
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
yossarianukhi - I have made an upstart script to start a meteor app  - in /etc/init/meteor.conf -> it works fine using 'service meteor start/stop'09:56
yossarianukbut it doesn't start on boot09:56
yossarianukhow can I troubleshoot why this is09:56
afournieryossarianuk: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#command-line-options11:39
afournieryossarianuk: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#add-verbose-or-debug-to-the-kernel-command-line11:41
yossarianukafournier: thank you 11:53
yossarianukafournier: I have seemed to sort it my removing all start deps except runlevel 2 -5 11:53
yossarianukworks now.11:53
yossarianukreally liking the respawn function !11:54
yossarianukits a shame systemd won....11:54
afournieri never used systemd, and i will never go, i hope :p12:14
yossarianukafournier: if you want to run ubuntu 15.04+ you will have to use it.14:22
afournieryossarianuk: i only use gentoo with OpenRC, and OpenEmbedded with upstart14:23
yossarianukafournier: of course I forgot other distros use upstart also.14:24
afournierindeed OpenEmbedded does not natively but i wrote a layer to add upstart to it14:24
afournieranyway i think i will have to use systemd one day...14:25
afourniermeanwhile if i can avoid it...14:26
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan

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