studio__ | RAOF, ? | 00:00 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: is it a website? | 00:00 |
RAOF | studio__: I don't know :) | 00:00 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | popey yeah its a website :P | 00:01 |
studio__ | i think you know ;) | 00:01 |
popey | well duh | 00:01 |
popey | google OV5648 and it says 5 megapixel | 00:01 |
popey | google for the e4.5 specs... says front cam is 5megapixel | 00:02 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: what's the issue? | 00:03 |
studio__ | so why dmesg is only showing "OV5648" ? | 00:04 |
popey | no idea | 00:05 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Its video playback from NicoNicoDouga (A japanese alternative to youtube) when playing videos it'll show the text that goes over a video, and the sound works, but the actual video its self is just black, (( )) | 00:06 |
Ponchale | easylabs is a Colombian software developer | 00:08 |
Ponchale | and want to create a version of Ubuntu for tablets and mobile devices to buy and then we install and fabricate our own devices. My question is how we can modify that code and then install it on the dispositivs | 00:08 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: do i need an account? | 00:08 |
studio__ | have to leave, time to go to sleep ... bye all, and thanks for help! | 00:08 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | popey to access videos you do, not sure why, but yeah | 00:09 |
RAOF | Ponchale: I believe you're looking for | 00:09 |
Ponchale | Raof us and communicate by that means in January and we are almost in April and we have not responded | 00:10 |
Ponchale | RAOF us and communicate by that means in January and we are almost in April and we have not responded | 00:11 |
RAOF | Ah, ok. I'll see what I can find. | 00:12 |
RAOF | (I presume you mean that *you* have tried communicating by that form and that no one at Canonical has responded) | 00:12 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: ok, finally got it working.. audio only | 00:13 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: | 00:14 |
popey | i guess you're seeing subtitles overlayed? | 00:14 |
popey | (no idea what I'm watching here) | 00:15 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | popey yeah I see subtitles as well, just not the video behind it ((Haha xD)) | 00:15 |
popey | ChloeWolfieGirl: file a bug against if i were you | 00:17 |
popey | let me have the bug number and I'll confirm it | 00:17 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Thanks Popey :D | 00:20 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | popey | 00:27 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1438955 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Video won't show on" [Undecided,New] | 00:27 |
popey | thanks ChloeWolfieGirl | 00:28 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Nah thank you popey :D | 00:28 |
popey | confirmed | 00:28 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | :D | 00:30 |
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bzoltan_ | dragonkeeper: when you see this line? Is it there? | 03:52 |
star_ | hi, I have one problem with mir client program. | 06:11 |
star_ | I run the test program - mir_demo_client_egltriangle on my mako mobile phone. | 06:12 |
star_ | However, the triangle is "flicked" on the screen and DO not composite with the background. | 06:13 |
star_ | Does anyone meet the same problem? | 06:13 |
star_ | anyone can tell me which is the right "mir" reversion running on MAKO? I use the 0.12.1. However, unity can NOT be started if the mir related libraries are replaced. | 06:16 |
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star_ | anyone can help me on this? | 06:19 |
nhaines | It's 6 in the morning on a weekday. | 06:22 |
nhaines | !patience | 06:22 |
ubot5 | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 06:22 |
nhaines | You'll probably have more luck in a couple of huors. | 06:23 |
nhaines | hours. | 06:23 |
star_ | Ok. Got it. Thanks a lot. | 06:24 |
nhaines | No problem, and god luck. | 06:25 |
nhaines | I'm going to throw this wireless keyboard out the window. :P | 06:25 |
nhaines | Anyway, when the engineers are in, they're quite helpful. | 06:25 |
star_ | Yes. I get the chat room address from my friend. And he rates the room very high :) | 06:26 |
jasonmd | I've got Ubuntu touch stable on a Nexus 4 anyone here tried the BQ device? | 06:27 |
RAOF | star_: The right Mir version is the version of Mir in the images :) | 06:30 |
nhaines | jasonmd: I had the bq device for a weekend. It was really nice. | 06:32 |
RAOF | star_: Unity should start if the Mir packages are replaced by equivalent ones (specifically - if the image has libmirserver31 then you need a libmirserver31 package); if you're building Mir from source you will likely need to rebuild Unity8 and unity-system-compositor against your new Mir, though. | 06:32 |
RAOF | star_: Our server ABI stability is a work in progress :) | 06:32 |
jasonmd | Is it smoother than Nexus 4? | 06:32 |
nhaines | I don't know. I've never had one. | 06:33 |
jasonmd | ah | 06:34 |
nhaines | I think we got it to skip once or twice but basically it worked just as well as my Nexus 5 does. | 06:35 |
star_ | ==RAOF | 06:36 |
jasonmd | ok, Nexus 4 is ok, I had Ubuntu on the Samsung Nexus before it, but it wasn't stable. | 06:36 |
star_ | RAOF: is there anyway to build the mir client easily? | 06:37 |
jasonmd | and it gets better with every update but Cut the rope is pretty slow on it | 06:37 |
RAOF | star_: They're built in the mir-demos package? | 06:38 |
RAOF | star_: What are you trying to do, specifically? | 06:39 |
star_ | Sorry, my network is broken and miss the answers. Can anyone paste the answer to me again? | 06:43 |
star_ | Thanks a lot. | 06:43 |
RAOF | star_: I'm not entirely sure what your question is. The demo clients are available pre-built in the mir-demos package if you want them. | 06:44 |
nhaines | jasonmd: Cut the Rope ran perfectly on the bq phone. Not at all well on my Nexus 5, although still playable. | 06:45 |
jasonmd | interesting, it's playable on Nexus 4 but it's in slow motion, i thought Nexus 5 has higher specs than the Bq guess it's down to drivers? | 06:48 |
star_ | RAOF: Thanks a lot. I can try the demo package. By the way, is there simplest way to compile the mir client program? | 06:48 |
RAOF | star_: Not really; you need to build the Mir source tree. | 06:48 |
RAOF | But! All the *client* demos should work fine against the phone's installed libmirclient, because we actually have an ABI there :) | 06:48 |
star_ | RAOF: I found the README in the examples (of Mir source code tar ball). | 06:49 |
star_ | RAOF: It says: examples for mir clients. you should have package 'libmirclient-dev' installed you can compile with a command like: g++ -std=c++0x -o mir_demo_client_scroll `pkg-config --libs --cflags mirclient` demo_client_scroll.cpp graphics_utils.cpp gcc -o mir_demo_client_flicker `pkg-config --libs --cflags mirclient` demo_client_flicker.c | 06:49 |
RAOF | Yeah, that'll also work. | 06:50 |
star_ | RAOF: Ok. Got it. I try and found whether the issue is existed or not. Thanks a lot. | 06:50 |
star_ | RAOF: The "mir-demos" can NOT be got. The apt-get returns missing about the deb: mir-demos_0.9.0+15.04.20141125-0ubuntu1_armhf.deb . | 06:58 |
star_ | RAOF: And the libmirclient-dev can NOT be installed too :( | 06:59 |
star_ | RAOF: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 06:59 |
RAOF | star_: That looks like you've got an outdated apt cache? | 06:59 |
RAOF | star_: You might need to run “apt update” first, so apt will see the new packages. | 07:00 |
star_ | RAOF: Actually, I run "apt-get update" first. However, I will do it again. | 07:01 |
star_ | RAOF: I give it up on nexus4 and tried on nexus 5. | 07:23 |
star_ | RAOF: on nexus 5, mir-demos can be installed. However, program can NOT work well. | 07:24 |
star_ | phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ mir_demo_client_flicker -m /run/mir_socket Starting [1045958.941891] Loader: Loading modules from: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mir/client-platform/ [1045958.943049] Loader: Loading module: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mir/client-platform/ mir_demo_client_flicker: /build/buildd/mir-0.12.1+15.04.20150324/examples/flicker.c:134: main: Assertion `mir_connection_is_valid(connection)' failed. Abort | 07:24 |
