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JeZxLeewhere is Kubuntu 15.04 64Bit Beta 2 ?01:07
JeZxLeenm, I found it :)01:08
travnewmaticwell i took the plunge01:36
travnewmatici'm on 15.0401:36
travnewmatic(pls update hexchat to use the new window stuff)01:37
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travnewmaticso waiting for everything to look all pretty in KDE 5 is going to be fun02:56
ahoneybuntravnewmatic: it already is :)03:02
jarkkowhat's up04:00
poeeHi, I have a monitor connected to my nvidia graphics card and another connected to my motherboard. can I make both of them work?04:03
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nesciusmy encryption died on both of my notebooks, am i only one who encountered this recently?08:32
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nesciusWTF?! I changed my password few days ago to a new password and then back and the stupid ubuntu shit did not change the encryption string back again08:48
nescius..Also it is fixed, thanks for assistance.. I will bugreport this and will not be pleasant and nice08:49
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alvinI want to link an upstream (KDE) bug in Launchpad, but can't find the right button. Does anyone has an idea?11:08
Riddellalvin: Also affects distribution/package11:14
alvinRiddell: Thanks, but I tried that. The problem is the distribution. What do I choose there? It probably affects all distributions. The bug was visible at the KDE demo booth at Fosdem, and if I'm not mistaken, they used OpenSUSE11:15
alvinLaunchpad says "Bug watches can not be added for Ubuntu, as it uses Launchpad as its official bug tracker. "11:16
Riddellalvin: so link to the kde bug site11:22
alvinRiddell: But that's what I'm trying to do! It's just not clear how to do it. There are 3 attributes: Distribution, Source Package Name and URL. That should be Ubuntu, plasma-desktop and the KDE bug tracker URL. But Launchpad doesn't want to accept for 'Ubuntu'. And 'KDE' is not in that list.11:24
alvinIt's Launchpad bug #1437260 that I'm trying to link to https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33608911:25
ubottuKDE bug 336089 in kcm_fontinst "Font preview - rendering problem" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1437260 in plasma-desktop (Ubuntu) "Plasma5 Font Preview is not visible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143726011:25
Riddellalvin: hmm weird, suddently I don't know11:31
Riddellalvin: I've linked it to a fedora bug on bugs.kde, how weird11:31
Riddellalvin: but we don't tend to track upstream bugs in kubuntu so upstream is the important place11:32
alvinRiddell: Well, thanks anyway. I remember doing this, but it was a long time ago, and Launchpad has evolved. Upstream is fine for me too. I will refrain from using Launchpad for KDE bugs then. But it would be a shame to release Kubuntu with that one.11:34
alvinNow, I can't see how http://www.sansbullshitsans.com/ looks like ;-)11:34
greybackhey folks, I was trying out latest kde on my ubuntu vivid install, but it looks weird: http://imgur.com/mi9tmoN - all the icons are badly scaled up, and some fonts are badly rendered11:58
mparilloalvin: It looks to be added: Remote bug watches     kde-bugs #336089    [UNCONFIRMED]. IIRC, all you need to do is paste the full URL of the KDE bug into the Launchpad bug, and after an hour or two, it automagically shows up in the remote bug watch.11:58
ubottubug 246714 in gtk2 "duplicate for #336089 spatial nautilus windows drift when using compiz" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24671411:58
greybackwould appreciate any ideas. Have dug into menus, DPI unchanged, font sizes are 10-1111:59
alvinmparillo: I see. Well, that's easier than I thought.12:02
soeegreyback: check if you have maybe installed appmenu-qt512:03
greybacksoee: I have. that the culprit??!12:03
soeegreyback: remove it, relogin and give us info if that was the problem12:03
greybacksoee: no change12:05
soeegreyback: did you do fresh install or maybe upgrade from previous version ?12:06
soeegreyback: did you reboot or relogin after this package we talked about was removed ?12:07
greybacksoee: I installed vivid a few months ago. I do unity8 development so it's my test machine - so unity8 is there too. I just now installed kubuntu-desktop and tried logging in, and that's what I see.12:08
greybackit possible unity8 stuff sets some env which screws up kde12:08
soeegreyback: might be12:08
greybacksoee: I'll look into it12:08
soeethis looks more like some DPI issues12:09
greybackaha QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO=2 is set12:09
* greyback didn't set that12:09
greybackno, it appears I did12:10
greybacksoee: sorry, user error12:10
BluesKajHiyas all12:29
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sailorealShall I select "Encrypt my home folder" when I install?13:11
hateballIf you want your home folder to be encrypted13:11
BluesKajsailoreal, why, is your data going to be "sensitive"?13:12
sailorealIs it recommended to select it+13:12
sailorealwell I will skip it13:15
BluesKajsailoreal, if you're a home user then it's probly not necessary to encrypt13:22
sailorealIs it possible to install skins?13:22
sailorealLike this (soee) sent to another user yesterday: http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/26/workspace18.png13:23
BluesKajthere are diffrent schemes and colours etc13:24
sailorealOk how do I install one like this; http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/26/workspace18.png13:24
BluesKajsailoreal, look in kmenu>system-settings>app and appearance13:26
sailorealOk thanks13:26
sailorealWhen I have installed I need to restart, shall I boot to Kubuntu, or boot with the USB?13:26
BluesKajboot to kubuntu, it will be installed, this isn't windows13:28
sailorealso not boot with the USB? (kubuntu usb)13:29
BluesKajno need13:29
sailorealOk, then I have 2 more questions...13:29
sailorealWhen I open KDE partition manager there is a lock beside the kubuntu partitions13:30
fuzzymonkeyI could be wrong.. But i think it's because you can't edit a partition that is mounted (in use)13:30
sailorealBut soee can: http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/26/workspace18.png (no lock)13:31
fuzzymonkeywhat's soee?13:31
sailorealsoee is an IRC user13:32
fuzzymonkeyoh ok13:32
sailorealdo you have a lock beside it fuzzymonkey ?13:32
fuzzymonkeyi'm checking to see if i  have a lock...13:32
sailorealKDE Partition Manager13:33
fuzzymonkeyyes i have locks13:33
sailorealIs it normal?13:33
fuzzymonkeynear all the partitions that are currently mounted13:33
fuzzymonkeyyes i think that's normal13:33
sailorealYou're using 14.10 Plasma 4?13:33
fuzzymonkeyyou can't change a partition that is in use13:33
fuzzymonkeyyup 14.1013:34
fuzzymonkeyplasma 413:34
sailorealok, then one more question13:34
sailorealor two13:34
fuzzymonkeybut my desktop looks different to your desktop (in the picture you sent)13:34
sailorealThats not my desktop13:34
sailorealit's soee's13:34
fuzzymonkeyoh ok13:34
sailoreal1. Is it normal that Kubuntu ask for password when I open KDE Partition Manager?13:34
sailorealOr update the system'13:34
fuzzymonkeytotally normal13:35
fuzzymonkeybecause you are changing important parts of your system13:35
sailorealOk, second question; is 14.10 a LTS version?13:35
fuzzymonkeyyou wouldn't want to casually remove or shrink a partition with important files on it!13:35
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)13:36
sailorealIs it safe to install 14.10 updates? Would it mess up or broke something?13:36
fuzzymonkeyubottu is right13:36
sailorealeven if it isn't LTS13:36
fuzzymonkeyI have 14.10 and encountered no problems13:37
sailorealWhat's the difference between LTS and non-lts?13:37
fuzzymonkeypretty much just stay on 14.04 if you require slightly older versions of software13:37
BluesKajsailoreal, read the post  above13:37
sailorealI just wanna use Konversation and Firefox13:38
sailorealIs 14.10 best then? Or 14.04?13:38
BluesKajthere's no best , 14.10 is the latest , 14.04 is meant for long term workplace typeinstalls13:39
sailorealI'm a beginner, I can't choose13:39
sailorealhelp me choose ;)13:39
rfjaf3thanks for this awesome distro!13:39
rfjaf3sailoreal: what did you prefere? stability or newest features?13:40
sailorealrfjaf3: both13:41
BluesKajsailoreal, 14.10 is solid and stable , 14.04 is LTS but it has some bugs in my experience13:41
sailorealas long as it doesn't mess up or break something, or causes problems13:41
sailorealDoes 14.10 does it?13:41
fuzzymonkeyI have run both versions13:42
fuzzymonkeyBoth are stable (but this is just my personal experience)13:42
rfjaf3sailoreal: i asked for a reason. Then try for most recent features&design the 15.04 daily build. If its too unstable, try 14.10. That should be fuilly stable. If its also too unstable for you, take 14.04 LTS13:42
fuzzymonkeyYes you can just try both13:42
BluesKajsailoreal, we're not here to hold your hand , you can decide from what we've already told you13:42
fuzzymonkeyit's pretty fast to install13:42
sailorealok, and in 14.10, shall I install updates?13:42
fuzzymonkeyYes always install updates13:43
sailorealk thanks!13:43
rfjaf3sailoreal: of course. ALWAYS install upodates. For security reason thats extremey important13:44
sailoreallast thing; why is it a "KDE Plasma Workspace" button when I sign in? (clickable)13:44
sailorealrfjaf3: just when it asks or regualrly do sudo apt-get updates13:44
fuzzymonkeyYou mean the little blue icon that appears on the panel?13:45
sailorealthe button13:45
sailorealunder the password field13:45
fuzzymonkeyOh you're talking about login - sorry my brain is fuzzy13:45
fuzzymonkey"KDE Plasma Workspace" i think is just telling you what graphical environment you are going to use13:46
fuzzymonkeyKDE Plasma is the default for Kubuntu.. you could install others if you want.13:46
