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xubuntu732hello, I need some help finding the appropriate drivers for my notebook. is there anyone here that could help me with this issue? I have the specs on this notebook and I am positive that both the audio and video are not working properly since I have updated my computer, installed pepper-flash and updated the codecs as well.04:24
xubuntu732both audio and video are choppy in every program04:25
holsteinso, is it audio? or just flash? try and isolate the web streaming from local playback..04:26
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:26
xubuntu732thanks i'll give it a try.04:27
xubuntu732Okay i'm not sure what it means when you reference with the explanation poione like this example- "For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3."05:15
xubuntu732sorry-- explanation point05:15
xubuntu732Also, I think I have identified the chipset but I can't be positive that I have Alsa support for the card. Linux is showing me card and sound modules are in place but the read is hard determining what linux, alsa, and intel have to say.05:20
xubuntu732linux says:"Audio device: Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) HD Audio Controller (rev 07)" IS this an ICH 7?05:22
xubuntu732And, if so, to which southbridge?05:23
xubuntu732Intel says I have a Intel® System Controller Hub US15W Chipset with an Atom Processor and that is not listed as such on the Alsa website05:24
xubuntu732Ok, so I'm a little lost trying to interpret the data. I need to line up two pieces of data. First, if you go to http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Intel then could you help me see if my card lines up with the data. I;m thinking my card may not be supported and I might have to try a different approach. Thans05:30
xubuntu732I just  need to figure out if my card Does anyone know how to use the terminal to pull up results simular to those on  http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Intel??05:41
xubuntu732 I just  need to figure out if my card is supported. Does anyone know how to use the terminal to pull up results simular to those on  http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Intel??05:41
cfhowlettxubuntu732, lspc --vvnn | grep Intel05:43
cfhowlettxubuntu732, lspci --vvnn | grep Intel05:43
cfhowlettgrrr.   tourettes of the fingers today:05:44
cfhowlettlspci -vvnn | grep Intel05:44
xubuntu73200:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) HD Audio Controller [8086:811b] (rev 07)   MEAN anything to you?05:45
xubuntu732Alsa gives me three options.05:46
xubuntu732#1   ICH southbridge AC97 audio05:47
cfhowlettthen it would seem to be supported.  hey, bring this to #ubuntu                  more eyes05:47
xubuntu732#2I CH southbridge AC97 modem05:47
xubuntu732#3 ICH southbridge HD-audio and modem05:48
xubuntu732I will goto ubuntu tommorow. Its late... thought I'd give you guys a try.05:48
xubuntu732thanks anyways05:49
xubuntu732Just one thing please05:49
xubuntu732What is the usage... #ubuntu or  see !players and !mp305:50
xubuntu732Is that some sort of terminal input or something????05:50
cfhowlettxubuntu732, #ubuntu is the irc channel.  !Factoid triggers messages to the the irc user.  for instance ...05:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:51
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:54
xubuntu732!Factoid triggers05:55
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone05:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:56
cfhowlettxubuntu732, to avoid flooding the channel:  /msg ubottu !factoid               will direct the message to YOU05:56
cfhowlettxubuntu732, and to send a factoid to a specific user: !factoid | username05:57
cfhowlett!details | xubuntu73205:57
ubottuxubuntu732: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:57
cfhowlettor privately:  !factoid > xubuntu73205:57
cfhowlett!factoid > xubuntu73205:58
ubottuxubuntu732, please see my private message05:58
Trinityhi is anyone here?06:47
baizon!ask | Trinity06:53
ubottuTrinity: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:53
Trinityi have 3 monitors and i was able to set up the panel to be on the middle of the screen but how do I get my icons to go to the center screen as well?06:53
baizonTrinity: which xfce version?06:54
Trinityi tried 4.10 and upgraded to 4.12 when i saw a feature called primary monitor but it's not working06:56
baizonTrinity: have you tried xrandr primary?06:57
Trinitybaizon, yup06:57
Trinityxrandr and then appending --primary right?06:58
Trinitybaizon, sorry had to restart to test07:01
baizonTrinity: np, that was the command i meant xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary07:01
