
Kilosmorning za peeps04:40
Kiloshi Tonberry_  04:52
barrydkMore almal05:47
Kiloshi barrydk  05:47
PadroniMornig all06:19
Kiloshi Padroni  06:19
Padronihoe gaan dit?06:20
Kilosgood ty and you?06:20
PadroniI see 15.04 is out 06:20
Kilosisnt that a beta06:22
Kilosthey dont install same06:22
Kilosor they install same but are different06:22
Kilosofficial release is more polished 06:23
PadroniI'll wait for the official release06:24
Kilosya better06:24
PadroniI think this is going to be the last distro before Ubuntu goes commercial06:24
PadroniI have it on good authority that Canonical sold ubuntu last year already06:24
Kiloswhat does that mean06:24
PadroniFrom what I gather, it is going to be a paid-for OS soon06:24
Kilosno man06:25
PadroniI will see what I can dig up on that06:25
Kilosyou stirring the pot or what?06:25
Padronibut like I said - I heard it from a very reliable source06:25
Padronino, I am not.06:25
Kilosmark said ubuntu will always be free06:25
PadroniI have had this info for about 5 or 6 months now06:25
Kilosoh my06:26
Padroniit could be that it won't go commercial06:26
Padronibut I heard otherwise06:26
mazalMorning everyone06:35
Kiloshi mazal  SilverCode  06:36
SilverCodehi Kilos06:40
inetprogood mornings06:50
inetproPadroni: you mean the Ericsson deal?06:50
Kiloshi inetpro  06:50
Padronino,, that's not what I was referring to.06:54
PadroniI will go back to my source and get more info 06:54
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:59
Kilosand pieter2627  07:00
pieter2627Hi all07:00
* Kilos sulks07:04
Kilosold grumpy did hi me personally07:07
Kilosnot 07:08
Kilostoo busy googling07:08
KilosPadroni  why dont you go game here 07:11
Kilossjoe thats a long one07:12
Kilosyou can win stuff at least07:12
PadroniI'm too old07:12
Kilosoh my07:12
Padroniand by that, I mean, that as a gamer, you peak in your early 20's07:12
Padroniat that age, your hand-eye co-ordination and reaction times are at it's peak07:13
Kilostry man07:13
Padronito compete at that level07:13
Padroniyou need to spend hours daily practicing.  Which I don't have the time for.07:13
mazalWhat game ? ( too lazy to check the link )07:13
Kilosi dunno i just saw you can win Stand a chance of winning a GALAX GeForce GTX 96007:14
Kilosgraphics stuff is expensive07:14
mazalOe nice card that07:18
Padronii have a GTX 660 in my laptop07:19
Padroniworks like a charm07:19
mazalI have the GTX76007:20
mazalI like the green team :)07:20
mazalIt will have to last a long time though. Can't afford gaming hardware in SA anymore07:22
Kilosthats why i said try play for the ting07:25
Kilosme has a lowly 21007:26
Kilosbut it works07:26
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:29
TinuvaMacmorning Kilos07:29
Kiloshi nlsthzn  07:37
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 07:42
Kiloslo nuvolari  07:42
* Kilos waves to superfly08:16
mazalMorning ThatGraemeGuy08:18
nuvolaribah! :'( latest intellij is freezing up every now and then08:34
nuvolarisuperfly: have you upgraded yet?08:40
Kiloshi psyatw  08:47
psyatwhi Kilos 08:47
Kiloshi magellanic  08:51
superflynuvolari: upgraded what?08:54
magellanichey all08:55
* superfly is upgrading all sorts of things08:55
superflyhi magellanic08:55
nuvolarisuperfly: intellij09:03
superflynuvolari: ah. I'm not using vanilla IntelliJ, I'm using PyCharm. It's pretty stable09:13
nuvolarisuperfly: right. OK, thanks09:19
Kiloshi DarkSurferZA  11:19
DarkSurferZAhey kilos11:19
Kiloshi drussell  12:00
drussellKilos: hey! Happy Friday :oD12:01
Kiloshopefully clouds not just building for the fun of it12:45
Kilosno squirm or trixarza12:52
Kilosinetpro  you here?14:01
KilosPadroni  you sick?14:38
PadroniThat depends - in what context?14:54
Kiloswell you been so quiet today something not right14:56
KilosMaaz  tell mopkop you are keeping me in suspense hey15:03
MaazKilos: Sure, I'll tell mopkop on freenode15:03
* Squirm looks around16:15
Kiloshi Squirm  what are you guys doing to the bot16:15
SquirmKilos: Uh16:15
SquirmI don't know how to tell you this16:15
Kilostrixar gone as well16:15
SquirmBut it's gone16:15
Kilosthe server?16:16
Kilosoh my cant you get the bots files first?16:16