star_ | phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ mir_demo_client_egltriangle -m /run/mir_socket [1046004.451514] Loader: Loading modules from: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mir/client-platform/ [1046004.452070] Loader: Loading module: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mir/client-platform/ Can't get connection | 07:24 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, o/ I found a 'problem' with the settings UI: as you asked, I activated the searchengine menu selector if there are at least two searchenignes in the folder: but the default one isn't in the folder itself, so if you add your first engine to the folder in .local/share you still don't have the selector in settings | 07:26 |
rpadovani | We can easiliy fix it providing search engines by default, but atm it's a bit weird | 07:27 |
star_ | RAOF: are you still there? | 07:33 |
star_ | Anyone tried "mir-demos" on nexus4 or nexus5? | 07:37 |
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jasonmd | wouldn't know how to test mir-demo | 07:49 |
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oSoMoN | rpadovani, yeah, I’ve seen that too. Considering that we’re not shipping default search engines, this setting won’t be visible for users for now, so I wouldn’t worry about it | 07:57 |
rpadovani | ack | 07:57 |
Guest16466 | how to get MirSurface in qtcreator? | 07:58 |
Se7 | morning :) | 08:00 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, I'm not good enough with Python and AP to review your code efficiently, but I think you should add a text to check binding of switches, 'cause they was broke in the first imlementation of the branch :-) | 08:00 |
bhack | Hi, I'am founding a italian porting guide for ubuntu touch | 08:00 |
bhack | there are italian developers? | 08:01 |
oSoMoN | rpadovani, agreed, that would be good to have, however there’s no way to access the state of a ListItem’s control in autopilot, so I can’t really write a test for it | 08:05 |
rpadovani | oh, I see | 08:05 |
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freizhang | hi, is there any why to run x app inside ubuntu touch? like emacs | 08:11 |
bhack | italian please?? | 08:11 |
bhack | :-) | 08:11 |
freizhang | sorry, I'm Chinese | 08:12 |
bhack | hahahha, don't worry | 08:12 |
freizhang | I have tried xmir, and follow the guide, but my nexus7 now get infinity boot loop | 08:13 |
freizhang | bhack: :> | 08:13 |
rpadovani | bhack, if you wanna speak italian, join #ubuntu-it-dev | 08:13 |
bhack | thk you | 08:14 |
bhack | :-) i don't speak english ....i want an help for bulding a porting ubuntu os | 08:15 |
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Se7 | bhack forse meglio se chiedi sul wiki | 08:17 |
freizhang | anyone had successful ran x app in ubuntu touch? can you hep me | 08:17 |
star_ | Does anyone tries "mir-demos"? | 08:19 |
dragonkeeper | i want to tether an android phone to ubuntu phone so both use ubuntu phones data to get online, is that possible? | 08:24 |
ogra_ | ah, you were the one asking on the ML ? | 08:25 |
ogra_ | sorry, i didnt get to answer yet ... | 08:26 |
freizhang | just turn on your android phone's mobile ap | 08:26 |
ogra_ | how would that physically work ? | 08:26 |
dragonkeeper | ogra_, dont think i asked this b4 + phone >usb>otg>phone | 08:27 |
sturmflut-work | ogra_: using WiFi, the Android phone can act as an access point | 08:27 |
ogra_ | sturmflut-work, right, i was referring to wired tethering via USB :) | 08:28 |
ogra_ | dragonkeeper, i have no clue what you would have to do on the android side to make this work ... for the ubuntu side you wouldnt do anything differently than you do on a PC ... | 08:29 |
ogra_ | android-gadget-service enable rndis .... | 08:30 |
ogra_ | that disables mtp and enables usb networking on the ubuntu phone ... it will set up an usb0 device on a PC and provide an IP via dhcp to the PC ... | 08:30 |
ogra_ | if your PC is an android phone ... well, then it is up to android to recognize that usb0 device ... | 08:31 |
Guest16466 | hi, i want to get the natvie window from a qwidget, is that possible? how can i do it? | 08:31 |
dragonkeeper | i see | 08:34 |
dragonkeeper | ogra_, ill test it out a little later :) gotta run to work :( , thanks | 08:35 |
ogra_ | dragonkeeper, let me know if it works :) | 08:35 |
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nhaines | oSoMoN: Did I ever mention to you that there should be a way to manually inject arbitrary Javascript into an arbitrary page and execute it in the Ubuntu browser? | 08:41 |
nhaines | Because there should. | 08:41 |
oSoMoN | nhaines, | 08:42 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1379857 in Oxide "API to evaluate javascript in Oxide" [Undecided,New] | 08:42 |
nhaines | oSoMoN: Sounds like a good start. I'm thinking of "bookmarklet" support specifically. I'll +1 that bug. | 08:44 |
ogra_ | nhaines, it is definitely possible if you use a webview in an app :) | 08:45 |
oSoMoN | nhaines, then that would be | 08:45 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1407746 in webbrowser-app "No way to use a bookmarklet (bookmarked javascript: link)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 08:45 |
nhaines | oSoMoN: <3 | 08:45 |
nhaines | Oh, of course aq got to it first. | 08:46 |
ogra_ | that is how i created | 08:47 |
nhaines | ogra_: I really like that webapp too. :) | 08:48 |
ogra_ | thanks ... will soon go to the store | 08:48 |
ogra_ | (i'm trying to re-work mzanetti's imgur uploader for G+ video and photo uploads first though) | 08:48 |
mzanetti | \o/ | 08:49 |
mzanetti | ogra_, lemme know if you need help | 08:49 |
ogra_ | yeah, i dont think your side is the difficult part here :) | 08:49 |
mzanetti | heh | 08:49 |
ogra_ | just needs authentication integration ... | 08:49 |
ogra_ | the prob is that photos, video and G+ use 3 different apis | 08:50 |
jun | hi, i want to get natvie window handle from a qwidget, is that possible? how can i do it? | 08:51 |
ogra_ | jun, perhaps try #ubuntu-app-devel | 08:52 |
ogra_ | there might be more Qt people than here | 08:52 |
jun | ths | 08:52 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Fun Day! :-D | 09:09 |
ogra_ | you mean it is fun that the internet is unusable for 24h ? | 09:12 |
ogra_ | :) | 09:12 |
jasonmd | afternoon | 09:16 |
Raslin | Hey has any one had prob where music just stops playing reboot did not fix it | 09:22 |
Raslin | Hello any one here | 09:26 |
ogra_ | Raslin, did you play any game ? | 09:26 |
ogra_ | there is a bug where game audio mutes the system ... start the game again and unmute ... | 09:27 |
ogra_ | (fix is in the next OTA) | 09:27 |
czajkowski | aloha | 09:29 |
popey | welcome to the madhouse czajkowski | 09:29 |
ogra_ | whee !!! | 09:29 |
jgdx | pete-woods, hi, did you see ? | 09:30 |
pete-woods | jgdx: looks good at a high level | 09:32 |
pete-woods | will check it doesn't break my tests :) | 09:32 |
jasonmd | I saw an article recenlty on installing whatsapp, anyone confirm it works? | 09:34 |
jgdx | pete-woods, good, do not fear questioning some of the decisions made there. | 09:35 |
jgdx | pete-woods, great. Thanks you for testing. | 09:36 |
ogra_ | jasonmd, you saw an article ? where ? | 09:42 |
jasonmd | | 09:43 |
Ponchale | hi people | 09:45 |
Ponchale | how are you? | 09:45 |
jasonmd | all good, almost home time... :) | 09:45 |
Ponchale | :) | 09:46 |
jgdx | How are you, Ponchale? | 09:46 |
aquarius | popey, updated seshat published which should make it a bit easier to exit books and scroll the library | 09:46 |
Ponchale | I want to make a distribution of different mobile ubuntu today where I can find the source code with their instructions to compile and install to devices that I like the Nexus 4 7 to 10 | 09:47 |
ogra_ | jasonmd, i highly doubt it will work, but try it if you feel like and let us know :) | 09:47 |
jasonmd | Yea I was dubious | 09:48 |
ogra_ | jasonmd, whatsapp regulary wipes open clients from github with trademark notices ... even if it would work it wouldnt persist for long i guess | 09:48 |
rpadovani | oSoMoN, o/ Do you have 5 minutes? I've an idea to implement a workaround for the new tab refactoring branch | 09:49 |
Raslin | Music muted start stop the gane did not work even thought it did turn on the sounds in the game. when I went to the player it was still muted | 09:49 |
jasonmd | Yeah I've also seen that they do that | 09:49 |
jgdx | Ponchale, | 09:49 |
Elleo | aquarius: I don't seem to be able to scroll the library at all in the new version (0.4), looks like it hides the scrollbar and swiping doesn't do anything | 09:50 |
jgdx | Ponchale, you want to fork Ubuntu touch? | 09:50 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, the rootfs is just built from deb packages from the ubuntu archive ... there is no "build world from source" way | 09:50 |
