=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut | ||
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut | ||
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut | ||
allenskd | Hello, I've been testing the latest daily build ISO and reporting bugs since yesterday... I was thinking if they were going to leave this be? http://i.imgur.com/bUEZ88G.png (users can't create new documents, not even by the directions given in the notification), should I report or that's how it's supposed to be? Thanks. | 14:09 |
=== hyperdrive is now known as hdrv | ||
degva | Hey Guys, I have a problem, anytime I hover any window it will move around or even resize as the cursor moves. Does anybody have experienced a problem like this? | 17:42 |
taharqa | allenskd: sorry to ask but does "Templates" has write rights ? | 17:49 |
degva | Guys, on 14.10, even if tap to click is disabled, I can maximize/resize etc with the touchpad only on the title bar | 17:57 |
allenskd | taharqa, yea. It was a fresh installation I did yesterday in vbox. I checked just now and all folders have the proper permissions. | 18:15 |
nh3oh | hola que tal! | 18:19 |
Noskcaj | darkxst, Is the any work left for vivid? (other than gitg 3.16, which i'm not sure how to do) | 20:19 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, probably just bug fixes now, its probably to late to be asking for freeze exceptions | 20:47 |
darkxst | at this stage would be good to start getting 3.16 ready, so we can upload as soon as W open | 20:48 |
Noskcaj | ok | 20:48 |
Noskcaj | darkxst, How many of our 3.15 components do you have upload rights for? It would be nice to get them to 3.16 | 21:05 |
darkxst | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/utopic/ubuntugnome | 21:16 |
darkxst | and http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/vivid/desktop-extra | 21:16 |
darkxst | I still need to apply for ubuntu-desktop | 21:18 |
LinDol | hi all :) | 23:53 |
LinDol | good day! :-) | 23:53 |
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