SquirmNope. We lost all of our data16:16
Kilosoh my16:16
Kilosok ill start looking for another server16:17
SquirmSo the guy who was running it never paid for 20 days. Obviously, we don't get those emails, so we didn;t know16:17
SquirmSorry Kilos16:17
SquirmSo they killed the account16:17
Kilosnp Squirm  16:17
SquirmLuckily for us, we know better hey Kilos. I'm sure you had a copy of the config16:18
Kilosnot the latest lol16:18
Kilosi have lost that version of the bot16:18
SquirmNo crontab exporting it to an alternative location?16:18
Kilosi didnt even think man, it was running yesterday 16:19
SquirmYeah, we lost our IRC server and all of its configs. Along with my IMBot16:19
SquirmI think I have a slightly older copy16:19
Squirmand a copy of the configs, somewhere16:19
SquirmYeah, it died last night16:19
SquirmLike I said *poof* gone16:19
Kiloslol not serious, ibids learn easy16:19
Kilosgeorgl  has the package i was using i think16:20
Kilosyou even left my channel16:20
SquirmIt was my bouncer running16:21
SquirmI cut down on all of my channels16:21
SquirmToo much going on on IRC16:21
SquirmCut down Facebook and IRC16:21
SquirmTo certain people/channels16:21
Kilosi try just have ubuntu channels open now16:21
Kilosi dont do fb16:21
SquirmI'm in #ubuntu-za, #glug-za and #minetest-za and 2 channels on my server and 2 on another server, linux based channels16:22
Kiloson the odd occasion when i need pg stuff i skype with my supplier16:22
SquirmNow to get my znc up on my linode16:23
Kilos##kilos #minetest-za #ubuntu-africa #ubuntu-locoteams #ubuntu-za16:23
SquirmKilos: If I find I have enough badwidth/processing power on their, I can create you an account16:23
Kilosnot serious atm Squirm  i have georgl  s bot in my channel and the africa channel but i need to still get some permissions i think16:25
Kilosthanks for hosting it till now anyway16:25
Kilosmaybe i can also beg ThatGraemeGuy  to host it by hetzner16:26
Kiloswb Squirm  16:35
SquirmI guess that means my znc is up16:36
SquirmDamn firewall16:36
Kiloswhat ever happened to kodez16:39
Kiloshi barrydk  gaming again?16:40
barrydkhi Kilos almost16:40
Kilossuperfly  have you done the ubuntu member email thing yet?17:43
Kilosinetpro  rtfs 18:21
superflyKilos: no, I don't really care for one using my current launchpad username18:35
Kilosoh k ty18:35
Kilosbig job 18:36
inetprogood evening19:15
Kiloslo pro19:15
inetproKilos: did you get my email?19:20
Kiloslemme check19:21
Kiloshaha ya19:21
inetproso what the problem is?19:21
Kilosvery informative19:21
Kiloswith what?19:22
inetproKilos: what does the email say?19:23
inetproI mean the subject?19:24
Kilostesting testing 12319:24
inetproand the destination address?19:24
inetproor the TO address?19:24
Kilosoh my19:25
Kiloshow did that happen19:25
inetprobeen working all the time man19:25
Kilosbut i never set it up?19:25
inetproyou don't have to do anything19:25
Kilosthen the flies must also be working19:26
Kilosoh no 19:26
Kiloshe uses diff one19:26
inetprounless you want to send emails from msdomdonner AT ubuntu.com19:26
Kilosya that i was looking at19:27
Kilosdo you just set it at gmail19:27
Kilosno need for postfix thing19:28
inetprono, why?19:28
Kilosdont answer a question with a question'19:29
inetproI want to know19:29
Kilosman i went to many links19:29
Kilosgoogled me sick19:29
Kilosand some said install postfix19:29
Kiloswith lots of heavy stuff to do19:30
Kilosi dunno thats why im asking you19:32
Kilosdo i just follow the 10 20 and so on on gmail to set it up19:33
Kilos1) 2)19:33
SquirmKilos: what do you want to do?19:34
Kilossend mail from me with ubuntu.com addy19:35
Squirmand where do you receive the mail?19:35
Kiloshere on evo 19:36
inetproKilos: you're using Evolution19:36
inetproso just change the from address in Evolution19:36
inetproor set up a 2nd From address19:37
Kilosoh no need to do all that stuff at gmail?19:37
SquirmKilos: Does the ubuntu email redirect somewhere?19:37
SquirmOr is it an account19:37
inetproSquirm: it's not an account19:38
Kilosit says something about an alias19:38
SquirmI mean, does it redirect to your personal address?19:38