sailorealOk, shall I regularly do sudo apt-get updates?13:46
rfjaf3sailoreal: yes13:47
rfjaf3but normaly the build in updater is already doing that for you13:47
sailorealYou know the text on the upper side of the kubuntu start menu? The whole username and computer name is not displayed. is it normal? does it matter?13:48
fuzzymonkeyrfjaf3 - the built in updater is only giving a notification.. and not automatically installing the updates, right?13:48
rfjaf3fuzzymonkey: yes. Its not windows :p13:48
fuzzymonkeyrfjaf3: Cool. Been using Kubuntu for years and was worried that i somehow had it configured weirdly.13:49
sailorealYou know the text on the upper side of the kubuntu start menu? The whole username and computer name is not displayed. is it normal? does it matter? fuzzymonkey13:49
fuzzymonkeyon my computer that information displays on the bottom of the kickoff menu (start menu)13:50
sailorealon my, it's on the upper side13:51
fuzzymonkeyMaybe i changed some setting and forgot about it13:51
sailoreal"Name (username) on computer-name"13:51
fuzzymonkeyor maybe i  have a different version of KDE Plasma13:51
sailorealIs it normal that the whole text isn't displayed?13:51
sailorealDoes it matter?13:51
fuzzymonkeyNah i don't think so13:51
sailorealwhat don't you think? Isn't it normal?13:52
fuzzymonkeyLol sorry, i wasn't clear. I meant that i don't think it matters.13:52
sailorealOk is it normal?13:52
fuzzymonkeyI have 3 machines running Kubuntu + my wifes laptop13:53
fuzzymonkeythey all appear the way i described (bottom of kickoff menu)13:53
fuzzymonkeywith the full computer name13:53
fuzzymonkeysooo i guess it's not normal13:53
fuzzymonkeydo this:13:53
fuzzymonkeyopen a terminal13:53
fuzzymonkeytype hostname and hit enter13:54
fuzzymonkeydoes it show the correct computer name?13:54
sailoreallemme check13:54
sailorealyes it does13:54
sailorealbut it's a long name13:54
sailoreal"abcdefghijog-computer" abcd... = my name13:55
fuzzymonkeywell... that's your computer name13:55
sailorealand it does not displays the whole computer name13:56
sailorealis it normal?13:56
BluesKajsailoreal, you can change it in /etc/hostname13:56
fuzzymonkeynot displayed in terminal or not displayed in kickoff menu (start menu)?13:56
sailorealI dont want to change my computer name13:56
sailorealkickoff menu, fuzzymonkey13:56
fuzzymonkeymaybe the name is too long to fit??13:56
sailorealis it normal then?13:56
fuzzymonkeywell.. yes13:57
sailorealwould you recommend me to change?13:57
fuzzymonkeyit's fine13:57
sailorealOk the LAST question now13:57
fuzzymonkeyif the name of the computer is important, then the system will use the correct full name that you saw with the hostname command13:57
sailorealyou mean I will see the full name when I do "hostname"?13:58
fuzzymonkey(btw sorry earlier i was incorrect, my wifes computer shows user name + computer name at the top of the kickoff menu.. like your computer)13:58
sailorealyou mean I will see the full name when I do "hostname"?13:58
fuzzymonkeyas far as i know13:59
fuzzymonkeythat is the name of your computer13:59
sailorealCause I do, but not in kickoff menu13:59
fuzzymonkeyin its entirety13:59
sailorealso its normal that it doesn't fit in the kickoff menu?13:59
fuzzymonkeyit's only normal if the name is really long.. I guess you have a really long computer name14:00
BluesKajsailoreal, did you choose a name for your pc during the instalkl or did you go with the default suggested in the pc name field?14:00
BluesKajerr install14:00
sailorealI choose a name when I installed14:00
BluesKajthen that's the name that will show in the terminal prompt14:01
sailorealYes, but it is too long for the kickoff menu...14:01
sailorealthats normal?14:01
sailoreal"noahhedlund on noahhed"14:02
sailorealwhen it should be "noahhedlund on noahhedlund-computer"14:02
sailorealis it normal, BluesKaj ?14:02
fuzzymonkeysailoreal i wouldn't worry about "normal" Kubuntu and Linux based operating systems in general are usually about customising and individualising to some degree. If the name doesn't fit fully in the kickoff menu.. then that's how it is on your PC14:02
BluesKajthen change it in /etc/hostname , alt+F2, kdesudo kate/etc/hostname14:03
BluesKajthen save the fiel after making the cjange14:03
sailorealdo I need to change it? or is it normal that it doesn't fit?14:03
fuzzymonkeyOr just change it like BluesKaj said14:03
sailorealfuzzymonkey: I worry about that xD14:03
fuzzymonkeysailoreal.. don't worry! :)14:03
BluesKajthat's trivial, don't worry about it14:04
fuzzymonkeynothing will go wrong because the name can't fit in the kickoff menu14:04
fuzzymonkeyif something goes wrong.. there will be some other reason14:04
sailorealbut do you think it's normal? xD14:04
fuzzymonkeybyte rfjaf314:04
BluesKajyes it'14:04
sailorealThanks. One LAST thing as said14:04
fuzzymonkeysailoreal why do you care what we think?14:04
fuzzymonkeyIt's your computer14:05
fuzzymonkeydo what you want14:05
fuzzymonkeyi mean.. unless it's broken. of course in that case you could ask for help/advice... that's what i do.14:05
=== christian_ is now known as cgonzalez
sailorealone more ´thing: any ideas what skin this is? http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/26/workspace18.png14:06
fuzzymonkeyIt looks cool14:06
sailorealyeah ;D14:06
fuzzymonkeyIs that Plasma 5??14:06
sailorealIt's soee's pic14:06
sailorealI'm using Plasma 414:07
sailorealI want to get it, or a similar14:08
fuzzymonkeywell you could at least get different themes for plasma 4.. maybe some style that you like14:08
fuzzymonkeyas far as i know plasma 5 is still pretty cutting edge14:08
fuzzymonkeyso that means lots of fancy features.. but not 100% stable14:08
sailorealI don't want to use a tech preview...14:09
sailorealanyway is there any similar ones for plasma 4?14:09
fuzzymonkeyfrom the website... Plasma 514:09
fuzzymonkeyThis is the first release of Kubuntu with the next generation of desktop from KDE, Plasma 5. It has plenty of known bugs and missing features, see below, but also plenty of lovely new features. The Plasma 5.0 release announcement has more information.14:09
sailorealanyway is there any similar ones for plasma 4?14:10
fuzzymonkeyi don't know14:10
fuzzymonkeyhave a look14:10
fuzzymonkeyin system settings go to "Desktop Theme"14:10
fuzzymonkeyand then there's a button to download more themes14:11
sailorealoh no...14:11
sailorealsomething happened14:11
fuzzymonkeysystem settings > workspace appearance > desktop theme > get new decorations14:11
fuzzymonkey?? what happened14:12
sailorealthe brightness is super dark!!!!!!!14:12
sailorealcan't adjust it14:12
fuzzymonkeyare you on a laptop?14:12
sailorealI didn't do anything14:12
fuzzymonkeythat happened to me a few times14:12
fuzzymonkeyso weird14:12
sailorealHow do I fix it?14:12
fuzzymonkeyso the buttons don't work for brightness adjustment?14:12
sailorealit's not the first time14:12
fuzzymonkeygive me a second...14:12
fuzzymonkeygo to system settings > power management14:13
fuzzymonkeyin there do you see a slider for adjusting brightness?14:13
cgonzalezhello kubunters :)14:14
cgonzalezi've just installed kubuntu 15.04 beta214:14
fuzzymonkeyhey cgonzalez14:14
cgonzalezplasma5 is gorgeous!!14:14
fuzzymonkeyoooo i'm jealous!14:14
fuzzymonkeyAny stability issues?14:14
cgonzalezbut i have a problem with the digital clock applet14:14
sailorealfuzzymonkey: yes and it's 100%14:14
cgonzalezstability is good14:14
cgonzalezalmost no crashes so far14:15
fuzzymonkeysailoreal, move the slider down.. hit apply, then move it back up, hit apply again.14:15
sailorealfuzzymonkey: didn't work14:15
cgonzalezbut digital clock shows the time with 1 hour of diference14:15
sailorealthis happens pretty often, tired of it14:15
cgonzalezi've changed settings in systemsettings14:16
cgonzalezi've changed time in my BIOS14:16
sailorealno way to fix it ?14:16
cgonzalezi've changed timezone14:16
cgonzalezi've enabled and disabled ntp14:16
fuzzymonkeycgonzales... i don't have plasma 5, but try this14:16
fuzzymonkeyright click the clock, click digital clock settings.. then from in there make sure to set the correct time and timezone.14:17
fuzzymonkeyi think those settings could be different to the main system clock for Kubuntu14:17
fuzzymonkeyOR perhaps there is a bug that the KDE team are working on14:17
cgonzalezfuzzymonkey: i've tried that already14:18
sailorealI'm tired of the dark brightness thing14:18
cgonzalezi've used my local timezone and utc-314:18
cgonzaleznothing works :(14:18
cgonzalezi'm almost sure that this is a bug14:18
fuzzymonkeysailoreal there is ALWAYS a way to fix. It might take a bit of googling or digging in the settings.14:18
cgonzalezmy workaround for now is to set timezone as utc-214:19
cgonzalezbut the widget shows the timezone uder the actual time14:19
cgonzalezso it's not prety14:19
sailorealfuzzymonkey: maybe I need to use the "air for netbooks" desktop theme?14:19
fuzzymonkeywaaaiit.. this whole time... was the screen brightness really low.. or was it just a theme with dark colours?14:20
sailorealwould that help?14:20
sailorealCoz I have a laptop/notebook14:20
sailorealit was default theme14:20
sailorealdark screen14:20
fuzzymonkeyso the display is still dark for any theme you select?14:21
sailorealI have restarted the computer and it's fixed, but it will happen again if I leave it for some minutes14:22
sailorealIt happens SO often!!14:22
fuzzymonkeyI think that's a power saver setting. But it should get bright again as soon as you touch the keyboard or trackpad.14:22
sailorealit doesn't14:23
fuzzymonkeywell then that part is broken14:23
fuzzymonkeyis your laptop a particularly new one?14:23
BluesKajcheck powersettings in system settings14:23
fuzzymonkeysometimes really old laptops (and a couple of old ones) don't have 100% support in linux... in that case you would need to tweak or install a couple of things14:23
sailorealon my computer, or the Kubuntu release?14:24
