
barrydkMore almal04:27
mazalMorning everyone05:01
Kilosmorning mazal  and others05:16
mazalMorning oom05:20
Kiloshi amanica  05:20
mazalOom Kilos, I needs some help05:20
Kiloswhats wrong mazal  05:20
mazalI have an external , in linux boot cd it mounts read-only , in my experience that happens when there is a problem with the drive05:21
mazalAny advice on what I can use to check and repair05:21
mazalProblem is , it's a NTFS drive05:21
Kilosyou mean you dont have permissions on it05:21
Kiloschown it05:21
mazalYeah , perted magic boot cd has a window that shows the drives. And it mounts it as read-only and refuse to mount normal. I always get that on faulty drives05:22
mazalIt's NTFS , linux permissions don't apply05:22
Kiloswhat happens if you plug it into your pc 05:23
mazalSomething is wrong with the drive or filesystem , but the standard tools can't find the problem05:23
Kilosand use kde05:23
mazalOn Win pc it works fine05:23
mazalLinux is mos super sensitive for problems on drives05:23
Kilosya , lets think a bit05:24
mazalDoes Kubuntu have a tool that can check it , bearing in mind that it's NTFS ?05:24
Kilostry sudo fsck -f /dev/path to external05:24
Kilosi think it was -f05:25
Kilosotherwise i think you have installed gnome disk utility so look at it with disks05:26
Kiloshi captine  jacques_  05:26
Kilosthe disk utility should see if there is an error05:26
Kilosi think there are commands to run the smart thing05:30
Kilosbut dont ask me05:30
Kilosmazal  jy maak my hard dink so vroeg in die oggend man05:33
Kilosany tools you used on unity you can use on kde too05:33
Kilosoi now he keeps me in suspence05:41
Kilosoh jacques_  you okes and your hassles make my head spin05:41
jacques_what's wrong now05:42
Kilosi was thinking about win and delphin05:42
jacques_haha that is a tough nut to crack05:42
Kilosonce william has got this stuff going, 05:42
Kilosi think one should get the hawks or someone to find who took the bribe and let that take its course05:43
Kilosthey will need to form a committee to investigate i suppose05:43
jacques_Don't think there is a bribe but the incentive was giving all schools the IDE for free05:43
jacques_because making test etc. for two languages is work and they don't like work05:44
Kilosand windows? also free?05:44
jacques_No but the Dep get MS products for a very low price, as long as they keep all products on MS operating software05:45
Kilosai! then we gonna need lots of heads to work this out05:46
jacques_As soon as a school loads an operating system other than windows on state property then the school can loose all of their MS licenses.05:47
jacques_That is a big problem05:47
Kiloswho fixes all the crashed pcs and who pays05:48
jacques_I'll talk to the head of North West of software the next time I see him about the precise rules05:48
Kilosdo any of them understand ubuntu05:51
Kiloswhew not gonna be a walk in the park05:51
Kiloshi barrydk  05:52
barrydkHi Kilos en almal05:52
* jacques_ waves06:44
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:44
ThatGraemeGuymazal: sudo ntfsfix /dev/bla06:46
ThatGraemeGuyplease don't fsck an NTFS filesystem :-o06:46
Kilosaha ty ThatGraemeGuy  06:46
Kiloshi superfly  06:47
ThatGraemeGuyhi fly06:51
mazalThanx ThatGraemeGuy , haven't got round to do it yet06:59
mazalCan't get the freekin thing out of the Win box grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr06:59
mazal^&^#$#%$ mixed environments drives me crazy07:01
mazalKilos: ThatGraemeGuy: http://bin.snyman.info/mg7gv07:07
mazalLooks like Linux defnitely wants nothing to do with this drive07:07
mazalchkdsk on Windows reports no errors though07:07
Kiloswhat does disks show07:08
Kilosis it a working windows drive or a storage drive07:08
mazalBoth windows and linux07:09
mazalWe use this one to copy data from users pc to it before we format their pc's07:09
mazalIf os working we copy with Win07:09
mazalIf OS broken we copy with linux boot cd 07:09
mazalAnd only this week , when using the linux way , we can't access it07:09
Kilosbut it boots fine into windows?07:10
mazalWorks fine in Win07:10
mazaland even on this Kubuntu box of mine07:10
mazalExcept for those errors that ntfsfix shows07:11
Kiloslets hear what ThatGraemeGuy  says07:11
mazalBut with linux boot cd , it refuses to mount in any other mode than read only07:11
ThatGraemeGuyyou sure its sdc and not sdc1?07:12
mazalAnd that specific cd only does that with drives that isn't healthy , combine that with ntfsfix errors and I think the drive is defnitely not lekker07:12
ThatGraemeGuywindows doesn't usually like making filesystems on the raw disk without a partition07:12
mazalMust I put the 1 also ThatGraemeGuy ?07:12
mazalI'm used to with disk functions to not add the 1 , but let me run the command again with it07:13
mazalNow I get this: http://bin.snyman.info/49tbk07:14
mazalAccording to that , it's ok07:14
Kilosmazal  why you working from the cd? wont it boot into the linux system?07:16
mazalKilos: It's when the useless Win OS breaks down and don't boot07:16
mazalThen we copy off the users data before format07:16
mazalAnd we use Parted Magic for that as it is lekka light weight and boots quick07:17
mazalMaybe I must boot with my Kubuntu cd and see if that can access the drive ?07:17
Kilosim trying to understand where the prob is07:18
Kilosits the drive you use for working on other drives07:18
mazalWhen booted with parted making , the drive mounts read-only07:18
mazalSo I can't copy the data from internal to the external07:18
mazalAs the external is read-only mode07:18
mazalAnd it refuses to mount with write access07:19
Kiloswait a bit you too fast 07:19
Kilos its the drive you use for working on other drives?07:19
mazalOk lets start over :P07:19
mazalPc breaks down ok07:19
Kilosyour pc?07:19
mazalOs corrupt or just plain useless07:19
mazalAny users pc07:19
Kiloswait now07:20
mazalok lets start again :P07:20
Kilosis your pc working fine still07:20
mazalForget my pc07:20
mazalNothing to do with my pc07:20
mazalOne of my user's pc's breaks down ok07:21
mazalOS corrupt and don't boot ok07:21
mazalNow you need to get the users data of there ok07:21
mazalDocs etc.07:21
mazalNow you needs to boot that machine with a cd so that you can copy the data off from it to an external drive ok07:21
