
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
Odd_BlokeReading backlog, I really feel I should note that I see more Hash sum mismatches from Ubuntu mirrors than I do any sort of problem with PyPI. :p07:51
ndoneganjetole: Using something like https://gist.github.com/smoser/1278651 on local image build services.08:32
ndoneganHave edited it slightly so it can read in the userdata it serves from a local file, but that's about it.08:35
smoserndonegan, patches are welcome to that :)13:23
ndonegansmoser: Will see if I can put what I've done up as a proper project on github.13:26
ndoneganIt's even setup to install cleanly onto a Centos 6 box and just work.13:27
ndonegan(as rpm that is)13:27
smoserndonegan, nice. for cloud-init 2 , i want to have sort of a set of datasource mimickers that we can easily test against.13:29
ndoneganWe've purposely disabled all data-sources except for EC2, and None which is just setup to report if EC2 fails.13:31
smoserndonegan, nice.13:34
smoseryou shouldnt have to disalbe other servcies.13:34
smoserother sources13:35
ndoneganWe have a security team who'd prefer it to be strictly defined where the data is coming from ;)13:36
ndoneganAnd we had some interesting issues with Config Drive.13:36
ndonegan(Although some of that was due to faulty deployment)13:36
smoserthat makes sense.13:50
smoserso going forward, i'd like for nocloud to fit your bill13:50
smoserwould there be somethign we could do that would make it work better for you ?13:50
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smoserharmw, i just /join'ed #cirros16:00
harmwno shit16:36
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jetolendonegan: that's cool18:25
harlowjaalright https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170242/ seems useful; is that ok to just clone over smoser  or do i need to do something else (license wise?)19:06
smoserwe have to ge tlicense header set right19:07
harlowjashould i just set it to the apache one?19:08
harlowjaor do we need to contact 'juerg.haefliger@hp.com' (the other editor i think of that file)19:09
smoserno we dont.19:09
smoserwell, i dont :)19:09
smoserbecause i'm acting as canonical. and juerg signed CLA, so canonical has right to do that.19:10
smoserhold on19:10
harlowjaholding horses19:11
smoserharlowja, https://review.openstack.org/17024919:28
smosertake that one, then change header to match19:29
harlowjaalright, let's see; what else should we take over19:35
harlowjahttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/170252/ (the yaml stuff)19:35
harlowjaand maybe the templating stuff19:35
harlowjathose seem like generally useful19:36
smoserso .. wrt pulling stuff over. 19:39
smoseri think largely lets wait a bit.19:40
smoser2 things i am afraid of from just pulling stuff without tihnking19:40
smosera.) LOG verbosity19:40
smoserb.) string translation looseness19:41
smoserstring.decode() + translation.encode() + looseness19:41
harlowjadon't fear josh is here!19:43
harlowjaok, https://review.openstack.org/170257 (template stuff) and safeyaml and url helping19:45
harlowjaall i move over19:45
harlowjaall seem generally like we'll need them anyway...19:45
* harlowja killed cheetah though19:46
harlowjasorry cheetah19:46
smoserpoor cheetah19:53
harlowjanot many tears are shed i think19:53
smoserwhat do you think about ditching requests.19:54
smoserit generally doesn't seem useful. urllib2 or urllib3 maybe ?19:54
smoserwe went to requests for https sanity.19:54
harlowjai had urllib219:54
harlowjaurllib3 maybe19:54
smoserbut iknow that urllib3 does the right thing in pytho3n19:54
harlowja*hate urllib219:54
smoseri dont knwo tha trequests really buys us antyhign.19:55
harlowjaurllib3 powers requests though; so idk19:55
harlowjalooks like we could jsut use it though19:55
harlowjai guess i'd be ok with it, urllib3 seems fine19:57
harlowjanothing to crazy like urllib2, lol19:57
smoserlook at https://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init19:57
smoserwhy does that say "http://openstack.org" ?19:57
harlowjamy guess infra folks put that there?19:57
smoseri really want to be careful about dependencies.19:57
harlowjado u want to jump on #openstack-infra and ask why? thats there19:58
harlowja"Cross-platform instance initialization http://openstack.org" -> "Cross-platform instance initialization"...19:58
harlowjahttps://github.com/stackforge/anvil also has that; and a few others19:59
harlowjaso i guess its just a common template or something19:59
harlowjaalthough weird19:59
harlowjasmoser the mordered using it was a joke, apparently he was complaining about it recently...20:04
harlowjasmoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/10726145/20:05
harlowjablah blah, lol20:05
harlowjahttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/165914/ ...20:06
harlowjastupid stuff, lol20:06
harlowjahehe, let's see here20:07
harlowjahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10726170/ ...20:08
harlowjasmoser ^20:09
harlowjamore fun fun20:09
harlowjai'm pretty sure its because hp cloud is using 0.6.3 (which isn't fully functional i think with newer openstacks)20:09
harlowjahttp://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2015-03-19.log 20:10
harlowjasearch '2015-03-19T17:14:19'20:10
harlowjaand read from there, ha20:10
harlowjathen i don't need to paste 20:10
smoserodd. 20:11
harlowjai'm not sure what they made instead :-/20:11
harlowjalet's see what he says, ha20:11
smoseri dont know why you'd mount the config drive and leave it mounted. that doesnt seem to make much senes. 20:12
harlowjaya, u got me :-/20:12
harlowjabb food; smoser  u got it covered :-P20:23
harlowjawill read in a little20:23
harlowjafun fun20:23
smoserthanks. 20:27
smoseri didn't eed such discussion.20:27
smoseri want to make cloud-init not suck for sure.20:27
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harlowjasmoser agreed; but some of these statements from all those people are all conflated22:13
harlowjaand putting blame in the wrong place....22:14
harlowjapackaging sucks, its all your fault22:14
harlowjai packaged my images in weird ways, its all your fault...22:14
harlowjablah blah22:14

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