fuzzymonkeysometimes really new* laptops (and a couple of old ones) don't have 100% support in linux... in that case you would need to tweak or install a couple of things14:24
sailorealwell, it's one year old14:24
fuzzymonkeyalso yes, double check power settings for anythign to do with backlight brightness or auto-dimming14:24
sailorealHP EliteBook 2570p Base Model14:24
sailorealis my computer broken, or the Kubuntu release?14:25
fuzzymonkeyNeither is "broken" it's just that Kubuntu isn't working 100% on your laptop and might need to be tweaked a little bit14:26
sailorealbtw I don14:26
sailorealbtw, I don't have KPackageKit on my Kubuntu14:26
fuzzymonkeyremember the developers might have ever seen a HP EliteBook 2570p! So it's not surprise that only 99% of thinks work.. and not 100%14:26
fuzzymonkeywhat is KPackageKit?14:27
sailorealshall it be included? (it's an installation program), do you have it?14:27
cgonzalezfuzzymonkey: KPackageKit is now called Apper14:27
cgonzalezbut Kubuntu defaults to Muon14:27
cgonzalezas the official package manager14:28
sailorealoh so how do I install Konversation?14:28
fuzzymonkeyohhh it's a package manager14:28
fuzzymonkeywell i liek muon14:28
cgonzalezuse Muon14:28
fuzzymonkeysailoreal.. not i do not have Apper(KPackageKit) but go ahead and install it if you want it14:29
sailorealI will use Muon¨14:29
fuzzymonkeyThat's fine14:29
fuzzymonkeyEither one is probaly good14:29
sailorealanyway what do you mean by tweaking?14:29
sailorealfor my laptop14:29
fuzzymonkeyPersonally i use "Software Center" and "muon". Both of them will download software/packages from the same place.. but "Software Center" kinda looks a bit more like an app store.. maybe that's better for new guys14:30
fuzzymonkeybut there is no harm for you to use either of those14:30
fuzzymonkeyor even KPackageKit if you want14:31
sailorealfuzzymonkey: Muon is the only Software Center I have installed14:31
sailorealAnd Muon looks like an app store14:31
sailorealMuon Discover14:31
fuzzymonkeytweaking.. it just means to make changes to your system so that it works better.. and the way you want it to.14:32
sailorealOk how?14:32
cgonzalezsailoreal: Muon and Muon Discover are differents apps14:32
cgonzaleztry this: sudo apt-get install muon && muon14:32
sailorealI dont have Muon...14:32
fuzzymonkeyah yes!14:32
fuzzymonkeysorry to be confusing14:32
sailorealSo I can't use Muon Discover?14:32
cgonzalezyou can use both14:32
fuzzymonkeyMuon Discover.. i accidently called it "Software Center"14:32
cgonzalezunder the hood, both uses apt-get14:33
fuzzymonkeyyes you can use both.. that's what i do14:33
sailorealIs Muon Discover the official and recommended way?14:33
cgonzalezi think it's more a personal preference14:33
fuzzymonkeythe recommended way is whatever sailoreal likes14:33
sailorealBut it will install it the same way?14:33
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sailorealHow do I tweak fuzzymonkey ?14:34
fuzzymonkeythey will both run the apt-get commands behind the scenes14:34
fuzzymonkey"tweak" is just a term that i use14:34
sailorealok how do I do it?14:34
fuzzymonkeywell.. by tweaking i just mean changing settings so that your computer runs better.. or jsut he way you like it14:35
fuzzymonkeydo it could be anything14:35
fuzzymonkeymaybe you edit the fstab file so the hard drive performs better14:35
sailorealHow do I fix the dark screen thing?14:35
fuzzymonkeyor maybe you change power settings so your battery lasts longer14:35
fuzzymonkeyor maybe you edit thunderbird configuration file so that it uses less memory14:35
fuzzymonkeyin the case of your dark screen thing14:35
fuzzymonkeygoogle can be helpful14:36
cgonzalezsailoreal: perhaps i'm late at this conversation, but do you have an nVidia video card?14:36
fuzzymonkeysearch for something like "Linux HP(model-of-your-laptop) backlight too dark"14:36
fuzzymonkeyoff the top of my head i don't know how to adjust brightness if they keys are not working + can't change in power management settings14:37
fuzzymonkeyperhaps there is a driver you can install.. or maybe a command you can run14:37
fuzzymonkeyactually.. open the kickoff menu.. and search for a program called "driver manager"14:38
cgonzalezi have a laptop with an nVidia video card and the bright control doesn't works out of the box14:38
sailorealcgonzalez: Think so14:38
cgonzalezi need to tweak my xorg.conf file14:38
sailorealcgonzalez: do you know how to fix it ?14:39
cgonzaleztry this:14:39
cgonzalezsudo nvidia-xconfig14:39
cgonzalezthis will create a new xorg.conf file14:40
cgonzalezthen run this:14:40
sailoreal"command not found"14:40
sailorealI dont have any installed drivers14:40
cgonzalezouch, then you need to install the nvidia driver first14:40
fuzzymonkeysailoreal.. have you found the "Driver Manager" program?14:40
fuzzymonkeyDoes it show anything for you nvidia card?14:41
sailorealno drivers14:41
cgonzalezsailoreal: run "lspci" from a Konsole14:41
fuzzymonkeywhat happens when you run this command? lspci | grep VGA14:41
fuzzymonkeydoes it show what graphics chip you have?14:42
sailorealIt says "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)"14:43
fuzzymonkeyohhh it seems like you have an intel card.. not an nvidia card14:43
fuzzymonkeyso that means cgonzalez solution wont work in your case14:44
sailorealhow do I fix it then?14:44
fuzzymonkeynaahh don't be sad14:44
fuzzymonkeydid you try just googling?14:44
fuzzymonkeyoh hey i found this14:45
sailorealIm using 2570p14:46
fuzzymonkeyi can't remember your exact model number.. but even if the model is similar, then the solution could still work14:46
fuzzymonkeyit says "You need to have a HAL FDI database including thi.... blah blah"14:47
fuzzymonkeythe fuck is a HAL FDI database?14:47
fuzzymonkeymore googling...14:47
cgonzalezyou need to add "acpi_backlight=vendor"14:48
cgonzalezto your grub14:48
sailorealBut it should work to move the pointer/mouse?14:48
fuzzymonkeycgonzalez that sounds like it will work!14:48
sailorealThnnx btw14:48
fuzzymonkeysailoreal.. lets try the solution and see what happens14:49
sailorealI'm using 2570p..14:49
fuzzymonkeytry it anyway14:49
fuzzymonkeyyou can't do much harm unless you completely mess up your grub file14:50
sailorealis it normal that it ask for password when I use sudo?14:50
fuzzymonkeyagain because you are changing an important part of your system14:50
fuzzymonkeythe grub file controls how Linux/Kubuntu will be loaded14:51
sailorealShall I use "write" key to save?14:51
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fuzzymonkeyi think thats ctrl+O14:52
fuzzymonkeythen sudo update-grub and reboot14:53
fuzzymonkeyalso wait for the command to finish completely.. i've seen one guy reboot before the command was done!14:53
sailorealit said "done"14:53
fuzzymonkeywell i guess you can reboot14:54
sailorealnow we just have to wait14:54
sailorealfor it to be dark14:54
fuzzymonkeywell don't bother waiting14:55
fuzzymonkeysee if you can adjust the brightness lower/higher with the buttons14:55
sailorealYep, I  can!14:55
fuzzymonkeyWhen i figure out how to fix things on my laptop i like to safe the webpage so i can go back14:56
fuzzymonkeyWhen i figure out how to fix things on my laptop i like to save* the webpage so i can go back14:56
sailorealIs there anything else I need to change?14:56
fuzzymonkeyfor your brightness problem?14:57
sailorealno, anything14:58
fuzzymonkeyYou mean like... If it were windows you should have antivirus.. that sort of thing?14:58
sailorealNo, something with buttons, or like the antivirus thing you said14:59
sailorealor grub file etc.14:59
fuzzymonkeywell the only thing you NEED to do is keep your software up to date14:59
fuzzymonkeyeverything else is mostly personal preference15:00
sailorealI mean like the thing I just did...15:00
sailorealchanged grub file15:00
fuzzymonkeywell that change was specifically for you (and other people with HP Elitebooks)15:00
fuzzymonkeyIf you have no other problems.. then there's nothing else you need to do15:01
fuzzymonkeyyou can just go ahead and use your laptop15:01
sailorealantivirus? Is that recommended?15:01
fuzzymonkeynot really15:01
fuzzymonkeyhonestly you don't need it15:02
fuzzymonkeyjust like iphones don't need it15:02
fuzzymonkeythe best way to stay safe from malware on linux is to follow these rules15:02
fuzzymonkey1. keep your software up to date15:02
sailoreallast thing; do you know a fine plasma 4 kde kubuntu theme?15:02
sailorealcontinue ;)15:02
fuzzymonkey2. only install software from the official repositories (the stuff you normall find in muon!)15:03
sailorealmuon discover you mean?15:03
fuzzymonkeymuon.. or muon discover.. it's all the same thing15:03
BluesKajsailoreal, click on get themes in app appearance, you'll see numerous choices ...decide for yourself15:04
fuzzymonkeyAlso.. ofcourse with Linux/Kubuntu you are free to install stuff from anywhere you like! So if you find a PPA (a way to get software from other places) then it's up to your judgement to decide if it's safe or not15:04
sailorealthanks everyone!15:05
fuzzymonkeyno problemo :)15:05
cgonzaleznow i need to reboot15:06
cgonzalezso good bye :)15:06
fuzzymonkeyi'm going to sleep!15:06
cgonzalezi think i'll come here more often from now15:07
fuzzymonkeyhah yeah it's fun15:07
sailorealOh no15:09
sailorealIt's not solved15:09
sailorealCan you answer 2 questions?15:13
fannymartinezi just changed my root password in recovery mode.. how do i sync with my desktop..15:26
fannymartinezwhen i try to install something on the desktop says my password is incorrect. but it works via commandline15:27
geniifannymartinez: It won't take effect until you do a logoff-logon cycle15:28
fannymartinezgenii: i was out in recovery mode. and rebooted then logged in do i need to reboot again?15:29
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:30
geniifannymartinez: Hang on, you said root password... root login is disabled in *buntu15:30
