
cyphermoxflexiondotorg: looks like I have the oem-config case nailed.14:05
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Go you! Do you have package I can download/install in my snapshot for testing?14:05
cyphermoxI'll get you one in a moment14:06
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Perfect. I'll test in Ubuntu MATE as soon as you ping me a link :)14:10
cyphermoxflexiondotorg: should be built soon: https://launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/+archive/ubuntu/installer-dev/+sourcepub/4872033/+listing-archive-extra15:30
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Thanks.15:32
* flexiondotorg waits...15:32
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Can I simply install this into a VM that is waiting for the "Prepare for shipping to end user" icon to be clicked?15:37
cyphermoxyes, should be fine15:37
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Thanks.15:39
* flexiondotorg takes a deep breath and starts testing cyphermox updates15:49
cyphermoxif it doesn't work, don't tell me immediately, let me bask in the satisfaction of thinking I got it right for a moment :)15:51
cyphermox... while I consider the best way to stab casper into cooperation15:51
flexiondotorgcyphermox, First test was a success, I think ;) I was actually talking to someone and then notice my VM was sitting at the login screen.15:56
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Will roll back the snapshot and test again becuase xorg-server did crash it seems.15:56
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Works.16:01
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Ubuntu MATE can now be OEM configured. The oem user is indeed removed.16:01
cyphermoxand after that you get the login prompt immediately?16:01
flexiondotorgcyphermox, On my Virtualbox test machine, xorg-server has crashed at some point during the restarting of the display manager.16:01
cyphermoxis it always crashing?16:02
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Part way through the OEM configuration the MATE Desktop is loaded, then replaced with LightDM.16:02
cyphermoxthat may just be artefacts though?16:02
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Yes, I can reproduce xorg-server crash. Could be VBox.16:02
cyphermoxdo you have a crash file in /var/crash?16:03
* flexiondotorg checking16:03
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Yep and apport has handled the crash16:04
cyphermoxso this is no good16:04
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Do you want an LP bug?16:04
flexiondotorgcyphermox, It is a big step forward I'd say.16:04
cyphermoxnot necessarily, depends why it crashed16:05
cyphermoxif you can file a bug that would help, yes16:05
flexiondotorgcyphermox, 'X -br -ac -noreset tcp -background none vt7 :0' is what crashed.16:06
cyphermoxthat looks like the command-line for ubiquity-dm16:06
flexiondotorgI also noticed that when LightDM is displayed after OEM config is completed I can't switch vts16:07
flexiondotorgOr rather, I can switch but I get now console.16:07
flexiondotorg*no console.16:07
cyphermoxpress enter16:07
cyphermoxI hate this systemd porting, so complicated when things were already working :'(16:07
flexiondotorgcyphermox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/143877016:11
cyphermoxah, yes16:12
cyphermoxcould you give it another shot and see if it does the same without updating ubiquity?16:15
flexiondotorgcyphermox, What do you mean without updating ubiquity/16:16
flexiondotorgI added your PPA and dist-upgraded.16:17
flexiondotorgI have snapshots prior to that.16:17
cyphermoxright, used a snapshot prior to dist-upgrade:)16:17
flexiondotorgcyphermox, And do any updated at all?16:18
cyphermoxI'm doing the same, this is to make sure whether it's a regression or something that was already broken16:19
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I think already broken. Because I fully expect to not get a LightDM login after oem-config completes now. I expect to be left in the MATE Desktop.16:20
cyphermoxwell, i wouldn't even get a desktop here16:20
cyphermoxit would normally stay there waiting for the terminal to come up or for X to appear16:21
flexiondotorgcyphermox, This is what I end up without your fixes - http://imgur.com/fbYG98j16:24
cyphermoxyeah, here I get an X crash but because lightdm tries to start and fails16:24
flexiondotorgcyphermox, oem-config ask me who I am and stuff. Then I see the "Applying Changes" progress bar, then the error above.16:24
flexiondotorgcyphermox, So, a pre-existing issue with lightdm. I know pitti said he was looking into a lightdm regression. Maybe related?16:25
flexiondotorgcyphermox, With your fixes, oem-config works and completes and does what I expect right up until I login and the I am notified about xorg crashing.16:26
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I need to head home now.16:26
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I hope I've helped in some small way.16:27
flexiondotorgcyphermox, I'll be online again later.16:27

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