Trinityhmm, any ideas what the issue could be? seems trivial enough that it should work without additional fixes ;/07:02
hmnhfHi, Is there a way to disable internet connection checking before login? Everytime I restart xubuntu, it waits looking for an internet connection.09:18
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xubuntu95wDoes anyone have issues with connectivity with Ubantu?12:59
Agent_Smith1having trouble setting the hotkey to drop down the terminal13:38
Agent_Smith1says command xfce4-terminal --dropdown does not exist13:38
pmjdebruijnwhat should "dropdown" do?13:41
pmjdebruijnare you sure that's a valid parameter?13:42
pmjdebruijn(maybe it's only recently been added)13:42
Agent_Smith1trying to make it similar to guake13:43
pmjdebruijnhow do you figure that's valid parameter?13:43
Agent_Smith1what would you suggest a valid parameter is13:43
Agent_Smith1i'll just use guake13:45
brainvvashAgent_Smith1, it's --drop-down13:46
pmjdebruijnah :)13:47
Agent_Smith1i still get Failed to execute child process "xfce4-terminal" (No such file or directory)13:48
Agent_Smith1i don't see it in the commands folder13:48
pmjdebruijncommands folder?13:51
brainvvashdoes it work if run from a terminal window or via Alt + F2?13:53
Agent_Smith1it doesn't13:55
Agent_Smith1but i'll just use guake so it's of no consequence13:55
brainvvashok then13:56
Agent_Smith1it is kind of weird13:56
brainvvashof course it is13:57
brainvvashit should work just fine13:57
Sohail-AhmedI am having a little problem. My network samsung multifunctional printer can print over the network but I cannot do scan and it says no scanner is found. Should I infer that the scanner is broken?? Any help?????14:10
bazhangtry simple scan yet14:14
pmjdebruijnSohail-Ahmed: not all printers have complimentary scanner drivers on linux14:15
pmjdebruijnand/or support network scanning14:15
bazhang!info simple-scan14:15
ubottusimple-scan (source: simple-scan): Simple Scanning Utility. In component main, is optional. Version 3.14.0-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 143 kB, installed size 684 kB14:15
Sohail-Ahmedbazhang: sorry for being late, I was tracking my supposedly lost package and had to call CSR. any way simple scan isn't working. I tried it first.14:29
Sohail-Ahmedpmjdebruijn: I have not understood your point, I have installed the driver provided by the manufacturer and the driver description clearly says that its a printer and scanner driver. Moreover I was successfully printer over the network without even this particular driver.14:31
bazhangmultifunction are hit and miss14:31
Sohail-Ahmedsorry hit and miss?14:31
bazhangsome work out of the box, some never work14:32
brainvvashmaybe someone in #ubuntu knows how to address your problem14:33
Sohail-AhmedI tried their but no body responded.14:34
brainvvashit's a specific issue (hardware/driver), maybe you'll need to contact the manufacturer directly14:35
Sohail-Ahmedbazhang: any final advice to confirm scanner being broken.14:36
Sohail-Ahmedgood idea brainvvash, thanks!!14:36
brainvvashI assume that you have already used google and co to search for a solution, right?14:37
brainvvashthere are places like askubuntu, ubuntuforums, launchpad,.. it's possible that someone else has encountered the same problem and has documented how to solve it14:38
Sohail-Ahmedyes. The ubuntu doc center have some words for my samsung series, especially multifunctional printers that they require super user privileges to work. I even tried that.14:38
pmjdebruijnSohail-Ahmed: manufacturer tend to support linux rather poorly14:39
pmjdebruijnand scanner on multifunctionals are particularly poorly supported generally speaking14:40
* pmjdebruijn has no experience with samsung particularly14:40
pmjdebruijnSohail-Ahmed: sometimes the scanning function only works via usb, not via network14:40
Sohail-Ahmedpmjdebruijn: but its manufacturer dependent. Some do release information to let peolple make open source drivers.Yea I noticed that today, when I connected a standalone hp sccaner and its working while my window colleage had to do a bunch of installation to make it working.14:41
pmjdebruijnyes it is, that's exactly our point14:42
pmjdebruijnscanning over network might not be supported at all14:42
Sohail-Ahmedpmjdebruijn: I tried usb-sscaaning and same problem14:42
pmjdebruijndoes the mfc support scanning via webinterface14:43
Sohail-AhmedI have not isntalled their smart panel on my ubunutu machine but my gamming machine/window have their smart panel and it does not support scanning through web. Actually It does not support printing though that panel.14:45