mazalNow , our cd of choice to boot with is parted magic. Linux based and boots lekker quick ok07:22
mazalAnd can access the internal NTFS drive and have a light weight explorer to do the actual copying ok07:22
mazalNow I boot with that cd , plug in the external hdd , and it mounts the external red-only07:23
Kilosok now im with you07:23
mazalThat be the problem , I can't copy data to a drive that is mounted read-only07:23
Kilostry a live ubuntu cd07:23
mazaland it only started this week , was working fine for a long time07:23
mazalNow , some additional information07:24
mazalI have seen it many times before where it mounts the internal read only when the drive is not in good order07:24
mazalHence , I suspect that this external is now also not in good order anymore07:24
mazalHence my asking for a tool to check it07:24
mazalIs oom met my nou :)07:25
Kilosso min of meer ja07:25
Kiloshave you tried repairing the faulty windows pc where it is. not on an external07:26
mazalLinux can be very sensitive for drives with problems on then as you yourself have seen many times07:26
Kilosyes very07:26
mazalAnd then mounts read-only07:26
Kilosdisks should show probs07:26
Kilosuse a live ubuntu cd07:27
Kilosthen lets see07:27
mazalMy next plan is to try booting with my Kubuntu cd and see if that works , cos on my Kubuntu pc itself the drive is fine and I have write access07:27
Kilosmaybe your parted cd is sick07:27
mazalI hope not07:28
mazalSeriously lekker tool that for drive functions07:28
Kilosits just another download to make a new one isnt it?07:29
Kilosbut try a buntu cd first07:29
mazalNot anymore , it's changed to enterprise ware now07:29
mazalhave to buy it now07:29
mazalIt was free previously07:29
Kiloswhere is the iso you downloaded to make it07:29
mazalBacked up somewhere07:30
Kilosforget that all for now try a buntu cd07:30
mazalWill do07:31
mazalDon't have a pc available to boot now , will try on the next one07:31
mazalWon't take long , between the virusses and HO's updates they are breaking at record speed07:39
Kiloswhy not just run anti virus and anti malwares on them and fix them in place?07:40
Kiloshi Squirm  07:41
mazalKilos: We are not allowed to remember07:41
Kilosoh ya07:41
Kilosget your own and use them07:42
Kilosthey wont even know07:42
mazalAnd how much is that gonna cost , protection for 300 machines , I ain't paying that07:42
mazalAnd no internet to update it also07:42
Kilosno man i think you can get them free to download07:42
mazalFree stuff is rubbish07:43
mazalVirusses flies past them07:43
Kilosaddaware and avast work07:43
mazalWe already tried that07:43
mazalThere is one specific one that is very hard to detect07:43
jacques_I have been using avast for 4 years now07:44
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: the free stuff doesn't work in big network, the proper commercial AV solutions have centralised updating and reporting and a whole lot that you wouldn't care about in a home setting07:44
Kilosaha ty ThatGraemeGuy  07:44
jacques_avast for business is free - have centralised reporting and custom templates07:44
mazalYeah , getting it updated is a nightmare07:45
jacques_caching proxy catches the updates07:45
Kiloshow are they getting bugs with no internet07:45
mazalUSB sticks07:45
mazalBiggest virus deployer there is07:45
jacques_sticks are a problem07:46
mazalRunns quicker than freekin nodebreakers lol07:46
Kilosall this work 07:47
mazalAnd don't forget email , just as bad07:47
Kilossjoe rather you than me07:47
jacques_nah I have been impressed with avast here, in 4 years no slip-ups yet07:48
mazalThey click on every phising scam and attachment they get07:48
mazalNever listen to us07:48
Kilosya my boet uses avast as well and he is in rotek head office07:49
jacques_and on the business version people can't disable it so :D07:49
=== jacques_ is now known as Jacques_Stry
mazaljacques_:  ja nee , is a battle here. Like I explained the other day to someone here. We have to deal with the problems and users. But we have no say in what is used on  the machines. We only allowed to install what our HO gives us to install07:50
mazalIs like " It's your problem , but you are not allowed to decide how to solve it "07:51
Jacques_StryOn old version I had people who disabled the AV because it deletes all files on their stick...07:52
mazalThen you go like " Ok , you with the certificates longer than church street , you decide then and help us "07:52
mazalThen you get " No "07:52
mazalThese clowns sit in their air-con offices and play with e-mail the whole day and never even seen one of our networks , let alone sort it out07:54
Jacques_Strymazal: I feel your struggle07:54
Jacques_StryI'm lucky cause I can run everything as I pleaes07:54
mazalThen you go " Ok , train me and I will do it"07:54
mazalThen you get " No "07:54
mazal**end rant**07:55
Kiloshi pieter2627  07:56
mazalsooooo maaz , what's for lunch today ?07:56
mazalMaaz ek praat met jou07:56
Maazmazal: Excuse me?07:57
pieter2627hi Kilos07:57
mazalHi pieter262707:57
KilosMaaz  whats for lunch07:57
MaazKilos: *blink*07:57
KilosMaaz  what's for lunch07:57
MaazKilos: Click on the day to view the bargains for the day http://www.tukkieslife.co.za/Bargains.aspx07:57
pieter2627Hi mazal07:57
Kiloswow that tukkies link is slow07:59
mazallol , is it an actual site ?07:59
Kilosi dunno07:59
Kilosi have no idea where maaz learned that07:59
=== Webtricity is now known as Guest80517
Kiloswb Webtricity  07:59
mazalWe are getting a KFC :)07:59
mazalThen I will stop bothering maaz07:59
mazalIt only took about 10 years since the first one planned it08:00
mazalNo hang on , must be closer to 20 years08:01
KilosMaaz  what's for lunch08:06
MaazKilos: Go get Chippies, your friends will love you08:06
Kiloshello inetpro  08:22
inetprogood mornings everyone08:23
inetprosorry Kilos, busy here as usual08:23
Kilosnp sir08:23
Kilosjust checking you still alive08:23
* Jacques_Stry waves at the pro08:26
Kiloshi nlsthzn  you so quiet08:29
KilosJacques_Stry  do you know where to find our team reports08:34
Kilosjust wanna check up if pro is slacking08:34
Kilosneelsie knows but seems he is buried in dirty nappies08:35
Jacques_StryTeam reports?08:37
Jacques_StryNo idea08:37
Kiloshi magellanic  08:38
Kiloshi Langjan  08:40
Kiloswat breek jy nou weer08:40
LangjanHi Kilos, you will make me neurotic... 08:41
