
melodieit's different, being a revolving system00:00
melodieI have this one since 2009 and it has been copied to 2 other machines and before I think I copied it from another machine00:00
melodiewell the install was done in 200900:00
melodieI also had it in 32bits and I converted it to 64bits following a tutorial on the wiki00:01
melodie25 minutes, the screen hasn't gone off00:02
melodiemaybe I'm good to go00:02
melodieI'll remove light locker.00:02
Enkidu_akExcellent. Glad we solved i00:03
melodieI have to reboot windows and let it update during I don't know how many hours it seems not to provide any progression bar of any kind. That might be more tricky.00:03
melodietomorrow I'll check again how is the screen behavior in Xubuntu :)00:03
melodieI'll say tomorrow if it is totally solved (once the command lines aren't in effect anymore)00:04
Enkidu_akGood luck00:04
melodiehope so! X ← crossing fingers!00:04
melodieEnkidu_ak thanks a mountain for your kind help00:06
Enkidu_akMy pleasure00:07
melodieEnkidu_ak I might have created a new way for the W 8.1 dual boot: Windows Stiff01:13
melodieit does not update :?01:13
melodienever mind...01:13
Enkidu_akWindows Stiff? That doesn't sound pleasant...01:14
melodieas in "stable" (after the version names of libreoffice : still and the other one XD )01:14
melodiewell figure out, now it's installing!01:15
melodienot sure, I have retried several times and rebooted twice, then the last reboot I booted directly from the Windows Boot Manager, perhaps that makes a difference01:15
melodienot sure01:15
melodiewell no01:16
melodieit stalled01:16
melodieme thinks the HP staff has done a crummy job01:16
melodieand that's all01:16
melodiethe first partition isn't even on a cylinder boundary :p01:16
Enkidu_akCylinder boundary? I would think that UEFI would be over that hurdle in any case. No need to give all of the blame to HP. There is plenty to go around, you can give the Windows installer its fair share :D01:19
Enkidu_akSpeaking of installers, I would really like mdraid to be included in desktop xubuntu images again.01:20
knomemelodie, Enkidu_ak: we have #xubuntu-offtopic for non-support, offtopic chatter01:20
melodiethanks knome01:21
Enkidu_akknome, Sorry, I get carried away :)01:21
knomeno problem01:21
melodieif offtopic suited for dual-boot issues?01:21
Enkidu_akDual boot is probably on topic, but I think we strayed from that01:22
* melodie invites Enkidu_ak to #linuxvillage01:22
melodiegood night01:48
quantibiliynew kernel update won't boot. 45?02:19
holsteinquantibiliy: so, the old one will?02:21
holsteinquantibiliy: try booting the old one, and make sure your upgrade "worked".. from there, you can reinstall the "new" kernel, and file a bug, i fyou like02:22
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:22
quantibiliyi did boot the old one its what im using now02:22
quantibiliyholstein how do i check if it worked?02:24
holsteinquantibiliy: i will run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and look for errors..02:24
quantibiliyholstein now what? didn't see any?02:27
holsteinquantibiliy: then, move on02:27
holsteinquantibiliy: i next suggested, reinstalling the "bad" new kernel02:27
holsteinquantibiliy: then, test, and file a bug..02:28
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DJJeffI am running Xfce DE and I prefer to use gnome-terminal over xfce-terminal05:53
DJJeffholding page down is sending the ~ symbol05:53
DJJeffit does the same thing in xfce-terminal05:54
DJJeffbut holding page down in xchat it does not send the ~ symbol05:54
scotchrvHello all09:25
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome09:26
scotchrvOh thanks, i am newbie in this irc09:30
ObrienDaveok, not a problem, how can we help you?09:34
scotchrvI am in irc to talk with xubuntu's user, to exchange ideas. Sorry for my english, iam french ;).09:35
ObrienDaveok, this is a support channel. for general chat try #xubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic09:36
scotchrvOh im sorry, i don't know .09:37
scotchrv Thanks and have a nice day .09:37
ObrienDavenot a problem. that's how we learn. you too09:37
Slash0megahello, i am trying to install xubuntu to a flash drive with persistance, but it is not remembering anything... anybody know why it might not be working?09:39
pmjdebruijnhow are you doing that?09:40
pmjdebruijnusing the usb creator?09:40
ObrienDavewhat are you using to install. unetbootin?09:40
Slash0megaunetbootin and lili09:41
pmjdebruijnSlash0mega: try ubuntu's own usb creator09:41