pmjdebruijnit doesn't scan via a webservice? that's uncommon14:50
pmjdebruijnno clue then14:50
Sohail-Ahmedpmjdebruijn: brainvvash, bazhang: Finally I have managed to use my scanner via usb-connection. Its working now but not over network. But thats not a problem. the manual did suggest to install the driver as a super user which I initially comply by using sudo ./install and that did not work. but when I executed after becomming super user by sudo -s it worked. does using a command with sudo or as root user is different????15:15
bazhangdont enable the root account15:16
bazhangsudo -i for a root shell, if you must15:17
bazhangglad you got it working, to a degree15:17
Sohail-Ahmedyea I have switched back. But any link to see the difference. Thankyou all for your help and time!!!!15:17
RudeViperyikes - that didn't work - tried reinstalling xfce - ran purge on unity and lxde desktop and rebooted - can only log into lxde session - hmmm what gives? Am I going to have to do a reinstall?15:27
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RudeViperok - looks like I am going to have to reinstall - in trying to fix things I must have ruined something else - lol - I have saved the xorg.conf file - My home folder is on a seperate partition - is there anything I should save???15:44
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Wolfpupi need a little help setting up x11vnc to autostart in xubuntu 14.04 so i can be able to remote into my system remotely even if the system reboots17:01
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bynarieanyone here recommend using cron jobs for daily fstrim???17:12
bynariehave you tried init.d?17:13
brainvvashbynarie, better ask in #ubuntu, this is a general question17:13
bynarieah lol.. i cant im banned from there17:14
bynariethats alright though.. thanks17:16
brainvvashthis looks helpful http://askubuntu.com/questions/443761/how-is-trim-enabled17:16
Wolfpupcan any one help me ?17:17
brainvvashso, ubuntu 14.04 and up uses a weekly cron job by default17:17
bynariebrainvvash, ok thank you17:18
C2thadGood afternoon.  I have a copy of the xubunti .iso on my desktop. is there a way i can start an install from that?17:20
brainvvashWolfpup, maybe this http://askubuntu.com/questions/229989/how-to-setup-x11vnc-to-access-with-graphical-login-screen17:20
Wolfpupactyualy i saw that and it dose not hlep as it points to directories that are not on this fresh load of Xubuntu 14.04 that i had finishes installing a couple of hours ago17:30
derpingit1hi guys18:20
derpingit1i'm trying to create a generation 2 vm on hyperv and install xubuntu, but i am unable to boot to the iso. can someone enlighten me ?18:21
derpingit1it is my understanding that ubuntu (regular ed) can be setup using gen 218:21
derpingit1is this an xubuntu thing?18:21
holsteinderpingit1: not sure.. *if* "regular" ubuntu is working, you can convert to xubuntu.. also, there are mini isos18:23
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:23
holsteinyou can use them to more quickly/easily see if you can get an installation, and then add what is needed post install18:23
derpingit1well i'm not getting that far.. the vm doesn't boot at all18:23
derpingit1from cd. that is18:24
holsteincool.. the mini iso is a *different*, very small image you can try18:24
holsteinfrom cd or whatever you are using..18:24
holsteinits like 30 mb's.. AFAIK18:24
derpingit1well holstein .. when you;re right, you're right18:33
derpingit1mini works :)18:33
holsteincool.. i know its no "elegant", but, you can use that iso as the base, and add what you need afterwards..18:34
holsteinxfce4 or xubuntu-desktop for example18:34
holsteinxubuntu-desktop really should pull in all you need18:34
holsteinsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ..though, you may want something lighter..18:35
derpingit1lighter than xubuntu ?18:35
holsteinright.. i dont know what your needs are..18:36
derpingit1yeah mang. i'm a super novice. i actually just want to try linux for the first time. thnanks for the heads up :)18:36
bazhanglubuntu-desktop for lighter18:36
holsteinor, just the parts you need/want.. like openbox, or whatever18:36
derpingit1it's gonna be a vm for browsing the web and such. just need audio/video plugins flash, and i'm set18:37
derpingit1oh yeah, and openvpn for sure18:37
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN18:37
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:37
holsteinsomewhere in there ^18:37
derpingit1i want the desktop to look kinda nice tho.. not super stripped down.18:38
derpingit1thanks, holstein18:38
holstein"nice" is always a matter of opinion..18:38
holsteinxubuntu-desktop will get you xubuntu..18:38
