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pittiGood morning05:29
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didrocksgood morning07:03
seb128hey didrocks & desktopers07:05
pittibonjour didrocks et seb128 !07:26
seb128hey pitti, wb!07:26
seb128did you have good holidays?07:26
pittithey were marvellous, thanks!07:27
pittiI'll sort through our ~ 300 photos on the weekend and post a blog07:27
pittiwe've seen looots of amazing northern lights, plus the solar eclipse, a husky ride, a snowmobile tour, and lots more07:27
larsuwelcome back pitti!07:28
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?07:28
larsugut danke!07:28
* larsu wants to see northern lights as well :)07:28
larsuwhere were you?07:29
happyaronhey didrocks seb128 pitti larsu, :)07:29
larsuhi happyaron!07:29
didrocksoh, it's pitti! 300 photos, waow! :)07:29
didrockshey happyaron :)07:29
didrockssounds like you had fun, nice!07:29
seb128pitti, sounds like excellent holidays indeed ;-)07:30
seb128hey happyaron07:30
pittididrocks: many thanks for your help with systemd!07:30
didrockspitti: you're welcome, you saw I guess everything wasn't as straight as we hoped, I'm happy to catchup with you when you are ready (just give me half an hour first to finish morning catchup)07:31
didrocksI have some git-format-patch for you07:32
pittididrocks: oh? I'm  just integrating a couple of your patches into experimental07:36
didrockspitti: I have them for the ubuntu branch only, smooser's uploads, and then, mind07:37
didrockspitti: let me forward already the first 2 ones07:37
pittididrocks: ah, I already updated the ubuntu branch from the LP diffs this morning07:37
didrocksah ok :)07:37
pittididrocks: the ubuntu7 upload is terrible, the rest looks fine07:38
didrockspitti: see the bug reports and my advice to wait for you for anyone who wanted to touch networking :p07:38
didrocksat least, that's how we discovered the upstart booting issue07:38
didrocksbut let's talk about it in 20 minutes07:39
didrockspitti: ok, done. FYI, I've also posted a patch on the tmp.mount issue08:02
didrocks(should be attached to the debian bug report)08:03
pittididrocks: right, I saw; looks like mbiebl didn't do any commits/upload, I guess he was busy with his HD crash?08:10
didrockspitti: yeah, he was planning to do an upload last week-end with that patch and others things, but I guess the HD crash prevented him to do it08:12
pittithe ubuntu branch is up to date with the archive, we just need to revert ubuntu7 and move it to open-iscsi (bug 1432829)08:12
ubot5bug 1432829 in open-iscsi (Ubuntu) "resolv.conf not updated correctly for interfaces configured in initramfs" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143282908:12
pittididrocks: and I committed some parts from the ubuntu uploads to exp08:12
didrockspitti: in case you didn't notice yet, I needed to do a small change to autopkgtest for the upstart-sysv transition (and unblock our lovely touch users :))08:13
pittididrocks: do you have any other patches to push?08:13
pittididrocks: I did, thanks! (also already committed to git)08:13
didrockspitti: nice! I tried to answer as much as possible on systemd and systemd-boot bugs, didn't touch anything network-related though08:13
pittididrocks: otherwise I'll just dig through my giant pile of mails and bugs :)08:14
didrockssubscribed you to a couple of bugs I guess your attention is needed:p08:14
didrockspitti: yeah, I think it's the best to be done at this point! I couldn't get vorlon commenting on the statd/nfs issue, so this one is still stalled08:14
didrockspitti: otherwise, we should be good :)08:14
willcookemorning all08:29
willcookehey TheMuso08:29
TheMusoHey willcooke.08:30
seb128hey willcooke TheMuso08:31
didrockshey willcooke, TheMuso08:33
pittididrocks: oh, seems Lennart is back from his vac, too?08:33
didrockspitti: well, I thought it was the case last Sunday when he started to answer to some thread, but maybe this one is for good :) I'll let him reviewing some patches and repoke on the stalled review08:34
Sweet5harkhmmm, according to lwn I had more commits on libreoffice upstream than all of OpenOffice in the last year.08:56
Sweet5hark... and development upstream is just a sideshow. i have other things to do as well ...08:58
didrockshum, my lwn canonical subscription seems to have ended, not sure why?08:58
larsuSweet5hark: that's either good for you or bad for lo08:59
willcookeg'night TheMuso08:59
willcookehi happyaron08:59
happyaronwillcooke: hey09:00
Sweet5harklarsu: no, its bad for _OpenOffice_. That article compares LO vs AOO.09:01