Kilosteasing man08:42
LangjanJammer ek het gisteraand sonder seremonie afgesit, was so vaak ek het ongemanierd opgetree.08:42
LangjanNo problem, I know08:42
Kilosgeen probleem08:42
Kiloswhen william mails all his info to the list you might find stuff you and your recruits can help with08:43
Kilosall to do with getting schools involved or something08:44
LangjanGood, will look out. Wondering about the rogue laptop, the man says it was slow and hiccuppy from new, now it is only showing 1,7Gb of RAM, where is the rest going to? 08:44
LangjanIts holding back on 300MB of RAM, that's 15% of its complete RAM08:45
LangjanI'll Google around a bit, let you know if I find anything08:45
Kilosok 08:46
Kilossome ran gets stolen for graphics i think, but dont know how much08:46
nuvolaribah! intellij 14.1 is slow :'(08:48
Kiloshi nuvolari  08:49
Kilosfound it Jacques_Stry  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/TeamReports/Current08:54
Kiloslooks like pro did it08:54
Kilosgood man08:55
Kilosapart from all the ai! and man and links to all over he is actually a great asset here09:02
LangjanKilos looks like I must check bios to see how much ram is allocated to graphics, will hopefully do it tomorrow09:04
Kilosim looking Langjan  09:04
Kilosbut unity 14.04 prefers 4g. my pc with only 2g also sukkels09:07
LangjanThks, I have Ubuntu Tweak installed, so its not a problem to see installed ram, but it only shows 1,7 out of 2 Gb. Mine runs fine on 2Gb, but this one is a bit sluggish and methinks the extra 300Mb will help, it cannot take more than 2Gb09:36
LangjanEk dog jy werk nie met Unity nie?09:37
Kiloslol ek het dit op my ou pc wat baie min aangeskakel word09:37
Kiloseintlik met 12.02 op09:37
Kiloshow many percent is 500meg of 6 gig09:38
* pieter2627 thinks 1/12 ~ 8%09:39
Kilosnote that link says only 5.5g is available from the 6 gig installed09:39
Kilosoh Langjan  i dont know if its relevant here but i remember once having to do a swapon with unity09:44
Kilosi think that sped things up a bit09:46
LangjanThks I thought that if I cannot come right by bios I will have a look at swap09:48
LangjanThat swapon page is Greek to me, where do I start? 09:52
Kilosits just a command something like sudo swapon09:53
Kiloslet me see if i can find more09:53
pieter2627`sudo swapon -a` - the a option for all09:53
Kilosty pieter2627  09:53
pieter2627Can use `free -m` to check if swap is on also09:54
Langjanthks, perhaps a good idea on any machine?09:54
inetproKilos: hmm....09:55
Kiloswhere is the ai!09:55
Langjanwats so snaaks jongman?09:55
Kilosdie pro09:55
Langjanseious stuff this for old peoples09:56
Kilosyeah i know im still suffering09:56
inetproKilos: you don't look at activities on trello?09:56
* inetpro has to tell him everything?09:56
Kilosi get som many trello mails and try follow what all is said09:57
inetproKilos: isn't that why we use trello?09:57
Kilosi even asked something there09:57
Kilosthat tlc  thing, isnt it done yet?09:57
Kiloswe use trello because you like it 09:58
inetprothe question is there to see for everyone, maybe one day you will get an answer09:58
inetprojust be patient09:58
inetprois it urgent?09:59
Kiloswell its months old already and i thought our site is fine 09:59
Kilosso where the tlc comes in09:59
inetproso maybe you should ask this question again later when other people are listening10:00
Kilosit should be by done already10:00
Kilosi think he is listening10:00
Kilosbut pulling a goosie on the crowd10:01
Kilosa goosie is "im not deaf,  i'm just ignoring you"10:01
inetproKilos: did you notice https://trello.com/c/j6tC4RZn ?10:02
Kilosyes for next month and this month is in the done section10:02
Kiloswell done sir, you were busy last night10:03
inetprothere's a little link to the TeamReports right there10:04
Kiloswell done10:04
Kilosnow just to finish africa site then we can move on10:05
inetpronow get some work done please10:05
Kilosi saw some rejected10:05
Kilosi cant find mopkops branch10:06
inetprostop playing games there, start working10:06
Kilosi also have the loco peeps to bring over to our side10:06
Kilosi need an explanation on bzr and nicola too please10:07
=== Guest80517 is now known as Webtricity
Kilosonce the site is actually up, maintenance will be minimal wont it10:08
Kiloswb Webtricity  10:08
inetproKilos: obviously10:08
inetproor rather, that is the idea10:08
Kilosits just a site with some links10:08
Kilosno one can actually do anything to the sites10:09
Kilosright or wrong10:09
inetprounless you have some other ideas, which I have tried to extract from you over the last month+10:09
Kilosforget obviously that an addon to why where hoe etc10:09
Kilosi see you smirking10:11
Webtricityta Kilos10:12
pieter2627Has anyone here tried their hand at creating an app using the SDK?12:40
Kilosrings a bell pieter2627  i think someone spoke about it. just be patient, someone will get a chnce now now12:44
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening , God bless12:45
Kilosjust yesterday someone gave me the link to our lanchpad members12:53
Kilosyay for once i found it12:57
Kilosnow i cant put a name to cantide13:00
Kilosinetpro  so cheeky13:03
inetproKilos: uh?13:03
Kilos<inetpro> unless you have some other ideas, which I have tried to extract from you over the last month+13:04
Kilosyou the one with ideas man i follow13:04
inetproKilos: you started the project13:04
inetproyou the one who wants a website13:04
Kilosnot before someone jammed the idea in my head13:05
Kilosanyway that remark was irrelevantto my query13:05
Kilosnow tell me who cantide was please13:06
Kilosfound him some buntu peeps in korea that need guidance13:06
Kiloshi kulelu88  14:16
kulelu88anybody else without lights now? apparently stage 2 loadshedding14:16
Kilosai! again14:16
ThatGraemeGuydo you people not follow any news sources, you always seem so surprised by load shedding14:21
Kilosno we hope the saying no news is good news proves true14:23
Kilosmy power still on14:23
Kiloswb Jacques_StrY  you home now14:26
Jacques_StrYyea :)14:26
KilosJacques_StrY  you been using buntu for a long time14:40
Jacques_StrYbout 18 months now14:40
Kilosi been wanting to ask, how come you came here so recently only14:41
Jacques_StrYso not long14:41
Kiloshow did you find us14:41