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:30
fannymartinezgenii: then how do i install packages? i can do su - in commandline what about on desktop?15:31
lordievaderfannymartinez: sudo apt-get <command>15:31
fannymartinezfor example im trying to install the default wallpapers on kubuntu.. asking for authentication what do i do there15:32
lordievaderfannymartinez: Your user password.15:33
geniifannymartinez: The first user created on install has admin rights by default and can use sudo15:34
geniiAll subsequent users do not have admin rights.15:34
fannymartinezgenii, lordievader: damn... i always used root didnt think to use the user password15:34
fannymartinezthank you!15:35
lordievader!cookies | genii15:35
ubottugenii: Cookies are delicious delicacies.15:35
* genii munches!15:35
fannymartinezanyone have opinions on desktop raid?15:38
fannymartinezi have 3 drives all 1TB15:38
lordievaderfannymartinez: I have just finished setting up an lvm raid.15:39
lordievaderLVM is rather neat.15:39
fannymartinezanyway to setup raid post install.. sorry if its a dumb question15:39
lordievaderfannymartinez: With LVM you can define per logical volume what you want. A Raid 0, 1, etc.15:40
fannymartinezi want to do a performance boost.. already have an external drive for backup.. so was thinking raid 015:40
fannymartinezlordievader: so where can i get instructions on setting up raid 0?15:42
geniiEw raid015:42
lordievaderfannymartinez: In LVM? https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/LVM#Striping_.28RAID0.2915:42
fannymartinezwell im looking for the simplest option15:43
lordievaderLVM is flexible.15:44
rberg_yeah 2 disk raid 0 doubles the chance losing data :( and personally I stick to the tried and true md raid15:44
* rberg_ only likes lvm when using FDE15:45
rberg_I run 2 ssds in raid 1 on a desktop (I dont trust ssds at all)15:46
fannymartinezanyway to setup raid post install? all this seems like i have to reinstall..15:47
lordievaderfannymartinez: For raid0, yes.15:47
rberg_for a OS its easiest to reinstall.. (very manual to do it otherwise)15:47
lordievaderYou can convert an existing install to raid1 though.15:47
fannymartinezi dont really want to reinstall at this point so how do i go about setting up raid 115:49
fannymartinezalthough i dont recall a simple way to do raid 0 during install either15:49
lordievaderfannymartinez: https://www.debian-administration.org/article/238/Migrating_To_RAID1_Mirror_on_Sarge15:50
sailorealCan I just remove the Kubuntu partition if I want to uninstall Kubuntu?16:27
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lordievadersailoreal: If you switch to Windows you should also let Windows repair the bootloader.16:28
sailorealI wanna try Fedora instead... then? how?16:29
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lordievadersailoreal: Install Fedora. They both use Grub.16:30
sailorealBut I need to format the partitions?16:32
sailorealWill that be enough?16:32
sailorealTo uninstall Kubuntu?16:32
BluesKajsailoreal, KDE is the same on Fedora as it is on Kubuntu for desktop themes and colours etc16:32
lordievadersailoreal: Yes.16:32
BluesKajsailoreal, , check out , kde-look.org16:34
NiceGuestHey :)16:34
NiceGuestIf i install the beta 2 image of kubuntu can i simply upgrade when it leaves beta? or do i have todo a new install?16:35
BluesKajNiceGuest, upgrade and dist-upgrade should take care of that, yes16:36
NiceGuestBluesKaj: Thank you :)16:36
NiceGuestIs beta 2 ready for dayli use?16:36
BluesKajfor adventurous home users NiceGuest , but not a workplace pc16:37
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travnewmaticwell how is everyone doing today?16:47
BluesKajfine here , and you travnewmatic?16:47
travnewmaticBluesKaj, swell16:48
travnewmaticpast few days have been a whirlwind of KDE installation16:48
travnewmaticfirst with trusty, then up to vivid, and currently back on utoptic16:48
BluesKajright, I have utopic and vivid on separate hdds16:50
travnewmaticyeah this is my work lappy16:51
yossarianuk<<< moved work and home desktops to 15.04 now...16:51
travnewmaticyossarianuk, well aren't you baller16:51
travnewmatici'd be fine except pidgin and hexchat dont have their sexy new KDE 5 clothes16:53
travnewmatici'm just looking forward to KDE 5 getting to the maturity of KDE 416:55
BluesKajtravnewmatic, that's gonna take a while16:57
travnewmaticyeah i'm a teensy bit concerned about how put-together vivid is going to be in.. a month from now?16:58
yossarianuktravnewmatic: seems stable now really - lack of weather widget is a negative....16:59
BluesKajkde5 doesn't exist as a DE yet16:59
yossarianukkwin is faster for sure16:59
Walextravnewmatic: non-LTS releases are supposed to be "experimental"...16:59
travnewmaticsorry had to restart17:06
travnewmaticand yes i suppose that is true17:06
MoonUnit`shame the tray calendar isn't linked to korganizer in plasma517:07
travnewmaticthat sounds like a bug17:08
MoonUnit`there is plasma-widget-googlecalendar but i get "Depends: plasma-scriptengine-python  but it is not installable"17:13
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PetSoundsHi. why KThesaurus is no longer available in 14.04?18:11
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PiciPetSounds: Looks like Calligra stopped shipping it in its suite.18:17
PiciPetSounds: artha looks like it has similar features, and is in the repositories (but uses gtk), for a qt flavored thing goldendict with goldendict-wordnet looks like it might suffice.18:19
Piciartha: http://artha.sourceforge.net/wiki/images/c/cf/Screen_antonyms.png18:20
Picigoldendict: http://goldendict.org/screenshots.php?show=wordnet#pic18:20
PetSoundsPici: ahh i never realized that it was part of Calligra suite, i used to have KThesaurus installed without Calligra. As for Artha i have it installed but it shows different results from KThesaurus, although both may use the same dictionary. Thanks anyway for your suggestions.18:23
PiciPetSounds: np.18:23
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Cameronhi, noob here, wanting to install kubuntu 14.10 on my laptop, dual boot with current windows 7 installation. Is anyone available to answer a few questions please?19:25
travnewmaticwhatcha got19:26
travnewmaticthats actually my setup at the moment19:26
travnewmaticCameron, what are you doing on my computer19:26
lordievaderCameron: Ask your questions ;)19:27
travnewmaticCameron, we want to heeeeeeelllllpppp19:28
Cameronlol thanks all19:28
Cameronokay first question is about partition setup and where to install the boot loader19:28
lordievaderCameron: Do you have multiple disks?19:28
Cameroni shrank the windows partition and have 100 GB unallocated space now19:29
Cameronno lordievader, only one hdd19:29
Cameronso first question is what is the ideal partition setup i should use?19:29
travnewmaticwith regards to the bootloader, i too only have one drive, for me i set it to sda19:30
travnewmatici recommend / /home swap and /boot19:30
lordievaderCameron: Then install the bootloader to that disk.19:30
Camerontrav: how to much space to each?19:30
lordievaderCameron: If you are somewhat adventurous, I'd recommend LVM.19:31
CameronLord: to which sda to install the bootoader? the partitions start at sda419:31
Cameronwhat is LVM?19:31
lordievaderCameron: The bootloader is installed to a disk, not a partition.19:31
lordievaderLVM stands for Logical Volume Manager, it allows for a more dynamic partitioning of your disk.19:32
travnewmaticlogical volume manager19:32
Cameronok, let me get caught up to the partition screen in the installation and then check back in a few minutes so that i can ben looking at what you are describing. thanks!!19:32
travnewmaticyeah, ubuntu really needs to have a "use free space and set up my partitions automatically" option like fedora does19:32
lordievaderFor example if my / or /home is running out of disk space I can add some more disk space live.19:32
travnewmatici'll show you what my layout looks like19:33
lordievadertravnewmatic: It has that option.19:33
Camerontrav: no kidding! I saw a vid where ubuntu 14 does this but the kubuntu does not :/19:33
travnewmaticfrom what i recall it has use entire drive, use entire drive with LVM, and use entire drive and set up encrypted lvm, and set up partitions manually19:33
Cameronyes correct19:34
travnewmatictotal disk allocated to linux in my case is 500gb (half a tb hdd)19:34
lordievaderCameron: With tab you can autocomplete someone's nick ;)19:34
travnewmaticroot (/) is 50gb19:35
Cameronlordievader: cool!19:35
travnewmatichome (/home) is 400gb19:35
travnewmaticswap is 3gb19:35
Camerontravnewmatic:  I only have 100gb available19:35
travnewmatici know, just scale accordingly19:35
travnewmaticboot (/boot) is 500mb19:36
travnewmaticare you familiar at all with what any of those locations do?19:36
travnewmatici can esplain19:36
lordievaderA separate /boot is not necessary, unless you do complex stuff.19:36
Camerontravnewmatic: nope!19:36
travnewmaticlordievader, it is in my case because you cant have /boot in an lvm volume group19:37
travnewmaticCameron, alright19:37
Cameronsorry i am taking so long to get ready, i am running a memory test from the kubuntu install flash drive i made, to make sure everything is ok19:37
lordievadertravnewmatic: Supposedly grub can boot from an lvm volume. But indeed with lvm having a /boot on a regular partition is easier.19:38
travnewmaticso, / is where all of your system and apps and everything is going to go, kinda like C: and Program files and all that19:38
travnewmatic /home is the functional equivalent of Users on windows19:38
Camerontravnewmatic: ok then what is /home?19:38
Cameronjinx lol19:38
travnewmaticits where your home directory will be (eg "Cameron")19:38
travnewmatic /boot is where the intial boot files are stored that get used by the bootloader19:39