larsuSweet5hark: oh sorry I misread! /me should pay more attention09:02
larsuSweet5hark: that's good for libreoffice and you then. And bad for oo, but meh09:02
Sweet5harklarsu: FWIW, I still moved Canonical to the top 3 corporate contributor in the last year singlehandedly (after Collabora and Red Hat) with 1.9% of changesets.09:04
Sweet5harklarsu: that might sound bad, but LibreOffice has a really long tail of contributing companies/individuals (aka community): 23.2% of commits are authored by "Unknown" -- that is: not depending on one big supporter.09:06
larsuSweet5hark: oh wow I didn't know that09:06
larsuthat's pretty cool09:06
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seb128Trevinho, hey, the issue I showed you in Brussels about gedit having a pixelized/low res icon in alt-tab is still there and it's also on a fresh vivid installation, you are still not getting it?09:57
Trevinhoseb128: mh, no10:18
seb128Trevinho, do you have a local icon or something?10:18
TrevinhoI don't thinkso10:21
seb128Trevinho, hum, can you try in a guest session?10:22
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Trevinhoseb128: ooh, right I've that now10:33
seb128Trevinho, ah!10:34
Trevinhosame is for totem...10:34
seb128Trevinho, where would report that issue?10:34
TrevinhoMh, the bug seems to be related to unity, altough it's weird as the launcher works well and they uses the same icon source10:35
Trevinhook,l I also see it when changing the launcher icon size...10:37
Trevinhoseb128: in terms of icons nothing changed in vivid, right?10:39
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Trevinhoseb128: what I've noticed that compared to gnome-terminal, gedit has not the 64 and 128 icons, but this shouldn't matter10:43
seb128Trevinho, I don't think icon theme changed10:45
seb128but gtk did10:45
seb128remember the issues you fixed with larsu in Brussels?10:45
larsuTrevinho: the launcher doesn't work for evolution, for example10:47
larsuthere were some changes in gtk related to the icons it returns10:47
Trevinholarsu: yeah, there are a subset of gnome apps that have problemns10:47
larsuI think because it violated the spec before, and doesn't anymore10:48
Trevinhobut I don't see differences on what the theme has for them10:48
larsuwhich function are you using to load icons?10:48
Trevinholarsu: this is the code doing it http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10683187/10:50
larsuTrevinho: and you pass 256 for the icon size?10:56
Trevinholarsu: that depends on the icon size defined in settings (for the launcher) or 256 (if not scaled) for switcher10:57
Trevinholarsu: that's done during rendering, we call TextureForSize depending on the needed size... and that changes dpending on scaling, options or state11:00
ricotzthere is also gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon_for_scale to fit hidpi case11:02
Trevinhoricotz: mh, well yeah, but we're having the issue event with no scaling at all11:02
ricotzTrevinho, ok, then I don't recall having a similar issue11:05
larsuTrevinho: gtk returns a 48×48 icon for 'accessories-text-editor', but larger ones for firefox, gnome-terminal, and devhelp11:06
larsuTrevinho: I'm guessing we just need larger icons for those?11:06
Trevinholarsu: I've tried adding 64 and 128 icons but I've noticed any change11:06
Trevinhoand updated gtk cache, but let me check again11:07
larsuhm, humanity's apps/48 is defined as scalable11:09
* Trevinho confirms no change, by adding 64/128 icons11:10
larsuTrevinho: I must disagree. Adding MaxSize=256 to Humanity/index.theme (in the apps/48 section) makes gtk give me icons in the requested size11:12
larsumaybe there's some caching going on in unity?11:12
Trevinholarsu: ah, ok. that's what you changed... I was just adding icons in the proper size folders :)11:13
larsuTrevinho: I think that doesn't work until you add those folders to index.theme11:14
* larsu is reading icon theme spec :(11:14
Trevinholarsu: mh, adding MaxSize doesn't change unity behavior here btw11:18
larsuTrevinho: are you sure you're regenerating the cache? It works for me11:20
larsuTrevinho: after restarting gedit11:20
Trevinholarsu: with unity?11:20
Trevinholarsu: and I've been calling gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0 ...11:21
larsuTrevinho: `sudo gtk-update-icon-cache Humanity`11:22
Trevinhook, I didn't use the proper path11:22
Trevinhonow it's fine11:22
larsuyay :)11:23
Trevinhoso, should we fix humanity by adding new icons or using MaxSize?11:23
