
* diddledan blows raspberries03:27
knightwisetaking the train to work today. have mercy on my soul04:20
diddledangood luck!04:30
mappshow long does it take knightwise04:36
mappsso whos up diddledan / daftykins and zmoylan-1?:)04:36
diddledanhi mapps04:36
diddledanooh, new build of win10!04:36
diddledanhe says unashamedly in a linux channel04:37
diddledanarrived sometime in the last few hours I guess - the date on the announcement is 30th but that's in american money04:38
mappsever see people/photos and you can tell right away what people are like?04:53
mappsok dont judge a book by a cover and all that04:53
mappsbut when i go on facebook more often than not you can tell who's a thick chav / whos a bit of a tart04:54
mappsjust by the pictures04:54
MooDoomorning all06:59
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
davmor2Morning all08:05
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Backup Day!  :-D08:31
foobarryanyone use mendeley or similar tool?08:50
foobarrywondered if it was possible to have an onsite version08:51
foobarryseems not possible :(08:52
davmor2JamesTait: Man my backup day is thursday not tuesday08:59
DJonesNo command 'Man' found,09:02
foobarryno manual page for 'my' found09:03
popeyEvery day is backup day! \o/09:03
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zmoylan-piapart from the day the system dies as writing over a backup with file corruption just seems silly :-)09:14
selinuxiumErm... This is a new one on me... Dev box /opt ran out of space. not the boot directory.09:26
selinuxiumRemoved several gig and the server is still showing 100% utilisation?? Rebooted still the same.09:27
selinuxiumAny ideas?09:27
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:27
selinuxiumStandard file system.09:28
selinuxiumsat on a SAN09:28
diddledannever heard of the Standard file system09:28
diddledanbetter! :-p09:28
diddledanbe splefic09:28
diddledan(the extra L is important :-p)09:29
popeykeep taking the meds diddledan09:29
selinuxiumUnless you faff with the install... :)09:29
diddledanpopey: always :-p09:29
selinuxiumdiddledan, So apart from the pedantry, any ideas? :)09:31
popeylsof and see what files are open / growing09:32
selinuxiumAlready done an fsck09:32
diddledandamn you pre-empted my reply, selinuxium09:32
diddledanopen files should be fixed by a reboot09:32
foobarrywhat is in /opt on your install selinuxium09:33
selinuxiumthe rest of my dev system... Mainly a cobol DB and binarys09:33
selinuxium/dev/sdb1                   296G  283G     0 100% /opt09:34
diddledaninode limit?09:34
selinuxiumAlready thought of that..09:35
popeydu -hs /opt09:35
selinuxiumTaking it's time to respond....09:36
selinuxium283G    /opt09:36
foobarryits possible to removed files that existed in another folder09:37
foobarrybut were symlinked09:37
selinuxium/dev/sda1                   228M   86M  131M  40% /boot09:38
selinuxiumNot at utilisation anywhere atm.. .09:38
selinuxiumCarried on deleting files and got some space back... /dev/sdb1                   296G  276G  5.2G  99% /opt10:03
popeyselinuxium: sudo lsof | grep opt10:04
popeyalso, iotop10:04
Laneywhat's that hideous smell wafting up the stairs?10:08
Laneyoh, my trainers drying on the radiator10:09
Laney:( :( :(10:09
foobarrysmell = bacteria10:09
foobarryyou are probably a walking fungus10:09
zmoylan-pior stepped in something10:09
Laneythey are quite holey10:09
Laneyso they absorb most of what comes out of the sky10:10
selinuxiumpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10711272/10:12
diddledan/opt/common/ACTT is using 442million blocks?10:26
diddledan512KB block means 220GB10:26
diddledan(if I'm correct. remember IANAL)10:27
selinuxiumdiddledan,  ll -h /opt/common/ACTT          -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 422M Mar 31 11:19 /opt/common/ACTT*10:29
diddledanaah ok10:29
diddledanI'm wrong. how rare :-p10:30
selinuxiumha ha! :)10:30
selinuxiumI am fairly used to being wrong...10:30
selinuxiumAsk the other half... -_-10:31
selinuxiumI still don't understand the problem in that nothing adds up...10:32
foobarryanother day, another user who mentions that usb drives from pcworld are cheaper than enterprise storage :-|10:32
selinuxiumfoobarry, It is amazing isn't it...10:34