ObrienDaveeasier way is to burn ISO to DVD, boot live DVD and use that to install to USB stick09:41
pmjdebruijnbut that will render the stick useless as a general USB drive09:42
Slash0megawill try ubuntus usb creator09:42
ObrienDavepartition it like a real HD09:42
Slash0megathe native istall will be a last resort due to read/write cycle paranoia09:42
* pmjdebruijn doesn't get why people use non-standard tools like unetbootin before the standard ubuntu tools in the first place09:43
Slash0megai also have been installing puppy, and i have been using lilu for a few things09:44
pmjdebruijnnot that usb creator hasn't had it's fair share of bugs, but it should always be the first try :)09:44
Slash0megaer, is the offical usb creator hosted by pindrive linux? that is where the ubuntu website is pointing me09:46
pmjdebruijnyou're not on ubuntu?09:48
pmjdebruijnsudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk09:48
Slash0megaah, that would be a problem, only linux i have is said usb drive09:49
Slash0megai doubt i could re-install it while it is booted from itself09:49
ObrienDaveno, that is not possible09:50
Slash0megameh, ill install it to another drive and do it from therem09:50
Slash0megaxubuntu has the disk creator right? or do i need to download a ubuntu image09:51
Slash0megaif i install xubuntu to the drive like i would to a harddisk, i can format it later to use as a standard usb drive again right?09:52
ObrienDaveyou can also partition the USB stick to have both xubuntu and a NTFS drive, for example09:54
Slash0megai might try that, depending on if i can figure out how to get windows to read the right partition :/09:55
ObrienDavewindows won't read ext409:55
ObrienDavenot without a third party utility09:56
Slash0megaah, so if a windows compatable partition comes after it, that will be the one it reads09:56
ObrienDavewindows won't read what it doesn't recognize09:57
TaZeRhey does anyone know where i can find the 15.04 beta for powerpc iso?10:46
knomeTaZeR, there is no powerpc ISO for xubuntu 15.04.11:55
TaZeRoh ok thanks12:04
Enkidu_akTaZeR, You might install 14.10 and do a dist-upgrade12:05
knomeEnkidu_ak, there is no powerpc ISO for xubuntu 14.10...12:05
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture until 6.10. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ12:09
=== AuAg is now known as AgAu
Number5Hello guys, how can I set DNS permanently so it won't lost after reboot? If I want to edit it in /etc/resolv.conf, I see a comment in the file which says that this file will be overwritten. So what am I suppose to do?14:50
knomeNumber5, http://askubuntu.com/questions/157154/how-do-i-include-lines-in-resolv-conf-that-wont-get-lost-on-reboot14:52
knomeNumber5, see the first answer14:53
knomewell, all the answers really..14:53
carreraGreetings!  :-)14:53
xubuntu526i am new to xubuntu14:56
xubuntu526i have a issue with my wifi14:56
xubuntu526it not working14:56
xubuntu526how can i solve this?14:56
pmjdebruijnit's not working how?14:57
knomexubuntu526, please elaborate what "not working" means14:57
pmjdebruijnwhere does it fail14:57
xubuntu526how can i enable wifi in linux?14:59
pmjdebruijnyou don't see any wireless networks in network-manager?14:59
pmjdebruijnwhat type of wireless chip does your laptop have?15:00
Number5knome, thank you for your help my friend :)15:01
pmjdebruijnsudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer15:02
pmjdebruijnsudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer15:02
pmjdebruijndepending whether it's an older of newer chip15:02
xubuntu526bcm4311 802.11b/g wlan15:02
pmjdebruijnthat's probably legacy15:03
carrera I installed Ubuntu Server 14.04 + xubuntu-desktop package so I could have SoftRAID on my laptop but the XFCE Network Connections plugin in the Desktop Panel doesn't work properly15:40
bazhangsingle disk raid and a server on laptop?15:41
carreraI have 2 x 500 GB SanDisk SSDs on my laptop15:41
carrerabazhang, why would anyone want a single disk RAID?15:42
bazhang"doesn't work properly" = what exactly15:42
carreraI suddenly realized that I don't have an entry for an Ethernet connection15:43
bazhanglspci , look for the controller15:44
wiredfoolJust upgraded my xubunutu desktop from precise to trusty, and my xkeyboardmap keeps resetting, about every 12-24 hours. Keyboard is plugged into a motherboard usb port. ideas? http://pastebin.com/jqNrTijT15:45
carreraEven when I disable networking from the Network Plugin, I have to wait about 2 mins on boot because the server is waiting for an IP address15:45