Jacques_StrYwell after trying linux I jumped in head first and was learning allot14:42
Jacques_StrYand a guy I follow on google plus shared an article on your new website14:42
Jacques_StrYthink is was danie van der merwe?14:43
Kiloswe need to advertise better then so we catch peeps from when they start14:43
inetproKilos: you looking fro cantide?14:43
Kilosyes please inetpro  14:43
inetprocan I ask why you have a list of members?14:44
Kilosive looked but forgot his name14:44
inetproit's there14:44
Kiloson the launchpad place only names, no nicks14:45
inetprodoes your browser not have a FIND function?14:45
inetproKilos: and what about your own list?14:45
Kilosok tell me how14:45
inetproit's not even long14:45
Kilosis he there14:45
Kilosoh my14:45
inetprowith Firefox I press Ctrl+F and then type cantide and ENTER14:46
kulelu88ThatGraemeGuy: it's not surprise, it's lack of consistency. If you loadshed, they should at least do it properly using a guaranteed schedule14:46
Kilosno cantide there he hasnt been on since the new list  was started14:46
Jacques_StrYi think this is the post that got me here: https://plus.google.com/+DanievanderMerwe/posts/3GZp3qLBdRx14:47
KilosJacques_StrY  then fight with him and ask him why he aint here14:48
inetproKilos: he's been there since 2015-02-22 20:11:0914:48
Kilosoh my under what nick?14:49
Kilosi dont use the fox man14:49
Kilosand opera dont like that ctrl+f14:49
Kilosand chrome finds nothing14:49
inetproKilos: what page are you looking at?14:50
Kilosoh that14:50
inetprooops.. did I say cantide?14:51
inetproKilos: sorry, I'm very confused14:51
kulelu88what browser do you use if not firefox?14:52
inetproKilos: I thought you're looking for captine14:52
Kilosopera-dev and chrome and epiphany14:52
Kilosyay and here i thought i was dom14:52
Kiloshee hee14:52
Kiloscantide not captine14:53
Kilosthat ctrl+f crashed my opera14:54
Kilosand i didnt say relaunch so all them open pages are now closed14:55
Kilosfound one lekker thing in chrome, opened a korean site and it offered to translate it to english 14:58
kulelu88proof that google tracks everything on chrome15:00
Kilosmost likely ya15:00
inetprokulelu88: it's a feature, not a bug15:04
Kilosoh Jacques_StrY  that was the pro spreading the word15:04
Jacques_StrYI saw the signature at the bottom of the post :)15:05
Jacques_StrYPro was doing some fine work15:05
Kilosour own pro15:05
Kilosproper nag but with a good heart15:05
Kiloshee hee15:06
kulelu88now things will be quiet again until 28 April.15:06
Kilosthe pro has been very good to me from the beginning'15:06
inetprohe just gets a bit grumpy from time to time15:07
Kiloshe is just a bit thick at times and expects me to remember things like normal peeps do15:07
Kilosbut im starting to remember better the things that are said here15:08
inetproespecially when some peeps fail to RTFS and RTFM15:08
Kiloscarry on15:08
Kilosyou are so dom at times you know15:08
inetproKilos: don't worry15:09
* inetpro fails at that all the time also15:09
Kilosrtfs and rtfm dont explain things like you do15:09
kulelu88Eventually you 2 will have to MMA this out15:09
Jacques_StrYFINISH HIM!15:09
Kiloswhats MMA15:09
Jacques_StrYmixed martial arts15:09
Kilosi win15:10
* inetpro hides in the corner15:10
Kilosactually in basic english15:10
inetproI have work to finish man15:10
inetprowhere's that time machine?15:12
* inetpro needs to travel to the future to fix a problem...15:12
kulelu88don't you okes watch EFC Africa?15:12
Kiloswhats that?15:13
kulelu88it's MMA15:13
kulelu88they say loadshedding is costing between 20-80 billion rand a month to the economy15:14
Kilosno but ive seen some jean claude van dam movies if that counts15:14
* inetpro pressed the wrong button15:15
inetpronow back to reality15:15
Kilosfinish your work man15:15
Jacques_StrYinetpro: Delete the internet button?15:15
Kiloshi qwebirc32751  15:21
Kiloswhich one are you?15:21
Jacques_StrYAre you the Droid we were looking for?15:21
qwebirc32751Hi Kilos, logged in from the ubuntu-za web front-end15:22
=== qwebirc32751 is now known as gwood
Kilosoh wow wb gwood  15:22
gwoodhi everyone15:23
Kiloshows things there15:23
* Jacques_StrY waves15:24
gwoodgoing well, just been very busy15:24
gwoodhow goes Kilos ?15:25
Kilosgood ty and you?15:25
Kiloseveryone is very busy 15:25
gwoodwish i was busy doing nothing :)15:25
Kilosyou have missed lots man15:26
Kilosnaughty to stay away so long15:26
gwoodmy university work has been getting super hectic, just finished writing a journal paper15:27
gwoodI also live in PE, so the community here is basically non-existent15:27
Kiloswe forgive you as long as its study time that keeps you busy, not jolling15:27
Kiloswe are the community15:28
gwoodlol, wish i was jolling, looks like that is why students go to university. I actually came here to study15:28
Kilosgood lad15:29
gwoodyes, but its nice to have physical meetups15:29
Kilosya but we make a good second choice15:29
Kilosyou on a windows pc? is that why you are using the sites chat client15:30
Kilosand what do you think of the new site15:31
gwoodthe new site looks good. I'm on Ubuntu. I am not using an irc client at the moment.15:37
gwoodalso need to figure out how to punch through the universities annoying firewalls :(15:39
SilverCodedoes anyone know why linux wouldn't let me modify a filesystem, saying it is readonly, even though it is mounted as (rw)15:58
SilverCodeon the host I have say /dev/sda1 mounted on /data/15:59
SilverCodeI then export via nfs /data to /export/data15:59
SilverCodeand on the client I mount /export/data to /media/data15:59
SilverCodeon the host i can write to the filesystem, but on the client side is says it is readonly ... but mount shows it as (rw)16:00
SilverCode... and it was working fine a couple of days ago16:00
SilverCodemaybe I should just reboot the machine. Rebooting always helps16:01
Kilosmazal was also having similar probs this morning16:01
kulelu88proxy gwood16:01
Kilosread only that worked before16:02
SilverCodewonder if there was an update to nfs that caused it16:02
kulelu88SilverCode: blame windows16:02
SilverCodekulelu88: heh, I'm not sure I could get away with that ... there isn't a Windows PC anywhere near the network16:04
kulelu88SilverCode: blame systemd or openssl16:04
kulelu88time to save battery life, in case africa decides lights are out permanently16:05
