[18:34] =] [18:49] personally, i feel there's way too much in the way of idling up in here. [19:16] Afternoon, xTEMPLARx [19:21] heya bwmaker [19:21] How's it going? [19:21] ever sort out your thunderbird problem? [19:21] not too awful over here I suspect. It could def. be much worse [19:22] Not yet. I'll look at it again later. I use Gmail, so I'm in no rush. [19:22] Good to hear. :) [19:22] how's you? [19:30] Pretty good. Big lunch and ready for a nap. :) There was some fresh coffee in the office though, so I think I'll make it. [19:44] xTEMPLARx: some of us just like to idle [19:45] Because talking to people is weiiird. [19:50] And lurking is awesome. [19:50] :) [20:06] exactly! [21:06] Heard Andrew Kalat, who's a security professional in Atlanta, give the talk that inspired this story. It's really good, but a bit of a downer. Certainly something to think about when you hack around and live in the interwebs like we do. http://www.dailydot.com/technology/michael-hamelin-legacy-encryption-death/