Cameronanyone know how many tests the memory test runs? i am on #8 and it has been 68 minutes19:39
travnewmaticthe kernel images and whatnot (as i understand it19:39
travnewmatici think you're fine19:40
Cameronok i will stop it19:40
travnewmatici think it just runs forever if you dont stop it19:40
travnewmaticswap is virtual memory in linux land19:40
travnewmaticaka page files in windows19:41
travnewmaticits space on the hard drive that can get used like RAM in case you run out of psysical ram19:41
Camerontravnewmatic: ah ok19:41
Cameronok starting install19:41
travnewmatici think in my case the fedora installer saw that my laptop had 3gb of physical ram and used that as a basis for how much space to allot to swap19:42
travnewmaticyou could have all your shit rolled up into one / partition19:42
travnewmatichell you could even forgo the swap altogether and have everything in just one partition19:42
travnewmaticthat being /19:42
travnewmatichowever, as is typically the case during automatic partition by the various linux installers19:43
lordievaderCameron: How much RAM does your system have?19:43
Cameron4gb ddr319:43
lordievaderHmm, I'd add at least some swap.19:43
travnewmaticthe "norm" that i've seen is at least / and swap, with options for / /home and swap, and then everything each in their own partition19:43
lordievaderDepending on usage ofcourse.19:44
lordievaderCameron: Do you plan to use the hibernation feature?19:44
travnewmaticyeah use swap19:44
travnewmaticTHE POINT IS i would suggest a separate home partitions becaaaause19:44
travnewmaticsince system files are kept separate from your personal files19:45
lordievaderIt also makes reinstalling easier ;)19:45
travnewmaticyou can format your system partition, reinstall the os, and leave the /home partition untouched, thereby leaving whatever music documents whatever intact19:45
travnewmatic(system partition = /)19:45
lordievaderOr have multiple OSes use the same /home.19:45
travnewmaticthats a good point lordievader19:46
Cameronlordievader: not likely. mostly just standby when lid closed19:46
travnewmatici've never tried that but it sounds interesting19:46
travnewmaticCameron, just make 4gb of swap19:46
travnewmaticit sounds like this isnt really your primary paritition anyway, so i dont think you'll be really wanting for disk space19:47
travnewmaticalso, its super easy to browse your windows partition from within kubuntu (or any 'buntu i suspect)19:47
travnewmaticso you can transfer files and access whatever you've already got on the other side of the fence19:47
Camerontravnewmatic: nope not primary, just want to get familiar again then decide if i want to switch laptop to kubuntu as primary19:47
Cameronok i am disk setup screen19:48
travnewmaticwell having the ability to access your files from windows makes the process a little less traumatic i think19:48
Cameronoptions are 1) guided-use entire disk 2)guided-use entire disk and setp lvm 3) same as 2 with encrypted lvm 4) manual19:49
Cameroni choose #4 correct?19:49
travnewmatic4gb swap19:51
Cameronok now am on 'prepare partitions' step19:51
travnewmaticmake sure you dont do anything with ntfw19:52
Cameroni select the free space line and hit add, right?19:52
travnewmaticorder doesnt matter19:52
Cameronthanks. so first thing i add is 100 mb boot, right?19:52
Cameroni read order matters?19:52
travnewmaticnaw, order doesnt matter19:52
travnewmatici think some people are ocd about it, but functionally it doesnt make a difference19:53
Cameronalso do i choose primary or logical as partition type?19:53
travnewmaticsomeone else want to weigh in on this one?19:53
travnewmaticboot should be primary19:53
travnewmatici think19:53
travnewmaticthe other ones can be logical19:54
lordievaderCameron: How many primaries do you have already?19:54
travnewmaticyeah you can only have a limited number of primary's but you can have an unlimited number of logicals19:54
Cameronlordievader: /dev/sda1 is 123 mb ntfs and /dev/sda2 is 200gb ntfs19:54
Cameronlordievader: so i guess i am not sure how to answer19:55
lordievaderSo two ;)19:55
lordievaderMake /boot primary, rest logical.19:55
travnewmaticbut does that indicate whether or not they are primary or logical?19:55
travnewmatic^waht he said19:55
travnewmatichow would logical partitions look in the sd* naming scheme19:56
* BluesKaj wonders why /boot is even needed19:56
Cameronok so now have /sda3 /boot primary ext4 100mb. next?19:57
lordievadertravnewmatic: The same.19:57
travnewmatici'd make boot bigger19:57
Cameronnext is /?19:57
lordievaderIn this case /boot isn't neccessary.19:57
Camerongoal is dual boot with win719:57
lordievaderAnd 100mb is really tiny.19:58
travnewmaticjust to give you some idea19:58
travnewmaticthis is my /boot19:58
Cameronlol personally idc so what ever you recommend is what i will do :)19:58
travnewmaticsize: 477M    used: 86M    avail: 362M    20%    /boot19:58
Cameronshould i get rid of /boot or make it bigger?19:59
travnewmaticmake 4gb of swap19:59
lordievaderCameron: Actually, get rid of it and make it /19:59
travnewmaticmake 30gb of / ext419:59
travnewmaticand make the rest /home19:59
travnewmaticthat's what i'd do19:59
Cameronok so 30gb / logical  |     66gb /home logical   |    4gb swap         correct?20:00
travnewmaticwith all of my apps and then some installed  size:50G  used:6.6G   avail:41G  use:14% /20:01
travnewmaticthat looks peachy20:01
travnewmaticwhat kind of laptop do you have20:01
travnewmaticbut as for right now, that partitioning scheme looks spot on20:02
travnewmaticthe reason i asked about your laptop is because of wireless, i have an issue with mine where the ubuntu selected drivers fuck up my wireless and i need to hand pick them for things to work right20:03
Camerontravnewmatic: dell latitude e641020:04
Camerontravnewmatic: wireless connected quickly in prior setup step20:04
lordievadertravnewmatic: Please watch your language.20:04
travnewmaticand alrighty20:05
travnewmaticthen you should be fine20:05
travnewmatici was having issues with the open broadcom drivers20:06
Cameronok last part on this step. "device for bootloader installation" ?20:06
travnewmaticjust sda by itself20:06
Camerontravnewmatic: so the first option listed? /dev/sda?20:06
Cameronalright, started!20:07
lordievaderCameron: Good luck ;)20:08
Cameronlol thanks!20:08
travnewmatici've had my eye on that laptop for a bit20:08
travnewmatici'm using a donated from a friend Dell D62020:08
travnewmaticand 14.10 is quite responsive20:08
travnewmaticso you should be blazing with yours20:09
Cameronit is sitting on 33% for a while now. "creating ext4 file system for / in partition #5 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda)20:09
travnewmaticjust out of curiosity, have you installed linux before?20:10
Camerontravnewmatic: i sure hope so. was getting annoyed with how sluggish it wold get and windows explorer keeps restarting. something is defo wrong with the windows side20:10
sailorealwhen I install updates it says "unknown state"20:10
lordievadersailoreal: Could you pastebin the full output?20:10
sailorealwrong channel xD20:10
Camerontravnewmatic: yes but was 7+ years ago20:10
Cameronstill on 33%. is that normal?20:10
travnewmaticCameron, yeah thats odd, i've been fortunate to have my windows install behave fairly well20:11
travnewmaticwell i hope you like KDE, i know i'm definitely a KDE convert (or should that be konvert...)20:12
travnewmaticKDE 5 is shaping up to be pretty sexy as well20:12
Camerontravnewmatic: kde is coming highly recommended so will give it a shot20:12
Riddell"Plasma 5"20:12
Cameroninstall is still on 33%. slide show is still playing20:13
Cameronhas been about 6 minutes so far on 33%20:13
* bprompt has been using kde for a really long while.... used to have kde 320:14
travnewmatics'cuse me yes "plasma 5" is the correct term20:14
travnewmaticbprompt, what are your thoughts on plasma 5?20:15
travnewmaticCameron, hmmmm is the hard disk activity light doing anything?20:15
rberg_FWIW I upgraded to the kubuntu beta and Plasma 5 looks so nice, and the upgrade went smoothly (I was not expecting that because it was really hard to get that Macbook pro w/ hibred graphics running linux at all)20:15
bprompthaven't used it, I'm on 12.04 with kde 4.8.520:15
Camerontravnewmatic: no the hdd light on the laptop is not on20:15
bpromptnow, plasma will be "kwin", as opposed to kde per se, I use kde and run many kde apps, but I use lxde as window manager20:16
travnewmaticthats very interesting bprompt...  because faster?  more responsive?20:17
travnewmaticCameron, hmm i dont know.. i haven't had an install hang like that before..20:17
bprompttravnewmatic:   yeap20:17
Cameronstill on 33% what should i do?20:17
bpromptCameron:     what are you installling anyway?20:19
* lordievader goes to update his Vivid install.20:19
Cameronbprompt: kubuntu 14.1020:20
bpromptCameron:    hmm why not 15.04 anyway?    we're already in april 201520:21
bpromptand neither 14.10 or 15.04 are LTS20:21
bpromptwell, we're not really in april yet, but about 4 days away :P20:22
bpromptso the 15.04 RC shoud be out by now20:22
travnewmaticdood there is still so much stuff broken in 15.0420:22
Cameronbprompt: no specific reason, it was just the dl link i was given by a friend20:22
lordievadertravnewmatic: Vivid has been rather stable here.20:22
bpromptCameron:    are you acquainted with what an LTS and a non-LTS are?20:22
Cameronlordievader: i have been stuck on 33% for 13 minutes now. what should i do?20:23
travnewmaticlordievader, hexchat didnt have the proper window border, nor did pidgin20:23
Cameronbprompt: nope20:23
lordievadertravnewmatic: Did you file a bug?20:23
lordievaderCameron: What is it doing exactly?20:23
travnewmatici have not20:23
travnewmaticthis is for my work computer20:23
Cameronlordievader: sitting on 33%. slideshow is still running20:24
travnewmaticand i'm sure i'm not the only one wanting to use either of those apps on kde20:24
