
=== iulian is now known as Guest32200
=== ara is now known as Guest40924
ScottKNoskcaj and slackner: Last I checked, the Ubuntu and Debian wine packages weren't related to each other (i.e. the Ubuntu packaging is done separately by Scott Ritchie).  You should talk to him.  He's not on IRC right now, but when he is, he's Yokozar.17:08
slacknerScottK: i've already been talking to Yokozar (and also Maarten) a couple of times, but they didn't seem to be interested in maintaining a second wine package. we would do this ourself though, when it is accepted, and he doesn't change his mind19:03
=== Guest90957 is now known as mfisch
smallfoot-Can you update libsdl from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 ?22:08
smallfoot-Why is gedit old version 3.10 instead of 3.12 or 3.14?22:12
tewardsmallfoot-: http://askubuntu.com/questions/151283/why-dont-the-ubuntu-repositories-have-the-latest-versions-of-software is a good thing to keep in mind, btw - 'old version' is relative to release, likely, as well as relative to Debian (keep that in mind)23:08
smallfoot-yeah, but it has other versions 3.1423:12
smallfoot-cuz most of the GNOME packages are 3.14, but just gedit is 3.1023:13

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