
darkxsthi LinDol01:34
darkxstNoskcaj, bug 143750201:45
ubot5bug 1437502 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus lacking 'new document' in context menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143750201:45
darkxstif thats within your coding abilities ;)01:46
Noskcajmaybe, will try01:46
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
Noskcajdarkxst, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/nautilus/new-document-on-all/+merge/25447502:08
darkxstNoskcaj, yep thats right, thanks03:20
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut
=== uber is now known as Guest69530
=== Guest69530 is now known as over
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
=== KurtKraut is now known as kurtkraut
=== kurtkraut is now known as KurtKraut
Noskcajdarkxst, Could you please sync gnome-boxes from debian? Drops a unneeded dep21:22
darkxstNoskcaj, done21:27
smallfoot-Why is gedit old version 3.10 instead of 3.12 or 3.14?22:12
darkxstsmallfoot-, its blocked on using gtk header bars22:14
smallfoot-but Nautilus uses GTK header bars too22:17
darkxstsmallfoot-, nautilus was patched to only use header bars under GNOME22:41
darkxstgedit should have been done this cycle, but seems to have been overlooked22:42
smallfoot-I see22:45
allenskdbefore I spend an hour or two doing this, it's safe to dd that vivid daily iso into the USB and use it to install in a netbook? :o23:01
smallfoot-Always be careful with 'dd'23:03
smallfoot-so you don't dd to wrong device or anything23:03
allenskdyea, I've yet to have the privilege to experience that feelling (hope to keep it that way!). I always check lsblk before doing anything tho...23:05
smallfoot-So what do you mean by "safe" ?23:06
smallfoot-if you you dd correctly to your USB device then that is safe, but ALL data on the USB device will be lost23:06
smallfoot-dd will over ALL data on the USB device23:06
smallfoot-will overwrite*23:06
allenskdas in "will it boot?" I've dd isos from opensuse etc, which didn't work for some reason. debian ones have always worked at least23:06
smallfoot-dd can't really destroy your USB device though, but it will destroy the data on the USB device23:06
allenskdi guess I shouldn't have used "safe"23:07
smallfoot-I don't know if it will boot, but I believe it will...23:07
smallfoot-I run Ubuntu daily on my x86 desktop PC and it works fine23:07
smallfoot-I don't know anything about no netbook though23:07
smallfoot-some netbooks are weird, the old netbooks are 32-bit only, not 64-bit23:07
smallfoot-also some netbooks have broken UEFI implementations that doesn't handle 64-bit well, I believe I heard23:08
allenskdah.... I totally forgot about that, better get that 32bit iso then23:08
smallfoot-yeah, but that may or may not apply to your netbook23:09
smallfoot-I don't know what your current OS on your netbook is, and I don't know if your current OS is 32-bit or 64-bit23:09
allenskdit does. this one doesn't have a 64bit capable cpu :/ now that I remember it still has debian jessie 32bit installed23:09
smallfoot-and I don't know if your netbook is ARM or Intel Atom, and if its Baytrail or which Atom23:10
smallfoot-yeah, because many netbooks were powered by the old Intel Atom which was 32-bit only23:10
smallfoot-nowadays the modern Intel Atom are 64-bit23:10
smallfoot-but now the netbook concept is pretty dead, but now there are Chromebooks though23:11

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