SilverCodekulelu88: I had actucally considered blaming systemd, but then I checked, and I am still using init. Also, the last time I tried systemd, I kinda liked it16:05
SilverCodeso I'm going to blame openssl16:06
SilverCodeand reboot16:06
SilverCodewell that didn't help16:10
SilverCodeyay, problem fixed16:20
SilverCodestep one is resolving problems is always make sure you are looking at the right damn thing16:21
Kilosoh my16:21
SilverCodeturns out I wasn't using nfs mounts, but lxc mount entries16:22
SilverCodeno idea how they had reset themselved to ro though16:22
SilverCodebut at least it is working16:22
Kilosi go eat16:59
MopkopHello all!17:08
Kiloshi Mopkop  17:24
Kilossorry i was eating17:24
MopkopI figured :)17:25
MopkopAnyway, I broke ubuntu again today. Tried installing kubuntu-desktop. It worked, but when I tried to remove it, it took a bunch of icons and made everthing slow :(17:26
Kilosoh my17:26
MopkopWell at least I tried KDE.17:27
MopkopStill prefer Unity, even though it's glitchy at times.17:27
MopkopO, and to answer your question, no I did not do that TLC, still waiting for my menu-revisions branch to be reviewed. I'm not sure which branch I should add the revisions to.17:28
Kiloswhat was the tlc it needed17:29
MopkopHmm, can't remember. Oh yes, we wanted to explain things better :)17:31
MopkopAlmost done with Ubuntu Africa. Had to sukkel with Nikola again. I fixed it, but I'm not sure how. Something to do with the #-things in the conf file.17:33
Kilosi can wait to see it17:33
Kilosdont forget to add it to your wiki page if fly passes it17:34
MopkopO yes, I forgot about than, will do.17:36
MopkopThank you for remembering me.17:36
MopkopLol, ok, Engels was my swakste vak op skool. En ek het al my modules hierdie semester in Engels :(17:37
Kilosek help seun17:38
MopkopDankie oom!17:38
Kilosons is mos een community hier17:38
Kilosjy kan enige tyd vra vir hulp17:39
superflyMopkop: # is a comment17:42
Mopkopsuperfly: I know. Some line was commented out in the conf.py which prevented the font-awesome things to appear. I shuffled the comments around I suddenly it worked. I have no idea why :-/17:43
Kilossuperfly  how is your memory? can you remember cantides name17:44
superflyKilos: memory? what's that?17:50
Kilosyou guys are bad as me17:50
Kilosbut i just remembered, i can maybe find it in team reports from a year back or more17:50
Kilosgot it17:53
MopkopWell done!17:54
Kilosi may be stupid but im not a fool17:54
Mopkop:) 17:58
Kilosaw he never did the launchpad thing18:03
Kiloswb Jacques_StrY  18:10
* Jacques_StrY waves18:10
Kiloshi qwebirc14086  18:10
Kilosso many qwe peeps coming here i get lost18:10
Jacques_StrYAttack of the clones ?18:11
Kilosits that irc client in our site , it should enforce peeps entering a nick18:11
Jacques_StrYYea, would be a good idea18:12
Kiloshi danie  18:16
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za18:16
Kilosi scared him off18:16
Kiloswb danie18:16
jacques_haha, don't know what's happening - struggling to keep connection18:16
Kilosis that you?18:17
=== jacques_ is now known as Jacques_Stry
Kiloshi Squirm  18:17
* Jacques_Stry waves18:17
* Jacques_Stry is watching Ubuntu's Openstack webinar.18:21
Jacques_StryScary the scale these people are talking about18:21
Kiloslisten carefully then relay after18:22
magespawngood evening, back from load shedding18:36
* Jacques_Stry waves18:36
Kiloshi magespawn  18:37
Kilostheyll most likely hit me tomorrow18:37
Jacques_StryWe have luckily been spared18:38
superflyJacques_Stry: what sort of scale?18:40
Jacques_StryJust what capability the software supports, to grow, expand, fault tolerance and just sheer speed.18:41
Jacques_StryThey are talking about growing a cloud up to a 100 000 nodes in under 6 hours18:42
Jacques_Strysounds like a dream18:43
superflyWe're having an interesting "issue" at the moment. One of our clients wants a consolidated platform for all their systems, so they contracted another company whom we had to interface with.18:44
superflyWe use Google App Engine, so scale is not a worry for us.18:44
superflyBut the way things work is that you shove heavier stuff into a queue and let the queue process it.18:44
Jacques_StryGoogle App engine scales almost infinitely so yea...18:44
superflyso for all the stuff we had to send them, we just shoved it into a queue, and that started hitting them18:45
superflyThey couldn't cope. In fact, they can't. We had to scale the queue down drastically so that we're stop DoSing their server18:45
superflythey can't handle more than 10 concurrent connections18:46
superflythat's NOTHIGN18:46
Jacques_StryBut I must say Google's system is way large18:46
superflyOh yes, one of the things I love about GAE is that you don't have to care about scalability18:46
Jacques_StryScales as you need more18:47
superfly(in essence - it's not that straightforward))18:47
Jacques_StryBut I don't understand - why would they move away from GAE?18:48
magespawnsolution superfly ?18:50
superflyJacques_Stry: they didn't, they used .NET from the beginning. We're not going anywhere.18:50
superflymagespawn: scale down our task queue18:50
superflyat it's height, there were 250,000 tasks in the queue with a delay of over 55 hours18:51
Jacques_StryPoor network...18:51
superflyJacques_Stry: their app is hosted on Azure, it *should* be able to handle the load18:57
Jacques_StryMmmm... I'm gonna refrain from commenting on Azure >.<19:03
superflyJacques_Stry: it's good, but it's not good enough, from what I've heard19:04
* Squirm looks around19:11
Jacques_StryWell I have not worked nearly at that scale, would be cool tho19:11
magespawnsuperfly: but does that not affect your side?19:13
superflymagespawn: that's the beauty of it, the task will fail, and then retry. So you get a backup of tasks (hence the 250000), but the tasks just keep on plodding on, while you app continues on it's merry way, completely unaffected.19:14
SquirmQueues are wonderful things19:15
SquirmDrop the message in the queue, no need to wait for a response :)19:15
magespawnso then yours does not rely on theirs to carry on?19:16
Squirmmagespawn: basically, one the message is in the queue, it's up the the process on the other end to handle it19:16
superflymagespawn: nope19:16
magespawnahh right19:17