inetproit is simply Ubuntu forwarding to his Gmail account as set in his LP account19:38
Kilosnothing simple19:38
inetprovery simple19:39
SquirmThat's simple then19:39
SquirmSimple on GMail and should be simple in evolution19:39
SquirmKilos: maybe something like this19:40
SquirmLook at the answer19:40
SquirmIt's how to create an alias. So you'd select your GMail account19:40
Squirmand your alias would be your ubuntu address19:40
Kilosthats also hard to understand actually19:41
Kilosi have gmail19:41
Kilosi have a launchpad id19:41
Kilosbut where will the mails go to on launchpad19:42
inetproKilos: you did get my mail, not!?19:42
SquirmIf I send an email to your Ubuntu address, where will it go?19:42
Kilosyes inetpro  what addy did you send it to19:43
inetproobviously to the address as you can see in the TO field19:43
Kilosi dunno Squirm  , dont i have to tell gmail to send it via buntu19:43
SquirmWell, you have to tell your mail client what email address to send from19:44
SquirmBe it Evolution or gmail19:44
inetproKilos: you can tell your girl in ozziland or anyone on the planet, to send your messages to msdomdonner AT ubuntu.com19:44
Squirmthe ubuntu address is just an alias, which means it just receives the mail and bounces it along19:44
inetproand they will land in your gmail inbox19:44
Squirmbounces it to your gmail inbox19:45
Squirmyou need to tell evolution that you actually own the address and want to send an email as that address19:45
Kilosbut when i send its still gmail?19:45
inetpronou praat ons19:45
Squirmexcept you're telling gmail you're actually msdomdonner AT ubuntu.com19:45
Kilosoh so i must just set something in evo19:46
SquirmSo when you compose a mail, evlutio will give you a choice19:46
SquirmSet up an alias in evolution19:46
Kilosthere it is again19:46
SquirmWhich is what that link showed, step by step19:46
Kilosthat alias thing19:46
Kilosok lemme read that19:47
Squirmand alias just receives the mail and sends it on to an inbox19:47
Squirmit's a forwarder19:47
Squirmit grabs it and sends it straight away19:47
Kilosis it a bad thing to do?19:47
SquirmSo for example, at work, I have 1 Inbox. In this one inbox, I can receive emails from about 5 different aliases19:48
SquirmBut I still only have 1 inbox19:48
SquirmI then just have to tell my client, which aliases I'll have. So I'll receive the emails regardless, I just need to let the client know which one I want to send from19:49
SquirmKilos: feel better now?19:50
Kilosnot yet19:50
SquirmWhere are you stuck?19:50
Kiloslet me get it working first19:50
Kilosim still reading19:50
Kilosdo i set it up here where it says to enter this19:54
KilosEnter the name, mail address 1, reply-to. Push "Next".19:54
Kilosmail addy will be the ubuntu one and reply tp my standard gmail?19:55
Squirmthe mail addy is ubuntu19:56
Squirmleave out the reply-to19:56
Kilosnow it wants server info19:59
superflyinetpro: yes19:59
inetprosuperfly: ah, so it's working for you also!?20:00
superflythat's what they said20:00
SquirmKilos: You shouldn't have to20:00
* inetpro would just leave the sending part 20:01
KilosSquirm  it didnt need it for gmail but it shows nothing for msdomdonner@ubuntu.com20:01
Kilosya i think thats easier inetpro  20:01
SquirmKilos: What do you mean?20:01
Kiloswhen i entered a gmail addy squirm it auto showed the server info20:02
SquirmI don't think evolution does it properly20:02
SquirmIt's super simple in thunderbird20:03
Squirmand on mail.google.com20:03
Kilosya that was good in thunderbird , but theyve made evo do it as well for normal addies20:03
Kilosna ive cancelled everything20:05
Kilosty for the help Squirm  20:05
superflyno, all mail clients support alternate identities20:05
superflyKilos: you don't try to add another mail account, you add an alias or an identity20:05
inetproKilos: one day when I'm a member and I'm bored I will install evolution on a VM and test it for you20:07
Kilosill look at that tomorrow maybe superfly  ty, but for now ill maar stay me at gmail20:07
Kilosyou dont have time to get bored20:07
Kilosim adding in thew place where you add normal accounts atm, maybe thats where i sukkel but better i leave it for now20:08
