
saltmakrellHi! Maybe it is necessary to get someone from the Bug Squad to adjust the importance/triage Bug #1389843 for it to be possible that it will get done before the vivid release? Or maybe it's already too late?22:35
ubot5bug 1389843 in gpxviewer (Ubuntu) "Remove gpxviewer from vivid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138984322:35
micahgbug squad won't help, needs to be an uploader22:37
saltmakrellmicahg: Ok. Thanks a lot for a quick and clear answer!22:38
micahgI can take a look quick22:38
saltmakrellI would appreciate that!22:38
micahgsaltmakrell: ah, a developer has already looked at it, it just needs processing at this point22:39
saltmakrellmicahg: So does this mean that it will happen before the release?22:46
saltmakrellI saw that you changed the importance to wishlist. Thanks for that! It will, if I understand correctly, make it more likely to happen.22:51
tewardsaltmakrell: i think there's other considerations (but i don't think an importance change on its own denotes that it'll be looked at faster or slower)22:52
saltmakrellOK. But thanks a lot anyway! We'll see, but it will make a lot of extra work if it doesn't happen.22:56

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