larsuI'll propose a fix in a bit11:23
* larsu tries to find other offenders as well11:23
larsuTrevinho: thanks for helping!11:24
Trevinholarsu: thank you11:24
Trevinholarsu: I've not read the full specs, but couldn't maxsize applied to 48 make the theme to pick a 256 icon (or anyway greater than 48) if available?11:24
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Trevinhonot to pick...11:25
Trevinhonot to pick...11:25
Trevinhonot to pick...11:25
larsuTrevinho: it could, but the spec is stupid. It says MaxSize defaults to Size if it is not given11:26
larsuI think gtk devs (mclasen I believe) decided to go with the spec even though it's dumb in this regard, because not following it created other issues11:26
Trevinhook, I see...11:28
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bregmais there a PPA with GTK+-3.16 for testing on Ubuntu anywhere?12:29
didrocksbregma: seems the more recent is 3.15.12 is the gnome ubuntu ppa12:32
didrocksah ricotz has it12:33
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didrocksbregma: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/testing12:33
bregmasweet, at least I don't have to dedicate bandwidth and CPU to rebuilding locally12:34
didrocksyep ;)12:34
didrocksbregma: just a note, in 7 years, it's the first time the launchpad info "same package in other repositories" was of use for me :)12:35
didrocksachievement unlocked!12:35
larsudidrocks: it was added for this exact moment12:36
didrockslarsu: that was *exactly* the joke I had in my mind! :)12:37
larsudidrocks: glad to make it for you ;)12:37
* didrocks hugs larsu12:37
* larsu hugs didrocks back12:37
Sweet5harkdidrocks: we have dispatched reporters to your location to interview you about your user experience now that this has happened.12:39
didrocksSweet5hark: I hope this will at least make the headlines :)12:40
Sweet5harkdidrocks: its not a story before there is at least one "10 things didrocks felt when he saw the "same package" note, that will make you cry" clickbait about it12:42
didrocksheh ;)12:45
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attentelarsu, seb128: is this ok to land? https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/ubuntu-themes/1285783/+merge/22776814:11
seb128attente, yes, it's already landed, just blocked by beta freeze, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=ubuntu-themes14:16
seb128larsu, I wonder if that fixes the issue on some of the apps that we opted out of o-s?14:17
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
seb128tedg, hey, any chance you could look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1428711 ? I hit it regularly on my vivid desktop, just had it yesterday when opening totem...15:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1428711 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_variant_is_trusted()" [High,Confirmed]15:12
seb128tedg, let me know if you need debug info15:13
tedgseb128, Sure, let me look.15:13
seb128since I get the issue regularly I should be able to get some15:13
seb128tedg, thanks15:13
tedgseb128, It seems that it's in g_variant_is_trusted, are you skeptical of your variants?15:14
seb128seems so!15:14
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pittididrocks: FYI, I had to revert the patch for bug 1411140 :/15:25
ubot5bug 1411140 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-machine-id-commit.service fails on overlayfs" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141114015:25
=== Merkabah__ is now known as Merkabah
seb128desrt, hey, could you look at https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/e6c01932bfab14c9c530ddef79e1cf0e9d7b5e97 and tell me if that's could be a (known?) glib/dconf bug?16:20
seb128that one is from file-roller but nautilus has similar reports16:20
desrtsure.  will look in a bit.  meeting right now.16:21
desrtthis is recent?16:23
desrti made some changes there lately....16:23
seb128desrt, it started in vivid it seems yes16:23
desrtoh.  those changes were on a branch and they didn't get committed.16:24
desrtso disregard :)16:24
desrtseb128: if i had to guess, i'd say that it's another floating refcount issue16:30
seb128desrt, not sure about https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/58672dd1c950607c573103da35280bb46f152622 as well16:32
desrtthat one is somewhat more suspicious16:32
RiddellSweet5hark: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/13058/ is in isn't it?16:33
Riddellcertainly all the icons are in master http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/icon-themes/breeze16:33