foobarrygo ahead, you'll be back when you want fast backed-up storage attached to a HPC cluster10:35
zmoylan-pior someone trips over all the usb cables trailing across the floor interwoven with power bricks and power leads and power strips10:36
foobarrydo they think we have a big server in the Datacentre with a load of chained usb drives?10:36
foobarrylike popeys microserver?10:37
popeythat was less trip and more yank10:38
zmoylan-piit's a cunning ploy in case there's a police raid :-) a self destructing server10:39
davmor2selinuxium: you don't understand how other halves work do you,  When they are wrong it's your fault so you are wrong, when you wrong then it's your fault and you are as wrong as if you were right ;)10:42
selinuxium*nods sagely*10:46
foobarrywhy is this the case?10:53
foobarryit is true10:53
foobarrybut why so universal10:53
foobarrywow. shared parental laeve10:57
foobarryi wish i had that option10:57
davmor2foobarry: universal constants it what keeps the universe in harmony :)10:59
foobarryso i have a question..11:00
foobarrywhat if everyone in the country did 35hr week?11:00
foobarrywithout exception11:00
foobarrywhat would happen? economically? socially?11:00
zmoylan-pipoliticians would never let it happen, they'd have to work!!11:00
foobarrywork can be done within contracted hrs11:01
foobarryteachers only doing 9-5 , nurses, politicians,11:01
foobarrywhat would it look like?11:01
foobarryhappier marraiges? worse? more babies? healthier citizens?11:01
davmor2foobarry: the country would grind to a halt and implode11:01
foobarryi do a productive week within my contract hrs. i've done the 55hr weeks too earlier in life11:02
zmoylan-pibecause doctors when training do 60-80 hour weeks or it would take twice as long to train them11:02
foobarrymore people get sick as a result, some long term burn out11:02
foobarryi don't think any of these are reasonable arguments11:03
foobarrythen it takes 2x as long11:03
foobarrybut when they get there, it will be a regular job, not crazy11:03
zmoylan-pii don't think you can just make it take twice as long.  i think it's partially a shakedown trial to see if they can survive the worst that medicine can throw at them in the event of disaster11:04
foobarrybut if they only work contracted hrs then they don't need crazy training11:04
foobarrylong term, think of the effect on the country11:05
foobarryslower pace of life11:05
foobarrypeople being productive within their hrs11:05
foobarryhappier nation?11:05
foobarrylondon is crazy busy and its killing everyone11:05
foobarrydid it contribute to the pilot going mad?11:06
davmor2music music music music music music music music music music music :P11:06
ahayzendavmor2, oi ;)11:06
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: So...a 35hr week would cull the population through disease and thus stave off global warming?11:07
zmoylan-pihmmmmm, soylent green...11:08
davmor2ahayzen: for mine and MooDoo and popey 's generation you need to add a filter that adds a low motor sound and the odd skip of a second or so call it vinyl mode :)11:08
zmoylan-piand a button to add the sound of a record arm been dragged across the grove for those dramatic moments that require it :-)11:09
ahayzendavmor2, heh ... 70s onwards i'm cool with :) ... being a 90/00s kid11:09
TwistedLucidityWhat should be prevented (or severely curtailed) are zero-hour contracts.11:09
zmoylan-piit may be they are needed. i'd just charge companies that use them per person a tax to cover the dole of the person on zero hour contract to top their wages up to weekly wage. just in case they're been used inappropriately11:12
popeydavmor2: have you seen Raised by Wolves on channel 4?11:12
davmor2popey: no I should but then I see wolves often enough11:13
popeyits rather good11:14
popeyone of the best things on telly IMO11:14
davmor2popey: it would help if it was based in wolverhampton I guess, and you can tell that the actor ain't from round here, not enough R's and *$@*££*$^&*&^£(*&^£$)*£^££("*&^)"^£*(^(*£&^(£*^££&*(^£* or expletives that are discernible11:18
davmor2popey: and in the clip I just saw they had books that would knocked off DVD's here why would they waste bookshelf space on books :D11:20
shaunozmoylan-pi: stop dragging the needle and you won't have to emulate skips :)  poor abused records :(11:21