Squirmmagespawn: https://www.rabbitmq.com/19:17
superflymagespawn: it's mostly notifications... they want to know what's happening, so we pop off a notification and move on.19:17
magespawnso then scaling down is just so thier server can handle the load then?19:17
Squirmsuperfly: we use queues for most things now19:18
superflySquirm: yeah, we use queues for *everything*19:18
superflymagespawn: precisely19:19
superflyohi danfowler19:19
Squirmhey danie19:19
Squirmsuperfly: they're great19:19
daniehi there19:19
superflywelcome to #ubuntu-za19:19
superflywhere's Kilos?19:19
Jacques_StryWelcome :)19:19
magespawnhi danie19:20
daniethanks, think my IDs are mixed up somewhere19:20
Kiloshere superfly  19:20
magespawnsuperfly is that the app you link to? 19:20
Kilosisnt that Jacques_Stry  19:20
=== danie is now known as danievdm
superflymagespawn: app?19:20
magespawnthe link you posted19:21
Kiloshi danievdm  19:21
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za19:21
danievdmhi Kilos19:21
superflymagespawn: on Fakebook?19:21
Squirmmagespawn: that was a link I posted19:21
Jacques_StryYea he's the guy that got me here19:21
SquirmIt's a queueing application19:21
Kilosaha welcome19:21
Kilosand ty for posting the link19:21
superflyoh! right, then I "know" danievdm, via Google+19:21
Kiloswe enjoy Jacques_Stry  19:22
danievdmthanks guys... realtime may be difficult for me to keep up with ;-)19:22
Jacques_Strydanievdm: Good to see you here19:22
magespawnright Squirm 19:22
superflydanievdm: I'm only really active in the evenings19:22
Squirmmagespawn: it'd be the same sort of thing though19:22
* superfly has another meeting in 8 minutes anyways, so won't be active in here much longer19:23
Kiloswhats the prob danievdm  ?19:23
danievdmNow I'm setup I'll try look in again19:23
Kilossjoe superfly  you guys meet lots19:23
Kilosbe like Jacques_Stry  danievdm  he lives here19:23
Kilossame as me19:23
danievdmI live thin across many places ;-)19:24
Kilosinetpro  waars jy nou19:31
inetprohmm... here somewhere19:32
* inetpro gone to look for him19:32
KilosJacques_Stry  now you see why he borrows my email addy19:33
* inetpro found him19:35
magespawnonly every now and then19:35
inetprobut he says he can't concentrate on multiple things19:35
inetproKilos: what's up doc?19:36
Kilosall good and you inetpro  19:36
Squirman IT guy, not being able to multitask?19:36
SquirmOh dear19:36
Kilosi forget what i needed help with19:36
Kilosyou killed my opera19:36
Jacques_StryMakes 2 of us, I can't multi-task at all19:36
inetproKilos: uninstall it and install the fox19:37
Kilosno man its working19:37
Kilosjust crashed with that ctrl+F19:37
Kilosi can multitask19:38
Kilosi can read messages here and reply to them19:38
magespawnman, vista has to be the most useless os on the planet19:40
* magespawn busy trying to wrangle chrome onto vista19:41
Jacques_Stryhaha does Vista still exist?19:41
Jacques_StryBeen more that a year since working on it19:41
inetpromagespawn: yikes!19:41
magespawni still do work on xp19:42
Kilosis south korea the good peeps19:45
Kilosthats where cantide went isnt it19:45
Jacques_StryYea south is the good side19:45
Kilosgood im helping them get locos going or revived19:46
kulelu88that's relative Kilos . You can't say either side is good or bad19:46
Kilosanother how long is a piece of string guy19:46
kulelu88oom you can sigh as much as you like, but you politics isn't as simple as good or bad19:47
kulelu88*but geo-politics19:47
Kiloswell im helping them anyway19:48
Kilosif they are buntu peeps with good manners then thats ok by me19:48
kulelu88still strange how you categorize them. if south is good, do you view north koreans as bad?19:49
Kilosim just going by the wests idea that north are the bad guys19:49
kulelu88aah okay. 19:50
Kilosand i chat to okes in berling and uruguy19:50
Kilosmaking the world take notice of our little island19:51
KilosMaaz  hmm...19:56
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking19:56
inetproKilos: he's gone again19:56
Jacques_StryWell North Korea's diplomatic system is generaly frowned upon, not to mention the face that inhabitants don't have access to the internet, only an intranet network that is heavily censored - effectively cutting them of from the world and making it impossible to communicate with them. So when I say bad Korea I'm not talking about the inhabitants.19:56
Jacques_StrySorry - just had to rant that19:57
kulelu88it's not a rant though. you're providing some decent arguments19:57
Kilosai! imagine losing yourself within yourself19:57
Jacques_StryTheir way of governing the country goes against everything that an open community fights for19:58
Kilosinetpro  look in a mirror19:58
kulelu88Jacques_Stry: which countries would you say are governed more openly?19:59
Kilosek sukkel met my volk partykeer man19:59
inetproKilos: good idea20:00
* inetpro goes to find his self in the bathroom20:00
Jacques_StryNone are governed openly, but the democratic system at least gives us more breathing room.20:00
kulelu88Some say that an open government is determined by the level of respect for private property laws. Or that could be an Anglo idea20:01
Jacques_StryAnd I don't think a total open system is healthy too - too much transparency causes people to divide into opposing factions20:01
Jacques_StryBut enough political talk - usually not a good idea20:03
kulelu88Jacques_Stry: if you see the type of political discussions on local SA sites, I think our discussion for 10 minutes was more valuable20:03
inetpropolitics, eish... no, no, no20:03
Kilosnormally ubuntu users have a better outlook on things20:04
kulelu88politics is everywhere oom. that's why systemd exists :D20:04
Jacques_StryWell played20:04
Kilosi still want to try that20:04
Kilosis it faster20:05
kulelu88>archlinux 20:05
kulelu88only on boot times20:05
inetproonly infrequent rants about eskom are alowed here :-)20:05
inetproeverything is eskom's fault20:06
* Kilos agrees20:06
inetprooops... how do I delete that?20:06
Kilosand vodacom20:06
kulelu88inetpro: can't we blame oom Jan V. reibeeck also?20:06
Jacques_StryWell the Final Beta of 15.04 that launches tomorrow comes with systemd20:07
Jacques_StryLooking forward to try out20:07
Kilosif it is only a boot then then why the hype about it20:07