derpingit1great. thkx18:39
z_beeblebroxHi Guys, does anyone know if there is an Xubuntu version suitable for running a server from?19:21
pmjdebruijnz_beeblebrox: that's an odd questions, typically on a server there's no GUI to begin with19:22
pmjdebruijnso all the ubuntu flavors don't make much sense19:22
Skald_9_depends on the kind of server19:23
Skald_9_media servers usually have a DE19:23
Skald_9_home media servers19:23
pmjdebruijnsounds dubious19:24
Skald_9_well al depends on the user19:24
Skald_9_and yes I was talking about a GUI DE in one form or another19:26
pmjdebruijnI guess very unskilled users might run a DE on a server19:27
derpingit1ok . so i ran into a problem... i cannot set my screen resolution to 1920x120019:44
derpingit1tried modifying grub, but the highest i can go is 1680x105019:46
derpingit1should i call it a win and let it go?19:51
pmjdebruijnderpingit1: VGA? DVI? HDMI?19:51
derpingit1running on a hyper-v vm19:52
derpingit1monitor is dvi19:52
derpingit1i know :)19:52
pmjdebruijnderpingit1: anyhow, presumably video memory might be limiting the resolution19:53
derpingit1ah ok .. maybe i'll take a look at the bios19:53
pmjdebruijnyou might need to change that in the VM config19:53
pmjdebruijnnot sure about the particulars of HyperV19:53
pmjdebruijnwhich xorg driver is being used? vesa?19:53
derpingit1how do i check that19:54
derpingit1(noob here)19:54
derpingit1i did have to change grub in order to get this far tho, so i can do some work if required19:54
pmjdebruijncat /var/log/Xorg.log19:54
pmjdebruijnI guess19:54
htqpyes, look for LoadModule. Alternatively issue inxi -G19:55
pmjdebruijnthat would suggest HyperV can't increase video mem19:56
pmjdebruijnwhy doesn't that surprise me19:56
pmjdebruijnpresumably HyperV isn't intended as a workstation product in the first place19:57
derpingit1ok i'll let it go. this works well enough19:57
pmjdebruijnI read HyperV also misses audio19:58
derpingit1ah man. that's a deal breaker :/19:59
pmjdebruijnI guess you need to use proper virtualization, not HyperV20:00
derpingit1i gotta work with what i have :/20:00
derpingit1thanks :)20:00
pmjdebruijnVirtualBox is free, and has it's fair share of fanboys20:00
* pmjdebruijn hasn't used that in years though20:01
derpingit1what i mean is, i have a server with hyper-v role installed. this si were i'm running this linux box from .20:01
derpingit1that server runs a lot of other things, so i gotta make it work with what i have20:01
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GeekDudeMy hard drive is unexpectedly out of room20:33
GeekDude/dev/sda1       227G  215G     0 100% /20:33
GeekDudeI have not done anything even approaching 50G20:33
knomestart narrowing it down20:34
GeekDude"media@media:~$ sudo find / -name '*' -size +100G" gives "/home/media/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log.1" and "/proc/kcore"20:36
GeekDudethe file is full of millions of lines of "Socket connect error (control channel)"20:40
GeekDudeoh my20:42
GeekDudeI cleared out some files, and now I can see the log file growing in real time20:43
GeekDudeat a rate of 5MB/s20:43
GeekDudeactually closer to 2.5MB/s20:44
geniiFor some reason googling "Socket connect error (control channel)" produces a crapload of references to wiimotes20:49
GeekDudeI unplugged the bluetooth dongle and the wminput daemon is still running20:50
GeekDudeI'm running the wminput daemon through the xfce autostart20:50
GeekDudekilling wminput fixed the issue20:52
MorrogGood evening20:56
MorrogEverything alright here?20:57
geniiGeekDude: Cool.20:58
MorrogI've been fiddling with starting xubuntu (14.04) through startxfce4. I've noticed that it then loads the xfce session, and not the xubuntu one. I can get over the fact that some theme-related things are different. But the settings manager has way fewer items in it in the xfce session than in the xubuntu one.21:00
MorrogWhy are there two? Why can't I start the xubuntu session from CLI?21:01
eikon81gHow come there is an error when you try to install NTP support in the time settings? Just wondering, I was going to do it but it shot me to a bug report prompt21:07
drceikon81g: Whatever it was (and it's been there for a long time), it's fixed in 15.04.21:09
eikon81ggotcha.. Idk if I am ready to jump to 15.04.. are you running it? Thanks btw :P21:09
drcyes, for now :)21:10
drcBTW, you can install ntp thru USC and all is forgiven.21:10
eikon81gcool any notable changes (that a noob would notice) lol21:10
drcyeah, ntp is installed thru the Date/Time :)21:11
eikon81gI was thinking about going that route but my time stays correct from what I can tell so whatev. LOLLL nice drc21:11