popeyI think that's the point, they're seen as wierd pikeys by the neighbourhood, but they're all quite articulate11:21
davmor2popey: I'll have to have a look at some point11:24
foobarryi know i should never read the comments..but the independent has some of the most deranged ones out there11:28
diddledanfoobarry: trolls be trolls11:29
foobarrythey are more than that11:29
foobarryall have some bee in their bonnet11:29
diddledanif you're ever lost and you hear a bee going buzzz buzzz, then the best idea is to hop on the bus and head to the nearest bus-station11:33
foobarrymore pills please nurse11:34
DJonesHave some dried frog pills foobarry11:34
* foobarry hands them to diddledan 11:34
diddledanalso if you're ever stuck in a locked room with just a table then rub your hands till they're sore, saw the table in half and put the two halves together again to make a whole. finally climb through the hole to get out.11:35
foobarrywhat do you guys pay for building+contents insurance for a year?12:23
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
shaunoargh.  just wasted 3 whole hours trying to troubleshoot why a site keeps acting so screwy.  3 hours.  the answer turns out to be "the customer clicks "reset to defaults" when he's bored"12:28
* zmoylan-pi passes shauno a fully charged cattle prod12:29
MyrttiI wonder if our conservatory is going to fly off12:29
diddledanshauno: really?!12:31
shaunoyes.  every time they were sent to a page to read off a setting, they "fiddled with stuff" while they were there.12:32
awilkins"Oh, maybe this will fix it. If both of us are working on it in parallel, it may get fixed faster!"12:33
diddledanblinking clients12:33
diddledanI swear there should be an intelligence/sanity test before taking on new customers12:34
zmoylan-pithat reminds me of the time i was checking the network cabling at a retail location and had cable tester plugged in 2 floors apart and had lots of problems till i found my boss was disconnecting the cable tester to 'help me'12:35
zmoylan-pino i never worked out how that was to help me either.  i would also add i was in serious pain at the time and was hospitalised for 6 weeks that year for various bits of surgery12:36
zmoylan-piand climbing those flights of stairs about 30 times that day really helped12:36
diddledansugary is not fun.. well the morphine is fun.. but the pain isn't12:37
diddledanI loved the morphine they gave me for my gall bladder ectomy12:37
diddledanI was high as a kite12:38
diddledanI can understand the addictive nature12:38
diddledanI want to have another surgery just for the awesome after effect :-p12:38
popeysugary sounds great!12:39
diddledanpopey: it's sweet12:39
diddledanbut fattening :-(12:40
shaunoI was going to say they have surgery for that too, but I'm not sure that'd get you morphine12:43
MyrttiI didnt' get any morphine :-|12:46
Myrttithe anesthetic/sedative for the operation was great though12:46
Myrttican totes understand why MJ was a fan12:46
diddledanyeah, I donno if it was morphine, I'm just using that as a catch-all for anaesthetic12:47
diddledanthat's evil12:49
diddledanalmost as bad as marquee12:49
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
TwistedLucidityMyrtti: Morphine is awesome13:08
TwistedLucidityCartoon channel, 3am, out of my skull on morphine. Brilliant. For the avoidance of confusion, I was in hospital at the time.13:09
zmoylan-picould have been the test card AND morphine and it would still have been brilliant13:11
popeyonly experience I have of morphine is watching my dad die while on it13:22
zmoylan-pimy mother was moved to diamorphine when she reached last day or two.  essentially heroin.  didn't stop the pain at the end13:24
MyrttiI watched mum on the pump for a month, took turns with my sister on sleeping on a mattress on the hospital room floor13:57
MyrttiI hate them pumps13:57
popeyyeah :(14:03
* elfy touches wood14:07
Myrttithey are especially hated when the patient clogs up and the pump doesn't deliver the medication anymore and starts to beep14:10
* awilkins hated re-siting the venous lines for said pumps14:11
popeyhmm, my laptop has suddenly got slow networking wise, 5Mb/s up/down on speedtest14:11
popeynetwork to other machines on LAN is fine14:11