lordievaderCameron: Yes, but what is it doing?20:24
travnewmatici dont have much experience filing bugs :(20:24
bpromptCameron:    meaning, updates are provided for them, or updated packages as well. for a "L"ong "T"erm "S"upport,   as opposed to  14.10 or 15.04, which have support usually for a year, LTS have for 5years20:24
lordievader!bugs | travnewmatic20:24
ubottutravnewmatic: If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.20:24
Cameronlordievader: the step it on is 'creating ext4 file system for / in partition #5 of scsi3 0,0,0 sda"20:25
lordievaderHmm, well that's fun...20:25
travnewmaticwell would this be a kde/kubuntu bug or a pidgin bug/hexchat bug20:25
lordievaderNot really a step you'd want to interrupt.20:25
bpromptCameron:   how long has it been on?20:25
bpromptCameron:   on 33% that is20:26
Cameronbprompt: 16minutes20:26
bpromptCameron:    yeah... that's too long, I'd kill it... and restart and do a manual partitionning20:26
bpromptheck, my 12.04 install, on an ssd, took 5mins flat, yes, 5mins, is not a typo, from boot to reboot20:27
Cameronbprompt: do you mean something different than what i did during the partition setup step?20:27
travnewmaticor be a totall sissy like me and install fedora to get it to do the automatic partitioning with lvm and then use those partitions for the ubuntu install20:27
bpromptI installed 14.04 a whle back.... took me roughly less than 10mins I recall as well20:28
CameronSo what is the consensus? Stop the installation by powering off laptop or wait longer?20:29
bpromptCameron:     hmmm    I usually when it asks for the "partitioning" part, to use the whole hdd or such, I use [Manual], and do my own partioning, so I know who is where20:29
bpromptCameron:    try ctrl-alt-del, wait about 45secs, if no dice, then do a force-shutdown by using the power button20:30
travnewmaticCameron, i'd start the install over20:30
travnewmaticthis is atypical20:30
Cameronbprompt: i did manual partition on that step20:30
bpromptCameron:    how many partitions do you have in the hdd anyway?20:30
Cameronbprompt: only two for win7 and then /, /home, swap for kde20:31
bpromptCameron:   ok.... what's .... win7 I assume are on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2   ..... yeah, restart over, go to [manual] partitioning, delete everything but the win7 parrtitions, you'd end up with "free space", from there, [create] your ext4 one, have it mount as "/", [create] another one, make a "swap"  keep an eye closely where the installer will put the "grub" at, make sure is at the /dev/sda device20:34
travnewmatic(or just make the fedora cd do it ;))20:34
travnewmatic(jk dont do that)20:34
bpromptCameron:    I've had a few times the installer picking up /dev/sdb or something else before, so you have to check that closely before hitting "next"20:34
Cameronbprompt: thanks, what do you mean by that?20:35
bpromptCameron:    where the "grub" boot manager goes, it should go to the "fixed disk", or usually /dev/sda20:36
Cameronbprompt: ok, that is where i told it to put it20:36
bpromptCameron:   ok.... well.. restart and redo it, what cpu do you have?  how much ram?   how big is the .iso anyway?20:37
Cameronbprompt: 4bg ram, intel core i5, the iso is idk lol20:37
Cameronyeah what trav posted lol20:38
Cameronok restarted installation process, chose manual. on the prepare partitions screen it already has /dev/sda5 ext4 no mount point 30 gb. this is supposed to be /20:40
Cameronit has /dev/sda6 as no format type and no mount point20:40
travnewmaticgo by the sizes20:40
Cameronit has /dev/sda7 as swap20:40
Camerontravnewmatic: change them to the correct mount pioints?20:41
travnewmaticso the largest one you should set to /home, and check format20:41
travnewmaticthats exactly right20:41
bpromptCameron:    I'd hose the ext4 first...since we dunno what happend before, and delete also the swap one20:41
bpromptand redo them20:41
Karielhello. can I adress problems on this IRC?20:41
bpromptCameron:     4gbs of ram, core i5,, meaning the ram is ddr3, so is clock of about 8200mhz or more... so is decently fast, the iso say it's 1.5gbs, I doubt it, but thereabouts,    shouldn't take more than 20mins20:43
bpromptKariel:     come again?20:43
travnewmaticbprompt, yeah specs are more than sufficient20:43
KarielI'm running Ubuntu turned to Kubuntu with Plasma 5, I have an issue - xorg process takes a whole thread of my CPU20:44
bpromptCameron:   on the other hand, if you're going for a non-LTS, why not just get the latest? with the latest plasma?   15.0420:44
Cameronbprompt: comfort level on the dual boot i guess20:45
bpromptCameron:    in case you dunno what the numbers mean,  "15" the year, 2015, "04", the month, 4th month = april,  as opposed to "14", 2014, "10", the 10th month = october,  so we're about 4days away from april, so the 15.04 would be at least in Release Candidate, which means is robustly stable by now, since it's just a few days from final release20:47
travnewmaticbprompt, i would not have characterized plasma 5 as roughly stable based on my usage yesterday20:48
travnewmaticthe native kde apps look great = how they're supposed to look20:48
bprompttravnewmatic:    haven't used it myself, but seems lordievader has no issues with it20:48
travnewmatici guess it depends on what apps you use20:49
travnewmaticif you're using kde everything yeah its all gravy and apps look sexy like they're supposed to20:49
Cameronshould any of my partitions be primary or all logical?20:49
travnewmaticboot should be primary20:49
travnewmaticothers should be logical20:49
lordievaderI only use Vivid on testing machines.20:49
bprompttravnewmatic:   on the other hand, if one just needs latest kde, not necessarily "kwin", the plasma wouldn't be an issue, the plasma is a "kwin" feature more or less, and yes, I know you could run plasmoids on other window managers20:50
Cameronyou guys told me not to have a /boot partition :)20:50
lordievaderProduction machines get Trusty here.20:50
bprompt"<lordievader> Production machines get Trusty here."   <---- travnewmatic    ok,so lordievader seems to not disagree somewhat with you then =)20:51
travnewmaticsorry :D20:51
travnewmaticthen / should be primary20:51
travnewmatic and /home can be logical20:52
Cameronerr dang i already hit continue. do you think this is why it is hanging on 33%?20:52
lordievaderVivid is rather stable. I just do not like the idea of having development releases on production machines.20:52
bpromptCameron:     as aforementioned, with your hardware specs, shouldn't be more than 20mins20:53
Cameronok it is stuck on 33% again20:53
Cameronno hdd light20:53
bpromptheheh, the 33% bug =)20:53
mu3enhey everyone. is there any discussion on slow login times ongoing?20:53
Cameronis this because i don't have a /boot or a primary?20:54
bpromptCameron:    I'd hose the ext4 first...since we dunno what happend before, and delete also the swap one20:54
Cameronbprompt: i did, i deleted all the prior partitions and started from new20:54
travnewmaticusb or dvd/cd20:55
bpromptCameron:    and where's the "grub" installing to?    it should show on the screen20:55
Cameronokay third time. Would like consensus on using a /boot partition and what to designate as primary and what as logical :)20:55
Cameronbprompt: /dev/sda20:56
mu3endo you specifically need logical drives?20:57
Cameronmu3en: idk20:57
bpromptCameron:    how big is the your hdd?20:57
Cameronbprompt: 500gb, i have 100gb unallocated space for kde20:58
mu3enwhat else is one the other 400G?20:58
Cameronmu3en: my windows7 OS20:58
mu3endoes it show as a single NTFS partition?20:59
travnewmatic(there should be a couple, not just one)20:59
bpromptCameron:    chances are, is not a GPT partition set, thus you're using the ol`  MBR boot system, which is limited to only 4 primary partitions,  anything other partitions after 4, must be logical, so, if you need more than 4 partitions, you'd need logical ones20:59
bpromptCameron:     but in short, you could simply, make two, one for "/", and one for "swap", both primary, plus the 2 win7 ones, make 4, primaries, and the "home" folder will end up in the "/" partition21:02
mu3enyup, like bprompt says. 4 is max on MBR. and i suppose Windows is on 1 or 2 NTFS partitions on an MBR. Depending how much RAM is in the machine, you might be able to get away with just using a single primary partition for /21:02
travnewmaticthe tiny 100gb ntfs partition on my machine is primary21:06
travnewmatic(windows 7)21:06
travnewmaticthe larger ntfs windows 7 partition is also a primary partition21:07
travnewmaticthe automatically fedora created /boot partition is primary21:07
travnewmaticthe lvm partition that fedora automatically created is in an extended partition21:08
Cameronok so what is the consensus? remember i am a noob here and sole goal is a functional dual boot laptop21:08
travnewmaticremake your usb with fedora 2121:09
bpromptCameron:    2 re's,   restart, redo :)21:09
travnewmaticuse it to automatically partition the free space with lvm21:09
Cameronlol what?21:09
Cameronwhy isn't manual partition working?21:09
Cameronall the auto does is the same things the kde gui does21:09
travnewmaticonce that install is finished, redo your usb with kubuntu and install into the partitions that fedora created21:09
lordievaderCameron: Perhaps you really need to get down to the nitty gritty and really do a manual partitioning.21:10
bprompttravnewmatic:     your case means, 3 primaries, and one extended, now the extended one, can have in theory any amount of logical ones, but you're still limited to only 4 partitions21:10
Camerontbh that seems much more compl;icated and time consuming21:10
travnewmaticits time consuming but it works, thats how i did my current setup that i'm using to talk to you now21:10
Cameroni only have two primaries right now. How many primary do i need for kde?21:10
