
LaneyDoes ~ubuntu-core-dev having an email address set mean that its members won't get direct email sent to teams that it is a member of?09:53
LaneyThis is a question from #ubuntu-ci-eng - can we add ~ubuntu-core-dev to ~ci-train-ppa-service without causing its members to be spammed with messages from the PPAs?09:54
wgrantLaney: Yes, that email address will prevent that spam.09:57
wgrantBut why do you want that team membership?09:57
cjwatsonWe could equally just grant upload permissions using edit-acl, although it's less transparent and has to be done per-silo.09:57
cjwatson(Another way for silo configs to diverge.)09:58
LaneyTeam seems to make sense, policy questions around devirt PPAs notwithstanding09:58
wgrantcjwatson: ArchivePermission holders also get spammed, I believe.09:58
cjwatsonAh, I didn't realise that09:59
cjwatsonThe devirt thing is awkward.  It violates the letter of the policy.  OTOH (a) core-devs are already highly trusted (b) ci-train silos are monitored quite closely (c) the devirt business is likely to go away within the year anyway10:11
cjwatsonSo I have a hard time making a fuss about it10:11
wgrantYep, as long as they're not uploading to PPAs that aren't watched I'm not concerned.10:14
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tewardcjwatson: ping - is the git on qastaging open for testing from the general public (for testing, not for production use)20:27
wgrantteward: We're not going to advertise it, but you're welcome to try to break it, and indeed probably can.22:12
tewardwgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1032731 <-- last comment posed the question22:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1032731 in Launchpad itself "Support for Launchpad-hosted Git repositories" [Low,In progress]22:14
wgrantAh, I'm not caught up on bugmail this morning yet.22:14
tewardwgrant: it's in experimental on qastaging hence the question22:16
tewardcjwatson posted the comment last, hence the question of testing, but meh22:16
wgrantteward: "in experimental"?22:16
tewards/in experimental/in an experimental state via qastaging/22:16
tewardwgrant: i'm running crazy today :)22:16
teward"Launchpad features experimental support for hosting Git repositories" from https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git22:17
* teward fails at paraphrasing22:17
wgrantqastaging is public, so using it in reasonable ways is totally fair game.22:17
wgrantIt's on qastaging exactly so we can get people to try to break it before we go to prod.22:17
teward(like testing only)22:17
tewardwgrant: guess it's time to fill up a git repo with random data and upload it.  How's 50 text documents of lorem ipsum count xD22:17
wgrantSounds smaller than the kernel :) https://code.qastaging.launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/linux22:18
tewardi might upload ZNC's source code (already present in the repositories) for kicks, just to test, but it's definitely smaller than the kernel xD22:23
teward(it's already git but meh xD)22:23
tewardwgrant: although the 50 files contains 50MB each of lorem ipsum so..... :P22:23
wgrantThat's a lot of lorem ipsum :)22:24
cjwatsonNot planning to advertise it very widely, but I felt confident enough to linkify the bug.  The help page is clear enough that it's not for permanent data storage.22:25
tewardcjwatson: indeed22:25
tewardwgrant: urgh gedit's lagging creating the first file xD22:26
teward328k lines though :)22:26
cjwatsonI think the only thing that large individual files will stress-test very much is cgit.22:26
cjwatsonHaven't switched on syntax highlighting there yet.22:26
tewardcjwatson: thank god this is just text22:27
wgrantIt's also running on a rather small instance to see how it goes.22:27
tewardwgrant: indeed.22:27
tewarddo you mind if i upload this insanely huge lorem ipsum file just to stress test one massive file?22:27
tewardlol gedit froze saving it xD22:27
cjwatsonFeel free.22:27
tewardcjwatson: if it breaks it's my fault but we learn from it :)22:28
cjwatsonIn the unlikely event that it breaks anything more than trivially we can always nuke the repository manually.22:28
tewardoh wow this is 47MB already xD22:28
tewardin one file22:28
cjwatsonI'd expect git to pack that rather heavily.22:28
tewardwe shall see i had to forcekill gedit xD22:29
tewardlol i had it crash "Broken pipe" on my end xD22:34
wgrantteward: Not during the push?22:35
tewardwgrant: failed during push on my side, but it looks like there may have been something killing it errantly22:36
* teward shrugs22:36
tewardoh, looks like it's my side, my network asploded22:37
tewardnevermind xD22:37
tewardguess i should fix it22:37
tewardwgrant: cjwatson: only thing I can't find is how to see new branches and where they end up :/22:42
tewardpushed my (48MB) lorem ipsum and can't find it on the web interface; pushed a 10byte file to a nginx testing branch in my own user space, also missing22:43
tewardbut at least it's accepting the uploads, prompting for SSH keys, etc.22:43
wgrantteward: Right, the web UI is very minimal atm. There's no way to list repositories without using the API.22:48
wgrantteward: Where did you push to?22:48
cjwatsonteward: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git does mention that problem, under "known bugs that you don't need to tell us about" :-)23:01
tewardcjwatson: ack - the page only half loaded due to net issues :)23:01
tewardcjwatson: looks like the system did accept the huge lorem ipsum file though xD23:02
tewardwithout crashing :)23:02
tewardcjwatson: i was going to upload 50 50MB files but that'd be evil on my system xD23:03
teward(that and i accidentally removed the directory xD)23:03

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