same22:32
brunch875I assume it's exactly the sam22:33
studio__brunch875, have you ever tried "gsettings set com.canonical.Unity8 usage-mode Windowed" ?22:34
brunch875on the phone?22:35
brunch875if I brick it it's your fault22:35
brunch875gimme a sec :p22:35
brunch875how to revert?22:35
brunch875before I do anything crazy22:35
studio__so switch off use "gsettings set com.canonical.Unity8 usage-mode Staged"22:35
studio__that ROCKS !!!, but i need Miracast or MHL for that!22:37
brunch875no such schema22:37
brunch875did I typo?¿22:37
brunch875I think I typed it correctly22:37
brunch875No such schema 'com.canonical.Unity8'22:38
studio__hmmm, on my phone it is working.22:39
brunch875mine's vanilla BQ22:39
brunch875last update22:39
Anon_38721brunch875: Update 20?22:40
Anon_38721brunch875: Or am I missing one? :)22:40
brunch875I'll check22:40
brunch875r20, yes22:40
studio__i use 15.04 r16022:40
brunch875that's cheating22:40
brunch875I wanna go to the bleeding edge22:41
brunch875to help with the testing22:41
ChloeWolfieGirlmessing with windowed mode on unity 8 is fun xD22:46
brunch875when is unity8 hitting desktop?22:47
brunch875I can't wait22:47
mhall119ChloeWolfieGirl: using it on a touch screen?22:47
ChloeWolfieGirlmhall119, yeah22:47
mhall119brunch875: you can try it now, but it's still early in feature development22:47
mhall119ChloeWolfieGirl: it's nice, isn't it?22:47
* mhall119 wishes he had a touch-screen laptop now22:47
studio__brunch875, i you want to play, try on your own risk, ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed22:48
brunch875nice thanks22:48
brunch875if anything fails, fastboot will still work, right?22:48
brunch875I can just re-flash... right?22:48
ChloeWolfieGirlmhall119, really makes me feel like convergence is just around the corner xD22:49
brunch875I'm dead-scared of ending up with a phone which can only blank-screen22:49
brunch875happened already with windows phone 7 when updating to mango22:49
studio__for me it was working and i was able to reflash android for exp. on the bq e4.522:49
brunch875but microsoft is an etirely different story...22:49
brunch875I just want to know if I can brick my BQ to an unrecoverable point just touching the software22:50
brunch875I think I'll askubuntu!22:50
studio__i used ms xp to flash the device22:50
brunch875I need to learn more about flashing and bricking before I play22:51
brunch875I can't afford a new phone22:51
studio__130 euro is ok for "to play" :)22:51
brunch875on the pc it's easy because if anything bad happens, you can just stick the live USB and retry22:51
brunch875I must go now22:51
brunch875my planet needs me22:51
brunch875good night!22:51
Anon_38721Is there a way to get iPlayer working? :)22:56
ElleoAnon_38721: I've vaguely been considering writing a wrapper around get_iplayer (or reimplementing it in C++), but am already massively overcommitted to other projects22:58
ElleoAnon_38721: but it'd certainly be a workable approach22:58
Anon_38721interesting :)23:00
ChloeWolfieGirlNigh nigh ever one23:02
mcphailogra_: I've been looking at your dbus PropertyService to set/unset rndis but I can't get my app to change or get status. Is this an apparmor issue?23:51
jjohansenmcphail: grep DENIED /var/log/syslog23:53
jjohansenif it is an apparmor issue, there should be denials relating to dbus in there23:53
mcphailjjohansen: yes, lots of DENIED23:54
jjohansenmcphail: can you pastebin them?23:55
mcphailjjohansen: hard to say if they are dbus related, though23:55
mcphailjjohansen: yes, 1 sec23:55
mcphailjjohansen: http://pastebin.com/3uhBBNnj23:57
mcphailfor example23:57
jjohansenmcphail: none of those are dbus23:58

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