bpromptCameron:     let us stick with ...hmmm  so... what do you think about getting 15.04 anyway?21:11
Cameronlordievader: that is what i have been doing in the install and it keeps hanging21:11
lordievaderCameron: No, you let the installer do it for you.21:11
bpromptCameron:   I mean, since you're going to bother reinstalling, might as well get the latest21:11
travnewmaticlordievader, theres not an auto install free space in kubuntu at this point21:11
Cameronbprompt: i would like to use 14.10 end of/ thx :)21:12
bpromptCameron:    ok... let us restart then.... reboot, go back in to the install, do a [manual] on partitiioning, hose everything BUT the win7 partiions, and we'll take it from there :)21:12
Cameronbprompt: thx mate. so when you say manual do you mean with some other method than the install process?21:13
bpromptCameron:   yes, usually there's a "use whole space" such and such, as travnewmatic  mentioned21:14
travnewmaticsince you're using a usb the only thing you'd be wasting is time :D and not dvds21:14
travnewmaticmake a fedora 21 install usb and get that to do the automatic partition creation in the free space21:15
bpromptCameron:    When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.  ~~ Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of Four Mistakes are always initial.  ~~21:16
travnewmaticsrsly, just get fedora to do it for you and save yourself the trouble21:17
travnewmaticplus you get to see what another distro looks like!21:17
Cameronlol ok but doesn't it seem silly that a different distro is required to install this distro on a mainstream laptop?21:18
bpromptThe reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.   ~~ George Bernard Shaw ~~21:18
* bprompt ducks21:18
lordievadertravnewmatic: You do realize that you are in #kubuntu right?21:19
Cameronmy preference is that we get kubuntu to install using kubuntu21:19
mu3enit's also about 5 clicks to do the manual way with kubuntu21:20
bprompthmm nothing wrong with recommending fedora, is a good distro21:20
Cameronalso, tried third time. 500mb /boot primary, 30gb / logical, 70 gb /home logical, 4gb  swap. selected format on each, still hung on 33%21:20
mu3enthat sounds kinda overkill21:21
Cameronis it possible my iso is bad? or my sb is bad? my hdd does work. win7 still loads just fine21:21
bpromptI ran... fedora 14, for a while, tis good, and the Redhat guys are very efficient, and profitable as well21:21
Cameronis there anything i should check on the hdd from the windows side? or anything i should do? like wipe free space etc21:22
mu3enthat looks like too many partitions maybe21:22
lordievaderCameron: Could be, have you tried Trusty?21:22
Cameronlordievader: idk what Trusty is21:22
bpromptCameron:   trusty meaning, 14.04 btw, as opposed to 14.1021:22
mu3ensounds like the issue is just paritioning21:23
bpromptso..  trusty is the previous version before 14.1021:23
Cameroni can dl it 14.04 if we think that wold help21:23
lordievaderCameron: 14.-421:23
mu3eni doubt it21:23
bpromptCameron:   difference being, trusty, or 14.40 is LTS, 14.10 isn't, as already mentioned21:23
Cameronshould i try that? then if it works, upgrade21:23
mu3enyou have a drive with 500GB and teo NTFS primary paritions21:24
Cameronit seems like no matter what i choose for the first partition, the installer hangs while trying to format it21:24
travnewmaticlordievader, lol i do!21:24
Cameronmu3en: correct21:24
travnewmaticbut the kubuntu partitioner isnt working as it should!21:24
mu3enso just put two priomary paritions in the remaing 100 GB21:24
mu3enmake 1 /  (all the space) 1 swap (2 X RAM size)21:25
Cameronmu3en: do you think that will let it get past trying to "create the ext4 file system" it currently hangs on?21:25
bpromptCameron:     did you hose it first?   that is, did you "delete" the ext4 there?   everything BUT the win7 partitions that is, a parrot on my shoulder is sorta telling me you didn't21:25
lordievadertravnewmatic: parted ftw :D21:25
mu3enlike bpromt says21:25
Cameronbprompt: yes, i said above that i deleted all the partitions21:26
mu3enso after delete all non-windows partitions, then apply and reboot21:26
Cameronmu3 ok21:26
mu3en (because if you did it a few times, the kernel sometimes can't see the new structure) once you get back in to the partitioner21:27
Cameronshould i will boot to windows, delete the partitions, and then restart the installer21:27
bpromptapply, if any, usually is done automatically, but that may depend on the installer I gather21:27
mu3enup to you, i would use the licve cd and the paritioner in that21:27
bpromptCameron:    sure, that'd work too21:27
Cameronok cool brb21:28
travnewmatici've never had an install go this wonky from the get go :(21:29
mu3ennot so much recently at least21:30
mu3enbut hey, windows.21:30
bprompttravnewmatic:     that's because you used fedora =) , it depends..... oftent times is just "pebkac"21:30
travnewmatici've installed debian, fedora, centos, ubuntu, multiple times21:31
travnewmaticnever had the partitioner fail or hang like this21:32
bpromptsame here, I'd one kubuntu as well, 9x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 14.x, just fine as well21:32
lordievadertravnewmatic: No Gentoo? :(21:33
travnewmatichaven't touched gentoo21:33
bprompthehe,I've used 'gentoo' file manager, way back in SuSE =)21:35
travnewmaticthose weird rolling release distros21:36
travnewmaticgentoo works like that right?21:36
travnewmaticyeah it is21:37
travnewmatici think if i got into any other distro it'd be arch21:37
mu3enlike arch. but then crazy.21:37
travnewmatichow so?21:38
mu3engentoo is defintely for the tweakers21:38
travnewmaticgeek tweakers not breaking bad tweakers21:38
mu3eni feel like Arch just builds stuff with you know, sensible minimal defaults.21:39
lordievaderFor those who want to use their devices to their full potential.21:39
mu3enGentoo is more "i don't really care, do what you want."21:39
mu3enand most of the time, i just don't really know or care enough21:40
lordievaderGentoo is lovely :)21:40
mu3enpretty sure if you really really know what you're doing, gentoo is awesome.21:40
* travnewmatic does not21:41
daemon_erebusIs there any particular reason why when running "sudo apt-get upgrade" (from the terminal) that certain packages are held back but if you launch muon package managers the packages get installed?21:41
lordievaderdaemon_erebus: Perhaps muon executes apt-get dist-upgrade instead.21:41
mu3enupgrade vs. dist-upgrade21:41
daemon_erebusthat seems a bit silly to me. has that always been that way ?21:42
daemon_erebusI was under the impression that a dist-upgrade was just that a distribution upgrade rather than a general software update21:43
mu3enme too, for a long time21:43
lordievaderdaemon_erebus: It is confusing, but apt-get dist-upgrade does not do a do-release-upgrade.21:44
mu3enaptitude's full-upgrade is more intuitive21:44
daemon_erebuswell I suppose that answers that. Thanks lordievader & mu3en for the answers21:45
travnewmatici'm still amazed by package management in the first place21:45
travnewmaticits one of the features of linux that i love telling people about21:45
cameronok i am back. deleted partitions iin windows disk manager. restarted twice. now i am back in kubuntu installer and at prepare partititions step. goal is a dual boot with existing windows 721:46
daemon_erebusI enjoy it myself, especially coming from a Windows environment and their Windows Update headache.21:46
travnewmaticwelcome back cameron!21:46
cameronhi lol21:46
travnewmaticsoooo make a 4gb swap extended21:47
cameronokay there are two existing primary ntfs partitions.21:47
mu3enabout that21:47
travnewmaticand then make a / primary and dump everything in that and call it a day :D21:47
mu3enmaybe just bang two more primaries on there?21:47
cameroni have 4bg ram, shouldn't swap be 8192mb?21:47
mu3enone swap one / ?21:48
bpromptcameron:    ok, [create] two primary ones then, you'd be maxed out to 4, but tis ok, one for "/", ext4, and one for "swap"21:48
travnewmaticyou could if you wanna21:48
mu3enabout double the RAM21:48
travnewmaticbut under most situations, you're never going to use swap anyway21:48
travnewmatic4 should be enough21:48
travnewmatic8 is ecsessive21:48
mu3eni don't use swap, but it's 16GB machine21:48
travnewmatic^case in point21:49
mu3enso for a 4G, 4G swap is enough probably21:49
bpromptcameron:    with only 4gbs, 8gbs is ok.. .depends on what you run really, but in this case, you hdd is 500mbs, so might as well "have it and no need it, than need it and not have it"21:49
cameronbootloader goes in /dev/sda correct?21:50
mu3enbut whatever. 4 or 8, it's on a spinning 500G disk, who cares.21:50
mu3enunless you are really short of space all the time or something21:50
travnewmatici suspect for your use case, you're not going to max out 4gb of swap21:51
cameronok hitting install now button21:51
travnewmaticDOOOO ITTTT21:51
mu3enoh. /dev/sda should be okay, not sure for the windows side, anyone?21:51
travnewmaticthats what i did on mine21:51
cameronis hanging on 33% :/21:52
bpromptmu3en:    /dev/sda is fine, grub will pick up win7 is there, and will include it, the win7 partition will have the bootloader21:52
mu3enused to with XP at least21:53
cameronpity party at my laptop everyone's invited21:53
travnewmaticand assuming that you dont get stuck at 33% again21:53
mu3enhaven't seen one recently21:53
bpromptcameron:     give it about....hmmm what' is it doing.. where is it hanging at?    copying files?21:53
cameronit is at 33% "creating ext4 file system for / partition..."21:53
travnewmaticyou'll see the installer get to the grub part..  detect other operating systems21:54
travnewmaticman i love this game :D21:54
cameronno hdd ight21:54
bpromptcameron:    ok...  so...   ok....hmmmm give it about 5mins21:54
cameroniis there a manual partition tool in the advanced tools on the installer files?21:54
travnewmatic*cough* fedora usb *cough*21:54
cameronok i wait21:54