popeyand other machines out to internet are fine14:11
awilkinsIs it running Windows and/or playing an MP3 ?14:11
zmoylan-pireboot the machine?14:11
popeyI'd rather find out what's wrong than do a windows and reboot it14:12
popeyit's my x22014:12
popeybeen slow all day14:12
popey(since I rebooted)14:12
popeytrying to figure out how to diagnose what's causing it14:12
awilkinsI had a weird network crash after running a very large rsync transfer the other day, the wired adapter just gave up and sulked14:14
popeyswitched from wired to wifi, still throttled14:19
Myrttiwe're going to have a fun evening today, dsample is getting a new NEW laptop14:20
MyrttiXPS 15 with the 4K display14:22
Myrttigonna pop Ubuntu on it :-D14:22
Myrttiwell, I assume that's his plan14:22
Myrttiwho knows, he might actually put Gent... no. he wouldn't14:22
popeyIs that the new one? I think there's some issues with that device still14:23
popeytouchpad driver iirc14:23
awilkinsTouch PAD or touch SCREEN14:23
awilkinsAnd I thought it was the touchscreen and that it had been fixed, but that's just a rumour14:24
foobarrymy keyboard keeps going mad with keyboard repeat14:26
foobarryits a new machine14:26
foobarryprobably bad driver :(14:26
Myrttiwell, we'll see how it fares, I suppose14:27
MyrttiI hope I don't stop making sense - I'm planning to pay for the wedding venue, celebrant and photographer in a bit and in preparation have taken to the rhubarb wine bottle14:28
davmor2popey: my desktop is wired and way way faster than my wifi laptop.  Laptop is 19.23 down and 5.94 up, pc is 68.34 down and 5.82 up.14:28
Myrttiatleast this time I don't need to cash into my investment funds savings like I had to the last time I had to pay a big family occasion bill14:29
davmor2popey: did you get pitti's nm-indicator minus dbus on your laptop14:29
Myrttithat hurt badly14:30
Myrttimade a good 500 loss on that move14:30
popeydavmor2: yeah, just updated again and got new nm14:30
popeyseems better now14:30
popeyup to 90Mb/s down, was 5Mb/s :(14:30
msm__Hi there14:37
* popey suspects wrong window14:38
popeyhello msm__14:38
msm__popey: hey :) My fingers skipped windows  .. but thanks for the "hello" :)14:41
foobarrymmm purple opal fruits15:02
davmor2msm__: you'll alway have a hello here, nothing useful like, but at least a hello :)15:07
msm__davmor2: Helloooo :)15:07
popeydavmor2: can you speedtest-cli a few times for me if you're on up to date vivid?15:52
popeyMine varies wildly15:52
davmor2popey: give me 515:53
davmor2popey: don't forget the wind ;)15:53
davmor2popey: just cause virgins pretty prompt if you are pinging a bt line at any point good luck ;)15:54
popeybut other machines on my LAN are fine15:54
popeyits not VM15:54
popeyit's my machine.15:55
davmor2popey: then just ping your router will give you more accuracy I'd of thought15:55
popeyping isn't useful15:57
popeyneeds to be chunky download15:57
popeywhich my router can't give me15:57
davmor2popey: but you san can15:57
davmor2popey: server then15:59
davmor2popey: your massive array of disks on btrfs15:59
davmor2popey: that should still have less latency than the interwebz :D16:00
popeythats not my machine16:00
popeythats another machine16:01
davmor2popey: one excuse after another ;)16:01
davmor2popey: do you have more than one laptop in the house if so put an iso on one and copy that back and forth16:02
popeythis issue only happens when this machine is getting from t'internet16:03
davmor2popey: hahahaha16:03
popeyiperf from my machine to home server is GbE :)16:03
popeyand works fine16:04
davmor2popey: so not the laptop and not the router which only leave the wind ;)16:08
intrbizMTU set correctly?16:09
davmor2popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10712965/16:09
popeyDownload: 81.15 Mbit/s16:09
popeyfrom home server16:09
popeyDownload: 3.96 Mbit/s16:09
popeyfrom laptop16:09
intrbizpopey: laptop on wifi?16:11
popeyno, wired16:11
davmor2popey: my laptop is slower but like 19.xx rather than 60.xx16:11
davmor2popey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10712978/16:13
davmor2popey: last one is laptop over desktop16:13
daftykinshas vivid had multiple kernels that is worth testing between?16:14
intrbizuse the packets luke16:15
popeyit's only got worse over the last day or so16:17