Kilosplease someone give me the swapon commands 20:09
Kilosoom jan lost them20:09
Kilossudo swapon ?20:09
Kilossudo swapon -a20:10
inetproman swapon20:10
inetproHow to empty swap if there is free RAM? http://askubuntu.com/questions/1357/how-to-empty-swap-if-there-is-free-ram20:11
Kiloshaha he gets 2 mails20:12
Kilosi dunno why he dont come here or use lists20:13
Kiloswell i send one with sudo swapon -a and the secong with your link20:14
Kilosmust be my smiley face20:15
Kiloswe have even been members for 2 full months yet so maybe the board thing is out of the question20:18
Kilosinetpro  wat skinner jy en vlieg20:21
Kiloswat werk vir julle20:21
inetproKilos: I sent him a test message in the same way that I sent one to you20:22
Kilosso you send them straight to ubuntu20:22
Kiloslp addy20:22
inetproKilos: 03/27 21:44:45 <inetpro> Kilos: you can tell your girl in ozziland or anyone on the planet, to send your messages to msdomdonner AT ubuntu.com20:23
Kilosblow your nose and move to the top of the class20:23
inetproput that address on your business card20:23
Kiloshi bertus  20:24
inetproKilos: you can even put that address on your wiki page20:25
Kiloswhy does that name sound familiar20:25
inetprobut don't change your LP address to it20:25
Kilosuh oh20:26
bertushey guys 20:33
bertushi kilos how are you, Kilos 20:33
Kilosim well ty bertus  and you?20:34
Kilosyou been here before hey?20:34
bertusdude you remember me? 20:34
Kilosthe name ya20:35
bertuslike a year ago, when this linux journey started20:35
Kiloswelcome back20:35
Kilosare you winning20:35
bertusthx bro just wanted to drop in, and check whats happening here 20:35
bertusyea bro loving it, im on arch now 20:36
Kiloswe doing lots of things you should join us daily not once a year20:36
bertuscool 20:36
bertusswitch between arch and manjaro 20:36
Kilosadd this channel to you favourites20:36
Kilosyou in to the heavy stuff hey20:37
bertuswhat are you running these days?20:38
Kiloskubuntu 14.04 for a year now20:38
Kiloseverything works and nothing breaks20:38
bertuswhat do you think about plasma 5?20:38
bertusokay, stable man i see20:39
Kilosi have got there yet20:39
Kiloswill go there with 16.0420:39
bertuslol 20:39
Kilosya im too dom to keep fixing things20:39
bertusno bro 20:39
bertusbut i totally get it 20:40
bertushave you tried cool retro term?20:40
Kilosnope whats that20:40
bertusif you use terminals a lot?20:40
bertuscheck it out 20:42
Kilosi use terminal for running iftop and updates 20:42
Kiloshahaha i use gui most of the time20:43
Kiloswhy did you take a year to remember us20:44
Kilossies man20:44
bertusi just havent used ubuntu in since 14.04 xubuntu 20:46
Kilosas long as you are using linux you are welcome here20:46
bertusyes always, thx bro 20:47
bertusso whats news?20:47
Kiloswe have a new site20:47
bertuswhy do you like kde so much?20:47
bertussite plz?20:48
Kilosit grows on you20:48
bertuswhat can i do to help?20:48
Kiloswe are building an africa site as well. will know next week how far it is20:49
Kilosi think the working guys dont come here weekends20:49
bertusyea you know if all the schools in sa just started using ubuntu as standard that would save millions in sa20:50
bertushospitals, schools, etc should really drop windows in favour of ubuntu 20:51
bertusall the software they need is there20:51
Kilosyes we are working on a project to maybe get that going too20:51
Kilosyou can look at that if inetpro  can find the links20:52
Kilosinetpro  the links williamk left here at the meeting please20:52
bertusam looking around on the site nw20:52
Kilosnice fast site hey20:53
Kilosmy fly made it20:53
bertus fly?21:00
Kilosand hes making an even nicer one for my africa project21:01
bertuscool 21:04
bertusbrb 21:04
Kilosthere is lots of work for peeps on holiday and bored at home21:04
KilosMaaz  minutes21:17
MaazKilos: Sorry, no meeting in progress.21:17
Kilosi must go sleep. 21:21
Kilosbertus  come back tomorrow21:21
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:21
bertuscheers bro's im out 21:28

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