
smoserLinuturk, not really. 13:33
smoserbut you can make the url whatever you want13:33
smoserso http://example.com/foo/$INSTANCE_ID?linturk-says-hello=true13:33
harmwalexpilotti: after booting a Windows2012 image, whats the method to retrieve the administrator passwor?17:48
alexpilottiharmw: nova get-password <vmname> <private-keypair-path>17:48
alexpilottiharmw: you’re welcome!17:50
harmwhehe, and it actually works :)17:51
alexpilottiharmw: :-)17:51
alexpilottiharmw: that’s the only secure way to handle passwords17:52
harmwI can imagine17:52
alexpilottiharmw: all other options require passing clear text passwords in a way or the other17:52
harmwdo you support user-data to configure stuff like timezone?17:53
alexpilottiharmw: userdata as in #cloud-config?17:54
harmwkind of, yes17:54
harmwjust some way of pushing scripts/stuff in to the image at deploymnt-stage17:55
alexpilottiharmw: you can pass a powershell userdata script that can do anything you want, iincluding setting the timezone or17:55
harmwnot as structured (abstract) as cloudinit, but it'll certainly do just fine :)17:56
alexpilottiharmw: alternatively you can use the same cloud-config format used on linux, where we support the non-linux specific features, including timezone17:56
harmwoh, so you do?17:56
alexpilottiharmw: it’s actually funny that you mentioned the timezone17:56
alexpilottiharmw: as that specific bit is currently under review :-) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/166795/17:56
harmwhehe cool17:57
alexpilottiso expect to see it merged in a few days max17:57
smoserharmw, cloud-init 2.0 is windows friendly.19:30
smoserand alexpilootti and company will be helping there.19:30
harmwno point in having 'forks'19:31
harmwwe should be making more noise in regards of fbsd as well some time19:31
smoseryes. and that is a target of 2.0 from the start... so you can be in volved ther e:)19:31
harmw(btw, I'm not saying cloudbase is just some bad fork, its great and even beter to see it will fully merge for 2.0)19:32
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nathanleclaireSo if I just apt-get installed cloud-init on a server and want to try some of the examples just through the CLI, what to do?21:12
nathanleclaireNot through any 3rd party provider / e.g. AWS cli tools21:12
nathanleclaireI just want to know where to put the YAML / scripts and what cloudinit commands to run21:12

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