davmor2popey: I blame pitti's change to network-manager :)16:20
intrbizjust blame network-manager16:22
davmor2intrbiz: no I think there were some big changes made. over night that landed16:25
intrbizIf only we could keep that situation for longer16:46
diddledaneww, the sun's coming out! >.<16:53
diddledanmy eyes!!!!16:53
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
DJones+Damm,you forget that in some parts of the world its April 1st already, http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/133405-press-to-buy-amazon-s-new-dash-buttons-fit-anywhere-and-quickly-order-specific-products17:20
MartijnVdSDJones: Google has pac man in maps :)17:23
DJonesMartijnVdS: Thats fair enough, when there was the partial eclipse the other week, I remember seeing a "picture" showing pacman eating the moon or something like that17:26
* popey reboots router17:28
diddledanomg popey going offline?!17:28
diddledanseriously bad news!17:28
* popey came back pretty quickly17:29
diddledanyou didn't even disappear17:29
* diddledan apt-get-moo's17:29
popeythe benefit of running irssi in screen on a remote box17:32
Myrttiyou never know, he could have joined because m0nkey_ is here ;-)17:38
Myrttior he could be here to give you a third degree17:38
dsampleIt’s not delivered yet. I’m hoping the recommendation isn’t ‘stick with windows for the moment’ :oP17:39
diddledanMyrtti: you'dathunk he might wander by because you're here, no?17:40
Myrttilol no.17:40
MyrttiI'm the IRC addict and his social secretary17:40
Myrttilol @ stackexchange17:42
dsampleShe’s here (and on Google Hangouts), no need to have IRC as well17:49
dsampleIt’s weird how much we discuss through Hangouts even though we’re sitting next to each other17:49
Myrttioh but that's just links17:49
davmor2popey: you getting better speed now?17:55
Myrttidelivery \o/17:56
daftykinshow odd, the Crucial RAM i ordered to upgrade this cheap Lenovo just died17:56
Myrttiuuuuu says he17:59
Myrttinice packaging17:59
Myrttinow we've got a tiny laptop and a big laptop18:02
daftykinsdiddledan: you played with the spartan browser in your win10 VM yet?18:02
diddledandaftykins: yup18:02
daftykinsi'm letting mine update now18:03
daftykinscant believe their delivery mechanism was to have you download the entire disc image to the HDD18:03
diddledanreally? mine updated via windows update18:04
Myrttioh no!18:05
Myrttithe most difficult part of getting a new laptop18:05
diddledanMyrtti: fred18:06
diddledanor bob18:06
diddledanmaybe barney18:06
Myrttiand good sensible chuckles were had.18:06
Myrttithank you diddledan18:06
Myrttinuu, he's being boring18:06
daftykinsdiddledan: yes but it downloaded the entire ISO contents to a hidden folder on C:\ then installed via that boot point replacement :)18:06
shaunomine's called "laptop"  :(18:06
daftykinsdiddledan: ah i've just logged in and see they have build 10041 ISOs for download now anyway18:06
diddledanalternatively Myrttis-MSI-ABC12318:07
Myrtti"xps15-win" whaaa18:07
diddledan(as ubuntu likes naming things)18:07
daftykinsyeah name is always the longest stage :(18:07
diddledandaftykins: we're on 10049 now18:07
daftykinsdiddledan: ja i knows it18:07
daftykinsi've seen some hilarious auto generated names by ubuntu, they called some laptop "HP-Pavilion-G6000-somecodehere"18:08
davmor2Myrtti: depends on your naming convention18:08
MyrttiI've never heard him swear so much as now...18:16
Myrtti*rolleys* Windows Metro18:16
daftykinsTIFKAM - the interface formerly known as metro :>18:17
davmor2Myrtti: he's liking the Windows 8 then18:17
MyrttiI'm just staring with a horrified expression18:17
MyrttiI didn't know he knew those words18:17
daftykinssounds like my reaction to both windows 8, 8.1 and Unity on Ubuntu ;)18:18
daftykinshmm, all three even :D18:18
davmor2Myrtti: just ask him to turn it off from the menu, stand back and wait for the explosion18:18
Myrttihe's backseating my IRC, ie. reading over my shoulder18:18
daftykinsdavmor2: but they added that.18:19
daftykinslatest windows 8.1 update has power buttons in more sane places, but is still horrible overall :D18:20
davmor2daftykins: mine came with windows 8 it wasn't in then it is in settings rather than start neither make sense really but at least you could find it in start18:20