carrerathat's when my laptop is not connected to a router via Ethernet15:47
carrerathird, when I created a new Ethernet entry, it didn't make a difference.  I don't know where it saved the new static connection details but it wasn't in /etc/network/interfaces15:49
carreraso I had to go in and add the entries for a static IP to /etc/network/interfaces myself15:49
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
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carrerawhat is the xubuntu NetInstall file?16:54
carreracan anyone tell me how I can get the iso file for the NetInstall?17:46
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:49
Unit193Unless you mean for vivid, but that's highly unlikely.17:50
carreraThanks Unit19317:50
carrerawould mini only install the latest version, i.e. 14.10, or can I use it to install Xubuntu 14.04 too?17:51
carreragreat there are mini files for 5 of the previous LTS versions17:53
Unit193Exactly, different iso for each one.17:54
carreraone more question17:54
carreradoes installing from mini provide Software RAID support ?17:55
carreraI've a laptop with 2 SSDs but no Hardware RAID controller17:55
geniicarrera: As far as I know only the ubuntu server alternate has RAID support standard during install time18:03
carrerathat's what I have installed right now18:04
carrerathen I added xubuntu-desktop18:06
carrerabut I don't think it's as well integrated as a xubuntu distro18:06
tty0_Hi there, this might be off-topic but i think this is the best place to ask: I have debian jessie with xfce and xubuntu theme. All looks good except some gtk3 apps like evince or gnome-calculator. The window decoration is different and shortkeys like ALT-SPACE do not work. The interesting thing is that "Network Connections" window has proper window decoration.  I tried some ideas i found on net, like ln -s /usr/share/themes/.../gtk-3.018:15
tty0_though this changes the color theme but does not help with the window decoration18:16
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
recon_laphey, all my desktop icons disappear about 2 days ago, any ideas what might be going on?21:17
pmjdebruijnls ~/Desktop21:18
Unit193xfdesktop running?21:18
pmjdebruijndoes that sy anything?21:18
recon_lapthe files are there21:18
pmjdebruijnpresumably you disable showing them in XFCE's preferences21:19
recon_laprunning xfdesktop made them appear again , thx , now wonder if they will stay21:19
pmjdebruijnI think it's just a checkbox21:19
pmjdebruijnah oh21:19
pmjdebruijnnevermind then21:19
recon_lapactually , how do you delete the saved user session that are created when you log out?21:20
Unit193They aren't created for meeee.  ~/.cache/sessions21:22
recon_lapand the last thing, both firefox and Thunar have been segfaulting all over the place. anyone have any ideas why that might be happening?21:24
pmjdebruijn14.04.2 or 14.10?21:25
recon_lapsry not thunar, but thunderbird 14.04 i think21:25
recon_lapthink I got some pluging that causing trouble. must have generated 100's of crash reports at this stage21:26
pmjdebruijnare you using plugins?21:26
pmjdebruijnthen I'm sure it's the plugins21:27
pmjdebruijnit's _always_ the plugins :)21:27
recon_lapwell, not a pluging as such, as it's affecting my e-mail client too.21:27
* pmjdebruijn doesn't follow21:27
recon_lapwell, maybe I'm wrong and thundarbird loads firefox plugings?21:28
pmjdebruijnno clue21:28
pmjdebruijnI don't use tb21:28
pmjdebruijnI do use firefox a lot ,and it's rock solid over here21:29
pmjdebruijnbut I only have two simple plugins (from EFF)21:29
recon_laphmm, maybe I should be saying add on's21:29
pmjdebruijnsure add-ons21:29
recon_lapthink it might be flash causing the issues21:29
pmjdebruijnthat shouldn't crash firefox anymore, as flash runs in a seperate process21:30
pmjdebruijnyou should probably deinstall it anyhow, since that will make you significantly more security, but that's another argument altogether :D21:30
recon_lapthink "computer security " is a new oxymoron term :)21:32
recon_lapshould be computer insecurity !!21:33
pmjdebruijnflash makes that more true than it needs to be21:33
=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
recon_lapgoogles uninstalling flash, I'll give it a try21:34
recon_lapset it to ask before running, it's an extension of firefox. anyways, thx for the help21:37
pmjdebruijnthat lesses the risk considerably yes21:38

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