
ChinnoDogWhy is atheros wifi so crappy on my laptop?  It would not work right even with the latest kernel and backports drivers to connect to my local AP even though Android and Windows devices have no problems.02:00
waltman...and people wonder why I have a Mac... :)02:16
* waltman ducks02:16
pleia2ChinnoDog: "crappy" and "doesn't work right"? :P you should know better02:20
pleia2might have more luck searching for the actal symptoms (is it slow? does it have poor range? does it drop your connection?)02:21
waltmandoes it drink all your milk and leave the empty carton in the refrigerator?02:22
pleia2I don't own any systems with atheros chipsets myself, but between askubuntu.com and ubuntuforums.org a TON of hardware is covered and if you search for the problem and chipset there are often answers02:22
waltmanI just renewed my ACM and IEEE memberships tonight. I'm feeling a LOT poorer :(02:23
pleia2waltman: oof, I bet02:23
waltmanThe ACM isn't so bad, but the bare minimum IEEE membership is $193/year02:23
pleia2yeah, I haven't done ieee02:24
waltmanI dropped the IEEE Computer Society this year since it's mainly a source of annoying emails02:24
waltmanACM is a much better match for my interests, but my lab tends to target IEEE conferences and journals02:25
waltmanAlso the ACM doesn't send me 2-3 emails a week about crap (sorry!) like inviting me to a seminar on "ROCK STARS OF 3D PRINTING!!!1!"02:26
pleia2nah, they just want you to participate in the ACM member interest survey :)02:26
waltmanI just did that when I renewed. I checked about half the boxes :)02:27
waltmanLast night I made my hotel reservations for YAPC in Salt Lake City. I missed the early bird special by one day (grrr) and the rooms are $169/night. And this used to be a cheap conference...02:30
waltmanThe emails they sent out said "For the early bird discount, reservations must be made prior to March 1". Meaning the actual deadline was February 28.02:31
pleia2technically right, but human brains don't read deadlines like that02:34
waltmanI know, right? If you have a deadline, say the deadline. Don't say 1 days after the deadline.02:39
ChinnoDogpleia2: I already have. I have spent days on the problem and looked up every symptom and marginally related symptom. It connects but loses packets and errors until it times out and loses its connection.03:00
ChinnoDogI upgraded drivers, manipulated driver parameters, manually configured everything. I can't find anyone with a AR9462 that has it working correctly in Ubuntu yet.04:19
ChinnoDogs/working correctly/working correctly with every AP/04:20
jthanChinnoDog: you broke shit?04:43
jthanYou broke stuff*04:43
ChinnoDogI broke it repeatedly while trying to fix it.04:51
JonathanDYo rmg5109:46
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else12:04

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