drcNot much visual change (that I see)...updated apps and bug fixes.21:11
eikon81gdo you run cairo or docky?21:13
eikon81gOk i had a small bug with docky that was fixed with a config change.. or some such. I found something about others having a similar issue and followed their fix.. it was happening on sleep / wake the program was not re-launching.21:14
eikon81gwell your assistance is greatly appreciated :) I have to get to some other junk here at the house.. ttyl21:15
derpingithi guys21:17
xubuntu35wHi there, need help fort my 1st time with Xubuntu. I've installed v14.10 32b on a USB key with linux live USB creator (Lili) ans enabled persistance. Now, i'm trying to login but I can't figure out thé needed username ans password.... any idea?21:42
eikon81gdid you set one up during the install?21:44
eikon81gI was prompted in the installer to set one..21:45
eikon81gare you running live off the usb? or did you physically install it?21:45
xubuntu35wno install, running live, the for your help.21:46
eikon81gyea, np..21:47
eikon81ghumm running live I don't recall if I had a username set up I thought it logged straight in..21:47
eikon81gcan you just hit like "login" or whatever?21:47
xubuntu35wthat's what I expected as well21:48
eikon81gI doubt the u/n: root would log you in without a password, you would have to set that p/w from a sudo command first21:48
xubuntu35wI have tried all the obvious login ...21:49
eikon81gman I wish I had more info on that.. the live usb I used had no login / pw from what I remember..21:49
xubuntu35wI have tried Ctrl ALT f2 but I can't do anything there (no sudo)21:50
eikon81gif it were me, I'd re-run the liveub install to the usb drive with a fresh iso and see if the same thing happens..21:50
drcI've never used the app you used, but using dd and/or unetbootin I've never had to set a password (or been asked for one booting the LiveUSB)21:50
eikon81g^^ he's much more knowledgeable than me.. lol go with his tips.. !!21:50
eikon81gthanks drc21:50
drcBut then I very seldom make a persistence mode, but the times I did, I don't remember ever being asled for one.21:51
xubuntu35wtook me 3 hours to DL the I so and the hash looked correct.21:51
eikon81gsame here..21:51
drcAnd if I'm "much more knowledgeable" we're all in big trouble.21:51
eikon81gI used a windows program to make my bootable usb, maybe just start with a diff. usb creator..21:51
eikon81gLOL drc.. :P21:52
eikon81gwell I gotta roll guys I'll bbl, thanks again drc21:52
drcxubuntu35w:  I've never had to use a windows app, so maybe it need it...but 3 hours? that sounds like a very low DL.21:54
xubuntu35whmmm, I'll first give a try w/o persistence.21:54
xubuntu35wyes very long, was much faster when I DL lubuntu.21:55
xubuntu35wthx for the advices.21:56
qqqpqHello. I uninstall xfce/xubuntu, but I still get some sort of graphical login manager / dm? (I thought lightdm was an example of this type). How do I get rid of that and go straight into a terminal?22:02
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode22:02
qqqpqYou know your question is a good one when its answered with a macro22:03
qqqpqThanks for the response and really good answer, I will implement this, but I am also interested in what exactly that login manager is, and how I might remove it or modify it.22:04
WolfpupLim still trying to get x11vnc server to work on a fresh install of XUbuntu and i can not seen to get it to autostart even with everything i have been trying22:06
WolfpupLn/m the last thing i just tried did the trick22:08
WolfpupLi hope22:08
msev_why do I get a "blocked attempt" warning from Google when I try to update mail with xfce mail plugin?22:12
xubuntu35wpb solved after reinstall w/o persistence...22:14
qqqpqHola. Anyone know why my Xubunut w/ i3wm has no problem playing sound in different applications, but Kerbal Space Program has no sound when launched? it works under xfce / xubuntu desktop22:56
qqqpqI spent some time on this problem in Ubuntu and switched over, where it was fixed for a bit. Uninstalling xfce seemed to cause the game to not pick up the audio device any more, but other apps are fine. It's odd.22:58
qqqpqPavucontrol seems to see my device well, but Alsamixer incorrectly reports it S/PDIF instead of HDMI and has no sliding action.23:05
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome23:25
qqqpqI'm having an audio issue. It's great :)23:25
ObrienDaveokay, what kind of audio issue?23:30
qqqpqWhen I remove whatever desktop interface Xubuntu/Ubuntu comes with, like xfce/unity then my games suddenly stop picking up my HDMI device when launched for audio.23:31
qqqpqI'm on it23:36

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