aquarius | Elleo, you may need to swipe down on the right hand side; it seems to not detect the scroll gesture when it's actually on a book | 09:50 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, not much different from the desktop isos | 09:51 |
popey | aquarius: ooh, /me updates | 09:51 |
Ponchale | :O | 09:51 |
Ponchale | es decir | 09:51 |
Ponchale | sorry | 09:51 |
aquarius | Elleo, they do a whole bunch of weird touch handling :( | 09:51 |
Elleo | aquarius: doesn't seem to pick it up anywhere | 09:51 |
Ponchale | ie there is no way to make adaptations to the source code? | 09:51 |
Elleo | aquarius: yeah, I remember; for erudite I just added a couple of big up/down buttons to the bottom of the library that paged through stuff | 09:51 |
Ponchale | if the code is free because no change could not understand | 09:52 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, the source is there, you can grab it and modify it indeed | 09:52 |
aquarius | Elleo, heh. I could do that but I am severely loath to add html to their layout since if they change anything it'll totally screw up. But that's not a bad idea | 09:52 |
Ponchale | but? ogra | 09:52 |
ogra_ | no but | 09:53 |
Ponchale | ogra_ but? | 09:53 |
aquarius | Elleo, which device are you on? scrolling works (given that you have to do it in a certain place) on my aquaris and in the emulator; are you n4? | 09:53 |
Elleo | aquarius: yeah, understandable; I don't think changes happen much though | 09:53 |
Elleo | aquarius: aquaris | 09:53 |
Elleo | aquarius: I'm on devel-proposed rather than RTM though | 09:54 |
Elleo | so possible that the new oxide version makes a difference | 09:54 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, ... that is the list of packages in the rootfs ... you can just apt-get source <packagename> for any of them ... | 09:54 |
Ponchale | ogra_ | 09:54 |
faenil | ogra_: just some context, the guy probably uses google translate, so if there's anyone who speaks spanish in here it's better if they have a private conversation in spanish | 09:54 |
faenil | it will be much faster | 09:54 |
faenil | and hello Ponchale | 09:55 |
Ponchale | I am the founder of EasyLabs a developer of software Colombia and we have been in contact with Ubuntu in January to ever be allies responded, we want to make a fork of mobile Ubuntu because it is very good, secretly we have our apps store any profits very good that we MeeGo since we were using Mer but saw that ubuntu was better and bring those characteristics here and because we wanted to access the code and later tutorials to | 09:58 |
Ponchale | ogra_ I am the founder of EasyLabs a developer of software Colombia and we have been in contact with Ubuntu in January to ever be allies responded, we want to make a fork of mobile Ubuntu because it is very good, secretly we have our apps store any profits very good that we MeeGo since we were using Mer but saw that ubuntu was better and bring those characteristics here and because we wanted to access the code and later tutoria | 09:58 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, you cut off after "and later tutorials to ..." | 09:58 |
Ponchale | ogra_ the code and later tutorials to compile etc etc | 10:00 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, so as i said, the code is in deb packages in the ubuntu archive, if you want to fork you will likely want a setup to build your own rootfs and an archive with your modified packages plus a system-image server to deploy your changed rootfs to devices | 10:02 |
Ponchale | We can do something ogra_ | 10:03 |
ogra_ | (this is not trivial and parts of the above are not well documented yet) | 10:03 |
Ponchale | There are guides on how to do that you mention me ogra_? because as we are familiar with MER but not with mobile Ubuntu | 10:04 |
jgdx | thostr_, hi, anything in particular I should test in i-network? | 10:04 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, no, there are not many guides, that is what i mean :) | 10:05 |
thostr_ | jgdx: well, just use it as normal. there is one thing however we noticed: that is when switching wifi on/off the APs appear sometimes below the settings item instead in the wifi section | 10:05 |
ogra_ | Ponchale, for starting your work you can simply install on a nexus device, make the system writable and replace the installed packages with your own ... to produce proper images you will need more though | 10:07 |
Ponchale | Might ogra_ guide us and help | 10:07 |
aquarius | Elleo, try upgrading again; 0.5 now has scroll-the-library buttons :) | 10:09 |
nhaines | Wel now I feel left out that I missed a version. :) | 10:09 |
* aquarius laughs | 10:10 | |
jgdx | thostr_, okay, I'll look out for it. | 10:10 |
Elleo | aquarius: great, that works nicely, thanks :) | 10:11 |
jgdx | thostr_, I see some failed urfkill calls, but I don't think that was introduced by this silo | 10:15 |
nhaines | aquarius: seems great! | 10:15 |
jgdx | how does one deal with urfkill inprogress exceptions | 10:15 |
thostr_ | jgdx: yes, this silo fixes some things but is mostly bug compatible to old version | 10:16 |
thostr_ | jgdx: we didn't want to change too many things at once | 10:16 |
jgdx | "bug compatible" +1 | 10:16 |
jgdx | thostr_, roger | 10:17 |
thostr_ | jgdx: with the changes we did we are now able to fix quite some bugs properly (before that was more like hacks on top of hacks) | 10:17 |
jgdx | thostr_, with tests no less | 10:19 |
jgdx | thostr_, where'd pete-woods go, btw? | 10:19 |
thostr_ | jgdx: he just moved house and still fighting with his internet | 10:20 |
jgdx | ack | 10:20 |
jgdx | seb128, hi, you know anything about ? | 10:32 |
jgdx | seb128, building uss | 10:33 |
seb128 | jgdx, hey, no, is that on vivid? | 10:33 |
seb128 | jgdx, did you run out of disk space? | 10:33 |
jgdx | seb128, yes | 10:33 |
jgdx | seb128, 8 gigorbaits left | 10:34 |
jgdx | let me nuke the build folder | 10:34 |
seb128 | jgdx, let me try a build here | 10:36 |
jgdx | seb128, false alarm I think. Got a successful build now | 10:44 |
seb128 | jgdx, great | 10:44 |
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jgdx | seb128, we'll be getting some wifi test failures in uss. I'll propose a branch to fix it. | 11:52 |
jgdx | seb128, | 11:58 |
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seb128 | jgdx, what changed that makes the tests start failing? | 12:14 |
jgdx | seb128, dbusmock v0.14 | 12:15 |
jgdx | I thought it was pinned at 0.10. | 12:15 |
seb128 | jgdx, did they fix bugs or did they added bugs? | 12:15 |
jgdx | seb128, fixed bugs | 12:15 |
seb128 | k, fair enough | 12:15 |
jgdx | seb128, I have a branch that uses the newer dbusmock (0.14) with tests passing. | 12:15 |
seb128 | jgdx, has no code change, what is it fixing? | 12:16 |
seb128 | jgdx, shouldn't we just have your fixes and a > 0.13 together? | 12:17 |
jgdx | seb128, the fixes branch is still wip. | 12:17 |
jgdx | this blocks landings | 12:17 |
seb128 | not sure to follow | 12:17 |
jgdx | pinning dbusmock to 0.13 makes the tests pass again | 12:18 |
seb128 | how does that work? | 12:18 |
seb128 | if 0.13 is not in the archive anymore it's just going to fail to build | 12:18 |
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jgdx | okay | 12:22 |
enkxa | hi! is ubuntu touch the only operating system in that aquarius device or is it just running on the top of the android? | 12:24 |
ogra_ | enkxa, it is the only OS but starts a small container for the binary drivers that come from android | 12:30 |
ogra_ | (else you wouldnt be able to make calls etc, there are no open drivers for phones) | 12:31 |
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enkxa | ok, thanks. what about those drivers come from android, are they open source? | 12:43 |
ogra_ | there are no open drivers for phones | 12:43 |
ogra_ | as i said above | 12:43 |
ogra_ | modem, graphics, sensors, GPS ... they all use closed source binary drivers | 12:44 |
enkxa | sucks but probably have that phone anyway | 12:44 |
ogra_ | well, it isnt much different on any other "opensource" phones | 12:45 |
ogra_ | neither jolla nor firefoxOS have other drivers than ubuntu ... we all need to use the binary drivers one way or the other | 12:46 |
enkxa | another question: can i get root in the device just typing sudo su | 12:48 |
cwayne | yes | 12:48 |
ogra_ | yes, but you really shouldnt ... just use sudo as you know it from the desktop ... | 12:49 |
enkxa | thats easy compared to android devices | 12:49 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