Kilosinetpro  ty for doingtopic bar and report so quick20:08
Jacques_StryWell the improvement may in the boot process - but doesn't it stay in memory?20:08
Jacques_Stryso being able to handle more concurrent processes more efficiently means processed start faster20:10
Kilosim so happy with 14.04 kde that who cares20:10
kulelu88Kilos: the problem is the far-reaching ideas behind it. It wants to do "everything"20:10
Kiloskulelu88  the peeps that dev ubuntu are clever, they must have some plan in mind20:11
Kilossame with unity20:11
Jacques_Strynot sure about the new unity being tested out20:11
Kilosmost gnome2 users didnt like unity but new users love it20:11
Jacques_Strythat touch interface shouldn't come near my screen20:12
Kiloswb inetpro  20:12
Jacques_StryTrue, I hated unity at first but in the end I love it now20:12
Kilosi even have 12.04 as a pc repair stick20:13
inetprowho ate my cheese?20:13
Jacques_StryOne thing I don't understand is why on ubuntu desktop is swappiness set to 60 at default?20:14
Kilosi ried changing it once20:14
Kilosseems 60% is the best compromise20:15
kulelu88ubuntu isn't very unique. it's just 1 big fork of debian20:15
Jacques_StryNooooo.... on my laptop 60 is terrible - 10% everything is snappy and responsive20:15
Kilosthats why you can change it20:16
Kilosmaybe i must try it here20:16
Jacques_Stryon my desktop it doesn't really matter - have a SSD and 16gb of RAM20:16
Kiloswhew must fly20:16
kulelu88running a horse Jacques_Stry 20:17
Jacques_StryYea - but my laptop is a bit old 4gb RAM and normal HDD20:17
Kilossjoe he is really lost20:18
Jacques_StryThe thing is I can understand on servers - they go for maximum efficiency so 60% makes sens - but on desktop you want responsiveness, we don't care if we have to wait 3 sec's more to compress that file20:19
Kilosagain inetpro  20:20
Kiloswat maak jy 20:20
Kiloswat doen jy20:20
Kiloswat breek jy20:20
kulelu88Kilos: leave him, he is building a house in minetest20:20
Kiloshe has one20:21
Kilosquite lekker too20:21
Kilosmade me tunnel zig zag for miles to get him power20:21
inetproit crashed20:21
KilosMaaz  it20:22
MaazKilos: it is Saturday20:22
Jacques_StryMaaz: The cake is a lie20:24
MaazJacques_Stry: One learns a new thing every day20:24
KilosJacques_Stry  you didnt see the lekker cakes maia made20:24
Kilosyou shoulda come here long ago man20:25
Kilosubuntu cakes for release parties20:25
Kilosinetpro  can you type in ctrl+f and find them pics20:26
hibanaKilos: I found him20:26
Kiloswb hibana  20:26
Kiloshibana  where was he lurking20:26
hibanalet's see whether he will behave now20:27
Kilosthreaten him with the sjambok20:27
* inetpro got hired to watch over him20:27
inetprooops... the other one 20:28
inetproyou see Kilos, even I get confused20:28
Kilosinetpro  find those pics of maia's cakes man20:28
Kiloswhat you mean even you, you are always confused20:29
inetprosorry oom20:29
* inetpro forgot20:29
Kilosnp lol20:29
stickyboyKilos: `find ~/Pictures -type f -iname "*cake*"`20:31
stickyboyaka Ctrl-F. :P20:31
Kilosi have a new os since then20:31
Kilosand a zeroed drive20:31
stickyboyWait, clean install?20:31
Kilosya , zeroed wrong drive20:32
Kiloskulelu88  that systemd looks like a good thing20:36
Kilosall the new distros are using it20:37
inetproeish Kilos, don't mention that word out loud20:38
Kiloswhat word?20:38
inetprothat syste.... thing20:39
inetproone of the most controversial projects in Linux-land 20:40
Kilosit will be good, i have faith in the top guys decisions'20:41
inetproit’s not Unix-like20:41
Kilosbut still linux right?20:41
inetproit goes against the *nix philosophy of "do one thing and do it well."20:43
Kiloswell we cant stop it so go with the flow20:44
kulelu88it is being stopped20:44
kulelu88Debian lost a few technical community members20:44
Kilosyou mean its like the win registry20:44
kulelu88even if systemd turns out to be "awesome!", the way they are muscling it in is the other issue20:45
inetprokulelu88: it is being stopped? Really?20:45
kulelu88bad wording choice.20:46
kulelu88but people are standing against it20:46
kulelu88poettering and his ilk must first go back and fix pulseaudio before trying new things20:46
inetprooh ya, now that is an understatement20:46
superflydon't get me started on pulseaudio20:47
superflypulseaudio is a solution looking for a problem20:47
Kilosnight all of you, sleep tight20:47
inetprogood night Kilos20:47
kulelu88Just like how the pro-support guys think the whole systemd is bad, no it isn't. A single logging system for errors, etc. IS a good idea20:48
magespawngood night all20:48
* superfly thought that's what syslog was about20:50
kulelu88superfly: I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it to not be a "blind" supporter of either side20:53
superflykulelu88: I'm running Debian unstable, so as far as I know I'm already using systemd20:54
inetprosuperfly: there is also rsyslog20:55
inetproand syslog-ng20:55
superflyright, but my point is that they are there already20:56
Jacques_StryNight all20:57
inetproat some point it all gets very grey20:57
inetprognight Jacques_Stry20:57
inetpromy hope is just that freedom will prevail20:58
stickyboyinetpro: It does get grey... indeed.21:03
stickyboyI like the unit files for system servies.21:03
stickyboykulelu88: Meh. Pulseaudio works for me on every system I've ever used.21:04
stickyboyI just play music, though. No funny shit.21:04
stickyboyNo flash plugins or weird alsa wrappers.21:04
kulelu88stickyboy: are all your systems Debian derivatives?21:05
inetproI'm afraid, with closed binary systems, things get so bulky and complicated that we all end up loosing in the long run21:05
inetproless and less people will be available to figure out how it all fits together21:06
stickyboykulelu88: Nope.21:06
stickyboykulelu88: I'm mostly Arch and Fedora.21:06
stickyboyOnly Debian derivatives on the server. :D21:07
kulelu88inetpro: and that is how windows will be born from the ashes of great titans known as debian21:10
inetprokulelu88: interesting old article:  rsyslog vs. systemd journal?  http://blog.gerhards.net/2013/05/rsyslog-vs-systemd-journal.html21:10
inetprowelcome back psydroid21:15
psydroidthank you inetpro21:15
psydroidI went to the DevOps meetup here in Dublin21:16
inetprosounds interesting21:18
kulelu88do you have the accent yet? psydroid 21:18
