
xTEMPLARxWhat would make one choose fedora over cent, or vice versa16:38
Unit193Fedora is actually updated, CentOS is more solid for servers.16:43
xTEMPLARxSo generally better for desktop use then16:45
xTEMPLARxMakes sense16:46
wrsthowdy xTEMPLARx, Unit19316:52
xTEMPLARxHeya wrst16:53
wrstxTEMPLARx: just use arch its no trouble that way16:53
xTEMPLARxNot a fan of arch thus far, but mostly due to impatience16:54
wrstset it and forget it :)16:54
wrstbut the setting it takes a bit16:54
Unit193wrst: Arch on the server? :P16:55
xTEMPLARxAgreed WRST16:55
wrstno Unit193, not on a server16:56
Unit193Knew someone that did.16:57
xTEMPLARxWhy not?16:57
wrstlatest and greatest isn't always the best idea on a server is it?16:59
xTEMPLARxIf you're constantly updating that's usually not a good idea17:00
xTEMPLARxSet it and forget it right?17:00
wrstother than the updating17:00
xTEMPLARxNow see17:01
xTEMPLARxIt's like getting married17:01
wrstI wouldn't want to have an arch box then come back in 6 months and update it17:01
wrstit would likely go up in smoke, but update it a couple times a week no issue17:01
xTEMPLARxAll the extra work nobody warned you about when you were staring longingly into your bride's eyes17:01
xTEMPLARxI'm sliw typing on iPhone17:02
xTEMPLARxSlow too17:02
xTEMPLARxI'd use speech recognition to type but I'm at Krystal's17:02
wrstha ha17:02
Unit193I wouldn't want to wait 6 months on any server, at the rate of openssl.17:04
wrstthat's a good point17:04
wrstbut you know what I mean17:04
xTEMPLARx[13:01] <faugusztin> Codmadnesspro: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/Does-Mayonnaise-Last-as-a-Thermal-Compound/179317:06
Unit193Also, I'm unmarried.17:06
xTEMPLARxAnd it's not even April yet17:06
xTEMPLARxBak to work with me17:09
xTEMPLARxBack too17:09
bwmakerI tried Arch once. Once being the keyword there. I did it just to say that I did it.18:01
bwmakerI'm finding Fedora very enjoyable.18:01
xTEMPLARxi used to be a redhat fanboy after I got done with slackware18:07
xTEMPLARxwas using redhat when they branched off to fedora18:07
xTEMPLARxused fedora for a little while after that and kinda bailed on it for a little while in general18:07
xTEMPLARxcame back full force when ubuntu caught my eye18:07
xTEMPLARxI still have (somewhere) some old redhat install cds18:08
xTEMPLARxused to still have my old slackware floppies, but  I think they're gone now lol18:08
bwmaker:) I didn't know about Linux until 2009. Pretty sure 8.10 was my first Linux experience. I do probably still have some Windows 3.11 floppies, though.18:11
bwmaker*Ubuntu 8.1018:11
xTEMPLARx:D  good old 3.11. My first solitaire emulator.18:19
bwmakerMy mom finally switched to a MacBook Pro. She loves it and I'm happy she's off Windows. Next time, she might be ready for Gnome.18:26
xTEMPLARxi took my dad straight from windows xp to ubuntu 7 or so. he never could tell the diff18:40
bwmakerI actually had a co-worker do that to his wife recently, until she tried installing an EXE.18:41
xTEMPLARxmy dad was installing too many EXEs, if you catch my meaning. he didn't know any better and assumed if someone sent him an email it MUST have been for him18:43
xTEMPLARxso firefox on ubuntu 7 or so and he's in good shape18:43
xTEMPLARxhe HAS been able to break it a few times18:44
bwmakerDoes he use the software center at all?18:45
xTEMPLARxbut by break it, I mean he's moved his task bars to all the wrong places, and adds new ones where none should be18:46
xTEMPLARxhe doesn't use the software center18:46
xTEMPLARxto him, the browser is his computer18:46
bwmakerYeah. My dad got an ipad and just uses it all the time. He got a smart tv, too, so he talks to it some.18:46
bwmakerIt's a fascinating interaction. It doesn't understand him when he says "Nascar". "D18:47
GrammarIntense crowd.22:47
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