ogra_ | ubuntu on phones isnt different in that regard ;) | 12:49 |
enkxa | i've done that all the time with my ubuntus for now over six years | 12:50 |
enkxa | actually i set always root password. i used debian and freebsd before ubuntu derivatives | 12:51 |
ogra_ | well, that wont work on ubuntu phone | 12:52 |
ogra_ | the passwd database is readonly | 12:52 |
ogra_ | but you can just use sudo ... or sudo -s | 12:52 |
enkxa | so i can't change passwords for any users? | 12:52 |
ogra_ | user passwords are in a separate db in the writable part of the system | 12:53 |
ogra_ | you can indeed change your password for the user ;) | 12:53 |
ogra_ | (you can also make the system writable, but that will break over time and is more a feature for people developing the underlying system than a user feature) | 12:54 |
enkxa | is that phone working well? i'll consider that a replacement for my android device which is confiscated by cops but that's another story | 12:59 |
ogra_ | works well for me ... | 12:59 |
enkxa | next question: support for full device encryption? | 12:59 |
ogra_ | but i guess it depends what your expectations are ... | 12:59 |
enkxa | finnish cops can't get encrypted android device open | 12:59 |
ogra_ | not yet, no, encryption is on the roadmap but not there yet | 12:59 |
ogra_ | all in all, this is the firet iteration of a brandnew ubuntu OS that was desined from scratch ... it is as featureful as the first IOS and the first android were :) | 13:00 |
ogra_ | s/firet/first/ | 13:01 |
jgdx | seb128, real real fix | 13:04 |
adrian47 | There should be cm based source too i think, many devices has only cm so it would be easier to port | 13:06 |
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enkxa | now i'm gonna leave, thanx for info & advice | 13:13 |
seb128 | jgdx, thanks | 13:16 |
* popey notes his nexus 7 takes a very long time to boot with over 1000 clicks installed. | 13:32 | |
Se7 | no one had the same problem #1438191 strange :( | 13:33 |
popey | bug 1438191 | 13:36 |
ubot5 | bug 1438191 in qtubuntu-camera (Ubuntu) "no date source available" [Undecided,New] | 13:36 |
popey | well you filed it in the wrong place, so not surprised nobody saw it. | 13:37 |
seb128 | mandel, hey, could you look at ? it's probably a 1 liner python and is the most report vivid issue on e.u.c spamming our users/infra reporting the issue | 13:37 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1398067 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/click-hook:FileNotFoundError:/usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/click-hook@119:main:collect_helpers" [High,New] | 13:37 |
Se7 | arghrrr | 13:37 |
Se7 | i can change place popey ? | 13:38 |
popey | Se7: i re-assignde it | 13:38 |
Se7 | thank you | 13:38 |
popey | np | 13:38 |
dobey | mardy: can you fix the needsfixing on please? | 13:42 |
mandel | seb128, ubuntu push? I mean, I can write python, but it is not my area | 13:44 |
seb128 | mandel, sorry, why is maintaining ubuntu-push? ;-) | 13:44 |
seb128 | mandel, for some reason I though that was you | 13:45 |
mandel | seb128, no problem, I think we can talk with Chipaca he probably knows the maintainer | 13:45 |
mandel | seb128, no problem haha I also think I maintain too many things ;) | 13:45 |
dobey | seb128: i think you want ralsina for push client | 13:45 |
seb128 | dobey, thanks | 13:46 |
ralsina | seb128: could be me, could be chipaca, depending on the bit | 13:46 |
seb128 | ralsina, see ^ | 13:46 |
seb128 | ralsina, ? it's probably a 1 liner python and is the most report vivid issue on e.u.c spamming our users/infra reporting the issue | 13:46 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1398067 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/click-hook:FileNotFoundError:/usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/click-hook@119:main:collect_helpers" [High,New] | 13:46 |
ralsina | looking... | 13:46 |
seb128 | ralsina, not sure if we should create the dir or os.path.exist and return | 13:47 |
ralsina | that's actually a bug on click | 13:47 |
seb128 | how so? | 13:47 |
seb128 | your hook iterate over a non existing dir | 13:47 |
ralsina | ah, wait | 13:47 |
ralsina | I didn't know we provided the hook | 13:47 |
ralsina | I'll look at it | 13:47 |
seb128 | ralsina, it's in lp:ubuntu-push/scripts | 13:47 |
ralsina | yep | 13:48 |
seb128 | ralsina, I could provide a mp if that helps but I'm unsure if you want to create the dir, or print an error or just return, probably easier if one of the maintainer just do what they think is best | 13:48 |
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ralsina | seb128: yes, don't worry, it's a oneliner, I'll have it landed todayish | 13:49 |
seb128 | ralsina, thanks! | 13:49 |
dobey | pass if not os.path.exists(path) | 13:49 |
dobey | whee | 13:49 |
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aclever | hi | 14:02 |
ralsina | seb128: in some /most cases, that bug seems to be triggered by users insstalling push-client on desktops... any idea why they would do such a thing? | 14:02 |
Aleksa | Hello! I know the first step for bringing Ubuntu Touch to Tablet is to build the kernel. | 14:04 |
Aleksa | Prestigio PMP5570C has RK3066 processor. I've found the kernel for the same processor, but not for the same device. | 14:04 |
Aleksa | Could that code be used to build kernel for my device? | 14:04 |
seb128 | rsalveti, convergence | 14:05 |
seb128 | it's unitu8 desktop next | 14:05 |
* rsalveti looks | 14:05 | |
ogra_ | lol | 14:05 |
ogra_ | Aleksa, you need more then the kernel, you need a complete android AOSP tree | 14:07 |
ogra_ | (well, you need small parts of it, but i doubt you would find just the bits and pieces without a full AOSP tree) | 14:07 |
Aleksa | AOSP stands for Android Open Source Project. What's AOSP tree? | 14:09 |
ogra_ | the code tree with the source code | 14:09 |
ogra_ | see the porting guide from the channel topic | 14:10 |
Aleksa | ogra, porting link ( ) directs me to some google spreadsheat | 14:12 |
ogra_ | thats not the link next to "Porting guide" | 14:12 |
sturmflut-work | abeato: ping | 14:15 |
abeato | sturmflut-work, pong | 14:15 |
sturmflut-work | abeato: I have a Nexus 4 running 14.10 r17, and it doesn't use/detect an APN for one of my german SIM cards | 14:17 |
mardy | dobey: ah, forgot to reply | 14:18 |
abeato | sturmflut-work, I see... does it work after setting the configuration with the APN editor? | 14:18 |
mardy | dobey: so, the script in the RTM does some unnecessary stuff | 14:18 |
popey | ogra_: what channel should I use for rtm on flo? | 14:19 |
mardy | if you want I can sync them, but the one from the vivid MP is better | 14:19 |
popey | everything I try which is listed in --list-channels says its not on hte server | 14:19 |
dobey | mardy: dbarth added that as he found some issues when that wasn't done | 14:19 |
ogra_ | popey, i dont think we build rtm on tablets ... | 14:19 |
* ogra_ checks | 14:19 | |
popey | oh | 14:19 |
mardy | dobey: it was some error in his device, the script was not even executed actually :-) | 14:19 |
ogra_ | popey, ah, we do ... | 14:19 |
popey | whats the channel name? | 14:20 |
ogra_ | ubuntu-rtm/devel-proposed | 14:20 |
popey | ah | 14:20 |
popey | for utopic? | 14:20 |
sturmflut-work | abeato: Jep, if I set the APN manually it works. | 14:20 |
popey | I don't want vivid | 14:20 |
popey | Channel ubuntu-rtm/devel-proposed not found on server | 14:20 |
ogra_ | ... weird | 14:20 |
abeato | sturmflut-work, ok, it would be great if you could help us gather some data so we include your operator in the DB | 14:21 |
popey | do you mean --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed ? | 14:21 |
sturmflut-work | abeato: sure, can you tell me how? | 14:21 |
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popey | that works | 14:21 |
ogra_ | thats vivid | 14:22 |
popey | oh | 14:22 |
ogra_ | try: ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/devel-proposed | 14:22 |
dobey | mardy: what error exactly? i'm confused how an error could create duplicate db entries for a script not being run, which creates those entries | 14:22 |
ogra_ | looks like defines it like that | 14:22 |
popey | how odd | 14:23 |
ogra_ | does it work ? | 14:23 |
mardy | dobey: I have no clue, but for sure the script was not being executed. Maybe it was a filesystem error, I don't know -- it didn't happen on my device | 14:23 |
popey | dunno yet, rebooting | 14:23 |
ogra_ | well, i mean did u-d-f find it like that ? | 14:24 |
popey | no, i mean, rebooting before i run it | 14:24 |
ogra_ | ah | 14:24 |