psydroidkulelu88, no and I never will, I guess21:19
psydroidI have a dutch accent, but I am sure my english is much more intelligible than the irish'21:20
stickyboyOoooh Interstellar.21:43
stickyboypsydroid: You're in Dublin?21:47
stickyboyI'm talking to Google Ireleand tomorrow...21:47
psydroidstickyboy, yes, I am21:47
psydroidand good luck21:47
stickyboypsydroid: How's the weather up there?21:48
stickyboyI'm in Nairobi and woooo it's freakin' hot.21:48
psydroidstickyboy, it's not great, it rains a lot over here and it's never really warm or a5nything either21:49
psydroidbut probably good for getting work done21:49
stickyboyRain, crap.21:50
stickyboyRain is good, it washes my car. :D21:50
stickyboypsydroid: How long have you been in Dublin?21:52
psydroidstickyboy, for 4 months now21:52
stickyboypsydroid: Cool21:53
stickyboyIs there good public transit there?21:53
stickyboyNever been to Ireland...21:54
psydroidit depends what you consider good21:54
stickyboypsydroid: :P21:54
psydroidwhere are you now?21:54
stickyboyWell, I've been in Nairobi for 7 years. :P21:54
psydroidbut where are you from?21:54
stickyboyI'm from California, where everyone drives.21:54
stickyboyPublic transit is only for homeless people.21:54
psydroidI'd lived in the Netherlands for my whole life until I moved to Poland and now I'm in Ireland21:55
stickyboyUnless you're in San Francisco or something.21:55
psydroidoh, it's much better here in Dublin then21:55
stickyboyPoland, nice.21:55
stickyboyI've been to Eastern Europe a few times. Love it!21:56
psydroidPoland has better infrastructure than Ireland21:56
kulelu88stickyboy: what are you doing in Kenya?21:56
psydroidbut all tech companies are here now21:56
psydroidI am actually going to Poland next month to visit my friends and after that to Berlin before coming back to Dublin21:57
stickyboykulelu88: I'm a Linux systems admin. Storage and infrastructure stuff.21:59
stickyboypsydroid: Nice, I was in Berlin a few months ago. Very nice place. I wouldn't mind living there but there are a lot of people who wouldn't mind that!21:59
kulelu88the salary discrepancy must be mountains apart. AFAIK, if you work in SF in tech, you earn on average 100K22:00
stickyboykulelu88: It's not bad. I've been in this job for 5 years and I am doing well.22:00
kulelu88how do you travel so much? stickyboy 22:01
stickyboyAnd in SF you're just another rat in the rat race; here I'm at least a bit special.22:01
stickyboykulelu88: Conferences, friends, vacation, etc... you just get around. :D22:01
psydroid_stickyboy, yeah, a friend of mine would love to live there too, but I'm not sure I would want to :D22:02
kulelu88rat in the rat race? 22:02
stickyboykulelu88: Yes, it's an expression...22:03
stickyboyEven if you WIN the rat race you're still just a rat.22:03
kulelu88lol I understand it22:03
kulelu88but I didn't know it was that "capitalist" in SF. aren't they more social-leaning?22:03
stickyboykulelu88: Not about capitalism... just... too many tech people, too many meh. How do you stand out there? Everyone is better than you.22:04
stickyboyI'm from California, but I don't want to go back there.22:05
kulelu88so it's narcissistic ?22:05
stickyboyThere's too much awesome stuff to see...22:05
stickyboykulelu88: Hmm, no. millions of programmers and nerds, all with the same or better experience as you.22:05
stickyboyIn Nairobi I am one of the best. It's a smaller pool.22:06
stickyboyIt's not about capitalism or narcissim...22:06
kulelu88stickyboy: can you explain where silicon valley is?22:06
stickyboyAnd here, I can take a bus to Tanzania in 5 hours... :D22:06
stickyboykulelu88: Yeah, Silicon Valley is San Francisco on the North, San Jose / Cupertino on the South, San Ramon and Livermore on the East.22:07
stickyboySilicon Valley is more or less in "the Bay Area".22:07
psydroid_stickyboy, I don't hang out much with nerds, I usually feel they are socially awkward as all they talk about is development or IT stuff22:08
kulelu88so the big tech industry is basically in san francisco?22:08
stickyboykulelu88: Nah, that's just where all the hipster startups are.22:08
kulelu88why are things so expensive in that area ? 22:08
stickyboySupply and demand?22:09
psydroid_same here in Dublin22:09
kulelu88too many people too little housing?22:09
stickyboykulelu88: Yeah22:09
psydroid_include incompetence22:09
kulelu88if you were earning $120k pa in USA, are you a top income earner? stickyboy 22:10
stickyboykulelu88: That's damn good salary.22:10
stickyboyThere's 30%+ tax on that though. ;)22:10
kulelu88still 90K take-home22:11
stickyboykulelu88: I don't care much for big salary. I want to do a job I enjoy and have modest life style.22:11
stickyboyI was making 60K like 8 years ago and I was happy as a clam.22:11
kulelu88you earn more now? stickyboy 22:12
psydroid_too demanding job and no life?22:12
kulelu88Nairobi wages must be lower22:12
kulelu88way lower22:12
stickyboyNairobi wages are lower, but I am in an International Position.22:13
stickyboyI do very well...22:13
kulelu88remote work?22:13
stickyboykulelu88: Nope, I work at an NGO in Nairobi. In research.22:13
kulelu88cool :)22:14
psydroid_it's the best situation actually22:14
psydroid_wb inetpro22:15
stickyboypsydroid_: Science is awesome. :D22:15
kulelu88choosing a higher salary vs a better life is a life-long battle :D22:15
psydroid_stickyboy, I know, I was once a physics student ... :D22:16
inetprothanks psydroid_22:16
psydroid_kulelu88, I don't have a significantly higher quality of life here in Ireland than I had in Poland, it must be similar for stickyboy22:17
stickyboypsydroid_: Physics is amazing... "All science is either Physics or stamp collecting"22:18
stickyboySadly I'm working with genome sequencing. :P22:18
psydroid_I only came here to acquire more knowledge and develop my skills22:18
psydroid_sadly ...22:18
kulelu88how old are you? psydroid_ 22:18
psydroid_kulelu88, I am 3522:18
kulelu88I thought you were in your 20s22:19
psydroid_no, definitely not22:19
psydroid_I only look and sound as if I am in my 20s22:19
kulelu88stickyboy: how hot is hot in kenya right now?22:47
stickyboykulelu88: Crap. I dunno how hot it is but it's 2am and I gotsa ta go to bed.22:51
kulelu88tc stickyboy 22:51

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