
zequenceI'll be offline for a few hours, but will be back as usual after that.06:18
zequenceIt was clearly a mistake putting the email address contact@ubuntustudio.org on the sidebar for our ubuntustudio.org homepage.17:10
zequence..considering the amount of spam I'm getting.17:10
zequenceGood filtering on my email service, but still, I always go through the spam folder, and it just keeps growing17:10
zequenceThe email address itself is not bad to have. I get a few emails per month, which are not spam, and it can be anything from someone trying to do a bug report to someone asking about licensing.17:12
zequenceBut, I suppose it should not be readable by bots as easily as it is now17:13
micahgzequence: html encode it?17:46
zequencemicahg: You mean make it a link?17:48
micahgno, use html entities instead of characters17:48
zequencemailto: ?17:49
micahgthere are sites that'll convert email addresses to their HTML equivalents17:51
zequencemicahg: Ah, great. Thanks. I'll look into that.17:51

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