daftykinsyeah your factory install was likely not up to date18:21
Myrttihe's checking what the laptop has preinstalled before connecting to tinternets18:21
davmor2daftykins: 8.1 wasn't released at the time18:21
Myrttitruly shocked, I'll tell you18:23
Myrttithe LANGUAGE!18:23
dsampleIt came pre-infected with McAfee!18:24
davmor2Myrtti: but he is only reading the messages on the screen out loud18:24
diddledandsample: does it have superfish?18:24
daftykinsdavmor2: ah, redesign comment still stands though :>18:24
MyrttiI should take a photo of the setup now.18:24
bashrcYou're setting up windows?18:25
dsample“Software removed”, yay, now I’m one step closer to connecting it to the Internet18:25
daftykinsmakes more sense to clean install a factory PC :)18:26
dsamplebashrc: unfortunately some games only support Windows & OSX, so it makes a small amount of sense to keep a small Windows partition in the corner18:26
dsampleAlthough, I’m starting to think if I want Windows 8.1 on here I should probably download a fresh ISO from my work MSDN subscription18:27
daftykinsdsample: definitely :) what brand is this thing?18:27
Myrttidaftykins: Dell XPS 15 with the 4K display18:28
diddledanooh, 4k!118:29
daftykinsi'd love one of the 1920x1080 res XPS 13s :>18:29
daftykins15hrs battery \o/18:29
daftykinsbut then skylake is just around the corner, which might be even better18:30
bashrcI don't think I've ever had a laptop whose battery lasted longer than 3 hours18:30
Myrttidaftykins: ... I have that one18:30
Myrttithe battery doesn't last 15hrs tho18:31
daftykinsi know!18:31
daftykinsprobably not with ubuntu, no18:31
popeyDownload: 1.97 Mbit/s18:31
popeyUpload: 5.84 Mbit/s18:31
popeyI have no idea what to do now.18:31
bashrcdrink tea?18:32
daftykinspopey: haven't been multiple vivid kernels to try between, at all?18:32
popeykernel hasn't changed though18:32
daftykinsoh compared with when it was acting normally?18:32
popeymaybe it has, i had a long uptime18:32
popeymarch 24 was last kernel change18:33
daftykinsi was thinking anything that could've changed the LAN driver, though granted it could be something else18:33
popeyits terible on wifi too18:33
daftykinsmmm so must be another component in the chain18:33
* bashrc backed up18:34
Myrttiawww, he needs to connect it to the Internet to claim the 20GB of Dropbox that came with the machine18:34
Myrttioh the dilemma18:34
Myrttithe crowd goes wild18:35
Myrttiwill he do it18:35
bashrcI would use Owncloud or syncthing18:35
popeythis is all over the place18:35
popeyDownload: 19.66 Mbit/s18:35
bashrcthe bandwidth Gods are fickle18:35
popeyon wifi18:36
Myrttibashrc: "yeah, but frrreee"18:36
Myrttiwell that's not what he said18:36
diddledanpopey: you don't have any torrents running on your network do you?18:36
* popey rebootno18:37
popeyand this is the only machine that has the issue18:37
diddledanmaybe you're being DDoSed :-p18:37
popeyspeedtest on my desktop is fine18:37
popeyand on my home server18:37
davmor2popey: is it intel wifi?18:37
daftykinspopey: does iperf's results when testing between that system and another LAN system suffer too?18:37
popeydaftykins: wired or wifi18:37
popeydavmor2: ^18:38
davmor2popey: do you have any usb wifi dongle18:38
davmor2popey: could be intel across the board and one broken driver18:38
davmor2popey: if you have a usb dongle plug that in see if that improves it18:39
popeyits not just my laptop then18:39
popeymy server ....18:39
popeyDownload: 2.38 Mbit/s18:39
popeyUpload: 0.38 Mbit/s18:39
popeything is the results are all over the place18:39
davmor2popey: that's a problem on the network then at a guess,  I blame the wind damn it ;)18:39
diddledanor your ISP or BT have overloaded the node18:40
popeyrunning iperf between laptop and server18:40
popeyoh, over wifi18:40
* popey switches to lan18:40
popey[  3]  0.0-10.1 sec  25.2 MBytes  21.1 Mbits/sec18:40
popeyover wifi18:41
popey[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.09 GBytes   931 Mbits/sec18:41
popeyover lan18:41
popeythe one thing I have yet to reboot... cable modem18:41
popeycheerio everyone for a bit18:41
popeyback in the room18:42
Myrttinow he's gotten bored and wants the Ubuntu USB stick18:43
popeyincoming UEFI issues18:43
popeyDownload: 79.49 Mbit/s18:43
diddledanuefi issues?18:43
popeyfrom Myrtti and mr Myrtti18:44