seb128desrt, do you want a bug report about one of those issues?16:52
desrtseb128: still meeting.  gimme a bit before i take a proper look.16:53
seb128desrt, k16:54
seb128Trevinho, those issues seem to have started in vivid after your landing to add menus to unfocussed windows, not sure if that's on somebody's todolist?17:42
seb128https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1425085 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/143223117:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1425085 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::glib::Source::IsRunning()" [Medium,Confirmed]17:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1432231 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in XGetSelectionOwner()" [Medium,Confirmed]17:42
seb128attente, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1431811 is for you I guess :-)17:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1431811 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "unity-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in FcitxConfigFree()" [High,Confirmed]17:43
seb128desrt, another similar looking https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/844d21139beaa74a6848c82238da8f9f7ee7d3d817:44
desrtseb128: almost done ;)17:45
seb128desrt, yeah, no worry, just listing things as I cross them ;-)17:45
ignitingHi everyone! Can anyone here help me fix this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1241972?17:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1241972 in Unity 7.2 "Drag and drop from Dash to Desktop doesn't work" [High,Triaged]17:49
ignitingI am unfamiliar with the code base, and I didn't enough documentation to start with. It would be great if someone can tell which part of the code is causing this bug.17:51
Trevinhoseb128: the crashes?18:00
seb128Trevinho, yes, see the urls I gave18:00
Trevinhoouch, these are annoying to debug (happening in the loop)18:02
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Trevinhothat's more an andyrock area btw, but he's in holiday next week (while I'll be out from tomorrow till tue)18:04
andyrockseb128, what?18:04
andyrockand hy18:04
Trevinhoandyrock: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/143223118:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1432231 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in XGetSelectionOwner()" [Medium,Confirmed]18:04
andyrockTrevinho, i suppose it does happen on shutdown18:05
andyrockTrevinho, seb128 do we have any numbers?18:05
Trevinhoandyrock: you think that in that case it's unloading unityshell?18:06
TrevinhoChanging a setting shouldn't happen18:06
andyrockyeah but changing the texutre type has nothing to do with this part of code18:06
andyrocklikely it crashed for some other reasons18:07
desrtseb128: a lot of these don't look very similar :p18:07
desrtseb128: can i get cores for any of these backtraces?18:14
desrtand/or instructions for reproducing?18:14
seb128desrt, I don't think so :-/18:21
seb128andyrock, "numbers"?18:21
seb128andyrock, Trevinho just gave the bug number18:21
desrti need to stop writing so much assert() in my code :p18:21
andyrockseb128, like how often does it happen?18:23
seb128andyrock, it has a bunch of the most reported e.u.c issues for unity in vivid18:24
seb128andyrock, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/7feea27498d47b4914cf17674c927cfa0b0e1d7e18:24
seb128andyrock, numbers are low but vivid doesn't have lot of users yet18:24
seb128andyrock, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/9b2b6ff77e637a4349392f55c448b543c4fd605c as well18:25
desrtseb128: i'm going to downgrade one branch of that assertion to a warning since it's possible that it happens in response to a bug elsewhere18:30
desrtas for the gvariant unref problems, i can only assume that it's some weird floating ref issue18:30
seb128desrt, ok18:30
desrtsure would be nice to know what the setting in question was, so i could trace down the issue18:30
seb128desrt, I can try to get you debug infos but I'm not sure it's going to be easy, no easy way to reproduce/get dumps there18:31
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desrtseb128: i looked at file roller itself and it seems that there are no suspicious uses of gsettings api18:35
desrtso it makes me wonder if it's some library instead18:35
desrtin other news: spurious asserts in the new inotify code found an actual bug18:50
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