mardy | dobey: it might be that he had an older version of the script in place | 14:24 |
dobey | mardy: ok, well i don't want to spend hours trying to figure out what went wrong (or didn't) | 14:24 |
popey | its downloading, lets see | 14:25 |
dobey | mardy: would rather just have them in sync for now, so update the script to be in sync please | 14:25 |
popey | version 207 | 14:25 |
popey | thanks ogra_ | 14:25 |
mardy | dobey: sure, your call | 14:25 |
ogra_ | yeah, that sounds like the right version | 14:25 |
mardy | dobey: done | 14:26 |
Aleksa | ogra_, thanks! I've read something. It looks like it is too hard for me at this moment and at this level of knowledge. | 14:29 |
ogra_ | it is definitely a quite advanced task | 14:29 |
dobey | rvr: hey, can you try to add the card in pay-ui in vivid, with the new pay-ui? the browser seems to do the right thing there; but it breaks on RTM for me. | 14:29 |
dobey | and woah, browser seems to no longer have tabs in vivid now | 14:29 |
dobey | :( | 14:29 |
Aleksa | One more question? Why don't producers release the kernel source code? Aren't they obligated with GNU GPL? | 14:30 |
rvr | dobey: It has tabs | 14:30 |
ogra_ | dobey, bottom swipe magic ;) | 14:30 |
rvr | dobey: Swipe from below | 14:30 |
dobey | eww | 14:30 |
rvr | dobey: I'll try to take a look to pay-ui | 14:30 |
ogra_ | Aleksa, they have to ... if you ask them for it | 14:30 |
Aleksa | Is there any other source code I could ask them for? | 14:31 |
Aleksa | Is the kernel only thing they are obligative to release? | 14:31 |
ogra_ | there might be some other android bits, not sure | 14:32 |
dobey | Aleksa: they are only obligated to release the code for the parts that are GPL. if it's only the kernel, then they are only obligated by the kernel in that respect | 14:32 |
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ChloeWolfieGirl | I did a pretty bad april fools, but thought you guys might like it | 14:52 |
kenvandine | robru, hey... so since that's a webapp it's really just downloading the image right? | 14:53 |
kenvandine | when the download is done, it should popup a notification to open or dismiss | 14:54 |
kenvandine | are you getting that? | 14:54 |
kenvandine | robru, you should also be able to see the download in under files in the indicators | 14:55 |
kenvandine | Elleo, i just forwarded you a mail about soonsnap. His webapp is showing the peer picker, but after selecting gallery it never seems to start the download | 14:59 |
kenvandine | Elleo, could that be a problem in the webapp-container? | 14:59 |
Elleo | kenvandine: I think it's missing a permission | 15:00 |
kenvandine | ah | 15:00 |
kenvandine | he has content_exchange | 15:00 |
Elleo | kenvandine: <-- should have content_exchange_source | 15:00 |
kenvandine | what else? | 15:00 |
kenvandine | it's not a source, in this case | 15:00 |
kenvandine | this is receiving a photo | 15:00 |
Elleo | kenvandine: the app is sending a file to the gallery isn't it? | 15:01 |
kenvandine | yes | 15:01 |
Elleo | kenvandine: yeah, pretty sure that requires the content_exchange_source permissions | 15:01 |
kenvandine | but it isn't a source that provides a picker | 15:01 |
Elleo | despite not being an exporter of things | 15:01 |
kenvandine | so qml apps work without that | 15:01 |
kenvandine | or at least did at one point :) | 15:01 |
Elleo | kenvandine: just let me verify | 15:02 |
Elleo | kenvandine: personally I'd rather see us just put everything in content_exchange and not have content_exchange_source at all | 15:02 |
kenvandine | content_exchange_source should only be for apps providing an ImportExportHandler for exports | 15:02 |
kenvandine | yeah, not sure why we even have that one | 15:03 |
kenvandine | Elleo, that can't be it | 15:05 |
kenvandine | there isn't really a difference between those policies | 15:05 |
Elleo | kenvandine: | 15:08 |
Elleo | kenvandine: content_exchange only gives access to path=/transfers/@{APP_ID_DBUS}/import/* | 15:08 |
Elleo | kenvandine: and content_exchange_source only gives access to path=/transfers/@{APP_ID_DBUS}/export/* | 15:08 |
kenvandine | oh, i missed that in my diff :) | 15:09 |
kenvandine | oh... and for the download you need that? | 15:09 |
Elleo | yeah | 15:09 |
kenvandine | this wouldn't be a problem for a qml app | 15:09 |
kenvandine | never needs access to that | 15:09 |
kenvandine | Elleo, couldn't you make the downloader code handle the import dbus path? | 15:10 |
kenvandine | oh | 15:10 |
kenvandine | but it's also not importing | 15:10 |
Elleo | yeah, a qml app would hit the same problem | 15:11 |
kenvandine | so the import path will be gallery | 15:11 |
Elleo | it's just that qml apps don't tend to use the download manager integration | 15:11 |
kenvandine | no, it doesn't need access to that | 15:11 |
kenvandine | right | 15:11 |
Elleo | as they just download stuff themselves | 15:11 |
kenvandine | it's just for the download manager | 15:11 |
kenvandine | ok | 15:11 |
kenvandine | robru, you need to add content_exchange_source policy | 15:13 |
aquarius | mandel, does the DownloadManager know how to do ssh URLs? | 15:17 |
seb128 | ralsina, sorry, replied to rsalveti before, unity8 desktop-next is where users hit the issue most I think | 15:19 |
ralsina | seb128: ah, makes sense | 15:19 |
ralsina | anyway, the fix is on the way | 15:20 |
seb128 | ralsina, I saw, thanks | 15:20 |
abeato | awe_, I have added a "Provisioning" section in | 15:23 |
abeato | with a link to | 15:23 |
abeato | | 15:23 |
awe_ | awesome! | 15:24 |
abeato | sturmflut-work, already has created bug #1439272 , with a nicely formatted patch already ;) | 15:24 |
ubot5 | bug 1439272 in android (Ubuntu) "[APN] Add settings for MVNO "Netzclub"" [Undecided,New] | 15:24 |
seb128 | so, on my bq rtm, I turned off wifi this morning because I wanted to try to connect to a website from a different ip that my dsl line one, I got a 3G icon but apps think I'm offline/there is no data (e.g in the webbrowser) | 15:25 |
seb128 | how do I report an useful bug about that? | 15:25 |
seb128 | awe_, ^ is that the issue you are working on? | 15:25 |
awe_ | seb128, more than one SIM? | 15:25 |
seb128 | awe_, yes, 2 SIMs, data on the second one | 15:25 |
seb128 | but that used to work afaik | 15:25 |
awe_ | seb128, can you double-check system settings to ensure that the right SIM is still selected for data? | 15:25 |
awe_ | | 15:26 |
mcphail | seb128: there's already a bug for that | 15:26 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1413672 in Canonical System Image "The SIM used for data in MTK-based dual-standby modems can change after carrier re-registration or reboot" [Undecided,New] | 15:26 |
awe_ | also, if that looks OK seb128, please check 'ip route' | 15:26 |
seb128 | awe_, it is, I'm having that issue for some days, I usually get it to work by playing the apn screen | 15:26 |
seb128 | awe_, that returns nothing | 15:27 |
awe_ | ok, then you hit: | 15:27 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1436427 in network-manager (Ubuntu RTM) "Turning off WiFi doesn't set a route after the modem connects data" [High,Confirmed] | 15:27 |
awe_ | it's a race condition with the closed-source rild component | 15:27 |
awe_ | but it's super hard to reproduce | 15:28 |
seb128 | awe_, ok, thanks ... did we regress on that? | 15:28 |
awe_ | seb128, if you could comment on the bug, that'd be super helpful | 15:28 |
seb128 | because it used to work fine until like a week ago | 15:28 |
awe_ | seb128, RTM or vivid? | 15:28 |
seb128 | awe_, doing so | 15:28 |
seb128 | awe_, rtm | 15:28 |
awe_ | right... it works 99.9% of the time | 15:28 |
seb128 | weird | 15:28 |
awe_ | I ran 500+ iterations over the weekend, and couldn't hit it | 15:28 |
seb128 | it constantly fail this week for me | 15:28 |
awe_ | could you add your syslog too? | 15:28 |
seb128 | accross reboots | 15:28 |
seb128 | I first though that the wrong apn was in use | 15:29 |
seb128 | playing in the apn screen makes it work | 15:29 |
seb128 | but maybe it's just by reconnecting | 15:29 |
seb128 | awe_, anything specific in the syslog? | 15:29 |
awe_ | if you want to do a grep for 'Network', that would help narrow things down, or just add the whole thing | 15:30 |
mcphail | awe_: I've had no further episodes of the "turning off wifi" bug but several episodes of the "wandering away from wifi" bug. Do you thihk they are the same thing? | 15:30 |
awe_ | one sec.. in a meeting | 15:31 |
seb128 | awe_, done | 15:33 |
seb128 | don't we rotate syslog? | 15:33 |
awe_ | thanks seb128 | 15:33 |
awe_ | ask ogra_ | 15:33 |
ogra_ | seb128, we flush it at 50M | 15:33 |
awe_ | out of my domain | 15:33 |
