
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:44
brobostigonmorning elfy09:51
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:14
bigcalmAnybody here managed to get landscape working? My clients just complain that they can't contact the server when trying to register11:14
brobostigonmorning bigcalm11:16
bigcalmpopey: come fix my landscape woes :) PyCurlError: Error 60: server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/landscape/landscape_server_ca.crt CRLfile: none11:27
bigcalmFixed it by copying the correct SSL cert to the client machines12:00
mapppspesky proxypass still not working right13:01
popeybigcalm: yay13:35
bigcalmpopey: the web interface takes a bit of getting used to13:36
bigcalmNow wondering if I should put my workstation and laptop onto landscape. Maybe not13:37
popeyI added all my machines to it13:38
bigcalmHow come landscape is only in a ppa and not in the main repos?13:45
popeythe client is in the repo isn't it?13:46
bigcalmYes, it is13:46
bigcalmBut not the server13:46
popeyguess the usual reasons...13:47
popeyrelease timelines don't line up13:47
bigcalmI guess Canonical want there to be more chance of a new customer than finding the free offering13:47
bigcalmIt's fine by me13:47
popeywell the free thing is fairly recent13:47
popeyit's been around a long time13:48
bigcalmThat's why I've not paid attention to it before13:48
bigcalmHayley is home, time to spend some time with her :)13:49
foobarrylandscape is free now?15:23
popeyfoobarry: http://askubuntu.com/questions/549809/how-do-i-install-landscape-for-personal-use15:27
foobarryok still need to buy the paid support thing for commerical and edu's15:31
popey\o/ Pebble Time.16:08
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
shaunoI don't want to admit how long this has taken me, but I'm proud of myself :)  http://i.imgur.com/cxnn7Cw.png20:13
daftykinsis this for the Pi?20:17
daftykinsah yeah, look at you and your hostnames ;)20:18
shaunoyeah.  trying to replace volumio because the more I try to change, the more it scares me20:20
shaunoso I'm trying to replace their persistent php workers with a flask thingie to expose mpd via json20:21
shauno(and yes, hostname all the things.  the answer to 'how am I meant to remember an ipv6 address')20:38
penguin42shauno: hex in words20:44
shaunoI prefer my solution :)20:52
daftykinshmm, in lieu of milk i'm trying cadbury's chocolate powder in hot water22:18
daftykins... yeah no.22:18
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
creppledaftykins You should have got coffee mate for emergencies :)23:30
daftykinswhat's that?23:30
creppleIt's akind of powdered milk that actually tastes like cream and tastes just about ok in coffee23:31
creppleOn sale in the UK23:31
creppleNot in the USA I guess23:31
daftykinsi do vaguely remember my parents having a jar, but didn't know what it was23:32
creppleI think they must have it in the USA cos it's a Nestle product (I think)23:33
creppleI'm in the UK channel I just noticed - Facepalm - for some reason I thought you were over the pond23:34
daftykinsah i can double bluff, i'm down on the fine isle of Guernsey as it goes23:35
creppleIf I had a Teleporter I'd send some over, as long as you didn't mind a rival Island milk (Jersey)23:38
daftykinshaha, oh my23:39
daftykinsthe Guernsey Golds would never speak to me again!23:39
crepple~It's funny - no Guernsey stereotypes come to mind. Wight is "full of Yacht club groupies" and Jersey is "full of Tax cheats" but Guernsey...23:41
daftykinsjust a bunch o' donkeys, us :>23:42
daftykinshow about the Isle o' Man? a friends been sent there for work, place shuts up silent as of 9pm so i hear23:42
creppledaftykins yeah i heard that. like living in 1973 :)23:44
daftykinswas that what the 70s were like? :D23:44
creppleyeah and i was there23:45
crepplewell it was like that in Gloucestershire23:45
creppleI guess london was always 24/723:46
daftykinsfrom what i hear, the 70s had a lot of driving around seatbelt free under the influence over here23:46
creppledaftykins there’s a lot of truth in that23:47
creppleludicrous as it sounds now, people doubted alcohol seriously impaired driving ability23:48
creppleMind you, many more doubted smoking caused cancer23:48
creppleWe knew the earth was round though :)23:49
daftykinsbut did the sun revolve around it? ;)23:50
ali1234did people really doubt that alcohol impaired driving?23:50
daftykinsthey were probably too busy out on the lash to worry23:51
ali1234i can understand doubting smoking and cancer because that takes a long time23:51
creppleali1234 I don't know whether they did or whether it was just about still plausibly deniable23:51
daftykinsand non-smokers still get lung cancer, too23:51
creppleProbably the latter was more common23:51
ali1234but the effects of alcohol happen pretty much immediately and have been well known for thousands of years...23:52
creppleali1234 What I can say is, the police didn't take drink driving very seriously then, it was on a par with a parking offence, maybe a little more serious23:53
ali1234yeah, that i can believe23:53
creppleThen again, our parents thought it was fine to let us out at 9am on Saturday morning and not hear from us again till we wandered back around 5pm for tea. We could wander over the hills, climb trees, wade in streams. No one was expected to make a phone call to their parents. British culture has changed enormously over that time..23:56
creppleGod I'm rambling23:56
ali1234i think that is still true for a large section of the population23:56
ali1234except the part about hills and trees because everyone lives in cities now23:57
daftykinsdo they even still go out in the great out doors or are they inside glued to smartphones they've been bought, sending hundreds of messages per hour? :)23:57
daftykinsoops outdoors23:57
ali1234but you'd have to be a hundred years old to remember when anyone but retired people and farmers lived in villages23:58
creppleali1234 Yeah. Funny thing is, I was thinking back. It was really good fun.23:58

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