lordievadercameron: Yes.21:54
travnewmaticcameron, yeah, its called fdisk21:55
mu3enit is a 90G partition21:55
mu3enthat can take a long time21:55
mu3enin ext421:55
bpromptcameron:    have you ever booted to a liveUSB session on that iso?   that is, press "try kubuntu" to load it ?21:56
cameronbprompt: noi21:56
mu3engood question too, although, that does not explain failure at the parittion stage21:56
toriquick question - I'm testing Kubuntu 15.04, and can't add programs/scripts using the autostart interface. Against which project should I submit the bug?21:56
bpromptcameron:    ok... give it 5mins... 3mins left now, if it doesn't move, is stuck on some processing21:56
travnewmaticbprompt, can he ctl-alt-whatever to see the terminal where its doing all this stuff behind the scenes?21:57
mu3encan you run like top in another console?21:57
bpromptdon't think so, you could, if you use the installer from the desktop, in a live session21:57
mu3enassuming you;re in the regular installer21:58
travnewmaticbecause i know ubuntu server does that21:58
mu3enctrl alt F221:58
mu3enshould do something21:58
travnewmatictheres the "gui" ncurses thing but theres also the dmesg whatever going on in another terminal21:58
bpromptcameron:      still at 33%?21:59
travnewmaticthis is a really crummy welcome to linux :(22:01
travnewmaticat least on the part of the partitioner22:01
cameronno progress, still on 33%22:03
travnewmaticprops to cameron for not throwing in the towel22:04
travnewmaticdo you know how to switch to a different terminal?22:04
cameronokay so power off and go into advanced tools on the installer?22:04
mu3enctrl alt F222:05
camerontravnewmatic: no22:05
travnewmaticwhat he said22:05
cameronmu3en: ok22:05
bpromptcameron:      still at 33%?22:05
cameronbprompt: yeah22:05
cameronmu3en: ok now looks like i am in a terminal session22:06
cameronwhat now?22:06
bpromptcameron:     hmmm kill it.... reboot..... hmmm this time, try    instead of the [install kubuntu] button, the [Try Kubuntu] one, let it load, it has an installer shortcut on the desktop anyway, but it also has a partitioning tool22:06
mu3enagree with bprompt22:07
mu3enit will be easier for you to watch it in the GUI and use a real partitioner22:07
* travnewmatic nudges fedora live usb stick closer22:07
bpromptand you could also run the Konsole from there anyway22:07
camerontravnewmatic: shill22:08
travnewmaticin all seriousness this is extremely odd behavior for a linux install22:08
toriHey, I've got a bug in kcm_autostartin Kubuntu 15.04 - should I send it to bugs.kde.org or bugs.launchpad.net ?22:08
* bprompt notices travnewmatic getting a cheque from the fedora salesrep22:09
travnewmatichey, i'm not encouraging the use of fedora itself, just its partitioner :D22:10
cameronok looks like desktop has loaded22:11
cameronnow what?22:11
daemon_erebusyou mean use a live cd, yum install gparted, partition and restart basically22:11
travnewmaticcough apt cough22:11
mu3enit has partitioner in system tools22:12
travnewmaticcameron, look through the menu in the lower left, applications, system, partition editor22:13
mu3enor you could install another tool, or use the command line22:13
bpromptcameron:   now... run .. got  System tools > kde partition manager22:13
cameronok am there now22:13
mu3en*defers to bprompt for the gui22:14
daemon_erebusbeen a while since I messed with Fedora22:14
travnewmaticwe're all waiting with bated breath22:14
bpromptcameron:    ok, same, hose everything but the win7, and remake the partitionings, and don't forget that every "action" requires an "apply changes" to actually be carried out22:14
travnewmaticdid it actually create any partitions?22:14
cameronbprompt: ok22:15
bpromptcameron:    apply button the, 1st buton on the left, to "apply" the changes, or action22:15
camerontravnewmatic: i did22:15
bpromptcameron:    anyhow, once you make those 2 primary partitions, then go back to the desktop, it has an "install kubuntu" shortcut, click that, to restart again, at the [manual] part, if it shows, pick the partitions you made, for "/" and "swap" respectively22:18
cameronbprompt: hosed everything, hit apply each time. now have 100gb unallocated space. I am in add window. primary, ext4. What do i put for 'Label'?22:19
camerondo i put / as lable?22:20
bpromptcameron:    label... is whatever you want pretty much,   "my kubuntu" or "my kub partition" or "buffy the vampyre"22:20
travnewmaticcameron, its not the mount point22:21
travnewmaticthe mount point is / or /home or /whatever22:21
travnewmatic(ie where folder that partition is being mounted as)22:22
travnewmaticthe mount point is more important than the label, the label is really optional22:22
cameronok it said succesful22:23
bpromptcameron:    did you give it a mount point?  the kde partitioin manager has...such option btw22:23
cameronbprompt: noo, should i?22:24
bpromptcameron:     well... yes, otherwise, you'd have to in the installler UI22:24
bpromptcameron:    you can just right-click the partition, choose "edit" and give it a mount point22:24
bpromptand "apply"22:24
cameronbprompt: when i edit mount point, where do i select / as the mount point?>22:25
bpromptcameron:    should have a pulldown list I'd think22:26
cameronbprompt: dropdown list is adjacent Path text box.22:27
cameronnone oif the options are /. they are bin, boot, etc22:27
bpromptcameron:     hmm don't recall what it's called on that UI22:28
cameronok i will back out and do in installer22:28
bpromptcameron:     well... if it doesn't have it... it won't matter that much I gather, you can always set the flag in the installer app anyway,  so... just make the "swap" now then22:28
cameronbprompt: do i select 'format'?22:31
travnewmaticformat whatever you want just so long as it doesnt say ntfs next to it22:31
cameronwe are past 33% people!!22:32
travnewmaticwoooo praise stallman22:33
cameronvery important, will chromecast work on kubuntu?22:34
bpromptcameron:   I don't use chromecast..... FYI chomeOS is ubuntu-based22:35
cameronbasically will i be able to chromecast netflix from browser to tv hee hee22:35
cameronthere is a chrome browser for this right?22:36
bpromptcameron:   there's a netflix app...3rd party for ubuntu....so you could install that22:36
MoonUnit`i use chromecast in kubuntu, just install chrome/chromium and install the chromecast extension.22:37
bpromptcameron:     https://insights.ubuntu.com/2014/10/10/watch-netflix-in-ubuntu-today/22:37
cameronMoonUnit`: thanks!22:38
cameronwhat are the chances kubuntu will be able to access my pcie slot ssd?22:39
bpromptcameron:  I don't see any issues, support is quite good on pcie I'd think22:40
travnewmaticthis is so exciting22:44
travnewmaticCameron: 1  Kubuntu: 022:45
cameroninstall finished and now restarting!22:45
camerontravnewmatic: lol22:45
camerongrub screen came up, ubuntu was first listed, i hit enter. now waiting22:46
cameronstill waitimng22:46
bpromptfirst time it initiazes some components, is all22:47
cameronnothing on screen yet22:47
cameronno hdd activity22:47
bpromptcameron:     what if you press ESC?22:48
cameronbprompt: nothing when press esc22:48
cameronboot screen reappeared. i  selected win722:49
cameronit is loading now22:49
bpromptcameron:     try ctrl-alt-del   and retry, but this time, once at the "ubuntu" entry, don't press enter, press "e", for edit,  and remove the "quite splash" at the end of the string, and press ctrl-x to boot with that edit,    <--- that shows progress mesages22:50
bpromptquiet splash that is =)22:50
cameronbprompt: ok will do. win7 loaded correctly22:50
bpromptcameron:   there's a recovery mode anyway, you could use to do some "fsck" on the kubuntu partition22:51
cameronbprompt: ok deleted the words quiet splash and hit crtl-x22:53
cameronlogin screen!!!!!22:53
bpromptGUI login?22:54
cameronI am in now!!22:54
bpromptcameron:    so is done inittializing, so, use the password you set, and knock yourself with plasma5 heheh22:55
cameronThanks so much everyone!!22:55
cameronwhere do i go to dl chrome? and other apps?22:56
mu3enuse muon23:01
bpromptcameron:     yeap, System Tools > Muon software center, would have it23:01
mu3enor for google chrome download the .deb from google (flash & pdf incorporated)23:02
mu3enchromium is the more friendly version from ubuntu repository23:02
bpromptcameron:    or  -> https://www.google.com/chrome/   <--- downloads the .deb installer, right-click it and install23:02
bpromptwhich is what I usually do23:02
cameronthis is sooooo much faster and smoother than win7!!23:08
bpromptis  a new install, bear that in mind23:09
cameronbprompt: true23:09
bpromptsurely win7 was also fast when installed first23:09
cameronbprompt: quiet splash appeared again in the startup code. how do i delete it for good?23:10
bpromptwell.... quiet splash, simple removes any progress lines, and shows a animated logo with some progress bar, usually some dots, is all23:10
bpromptbut you can get rid of it if you want23:11
cameronif that is there, boot up will not complete. only works if i remove it and ctrl-x23:12
bpromptcameron:     go to      /etc/default/grub   <-- file, as root, or sudo.... like say      run ->     kdesudo  kate <-- will ask you for the password, will run kate as root, or superuser, "su", and then edit /etc/default/grub file, it has a lline that says   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  , you could either remove it, or just comment it out, with a  # pound sign in fron of it23:14
bpromptcameron:    ctrl-s to save the /etc/default/grub file, then go to the terminal and do a ->   sudo update-grub23:14
cameronwow ok thanks will try!23:15
mu3ensounds like something with the splash and the login not playing nice with maybe the graphics card cameron. you may need some video card drivers, or possibly remove plymouth (the "splash" program behind that part of that command)23:17

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