seb128 | I added the log for the day, the whole file is 19M | 15:33 |
seb128 | k | 15:33 |
seb128 | ogra_, thanks | 15:33 |
awe_ | mcphail, so... the wandering away from WiFi bug that was reported by jibel was a DUP of the SIM for mobile data can change bug | 15:34 |
awe_ | mcphail, if you can reproduce the bug, and it's *not* the SIM for mobile-data can change bug, please report a new NM bug | 15:34 |
awe_ | I'm still going to be looking at this case however | 15:35 |
mcphail | awe_: ok, cheers | 15:35 |
awe_ | thanks much! | 15:35 |
seb128 | awe_, can you point me to the "sim for mobile data can change"? or you mean just that the setting shows the wrong sim selected for data? | 15:36 |
seb128 | awe_, because I had the issue when walking away from wifi without turning it off, and settings config was correct | 15:36 |
seb128 | not sure if that's the same issue than when I turned wifi off today | 15:36 |
awe_ | so the SIM for mobile data can change bug describes two scenarios | 15:37 |
awe_ | (1) on reboot, the mobile data SIM can change | 15:37 |
awe_ | (2) when an operator change, or re-registration to an operator occurs, the SIM for mobile data can change | 15:38 |
awe_ | the system settings should reflect the change | 15:38 |
awe_ | but if you suspect this has happened to you, check the output from list-modems ( /usr/share/ofono/scripts ) | 15:38 |
awe_ | we have a landing for RTM in progress for this bug | 15:39 |
awe_ | but no silo yet | 15:39 |
awe_ | seb128, | 15:39 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1413672 in Canonical System Image "The SIM used for data in MTK-based dual-standby modems can change after carrier re-registration or reboot" [Undecided,New] | 15:39 |
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mcphail | awe_: so am I right in saying when the connection drops it is because it has activated my empty sim slot? | 15:41 |
awe_ | mcphail, not necessarily | 15:41 |
seb128 | awe_, thanks | 15:41 |
awe_ | if you only have one SIM installed, you're probably not hitting this | 15:41 |
awe_ | abeato, ^^ | 15:42 |
mcphail | awe_: my symptoms were more like the original bug which is marked as a duplicate | 15:42 |
awe_ | is it possible to hit the mobile-data SIM switch if there's only one SIM installed? | 15:42 |
=== Raccoon changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY! | Home: | Installing: | Porting guide (advanced) | Bugs filing: | Nexus Status: | Dashboard: | Changelog: | | ||
abeato | awe_, mcphail, no, that's impossible | 15:42 |
awe_ | right | 15:42 |
abeato | it is probably one of the NM issues | 15:43 |
awe_ | mcphail, BQ RTM? | 15:43 |
mcphail | awe_: yes | 15:43 |
awe_ | if so, please file a bug, and include syslog, as well as output of /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems and list-contexts. | 15:44 |
awe_ | fyi, the output of list-modems includes private info | 15:44 |
mcphail | awe_: I don't think #1410113 should be marked as a duplicate and should be kept open | 15:44 |
awe_ | ( SubscriberIdentity, SubscriberNumbers ) | 15:44 |
awe_ | well, that was a specific case that our QA opened | 15:44 |
awe_ | and was caused by the SIM switch bug | 15:45 |
mcphail | awe_: ok - when I get data I'll open a new bug | 15:45 |
awe_ | thanks, much appreciated | 15:45 |
awe_ | I'm actually working on the OTA update, but these two scenarios are still important, and I will keep working on them | 15:46 |
awe_ | mcphail, does your network indicator show that you're connected to mobile data when you get outside of your AP's range ( eg. 2g/3g/H )? | 15:46 |
mcphail | awe_: sometimes. The indicator can be buggy as well | 15:47 |
awe_ | it's *possible* this could be the same issue as the WiFi toggle bug if so | 15:47 |
awe_ | ack re: the indicator | 15:47 |
awe_ | there's a new version being tested right now for vivid-devel | 15:47 |
mcphail | awe_: they seem very similar to me, but I haven't been getting the wifi toggle bug for 24h | 15:48 |
awe_ | mcphail, if you do have an indicator that shows 2g|3g|h | 15:48 |
awe_ | then please check the output of 'ip route' | 15:48 |
awe_ | if the table is empty, then it's the same bug as the toggle bug | 15:48 |
mcphail | awe_: OK, will do | 15:49 |
=== ogra_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: | Home: | Installing: | Porting guide (advanced) | Bugs filing: | Nexus Status: | Dashboard: | Changelog: | | ||
kenvandine | hey mpt | 16:02 |
mpt | hello kenvandine | 16:02 |
kenvandine | mpt, quick question, in my pin retries branch, i had to add a new string for the max retries reached, i wanted to make sure it was ok with you before landing | 16:03 |
kenvandine | "Maximum retries reached" | 16:03 |
mpt | kenvandine, how about “No more attempts allowed”? That would be a bit more direct | 16:05 |
mpt | (cf. “Maximum pudding level reached” vs. “No more pudding for you”) | 16:05 |
kenvandine | mpt, fine with me :) | 16:05 |
kenvandine | haha | 16:05 |
aquarius | When I get new-mail notifications on the phone for gmail, what creates those notifications? Is it the gmail webapp, or something in online-accounts? I'd like to find the source and improve the wording of the notification, but I don't know where it is | 16:21 |
dobey | aquarius: if it's not an actual push notification from google's server, then i'd guess probably something in accounts-polld | 16:27 |
sturmflut-work | !seen Wellark | 16:34 |
ubot5 | I have no seen command | 16:34 |
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sturmflut-work | Does anybody know where I can find Wellark? We always seem to miss each other despite living in nearly the same timezone | 16:37 |
mandel | aquarius, not as it is, should it? | 16:40 |
aquarius | mandel, well, I need an sftp app :) I'm not sure how it'll download big files... because it might get killed. This is what the downloadmanager is for, of course. But sftp might be too much of a corner case to bake it into the downloadmanager, especially given that it involves extra complexity | 16:41 |
aquarius | I was hoping it was already done :P | 16:41 |
sturmflut-work | aquarius: I think there should be enough interest in adding SFTP to the downloadmanager | 16:42 |
aquarius | sturmflut-work, well, I'd certainly like it, but "Stuart wants it" is not enough of a reason for Canonical to invest in doing it :) | 16:47 |
sturmflut-work | aquarius: you can always bribe mandel ;) | 16:49 |
mandel | sturmflut-work, aquarius I need to work on the location-service first hehe but I'd love too, to be honest | 16:50 |
aquarius | *nod* I shall attempt to learn enough go to do it, then :) I have managed to make a qml go app which connects to an ssh server and lists its files, just by copying example code (woo!) but I need to understand about keeping the connection alive, etc, etc | 16:51 |
ogra_ | just find the example code for that then ... | 16:53 |
aquarius | ogra_, that's more about understanding the deal with threads and so on (e.g., working out what a "goroutine" is ;)) | 16:53 |
ogra_ | :) | 16:54 |
aquarius | the actual code to connect and retrieve a file is easy. How I do that without stuffing all the code to connect and fetch files inside the handler for a button click is the hard bit ;) | 16:54 |
aquarius | that is: actually learning go :P | 16:54 |
sturmflut-work | aquarius: | 16:56 |
ogra_ | i would bet you could just use a webview with the right magic stuffed into the QML that wraps it ,,,+ | 16:56 |
ogra_ | oops, where does that garbage at the end of the sentence come from | 16:56 |
aquarius | ogra_, you can't make ssh connections from qml, sadly. I thought of that. :) | 16:57 |
ogra_ | not from qml | 16:57 |
ogra_ | from the webview ;) | 16:57 |
aquarius | hahahahahaha no | 16:57 |
aquarius | webviews can't make arbitrary socket connections either, thank goodness, otherwise nobody would be safe :) | 16:57 |
aquarius | sturmflut-work, ha! | 16:57 |
sturmflut-work | aquarius: It was handed to me by Rainer Giepmann himself. | 16:58 |
* sturmflut-work is obviously some kind of VIP | 17:00 | |
dobey | sturmflut-work: wellark is generally around | 17:06 |
sturmflut-work | dobey: then I need to hang around more! | 17:07 |
dobey | aquarius, mandel: doesn't qt have some sort of vfs thingy that magically handles different protocols, like gio, or is that only at the kde level? | 17:07 |
mandel | dobey, afaik is not a qt thing, but I need to check | 17:07 |
sturmflut-work | dobey: I think you mean KDE's KIO-Slaves | 17:08 |
dobey | i remember when i wrote a download manager for gnome like 12 years ago, and it just handled all that stuff through gnome-vfs. | 17:08 |