davmor2popey: shouldn't be any as long as uefi register the usb stick okay18:44
popeyDownload: 73.80 Mbit/s18:44
popeyon server18:44
popeystupid cable modem18:44
diddledanthat's sucky18:45
MartijnVdS(though the 586 was dropping and would eventually level out at 500)18:50
Myrttikey management o_____O18:53
Myrttithis bios is confuuuusing18:53
daftykinsnewp standard EFI talk :>18:57
daftykinsbut you don't have to worry about key management18:57
Myrttijebus that's really the 4k display19:03
Myrttigrub menu is unreadable because the font is so small19:03
Myrttiwell, nearly unreadable19:03
daftykinspics please!19:03
Myrttiwow the menus and the texts!19:03
diddledangrub really needs to learn how dpi works19:03
Myrttilol, one sec19:03
daftykinsi've still yet to work out how to set a sane DPI on the desktop of the LXDE session that comes with kodibuntu19:04
Myrtti"I have a feeling this is going to be slightly strenuous"19:04
Myrtti"although, accessibility menu..."19:04
daftykinsif i log in to that instead of the sessions that runs Kodi, the pic on my 1080p TV is way too tiny19:05
Myrtti"well, trackpad works for the basic stuff"19:05
MyrttiI can't see the text on the menu19:05
Myrttigoddamn, what is this, laptop for ants?19:05
MyrttiUbuntu for ants.19:05
diddledanwait till you plug it into a non-hi-dpi monitor and try having two different scaling settings for internal and external :-p19:05
Myrttilol he's trying to pinpoint london on the map19:09
davmor2can't you drag it to increase the size of the window?19:10
diddledanthat won't change the font size19:10
Myrttinow we're back in the starting square19:11
Myrtti"what shall we call the laptop"19:11
Myrttioh apparently he's wiping windows19:11
Myrttinow he's got two cursors19:12
Myrtti"oh man now it'll probably start speaking"19:12
diddledannah cortana isn't available yet19:13
Myrttino the Ubuntu19:13
Myrttioh christ19:13
Myrttihe's named it bumblelion19:14
diddledanI'm going to fake elements19:14
diddledanI've got samsonite and carbonite so far19:14
diddledanthink I need to rename my other two boxes19:14
Myrttinow he's thinking of gummibears as the names...19:15
Myrttioh lawd19:15
* Myrtti gets the take out menu19:15
MyrttiI don't think we're going to cook tonight, Toto19:16
Myrttino wifi...19:27
popeyhaha, love that pic Myrtti19:29
popeyalso, Myrtti what version you installing? :)19:29
Myrttiit's not detected at all by Ubuntu, it seems19:31
Myrttinothing in dmesg19:31
Myrttibit stumped now19:31
popeylspci ?19:31
popeylspci | grep -i net19:32
Myrttirev 319:33
Myrttiah found it19:33
dsampleIt’s strange that the device is supposedly certified Ubuntu within other laptops19:38
popeyis it?19:39
popeyIt might be certified _when_ installed at factory with ubuntu pre-installed?19:40
popeyi.e. dell add a ppa with the necessary nonsense in it?19:40
Myrttiwhy would my USB stick be readonly filesystem19:41
popey"Pre-installed by manufacturer"19:41
* Myrtti flips table19:41
dsamplepopey: oh, mouseover info19:41
popeyyeah, sorry.19:41
Myrttioh for *19:42
dsampleJust wondering, is it a lengthy process to get drivers added to the base image? I’d have hoped devices for popular devices (which I presume the XPS line is) would be high on the ‘it just works’ requirements list19:44
Myrtti"It would actually help if I'd plug the USB in instead of putting it on the laptop"19:44
Myrttipoor thing, he's getting confused19:44
diddledanI just reported a gnarly bug to the windows insider feedback program - the windows app store allows to be configured to save apps and games to a drive other than C: (e.g. an in-built sd-card reader such as on my MS Surface Pro 3). it doesn't check whether this drive is formatted with ntfs and blindly tries to try installing apps causing it to fail with an obscure error code because the ACL system doesn't work on, for example, exFAT filesystems.19:53
Myrttiyay wifi!19:59
Myrttiif those are the icons that shipped with the system, oh my word.20:06
Myrtti"how do I..." "uuuuhhh install hexchat and ask popey *troll*"20:14
Myrtti"why do your icons look different" "because I've restored my settings from a backup" "I'd do that too but for some reason my old laptop doesn't boot anymore..." "..... sorry"20:16
Myrttithat font is ridiculous though20:16