dobey | sturmflut-work: maybe, but i thought at least some of that was in qt | 17:08 |
sturmflut-work | DanChapman: Thanks for your hard work on Dekko, BTW. If you decide to make a paid version I'll buy it. | 17:18 |
ogra_ | +1 | 17:19 |
kenvandine | +1 | 17:22 |
kwah | hi, after 1st ever enabling of bluetooth and pairing it with car's hands-free, phone got disconnected and, moreover, it stays turned on... any ideas on how I can disable it? | 17:26 |
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pmcgowan | kwah, disconnect or forget the device in the BT settings | 17:30 |
pmcgowan | kwah, or maybe I misunderstood your question | 17:31 |
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lotuspsychje | you guys saw this interview yet? | 17:53 |
lotuspsychje | nice words for you devs :p | 17:54 |
kwah | pmcgowan, there are no devices to disconnect/forget. | 17:55 |
DanChapman | aquarius: you should take a look at these qml plugins SSH SFTP etc from qml there's some little qml gems in those packages | 17:56 |
kwah | bluetooth enable/disable does not work from settings nor from notifications :( | 17:57 |
aquarius | DanChapman, interesting! I will look. On the other hand, c++ and therefore complex compilation misery :) | 17:57 |
DanChapman | sturmflut__: thanks :-) I was thinking of adding a donation page to the app rather than having a seperate "paid for" app | 17:57 |
aquarius | DanChapman, this is exactly the sort of thing I invented the community component store to contain :) But I haven't had time to devote to making it happen | 17:58 |
pmcgowan | kwah, why do you think it does not work? what do you see | 17:58 |
kwah | pmcgowan, I see that it is enabled. I try to turn it off... after few seconds it shows me that it turned on. | 17:59 |
kwah | and I don't want BT to be enabled all the time. | 18:00 |
pmcgowan | kwah, the toggle in both the indicator and the settings page shows it enabled again? hmm | 18:03 |
kwah | yep | 18:03 |
ogra_ | sounds like a bug | 18:03 |
ogra_ | stays disabled here | 18:03 |
pmcgowan | this sound just like the diagnsotic reports issue | 18:04 |
pmcgowan | something in the set of writeable files got undone? | 18:04 |
pmcgowan | stays disabled for me too of course | 18:04 |
kwah | HW/SW: bq 4.5, r20 image, stable | 18:04 |
pmcgowan | is cyphermox around, any ideas? | 18:05 |
kwah | could some service end-up in strange state? | 18:08 |
DanChapman | aquarius: I'm starting to think you just don't like c++ ;-p but yes these would be awesome to have in the component store | 18:08 |
DanChapman | gives a nice overview of each | 18:09 |
kwah | it happened upon pairing to car's hands-free. it managed to pair and even sync contacts. then got disconnected, have no idea from which side... | 18:09 |
pmcgowan | kwah, its possible that some backend went away, have you rebooted the device? | 18:10 |
kwah | pmcgowan, not yet. | 18:10 |
pmcgowan | kwah, that may be it, if it works would be good to debug why the backend died | 18:11 |
kwah | how may I check if something died? | 18:12 |
kwah | pmcgowan, and if on the phone backend for some service dies I would expect it to be restarted auto-magically one way or the other :D | 18:14 |
pmcgowan | kwah, as would I | 18:19 |
pmcgowan | kwah,you can check /var/crash for any files | 18:19 |
kwah | pmcgowan, something is definitely dead. the only active control in BT settings is enable/disable switch | 18:20 |
pmcgowan | hmm | 18:21 |
kwah | pmcgowan, hm. from terminal I see bluetoothd.0.crash | 18:22 |
pmcgowan | what a coincidence | 18:22 |
pmcgowan | kwah, can you enter a launchpad bug and upload it there? | 18:22 |
kwah | .upload and .uploaded also with bluetoothd.0 prefix | 18:23 |
kwah | pmcgowan, are there instructions on a simple ways to get those from the phone? | 18:23 |
kwah | sorry, my first few days with ubuntu powered phone... | 18:24 |
pmcgowan | kwah, ah so what we need is the whoopise number if it uploaded | 18:24 |
pmcgowan | hmm how to do that easily ogra_ | 18:25 |
* rsalveti reads | 18:29 | |
rsalveti | kwah: do you see a bluetoothd.0.uploaded as well? | 18:30 |
rsalveti | hm, nothing in | 18:30 |
pmcgowan | may not be on the network | 18:31 |
rsalveti | kwah: otherwise if you could open a bug and upload that crash file it should already hep | 18:33 |
rsalveti | but that's probably why it's failing to enable/disable the switch | 18:33 |
rsalveti | sorry, just saw you said you had .uploaded as well | 18:35 |
rsalveti | ev: maybe you know, how to trace back a crash upload with the trace in | 18:36 |
cyphermox | pmcgowan: what's this about? | 18:36 |
rsalveti | bluez crashed | 18:37 |
cyphermox | ok | 18:37 |
pmcgowan | kwah, anyway go ahead and reboot and try disabling again | 18:42 |
kwah | pmcgowan, crash info will survive reboot? or is it better to get hands on it first? | 18:43 |
kwah | pmcgowan, is there something like apport available for phones as well? | 18:44 |
brunch875 | there is! | 18:44 |
pmcgowan | kwah, yes the crash was uploaded already | 18:44 |
pmcgowan | if we can find it on the server | 18:44 |
pmcgowan | kwah, you can safely reboot | 18:44 |
kwah | pmcgowan, aha. ok then... rebooting. | 18:46 |
kwah | pmcgowan, hm. and it hanged. | 18:49 |
kwah | reboot I meant. anyway, power-cycling now. | 18:50 |
kwah | pmcgowan, done. seems to be working now. thank you for your help. | 18:53 |
pmcgowan | kwah, sorry for the troubles, we will find that crash and look into it | 18:54 |
kwah | pmcgowan, it is ok. keep up good job. I'll see how consistent it is, maybe you will get more of similar crashes. | 19:01 |
kwah | ;) | 19:01 |
pmcgowan | thanks | 19:02 |
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taiebot | How do I adb push something to root it always says permission denied? | 19:04 |
brunch875 | you mean to phone's root? | 19:04 |
brunch875 | you can't, it's read-write only | 19:04 |
brunch875 | readonly* | 19:04 |
brunch875 | you can make it read-write but I wouldn't recommend it | 19:04 |
brunch875 | what exactly are you trying to push to root and for what reason? | 19:05 |
taiebot | brunch Yep trying to modify logrotate config file | 19:05 |
taiebot | brunch875: my syslog is stucked since July. Tried reflashing today with no success | 19:06 |
brunch875 | I have no idea on how the phone handles that stuff | 19:07 |
taiebot | brunch875 Found the config file in /etc/logrotate.d/ | 19:07 |
brunch875 | what I know is anything belonging to root is read-only | 19:08 |
brunch875 | and for the average user, the phone should stay that way | 19:08 |
popey | +1 | 19:09 |
pcctw | hi | 19:09 |
taiebot | brunch875 got it but want to try a fix before making it a bug | 19:09 |
pcctw | can I make my own ringtone in ubuntu touch? | 19:10 |
pcctw | i mean i got mp3 but don't know how to move it to ringtones | 19:11 |
nakanut | Good evening all. I am well impressed with my phone. Is there a chance of getting the Today scope to auto-refresh so it shows the correct date? | 19:11 |
nakanut | Also does the touch image have cups printer backend, or is this being worked on? | 19:16 |
popey | cwayne: any ETA on when will be setup so nakanut can file bugs :) | 19:17 |
popey | nakanut: no cups yet, it will do in the future I believe | 19:17 |
nakanut | @popey thx for that Al. | 19:19 |
popey | np | 19:19 |
brunch875 | I wish for the future for a gesture which sends current app to run on the background | 19:20 |
brunch875 | so I can wait for wget to finish while doing other stuff | 19:20 |
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dobey | taiebot: mount -o remount,rw / | 19:39 |
dobey | taiebot: then change the logrotate.conf, and reboot | 19:40 |
taiebot | dobey: Just found a way thanks not sure it will work... | 19:44 |
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sturmflut__ | DanChapman: You could do both, add a Donation page and have a paid version. Gives us more possibilities to give you our money. | 19:57 |
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dobey | sturmflut: a donate page inside a paid app feels weird though | 20:00 |
cwayne | popey, done :) | 20:01 |
sturmflut | dobey: Haha, no, I didn't mean it like that | 20:01 |
popey | thanks cwayne | 20:01 |
dobey | plus, money is hard | 20:01 |
sturmflut | dobey: He could add a donation page to the website, link to that donation page from within the free app, and have a paid app all at the same time. | 20:02 |
dobey | sturmflut: sure, but that's even more work, for basically no gain | 20:03 |
cwayne | popey, no problemo | 20:04 |
kwah | pmcgowan, did another try -> the same result. no new crash though (maybe have not arrived, yet) but symptoms are the same. So for me BT is pretty useless now :( | 20:06 |
sturmflut | dobey: Well, it won't make anyone rich, but on the other hand mhall119 proved that it is possible to make a bit of money. The minimum amount for a paid app is 2.49, so you just need about 75 people to pay for the bq Aquaris E4.5 phone you bought to develop the app. | 20:07 |
sturmflut | dobey: Just my thoughts though. | 20:07 |
pmcgowan | kwah, once there is a crash it will not create another for the same issue | 20:07 |
pmcgowan | kwah, can you enter a bug with the details? | 20:07 |
pmcgowan | you can file one here and we can task the bluez packages as needed | 20:08 |
kwah | pmcgowan, will do. can i refer to existing uploaded crash-info somehow? | 20:09 |
pmcgowan | kwah, not sure how frankly, but we can likely do that | 20:10 |
dobey | sturmflut: sure, but i don't think he has a donation page. and the paid version is the "in development" version, with the stable release being free | 20:12 |
_1_ | eow | 20:14 |
kwah | pmcgowan, filed. bug:1439377 | 20:25 |
pmcgowan | awesome thanks | 20:26 |
kwah | may you check if there is enough info? | 20:26 |
kwah | have some spare time now... | 20:26 |
taiebot | dobey: mm at the end ending up deleting the syslog file in /var/log and recreated a file and now it works. | 20:26 |
pmcgowan | bug #1439377 | 20:28 |
ubot5 | bug 1439377 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth dies upon switching to bluetooth settings." [Undecided,New] | 20:28 |
pmcgowan | kwah, can you add info about the specific handsfree device you paired, and did you sync contacts in both cases? | 20:30 |
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kwah | pmcgowan, hm, how can I find out this info? handsfree is built-in into car system. I will check manual, but 95% that there is no info about it there. | 20:32 |
pmcgowan | kwah, ok just say which car it is, we have several such reports | 20:33 |
pmcgowan | if you don't mind | 20:34 |
kwah | pmcgowan, and if I remember correctly (from Android/Cyanogenmod powered Galaxy S2 times) sync of contacts and other phone info is done every time I was connecting phone | 20:34 |
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pmcgowan | kwah, yes it does | 20:35 |
kwah | pmcgowan, SKODA_BT it is. If I will have more info I'll update bug-report... | 20:38 |
pmcgowan | kwah, can you do sudo grep "OOPS ID" /var/log/upstart/whoopsie.log and add that to the report | 20:39 |
kwah | pmcgowan, hm. for that I need some help. can you point me on where to read for connecting device/getting to it (ssh/other means?) | 20:41 |
pmcgowan | kwah, this page shows how to get the tools which allow you to connect | 20:43 |
pmcgowan | kwah, you could also issue that from the terminal app but the id is likely quite long | 20:44 |
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Traintop | Hi Folks! -I have a Thinkpad X61T and a script to rotate the screen and would like to bind it to the dedicated button on the tablet, but ubuntu will always activate the screensaver even if I add a custum key-binding to my script.... -any ideas where I could "delete" this binding to the screensaver? | 21:01 |
kwah | pmcgowan, done :) | 21:01 |
pmcgowan | kwah, great! welcome aboard | 21:04 |
dobey | k1l_: around? | 21:14 |
k1l_ | yep | 21:15 |
sturmflut | Traintop: Which key is it exactly? Sounds like it is bound to the screen lock by default. | 21:34 |
PartNAS | is it possible to dualboot another distro on ubuntu phone? | 21:36 |
brunch875 | I've heard someone dual boot android | 21:36 |
PartNAS | can ubuntu touch be installed on other devices? | 21:37 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: There's MultiROM to dual-boot Android and Ubuntu. Which other distribution do you have in mind? | 21:37 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: | 21:37 |
PartNAS | kali | 21:38 |
Traintop | sturmflut: yeah I also think that's the thing: the key is named "XF86TouchpadToggle" in ubuntu | 21:40 |
brunch875 | terminal has nano hotkeys | 21:41 |
brunch875 | but not vim ones??! | 21:41 |
* brunch875 cracks his knuckles | 21:41 | |
aquarius | Traintop, start "Keyboard" from the Dash and then look in Shortcuts under System and see if there's a key set to "Lock screen"; if there is and it's that key, you should be able to change it. | 21:41 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: You can probably try to put a Kali chroot on an Ubuntu Phone, since Kali is based on Debian and there is an armhf port. But I don't know if all the tools can handle an Android kernel and Android hardware drivers | 21:43 |
Traintop | aquarius: that's where I looked first; tried again there: there are no "System"-keybindings with the same keyname | 21:44 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: On the other hand you might go for Kali NetHunter, which runs on Nexus devices. Maybe that one can even be dual-booted with Ubuntu on a Nexus 4. I never tried. | 21:44 |
aquarius | Traintop, ah, I didn't realise you'd already tried there, sorry! | 21:44 |
PartNAS | sound good | 21:45 |
Traintop | aquarius: :-) | 21:45 |
Traintop | it's just that even if I add a "custom"keybinding for this button; the default-binding is always used... -I wonder where I could "delete" that binding as I do not need it | 21:46 |
brunch875 | I only just now realized there's MTP | 21:47 |
Traintop | and just for interest: this is the problem with all 3 tablet-buttons on the x61t here on ubuntu | 21:47 |
brunch875 | so far I've been using adb push / pull to transfer files | 21:47 |
sturmflut | Traintop: It sounds somewhat strange that a key with the name "TouchPadToggle" locks the screen. But I never really understood key handling in X11 and how key bindings work, so you might want to file a bug. | 21:48 |
PartNAS | would kali run on a Wiko Rainbow ? | 21:48 |
PartNAS | its mediatech | 21:49 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: No idea. The guys on #kali-linux surely know. | 21:49 |
PartNAS | and ubuntu? | 21:50 |
PartNAS | if it runs on aquaris thats also media tech | 21:50 |
PartNAS | Mediatek MT6582 | 21:50 |
PartNAS | Quad Core 1,3GHz | 21:50 |
Traintop | sturmflut: sorry, this is the same problem with the 3 tablet-buttons on this machine; XF86TouchpadToggle, toggles the Tocuhpas of course if I had one... -the button I want to use activates the Screensave and is named "Screensaver"... -sorry | 21:51 |
Traintop | but the underlying problem is the same; these bindings are defined somewhere and I can't find it... -damn | 21:52 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: It's the same SoC, yes, so porting Ubuntu to the Wiko Rainbow might be less work. | 21:52 |
PartNAS | and it like 50 cheaper | 21:53 |
sturmflut | Traintop: I did not know that there actually is an XF86ScreenSaver button. Interesting. | 21:54 |
PartNAS | 139,90 € vs 179,90 € | 21:54 |
PartNAS | | 21:54 |
Traintop | sturmflut: no this one is called "Screensaver" in the ubuntu-gui, the one with the touchpad-functionality is called "XF86TouchpadToggle" | 21:55 |
Traintop | googled for the latter but didn't find anything interesting | 21:55 |
PartNAS | and wiko is 5` vs 4.5´ | 21:56 |
Traintop | this is what this looks like in real: | 21:57 |
PartNAS | the gpu isnt the same | 21:57 |
Traintop | the button above the led for the ac is intended to be used as a rotate-button; and in ubuntu it is named "XF86TouchpadToggle" but the other 2 doesn't work either | 21:58 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: Hmm, the Wiko has just 4 GB of internal flash. Isn't 8 GB the minimum for everything nowadays? | 21:58 |
sturmflut | Traintop: I think you should file a bug. | 22:00 |
Traintop | sturmflut: thanks for the help; but it is getting late here; bed waits... a bientot | 22:01 |
sturmflut | Traintop: We are in the same timezone, it's late here too ;) | 22:01 |
sturmflut | Traintop: Good night | 22:02 |
Traintop | before coming back to irc I will try on my linux-from-scratch; just curios if this binding is in the standard X-Server or an ubuntu-thing... -good night | 22:02 |
PartNAS | sturmflut:but cant you use sd card? | 22:02 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: Yes, but usually not for the operating system itself. | 22:04 |
sturmflut | PartNAS: MultiROM seems to be able to boot from SD, though. I just noticed. | 22:05 |
PartNAS | in ubuntu all installed programs go to the OS? | 22:06 |
PartNAS | thats seem to be the best | 22:06 |
PartNAS | so i can dualboot | 22:06 |
mdolezel | how possible is it to have x86 based device running ubuntu touch? | 23:34 |
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