popeyffs, internet has gone terrible again20:21
daftykinsdsample: yep it'd be unworthy of time for a single system20:24
daftykinsalthough windows 8.1 has a single option to hit on install, from legit media, to pull in all drivers auto20:25
daftykinsgiven that XPS likely uses the intel on-die graphics you'd just enable that and it'll keep most drivers current20:25
daftykinsaudio + touchpad + any Dell utilities to drive hotkeys might be the only ones requiring manual intervention20:26
daftykinsgotta nip off for xbox night now, bbl o/20:26
Myrttiwell we used sneakernet for the drivers20:28
Myrttiwas a bit of an effort tbh20:28
awilkinsWindows drivers?20:29
Myrttino, Linux wifi20:29
awilkinsAh, b34?20:29
Myrttibcmwl yeah20:29
Myrtti"I can almost see the whole 400 games list on my steam on one screen on this"20:31
Myrttisoon we'll know how this fares with Cities20:39
popeyTurns out my internet issue.. UK wide.21:14
popeycheck out their twitter replies https://twitter.com/virginmedia/with_replies21:14
directhexthe internet sucks21:14
popeysorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...21:14
diddledanpopey: I can't even seem to get to www.virginmedia.com from a sky connection21:26
diddledanstore.virginmedia.com works tho21:28
diddledanhelp.virginmedia.com works21:28
diddledantheir status page doesn't idicate any problems (at least for my postcode)21:41
diddledanand national broadband also says green across-the-board21:41
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
webpigeondiddledan: works for me22:21
diddledanwebpigeon: yeah it's back up now22:21
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)22:37
bigcalmdirecthex: StephensonsRocket153plus2.iso torrent is stuck at 45.5%. Are you not seeding?22:37
webpigeonEvening bigcalm22:38
directhexbigcalm: oh damn, not since i rebooted to fix a thermal issue. hang on22:51
directhexbigcalm: transmission running again22:51
mappshi all22:53
bigcalmdirecthex: aha22:53
* bigcalm pokes his own transmission22:53
directhexbigcalm: i've added more trackers to the magnet link too, which might help. http://publicbt.com/ has three URIs22:55
bigcalmI don't know what magnet is22:56
bigcalmRight now I'm using the direct download and will see that22:56
directhexedited the torrent file too22:57
mappsmy arms are burnt22:58
mappsforgot sun cream when we played tennis22:58
mappsprobably not an issue in uk:D22:58
diddledandirecthex: can I help?23:02
bigcalmdirecthex: and now I'm seeding23:02
directhexdiddledan: if you like. excitement is lower than it was in 2014, and i'm doing direct http offerings too. i hope the cdn works & i'm not paying for bandwidth on that one23:02
mappssun cream gonna be kept in my bag at all times now23:03
shaunowhen you say excitement is lower .. is that just your port?  or steamos in general?23:04
diddledanhmm, which headless bittorrent do folk recommend I use?23:06
webpigeon Transmission is pretty cool because you can run it as a command line app, a web app or a gui app23:09
diddledanthat's what I've used in the past, yeah23:09
directhexshauno: both really23:11
bigcalmdiddledan: transmission in daemon mode works for me. The web ui is how I interact with it23:11
directhexi think my cloudflare settings are wrong. 20gb bandwidth used, a few kb cached23:11
bigcalmSleep time23:12
diddledandirecthex: what's the magnet?23:16
* diddledan tries adding23:16
* m0nkey_ doesn't like the dentist23:19
m0nkey_every time, there's something23:19
diddledanaah, ok, I think I found it at a .horse domain23:20
shaunonot very long ago, that wouldn't have been a sentence.23:23
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* m0nkey_ sighs23:34
m0nkey_is it me, or are people trolling me on reddit lately23:34
popeyAre they?23:34
popeythat's totally true23:34
popeyand not an april fool, at all...23:34
diddledanok, I'm downloading now23:35
diddledanI wonder how many loglines I'm indexing per second right now23:46
diddledanset it going about 10 minutes ago and up to about 15.5million lines indexed23:46
diddledannow 16mill23:48
diddledanlooks like it's about 10k per second23:48
diddledanso far the index is 7GB23:50
diddledanstephensonsrocket is at 75% - soon be seeding the knackers off that beast23:55
diddledanand.. done23:57

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